Whats That Smell!? | Caillou Cartoon

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[Music] wow Grandpa look a fire [Music] truck poing are [Music] you [Music] very good Caillou but how about we try it for real it's too loud [Music] that was awesome say how about we try that police car [Music] next you are under arrest Mister oh no grandpa where are you going to take [Music] me we're going downtown I've got some questions for [Music] you actually I'm much too tired to arrest anybody today hop out Caillou Grandpa Grandpa what's this one that's a garbage truck [Music] Caillou ew Grandpa what's that smell [Music] come and take a look at this wao what happens to it after it's been crushed well some of it goes to a big landfill and the rest like paper plastic and some metal gets recycled which means it gets made into something completely new so that it can be used again [Music] wow Grandpa look a train ch ch chugug chug chug [Music] chug [Music] whoa Grandpa this tractor is so big this must be for really big farms well let's hop in Farmer [Music] Caillou well I'd say we're going to have a good harvest this year farmer are you yep lots of carrots and potatoes and and and candy candy wow this must be a very special Farm [Music] indeed say we'd better get you home farmer Caillou here why don't you take these with you wow thanks grandpa I can't wait to show mommy and [Music] daddy mommy Sarah's [Laughter] [Music] here hi Caillou hey Sarah is that [Music] [Laughter] it wow [Music] over [Music] here oh no no that was close we've got to be careful there might be more traps come [Music] on it's so beautiful Caillou no uhoh the walls are closing in on us Caillou over here great thinking Sarah quick give me a [Music] boost no that was close how are we going to get the diamond [Music] now I have an [Music] idea [Music] this [Music] way how are we going to get down there [Music] Caillou [Music] [Applause] uhoh come on this [Applause] [Music] way look maybe that door leads to the [Music] exit how you still [Music] Diamond [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh-oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] looks like you guys are having fun y Rosie still Diamond no Rosie me and Sarah stole the how did [Music] you broccoli gross come on Caillou broccoli is good for you I don't want broccoli if you don't eat your vegetables Caillou you won't get any ice cream ice cream woohoo stop it Rosie I don't want broccoli that's it Caillou go to your room no dessert you're grounded caou [Music] mad broccoli is so gross Teddy I hate it I never want to eat it ever again oh hello hello can Caillou come out and play with us I'm sorry Leo Caillou isn't allowed out today he's been very naughty so he's grounded oh c you mad okay we'll see him another day I guess [Music] Leo Clementine wait there I'll come down no Caillou you'll get in [Music] trouble hey Gilbert look it's a tasty [Music] treat [Music] go to your [Music] room than you huh [Music] sh [Music] Caillou what are you doing Caillou I'm speaking to you what do you think you're doing I I just wanted to see my friends you're grounded Caillou you were very naughty earlier I know but no butts Caillou and you definitely shouldn't try to sneak out what if you had gotten hurt or lost we wouldn't have been there to help you [Music] I I'm sorry I'm not allow out today because I was bad earlier okay Caillou we'll see you another [Music] day [Music] I'm sorry I didn't mean to get so mad and I'm sorry for scaring you Rosie Caillou mad it's okay Caillou thank you for apologizing I'll go back to my room [Music] now could could I have my ice cream first sure after you finish your [Music] broccoli wow I love the fairground it's the best place in the whole world world now hold on Caillou I don't want you getting lost okay we're all going to stick together okay mommy oh look they've got a coconut shy let's give it a go Coco [Music] sh all right guys you're about to find out why my school friends used to call me Boris destroyer of [Music] [Applause] [Music] coconuts whoops oh my [Music] turn I did it I did it well done Caillou you won a prize which one would you like that cat looks like Gilbert can I have that one please Mommy here you go now I bet I can't do nearly as well as you just did wait till Gilbert sees [Music] this wao that cotton candy looks amazing do you want me to look after your toy Caillou well Caillou wow can I have some cotton candy mommy mommy oh oh no I'm lost [Music] Mommy I can't see anything I need to get a better [Music] view no good still not high enough maybe aha Caillou Caillou Caillou Mommy [Music] Daddy let's try the ferris wheel from