FlossTube #192 - Pam & Steph Are Feelin' Lucky

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hi flosstube hello flosstube i'm pam and i'm stephanie and this is just keep stitching episode 192. 1 plus 1 plus 45 plus 40 plus 2 plus 3 plus 50 plus 25 plus 20 plus 2 plus 2 plus 1 is 190 2 because math welcome back everybody hello people and a special hello to anybody that's new um our subscriber count is creeping up and we appreciate that and we hope that if you are new that you continue to see things that you enjoy that inspire you that enable you and all that good stuff yes uh we've had a busy week busy week more or less yeah um ending with even today's events um but the highlight of our week was on thursday we took a drive to craft gallery in finlay ohio yes and we had framing to pick up which you're going to see in a bit and we have framing to drop off yes and uh very exciting times it was a nice drive up not as nice as um the prior trip right yeah that's true we had rain off and on yeah um so okay keeps you on your toes you know yeah and um stephanie drove very safely it takes about two hours as we've said to get up there and we visit for a little bit and then come on two hours home it is really an all-day adventure um and uh it's always an adventure with you pam we appreciate all the um all the help that paula gives us with our framing and uh we saw a couple of people that watch our channel yeah who happened in and that was fun and um it's always kind of funny to me and endearing that uh paula has our channel running yes on the big screen on the big screen in the back room yeah while we're there right so it's kind of like it's a bit confusing sometimes i'm kind of looking here stephanie where is she she's on the tv yes but it was um it was a big day we've got some lovely lovely finishing framing to show you yes and like i said we left um how many things did we leave up there five we live five pieces with paula so three of mine into a pam yep and um so anyway that was a big event um we've ended the week just this afternoon by replacing a very old laptop laptop computer it's really um showing signs that it really wants to die yes last legs and so um we are getting our new computer uh mail to us on tuesday and we're gonna set up some classes and classes is a stretch it's more like oh it's just a get you started kind of deal it's more like with geeks right and then um uh that way uh we will hopefully not have some of the little glitches with our laptop that we've been having and it very much it's time you know when you it's extended its usefulness beyond beyond so the relationship no longer serves us with the computer this is last night what did we do we went over to lisa yeah lisa of stitching the dream lisa right um and she has time and time again over the last year opened her home for the whistle stop crew craftbot crew whatever you want to call us we'll answer to it um and so uh the majority of us were there a couple girls that were unable to come but that is such life um and so thank you to lisa publicly for having us yeah we had a great time very very nice always nice to see the girls we had a lovely chili dinner and um then um lisa's newest well i don't know which one is technically older but she had two grandkids born in december and the last time we were there they were about ready to pop so it was very fun to see uh one of the babies so that was really a really good time so yeah we had a lovely lovely evening yep and um so publicly thank you and uh yeah publicly great to see everybody again yeah we could yes all right um that takes us to there's no harmony this week nope there's no student harmony this week um and that just happens every once in a while yep so so if you're hopefully new here and you have no idea what citrony is um it's our attempt to connect teachers together so if you are living somewhere and you would like our help in finding you a stitchy friend then comment down below use the hashtag stitchharmony and um we will pick a comment every week if we have one there you go just tell us your name and where you live we'll take you from there that's right okay okay all right so pam's pin comment came to us a few days ago from what is pam's pen comment pam pence when comment is the one comment of all the wonderful comments we got last week that tickles young fancy and this one is a feather sound effect a feather oh a tickling we could have a giggling anyway you'd be you'd be the whole episode doing sound effects yeah i know i need a sound board anyway this gal has uh been with us for um practically the whole time we've been doing videos and that is edwina bang hi edwina and just the way she read wrote this i just thought it was really dirty yes because if you remember some of our pronunciation challenges last week yes she wrote why is boatswain pronounced bosun why is greenwich pronounced greenwich english is a strange language it is why do we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway great question so leaving that open for whatever right come down thank you audrina your comment was a pinned at the top like i said of all the wonderful comments we got uh after last week's video and that one just made me smile so take out our fancy yes it did that's why it's transparent exactly all right let's talk about stitching shall we we shall okay okay so um every for those of you that do not know we are doing a little competition situation within our whistle stop group um and that's like our it's us two and then seven other local stitchers here um we've been friends since i can't remember and um so katie hi andy hi um so katie is um the the engineer of the group and for those of you that know engineers you know what i mean by that and so she came up with this idea called the whip it good challenge where basically we work on whips all year and uh no new starts however uh there are some exceptions so any time that like we would worked we are together or would be together for a like retreat or event or something like stitch con or whistle stop or situate or any of these events that we usually go to throughout the year we're allowed to start then um but then randomly throughout the year she throws us a new throws us the lifesaver and says have a new start have a new start and katie loves all things irish and love st patrick's day and said everybody have a start between the 10th of march and the 17th of march which is saint patrick's day which is wednesday and andy's birthday was in there somewhere too so yes i think eddie's birthday was the 10th yeah i think so it was anywhere between andy's birthday and st patrick's day yes um and so um i decided to have a new start i mean it's not required by any means no but um if i'm given an opportunity to have a new start i'm gonna take it um and so this as much of the rest of my pile over here my new start is inspired by enabled by elizabeth ann from elizabeth ancient stitch she's my spirit animal hello elizabethan i love you um and so uh she stitches a beautiful beautiful things and everything that she shows on her channel i want to reach through the television and put it in my home she's lucky that we live very far away from each other because i would break into her home and steal her crosstalk uh but anyway so this one was inspired by her and so i decided that this was going to be my new start and this is from the bells on christmas day book by blackbird designs this book is still in print so and the chart that i am that i started is the namesake of the book and that is the bells on christmas day and the chart calls for um just so i double check make sure uh it uses weeks classical works and general arts uh to be stitched on 36 count oaken by picture this plus i am doing everything as called for um threads and fabric and so i started mine on friday friday so i worked on a little bit friday night and then yesterday i took it to lisa's and then i worked on a little bit today and i started in the upper left-hand corner as opposed to center so i started up here so i could work on the border and so i did this whole leafy border here and so i am using one strand over two on 36 count broken and it's still my q snap because i'm gonna keep working on it for a