Caillou and Science | Caillou Cartoon

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[Music] you're getting to be a big boy i'm just a kid each day i grow some more i like exploring [Music] so many things to do each day is something new i'll share them with you [Music] my world is turning changing each day with mommy and daddy i'm finding my way [Music] that's me [Music] daddy i want to cook too sorry caillou but the barbecue is too hot why don't you go play with rosie until dinner's ready look mommy look oh no ants yuck why don't you go see if grandma needs some help in the kitchen while i make sure there are no more ants around okay mommy grandma what are you doing i'm making my special top secret potato salad top secret shh you can be my taste tester yummy what a beautiful night i think i see the evening star wow it's pretty this reminds me of the time i saw a shooting star a shooting star it's a star that flies across the sky like a bird it's like magic well caillou let's get back to work come and get it yum look a shooting star wow it was just there a second ago [Music] grandpa there was a shooting star outside but it's gone i'm sure there'll be more let's go see look caillou there goes another one where i wanna see don't feel bad shooting stars are very fast and hard to spot caillou still wanted to see a shooting star he decided he would wait as long as he had to i'm sorry you missed the shooting star caillou why do we look at the moon instead yay i want to see the moon [Music] the moon is big you see this group of stars that's called the big bear i can't see a bear [Music] let's see where were we here we go and that one's the little dipper see you soon look quick caillou oh i missed it again don't worry caillou there'll be other shooting stars some other night caillou wasn't sure he would ever see one he felt sad time for bad caillou it's late nighty night [Music] good night stars wow [Music] [Music] tickles [Music] caillou wasn't sure if he should be waking mommy and daddy up good morning caillou do you want to fly this morning daddy make me fly oh no the alarm didn't go off i'm gonna be late for work caillou why don't you go downstairs and feed gilbert i'll get rosie up gilbert wait for me [Music] look what you did caillou mommy's in a hurry so eat up okay caillou wasn't happy that everyone was in such a rush this morning daddy funny [Music] finish your breakfast caillou we're in a hurry we ate all our breakfast great could you brush your teeth now rosie wait do you want to look like mommy yeah go like this [Music] don't move [Music] rosie caillou did you do this to your sister i wanted rosie to look pretty like you you know that you're not allowed to play with my makeup come on rosie let's get you cleaned up come on get dressed you and rosie are going to your play group this morning i don't want to go to play group caillou what's taking him so long go on and start the car honey [Music] daddy i'm stuck ow caillou mommy is waiting for you outside caillou couldn't keep up with the hustle and bustle and began feeling a little overwhelmed by it all [Music] i don't want to go with mommy i want to stay home with you but i'm going into work later on i don't want you to go to work hang on i'll be right back [Music] mommy was told to go on ahead and that daddy would walk caillou to play group yay are we gonna stay home and play today no caillou daddy still has to go to work but first let's get you dressed i have something to show you what are you going to show me daddy i'm going to show you a whole bunch of people that have to go to work just like mommy and me good morning caillou are you working sure am i'm delivering the mail would you like to help me can i here could you take this letter and put it in mr hinkle's mailbox you see caillou a mail carrier works every day why to make sure that mr hinkle gets his mail and your dad gets his bills [Music] are you sure you two don't want to come and work with us can we sure but not until you're a little older okay you have to wait until you're big and strong it's a tough job keeping the town clean after all that hard work how about we get us a snack yes i just have to make a quick stop first why do you have to work daddy because i enjoy working and i make money doing it but the machine gives you money yes it does but first i have to put it in i have a muffin too is it a chocolate chip muffin like mine no can you turn on the lights on top maybe the officers are busy caillou not at all we're on break would you like to turn them on caillou yes [Music] this is officer caillou 10 4. okay officer caillou time to let them go back to upholding the law daddy i want to be a police officer when i grow up you can definitely do that too caillou but first let's get you to your play group okay daddy has to go to work now just like all the people we saw at work this morning okay okay there you are caillou i was wondering when you were going to show up mrs martin i sat in a police car really that must have been fun i was showing caillou people at work we also saw a mail carrier and a garbage collector right caillou that the police officer has the best job but i think my job is the best in the whole world because i get to play with you 10-4 officer caillou [Music] [Music] i can't find him anywhere mommy it was time to take gilbert to the vet for his regular checkup gilbert where are you you bad cat but gilbert was missing i can't see the box anywhere honey are you sure it's down here did you find gilbert caillou no daddy and i can't find his box look what i found when gilbert saw his box he knew that meant he would be going in the car and gilbert didn't like going in the car [Music] gilbert doesn't want to go to the vet i know but he has to he needs a checkup a checkup like when i go to the doctor exactly the veterinarian is gilbert's doctor it's okay gilbert i'll look after you [Music] daddy gilbert got out of the box okay don't worry everything's under control i hope i can see his tail bad cat gilbert he's not really a bad cat he's just scared he doesn't like riding in the car silly gilbert i love riding in the car gilbert was back in his box and they were on their way again by the way caillou just how did gilbert get out of his box i just wanted to pet him that was nice of you but let's leave him in the box from now on okay okay sarah hi caillou what are you doing here gilbert is having a checkup [Music] oh he's here to have his teeth cleaned he has to stay overnight did you bring his toothbrush no silly he doesn't have a toothbrush dr orangeville has to clean his teeth for him [Music] good everything's fine here and now i have to give gilbert his shots is it going to hurt not very much and it'll make sure he stays healthy for a whole year how would you like to help me caillou just pet gilbert and keep him calm don't worry gilbert there all done that wasn't so bad now was it [Music] oh no not again [Music] hi leo what have you got there it's my new rocket wow [Music] having fun where's spacemen i thought you might be we're going to the moon and just make sure you come back in time for lunch okay [Music] can you play with teddy [Music] i don't want to the moon's this way [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] whoa spacemen slow down a bit rosie really wanted to play with caillou and leo [Music] oh this is interesting there's a planetarium opening tomorrow [Music] i think i know a couple of space men who'd be interested in that me too and look they're having a contest for the best space costume a space costume play with hmm no rosie i know you want to play with them sweetie tell you what why don't we find a game we can play we could make space costumes have you heard the news they're opening a planetarium what's that well let's see it's a kind of movie theater where you can see stars and planets inside wow can we go i don't see why not would you like to come too [Music] i'll call your mom and there's a contest too [Music] a contest yes for the best space costume [Music] leo you look just like a spaceman and i'm a space monster [Music] caillou mommy told me you made rosie cry today i know you don't always want to play with rosie but she is your sister so you always have to be kind to her okay daddy come on finish your milk it's time for bed you've got milk on your lip what's so funny oh i get it [Music] you do look like you've been to the milky way what's the milky way well let's see it's um it's the galaxy containing the solar system it's a place in space where there are millions and millions of stars just what i need what do you want those for it's a secret [Music] caillou really wanted to know what mommy's secret was what caillou and his daddy didn't know was that mommy was making space costumes too perfect why are there stars um i uh hmm night night daddy that night caillou dreamed all about the stars and the planets and the milky way wow hi caillou do you like my costume i'm gonna win the contest welcome to the planetarium everyone i have a special game for you today look i'm walking on the moon [Music] can you do this [Music] that's great and over here is the milky way and now something extra special walking on the moon [Music] this is the moon and here come the moonwalkers [Applause] [Music] and that's the end of our show except for just one more thing the contest for the best space costume [Music] and the prize goes to rosie and rosie's mommy so that's what mommy wanted the oven that's for congratulations [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Music] you're getting to be a big boy each day i grow some more i like [Music] my world is turning changing each day with mommy and daddy i'm finding my way [Music] growing up is not so tough except when i've had enough but there's lots of fun stuff [Music] that's me i'm a pirate oh what are you doing pirate caillou looking for treasure pirate caillou didn't know that he was going to find a real treasure that day in a most unexpected place i can't wait until caillou's a bit older so i can teach him how to play football like i taught you hey come on pirate caillou it's time to go home i don't want to go home i didn't find the treasure yet well wherever it is it'll still be there the next time [Music] mommy what are you doing i'm cleaning up can i help sure here put this in the box okay [Music] oh [Music] sorry mommy can't come to the phone she's busy oh i thought i told your dad to throw that old thing away he's such a pack rat what's a pack rat a pack rat is someone who can't throw anything away am i a pack rat mommy well you do have a lot of toys in your room that you don't play with anymore i play with all my toys caillou i really have to finish sorting these books when caillou saw the old trunk he was very curious to see what was inside caillou didn't know it but he had discovered the treasure he was looking for wow a chest full of things his daddy had collected what have you got there smile i'm taking a picture [Music] click wow [Music] what have you found now a whole bunch of stuff let me see that [Music] i wore this when your daddy took me to a special dance i can't believe he kept it hey what are you guys up to look daddy oh my old harmonica [Music] you're such a pack rat mommy said i'm a pack rat too what have you got there what is it i don't believe it this is my old college football all it needs is a bit of cleaning up and some air would you like me to teach you how to play [Music] i tell yeah everything he knows about football ready caillou here it comes [Music] it was a beautiful weekend and caillou was very excited because he was going camping mommy i need to go now are you sure you can't wait okay [Music] [Music] what's the matter rosie gone you're right and so is caillou there you are where's caillou he needed to make a pit stop i'm finished [Music] come on we better get going yeah let's get this show on the road um on second thought what's the matter honey i i i think i better go too what's that it's a moose crossing sign there are a lot of moose in the forest and that tells drivers to watch for them a moose wow can i see one rosie too hmm you shouldn't get your hopes up too high caillou why because moose are very shy caillou thought it was strange that such a big animal could be shy hi folks welcome to camp rome my name's pierre what's yours caillou you're going to have lots of adventures here caillou you can play games and go swimming and even climb a mountain what would you like to do first i want to see a moose i'm afraid it's not very likely moose stay away from people most of the time i don't think we've ever seen one in the camp before what do you say we give them a hand with that phew nice work caillou are you coming in caillou wait for me mommy what's the matter sweetie [Music] come on the water's great but something's swimming in the water those are little fish caillou don't worry they're more afraid of you than you are of them caillou wasn't so sure that he wanted to swim anymore it's too deep it isn't deep at all it's cool don't you want to splash me [Music] once caillou got into the water he wasn't afraid anymore [Music] and pretty soon it was time for lunch something smells awfully good i could eat a horse well i could eat a moose look oh no a chipmunk shoo shoot [Music] we really shouldn't feed the wild animals caillou why because they have to get their food from the forest what are you two doing this afternoon we're going mountain climbing yeah that's it caillou keep going you're doing great are you okay caillou was frightened when he slipped but he wanted daddy to see how brave he was we're almost there look oh we did it i'm very proud of you i guess mountain climbing must be hard work [Laughter] come on guys it's bedtime everything's ready in the trailer i want to stay in the hammock it would be fun to sleep outside okay then caillou loved sleeping in the hammock in his daddy's arms night night sleep tight don't let the bedbugs bite [Music] huh caillou was very impressed by the moose he had never seen such a big animal before mommy mommy come and see daddy daddy look oh wow we have to be as quiet as mice remember moose are very shy [Music] [Music] [Laughter] caillou thought it was funny that such a big animal could be frightened away by a little girl like rosie [Music] one afternoon caillou and sarah were playing in sarah's backyard [Music] 28 29 30. yay i did it let me try now you're too little to jump rope show me how sarah it's time for supper sarah come in and set the table please i'll show you how another day bye caillou why don't you have supper with us caillou i'll call your mommy and ask her [Music] your mom says you can stay caillou why don't you help