Driving an Old Ford Truck to the Arctic Ocean in -60F/-51C | 5 Days/2,000 miles Snowstorm Camping

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[Music] just so you can see that I'm not making this up this is winter weather advisory for wisem men cold foot where I'm at right now snow and blowing snow wind gusting as high as 55 mph dangerously cold wind chills as low as 60 below zero could cause frostbite on Exposed Skin and as little as minutes so it's going to be60 f tonight if you can believe that oh what's going on up in the pass again oh the pass is there's two trucks almost at the top one guy's trying to Ram the other guy it's going to be down tomorrow though sounds like I would think D would get up there and it could take him hours to get it open yeah cuz they got to doal with like five trucks stuck in the past [Music] yeah it's about 5 o'clock in the morning and we've got a really long drive so I'm going to get up and fire up the diesel we're going to have to cold start it hopefully it's not too cold and uh we'll get going oh it stayed nice and toasty in here last night I just keep that diesel heater running usually I start a fire but I'm going to try to save my firewood for the remote Wilderness part of the trip that I'm about to be on here so just mainly for emergency in case something happens to the truck and I've got to really hunker down and the I run out of diesel and the battery's die or something it's like a fire is going to work you know I've had a couple of you guys ask about these pillows in the comments I got these in Vietnam when I was traveling through it a long time ago bought a motorcycle for 150 bucks in Vietnam and drove around the country for a couple months and uh this little old lady in a Vietnamese Village up in the mountains was selling these pillowcase covers and I picked them up there think I paid like a dollar for them or something like that pretty cool she hand sewed them pretty neat though Keys all right let's go try a cold start see if we can get this uh diesel engine started whoa get a little bit of snow last night so this is where we camped last night highway is right over there but this is a nice quiet place it's pretty chilly this morning all right and give it a couple seconds for these glow plugs to warm up here a lot of people have problems starting their diesels in cold weather especially these old Power Stroke but this thing has always just started really well um I've got baby swamp injectors on it and good batteries good starter good glow plugs good glow plug relays it always starts up like that crisp and clear we'll let her warm up and uh we'll hit the road there we go open my door [Music] [Music] again right we're out of here heading north will I finish the journey to Puro Bay first or will this crack finish this journey to the end of my windshield first time will tell let's go some deep snow over here well don't get stuck come on little girl yeah on the road here's Santa Claus's house we're out of here we're going to head into Fairbanks and get some coffee and a breakfast bagel fill this thing up with diesel and uh we're going to hit the road heading north North on our way to cold foot okay we're rolling into Fairbanks it's so odd to be driving through the Wilderness for hundreds of miles and just pop out into kind of a large city I think the Fairbanks is like 30,000 people about you want to leave car uh I'll just give you some cash this is cool I just put this new hydr chip in here and it's got this whisper modes so you can adjust the setting to where it's really quiet when you pull up to drive-throughs like this so you don't have to turn your engine off it's pretty neat I just typed in uh cold foot here and it's not super far from Fairbanks but route may be affected by winter storm warning severe winter weather conditions are expected or occurring this will make travel difficult or impossible well we're going anyway okayo okay cool thank you so today's a special day because it's my dad's birthday so I'm going to give him a shout here really shortly once we hit the road he's really into the Overland and just camping scene he's done it his whole life really but uh he's looking for his first truck camper right now so I think he's about to buy a four-wheel camper so I'm going to give him a call and wish him a happy birthday and see if he bought himself a big birthday present at that camper last night awesome thank you appreciate it what's up I'll try yeah now I'm heading up to like dead horse right now so ways to go yeah going try it yeah it probably it might give me a couple hours thank you a good [Music] sh well unfortunately I forgot to put my diesel cap back on yesterday so I need to go pick up a diesel cap right now so let's goe par score there it is good old Nappa I cannot tell you how many times I have left my diesel cap at gas stations and driven away probably I bet I bought seven or eight diesel caps over time I need to get like a little chain and chain it just for the record the burrito a grill made at that coffee shop is it's on point it's pretty good all right appreciate it man all right got a new diesel cap back in the road now we're in downtown Fairbanks right now and rolling north so I've got about 25 miles or so until we hit the last gas station so I'm going to fill up one more time there wants to go right on 10th in a qu mile turn left on Alaska to West here we go Alaska Highway North Highway number two so when I take a left this will bring us all the way to Dead Horse all the kids going to school in Fairbanks so this is pretty nuts in Coldfoot where we're going there here is a winter weather advisory