little while and that is how much i have done that is how tall the whole sampler is and i love it i love it so freaking much i love it so much um and it's just so good i love it's pretty i love 36 count one over two i love it so much so um i know that i have other things that i need not need to there's no need about it but that i have scheduled that i need that i need to work on um but i am loving this very very much and so i told her this afternoon i said there's no cross-stitch police correct do what you want to do so i mean yes i have goals for 2021 and all that i'm not by any means throwing any of those out of the window don't don't don't worry don't panic but um like i literally like isn't that great though that you pick up a project and you just love it right and you just say i'm not going to sleep i'm just going to try to so and with daylight savings what we have here in the states is daylight savings i lost a whole hour she lost uh yeah i did well no you gained if it's daylight no wait no not in the spring you straight ahead fall back so you lose an hour yes so yeah i lost a whole hour but that's okay a kitchen clock now reads correctly yeah yep it does because i don't you know we don't get up and change it so i'm gonna work on that for a little bit i did um because katie and andy came over today and i do have my next round of our lasting friendship so i do need to get that done but i really want to work on this for the rest of the day today at least maybe i'll start our lasting friendship tomorrow night who knows but anyway and then i had a miniature finish so my two large projects for 2021 which are my focus pieces i should say um one of them is santa's village by country cottage needleworks this is what it will look like when it is done and my original goal was a block a month um february being the short months coupled with all the work i had to do for expo i just i didn't meet my monthly goal for that and you know what it's okay it's fine the world is not going to come to an end correct so it is what it is um you know there's a part of me that is just like well you know what maybe i'm just going to call the rest of february awash or march a water come back to yeah and and come back to both my big projects in april take a vacation you know take a little yeah what is i don't know what the word is but vacay works so anyway so um so these said i finished the first block in january and then um and i started up at the top with santa's house and then the second block is poinsettia place and i am stitching this all together on one piece and the fabric i'm using is 40 count vintage country mocha by zveycarts and using one strand of floss over two wooden threads and i finished poinsettia place so that's poinsettia place that's santa's house and so this will be yes what is done four across three down four across three down yes ma'am and it's so freaking cute i said to paula on thursday i said i can't wait to bring this to you next year i can't wait because i want this to like just just ooze christmas yeah so i want like i want a red and green layered frame like the whole nine i want it i want it red and green everywhere yeah and um so that's exciting and i really did enjoy this block very very very much so um and so then that means that the next block is one i'm super looking forward to and it is the north pole post office look at the little mail yeah adorable yeah freaking cute um and i get to use so i think i've mentioned this one i've talked about this project before but each pattern calls for um like one or two sometimes three overdyed and that's the only block they're used in so like in poinsettia place i use shutter green for the green on the house i won't use that again in any other block so and then there's dmcs that carry throughout as well and there's two overdyed reds in this so i'm really excited about that and then i wanted to share this little mini pro tip with you guys so um i do i don't shy away from white stitches as much as i think on average people do i don't mind stitching in white it doesn't really bother me um and but one thing that i do not enjoy very much is snowflakes which is hilarious since i'm stitching this project um but um you know all those like there's so many snowflakes in this project yeah um and the the thing that like for whatever reason blocked my brain is like how do i attack this snowflake like where do i start where do i go yeah how do i do it i think that's a very valid concern thank you i appreciate your support thank you um and so a lot of the snowflakes are the same throughout right and so what i'm what i started doing with this pat with poinsettia place and then i'll do it for every block as they go is i take the bit like the small ones those are fine like that's not a big deal but like the bigger ones those are the ones i'm like where do i go where do i start all the things so i literally like i make a working copy of the chart and then i sit there with a pencil and i block it out whether it's into two sections three sections however many sections based on the size of the snowflake so don't freak out this is just the corner of the chart it's not the whole chart so i mean and then i'm going to keep these pieces of paper for the next blocks so if you can see that so like this particular snowflake i broke up into three so i did this section first then the middle section and then the third section and like this one is that focused now it is okay um and then like this one i broke into two sections and this one into three sections so and the pink highlighter is because i finished them so after each section you bury it and start again yeah you do yeah so like for this particular one i went and did this section over here and then tied it off and then i went back up here and did that section okay so it was two halves more or less so like that's and this was so helpful i was like okay now i feel like i can do this now and not that i couldn't do before but i hate that just like sitting there staring at the chart like where do i go next situation yeah so being aware that you don't want to carry overly right uh much so correct i'm a super super a ridiculous don't carry kind of person yeah so um like when i stitch an alphabet i or any letters i always tie it off after every letter yeah and people think i'm insane for that no i don't think you're excited well i appreciate that pam the acorn doesn't fall too far it does not it does not no ma'am so those are what i worked on this week and so next week i will work on our lasting friendship so i can get that done and um then i will probably start on my march block of year at hofron hollow so that's what i'm gonna do cool okay yeah okay what did you stitch on this week pam well i took advantage of the opportunity for a new start and this was another one that stephanie um hit it up for me for christmas this year this past christmas as opposed to the other whip that i'm going to show you that was a couple of christmases ago she gifted to me but this was christmas 2020 yes um and take it out of the plastic so you don't get the glare yes but this is a by the bay needle arc that's been in my stash for several years and i've just always wanted to stitch it and it's called new england whaling waters and i'm a big um i have a large interest in new england whaling [Music] traditional moby dick kind of style um you know and so um she knew that i wanted to start this and so she took everything to the shop and kitted it up and picked out fabric that ended up being perfect uh for it so what i ended up doing with a lot of projects for christmas for pam was that i actually shopped for fabric in our stash um you know with all the fabric clubs and stuff that were in um and then found ones that would work and put them with it so what what is this this is 32 count ren okay picture this plus so um i got a good start on it um it's on ren like she said 32 which i love that's my happy place and uh it's a middle start yep and all the colorful colors yes all the color colors uh except for a couple of overdubs they're all dmc oh yeah yeah yeah there's only two weeks this is my start so that's basically the horizon line so that that little boat is supposed to be as if it's