sarah set the table just put them in front of each place what are they they're chopsticks you eat with them like this what's this it's chinese noodles and vegetables i love noodles but i don't like vegetables what's this it's an egg roll don't worry it's not a vegetable [Music] good shot caillou chopsticks can be a bit tricky at first caillou learned that it takes a bit of practice to get the hang of using chopsticks sarah's cat ollie was very happy that caillou had come for supper i eat my egg roll with my hands maybe you should use your fork now caillou okay [Music] eat your buck choice era it's good for you [Music] look sarah caillou is eating all of his bok choy's a vegetable caillou you hate vegetables i like chinese vegetables [Music] is that a dragon yes it's a chinese dragon would you like to try it on [Music] ooh you make a very scary dragon caillou [Music] green is my favorite green is my favorite too caillou what are you doing i want to try the chopsticks well you can't eat this with chopsticks it's much too slippery wow show me how caillou caillou was able to show sarah something new [Music] caillou and his mommy were on their way to play ball in the park what's that [Music] you've heard that before remember i know it's to tell us when it's safe to cross [Music] excuse me i'm looking for the dog run i know where it is you do where the park is just over there you can't miss it thank you [Music] every time caillou went to the park he liked to look at the map and decide which way to go [Music] i want to go this way okay it's okay don't worry they won't bite you you have two dogs oh no i'm a dog walker that's my job how you thought being a dog walker sounded like a great job i'm taking these guys to the dog run it's here i'm going there maybe we'll see you later [Music] is there anything we can do to help i don't think so [Music] that was pretty funny wasn't it coming through [Music] [Music] wow neat huh his name is dylan he can shake hands wanna try hi dylan i'm caillou [Music] why don't you throw that for him he's pretty good at catching balls too yay dylan here you go [Music] pretty gross huh catch you later dude i think you'd better wipe it with this honey okay a little farther on caillou's mommy met an old friend of hers named barbara and you must be caillou i like your dog his name is maxwell hi maxwell can i play with him you can pet him will he bring my ball back i'm sorry caillou but i can't let him play ball with you [Music] maxwell is a very special dog he has work to do what yes he helps me what does he do well caillou i'm blind and maxwell is my guide dog blind my friend barbara can't see so maxwell's job is to see for me caillou was surprised to learn that dogs had jobs to do just like grown-ups would you like to see how he helps me barbara's blind remember that means she can't see you nodding your head so if you would like to see how maxwell does his job you have to tell me okay yes yes please this is maxwell's harness i hold on to it and he leads me everywhere [Music] how you loved seeing how maxwell showed barbara which way to go [Music] what's maxwell doing now caillou he's sitting when he sits down he's telling me it's not safe to walk wow [Music] come on back [Music] [Music] caillou discovered that maxwell was a smart dog a very smart dog [Music] so [Music] how you knew that sound meant it was safe to cross the street we can go but maxwell knew it wasn't completely safe to cross just yet good boy maxwell [Music] good boy maxwell way to go [Music] do [Music] you're getting to be a big boy [Music] my world is turning changing each day with mommy and daddy i'm finding my way growing up is not so tough except when i've had enough but there's lots of fun stuff [Music] that's me caillou beats the heat it was a hot hot summer day and caillou was getting ready to go to the swimming pool he had a hard time getting his water wings on but he was sure his flippers would be much easier [Music] now all caillou needed was his swim goggles and his cape what's this a duck wearing a cape no it's me caillou whoa better take those flippers off you might trip i'm going to wear them in my hands instead of my feet can we go to the swimming pool mommy oh i'm sorry honey we can't go to the pool today why daddy and i have a lot to do around the house caillou was sad he really wanted to go swimming today swim swim swim rosie wants to go swimming too oh we'll try to go tomorrow caillou but i want to go today [Music] gilbert's hot too he's got no water gilbert drinks juice mommy rosie's throwing her juice caillou don't clean up juice with your beach towel i just wanted to help i'm going outside don't forget your hat oh and caillou don't forget your sunscreen but it's so sticky you need it the sun is very strong today and it's hot too [Music] well here's something to keep you cool thanks mommy [Applause] [Music] caillou couldn't help laughing at how silly gilbert looked but he was still sad about not going to the swimming pool you're hot and sticky too you need a good washing up and cooling down the sprinkler you set it up and i'll turn it on okay nothing's coming out mommy you tricked me come on caillou jump in so caillou found out that you can have just as much fun in your own backyard i don't know about gilbert [Music] come on gilbert jump in [Music] driver [Music] caillou was looking forward to going to the restaurant for supper [Music] settle down you two here rosie i don't want to play with it anymore [Music] daddy yes caillou are we there yet no but we'll be there soon daddy i'm hungry rosie hungry i know mommy's waiting for us at the restaurant it won't be long ow daddy rosie broke my car i'll take a look at it when we arrive we'll be there soon [Music] i'm hot rosy hot can you roll the window down window down rosie stop repeating everything caillou was angry with rosie and he was hungry and hot too both of you please stop look we're moving again [Music] oh no what now daddy i'm scared everything's going to be fine i'll go take a look [Music] just great [Music] caillou felt bad that rosie was scared and wanted to make her feel better it's okay rosie daddy yes caillou when are we going to see mommy first we have to wait until the tow truck arrives it shouldn't be much longer [Music] where is he taking the car he's going to tow us to the garage okay folks we're all set are we going to ride up there no you're gonna ride in the truck with me have you ever ridden in a tow truck before no it's a lot of fun you'll see how's it going back there are you going to fix our car no i just told him but you'll meet my dad at the garage he's the one who fixes him your dad yep like it says on the side of the truck sullivan and son i'm the son jack sullivan i'm caillou my daddy doesn't fix cars oh i'm pretty sure that your dad knows how to fix a whole bunch of things my daddy has a wrench and a hammer in his toolbox too really and he can't fix a car [Music] can you fix my car won't be a problem son i'll have her up and running in no time no my car rosie broke the wheel why don't we let mr sullivan do his work we'll fix your car later okay okay daddy daddy i'm hungry in a minute caillou i have to call mommy first i'll get you a snack caillou i want a chocolate bar [Music] oh did i press the granola bar button by mistake i'm sorry caillou i want them can i press the button make sure you press the right one [Music] after having heard from daddy mommy was happy that everyone was safe and sound oh hello i'm not used to seeing you dining alone where are k.u and rosie they'll be joining me later they've been held up hmm what do you recommend this evening [Music] mr sullivan down here all done caillou your car's all fixed up daddy's car is fixed but mine is still broken mr sullivan would you mind if i borrowed a few of your tools not at all help yourself aha exactly what i need [Music] caillou was happy that his daddy was able to fix his car he loved helping daddy fix things [Music] mommy hello sweetie was the garage fun yes we got both of our cars fixed both cars my car was fixed too [Music] lost and found [Music] okay caillou remember what i told you keep your eyes on the ball i got it [Music] that's okay just take your time hey give me my ball come back daddy help he's got my ball gotcha he has a caller so he must belong to someone well we've looked a long time and no one seems to know whose dog this is he's all alone he must be lost he's a scruffy little guy isn't he scruffy we could call him scruffy oh could i keep him daddy please i'm sorry caillou but this dog probably belongs to someone who misses him very much huh i'll tell you what though we can help find his owner how's that okay caillou was sad he wanted to keep the dog all to himself hello anybody home who's this i found him his name is scruffy he was lost in the park i thought we could help find his owner hmm [Music] [Music] what a mess why don't you two take him outside and clean him up time to rinse him off it was time to look for scruffy's owner so daddy decided to take his picture to put on a poster smile scruffy [Music] perfect now we just have to make copies and buy some dog food on our way home what if no one calls daddy can i keep him we'll see taking care of a dog is a big job hello yes that's him great see you then that was scruffy's owner she saw your poster and is coming over to pick him up [Music] rocky she's been so sad since we lost rocky i'm so glad you found him it was caillou who found him right caillou do you have a dog no but i have a cat his name is gilbert really you're lucky i wanted a cat too but my dad is allergic time to go sweetie i'm so happy you found him thanks for taking care of rocky for me even though caillou was sad that scruffy was leaving he was very proud that he had helped [Music] gilbert holiday magic [Music] caillou love looking at all the christmas lights in his neighborhood he was very excited because today he was going to visit santa what are you drawing caillou a picture for santa so he'll remember what to bring me for christmas that's a great idea what are you gonna ask for caillou was having a very hard time deciding what to ask santa to bring him for christmas what about a toy car caillou finally knew what to ask santa for when are we getting a christmas tree today right after dad finishes up his work he could hardly believe it seeing santa and decorating the tree all in the same day we're going to put decorations on the tree not on you where's daddy i think he's still on the phone he'll be out in a minute i'll go get him daddy hurry we're going to see santa i'll just be a minute caillou you're tracking snow into the house caillou was very impatient to see santa and wanted daddy to get off the phone okay thank you very much i'll talk to you soon come on daddy hurry okay okay i'm coming [Music] you know what i think i better go to the bathroom first go fast daddy this is a switch i usually have to wait for you i'll just be a minute caillou wait for us he was very excited to go and see santa caillou daddy caillou was afraid to get on the escalator by himself and daddy was already on his way up it's okay i'm coming down daddy looked very funny walking down the escalator going the wrong way that's the wrong way you're right the up escalator is only for going up but i had to come and get you [Music] clementine hi caillou i'm gonna tell santa what i want for christmas me too what do you want i want a new doll and a jump rope and an oven so i can make my own cakes and cookies and maybe a new teddy bear or a big fluffy dog what are you asking for but that's only one thing [Music] caillou wasn't sure if he should ask santa for more but all he really wanted was this one special thing watching clementine with santa he was suddenly a little nervous to go up and ask him for what he wanted go on caillou it's your turn this a picture for me i love getting pictures did you write your name on it well then you'd better tell me your name so i don't forget who it's from caillou this is a beautiful drawing caillou why don't you climb up here and tell me more about it caillou was very happy that santa liked his drawing and he didn't feel shy anymore [Music] why this looks like a dinosaur yes it's a dinosaur that walks and talks you mean you want a real dinosaur no a toy dinosaur with batteries phew i don't have many real dinosaurs at the north pole but i think i just might have the kind that you want merry christmas caillou caillou was happy that he had asked santa for a dinosaur and who's this rosie's my sister rosie that's a beautiful name and what would you like for christmas rosie [Music] rosie's a little scared caillou i think we better wait until next year i'm going to bring you something special for christmas rosie bye caillou have a merry merry christmas caillou was proud of being a big boy and not being afraid of santa anymore where are the trees daddy sorry i just sold my last christmas tree to that family over there look at my tree caillou we're going home to decorate it bye i want to decorate a christmas tree too i'm sorry caillou but there are none left there you go kid if you come back tomorrow i promise i'll have the best tree waiting just for you so i'll see you folks tomorrow merry christmas caillou was very upset he didn't want to wait for tomorrow he wanted to decorate the tree today mommy daddy look what on earth gilbert caillou didn't want to be outside he wanted to be inside decorating a christmas tree why can't we get a tree daddy the man said he'd have more trees tomorrow caillou but i want to decorate the tree now you know what maybe we can really why don't we go inside and get that box of decorations we're going to decorate us a christmas tree [Music] mommy can we still have a treat inside of course we can sweetie caillou thought he was the luckiest boy in the world santa claus was bringing him a dinosaur and he was going to have two christmas trees ready wow caillou thought it was the most beautiful tree he had ever seen you're getting to be a big boy [Music] each day i like exploring [Music] my world is turning changing each day with mommy and daddy and finding my way growing up is not so tough except when i've had enough but there's lots of fun stuff [Music] that's me caillou and the tooth fairy [Music] mommy sarah's here look how you i can go really high look at me pass me the shovel sarah sarah what are you doing look why is your tooth all wiggly my baby teeth are falling out because i'm a big girl now i'm gonna put it under my pillow then the tooth fairy will come at night and leave me a present caillou had never heard of the tooth fairy before it's a magical fairy that comes when you're asleep she looks under