😑 Big Brother Caillou 😒 | Caillou's New Adventures

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[Music] every day there's something new there are lots of great things for me to do I'm Caillou I learned so much through the games I play and I grow bigger every day I'm Caillou I'm just a boy of four who wants to go and explore how do you do I'm Caillou [Music] Caillou and Rosie are playing with Rosie's new toy they are having lots of fun lots of noisy fun every time Rosie pushes a key the toy makes an animal sound [Music] laughs children you're making too much noise Caillou and Rosie stop what they are doing Caillou I need to lie down can you be a good big brother and watch Rosie so she doesn't get into any Mischief yes Mommy brings a couple of markers and two big pieces of paper you and Rosie can draw pictures of the animals instead of listening to The Sounds they make I need you to play quietly so I can rest okay Caillou wants to help mommy he wants to be a good Big Brother [Music] Caillou hands Rosie a marker we are going to draw now Caillou starts drawing a giraffe he works so hard on his picture that he doesn't notice that Rosie is not drawing beside him [Music] Caillou looks around to see where Rosie went oh no Rosie is drawing on the wall rosie no Caillou grabs the marker away from Rosie [Music] bye Rosie tries to get the marker back but Caillou holds on to it Rosie starts to cry be quiet do you want Mommy to get mad mommy hears all the noise are you I asked you to be a good big brother and watch Rosie not fight with her [Music] Rosie needs her nap I'll be right back Caillou is surprised why is Mommy angry with him he did his best to be quiet and to keep Rosie from doing anything wrong he doesn't want to be Rosie's Big Brother anymore [Music] when Mommy comes back Caillou is crying [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Caillou and mommy go to the kitchen and fill a bucket with soap and water it isn't easy being a big brother is it can I help that would be great Caillou foreign [Music] Caillou cleans the wall with a wet cloth he rubs hard until all the marks are gone [Music] job Caillou thank you Rosie has finished her nap and she wants Caillou to play with her okay Rosie Caillou you are becoming such a big boy and you are such a good brother to Rosie [Music] Caillou and his babysitter are reading a story but today is a very special day Caillou did you know it's Valentine's Day today this is a day to celebrate love how you thinks about this for a moment celebrate love that's right Caillou Caillou has an idea Caillou decides to give a Valentine's Day present and someone he loves I'm going to draw a pretty card with hearts Ah that's a nice idea Julie gives Caillou some paper and crayons Caillou begins to draw hearts as carefully as he can [Music] but drawing Hearts is hard and Caillou is a bit disappointed with his picture it's not very pretty I can help you if you want I like your hearts Caillou what do you think about adding something else to your picture Caillou wonders what else he could draw [Music] no Caillou draws a big round Moon and all around the Moon he draws lots of kisses in lots of different colors foreign [Music] Caillou is very pleased with himself [Music] Caillou goes into his bedroom and places the drawing in his room who is your Valentine's present for Caillou it's a secret Caillou puts on his favorite shirt then he gets a red tie out of Daddy's drawer do I look nice with a tie you always look nice Caillou [Music] Caillou is so excited about his Valentine's Day present that he can hardly sit still foreign [Music] mommy is delighted to see her little boy looking so smart who's this handsome young man close your eyes Mommy Mommy shuts her eyes and Caillou puts the Valentine's Day surprise into her hands you can open your eyes now is this for me I drew a moon because I loved you as big as the moon and I love you as big as the Moon too well I love you as big as the moon and all the stars and all the planets Caillou is sure no one could love anyone more than that foreign was spending a rainy day at Grandma's he drove his mini car around the coffee house oops Caillou knocked a big book off the table it fell open on the floor Kyle was curious about the pictures in the book he sat down to take a look [Music] found my photo album [Music] that grandma that's your grandpa and me when we were young Caillou looked at the photo again that's not you and Grandpa this picture was taken a long time ago your grandpa and I used to dance a lot Caillou turned the page and something fell out of the album oh it's our Blue Ribbon the night that picture was taken there was a big dance contest and this is the ribbon your grandpa and I won Wow first prize do you want me to show you how to dance yes I can win first prize too Grandma puts on some music this was one of our favorite songs how you hadn't heard music like this before but he liked the quick Rhythm look Grandma I'm dancing Caillou from one foot to the other that's good Caillou here take my hands [Music] Caillou loved dancing with Grandma he was having a lot of fun is listen to the music [Music] Grandma showed Caillou some complicated steps [Music] Caillou tried to follow and stumbled [Music] foreign what's this Grandma okay you jiggled his hips from side to side I think you just made up a new dance and for being such a good dancer you win first prize Grandma pinned the Blue Ribbon onto Caillou's shirt hi you two it looks like someone's been getting dance lessons Grandma showed me how Caillou started to dance for Grandpa that's great grandpa took Caillou by the hands and they started to dance together Grandma watched as her two men danced around the room [Music] just then the doorbell rang and Caillou ran off to answer it for dancing he then showed everyone a little dance he had learned thank you everyone gathered in the living room for a snack me did you know that Grandma and Grandpa used to dance a lot and they want a ribbon for first prize for dancing really yes and Grandma and Grandpa are really good dancers Grandma showed me their special dance grandpa had an idea and he put the music on again may I have this dance mix you may serve [Music] together they showed everyone the dance that had won them first prize all those years ago [Music] Caillou hurries to put on his fancy clothes [Music] tonight he's going out with Mommy and Daddy like a big boy Rosie is staying home with a babysitter foreign [Music] is full of people Caillou holds his Daddy's Hand and looks around it's a bit dark in here Caillou