all the way up there we might be able to see where Caillou [Music] is I can't see him anywhere I can't see them [Music] anywhere there I see him he's gone into the Hall of Mirrors mommy daddy Caillou are you in here Mommy Mommy caou [Music] Caillou thank goodness we found you where have you been I'm so sorry Mommy I didn't mean to get lost I I saw the cotton candy St and then you were gone and it's okay Caillou I'm just happy we found you you shouldn't run off on your own it's so dangerous and if you do get lost lost you must find a police officer or someone else in charge okay I won't do it ever again I promise well I think we've had enough fairg ground excitement for one day come on everyone let's make our way to the exit um does anyone know where the exit is now we're all lost I know we should find a police officer right [Music] [Laughter] [Music] mommy just over there Caillou next to the rest of [Music] them thanks for building me a Fort Daddy it's going to be the best ever that's okay Caillou you know my dad made me a fort when I was about your age too all right toolbox Nails workbench I think we have everything where do you think we should build it Caillou too mudy there too many bugs in that bush [Music] sh and too dark [Music] there oh how about here this is a great spot here Caillou take the end of this okay now pull it out that way until I say stop yes sir Daddy sir and [Music] stop go [Music] wow here Caillou Safety First we'll need to be careful with everything we use today okay Daddy don't worry Caillou we'll have a fort built in no [Music] time [Music] that was great teamwork [Music] Caillou fort got you I love it thank you [Music] Daddy what is it Caillou Mommy can I sleep in the fort [Music] tonight not alone but maybe daddy will camp out with you oh can we please okay [Music] Caillou we're all set here Caillou you need anything else over no thank you Daddy over all right Caillou good night over good [Music] night Daddy [Music] [Applause] [Music] daddy Gilbert you scared me one two three boxes of [Music] cookies done not quite Caillou Mr Hinkle gave you $5 for five boxes of cookies you've only given him three a yeah that's not right Caillou oh sorry so you have three here's four and [Music] five thank you very much Caillou and Clementine thanks Mr Hinkle wooo have a nice day wow we already sold 10 boxes of cookies today I wonder if we can sell 20 or 30 or 50 or a [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] 100 racism now and racism now and racism what's happening mom why is everyone yelling it's all right you two there's nothing to be afraid of these people are marching marching why people march when they're unhappy about something big and they want to change it they march with signs to let the people in charge know how they feel why are they shouting so loud yeah what are they upset about well they want to get everyone's attention this is a protest to Stand Up Against Racism what's racism oh mommy told me racism is when people are me to each other because of their skin color right Mom that's right Clementine see there was a time when you two wouldn't have been able to play together just because of the colors of your skin really yes people with darker skin like me and Clementine were not allowed to do the same things as people with lighter skin like you Caillou you two wouldn't have been able to swim together or ride the bus together or even eat at restaurants together a but that's not fair lots of people agreed Caillou so they all marched together just like this and things changed and got better so now you and Clementine can both play together and do all the same things oh so marching is a good thing it is Clementine sometimes people are still mean to people with darker skin like us so all these people are trying to make things better and when lots of different people all come together like this they can change the whole world [Music] wow water free water I'm sorry it's okay oh hi Caillou hi Clem time hi Jeffrey what are you doing with all that water me and my parents are passing them out to Thirsty people on the March that's so nice hey you two should we get back to selling cookies [Music] racis racis racis well some of the people marching look kind of hungry could we give them some cookies oh can we can we I think that's a wonderful idea we can spare a few [Music] boxes water water free water cookies cookies free [Music] cookies tag you're it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] h [Music] H I'm over here wa how' you get there so [Music] fast over here [Music] Caillou [Music] hi Caillou hi [Music] Caillou wait didn't you just nope we're twins remember