your pillow to see if there's a tooth and if she finds one she leaves you presents and sometimes money too caillou wish that he had a tooth to leave under his pillow for the tooth fairy here's your juice rosie now eat your snack caillou then we can go outside and play until mommy and daddy get home it looks like you just lost a tooth caillou really i'm missing a tooth too this one right here isn't real it comes out every night do you put it under your pillow for the tooth fairy gosh no i don't want the tooth fairy to take this tooth away hi we're home mommy daddy i want to get presents from the tooth fairy just like sarah you have to wait until you lose one of your teeth before you could get a visit from the tooth fairy sweetie can i put grandpa's tooth under my pillow i'm afraid i need my tooth and besides i think the tooth fairy would know it was mine caillou was discouraged [Music] he really wanted the tooth fairy to come and pay him a visit he thought maybe if he wiggled his teeth enough they would loosen hey this one's loose mommy daddy look my tooth is loose oh it seems just fine to me caillou it's not loose at all hi caillou here i took your shovel home by mistake wow sarah your tooth is gone uh-huh bye [Music] caillou was upset that the tooth fairy wasn't going to visit him unless hey this looks just like a tooth caillou was hoping the tooth fairy would mistake the pebble for a tooth and leave him a present good night caillou did you brush your teeth the tooth fairy's gonna come tonight hmm i don't think you can fool the tooth fairy but why don't we leave it here and maybe she'll come and visit you while you're sleeping but she probably won't leave you a present is that okay okay [Music] i want to grow up [Music] i want a cookie mommy caillou cookies aren't for breakfast okay caillou wished he was tall enough to get his own cookies but he just couldn't reach the cookie jar come on it's time to get ready for the park [Music] look it's andre caillou hadn't seen his friend andre in a long time hi caillou come play with me caillou wanted to do all the things andre was doing wow [Music] wow [Music] it's new my other bike got too small want to try it well okay you're too small caillou caillou wished he was big enough to ride andre's bike [Music] hi caillou did you have a good time at the park i want to be like andre how come he's bigger than me he can ride a big bike caillou andre is a little bit older than you besides you've been growing too you know i have let's take a look see you're a whole inch taller than the last time an inch how big is an inch that's quite a lot to grow caillou caillou is happy that he was bigger than before rosie now we'll measure you too rosie [Music] oh you've grown too see you used to be that big now you're up here and that's caillou big caillou was proud to be rosie's big brother if you keep growing this fast caillou you'll be as big as andre in no time caillou couldn't wait to be as big as andre how can i grow big faster the only way to grow big and strong is to eat well and get lots of sleep that night caillou ate a lot more than usual more caillou i thought you didn't like meatloaf i want to eat lots so i can grow bigger [Music] [Laughter] time for dessert caillou now you can have that cookie you wanted for breakfast i'm too full come on caillou you can work off all that food by helping me with the dishes hmm looks like a problem with the pipes again i'll look at it in the morning caillou thought if he went to bed extra early he might grow faster you're getting ready for bed already it's not even your bedtime yet i want to get lots of sleep look caillou i found an old picture of you see how small you were then i was little that's right caillou now you're a big boy [Music] that night caillou dreamed he was big and strong he could reach the high bar on the jungle gym [Music] and he could ride andre's bike caillou wake up when caillou woke up he was very happy he was feeling much bigger what are you doing i want to see see what daddy daddy am i any bigger i'm afraid you're pretty much the same size as yesterday caillou caillou was disappointed he felt like he'd never be as tall as andre no one grows overnight you've got years to get bigger what are you doing fixing the sink let's see if it works oh no well looks like it's time to call the plumber we probably just need to replace that leaky joint can i see daddy sorry caillou but this is grown-up work caillou decided to do some work of his own on the bathroom sink come on teddy help me fix that leaky joint we may need your help after all caillou if you aren't too busy okay see we need to turn off the water for the plumber but we're too big to fit in there when the plumber gives the signal you'll turn it off okay okay now now it's dark in here daddy i'm right here caillou i did it thanks caillou i could use a little helper like you more often caillou was very proud that he helped the plumber fix the sink aha i see you andre you win again caillou your dad never finds you i'm small enough to fit anywhere [Laughter] [Music] caillou's big chill it was one of the very first days of spring the snow was melting the flowers were growing and caillou and his family were outside enjoying it see there's a flower poking its nose up to catch a few rays of the sun now that all the snow is gone the flowers can grow the snow will be gone for a long long time caillou felt a bit sad that all the snow was gone he loved playing in the snow and he was going to miss it [Music] gilbert hi caillou look what i found that's the last of the snow it will all be melted soon i wish i could keep it well if you want to keep it frozen you should put it in the freezer caillou thought that was a great idea no room i know where caillou thought of a perfect place to keep his snow the bathtub let's get some more kyle and sarah brought a pail after pail of snow until the tub was filled with caillou's very own snow what do you want to make with it a snowman my hands are cold mine too we need mittens there now we just need some eyes and a nose [Music] hi kids sarah your mom was just calling you in for lunch okay bye caillou have fun with the snow snow oh can i have a carrot mommy go ahead honey lunch will be a little while caillou thought his snowman looked absolutely perfect caillou wash your hands lunch will be ready in a minute after caillou had lunch he helped daddy wash the car and he helped mommy with supper before he knew it it was time to get ready for bed hey where did my snowman go a snowman in the bathtub [Music] i wanted to keep it until winter but it's time for the snow to make room for the grass and flowers spring is a lot of fun too we can ride bikes and climb trees i like riding my bike caillou would miss the snow but when he thought about it there were a lot of things he liked about spring too bye mr snowman see you next year leo's hamster [Music] you're lucky to have a hamster yeah he's a lot of fun to play with caillou was very excited he was going to take care of leo's hamster for the weekend while leo was away that's his food and water you have to change it every day hiya buddies caillou was a bit nervous he wasn't very familiar with hamsters and it was a big responsibility see you can hold them like this does he fight no but you have to be very gentle but he can do tricks too see can i try sure don't move it tickles he ate the whole carrot nah he's just hiding it in his cheeks [Laughter] you can pet him on his tummy like this what to play buddy [Music] come on boys time for caillou to bring buddy home leo be careful with your hamster he's your pet he's not a toy okay caillou is looking forward to bringing buddy home and taking care of him here's a list for your dad caillou here we go we have to make sure that gilbert stays far away from buddy we want the room to be safe for him [Music] let's see what we have here leo said i have to check his food and water [Music] everything looks fine can i play with him now buddy's sleeping right now caillou you should let him rest for a bit i'm sure he'll wake up soon okay okay [Music] caillou watched buddy very closely he wanted him to wake up so they could play buddy are you awake [Music] are you still sleeping caillou thought buddy had slept enough and he really wanted to play with him come here boy do you want to play caillou wasn't sure what buddy was doing he was crawling all over him and it was making caillou nervous ah buddy no daddy daddy daddy buddy is hiding and i can't get him did you take him out of his cage yes we better get to buddy before gilbert does come on [Music] he ran behind here i can't see him we better lock gilbert up in his cage until we find him you look for buddy okay i'll be right back [Music] caillou looked and looked everywhere but there was no sign of buddy any luck i can't find him he's got to be here somewhere [Music] not here either don't worry caillou he can't be far we'll find him caillou there's something small and furry in my kitchen mommy why are you standing on the chair me oh no reason where is he honey it went under the fridge here buddy come out keep an eye on him caillou i'll go get his cage buddy come caillou wish the buddy would come out he wondered what he could do to coax him out from under the fridge maybe he'll come if i give him a carrot smart thinking caillou he loves carrots watch this mommy here buddy come and get the yummy carrots how's it going caillou i think he's coming out he's out okay let's put him back in the cage now i'll put him back good job caillou oh but how did buddy get out i only wanted to play with him playing with him is fine but you have to make sure that he goes right back into the cage next time okay that's right sweetie you're responsible for him and it's your job to keep him safe caillou what do you say we let buddy really get some rest now okay daddy okay gilbert you can come out now but you have to stay quiet because buddy is resting [Music] hello come on in hi caillou hi gilbert hi leo bunny ran under the fridge but i saved him how did you get him out with your carrot trick three's a crowd [Music] caillou we're leaving now where are you roar roar i'm playing dinosaurs you and rosie have been inside all day let's go out and get some fresh air can i bring my dinosaur why don't you bring your bucket and shovel instead then you could play in the sandbox okay caillou was happy to see that leo and clementine were at the park too hi can i help build the sand castle watch it caillou look what you did ah you broke my bucket we don't want to play with you you break everything caillou didn't mean to break clementine's bucket he felt very badly mommy what's the matter caillou leo and clementine don't want to play with me did you tell them you wanted to play with them caillou didn't tell his mommy that he had broken clementine's bucket he was sad and angry all at the same time i don't want to play with them anymore i don't like them i want to go home but we just got here caillou rosie's awake why don't you play for a little while longer okay leo clementine come play on the slide with me leo and clementine were so busy playing they didn't even notice caillou caillou didn't find it was as much fun sliding alone he really wanted his friends to play with him mommy can you push me in the swing too aren't you a little big for the baby swings caillou can you push me on that big swings mommy caillou i can't push you on the big swings right now i'm pushing rosie it was no use caillou tried and tried but normally mommy or his friends would push him to get started but there was one thing that caillou could do by himself climb the monkey bars [Music] oh why don't you go and play with leo and clementine they caillou want me to play with them anymore because i broke clementine's bucket well why don't you lend her your bucket here clementine you can have my bucket thanks it's an ice bucket a lot bigger than mine can i play with you sure sit over there you can help me hey you knew that leo and clementine were once again his best friends in the whole wide world get well soon [Music] one of caillou's favorite things to do was play spaceman with his best friend leo [Music] [Music] oh no he's gone [Music] caillou decided that gilbert could help him find the space man [Music] [Music] leo didn't hear anything and checked to see if the coast was clear [Music] was so happy that he had won he didn't notice that leo was hurt i want my money what's wrong leo my foot hurts caillou didn't know what to do he felt scared mommy daddy help leo hurt himself [Music] where does it hurt my foot ouch [Music] leo's foot hurt him so much that he couldn't even stand on it you better take leo home his parents may want to have his foot checked at the hospital good idea the hospital caillou was worried that his friend might have to go to the hospital don't worry leo everything will be all right i want my mummy [Music] is leo okay mommy we'll find out soon caillou but first he needs to have his foot checked at the hospital caillou had never been to the hospital he was very curious about what would happen there what will happen at the hospital well the doctor will look at leo's foot and find out what's wrong with it he might take a special picture called an x-ray to look at leo's bones i have to call leo's parents now will you please watch rosie for me okay mommy yes caillou will neil be okay i'm sure he'll be okay but he probably won't be running around much for a little while caillou hoped leo would get better fast so they would be able to play spaceman again soon maybe that's daddy calling about leo hello [Music] all right see you soon bye was that daddy yes it was and he says leah was already home from the hospital and is doing fine do you think he could come over and play now i don't think so caillou leo has a broken toe so he'll have to stay off his feet for a while he will what's the matter caillou caillou was disappointed that he wasn't going to be able to play with leo i want leo to come over i want to hear about the hospital and play spacemen well leo can't come over here but you could go and visit him i can sure in fact he asked daddy if you could come over and see him later i bet that would really cheer him up caillou couldn't wait to see leo and had a great idea to cheer him up i'm going to draw leo the best picture ever caillou wanted to draw something for leo but what a spaceman leo loves spacemen [Music] there can i see it that's beautiful caillou maybe you can also put the finishing touches on the cookies i'm making for leo okay [Music] that one's for leo leo can't wait to see you me too i made him a drawing can we go now sure we can hi leo caillou caillou was happy to see