Flosstube #91 This is a long one but worth the watch!

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[Music] hi flosstube we're back my name is becca and this is shadow and you've reached sambri stitches here on flosstube a channel about cross stitch shadows getting her marshmallows funny story really quick uh came home my husband does the grocery shopping on saturdays while i'm at work and i came home and he claimed that shadow requested these lucky charms so he bought them for her spoiler alert these do not taste like lucky charms marshmallows they taste like plain old marshmallows but she still likes them and they're fun shapes she's spoiled anyways this is flosstube number 91 um and you can also follow me over on instagram i'm very active there under sandbury stitches as well uh today is wednesday april 28th and it has been three weeks since i've done an update to be honest i have been feeling very blah um very exhausted just something funky not sick but um i just didn't have the energy to pull all of this up out here and get the video going and i know a few others are feeling the same way carla was public with hers and i messaged her and i was like i completely understand but we talked to each other we gave each other good juju she recorded her she is rolodex stitches um and she got through it so i'm gonna get through it their shadow um i also slept funny last night so if i'm sitting weird or moving weird it's because my neck and my back hurt so yay this is going to be a longer video so i hope that you have your drink i have my tea y'all these are my new favorite mugs they are very done i'm trying not to spill my tea so they already done it says on the back but they're stainless steel this one says hashtag mom life i only have two the other one just says tea but these keep my tea so hot and warm and then the lid closes so but i'm gonna keep it open so i don't have to keep you know yeah so those are my favorite okay um like i said this is gonna be a very long one i was beyond blessed by stitchy kindness these past few weeks i am just speechless and the amount of messages um and comments that i receive from people who are either randomly stopping at a store and spotted a ray done or they spotted bigfoot my husband bought me this it's a sandy bigfoot hoodie and it's got bigfoot footprints down the side um well he picked this out for me this will be in my uh recap in a minute um but thank you guys so much uh all of my returning subscribers you guys are amazing i cannot believe that you think of me outside of watching my videos so that just means a lot to me um and welcome to my new subscribers i have quite a few so thank you all for giving me a chance i hope that you enjoy my videos my interviews more to come on those in a minute um my ray done haul videos and anything else that i throw up um uh as a video so i just appreciate you and if you came across me across me by accident um welcome i hope that you will hit the subscribe button by the end of this or you may just need a nap because it's going to be a long one anyways a quick little recap um on my three weeks it's been kind of a busy-ish three weeks um our bunny who is down here he turned three on the 9th of april his name is cookie but he goes by many other names my youngest daughter named him cookie shooky cookie because we are bts fans if anybody is a k-pop bts fan she named him shooky cookie but um i just call him brat he's he's becoming sweet now that he's a bit older he used to if you go back to previous videos or were on zooms with me um when i'd let him roam out here he would attack and bite me now he just kind of like lays down and says pet me when we let him roam so not so bad um i was also supposed to be my my friend heather punky pearls um but i had to cancel because i just wasn't feeling well and neither was my youngest daughter so that was a bummer but we have new plans to meet up with a few people so hopefully that will hold um i know covid restrictions are changing um in oregon now so hopefully not in washington too we'll see it's it's like a roller coaster with this pandemic um my hubby and i had a getaway if you follow me on instagram you saw some pictures uh this time we went away for two nights again at ocean shores that's just kind of our thing is going to the beach we stay at the quinault casino because there's food there's the casino and then there's the beach right there so we don't really have to you know worry about going anywhere doing anything two nights is amazing because the check-in is between four and six pm and then you have to check out by 11 so it doesn't give you much time to like relax so we get a whole day of relaxation and we just basically lounged in the hotel room it was just so nice um it was pretty beautiful weather the first night we walked out on the beach and watched the sunset down by the ocean you're seeing pictures as i'm talking uh my husband actually took our selfies he wanted to take selfies which was awesome um and he also took the picture of our shadows in the sand and that's one of his favorites he loves that um my girls i texted them the pictures and my girls were like those are slenderman legs i was like no they're it's a sweet picture they were a little creeped out by the extra long legs um but we had a good time you know we just we drove on the beach in his truck um like we always do we only saw one eagle because the weather