Hey Jeffrey Jason do you want to do some [Music] pranks hey Mommy come look at this mirror [Applause] okay your turn Caillou thanks Jeffrey come look [Music] Mommy oh hold on a [Music] second it's a [Music] window very clever boys [Music] Daddy can you look after Jason's backpack while we go to the bathroom of [Music] course thanks for looking after my backpack that was quick no problem [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Jason thanks for looking after my backpack can I get it back now Jason didn't I just give you your backpack no we just got back oh shoot I'm so sorry Jason I don't know who I gave it [Music] to there I think oh of course Jeffrey nice [Music] [Laughter] prank hey Rosie do you want to meet my friend my name's Jason [Music] Jason that's me do you want to see a magic trick Rosie Jason T Jason [Music] Jason don't worry Rosie they're twins see they just look the [Laughter] same my name's Je Jeffrey [Laughter] [Music] Jason's [Music] oh wow look at all this stuff cool look at this [Music] Caillou why is that window so tiny Daddy it's a window for an Archer from inside there's plenty of room for arrows to go out but on the outside it's very hard to get an arrow in so it keeps The Archers safe [Music] oh wow h [Music] [Music] hey Caillou the great what what are you doing I've been working on some magical projects for the king what kind of projects well the king wants me to make sure there's lots of food for all the people in the Kingdom watch [Music] this WOW Caillou that was really [Music] [Music] oh no quick this [Music] way whoops I guess I need to work on that spell a bit more [Music] uhoh we're under [Music] attack quick Caillou you have to do [Music] something hold on [Music] [Music] Leo yay we did [Music] it [Music] KY [Music] uhoh what is going on here Caillou Caillou hello huh sorry Daddy you were off in your own world there I was I was a wizard doing a spell and there was a giant and the magic spaghetti started to get really big and Chase Leo hey have you guys played Di and build 2 yet not yet there's a new one what is it yeah in this one you dig up dinosaur bones then you have to put the bones together to make a dinosaur skeleton it's awesome my Mommy's taking me to get it this afternoon with my allowance I can't wait mine too maybe we can go together Caillou uh I don't think I can I don't have any money well you better hurry Caillou or the store will run [Music] out mommy daddy I need some money to buy a game well Caillou you know money doesn't grow on trees you'll have to earn your extra money what do you mean well we'll give you an allowance to spend on whatever you like in exchange for you helping around the house doing some chores that's called earning okay what do I have to do let me [Music] think here it [Music] goes no [Music] wa [Music] yeah [Music] no [Music] huh pH [Music] e wo W easy easy [Music] okay Caillou let's see how much you've earned this week [Music] is it enough is it yes Caillou well done we're very proud of all the work you did yes dig and build let's go let's go quick mommy or they'll all be gone all right all right [Music] here we got the last one you'd better buy it quick then [Music] Caillou I did it [Music] [Applause] [Music] wo wo [Music] how you I no Caillou dinner's ready that was [Music] awesome Mommy Mommy I want to learn [Music] karate settle down you you might hurt yourself yeah well can I mommy please I don't see why not all [Music] right you look the part Caillou I'm so excited well run along over there to the others class is about to start I'll be right [Music] there [Music] all right now we're going to start with some basic moves today then we'll try something extra special W first up knee strike itch knee Sun sheet great next up elbow strike itch knee son [Music] she and now karate [Music] CH you okay there um I can't do it so we go from here to here see wow you got it great [Music] job now gather around kids I want to show you something oh I'm going to show you how to break a piece of wood in half using only your right hand wo karate chop wow cool can we try well [Music] sure I did it yeah did you see [Music] Mommy and this one's for you Caillou because even though you struggled at first you worked so hard and in the end you got [Music] it [Music] a [Music] wow I love the fairground it's the best place in the whole world now hold on Caillou I don't want you getting lost okay we're all going to stick together okay mommy oh look they've got a coconut shy let's give it a go C [Music] shy all right guys you're about to find out why my school friends used to call me Boris destroyer of [Music] [Applause] [Music] coconuts whoops