that leo was okay a spaceman wow thanks here [Music] wow does your foot hurt it did at first but it's okay as long as i don't walk on it i forgot to tie my shoelaces and i tripped on them and fell you went to the hospital yeah and the doctor took a funny picture of my toes you want to play space alien how [Music] i'm coming in for a landing the coast is clear caillou and leo were back to doing what they love best playing together shadow play caillou had his new neighbors jeffrey and jason over for some hot dogs at first the twins seem more interested in each other mommy what's the matter caillou did you spill some mustard it was caillou didn't know whether it was jeffrey or jason who had squirted him i think jeffrey knows what happened that's why he's going to help clean up right jeffrey that's enough helping for now jeffrey [Applause] [Music] can we play a game with this flashlight mommy hide and seek good idea jeffrey you kids could go play in the backyard but not for long it's gonna be dark soon caillou decided he would be it because he had the flashlight one two three four five caillou was excited about playing with his new friends but when he saw how the shadows had begun creeping into the yard he felt a bit scared until he remembered his flashlight come out come out wherever you are hey you two you're hiding in a place that kaya will never come looking well jeffrey's mommy explained that playing fair meant the twins had to go back outside caillou heard something behind a bush huh now caillou started to get really spooked he faced his backyard again and with even thicker shadows it looked like a completely new place to him uh i don't want to play anymore oh i'm sorry caillou i startled you mom is caillou a scaredy cat of course not in fact he was pretty brave out here all by himself it's scary out here when mommy turned on the backyard light all the spooky shadows disappeared they could even keep on playing a little while but this time mommy would be it no one will find me here oh can i hide with you okay are you jason no i am quick come in [Music] we'll get caught [Music] i'm a scary monster [Music] we're hiding caillou didn't want to be found just yet thanks to the game he and the twins were becoming fast friends a new member of the family [Music] no gilbert go away look rosie this is you baby oh look and here's one when gilbert was a kitten come and see caillou how you love looking at pictures with mommy he remembered when gilbert was just a little kitten and daddy had brought him home for the very first time what is it daddy go ahead look it's a surprise it's a kitten it's a kitten i got him at the animal shelter they said his name is gilbert i think it suits him perfectly don't you [Music] he ran away it's okay caillou i think you just frightened him a little he's still a baby and he needs time to get used to us why don't we let him look around a bit while we get some lunch okay mommy is gilbert scared of me oh i don't think so caillou you two will have plenty of time to get used to each other don't worry i thought this might make a good bed he can sleep here in the kitchen why if gilbert is going to be part of our family he needs his own bed i'll just grab an old blanket from the basement oh i think somebody needs their diaper checked i'll be back in a second caillou you finish your lunch okay okay [Music] gilbert caillou remembered to move slowly so that gilbert wouldn't be afraid of him caillou was happy that gilbert didn't run away this time he wanted to hold him and pet him so that gilbert would know that he was his friend [Music] gilbert come back [Music] are you hungry hey gilbert you're making a mess [Music] look what gilbert did daddy [Music] we can't allow gilbert on the table caillou we'll get him his very own little bowl and put it on the floor okay you better take them both upstairs and clean them up can we give gilbert a bath well cats don't normally like taking baths but gilbert certainly needs one now i want to help just as soon as we take gilbert's flea collar off we don't want to get it wet here caillou why don't you hold gilbert while i fill up the tub caillou was a little nervous to hold gilbert again he didn't like it when gilbert squirmed in his arms here let's wrap him in this towel it'll be easier for you to hold him you see it's just like holding a baby hold on tight but don't squeeze him too hard hey you loved his new kitten very much okay come on gilbert time to get you cleaned up daddy he ran away [Music] gilbert had escaped again caillou didn't understand why he was always running away from him he's not here daddy not here either there he is why don't we go real slow okay caillou we don't want to scare him okay daddy do you see him no he's not in his bed caillou come here i have an idea why are you taking off my shoes daddy not your shoes just the laces here now wave it back and forth on the floor and i bet you it'll get his attention caillou didn't understand why he was doing this until [Music] i've never met a kitten that could resist a shoelace [Music] he's all clean he sure is what's that noise daddy he's purring that means he's happy caillou is glad that he could make gilbert happy by petting him he liked it when gilbert purred now all we have to do is put back on his flea collar hmm you've been sneezing an awful lot since gilbert got here i hope you're not allergic to him what's allergic when people are allergic to animals they can't be around them because they make them sneeze too much and get itchy watery eyes this worried caillou very much he didn't want to be allergic to gilbert come on caillou let's go see what mommy thinks if caillou was allergic to cats mommy and daddy would have to take gilbert back to the animal shelter no sign of hives and your eyes aren't watery do they itch caillou no mommy here caillou try holding him for a while [Music] i don't want gilbert to leave i have an idea let's try it without the flea collar on caillou was really hoping he wouldn't sneeze he didn't want to be allergic to his new cat well that's a good sign caillou let mommy hold gilbert for a second and you hold on to this [Music] that's it since it was the flea collar that was making caillou sneeze and not gilbert it meant that little kitten could stay [Music] gilbert has grown up so fast [Music] [Laughter] and that's how gilbert became a new member of the family surprise party [Music] mommy daddy and grandpa were out shopping so caillou and rosie were spending a lovely afternoon with grandma come color with me grandma in a minute caillou just as soon as i finish ironing why are you ironing to make this shirt nice and smooth i gave it to grandpa for his birthday last week i didn't go to his birthday party grandpa didn't have a party caillou caillou couldn't imagine having a birthday without a birthday party why not grandpa had a bad cold and he wasn't up to celebrating that day i want to give him a party today i think that's a wonderful idea he'll be very surprised i want hats and games pin the tail on the donkey and a birthday cake well then we're going to need some supplies i want to use lots of colors i think i've got some more crayons in here somewhere i can't see i guess it needs a few adjustments [Music] grandma i want to hang the donkey somewhere [Music] i knew you'd find the perfect spot caillou caillou thought the decorations looked nice but there was still something missing we need balloons grandma i think i've got some left from your birthday party [Music] caillou maybe you have to be a little older to blow up balloons caillou was disappointed that he wasn't able to blow up the balloon yet but then he remembered something fun that he could do look what i can do grandma wow that's a neat trick caillou can you do another [Music] that's okay you just have to remember to rub a little more gently like before [Music] there [Music] is this enough for all of grandpa's birthdays oh i don't think we have enough candles for that how about we just put one candle in the cake for each guest at the party caillou could hardly wait for grandpa to get home so he and rosie could yell surprise like grandma had shown them [Music] surprise happy birthday grandpa isn't this wonderful thank you so much why didn't you let me in on the secret it was all caillou's idea caillou's bad dream late one night after everyone had gone to bed caillou was having a bad dream mommy daddy what's wrong caillou i had a bad dream there there what did you dream a scary monster was chasing me bad dreams can feel pretty scary sometimes but it's okay it's over now right do you feel better now yes daddy good let's tuck you back in [Music] good night caillou good night daddy caillou saw a shape on the wall that looked like a monster he thought if he hid under his blanket the monster wouldn't see him [Music] my dinosaur caillou felt scared being all alone in his room so he decided to go join mommy and daddy in their bed daddy wake up [Music] what is it caillou what's wrong i don't want to sleep in my room i want to stay here i know but you should stay in your own bed like a big boy but i don't want to we all need our rest caillou you'll be tired and grumpy tomorrow if you don't get some sleep mommy i want a glass of water okay i'll be right back caillou wanted his mommy to stay and read him a story so he went over to his shelf to pick out a book here's your water [Music] can you read me a bedtime story mommy i'm sorry caillou but it's much too late for stories just one please it's very late it's time to go to sleep but i'm not sleepy [Music] yes you are oh and so am i see all of your animals are sleepy too huh mommy what is it caillou gilbert spilled my water that's okay see all gone caillou was really trying to fall asleep but he just couldn't no matter which way he turned he didn't feel comfortable he felt restless caillou was sure he would feel better sleeping in mommy and daddy's bed [Music] huh caillou what are you doing here i want to sleep here i don't like my bed but this bed can't fit all three of us and your bed is the perfect size for you and what about teddy and gilbert sleeping all alone in your room they'll be very lonely without you they can sleep here too nope no room come on caillou back to bed [Music] wait i have to go to the bathroom gilbert and teddy sure are glad to have you back now you can all get some sleep i don't want to sleep daddy let's play a game look outside caillou what do you see it's dark i can't see anything that's right everybody's lights are out because they're all fast asleep in their beds even the sun has gone to sleep you know when i was a little boy sometimes i used to have bad dreams too really yup and i had a trick that grandma taught me that could help you too when i was in bed with my eyes closed just before falling asleep i used to think of good things some of my favorite things in the world like what like rainbows and jumping and big piles of leaves things like that what are some of your favorite things chocolate cookies my trucks those sound perfect good night caillou and remember think of good things okay caillou started to think about all his favorite things especially his fire truck the problem was he was thinking about them so much that he couldn't fall asleep caillou decided to get up and play [Music] caillou was worried his parents might wake up so he tried to stop the noise what's all that noise caillou why are you playing it's the middle of the night caillou was really very tired now but he still didn't want to sleep in his bed sweetie you just need some sleep now lie down and close your eyes and you'll drift off what if i have another bad dream let me see your pillow how come there i flipped your pillow over to the good dream side now you're sure to have good dreams gilbert's asleep and teddy's asleep and dinosaurs asleep and caillou's asleep good night caillou sweet dreams caillou computes [Music] daddy's home caillou had no idea what daddy was bringing home in the big box he wondered if maybe there was something special inside the box for him what is it daddy it's a surprise hey don't i get a hello hug is it a toy not really maybe it's a giant dinosaur egg no it's not daddy daddy's being silly let's put it in the playroom and go see what's in the box caillou was very curious to see what was in the big box what is it it's a computer caillou was disappointed he hoped that daddy had brought a surprise just for him i'll show you how it works caillou once i get it hooked up i bought a drawing program just for you it's a cat in the box caillou look there was a dinosaur in the box after all see you can draw on the computer and then print out your drawing do i need my crayons no look you draw by moving this it's called a mouse a mouse look gilbert squeak squeak square caillou liked drawing on the computer but it was tricky at first using a mouse to draw gilbert wants the mouse squeak squeak why don't i print this up for you and you could color in the rest okay we could play again a little later caillou was disappointed he wanted to keep playing with the computer but he also thought the crayons were a lot easier to draw with no gilbert get down honey where are rosie's diapers caillou wanted to print up another dinosaur so that he could color it in again he had seen mommy press a button and he thought he would try oh caillou what happened i wanted another dinosaur drawing i broke the computer mommy you didn't break it sweetie look but from now on you have to wait for mommy or daddy before you can use the computer okay caillou was relieved that he hadn't broken the computer and he soon discovered that playing in the computer box was actually just as fun as playing with the computer [Music] that wasn't a very smooth landing was it come on you two dinner's ready good night mommy can i play on the computer tomorrow with you of course he can't tie you gilbert's afraid of the mouse mommy that's because he's a scaredy cat caillou's big discovery [Music] caillou and leo were playing in the backyard they were pretending they were dinosaurs i'm as big as a mountain me too leo look a dinosaur jungle roar caillou stay away from my flowers please caillou knew that he wasn't supposed to walk through the garden but when he played with leo he sometimes got carried away let's find a dinosaur mountain to climb we can pile up rocks yeah and then we can climb it rocker here's a rock dinosaurs need a whole bunch of rocks we can pile them up in the sandbox caillou and leo were disappointed they wanted a bigger pile of rocks to climb we need bigger rocks that's a really big rock help me leo boys you're too close to my tomato plants you might damage them daddy help we need this for our