in the distance right yeah yeah i think and then the light blue is the whale's plume so the whale is going to make his appearance below the horizon line and then you see the shore with the little tree and the lighthouse at the top of the hill and seagull in the sky yes and so um it's very exciting this goes into my whips yeah um and i had a lot of fun getting pardon me getting that started did you yeah i did good so that was one of the things i worked on yep you just worked on that like on the 10th right when you started like a few hours like a few hours and then i wanted to um get going on my second march whip go piece yeah um and uh that is uh lady justice from mirabilia and this is on 32 count graceful gray with all the called for us with one small exception yes and i'll tell you about that in a second you guys this was all kitted up and gifted to me by stephanie two christmases ago yes and um it's so good i'm i'm really enjoying this so that's another that's another instance where you just pick it up and you just don't want to put it down it's super fun are you ready so here she is dead remember last week we had the whole discussion about what the hand of the sword was so clearly the hilt is in the hilt is there as well as the blade now there were two chronics that were called for and they were both number four braid so one was the scales the two little pans from the scales the dishes or whatever they're called and they were um kind of a bluish and i was able to put those in fine and then i thought okay and the hilt was in that same dark yes it was silver and so i thought okay let's start attacking this sword well she mistook the specifications and got the chronic filament which is not what you want typically when you're using it for exes right so i looked to see what we might have had in our stash we didn't have any in this in the box of all the chronic and she checked keepsakes didn't have it in stock and we were planning our trip up to findlay up to craft gallery so we get up and i said let's not order it online yet because let's see paula might have it so we go up to craft gallery and i'm walking around and i don't see any chronic and i said paulo where do you put your chronic and she said that her customers basically find chronic to be difficult to use and so pretty much she stopped promoting chronic and she is using petite treasure braid yes so the rainbow gallery from rainbow gallery she took me over to the wall and i brought home two different petite treasure braids that looked silvery yes and um i just said stephanie which one do you want me to try first we picked one that had less of a blackish undertone to it yeah it was pure silver and i said okay here goes and it went in great so so that's what the sword is it's petite treasure braid and i don't know the number if somebody wants to know they can message me but that's all done now it will be backstitched right so it will show up a little bit you're going to wait till the very end to do the backstitch yeah oh yeah yeah so there she is so far isn't she love yeah um and there's a lot ahead i mean all the beads of course which are in the project bag as well i am going to put another week into this and we are in the middle of whip go weekend yeah we are so whether you like it or not yeah so nothing much changes because it's whip go weekend for me uh because i finished the turkey which was my other march project and you saw that last week so it's all about lady justice for all about the justice all about lady justice for me i only took it out of the q snap so that i could talk to you and show you the sword it's so grand that cuts to the truth so there you go so that's um what i've been stitching on this week was not lovely so those are our whips we're gonna do this next yep oh boy so go okay so before we um show you what we brought back from craft gallery i do want to talk about tibet oh yeah so devette was um was is a viewer and she i do believe lives and lives in alabama really she doesn't live in ohio no she travels to alabama often and she always has cats in her van oh she also stops in the keepsakes i've seen her before really yeah oh you must have talked to her more than i did i thought i chatted with her quite a bit but apparently me and the vet have a thing okay annie who's so she no she must not live in alabama that doesn't make any sense but there's there's alabama in there right isn't that right i don't know and she always has cats in her van though i know this for a fact because i've seen them facts all about facts all about facts and um so she's probably giggling at us she's probably rolling her eyes at us and wondering why she continues to watch us anyway she brought us a gift yeah and so i wanted to show you all the gift and this is um and she she said to me um when she handed it to me she was like i don't know if you're able to get this in your grocery store and we are unable to so i've never seen this before i wanted to tell you that and this is um sanders or sanders americas original gourmet topping and this is a two pack ice cream topper listen situation listen this is all this is got our name on it do you see that milk chocolate hot fudge oh my goodness and classic caramel oh my goodness let's open it okay now i have isn't she lovely [Music] now i don't know if the vet wrapped this or not or if it came like this i feel like it came like this it's pretty good wrapping i mean whatever it is yeah it's good but if you wrapped it to vet you should work at one of those christmas wrapping places dang okay you guys want to see here yeah there you go two jars i hope that's a screen grab wouldn't that be good oh my gosh it looks so good america oh there you go there you go yeah let me see you take the caramel okay sanders fine chocolates america's original gourmet dessert topping classic caramel gluten-free if you care yes and it's she lives in michigan i don't name well this comes from michigan so that's why i'm thinking manufactured by sanders they have a youtube uh oh stop it sanderscandy.com one eight 1-800-651-772-1800 let's have some one eight hundred save auto pick up the phone the call is working isn't this amazing do not don't open it unfortunately the lid is sealed do not open it no no i wouldn't oh my gosh i'm so excited this looks so good i think it's time to make brownie sundaes okay you're not gonna get a no for me that's for sure so thank you so much regardless of where you live we love you okay so okay so the reason for our trip was clearly to pick up framing yes yes yes and um someone from here had gone up to pick up their framing and said they had seen ours yours on the wall and they mine are generally convinced just about drop their teeth um sounds awful well show yours no what's going to show you no sure okay okay that's fine um so i had three smaller pieces that i took up there uh this was probably a month six weeks ago now at this point it was that when it was after the first year anyway and took these up there and um so these are the three that i brought back and um so the first one is baby it's cold outside by heart strength and um this was stitched in honor of our sweet friend leanne um everyone not everyone but if you felt so inclined um to start it um it's been over a year since she passed away um this is leanne uh barb's best friend from lost and floss um and so a six along was put together and i joined that stitch along and then finished the piece and um i am i knew i wanted to get it framed immediately so um so i could have it on my wall and so this is stitched um 32 count sampler gold by color and cotton um and is stitched in all of the called four colors except for the green of the trees that i changed um i did add the commas and apostrophes where applicable that were not charted and i did add the cardinals but here it is and um i knew no no shade to anybody um but i knew i didn't want a white frame um i knew that i wanted like a a frame that was like this chocolate brown color to match the words up here um and so that is what i did um and you can see it's got a little bit like a divot in it um and then i added both of these cardinals um in remembrance of leanne um and because they say like when a cardinal appears then