tonight severe weather windshield values as low as -40 wind 25 mph we're in for a blizzard tonight boys and girls we'll see how it goes the roads are pretty covered with snow they're pretty slick it's like this really slick ice up under the snow I've been in tool drive this entire trip so far just to save gas mileage a little bit but uh big bump but uh I might wind up locking in four-wheel if it gets a little bit gnarly see this truck's slipping in the ice or I couldn't make it up a hill here TR to chain up hey happy birthday man should [Music] be jumped in the water yesterday and did the uh yeah crazy man oh you got the you got the camper yeah I got it and he was able to throw those in that's really cool well congratulations man that's a pretty good birthday present oh yeah it is holy crap I'm passing there's like a there's a ton of snow plows out here there like 10 of them in a row pulling in the old Hilltop gas station here this is like the last stop so fill this thing up real quick yeah man well enjoy the day all right all right love you all right y'all this is it we're at Hilltop this is the final place to fill up all the way to cold foot so let's go top off I probably only used a gallon or two but I might need that gallon or two so let's go top this thing off and start heading north you guys can see all the truckers out there they're lined up to head south or north that's probably about the only people I'm going to see on the road those semis do decent C this time [Music] all right we're out of here Into the Wilderness we go I'm so glad I just installed all those overhead lights all the casy off-road lights just lights this whole Road up and you can see way out to the sides for animals and stuff I tell you there is nothing like a good road trip the good news is I'm still able to cruise 55 6 mph right now so we making good timing hopefully I can keep cruising like this I'm not so sure that the road's going to actually be plowed all the way up here probably going to be surfing around a bunch so might need to throw it in four-wheel drive eventually hopefully I don't need them but I do have a set of vbar SL ice CLE chains so I've got tire chains for the front tires if it gets super gnarly out hopefully we won't need those looks like I'm catching up to a semi up here he's got some kind of crazy green lights on his truck there I know these super bright LED lights are just kind of like almost a harsh color so I'm sure if you do this for living just get tired of staring at those super bright lights all the time so maybe that green is a little bit easier in the eyes you know what's really funny about having these super bright off-road lights is everyone I'm driving towards thinks of some huge trucks they all kind of slow down and start pulling over and then this little truck just shows up so it's uh makes me feel a little bit woo roads getting really bad y slick and bouncy we're just barely starting to get some daylight it's about 9:30 still dark but hopefully it'll be light by like 10:30 11 a little lighter [Music] ding good this is it we're at the Dalton highway is where it begins right here and it's a little over 400 miles up to the Arctic Ocean from here one way it's about 800 miles round trip this all dirt road um obviously it's snowed on and packed ice right now so it should be smoother knock on wood but anyway we're going to continue on and uh work our way towards cold foot and I'm loving those casy Offroad lights just really helped me see what's going on out here the old F350 is running good running smooth and uh we're going to make it let's go 421 miles one way let's do it the other big kicker is there's absolutely no cell phone service out here you have cell phone service once you get all the way to cold foot just in cold foot and then you have it when you get all the way up to dead horse in the oil fields and there's nothing in between so you got to really be prepared if anything happens and uh that's one reason I love having a log cabin on the back of my truck I'm like I literally have a house with me so I'm totally fine if anything happens I can stay two weeks in that super comfortably right now so we're good to go truck is a mess right now but one thing I do have is a garment in reach I've got it carabiner to my little drink holder that way if I roll the truck for any reason it'll still be right there and I can reach it from where I'm at and it won't go flying back there or something the Garment in reach is basically a satellite texting device so you can actually send a text out pretty cool wow look at this oversized load in front of me it's like the entire width of the road that is gnarly got B them wow looks like I'm driving right into some pretty big storm up here again it's been a stormy Drive woo I tell you one thing you don't see anyone else out here except for truckers and the pilot cars that are acting is safety for the trucks that is all that's out here this time of year there's no tourists there's hardly any tourists anyway in this road but no one's out here driving this road leisurely for fun for a little Sunday drive right now for obvious jez obvious reasons [Music] the [Music] oh look like that's all shut down W someone went off in the ditch right there I mean like can you imagine going off in a ditch out here like what what are you going to do there's not even anything to winch to like I going to winch in this truck but like what am I going to winch to starting to get closer to that storm and starting to lose some daylight you can [Music] tell that's cool we're officially in the Arctic Circle we're not too far from cold foot I hope we can make it before