dinosaur mountain a dinosaur mountain huh that's a pretty big rock caillou well since it's sticking out and someone can trip over it we may as well move it okay leo you grab there and caillou you push here and i'll pull [Music] hey it looks like we've just dug up something special a special rock yep look that's a fish fossil what's a fossil well a long long time ago a fish got stuck in the mud and after a long time the mud turned into rock how did the fish get stuck in the mud maybe a bunch of mud fell on it this was a real fish good work boys finding a fossil is very rare can i bring this home with me no it's my rock but i found it no i found it caillou and leo were arguing because they both wanted the special rock but there was only one way they could both have it you boys are going to have to take turns playing with the rock okay okay let's bring it to the sandbox we've got lots of rocks now i'm gonna climb the dinosaur mountain i'm going to climb first what was that it's a big dinosaur coming to climb our mountain it's raining we can play in the rain i bet dinosaurs like rain let's bring the rocks inside [Music] there now we can play dinosaurs but we don't have our special rock it's too big to carry boys what are you doing bringing rocks inside you've made a mess caillou and leo realized they had done something wrong but all they wanted to do was to continue playing dinosaurs but it's raining and we can't play outside well you can't bring the rocks inside the house did caillou and leo tell you about the special rock they found no but it looks like they found a few special rocks and they brought them all inside we found a fossil rock but it's too big to carry i've got an idea why don't we leave the rocks outside so the rain will clean them off and i can take you and leo to the library to find some books on fossils okay caillou and leo were excited about going to the library they had never gone to the library together before i'm going to find a book on fossils i'm gonna find a book about dinosaurs why don't you both find a book on dinosaur fossils dinosaur fossils i'll find it first caillou and leo looked and looked but they couldn't find the book they were searching for are you boys looking for any special kind of books dinosaur fossils we have lots of books about dinosaurs let me show you where they are caillou and leo were very happy looking at books about dinosaurs this dinosaur is as big as a tree this one looks scary [Music] leo look [Music] wow a dinosaur fossil pretty neat huh it's a model of a dinosaur fossil we found a fossil today it's a fish that got stuck in the mud really would you boys like to bring it in sometime you could put it on display right here next to this model of the dinosaur fossil yeah that's a great idea should we bring it in tomorrow yeah caillou and leo were very pleased that their fish fossil was going to be in the library so that lots of other children could see it too everyone's gonna see our special rock we have to make it all shiny and clean there maybe we can find another fossil a dinosaur fossil [Music] you're getting to be a big boy i'm just a kid each day i grow some more i like exploring [Music] so day many things new i'll share them with you [Music] my world is turning changing each day with mommy and daddy i'm finding my way growing up [Music] that's me caillou goes to the car wash [Music] look rosie i drew a happy face what are you two up to rosie you're all dirty and caillou you should know better but i'm not dirty daddy see only my finger the car is filthy you and rosie need to go and clean up caillou can you help your little sister [Music] what have you two been up to rosie you're all dirty i'm not dirty mommy and i'm going to help rosie wash her hands i think she may need more than just her hands washed our two young artists were drawing on the side of the car the car could use a good washing too then when we washed the car daddy caillou loved helping his daddy wash the car especially on a hot summer day i'll get the bucket well there i wasn't planning on washing the car today i have a lot to do around the house do you think you'd have time for a quick run to the car wash then and caillou especially loved going to the car wash okay let's hop to it we're going to the car wash [Music] looks like you've already been to the car wash come on let's get you changed first all set you're gonna love the car wash rosie rosie had never been to a car wash before she didn't know what to expect hurry up rosie caillou had been to the car wash before with his daddy so he knew how much fun it was you'll see there are lots of soap and bubbles and brushes and water room and the car comes out clean like new here we are red light stop green light rosie was a little nervous as the car wash began there was a lot of noise look water everything will be all right rosie it's a little scary isn't it i'm not scared daddy rosie [Music] why don't you try to make her feel better caillou remember that he had been scared the first time he went through the car wash too it's the dryer rosie just like at home ready for the rinse cycle i want to go through the car wash again far away home [Music] caillou's mommy and daddy had gone out for the evening and rosie and caillou were excited because julie the babysitter had come to look after them did you like that story yes let's play now look inside i've brought something special to show you what is it another book yes this one's an atlas full of pictures of faraway places where's that this is a desert and those big piles of sand are called sand dunes sand sand sand i'd like to go there what the it's a camel look it's got two humps that's right caillou and over there is a palm tree and there's another palm tree caillou started to make believe he was in a far away place you're right we must be near the desert can you help me find it caillou okay rosie helped you [Music] i know it's this way caillou decided that the basement would make a perfect pretend desert we can make a camel good idea caillou we'll need this it needs humps now for the blanket [Music] this can be its head [Music] wow it's a camel let's give teddy a camel ride rosie [Music] this way caillou loved leading rosie and julie through the desert like a real explorer he felt very brave and adventurous [Music] the sun's very hot in this desert follow me it's a palm tree that's great caillou come on rosie let's go sit in the shade [Music] after all this traveling i think it's suppertime for the hungry explorers an oasis is a cool shady place with lots of palm trees where desert explorers can find food and water look more palm trees they sure are you chose a perfect place for our pretend desert oasis caillou oh looks like our littlest explorer needs to turn in for the night come on rosie time for bed caillou why don't you look at the atlas while i put rosie to bed be back in a second caillou was glad he didn't have to go to bed yet he liked looking at the atlas and finding new places to explore mountains caillou tried hard to imagine where a pretend mountain could be suddenly he thought of just the right place julie i'll show you a mountain place see it's a big mountain let's go hurry okay caillou i'm right behind you i see the [Music] did top yeah the famous explorers reached the summit let's celebrate this can be a flag like in the picture [Music] hmm i think it's time for caillou the tired explorer's bath uh-uh i want to play some more caillou didn't want to go to bed yet he was having too much fun come on caillou but i don't want my bath yet don't you want to explore this steamy tropical jungle a jungle look a river ready for a river trip caillou yes wow what's that way over there it's a i know it's a waterfall i'm going to explore while julie was draining the bathtub caillou was planning a surprise for her caillou in here this is my tent so i see but even busy explorers need their sleep can i have your flashlight please stars now you can pretend you're sleeping under the stars like a real explorer exploring is fun sure is we traveled to all sorts of faraway places didn't we but i like home too caillou couldn't wait for morning to arrive so he could tell his mommy and daddy all about his travels [Music] all you can eat [Music] caillou was helping his mommy prepare a picnic lunch yummy he and his mommy were going on a picnic with clementine and her mommy i think we have enough celery caillou why don't you decorate the cupcakes okay mommy look mommy i'm making a cupcake for clementine i made a face caillou you won't be hungry if you keep eating like that yes i will [Music] no more snacking caillou you won't be able to eat your picnic lunch [Music] hi caillou i made the picnic with my mommy too here caillou i made a special sandwich for you all by myself mommy caillou's not eating his special sandwich why aren't you eating caillou i'm not very hungry i have an idea why don't you and clementine play for a while you two can eat later okay you want to play hide and seek no i want to play tag okay you're it while caillou and clementine were playing tag they forgot all about the picnic i'm gonna get you what are you looking at caillou look clementine squirrels [Music] quick let's follow them looks like we're going to have two big hungry squirrels running back to our picnic mommy look wow look at that this squirrel is gathering nuts for the winter why does he have big cheeks he's putting the nuts in his cheeks and then he's going to store them in his house for the winter anybody home you want to see the squirrel's house the coast is clear yes [Music] caillou was amazed to see that the squirrel's house was filled with so many nuts i'm hungry mommy i'm hungry too [Music] this is yummy i made this for you mmm i love cupcakes now that caillou had his appetite back he thought this was the best tasting picnic he had ever had caillou stays up late [Music] forget to buy some flowers we want the house to look nice flowers okay what are you doing mommy i'm getting everything ready for the party tonight caillou remember that his mommy and daddy were having a party are we going to play games no sweetie not tonight why not because it's a dinner party for grown-ups i want to go to the party too you can't caillou it's not for children and it'll be happening way past your bedtime but i want to come caillou felt left out because the grown-ups were having a party and he couldn't be there well i think we've got everything we need for the party don't you yes daddy but i just can't help thinking we forgot something important what could it be i know mommy wanted flowers that's it do you want to choose the flowers caillou [Music] how about these yes mommy would like these yes she will it will make the house look pretty for the guests tonight who's coming daddy we've invited a few friends over for a supper party can i invite my friends too no caillou not tonight besides you won't have any fun at this party caillou didn't understand how mommy and daddy's party wouldn't be any fun parties are always fun [Music] oh good you remembered the flowers i remembered them mommy thank you caillou can you help me put them in the vase [Music] caillou thought the guests had arrived for the party hi caillou but it was julie caillou's babysitter are you here for the party no i'm here to help your mommy [Music] i'm going to give you and rosie your supper and put you to bed [Music] i don't want to go to bed on caillou put your pajamas on please i don't want to how's it going in here caillou doesn't want to get into his pajamas he wants to stay up and go to the party hi great to see you come here caillou didn't like being left out of the party tell you what if you put your pajamas on you can come down and say good night to everyone okay okay mommy [Music] caillou came to say good night i think it's time for bed caillou [Music] now you go straight to sleep caillou okay okay julie [Music] caillou tried to go to sleep but he was too curious about all the excitement downstairs to keep his eyes closed good night have a good time tonight [Music] caillou couldn't see the party very well from the stairs he wanted a closer look [Music] i thought you were supposed to be in bed but i can't sleep it's too noisy big boys can sleep even when it's a little noisy why don't we give it another try okay daddy [Music] good night caillou good night daddy [Music] caillou suddenly remembered he left his dinosaur downstairs [Music] caillou you know you're not supposed to be up this late but i forgot [Music] mommy are you going to play games at your party what kind of games do you think we should play [Music] face painting [Laughter] that would be funny wouldn't it now caillou you really must go to sleep i mean it okay mommy see you in the morning sweetie night night night night [Music] you look sleepy caillou well that's what happens when you stay up late look i'm not sleepy anymore can i stay up late tonight [Music] no honey i think it's going to be an early night for all of us backyard zoo caillou was excited because he was going to the zoo with his friends daddy daddy i'm going to see the monkeys daddy and the lions [Laughter] oh no look at the time leo and clementine will be here any second we better go and get you ready [Music] there now are you sure you don't need to go to the bathroom maybe i need to we can't go to the zoo i'm terribly sorry but billy has a terrible toothache and i was wondering if i could leave clementine and leo with you while i take him to the dentist sure no problem can you take us to the zoo i'm sorry sweetie i just can't i have a lot of work to do and so does caillou's daddy how you leo and clementine were disappointed that they couldn't go to the zoo i'm sorry you can't go to the zoo today but you'll be able to go another day why don't you come outside and play we're bored mommy well if you're not going to play you can help me with the laundry look i'm a zebra and a very nice zebra you are too clementine's a zebra clementine's a zebra [Music] hey maybe you don't have to go to the zoo after all it looks like there are wild animals right here now i wonder what kind of animal leo is rawr i'm a big bear roar [Music] what about me mommy what can i be there's only socks well i'm not sure really let's see if we could think of something i fixed the dryer honey what's the matter caillou i want to be an animal like leon clementine hmm that is a problem let's see if we can solve it clementine's a zebra and leo's a bear beer beer but what can i be turtle turtle well there's an idea would you like to be a turtle yes okay hmm you'll need a shell [Music] i need this car you knew the laundry basket was perfect for making a turtle shell look i'm a turtle