there's someone's thinking about you um that has passed and so one is for barbara once for leanne um and it reminds me of the beauty of true friendship and um yeah so i absolutely love it i love the frame paula did an exceptional job per usual um and then we have project labels and i will add one to the back of this um that says stitched in memory of leanne right she uses non-reflective glass as her default this is the class it's not you know it's it's it's so called true view yeah it's so good because i have gone in there to pick up framing i'm used to it now but when i wasn't used to it um you would literally go like you wanted to touch it because you thought there was no glass there very true and it it's just amazing so it is it is and okay then next um this was a stitch away start in 2018 i think um and then it was i was going through my whips and realized how little i had left on it and i was like just finish it um and so this is dorothy's discovery by silver creek samplers stitched on 32 counts antique white no ivory linen i think we just had in our stash um and it is stitched with all of the called four fibers um with a couple exceptions which i'll explain when i showed you so this is dorothy's discovery and so the changes that i made um were in the skin tone color um it the charted color looked far too similar to the fabric um and it just didn't look like flesh frankly and so i changed that and then her shoes no her shoes i did this charted her shoes are petite treasure braid um so yeah everything else is the same that's called for um oh the second bird i added the second bird over here and that replaced the little baby emerald city that was up there um i just didn't particularly like it myself so i took that off and finished it in 2020 uh i forgot i finished it in 2020 honestly that's funny um and when i picked the frame out i i was really worried about this one going up there i was like i don't know if i'm gonna like what like what i didn't know what to do um and then i found this and and i like how i love this framework i think it's perfect for it but i like how see there's like little lines here and here and here and here and they kind of look like little bricks like they they remind me of the yellow brick road so yep and so when thank you when you come in our come into our house um and you come in the laundry room uh it says garage laundry room and then the hallway and there's like we have hall closets the two sliding doors for our hall closets and there's a like little skinny piece of wall right there and i have um my fiddlesticks a you there's no place like home hanging up there and so this one is going to go underneath it yep so that's fun so that's that one and then my third piece that i got which when we posted our framing choices before we got them like when we picked them out um this was like the overwhelming like everyone was freaking out about this so this one is a boo tree by the primitive hair and it is stitched on 32 count queen and lace doblin this was also a mania start from 2018 and it's obviously not finished so it's two over two and i didn't did make any changes to this at all um i don't think did you change the green no the the part it was mischarted oh it was the wrong symbol oh um so yeah okay so this is bootry and i love this frame yeah that was perfect yes so just a right amount of spooky you know right so yeah i love it i love the coverage of the boot i love all the things it's so good so very very beautiful thank you very spooky it will look good on the wall behind us from halloween time uh-huh so absolutely yeah i'm i'm not bad at caustics you know [Laughter] yep very good so those are my three that i brought home and the three that i took up this weekend were um or this week were um autumn bird by satsuma streets uh the frosted pumpkin centuries national parks birthday thing from like the first one that they did and then i also took up um the far better things ahead from pine mountain design so those are the three i took up so we'll show those of course to you when they come home absolutely so pam let's see it okay so i'm going to be very careful yes i'll help you [Music] this is pam's main this is pam's main and if you are new i'll say this before i flip it yes um when we begin our um relationship with twin peak primitives um very early on before we went to the netherlands in 2019 yep they designed this for me and i created a facebook group to do a sal for it and we had about a hundred people there are still some people that are working on theirs yeah and um the truck's still available pardon me and so um yeah um i finished it um on my birthday in 2020 yes and then we began the i'll be home sale on the 25th the day after my birthday in june and that's how that so one cell ended i mean informally yeah a second one started up but i had the middle section done i think when we went to the netherlands i took it to the netherlands to show the twins and um then just pace myself aside from i'm looking across the room aside from uh possibly mother's tree and one nation this is an angel of the sea which is in another room this is one of the bigger pieces i've had framed yeah and we know where we're gonna put it um so we've strategized that all out and um i'm thrilled with this show the paper pam thrilled with this well i'm gonna have to go like this and i don't know how much of it come down no no come down this way okay and then uh move your hands from to the right there you go yeah can you see the whole thing no not the whole thing but you're about as good as you can get it okay my arm is giving out so tell me well yeah i offered help and you didn't want to oh no okay but and i'll show you the frame close up yep um and this is stitch is it 32 count yeah 32 count uh summer sky dublin yes and and all of the calls for our colors yeah all dmc yep and as charted i didn't change anything a lot of people have um substituted words well they changed the name too you know yeah because not everybody another one's name is pam so there you go there's a good close-up of the frame it's perfect it's very very very absolutely perfect very pretty so yeah hello hi i'm pam i'm steph but i'm thrilled pam's main yeah and this is pam's main and it will it looks so good here let's let's what i just want to let me hold it yeah so they can see all the parts of it oh okay okay yeah see you can see how huge it is it's absolutely ginormous ginormous so it'll be hung tomorrow or the next day we'll be home this week um yeah so again of course you know thank you twins and uh thank you paula for taking on such a big piece um and helping us pick a pick a frame yes and um i'm pretty excited yeah i'm pretty excited to have it back yes i left two pieces um cardinal points yep and ocean front property yeah we're left to be framed so those will be picked up the next trip up cool which will be in about a month probably cool roughly okay all right so now now it's time for promotions isn't that exciting you i forgot it like the last two weeks nobody said anything yeah so i don't remember that uh we have our pattern of the week yes from twin peak primitives yes and why don't you explain how that works sure so every week we look through the uh twin peak primitives um catalog of beauties and we pick out one that we love that we think that you would love too and then we tell the twins and they say okay and then they make it twenty percent off for the next week uh we did take last week off as both them and i were recovering from uh needlework expo and so we are back at it with another pattern of like this week and um so we'll show you what this week's pattern is and then we'll talk about how you can get your hands on it so this week's chart is called what pam this week's chart is called the hum of bees yes and um i just love it um i think we're all looking forward to warmer temperatures and i know um i have a beekeeper friend up in maine and he's already out um getting his um bees aligned bees aligned i guess so the hum of bees seem to be um appropriate and we're going to insert a picture of hum of bees here yay and i love the little couple in the middle i think she's holding a glass of wine so so that's pam so of course basically