doesn't see any children he feels so proud to be with grown-ups look at the aquarium Caillou Caillou runs off to say hello to the multi-colored fish don't run Caillou wait for us please okay [Music] Mommy I can't see anything Caillou decides to sit on his knees Caillou please sit down like a big boy just in time a friendly waiter comes toward the table with a booster seat for Caillou to sit on what would you like to eat Caillou let me look Mommy Caillou wants to act like a grown-up and opens the menu too foreign there are no pictures on his menu and Caillou was very disappointed Caillou Waits patiently while mommy orders his favorite spaghetti [Music] [Music] it's taking so long for the food to come Caillou gets tired of waiting and wants to get up and move around where are you going Caillou doesn't want to sit anymore do you want to go to the bathroom okay Caillou finds a new game he's having fun drawing his hands under the automatic dryer again Caillou runs back to the sink to wash his hands again okay but this is the last time the waiter comes to the table with all the plates balanced in his arms Caillou is very impressed oh Mommy and Daddy never do that Caillou takes a bite of his food and makes a face it doesn't taste like this at home Caillou at least eat some of your dinner please [Music] Caillou isn't hungry anymore he wants to play under the table good where is my Caillou Caillou jumps out from under the table I'm here I'm here Caillou you're supposed to stay in your seat I don't want to sit anymore I want to go home just then the waiter comes to the table with a wonderful dessert Caillou completely forgets about wanting to go home yeah yay I'm [Music] Caillou is happy to be eating at the restaurant with Mommy and Daddy he really feels like a big boy [Music] today Caillou is going to the dentist for the first time [Music] let's hurry Caillou we don't want to be late Caillou doesn't answer where has he gone mommy finds Caillou in the bathroom [Music] Caillou you've already brushed your teeth this morning do they look nice mommy yes Caillou they're beautiful now come on time to go [Music] at the dentist's office Caillou and Mommy sit in the waiting room Caillou holds Teddy very tight just then he hears a strange whirring noise Teddy you're coming with me to see the dentist okay a woman with a friendly smile walks toward Caillou hello Caillou my name is Linda come with me and I'll show you and your teddy the best way to brush your teeth Caillou and Mommy follow Linda into a small room there's a big chair in the Middle with a big funny looking lamp hanging over it have a seat Caillou can Teddy sit do Caillou and Teddy sit in the dentist's chair Linda shows Caillou how the chair can move up and back [Music] laughs [Music] Linda tilts the back of the chair so that Caillou can lie down but Caillou stays sitting straight up lie back Caillou that way I can get a better look at your teeth [Music] Linda shows Caillou the little mirror that's used to see the teeth in the back of his mouth thank you she starts the electric toothbrush that turns very fast that's what was making that strange noise now I'm going to make your teeth shine like little stars okay Caillou checks first to see if mommy is still there yes Mommy is right behind him Linda brushes Caillou's teeth oh then the dentist comes into the room to give Caillou his checkup hi Caillou I'm Dr Joseph [Music] wow you have really nice teeth do you brush them every day two times this morning when Caillou is ready to leave Linda gives him a new toothbrush to take home and you can have two surprises from the box two Caillou examines the items in the Box he chooses a magnifying glass and a ring the magnifying glasses for me and the ring is for my mommy goodbye Caillou bye [Music] it's been a big day for Caillou today he went to the dentist for the first time Caillou at the market [Music] good morning sleepy but Caillou does not want to get out of bed look it's snowing [Music] Caillou runs to look out the window wow can we make a Snowman Let's Get Dressed first then we'll see [Music] Caillou tries to pour his cereal but nothing comes out there's no cereal we'll get some at the market we have to shop for things to make a special surprise cake a cake yay Caillou puts on his coat and boots he picked up Gilbert to see if he'd like to come to the market as well where are you going cat outside the snowflakes tickle his face out his tongue and captures some of them can we make a snowman yes Caillou but we have to go to the market first [Music] when they get to the market mommy puts Rosie in the seat of the grocery cart I want to ride in the cartoon Mommy let's go we have lots of shopping to do okay Caillou and Rosie help mommy find the things she needs Ohio takes a bag of cookies off the shelf good we're having special surprise cake so we don't need cookies too Heidi really wants the cookies but he puts them back at the checkout counter mommy helps Caillou and Rosie get out of the cart Caillou please help watch Rosie for me Caillou holds Rosie's hand [Music] but he's thinking about the cookies [Music] he lets go of Rosie's hand to go and find the cookies are you hi you goes up and down the aisles looking for the cookies suddenly he stops and looks around he can't see Mommy mommy where are you mommy there she is mommy looks worried what happened Caillou you went away no you went away she gives him a big hug I'm very glad we found you let's go home [Music] Mommy I was lost I know Caillou but you're home now and it's time to make the special surprise cake but I want to make a snowman we will make a snowman here in the kitchen [Music] mommy bakes a cake and covers it in snowy white icing [Music] Caillou and Rosie decorate it with candy [Music] the special surprise cake is a special surprise Snowman [Music] [Music]
Channel: Caillou's New Adventures - WildBrain
Views: 2,605,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: black caillou, caillou, caillou cartoon, caillou english, caillou english full episodes, caillou episode, caillou episodes, caillou full, caillou hour, caillou in english, caillou new, caillou new episode, caillou new episodes, caillou rap, caillou show, caillou video, caillou videos, caillou youtube, cailloux, cailou, caio, caliou, calliou, cartoon, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, childrens cartoon, full episodes, kids, new episode, pbs kids caillou, vaillou compilation, 까이유
Id: wiVhC5uaLgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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