dark so I can show you guys what it looks like before dark if you guys look back at my videos from May maybe 3 years ago is during Co maybe 2020 videos there's a video I did taking my pack raft down Maran Creek up here I think it's spelled like m a r i o n and uh it's it's a creek right there in cold foot and I did this uh Whitewater Canyon it was pretty crazy and uh yeah I've got the if you guys look back to the videos that was the last time I was here back in Co basically okay we're 40 mil from cold foot and I just ran out of fuel so I'm going to go and switch it to my front tank and now I've got another full tank of diesel so I can go another 160 170 m on a tank so should be able to make it pretty easily it's really awesome having two fuel tanks oh look the forest fires really ripped through here all these little black Spruce are just burned to a crisp fairly close to cold foot we're starting to get some bigger Mountains and the coolest part of the drive is coming up from cold foot to addan pass just gorgeous up there so you guys will see soon here I've got a really cool spot we're going to camp out tonight so uh we show you guys in a little bit here woo I can't see anything every now and then when you pass one you'll pass a second with the truckers I mean they got places to be loads to move so usually I'll kind of creep off to the edge and let them just blast on by like that dot is on it out here woo it's a steep hill oh boy still in two wheel drive this whole time getting where I almost need to get out and lock the hubs I think we got it though come on oh girl nice got it these winds are just ripping right now guess what we have arrived to Coldfoot let's go fuel [Music] up here we are check out all the trucks crazy like I was saying there ain't no tourist up here right now this is pretty much all Just Trucks ready for these diesel prices $7.50 a gallon I just paid less than four bucks a gallon in Fair Banks let's fill it up hey pump one is going to are you heading north or south I'm going north you know oh really like hours got yeah I'm not leaving till tomorrow yeah should be good good to know though thank you all right y'all we got a full tank of fuel $133 but we get a full tank fuel rather pay 133 bucks and uh walk 23 miles so that's a pretty good deal anyway let's go get our camping spot looks like it's just about to get dark all these rigs are heading up towards dead horse that's where all the oil production plants are out there and uh I've done a little bit of work up there myself but I'd rather do YouTube for a living it's actually just up there doing some work maybe a month [Music] ago this is pretty much called C foot though there's a little restaurant inside the gas station that's pretty much it man so let's go get our camping spot I don't know if you guys heard the lady in there at the counter I do that thing where I'm just don't like filming when I'm walking into places feels weird but I just heard that the highway is shut down addan pass has closed down one of the big semi has gotten a wreck on it and it's going to be shut down over night which uh means we're not getting through there tonight I was hoping to camp out on the other side of it but I've got another spot we're going to go to so let's go get up there before it's totally dark next service is 240 Mi here we go a long time ago my dad and I flew out to the Brooks range to uh Gates of the Arctic National Park to go pack rafting we've been up there a couple times but there's a air service called coyote air here in Coldfoot guy named Dirk and his wife and his kids basically run the thing nice grer out that's if you you guys remember I mentioned that I actually paddled a creek up here maybe did the first Descent of it in a packraft um there's a bunch of big waterfalls and stuff but if you look back at my videos from the co days back in 2020 um I hiked a packraft up Maran Creek up this Gorge right here in Coldfoot and I ran this big section of the canyon up there pretty cool Creek it was pretty crazy though all right we're out of here going to start hiking up Maran Creek we've arrived at The Falls cool [Music] woo I'm going to put in right here missed I'm going to run this one then run that one and run that one down [Music] [Music] there [Music] but I've got a YouTube video on my channel on that you look back looks like nothing from here but it's uh but the Canyon's up that Gorge right there there's Maran Creek right [Music] there there's the Coya cck paddled that before one fork of it little town of wiseman's out that way I'm going to take you guys into wisman on the way back through but right now we're going to push on to our spot up [Music] here I almost lost in the snow a little bit there bouncy Road it's cool check out the pipeline right there oh yeah we're getting close to our spot check this mountain out up here this is so cool we're going to camp out right at the base of it pilot car just passed me said there's a big oversized load in this one so it's kind of driving halfway off the road here oh yeah let's go let's see if we can find that pull out it's usually pull out somewhere up in [Music] here it is cold outside [Music] holy I'm honestly scared to even turn the engine off right now I'm going to let it go just for a second woo it's cold yeah yeah yeah yeah let's get the diesel heater going back here before I turn the truck off I can't even get in the cabin right now I got to break break my entrance [Music] free oh my gosh oh wow holy my water opened up and splashed everywhere oh jeez it's like in the ceiling grills in the ground bear sprays in the seat whatever let's get the heater going