yeah so um if you love the hummer beads as much as we love the hobbies then it's fun to say then uh you can get your copy at a 20 discount from the following places if you'd like a pdf download of the pattern of the week you can get yours at uh either the twin peak primitives etsy shop or their website both are which are linked below in the description box or if you rather have a hard copy of the chart that is totally fine too uh you but there is only one shop in the entire world of crossfit shops that you can get it at a discount this week and that shop is threads and twine which is a amazing online knitting workshop that is in northern california right um and so you don't need a coupon code you don't need to like do anything special you just go and they're already discounted so you're good to go there and then while you are there we also recommend that you check out the springfield 1817 sampler which is the pattern that you must purchase if you would like to a chance to go to europe with us in september yes stop doing that let's make me motion sick um and so all you have to do is buy the chart from any of those places but only those places so and then when you buy the chart then your name gets added to the list and then come september or actually august is when we will pick a winner to see who gets the golden ticket right so pick up your pattern make sure your passport is up to date and enter to go to europe with us this year yes okay okay that brings us to call okay are you ready um well considering i have the whole pile of it oh that's right all of that is all all of mine is hot it is it is okay okay so um we there was one day this week where we got two packages both of which from a vicky there was another day this week and we got two packages and both of which were from someone named judy wow so we had vicky day duty day we had a very day and judy day yes so let's talk about mail from judy first yeah so we got this lovely card from judy thank you judy and she has and i'm not a hundred percent sure honestly i think it might be an etsy um she didn't mention in the note uh in the card or anything but i'm i'm fairly confident that is it it isn't etsy well you'll check and link it i will of course i will uh but she makes bags and she sent them to us which was so lovely and um the company is called so scw cross my heart right and so these are the bags that we got and these are incredible and this is mine look at that look at that look at this box um and then this super cute zipper pull as well and then really lovely soft pink polka dot inside which is lovely and then that is the beautiful the outside fabric really nice size yeah yeah it really would fit eight eleven by eleven i love my love well slip right in here slip right in yep and look at this beautiful thing that she made me yes look at that all those nautical motifs and a cute little zipper pull and lovely plain inside i adore this bag it's amazing if she sells them online we will make sure absolutely link them absolutely not holy cow vicki these are the he means i mean judy judy yeah uh judy and judy with an eye yeah judy these are lovely yes these are just lovely thank you so much so thank you very much very generous yes okay and then i got a package from my friend liz matthews always sends a cute little postcard so um okay i don't know if you heard but my friend liz matthews she's real talented she's really good at crusty's designing it's just something i learned i thought maybe a chair um and she just knocked it directly out of the park for needlework expo this year and she is always so sweet and so kind and sends um a package of her new releases to me and so i wanted to show them to you all i also pre-ordered them through keepsakes right um there is a very high chance that there will be a giveaway yes with these items for sure at a certain point um we have one planned for today but stay tuned right right um and so in case you don't know i will link uh liz matthews flosstube down below she's incredible um and market or expo the first weekend of march marks our one-year friendship anniversary so uh because that's when we first met in person um was in march of 2020 uh and so these are her new releases for network expo this year and this um this was probably the most popular one i'd say all of her charts were really popular at keepsakes at least um you know because i'm the one who keeps track of all those numbers and stuff um but the um this was this was pretty high up there and this is her dutch sampler collection and it is a humongo chart um it is 20 pages and you get charts for everything you see here so the large one here is the dutch sampler um and the dutch reproduction sampler and then the smaller one is what she is calling flower fields and then she also has um like this sewing roll here which she's calling daisy sampler and then you take motifs out of the larger sampler and make all those little smalls and they're so freaking cute and she uses um it's beautiful and she uses both dmc and um nail point silk so it's look at that just look at that it's so great and then the next monstrosity uh this is i'm very excited about this this is engravers charts and this was fun i mean it i love being friends with liz for a thousand reasons but one of my favorite reasons is to see her process as a designer um and watching her stitch this was really really really cool um and i urge people to look at this and if your first impression is that's huge i would never stitch that think about the number of alphabets you get with this and just the options that you have with these alphabets that she gives you i mean there's ten full alphabets and two sets of numbers and there's even like symbols she even includes like little symbols like an ampersand and an up arrow and like a little heart down the bottom it's this it's so good it's so good so this is engravers charts and love that and then this lovely piece um i'm so excited i can't wait to pull the threads for this because it's going to be great this is butterfly cloche and yeah this is super popular too all of her stuff was really popular and um so this is stitched on 40 count as well and then um except these two i believe she stitched on 36 count i think don't quote me on that but um and this frame is amazing for this it's so so so good so this is butterfly cloche and she does say that um because people are asking what does 1817 standpoint does it represent something and it doesn't see how it's like this is supposed to just like exhibit number 1817 see the hashtag in front of it so that's like it's like it's in a science museum oh i see look it's a specimen yes yes correct exactly just like it's a specimen okay yes and then this lovely one i couldn't i couldn't pick a favorite between butterfly clothing gather here i loved both of them and this is gather here and i am obsessed with it i love the stackiness of the font okay i like that it's not all straight across um and it's stitched with a smoke stack by silken colors which is gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous so um that is gather here so thank you so much liz i'm so honored you were so busy and for you to think of me is so sweet so thank you okay and then the next piece of mail comes from vicki and she lives in las cruces new mexico yes and sh it her name is name i've recognized for quite some time um and i have to just share this really funny thing that she did okay so inside was this note that says pam and steph on it okay and i'm not going to read you the whole entire thing but she did provide this little illustration which is so funny so this says fox family kittens nautical and then in the notes she says imagine the rest of this page is an adorable greeting card as you start to open the card you're greeted with the homey center freshly baking chocolate cookies okay now you can hear a beautiful melodic rendition of america the beautiful as you gaze and wonder at the different sections of this lovely card the bottom left side is an adorable family of baby foxes coming out to play for the first time the middle section is a depiction of kittens chasing butterflies and birdies on a wonderful summer morning and the final section on the right side is a