oh my [Music] turn I did it I did it Well Done Caillou you wanton a prize which one would you like that cat looks like Gilbert can I have that one please Mommy here you go now I bet I can't do nearly as well as you just did Gilbert sees [Music] this waa that cotton candy looks amazing do you want me to look after your toy Caillou well Caillou wow can I have some cotton candy mommy [Music] mommy oh no I'm lost [Music] mommy I can't see anything I need to get a better View [Music] no good still not high enough maybe aha Caillou Caillou Caillou Mommy [Music] Daddy let's try the ferris wheel from all the way up there we might be able to see where Caillou [Music] is I can't see him anywhere I can't see them [Music] anywhere there I see him he's gone into the Hall of mirror [Music] mommy daddy Caillou are you in here Mommy Mommy [Music] Caillou W Caillou thank goodness we found you where have you been I'm so sorry sorry Mommy I didn't mean to get lost I I saw the cotton candy St and then you were gone and it's okay Caillou I'm just happy we found you you shouldn't run off on your own it's so dangerous and if you do get lost you must find a police officer or someone else in charge okay I won't do it ever again I promise well I think we've had enough Fair Ground excitement for one day come on everyone let's make our way to the exit um does anyone know where the exit is no we're all lost I know we should find a police officer right [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Mommy [Music] just over there Caillou next to the rest of [Music] them thanks for building me a fort Daddy it's going to be the best ever that's okay Caillou you know my dad made me a fort when I was about your age too all right toolbox Nails workbench I think we we have everything where do you think we should build it Caillou too muddy there too many bugs in that [Music] bush and too dark [Music] there oh how about here this is a great spot here Caillou take the end of this okay now pull it out that way until I say stop yes sir Daddy sir and [Music] stop go wow [Music] here Caillou Safety First we'll need to be careful with everything we use [Music] today okay Daddy don't worry Caillou we'll have a fort built in no [Music] time [Music] W ha that was great teamwork [Music] Caillou Fort Caillou I love it thank you [Music] Daddy m [Music] what is it Caillou Mommy can I sleep in the fort [Music] tonight not alone but maybe daddy will camp out with you oh can we please okay [Music] Caillou we're all set here Caillou you need anything else over no thank you Daddy over all right Caillou good night over good [Music] night [Music] daddy [Music] [Applause] daddy [Music] Gilbert you scared me one two three boxes of [Music] cookies done not quite Caillou Mr Hinkle gave you $5 for five boxes of cookies you've only given him [Music] three yeah that's not right Caillou oh sorry so you have three here's four and five [Music] thank you very much Caillou and Clementine thanks Mr [Music] Hinkle have a nice day wow we already sold 10 boxes of cookies today I wonder if we can sell 20 or 30 or 50 or 100 [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] racism racism racis what's happening mom why is everyone yelling it's all right you two there's nothing to be afraid of these people are marching marching why people march when they're unhappy about something big and they want to change it they march with signs to let the people in charge know how they feel racis racis racis why are they shouting so loudly yeah what are they upset about well they want to get everyone's attention this is a protest to Stand Up Against Racism what's racism oh mommy told me racism is when people are mean to each other because of their skin color right Mom that's right Clementine see there was a time when you two wouldn't have been able to play together just because of the colors of your skin really yes people with darker skin like me and Clementine were not allowed to do the same things as people with lighter skin like you Caillou you two wouldn't have been able to swim together or ride the bus together or even eat at restaurants [Music] together but that's not fair lots of people agreed Caillou so they all marched together just like this and things changed and got better so now you and Clementine can both play together and do all the same things oh so marching is a good thing it is Clementine sometimes people are still mean to people with darker skin like us so all these people are trying to make things better and when lots of different people all come together like this they can change the whole world [Music] wow qu free water I'm sorry it's okay oh hi Caillou