all right it's wild and we're hitting some kickers back there super hard all right here's our camping spot for the night pretty [Music] cool [Music] we just got hit with a huge gust of wind probably like at least 60 MPH and I felt like it almost lifted the front tire off the ground on this camera so we're going to go somewhere else we're going to go ahead down the road and uh see if we can find a different parking spot out of the fall of this mountain which is creating like a big willowa effect the wind just sweeping over and falling really hard off it cold air is sinking hard so let's uh let's go up the road a little bit and find a better pull out we're not going to go far I just want to get out of this wind it's just like a little bit too much right here too exposed it is so freaking cold outside I don't know what temperature is but it is just wicked cold or the wind is wow wow this wind is just really picking up it's becoming like a good steady 20 to 25 mph just steady and then there's like probably gust anywhere between like 30 and 50 mph it's pretty wild you know what's crazy is it's 3:30 in the afternoon and it's freaking dark feel like we barely even had any daylight today oh this wind I think it's just like a little bit too dangerous to stop here and turn the engine off so I'm just going to keep on driving for a little ways and try to get out of this maybe to the other side out to get pass or maybe to the base somewhere but looks like uh there's a little bit of Blue Sky over there so hopefully we can get past the storm just a little bit to find a camping spot other cool part is we might get to see some Northern Lights we get to some clear skies up here tonight oh boy here we are coming in addan pass up here in North Slope looks like all the truckers are pulled off someone's still stuck up in the pass up there so uh this is where we're stopping for now I guess ooo slick whoa super slick have to put it in four-wheel drive yeah let's do that lock the hubs really quick it's literally just sliding in the flat ground there I've got chains but I'm not going to chain up just yet oh yeah a super [Applause] slick all right look at this ice crazy slick ice maybe I should chain up for the pass I don't know that's pretty [Music] slippery all right this is our camping spot tonight hopefully it doesn't get too drifted in now I'm actually out of the road and not in one of those little side pull outs and this is flat enough to do what I need to do and kind of pull way off to the side up front all right we're in for a night and what I did here I actually put my nose right into the storm and I do that in this thing that way it's not shaking the camper and the truck all over the place and if a crazy blast of wind comes through it won't roll the camper over cuz obviously you can drive the truck 80 M an hour going this way um the one downside to this is the engine up there is taking all the brunt of the cold and the wind chill so I'm definitely going to have to fire up the haunted generator in the morning and get the block heater going there a few hours before I want to take off maybe 3 or 4 hours that dude's not chaining up man we'll see that seemed like a shady move seem like everyone was just chaining up a second ago the guys are going for it the reason I'm not going through this tonight is because I want you guys to see this pass in the daytime it's really impressive so we're going to spend the night up in this pass on this side of it so we can drive through it in the morning okay here we go we're cutting it engine's off hey what's up man you know if it's still uh blocked off or is it open now uh the last I heard the pass is open but there was a truck that had splid backwards right on but uh as far as I know it's opening the work right [Music] on all right guys we're home for the night I'm a little bit nervous um first thing I'm going to do right now is go get that hunted generator and I'm going to put it on the back porch and tonight before I go to sleep I'll pull it inside here and that's how we're going to start the engine in the morning I'll try a cold start once and if that doesn't work then uh yeah we'll see oh yeahoo it feels good in here Crocs on 56° inside and warm it up I think I'm just going to leave this diesel heater going and not mess with a fire tonight just cuz I want that heater running this whole time I do not want to turn it off survival thing that heater can just run for like 5 days straight so that's what we're going to do right now sounds like the pass is open there's just one truck that's kind of like half blocking the road and having a problem getting up cuz he didn't chain up you guys saw that truck that just was zipped by me and didn't chain up see what happens to those guys probably going to get stuck I'll see what it's like in the morning I have vbar chains which have like they're basically ice cleat chains so they're crazy good grip so I might throw those on my front tires tomorrow to dve about the pass we'll see but it's really rough ride when you do that and obviously I don't want to shake anything around this camper is super solid I'm not worried about the camper itself but the stuff inside like this oven just broke loose cuz I've only have two screws holding it so it's pretty crazy that after all the four-wheeling I've done that Oven broke free on this trip so I think what we're going to do right now is have some gumbo I made this huge pot of Gumbo the other night when I was camping and uh I thought it'd be awesome to just warm some up and have that for dinner maybe have a beer or two just chill out and relax there's a screw that's supposed to be holding