salute to all things nauticals anchor nauticals nautical anchors all glory and then she put poopless seagulls and a beach with beautiful shells the description 10 out of 10. also this is everything yeah i just love this so very very much so hysterical regardless of the items in the box thank you for this note yeah right i love it very very much right so vicky was doing a bit of cleaning right and she has watched us for long enough to know about pam and honestly mine love of all things charles wysocki um and so she sent us a a large flat rate priority box full of charles by sake kits so you show those ones and then i'll talk about the rest okay so um this one is antique shops which i love and these are all dimensions kits right antique shops look at all just give me this look at all of those french knots oh yeah look at them all but i've been there before i mean yeah i'm good okay this one is called summer street scene love it love it love it love the color and all of those houses are negative space right i mean the roofs you stitch yep and then you obviously do the french knots of those trees as well oh of course and then this is one that i am currently stitching yes and it is summerhaven inn you've seen me working on this in the past year yep so good that's lovely yes full kits full kits and then okay then these hold that please thank you okay okay and then the next four okay so actually the this one i want to show too this is actually stamped cross stitch and this is a peek at the past that's stamped yes yeah which i don't i mean i'd switch that yep that's really cool i think okay so the next three two of which are needlepoint and one of which is cruel yeah they are full kits this is needlepoint this is the curl and they are amazing and beautiful and lovely and but neither one of us need a point or do cruel right so we're shown to you and instead of doing like a giveaway for these particular items if you have any interest it is first come first serve right so let us know which ones you which you can have one or all of them but whoever comes at us first gets them right so the first one is the first needlepoint one is obviously full kit all stuff yep and this is nantucket wins needlepoint needlepoint yes okay so the needlepoint canvas obviously comes in there with all of these amazing fibers right and then show them the other second needlepoint one is really quite something it's called white house inn look at that that's essentially full coverage needlepoint yes white house inn okay needlepoint charles wysocki yes okay and so either one of those so the first one is nantucket wins and that one is what that one's called white house housing and then the cruel one is um called the violin lesson [Music] it's lovely lovely lovely lovely i don't even know where to begin with this like i don't even know what you yeah i've never done cruel no me neither so it's amazing and and i want them to go to someone who will want to sit it yeah and who knows how to stitch it because i don't know how to do it and even just pam so if anyone is interested in any of these three vicky did give us permission to pass them on if we didn't want them and so just whoever first come first serve you want to say i'll take both of the needle points i'll take them all i'll take yeah whatever you know but those are the three correct um then the giveaway for this video actual competition yeah are you ready yeah is for summer haven in right uh and because this is cross stitch it is a completely unopened kit with all of the floss you can sell it with pam there you go um and so this is summer haven inn so if you are interested in winning this kit then you need to use the word summer in your comments yeah easy summer in your comment um and let us know maybe like what you're most looking forward to for the summer or what's your favorite part of summer anything like that or if you just say summer you're entered yes but you need to run for a week from the date of this video yes and you must be over it you must be 18 or over you also must be a subscriber yes we will ship anywhere right and please do not use the word giveaway in your comment there you go those are all the rules those are the things okay and that is all of the mail call yes and the giveaway and the giveaway just slipped in right there you go so now we're going to talk about hall yes why don't you go pam i feel like i talked a lot these people are going to be annoyed by me okay um this is something that i picked up on ebay and it is a just nan and apparently there was a lettered border series number two but this is called summer by the sea so of course i had to get it of course you did look at that little whale there's a little whale out there so there you go yep so and the beach roses all around so full kit or not full kit no um there's the fabric and a couple of overdogs in there and um i just thought it was very pretty so i bought it because it is yep and then it was a apparently a a private conversation between vicki gable stitch and button and stephanie because vicky got this taco fabric okay this taco fabric so stephanie said oh here's what you need to do vic i said do you have any flame fabric she said because now this is going to take you way way back way back to episode six oh you did look it up episode six i thought it was a big two a six a back when we didn't know how to hit videos together yeah we had part a and b yeah yeah the good old days it's it's it's a learning curve it is so 6a i show a piece called taco sampler it was from casey bornegorio who doesn't design anymore but made some delightful designs a lot of which i own some of which i've stitched yes like the lemon one you showed last week the yeah didn't you show that last week no i don't think so oh not last week i don't know maybe i was looking at one of them yeah yeah i was gonna say yeah yeah anyway i did a lemon pie thing i've done lots of casey designs and um just the cliff notes version is that um never leave your magnifier in the way of a sunbeam don't do it because as i was stitching it it caught fire so when vicki found the taco fabric and showed it to me the first thing stephanie thinks of is taco's on fire taco's on fire so this is the outside of the project bag that vicky made but look it's hilarious i love it i think that's so funny those are the flames of hell the attack that attacked my taco sampler sampler right and she has a cute little needle uh it's a zipper pull yes it's adorable yeah oh it's just adorable so thank you vicky for putting this together yes and conspiring with steph and i just think it's super fun thank you super fun taco's on fire 6a if you really want to see how far we've come yes oh boy yes okay so there's that yep and then um if you might have purchased the saint patty's day mystery box from be stitch me and haven't received yours yet um you'll want to fast forward about uh five minutes because i got mine i'm going to show it yes so um i got the deluxe level box there were different tiers i guess so three pieces of b stitch me fabrics in different shades of green and they're all lovely so there is pine which i think is really pretty i love it and you got did you say 32 count yep okay 32 count linen uh fat quarter um i'm gonna show it on this side yeah show it off shamrock it's so cool it's just like my camera and lucky i love it three very distinctive greens oh show them like this look at that oh yeah that looks good doesn't it sure does sure it is okay um we also got checking my list here we got some of brandy's i got i didn't get anything some of brandy's hand dyed silks yes and we got i got six ten yards um this one has the most variegation and it is not named um but it's got kind of a green and dark blue it looks very good it's dark blue or is it black i think it's a blue i think it's like a midnight blue okay so there's that one it's a very saint patrick's day yeah this is pothos love it this is lemon lime i said the stuff looks just like mountain dew sure does drink to that yep this is shamrock it's like a spring green yes lovely this has got some good variegation in it too this is lucky see the variegation and this has some slight variegation this is called grass so i got those those