hi Clementine hi Jeffrey what are you doing with all that water me and my parents are passing them out to Thirsty people on the March that's so nice hey you two should we get back to selling cookies and racis now and racism now andac [Music] well some of the people marching look kind of hungry could we give them some cookies oh can we can we I think that's a wonderful idea we can spare a few [Music] boxes water water free water cookies cookies free cookies [Music] wow Grandpa look a fire [Music] truck poing are [Music] you very good Caillou but how about we try it for real it's too [Music] loud that was awesome say how about we try that police car [Music] next you are under arrest Mister oh no grandpa where are you going to take [Music] me we're going downtown I've got some questions for [Music] you actually I'm much too tired to arrest anybody today hop out Caillou Grandpa Grandpa what's this one that's a garbage truck [Music] Caillou ew Grandpa what's that [Music] smell come and take a look at this wa what happens to it after it's been crushed well some of it goes to a big landfill and the rest like paper plastic and some metal gets recycled which means it gets made into something completely new so that it can be used [Music] again wow Grandpa look a train ch ch chug chug chug chug [Music] chug [Music] wa Grandpa this tractor is so big this must be for really big farms well let's hop in Farmer [Music] Caillou well I'd say we're going to have a good harvest this year farmer Caillou yep lots of carrots and potatoes and and and candy candy wow this must be a very special Farm [Music] indeed say we'd better get you home farmer Caillou oh here why don't you take these with you wow thanks grandpa I can't wait to show mommy and [Music] daddy mommy Sarah's [Laughter] [Music] here hi Caillou hey Sarah is that [Music] [Laughter] it [Music] wow over [Music] here oh [Music] no that was close we've got to be careful there might be more traps come [Music] on it's so beautiful oh Caillou no uh-oh the walls are closing in on us caou over here great thinking Sarah quick give me a [Music] boost [Music] that was close how are we going to get the diamond [Music] now I have an idea [Music] [Laughter] this [Music] way how are we going to get down there [Music] Caillou [Music] [Applause] uhoh come on this [Applause] [Music] way look maybe that door leads to the exit [Music] it cou still [Music] Diamond [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh-oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] a looks like you guys are having fun y Ros is still Diamond no Rosie me and Sarah stole the how did [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you [Applause] h w [Music] w [Music] you you no Caillou dinner's ready that was [Music] awesome Mommy Mommy I want to learn [Music] right settle down you you might hurt yourself yeah well can I mommy please I don't see why not all [Music] right you look the part Caillou I'm so excited well run along over there to the others class is about to start I'll be right [Music] there all right now we're going to start with some basic moves today then we'll try something extra special W first up knee strike itch [Music] she great next up elbow strike it KN son she [Music] it and now karate chop [Music] you okay there um I can't do it so we go from here to here see wow you got it great [Music] job now gather around kids I want to show you something I'm going to show you how to break a piece of wood in half using only your right hand wo karate chop wow cool can we try well sure [Music] I did it yeah did you see [Music] Mommy and this one's for you Caillou because even though you struggled at first you worked so hard and in the end you got [Music] [Music] it [Music] a [Music] oh wow look at all this stuff cool look at this [Music] Caillou why is that window so tiny Daddy it's a window for an Archer from inside there's plenty of room for arrows to go out but on the outside it's very hard to get an arrow in so it keeps The Archers safe [Music] oh wow m [Music] [Music] hey Caillou the great what are you are you doing I've been working on some magical projects for the king what kind of projects well the king wants me to make sure there's lots of food for all the people in the Kingdom watch [Music] this WOW Caillou that was really [Music] [Music] oh no quick this [Music] way whoops I guess I need to work on that spell a bit more [Music] uhoh we're under [Music] attack quick Caillou you have to do [Music] something hold on [Music] [Music] Leo yay we did [Music] it [Music] k [Music] uhoh what is going on here Caillou Caillou hello huh sorry Daddy you were off in your own world there