the oven on there it is cool whoa that almost fell and exploded on the floor as you guys saw I did buy a couple thin ribeye steaks I was going to grill out but uh not going to grill out when it's uh like negative 60 windshell outside I'm good on that yes get a big spoon try to dump it I guess this could be messy this will be messy I I can just scoop it out that's going to take forever this whole freaking Drive is a risk might as well risk trying to pour the gumbo into this pan what could happen right ah pretty pretty well all right that's good enough nice minimal Carnage love it range still works that's good it's one of my favorite beers old see pay oh normally I fire this wood stove up and I might still do that but I really really really want to keep the diesel heater running just to be safe since it's kind of extreme outside right now so I think I'll do that and then if it starts acting weird for any reason I've got the wood stove it's my back up here so that's my plan tonight maybe we'll do a fire just for fun though so we got a bunch of wood with us this is winter weather advisory for wisem men cold foot where I'm at right now um it's in effect until tomorrow 300 p.m. snow and blowing snow wind gusting as high as 55 mph and uh impacts ping on slippery road conditions as you saw super icy out there and dangerously cold wind chills as low as 60 below zero could cause frostbite on Exposed Skin and as little as 5 minutes so it's going to be -60 fah tonight if you can believe that I never camped in weather that cold ever my entire life we'll see how it goes all I know is uh I got a hot pot of Gumbo ready to eat it's uh 73° in my camper and uh I don't know I literally am inside a log cabin right now so I'm not scared at all I hope the truck starts in the morning but uh we'll see trucks out of here there's probably going to be a whole bunch of trucks pulling in and out tonight and chaining up I scoot it off the edge here where they can still get by and chain up I had that big breakfast burrito so I just skipped lunch today and kept on driving I was trying to get out here before it got dark to show it to you guys but then it got dark anyway this was the first time I've ever made gumbo in my life the other day and it turned out super good took me like 3 hours to make it the trickiest part was the uh I don't know if it's the row or the Rue or how you pronounce it R O ux I think it's basically just oil and flour and you just have to keep stirring it for 30 minutes constantly whisking like every 10 seconds but if you do it right take the time to do it right it's super good wind's rocking the camper oh my God I might get some criticism for parking with the front of my truck facing into the wind but now you can see why if you're in a camper or an RV when you park sideways to gust like this you're asking for it might be a long night the crazy part is it's only 5:00 in the afternoon right now so I've got a long night but that's okay I have a whole bunch of video editing to do so I've got my laptop with me and uh just going to have some gumbo and uh do some editing and maybe watch a movie or something after so stay cozy I don't know the first thing about semis but I do know that most of the trucks have been stopping in this parking lot to chain up but there's been a couple trucks that are just blasting on by heading up the hillside up there up to the pass and uh I got to wonder I don't know the drive system of a truck I imagine it's got obviously one axle for sure that moves it but maybe it has another one I don't know maybe two axles two different drive shafts or or something weird I don't know how it works anyway all I know is that some trucks aren't chaining up and it seems like they should be right now so just saying look at this Frozen window over here got a little surprise for you guys wait just a second so I was eating my gumbo in the middle of nowhere and going to knock on the door and we got a visitor and he's right there man all right we'll catch you soon later that's so funny this an old acquaintance is heading north to work right now and just happened to recognize a rig and swung in Dustin if you guys look back at my house building videos Dustin helped me oh wait you haven't seen him yet I don't want to give it away but Dustin I've got a buddy that helped me with some house stuff with the metal siding and uh they're good buddies so he just swung in and said what's up anyway it's a small world can't go anywhere you know me couldn't resist it and man I have found the best tasting cookies I ever had I don't know if you guys have had these before but if you can find this freaking brand name entman they're just different they are delicious not necessarily the cinnamon toffee cookies you get whatever flavor but the Endermans you're just really tasty cookies to bake so let's put them in and I'll have some leftovers for tomorrow too W this smell really good it's just a really high quality dough that they use it's almost flowery yeah they just they turn out delicious make room for everybody there we go we got lucky the wind stopped blowing for a minute came outside look at the bird feeder refill the water jugs luckily it wasn't frozen solid cuz the camper was warm this morning when I left fairb banks at like 5: in the morning usually stays warm a while though little sketchier it help if the wind would stop blowing the camper around usually I use my little faucet system up there in the wall behind me but in the winter time I just pour water and jug so I don't have to worry about pipes freezing I'll keep a couple now jeans in the camper like this and then if I need to fill a pot real