are all silks and they're all silks we also got a pattern called lucky norman who's super cute got that chart that i believe brandy charted yes yep she did um also it's so cute we got i got a a stitch marker with a little shamrock on the end so cute green beads that cute that's a counter oh yeah stitch marker okay yeah stitch marker sorry for the crinkle don't be pam it's fine got a very pretty um scissor fob with a shamrock on the end so cute long love that that way you don't lose your scissors these are really cool these are some um what what do we call these thumb drops not thumb drops thread drops and they're and they're um lucite they're plastic yeah isn't that bad anyway that's what i do when she orders her mexican food i sing like i have maracas in my hand yes i'm glad we don't film that yeah we'll just do it this way [Music] yeah these are neat as heck yeah and then um i'd be so curious to know how these are made luckily this one is like sorry i'm just amazed by these yeah they're so cool because this one is like it's not it's like dull no it's not clear through nose yeah exactly see how like this one's clear through look but like this one is not it's opaque yes thank you that's the word i was looking for it's another new word for you folks and luck of the irish a nice wooden needle miner love it that was very nice and then to top it all off oh yeah money money money there were 100 bills inside um six chocolates like the now there's only five okay like the gold coins and they all say happy st patrick's day and they all say happy st patrick's day and all of that all of that came in this beautiful project bag made by yet another bag maker look at this beautiful bag again a nice size a and d sewing a and d sewing made a ampersand d sewing yep so that's the same patty's day mystery box from be stitch me yeah and worth every penny i would say huh i was thrilled to get it came uh day before yesterday didn't it so awesome that was my haul congratulations thank you you almost said you're welcome not the right word there pam um okay so last saturday after expo um i was sitting in the parking lot of wendy's eating my frosty and i was perusing stash on lip and i saw that um a lovely stitcher friend of ours judy to do the y this time um she um had some fabric for sale and it was pictures plus fabric and i am all about you know bulking up my stash and so um i got some fabrics and these were some 36 counts so this is 36 count earthen a fat quarter here and this is 36 count sterling that's pretty yes i like this a lot and this oh this one is actually 40 count this is 40 count fresco so it's like a white pinky beige situation and then this um and those are all fat quarters and then i did get a fat half of 36 count doubloon yeah and but in addition to that um so judy also owns um judy's project bags and more on facebook so if you just search for judy's project bags and more um she sent a lovely card and then she also sent um these thread beds that she makes and this one was mine while the cute little cats on it and then it's got that fleece on the inside and then it velcros shut for all of your projects your needs mine was like uh books of fairy tales yeah so books isn't that cute fairy tales with the velcro closure and just lovely just lovely thank you so much judy yeah judy's project bags and more on facebook right okay um and then uh a couple new charts that i got this is new from heart in hand this is uh doodles spring which leads me to believe that she will be doing all four seasons yeah um and i just think it's really pretty and cute and i love her colors all the things so i got that and then uh this is the i think i showed the february one from this series last week uh and so this is the march one from the cottage garden samplings a time for all seasons series this is part three and this is called the first signs of spring and i love it i love that bird i love that basket um and all of these are stitched on 40 count ancient from picture this plus and i am on a mission to find some 40 count agent so i can get that all kitted up you know okay so next is my craft gallery haul so um and it is all fabric um and so what i did this trip and which is probably what i'll do on trips moving forward is um that i went through my stash of charts not my whole stash but whatever um and pulled out charts that i knew that i wanted to kit up um i very very very much enjoy kidding um and i love picking out fabric i love pulling threads all the things so what i ended up doing was i took the charge from my stash i went to craft gallery and got um fabric for them or what i could find for them and then i took them to keepsakes on friday and then pulled the threads that we had so um and saying a huge thank you to elizabeth ann again for enabling but also um after our last trip her and i talked a lot about fabric and like what some of her favorites were and so i had this list already going so i kind of knew what i was going in there for so um and so this one i just got for my stash and this is 40 count sand from pictures plus um and this is one of elizabeth's like favorite fabrics so i had to get it okay so instead of showing you a stack of fabric i'm going to show you the charts that and the projects that i'm going to stitch them on okay so the first project is the winter is past you'll find you'll see a theme here so again i had all the charts so winter is passed by blackbird designs and the called for fabric is 36 count oaken which you know i love so i got 36 count open and some not all but some of the called four threads and most of the fabrics i got at least a fat quarter on so i i brought all the fabric home took it to keepsakes and did all of the math um to find out what i needed for fabric and then cut it surged it and then now i have the rest of my stash okay then the next project is oops pink sparrow sampler this this is definitely from liz um elizabeth ham um bye with that needle and thread i love it and um the call for which is interesting is like part 30 count parchment or something no no so i went with 40 count heartland which i think is gonna look really good and then these are all of the really pretty threads beautiful look at that purple yeah the colors are cool like look at that oh just look at that thank you thank you okay and this one is a bit crazy okay you're gonna love this i feel so this project is out of the just noel book okay so i should i should say that both of the first i've shown the winter is passed by blackbird and the pink sparrow sample right with the needle thread those are both still in print this is very much out of print okay um and this was actually the very first publication if i'm not mistaken of tis the season and i love it and so i kidded it now the called for fabric i mean this book is many years old because it's out of print right for fabric was pear from lakeside craft gallery had pear from lakeside but it did not look like the photo and i really loved the photo so i ended up going with 40 count gray from weeks die works love that and then it calls for all belle silks so i did it i did it it's gonna be so pretty i'm so excited i'm a big kid now so lord knows when i'll start it but it's all ready for when i am ready i put it down here this one okay i'll take that back off your laps all right and okay i'm gonna add two more so this this is the bag that elizabeth anne made me actually thank you elizabeth i love you and i have to say elizabeth ann i know that she goes by liz okay i know that but i have too many friends with the name elizabeth i gotta keep them straight so this product is christmas rose from blackboard designs did i say george sweetie noel by the way i need on thread i think people know this black bird tis the seasons by blackbird just in case anyone was wondering um okay and the what'd you say i don't remember okay great um and the called for fabric for christmas rose is 36 count ren which is this it's lovely and we're out of some of the colors but i got i keep six what we had it'll be pretty i think so i mean the blackbird girls they know what they're doing you know yeah so that's going to be gorgeous no worries there and that's why i put it in my elizabethan bag okay and then my last one