I was I was a wizard doing a spell and there was a giant and the magic spaghetti started to get really big and Chase Leo broccoli gross come on Caillou broccoli is good for you I don't want broccoli if you don't eat your vegetables Caillou you won't get any ice cream ice cream woohoo stop it Rosie I don't want Ro that's it Caillou go to your room no dessert you're grounded F caou [Music] mad broccoli is so gross Teddy I hate it I never want to eat it ever again oh hello hello can Caillou come out and play with us I'm sorry Leo Caillou isn't allowed out today he's been very naughty so he's grounded oh c you mad okay we'll see him another day I [Music] guess Leo Clementine wait there I'll come down no Caillou you'll get in [Music] trouble hey Gilbert look it's a tasty treat [Music] oh [Music] go to your [Music] room than [Music] you [Music] sh [Music] oh oh Caillou what are you doing Caillou I'm speaking to you what do you think you're doing I I just wanted to see my friends you're grounded Caillou you were very naughty earlier I know but no butts Caillou and you definitely shouldn't try to sneak out what if you had gotten hurt or lost we wouldn't have been there to help [Music] you I'm sorry I'm not allowed out today because I was bad earlier okay Caillou we'll see you another [Music] day I'm sorry I didn't mean to get so mad and I'm sorry for scaring you Rosie caou mad it's okay Caillou thank you for apologizing I'll go back to my room [Music] now could could I have my ice cream first H sure after you finish your [Music] broccoli hey have you guys played Di and build 2 yet not yet there's a new one what is it yeah in this one you dig up dinosaur bones then you have to put the bones together to make a dinosaur skeleton it's awesome my Mommy's taking me to get it this afternoon with my allowance I can't wait mine too maybe we can go together Caillou uh I don't think I can I don't have any money well you better hurry Caillou or the store will run [Music] out mommy daddy I need someone money to buy a game well Caillou you know money doesn't grow on trees you'll have to earn your extra money what do you mean well we'll give you an allowance to spend on whatever you like in exchange for you helping around the house doing some chores that's called earning okay what do I have to do let me think [Music] here it [Music] goes no [Music] wa [Music] yeah no huh [Music] [Music] you [Music] oh e wao easy [Music] easy okay Caillou let's see how much you've earned this [Music] week is it enough is it yes Caillou well done we're very proud of all the work you did yes dig and build let's go let's go quick mommy or they'll all be gone all right all [Music] right here we got the last one you'd better buy it quick then [Music] Caillou [Music] I did [Music] it tag you're [Music] [Laughter] it [Music] I'm over here waa how' you get there so fast [Music] W over here [Music] Caillou hi hi Caillou hi [Music] Caillou wait didn't you just nope we're twins remember Hey Jeffrey Jason do you want to do some [Music] pranks huh hey Mommy come look at this mirror [Applause] okay your turn Caillou thanks Jeffrey come look [Music] Mommy oh hold on a [Music] second it's a [Music] window very clever [Music] [Laughter] boys Daddy can you look after Jason's backpack while we go to the bathroom of [Music] course thanks for looking after my backpack that was quick no problem [Music] [Laughter] Jason thanks for looking after my backpack can I get it back now Jason didn't I just give you your backpack no we just got back oh shoot I'm so sorry Jason I don't know who I gave it [Music] to there I I think oh of course Jeffrey nice [Music] [Laughter] prank hey Rosie do you want to meet my friend my name's Jason Jason that's me do you want to see a magic trick Rosie Jason t Jason [Music] Jason don't worry Rosie they're twins see they just look the [Laughter] same my name's Jeffrey Jason ha
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 18,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou full episodes, caillou cartoon, cajou, caillou english, 까이유, calliou, #caillou, kayo, caillou Christmas, caillou theme song, caillou and rosie, cailou, caillou song, caillou holiday movie, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, childrens cartoon, caillou remix, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou gets grounded, classic caillou, caillou wildbrain, caillou pizza, slime, caillou theme song remix, cartoon cartoon, cartoon video, #cartoon
Id: JqG6xjTclKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 52sec (5872 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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