quickly I can just use that to pull the pot works pretty well and I just fill the N jein up once a day all right let's do some video editing shall we and smell those cookies might as well be productive cuz it's pretty early yes it's not even 6:00 yet crazy feel like it's been dark for 2 hours so we're going to work on a YouTube video I guess these videos I do enjoy editing I actually really enjoy it but the only issue is I have a really bad carpal tunnel and I don't know if it's carpal tunnel I broke my neck and back and it's pinched a nerve off in my spine and it just makes my forearm hurt all the time like it feels like I don't know feels like a 60 lb kid is stepping on my forearms all the time like just a lot of pressure just feels like that all the time and there's no relief from it so it's frustrating when I'm trying to edit it just kind of hurts see whether I'm in a desktop or a laptop or whatever doesn't really matter but the actual art of editing I do enjoy it freezer claps all over the place power's been out in the entire city City for about 10 hours broke my soft topper claps the roof oh check this out I catch the power plant blowing up all right I'll go back so you can hear that it's actually it's actually pretty crazy can you hear that all right anyway like that I'm going to get to it I'll catch you guys in a bit wow can you guys hear the wind outside all right yeah watching the final product busting out the cookies wow those are so good guys hear the [Music] wind got shaking the water bottle around shaking the camper around the crazy part is we're facing into the wind oh what's going on up in the pass again oh the pass is there's two trucks almost at the top one guyy trying to Ram the other guy it was hilarious I was watching it dude that's pretty crazy I don't know since it's going to be down tomorrow though sounds like I would think DT would get up there and it could take him hours to get it open yeah cuz they got to deal with like five trucks stuck on the pass yeah dang man that's freaking oh my God I knew it I knew it so you guys remember all those trucks that were driving by without chains guess what they're all like into each other and ramming each other and trying to push each other up the mountain and I guess uh he was following one of the trucks and it was busting through the drifts and getting around some of the other trucks because it was chained up and uh eventually you just couldn't get any further it's totally blocked off um there's like high Avalanche danger right now cuz probably wind slabs from all this wind and uh sounds gnarly he's saying it might take all day tomorrow to clean it up but uh we'll go check it out in the morning either way the sweet part is we get the Drone I'll throw the chains on and we'll go drive up closer and uh see what it looks like in the morning see if we can get through I hope we can make it hope we can get through all right guys about 10:00 at night I've been editing for 5 or 6 hours I think I'm done I'm going to go to bed but I'm going to bring the generator inside that way yeah that way it stays nice and warm and I can use it in the morning to start the truck just in case I can't cold start but I think just for fun I'm gonna see if I can cold start this old power stroke diesel just to see if I can do it and if I can't then I'll use this and if it feels like it's going to kill the batteries I'll obviously stop but uh I do have a battery charger so I do have a way to charge the battery if my battery is totally dead I could use a generator or that to charge my battery with a charger so we're prepared I'm excited to lay down y check this out look how cold it is outside that is pretty cold looking so you can tell I've got spray foam everywhere else in the camera but everywhere there's not spray foam that's the importance of insulation right there I've had a lot of people ask about the beds in here and each couch folds out into a bed a fullsize bed basically kind of a weird size bed in between like a twin mattress and a fulls size so you can slide them together the jack knife leather sofa is a lot faster to convert and fold down but this is a lot more comfortable I made this one myself it's just like 8 in of foam memory foam so super cozy and it's on like a little slat system that just slides out like that so pretty simple if you're wondering that's why I always sleep on this side of the camper CU it's just a little Cozier than the other side we're set up all the camera equipment drone and everything's charging let's get some rest we might have a long day tomorrow I want to be on the road moving by the time there's any daylight that way I can get up to the North Slope to the Arctic Ocean before it's actually dark so I'm going to wake up a couple hours before daylight and see if the truck starts and if the truck doesn't start we'll have to hook up the Honda generator to the engine and uh use the block heater and warm it up for a couple hours wow can you guys hear the wind like shaking the flag shaking the camper around what do you think dude yeah that's what I thought see you guys in the morning okay
Channel: Truck House Life
Views: 1,928,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alaska, cabin, cabin build, diy, homemade, cabin plans, cabin ideas, truck camper, truck house, snowstorm, blizzard, snowblower, ford, powerstroke, diesel, truck, snowmobile, truck camping, truck cabin, tiny home, tiny house, vanlife, cabin on wheels
Id: l8DWxmOJUg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 37sec (3157 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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