i'm a turtle [Music] [Laughter] caillou scavenger hunt [Music] mommy wait what is it caillou [Music] help me with these caillou had some new craft supplies and he wanted mommy to help him make something with them i don't have time right now julie can help you later i want you to help me now caillou was not happy he didn't like it when his mommy didn't have time for him almost ready is julie here yet i want mommy to help me mommy and daddy have to go out now mommy doesn't have time to play we won't be gone long caillou besides you like playing with julie hi everyone hi julie come on in hi rosie hi caillou is something wrong caillou was too sad to say anything to julie but it didn't take julie long to figure out what was wrong what have you got there i want to make something and i want mommy to help i can help you if you want but i also brought a great game for us to play together a game where right here where right here it's all the stuff we need to have our very own scavenger hunt what's that in a scavenger hunt you have a list of things that you have to find what list it looks like you're gonna have lots of fun caillou bye now hmm now it says here the first thing we have to find is a feather i can't wait to see how we do can you to be really good scavenger hunters we need to be ready to think a little caillou wasn't sure he understood what julie meant he was still figuring out what a scavenger hunt was for instance where do you think the best place would be to find a feather i don't know where do feathers come from do you remember birds good thinking caillou and a lot of birds live in the park don't they look julie yes i see them now if there are birds up there chances are there will be feathers down i found one julie i found the feather well done caillou let's keep all our scavenger hunt items in here okay caillou was really enjoying himself he could hardly wait to find out what the next item was on the list it says an acorn where do you think you would find an acorn caillou here's a hint acorns come from oak trees oak trees have leaves that look like this [Music] me too [Music] look julie good for you caillou see i told you that you and rosie would like this game i found everything and rosie found nothing but you never know what she might find now what's next on the list something purple hmm caillou looked all over the park [Music] but none of the things he found were purple until finally look julie something purple well it is purple but i'm afraid it belongs to somebody else we can't really take it with us [Music] purple good hunting caillou and good helping rosie the next thing on the list is a bobby pin i think that means it's time to go back to your house [Music] hey it came out by itself well caillou i suppose that's one way to get something on the list but the next thing we're looking for is a bottle cap and don't bother looking for one of those in my hair because there aren't any there okay julie let's think where would a bottle cap be [Music] i got it way to go caillou according to my list there's only one more thing to find a bell now remember think [Music] caillou could hear a bell but he couldn't see one he began to think maybe it was coming from upstairs caillou followed the sound of the bell all the way to rosie's room the bell i need it rosie caillou do you think you could tell rosie why you need her teddy's bell rosie can i have the bell for our scavenger hunt [Music] hooray you two got everything on the list hooray we did it caillou just couldn't wait to show his mommy and daddy what he and rosie and julie had done that afternoon you know it would be nice if there were some special way we could show your mom and dad all these things you found caillou thought about it and soon he had an idea [Music] great idea rosie and i will help hi julie hi caillou and rosie did you have fun on your scavenger hunt yes look [Music] so caillou you got to do a scavenger hunt and make a craft too aren't you glad you had julie to play with today i want her to come again lots mommy will you bring a new game next time julie yes i will caillou i love playing games with you and rosie too many cooks [Music] caillou was waiting for his babysitter julie to come and look after him he loved it when julie came over still no sign of julie caillou she's never been this late before well i left messages everywhere but i couldn't find another babysitter i'm sorry honey i guess we won't be going to the wedding after all [Music] mr hinkle caillou liked mr hinkle very much and suddenly it dawned on him that mr hinkle would make an excellent babysitter do you want to babysit me mr hinkle me babysit you really mommy daddy mr hinkle's going to babysit me caillou i'm sorry mr hinkle i really didn't mean for caillou don't be silly i'd love to faster horsey faster [Applause] how about a snack kids can you make a cake mr hinkle the last time caillou went to visit mr hinkle he was baking a cake and caillou really wanted mr hinkle to bake another one of his delicious cakes you really like my cake didn't you caillou but since i won't be cooking in my kitchen you're going to have to help me okay you can wear mommy's apron so you won't get dirty hmm we need three eggs can you get those for me caillou now we need some butter that's great now do you know where your mommy keeps her pots and pans i'll get it [Music] hi caillou i heard your mom needed someone to keep an eye on you today mr hinkle and me are making a cake hello mr hinkle i'd love to help what can i do [Music] very good by you now we have to add the most important part chocolate [Music] hi caillou i'm so sorry i'm late wow it looks like you now have three babysitters hi julie are you here to take over well i guess i'll get going too caillou but you can't leave yet you have to stay and eat the cake caillou was proud that he had helped bake the cake and he was very happy that he had a lot of people to share it with this is delicious caillou mr hinkle and mrs martin helped me but it was my idea i think rosie's enjoying it too hello we're back oh hi everyone we came home early because we thought mr hinkle would need some help we're having a party i can see that and you have cake look what we brought you thanks mommy but ours is much better [Laughter] the berry patch [Music] come on caillou we've got to get you ready to go yay are they here yet any minute here i packed your bag caillou was very excited today he was going strawberry picking with clementine's family hi caillou ready for our big day come on caillou time to go um daddy caillou was not quite ready to go he had something he had to do first [Music] i almost forgot teddy all set now have a nice day caillou daddy can't you come too not this time you're clementine special guest we'll be back before supper [Music] clementine and billy were having fun playing together and caillou felt a little left out why don't you two play a game with caillou i know let's play yellow car how do you play it's easy the first one to spot a yellow car says it out loud this sounded like a fun game caillou stared outside and looked around yellow car let's play red car now i see when i see one i see a red car i win and i see a red strawberry look wow looks like we're here kids caillou had never been to a strawberry field before he thought it looked like any other field he didn't see any strawberries just yet i think it would be better if teddy stayed in the car caillou why i always bring teddy teddy will be fine here he'll be waiting for you besides you'll need both hands to carry your basket okay kids i want you to wait right here while i get some baskets i'll be right back okay let's race first one at the end of the road wins come on caillou caillou wasn't sure if he should since clementine's mom told him to stay put but he didn't want to be left out of the game go are you okay oh no caillou look at your knee it's bleeding mommy caillou wasn't hurt but when he saw his knee all red he wanted his mommy oh dear what happened let's have a look caillou you were supposed to wait for me let's see hey wait a minute look caillou you're not bleeding are you all right when caillou realized he wasn't bleeding he started to feel much better he wasn't hurt after all [Music] look you fell on a whole bunch of strawberries where see you pick them like this and you only pick the red ones not the green ones because they're not ready so let's get started here each of you can take a basket i'm going to fill my basket first oh yeah well i bet i could find the biggest strawberry ever caillou was very curious about the strawberries he loved searching for the red ones that were hidden under all the leaves they looked so good yummy one for daddy one for mommy one for me [Music] one for rosie one for me and so caillou picked and picked a whole bunch of strawberries but his basket wasn't filling up very quickly because he kept on eating them come on kids let's take a break and have some lunch [Music] look my basket's full huh i finished first okay but did you find the biggest strawberry ever this one's big what about you caillou uh i uh i wasn't finished i won because i found the biggest strawberry in the whole world [Music] let me see billy wow billy did you take an apple from the picnic basket an apple you cheated lunch is ready come and get it what's wrong caillou you're not hungry caillou wasn't very hungry because he had eaten a lot of strawberries and his tummy hurt him a little oh i see you've had plenty to eat already well you can always eat later but from now on why don't you put the strawberries in your basket instead of your tummy okay here caillou teddy will help you feel better after a little while caillou's tummy felt much better he had his lunch and was just finishing up you want some juice teddy are you sure you're feeling okay caillou maybe we should head back home but caillou wanted to stay and pick more strawberries he wanted his basket to be as full as clementines but my basket isn't full mommy i want to stay all right you can pick a few more strawberries before we go whoa [Music] it's full one more there's no more room caillou here teddy a strawberry just for you and that's how caillou spent his first day strawberry picking he loved it so much that he couldn't wait to come back again [Music] caillou's suitcase [Music] is it time to go yet mommy caillou was excited because he and his family were going on a trip to the mountains as soon as i finish the dishes we have to pack then we can leave whoa these suitcases were sure well hidden here's your suitcase caillou caillou was pleased to have his very own suitcase only big boys have suitcases i want to pack my suitcase now well the sooner we pack the sooner we leave no daddy i can do it [Music] here these buckles can be tricky there caillou was amazed at the inside of the suitcase there were all sorts of places to put things he couldn't wait to put all his things in it do we have enough diapers for rosie oh no i forgot to go to the store i'll go right away i won't be gone long when i get back i'll help you pack your suitcase okay okay but hurry up [Music] caillou couldn't go on vacation without his favorite teddy bear or his favorite dinosaur caillou thought he was forgetting something important but what caillou could you come and get your swimming gear please there's no room caillou didn't know what to do he couldn't seem to find a way to get everything to fit in the suitcase caillou tried with all his might but he couldn't get the suitcase to close something would have to come out he just couldn't decide what to take out of his suitcase he wanted to bring all his favorite things on the trip what are you doing caillou i'm packing my suitcase but it doesn't work well it sure looks like you put a lot of thought into what you wanted to bring and that's very important but i think you packed too many toys we're only going away for a weekend so you should only pack what you need what are you gonna wear when we go for a walk in the woods mommy helped caillou pack the things he needed for the trip [Music] and of course they didn't forget to pack a few of caillou's favorite things mommy wait we forgot teddy do we really need all of that i'm sure we have more than enough mommy says to only pack what you need and she's right maybe we don't need this one caillou helped daddy pack the car with just what they needed for their trip and it was a perfect fit try try again [Music] all week caillou had been waiting to go to the beach and finally saturday had arrived [Music] come on caillou the sooner you're finished your breakfast the sooner we can get going okay mommy uh-oh here daddy can you blow this up finished let's go all right why don't you grab what you want to bring from your bedroom i want to wear my new running shoes okay caillou are you sure you want to bring all these toys to the beach yes mommy can you tie my shoes we gotta hurry you're getting to be such a big boy how would you like to learn how to tie your own shoes okay here i'll show you first we put one lace over the other and pull then we make a loop which we call a tree and this other lace is the rabbit a rabbit really sure he runs around the tree and down his hole and see your shoe is tied okay now you try first one lace over the other now make the tree that's the rabbit now where does he run it's too hard do you want to try it once more caillou didn't feel like trying anymore he preferred to put on his old shoes with the straps he was very good at putting on those shoes no i like my old shoes here we go rosie off to the beach here daddy can you watch rosie while i put these in the car okay mommy my foot hurts that's because you've outgrown those shoes here let's put on the new ones you know it's okay you didn't figure out how to tie your shoes the first time you could try again when you feel like it i know mommy [Music] we're here [Music] finally here all right rosie let's get some sunblock on you i wouldn't want you to get a sunburn and you're next caillou ah a nice relaxing day at the beach what could be better let's play catch daddy okay no wait i want to fly my kite that's a great idea caillou no i want to play baseball okay baseball it is [Music] oh no i fell daddy i can see that are you okay let's play hold on here's why you tripped your shoelaces are untied i can tie my own shoes mommy showed me that's great can you show me sure um this is the tree and the rabbit climbs the tree and then goes around like this oh it didn't work hmm as i remember it the rabbit runs around the tree and goes down his hole why don't you give it another try caillou couldn't remember how mommy showed him to tie his shoe he wanted his daddy to do it for him help me daddy [Music] caillou decided to build the biggest sand castle ever he wanted to show mommy and daddy what a big sand castle he could build woozy do it and caillou wanted to show his little sister all about building a big sand castle you fill the hail with sand pat it down and turn it over [Music] oh now you try rosie uh-huh [Music] i'll do it no caillou couldn't understand why rosie refused his help he wanted her to listen to him [Music] ready go [Music] it's flying [Music] i don't think there's enough wind right now perhaps if we try it again in a little while no mommy one more time please all right one more time go go [Music] very good caillou you were right to keep trying come on rosie let's go to the car okay caillou time to go okay daddy uh oh [Music] the rabbit goes around the tree uh oh someone's dawdling [Music] i'll get him we'll be back in a second then the rabbit goes down the hall hey caillou we've got to get going home my shoe came undone why don't you let me tie them and then you can practice in the car no daddy i want to do it okay how about i help you the rabbit goes around the tree and down his hall okay now pull it work i tied my shoe very good caillou i knew you could do it if you just kept trying caillou was feeling very proud even though he couldn't do it all alone he had finally succeeded in tying his shoe the new leaf [Music] where's grandpa he'll be here soon caillou caillou was very impatient for grandpa to arrive today grandpa caillou and his daddy we're going for a walk in the woods grandpa's here hi caillou hi grandpa ready for our hike in the woods daddy grandpa's here hi dad would you like a cup of coffee before we go come on i don't think we have time looks like someone's in a hurry to get going caillou didn't know it yet but this was going to be a very special walk in the woods come on caillou when your dad was a little boy we'd go walking in the woods every fall just before all the leaves fell to the ground and then we play a little game your dad and i would try and catch a falling leaf before it touched the ground why what's a family tradition caillou what's that it's something that you do with your family every year are you ready to give it a try here i'll show you my turn caillou thought leaf catching was a great game and looked up at the treetops for another falling leaf there caillou [Music] nice try don't be disappointed caillou let's try our luck a little further up the path [Music] daddy my come on you two there's a wind stirring up might be plenty of leaves to catch soon here they come caillou wanted to catch a leaf too so he did exactly like grandpa and daddy [Music] got one caillou didn't exactly catch a falling leaf this game was much harder than he thought it would be [Laughter] can we try again absolutely we have to keep trying until we catch the perfect leaf caillou tried and tried again he wouldn't stop until he caught a leaf and he wanted it to be the nicest leaf ever but he was tired and he thought he would never catch a leaf until i got one i [Music] caillou had caught the most beautiful leaf he had ever seen i'm proud of you caillou you caught your very first leaf let's put it in the scrapbook i'm going to keep it forever can we do it again next year daddy we sure can it's a tradition remember [Music] happy new year caillou and rosie were having breakfast one morning and rosie wanted her tiger to have breakfast too okay rosie oh well since you're so good at feeding that tiger why don't you give our big tiger his breakfast as well our big tiger gilbert [Music] caillou loved feeding gilbert [Music] gilbert i think he went outside yalebird gilbert [Music] but it wasn't gilbert it was sarah's cat ollie [Music] ollie that's gilbert's food that's the second time you've done that this week can you take ollie home please and see if you can find gilbert okay [Music] gilbert ollie gilbert came into our house and tried to take ollie's food we were bringing him home ollie tried to take gilbert's food [Music] ollie caillou this is my cousin lee one hello hello lee one staying with us for chinese new year caillou had never heard of chinese new years before it's the year of the tiger a tiger we call the new year the year of the tiger but there isn't really a tiger there is a dragon though a real dragon yes we're going to see it tomorrow would you like to come with us to see the dragon at first caillou wasn't sure if he wanted to see a real dragon yes caillou was excited that he was going to see a real dragon with sarah and lee wood [Music] what is it it's to wish you lots of happiness in the new year and that one is to wish you a long long life you want to help me put it up mom caillou said he wanted to see the dragon tomorrow is that right would you like to come with us to chinatown caillou what's that it's where the dragon lives i'll give your mommy a call and ask her if it's okay then did you clean your room sarah yes mommy we have to clean the whole house from top to bottom for the new year why i don't know we just do you get a special new year coin today leewoon felt sorry for caillou because he didn't get a special new year coin and asked sarah if they could give him one sure caillou had never seen a special new year coin before happy new year [Music] oh no it looks like the year of two tigers [Music] [Applause] are you excited about going to chinatown with your friends caillou yes mommy caillou was excited about going with his friends but he was also a bit nervous about seeing a dragon he wasn't so sure if he wanted to go anymore you must be a bit scared about seeing a dragon so i thought you would like the story about the big friendly dragon that was one of caillou's favorite stories once upon a time there was a big friendly dragon who lived in a forest all of his friends would gather around and they would the next day caillou went to chinatown with his friends for a special new year's meal would you pass me the jayazi please [Music] [Music] could you pass them again please [Music] how would you two like some more tang yong yes here it comes go ahead honey here are your jayazi that was pretty clever mom i thought so too you can use your fingers what's that that means the dragon's coming the dragon's coming the dragon's coming [Music] you loved seeing the new year dragon and he wasn't scared at all because it was a friendly dragon [Music] [Laughter] [Music] happy new year happy new year you're getting to be a big boy each day i grow some more i like exploring [Music] my world is turning changing each day with mommy and daddy i'm finding my way [Music] growing up is not so tough except when i've had enough but there's lots of fun stuff [Music] that's me caillou's crossword [Music] wow stupid birds that was cool huh stupid birds didn't get in my way this time yeah stupid birds caillou and leo were very impressed by the skateboarder and they really wanted to try his skateboard my name's leo i'm caillou ever been on a skateboard before no just a quick try i have to go home soon [Music] that was cool yes gotta go bye caillou bye leo bye there's clementine i went on a skateboard all by myself clementine no you didn't i saw you that boy was holding on to you clementine's stupid yeah you're stupid no i'm not caillou and leo were very excited about what they had seen and done they didn't realize how much they had hurt clementine's feelings [Music] look at me rosie i'm cool [Music] stupid cube stupid rosie where did you learn that word stupid that's not a very nice word rosie hello yes hi how are you oh don't worry i'll be sure to tell him okay bye [Music] caillou rosie's been saying a word that's not very nice do you know the word i mean yes mommy and clementine's mommy just called she was telling me about your afternoon in the park apparently you and leah weren't very nice to clementine but leo and i were just playing mommy i don't think that's a very good game to play you hurt clementine's feelings i didn't mean to i think you owe clementine an apology can i call clementine mommy it's ringing clementine it's me caillou sorry about calling you stupid caillou had apologized to clementine and they were both very happy and as luck would have it the skateboarder was there too that's cool hi caillou hey clementine you want to try caillou meets robbie caillou was so happy to be in the park on such a beautiful day look mommy i'm swinging whoa you're gonna touch the treetops pretty soon push me me too ready [Music] i'm going to play in the sand box okay rosie and i will be right over here caillou wanted to play with the boy but he felt a little shy can i play caillou didn't understand why the boy was ignoring him hello mommy the boy ran away let's go back and see what was the matter okay that's a pretty big castle hi nice to meet you this is caillou and rosie it's nice to meet you too this is my son robbie we just moved to the neighborhood you won't play with me it's not that caillou robbie didn't see you come up behind him he was surprised when you tapped his shoulder because he's deaf what's death mommy well death is when your ears don't work and you can't hear like other people can it's kind of like when you're wearing earmuffs and can't hear that well caillou didn't really understand what they meant all he knew was that he wanted to play i'm going to make a big hole okay we'll be right over here can i use your shovel caillou thought that if he spoke louder maybe robbie would hear him can i use your shovel caillou tried to show robbie what he wanted to do [Music] stop that let's go mommy what is it caillou he's not letting me dig my hole why don't you try helping robbie build his castle i bet it would be really good if you both worked on it together here caillou and robbie were starting to have fun playing together he didn't understand why robbie was moving his fingers around he thought it was a game [Music] wow caillou are you all right i fell off the seesaw caillou didn't hurt himself but he was very upset you're okay now how about an ice pop would that make you feel better yes pink i want pink one cherry and one orange please [Music] mommy what's robbie doing i think he's saying it's cold wanna trade can robbie come over to our house and play sure if it's okay with his mommy that's a nice idea caillou how about tomorrow afternoon great see you then it was nice meeting you caillou bye bye bye robbie [Music] mommy what was robbie doing with his fingers that's sign language some deaf people use their hands to talk [Music] that must be evelyn and robbie hi everyone hi come on [Music] robbie loves to draw do you like drawing pictures caillou that's a rocket ship i'm going to be a space man [Music] i want that one now you felt bad that he had broken robbie's crayon he tried to stick it back together but it didn't work [Music] [Applause] [Music] caillou tried to copy what robbie was doing but it was hard [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're cats meow meow look a bird [Music] caillou and robbie were having so much fun pretending to be cats and birds but they didn't ever want to stop hey you two we hate to interrupt but it's time to go no i want robbie to stay don't worry caillou robbie will come back and visit soon or maybe you can come over to our house next what's he saying that's the sign for friend robbie is saying that you are his friend you sign the word like this look robbie caillou felt happy that he had made a new friend and proud that he learned how to say it in a whole new way the pinata one day caillou got up extra early caillou breakfast he was waiting for the mail because he was expecting a letter from his friend xavier caillou what are you doing in here i'm waiting for my letter and your breakfast is waiting for you come on i mean it your letter will come soon enough daddy finished mommy finished really almost finished daddy caillou wanted to finish his breakfast as quickly as possible so he could get his letter as soon as it arrived [Music] while caillou was finishing his breakfast rosie was picking up his letter [Music] is my letter here i'm sorry caillou it'll probably come tomorrow i want it now mommy caillou was very disappointed not to get xavier's letter but just then caillou was sure that was his letter rosie give me that what does it say it's an invitation to xavier's birthday party only it's not just a party it's a mexican fiesta what's that it's called a pinata what's a pinata well it's a kind of game it's got a surprise inside what kind of surprise well if mommy told you that it wouldn't be a surprise would it it's a very nice surprise tell me mommy it'll be much more fun to find out when you go to the party don't you think [Music] this is fun it's time for the pinata everybody there's a big surprise inside the pinata what is the surprise well if you hit the pinata just right with your stick it will burst open and you'll find out caillou wasn't sure where the pinata was but he loved playing the game it was clementine's turn next [Music] and then xaviers this is getting very exciting the pinata almost broke that time i can do it you could hear the sound of the surprise and then he could see the surprise the pinata was full to bursting [Music] caillou's promise [Music] mommy mommy i don't want rosie to play in my sandbox [Music] okay you two that's enough caillou you have to play nicely with your little sister the sandbox is for both of you no buts i have to go out now and i want you to promise me that you will let rosie play with you caillou was upset because he didn't think mommy was being fair after all rosie had started it promise okay bye honey have a nice day oh do me a favor and clean up the kitchen promise i promise see you later well i'd better get to it do you want to help me wash them caillou [Music] no cats on the table why don't you let gilbert outside come on gilbert [Music] [Music] [Music] now that caillou was alone he thought it would be a good time to play with his cars all set you ready to watch caillou where'd he go rosie [Music] caillou didn't you want to help me wash the dishes i'm playing and i don't want rosie to play in the sandbox with me well do you remember the promise that you made to mommy you have to share the sandbox with rosie right it's very important not to break a promise caillou why don't we let rosie play a while and we can do the dishes okay rosie you can play for a little while caillou was having a lot of fun helping daddy even though he was mostly only playing with the bubbles [Music] [Laughter] looks like you need to be dried off too there now that the job's done why do you say we go to the park [Music] caillou was very happy to be playing with his friends in the sandbox he was especially happy that