and if you are up to date with elizabeth anne's videos then you know that she recently completed it's also on the back this lovely sampler which is tiny treetops also by blackbird designs is out of the sewing club book which is still in print christmas rose was just released not too long ago and sewing club was released in 2020 so it is still available um and tiny treetops is freaking stunning um and these are just some of the colors and i'm gonna stitch it on 36 count sand because i think that that's what elizabeth ann did but um and i want to be here when i grow up so there's just some of the colors that's obviously not all of them but it's going to be soca so that is all of my craft guys haul and it just i just really love getting things and i love knowing that they're all there just like stitch me yeah and i'm just telling you this right now people i'm telling you this right now oh if i could have known three years four years ago that i would love blackboard designs this much i tell you are outside your mind what'd you say last night to the girls i don't remember i said a lot of things to know last night no but one of the things you said was she's come from a long way from like yeah i kissed my cat on the lips on 14 count pink ada with three threads over two yeah so this two blackbird design samplers one thread over two on thirty pretty much it's gone from zero to sixty and sure yeah um so that my friend i'll just throw shade on any eight of stitches or anything no no no no no but it's just the transformation has been wild right it has been wild wild times yeah so that is all of the hall absolutely add to the cart we need to practice that i know we haven't got that down because you always interrupt me all right um as most of you know um we have added a little extra opportunity for people to support our channel in lieu of monetizing our channel and um we've got no wait what i forgot to mention oh in the hall portion just to tie a little bow on the end of that craft gallery does chip so if any of those fabrics you saw that you want to buy you can call craft gallery and they will ship fabric oh ship i thought you said chip and i was like what are you talking about no yeah they do do mail order okay so they i i'll put their information in the description box below i'm sorry i didn't interrupt you but i just want to say okay so back to buy me a call yeah so we added a buy me coffee link it's in the description box below yes um it is completely optional yes but i have to say the response from all of you that have used that opportunity has been overwhelming and we want to acknowledge this week's buy me a coffee users yes and i'm going to use first names only before we read the names you want to explain what the general concept well i thought i just did oh okay i thought i said that we added it to our channel as an uh an opportunity for people to support us in lieu of us monetizing our channel but that we're we're using that as frame to pay for our framing yes yes um you know you can change whatever you want to call the um show of support uh monetary support um from you know you can say coffee if you drink coffee you can say some other kind of stitching um gift item um and we thought that because we can roll it back into content like we did today that we would uh say you know if you would like to support us in framing some of our pieces yeah um we were the we were the original um flosstubers who coined the phrase under the bed box or ubb and somebody even suggested that we call it the empty the ubb was it liberate the ubb or liberate the ubb so that's pretty much what it entails so we're doing people um and like i said it's completely optional but um it is in lieu of monetizing our content and um some of the comments that have come with um the gift have been um just wonderful incredible thank you and we're gonna we're gonna read some names and i'm gonna start okay uh so the buy me a coffee um users this week are ingrid j l family karen susan k vanessa cindy carla susan and polly and then i get to read the other half and they are carol katie joan and karen and adam diane sue melanie and ruthie and then we also had five uh anonymous donations as well so thank you all so very absolutely we appreciate you very very much right and if you have never used buy me a coffee uh to support someone putting online content there is a link in the description box and if you click on it you'll see immediately what it's all about yeah so yep um plans include uh me getting my second covert shot yeah on thursday uh also a couple of doctor's appointments for me and we're getting our computer we're getting our computer delivered like we mentioned so that's exciting yep and i did want to give a brief update on expo special orders so for those of you who don't know i am an employee of keepsakes cross stitch which is the local needle workshop here in cincinnati it is um that's my job pam's retired um and so uh one of my biggest responsibilities is handling all of the uh market expo pre-orders and special orders um and so i just wanted to let everybody know that boxes have started to arrive at keepsakes if you follow keepsakes on instagram you saw the picture we posted um on friday i think it was which is very exciting um and so we are going to start um so if you ordered something as a pre-order we are not going to ship your item until your order is complete so everything's coming to us piecemeal so we just if you're wondering why you haven't heard from us for heard from us it's because your order isn't complete yet um and so we don't want to ship twice three times that's a lot of times for you to have to pay for shipping frankly and so we're waiting for your orders to be complete before we um either ship them or you come pick them up and i did want to make that clear because i had a question about that on instagram um if you live local enough to want to stop in and pick up your order you are absolutely more than welcome to do that there's no requirement that we ship it to you i had a local person ask if it was okay if they picked it up and i said absolutely 100 right um and then also um so starting tomorrow um is when we are gonna because i'm we're assuming that more boxes appeared on saturday i didn't work saturday but i'm assuming that more boxes showed up on saturday um and then there will be more tomorrow too so um we're still waiting on our biggest like most popular designers um and for those orders to arrive they were quite large so that's probably why they haven't tried okay it's totally fine i'm not worried about it um and then then we can really get the ball rolling on that and so um we are planning on even working on thursday if need be to get orders processed and out the door to you um and then also what else was it gonna say what else are they gonna say oh next week um so i had a really great idea from a local city friend tony and she had a great idea about letting everyone know what the top 10 most popular charts that were pre-ordered by keepsake's customers um and i thought that was a really fantastic idea and so i would really like to be able to show them to you as i go through those top ten and so as soon as we have all of that in the building then i will give you because chances are that i probably pre-ordered them too so um that means they'll be coming home anyhow um and so then we'll do a top ten i think that would be really fun cool so yeah that is that well that's going to wrap it up it's been another great week of stitching and we hope you have had one or are looking forward to one yeah so um thanks for stopping by and spending some time with us we hope that you found something enjoyable or funny or inspiring or enabling or just chilled and stitched and stitched along yeah so we will see you in another week okay in the meantime i'm pam and i'm stephanie and this is just keep stitching bye
Channel: JustKeepStitchin'
Views: 11,371
Rating: 4.9323797 out of 5
Keywords: FlossTube, JustKeepStitchin', Pam and Steph, Twin Peak Primitives, Cross Stitch
Id: qeczzSvJrvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 38sec (5498 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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