rosie wasn't there to destroy everything [Music] we're going to the circus today the circus yeah our mommy's taking us after lunch caillou loved going to the circus he hadn't been to the circus in a very long time there's a big tent and an elephant it's huge are you going to the circus too caillou didn't know if his parents were going to bring him to the circus but he sure hoped they would [Music] daddy can we go to the circus too what circus caillou jason and jeffy are going to the circus they say there's a big tent and an elephant i'm sorry caillou i wasn't aware there was a circus in town but we can't go today maybe another day okay can we go tomorrow when mommy gets home i promise to ask her what she thinks about all of us going together okay my daddy promised to take me tomorrow you can come with us today caillou thought that was a great idea going to the circus with the twins today was much better than having to wait until tomorrow but we have to ask her mommy promise bye caillou see you later caillou was very excited he was sure he was going to the circus today with jason and jeffrey caillou slow down you're eating too quickly i hope you're hurry yes [Music] caillou please don't talk with your mouth full i have to hurry jason and jeffy are coming to get me they are they invited me to go to the circus today me too no rosie they're my friends and you're not coming [Music] caillou that's not very nice and the boy's mother didn't say anything to me at the park so i don't think you'll be going with them but they promised [Laughter] caillou was very upset he was sure that the twins would bring him to the circus he didn't understand why they would promise to take him and then not do it you're very upset aren't you caillou and they promised daddy and i told you that it's very important not to break a promise didn't i well i think the boys promised something a little too quickly i think they forgot to ask their mommy first why we all forget sometimes besides they're your friends and i'm sure they really wanted to bring you with them but i want to go to the circus i know you do and we will maybe that's them hi caillou he was disappointed that it wasn't the twins coming to get him caillou why the long face did you know that the circus was in town i saw the big tent they put up on the way home caillou knows about it did you guys have a nice day yes caillou helped me with the dishes and i let rosie play in the sandbox just like i promised i know let's go to the circus really now rosie come on we're going to the circus i was very happy that he was going to the circus and that he didn't have to wait until tomorrow after all [Music] a surprise for mommy i want to get mommy a present but i just can't think of what she'd like can you think of anything caillou no daddy looks like you need a hand hold on to the rosie mobile please hi caillou look at our picture can we get one too daddy perfect perfect yes that would make a fantastic present for mommy what a great idea are those umbrellas yes they're for the flash they make the light bounce all around why don't we make this photo a surprise for mommy okay caillou thought that was a very good idea okay daddy but that means we have to keep it a secret think you can do that yes we mustn't tell mommy about it at all we don't want to spoil the surprise do we so we zip our lips okay [Music] hi everybody i'm bryce okay now how about you two give me a great big smile [Music] i don't think we got it that time let's do another one smile please [Music] we need to find a way to make rosie smile caillou thought he knew a way to make rosie smile rosie maybe if i stand by the camera and show it to her watch the dinosaur rosie perfect you can come back here and pick up the photo tomorrow let's go you know where to pick up you know what are you two ever going to tell me your big secret uh oh it's a surprise mommy if we tell you it won't be a surprise caillou felt very proud that he had kept the surprise a secret and i don't suppose you're going to tell me either why don't you come with us do you know where to pick up you know what oh thank you i love my present it was a very good surprise too thank you for keeping it a secret and now that we don't have to keep it a secret anymore we can unzip our lips [Music] [Laughter] caillou mrs sarah [Music] caillou can you guess which one goes in front of the birdhouse and which one goes in the back i know this is where the birds can come in [Music] could you hand me that piece of wood now i'm going to glue the floor on before i nail it see i'll get it [Music] hi sarah hi caillou what's that sarah it's the key to my house and a note from my mom we're leaving today on our vacation we're going to take care of sarah's house while her family is away let's see it's a list of reminders of things to check around sarah's house you're leaving yeah i'm gonna be gone the whole summer but i'll be back come and see what we're building okay but i can't stay long [Music] look sarah the bird's coming through here hi sarah do you want to help too can we paint it daddy sure i'll bring it upstairs i'll get my paint [Music] i'm making a snake look your snake has chicken pox now sarah that was your mom on the phone you have to go home and finish packing caillou didn't want sarah to leave he wanted to continue painting the birdhouse with her have a great trip sarah have a wonderful vacation bye bye caillou i'll see you when i get back [Music] caillou was already looking forward to when sarah would come back [Music] me too no rosie this is mine and sarah's mommy i want to paint the birdhouse with sarah i know caillou but sarah will be gone for a couple of weeks why don't you go ahead and finish painting it okay that looks great caillou sarah helped too well you two did a great job i bet you'll be happy to see it when she comes back [Music] i'm leaving to go check on sarah's house would you like to come too yes [Music] look at all this we'll take it inside the house i want to do it all right now let's see where's that checklist that sarah gave me the house was very quiet and caillou thought it was strange to be in sarah's house when she wasn't there [Music] oh caillou it's only ollie come on ollie supper time only one scoop caillou i'll take care of his water [Music] ollie ate all his food mommy let's see we brought in the mail fed the cat now we have to water the plants can i do it and so caillou toured the house to water the plants with mommy we're all done [Music] [Music] when is sarah coming home daddy caillou it's a postcard for you all the way from china it's from sarah from sarah it says dear caillou i am visiting lots of relatives in china i'm having a lot of fun then it says i can't wait to show you pictures please give a hug to ollie for me i miss you all love sarah what is sarah coming back daddy not for another few weeks caillou rosie rosie i got a postcard from china i'll be right back caillou i have two more plants to water hi ollie here's a hug from sarah caillou thought it was taking a very long time for sarah to come back he missed her very much ready to go [Music] i'm going to sarah's house caillou want to come and help me [Music] why don't we all go mommy the door is open ollie where are you going aren't you happy to see me sarah sarah was finally home caillou was very happy to see her caillou mihao what nihao it means hello in chinese oh hello thank you so much for taking care of everything we were glad to help did you have a nice trip it was great sarah i have to show you our birdhouse come on real birds live in it now wait i have something for you [Music] what is it here let me help you it's a fan wow [Music] was very happy to see sarah again t-shirt trouble caillou's mommy had to run some errands so he was staying with his grandma for the afternoon ready to surprise grandma caillou [Music] caillou my favorite little visitor but why are you wearing a jacket on such a warm day look grandma caillou wanted to show you his new shirt do you like it it's wonderful blue suits you caillou i'd better be going see you in a bit bye see it's got a pocket too so it has why don't we go inside and celebrate your fancy new t-shirt with a little snack okay we went to a store i picked it myself from a shelf way up high oh no that's okay caillou it was an accident grandma my shirt a little stain remover should do the trick let's give it a try but first let's go and find you something else to wear [Music] i look funny it's a little on the long side but i think you look very handsome in grandpa's shirt now let's go tackle that stain i want to do it [Music] it's still there i'm sorry caillou i've tried everything but the stain just won't come out caillou was upset now that his shirt was stained he didn't want to wear it anymore [Music] i don't like you here let's put it in the recycling bin i have an idea we could recycle your shirt into something extra special all we have to do is add some more stains more you didn't understand what grandma meant then we tie knots like this and it'll make a pretty pattern you'll see pretty patterns uh-huh hand me the t-shirt now we'll dye it with the grape juice why don't you put it in okay [Music] when it's dry you can put it back on this time you can surprise mommy with your extra special shirt it doesn't look special caillou thought his shirt looked very strange he was beginning to wish he could have his old shirt back again [Music] caillou mommy's here here i am caillou your shirt i got juice on it so grandma and me recycled it see it's special now it certainly is it's the brightest shirt i've ever seen it's a one-of-a-kind shirt no one else will have one like it caillou thought his shirt looked even better than before he couldn't wait to go home and show rosie and daddy a helping hand caillou was spending the day with grandma he was very happy because grandma was babysitting caillou's favorite dog rover caillou can you help me put this in the picnic basket are we going on a picnic grandma no but we are going out would you like to come and visit some friends of mine today can we bring rover i always do my friends love to see rover and they'll be even happier to meet you i speak about you all the time caillou had never met grandma's friends where'd your before live grandma we're going to visit my friends at the retirement home what's a retirement huh it's a place where elderly people who can't live by themselves can go and be taken care of you're old grandma how come you don't live there i'm still young enough to look after myself and grandpa but i like to stop by with some baked goods and help out a bit it's fun you'll see rover way rover loves coming here all my friends love him hold on tight caillou we don't want him running around okay okay grandma come on rover i made a sandwich for my friend mr jenkins and i baked some cookies for him as well cookies mr jenkins isn't the only one who loves my cookies is he caillou huh [Music] rover rover stay still stop it sit [Music] grandma oh dear looks like you're both tangled up now rover you be a good dog hello who might you be caillou and who's that grandma and rover hi mr jenkins i asked my grandson caillou to bring in your snack while i keep an eye on rover here i know he bothers your allergies oh that's silly come on in and bring the little fella with you is that your dog caillou no i have a cat [Music] well that looks an awful lot like a dog to me well i'm very glad to meet you caillou your grandma talks about you all the time you're very lucky to have such a terrific grandma caillou i bet you love her cookies just as much as i do here you go i don't like to eat that gazoontite come on caillou we have to take her over away from mr jenkins now goodbye okay [Music] come in hello mrs murphy how are you today i'm great oh look and you brought rover with you come here puppy oh and this must be your grandson caillou it's so nice to finally meet you i was just playing cards do you know how to play caillou would you like me to teach you a game that i play with my granddaughter here sit down and i'll show you how caillou would you like to stay here with mrs murphy while i go visit mrs peterson oh i would love that we can play cards together how about it caillou felt a little shy with mrs murphy but he was really curious about her card game i have a special deck of cards i use when my granddaughter visits see they have animals on them this is called the memory game you place all the cards face down on the table and you have to pick two cards that are the same here i'll try first now it's your turn caillou you've got it you're good at this it's your turn again caillou was having a lot of fun he loved playing cards with mrs murphy and he was good at it too you win i won grandma congratulations i'm giving my exercise class now would you like to come along mrs murphy maybe another day i think i'll read for a bit we'll play again next time okay caillou whenever amy wins she always gets one of these would you like to exercise with us caillou it's fun it's kind of like a game you can finish this after [Music] all right everyone let's all take a deep breath and limber up a bit okay now stretch as high as you can now shake it loose everyone that's it shake shake shake like a wet dog rover stop [Music] rover caillou couldn't find rover he was upset that he ran away and now rover was lost caillou what's wrong are you lost no rover's lost don't worry he can't be very far oh there you are caillou did you find rover i looked everywhere grandma oh sweetie don't be upset rover knows his way around this place he usually ends up somewhere that he's not supposed to be [Music] i think i know where he is mr jenkins [Music] come in rover i told you we were somewhere he wasn't supposed to be i'm terribly sorry mr jenkins no i'm done he was scratching at my door rover wants more cookies grandma what'd i tell you caillou everyone loves your grandma's cookies you
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 813,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou full episodes, caillou cartoon, cajou, caillou english, 까이유, calliou, #caillou, kayo, caillou Christmas, caillou theme song, caillou and rosie, cailou, caillou song, caillou holiday movie, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, childrens cartoon, caillou remix, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou gets grounded, classic caillou, caillou wildbrain, caillou pizza, slime, caillou theme song remix, cartoon cartoon, cartoon video, #cartoon
Id: t8jSwdsozFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 13sec (14173 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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