was a lot nicer than it was when we went down on easter there were so many people and the eagles don't like that so um when we were down on the beach watching the sunset we had an eagle like fly right over us super close right over us it was amazing and all i got was the tail end of his butt because i didn't have the camera out so all you see is like his silhouette but it was it was amazing to have an eagle fly that close to us um and then we got to see the sunset so it was it was just an awesome trip um the hotel gave us a hundred dollars to spend so this is where this came in because you could spend it on food or at the gift shop so uh darren picked this out for me y'all have so many bigfoot hoodies and i think i have more bigfoot hoodies than i do with any other clothes but i love them um and then you know credit for the casino um we basically had lost all that he had taken out and then i was like okay let's just take out a little bit more because i really hate losing money like it makes me physically sick to my stomach like it's no joke i get cranky and moody and it's it's just hilarious he doesn't understand why i even go and i said i go because you enjoy it so sorry i get cranky it's just i could spend that money on cross stitch or ray dunn or anything else but the casino um so i said okay let's take out a little bit more and he lost it i won it all back so we almost broke even we lost a tiny bit but way way better than what we could have lost so i was in a good mood um then on the way home y'all if you've been following me you know how much my husband wants me to work on the elk piece which i'll show you in my wips um and how much i dried it because i'm just not a full coverage person it just takes too long to you know see anything i like my smalls or samplers that have motifs for instant gratification but he really really wants that piece i tried to convince him to let me stitch other stuff but no so he he decided to make a new rule that since i bring stitching on the trip that the elk piece was the only stitching that i could bring on the trip and i told i explained that i could not stitch on those in the in the moving vehicle it's just it's a full coverage too much confetti i just can't do it so i was allowed to bring another piece for the truck but to work on it in the hotel room or the elk i worked on them and you're gonna see a picture and he's totally okay with this picture i sent it to him it's one of his favorites um he had fallen asleep he takes a nap and i'm sitting there and i'm stitching away and i think while he napped i want to say that i got 350 stitches in something like that um and he woke up just so happy that i was working on it that the next day i also worked on it and put in another 1100 so i got 1 450 stitches total um on his out which i'll show you but the cool thing was that on the way home i'm going to reenact this and you guys are gonna think it's funny and it may get a little bit loud for a second but on the way home i didn't stitch i was just too tired so i didn't pull out i had brought my wool applique piece to to work on in the vehicle but it was too tired so i was just watching out the window and it took a second for it to register and usually my husband's really good at spotting you know animals and stuff like that but he was just focused on driving and i started going like screaming like that in the vehicle and he's like what and i'm like i'm pointing out the window i'm like turn around turn that and i cussed flip the truck around and i'm like and then i calm down and i'm like i'm pretty sure that was a herd of elk so he quickly turns around and then turns around again and then pulls up to the side and lo and behold it's a herd of freaking elk literally right on the other side of this creek so close there was like i would say like 15 he said of them and um i opened the door and they heard me and they all started looking at me and i got scared that they were just gonna run off before i got any good pictures so i was not in my right mind i was super excited i was almost crying and i'm taking these pictures and then i get back in the car and and the truck and they're starting to walk away and i'm like oh i should have pulled out the elk cross stitch piece and took a picture of them in the background but because i was so scared that they were going to run away i didn't do it so mad but i posted the pictures um on instagram and everybody was like it was meant to be you know you brought his elk so you got to see the elk and it was just all amazing absolutely amazing um so i will probably print off a couple of those pictures whenever i get this piece finished and stick it on the back of them just to remember our trip to ocean shores and the first time that i brought the elk project with us and we saw heard elk so that was amazing um i got a new car my kia sorrento was a 2014 and it just started to poop out and we had no car payment on it for the longest time and we just had my husband's he's got a brand new 2020 ford ranger i think it is um so we just had that car payment and that's why i've been so able to uh spend but we traded it in we got a very good amount um and i got a 2016 jeep renegade trailhawk and so if you follow me on instagram you saw these pictures already too um but i absolutely love it it's this beautiful gray color i cannot remember what the gray is called it's some cool gray color um but it's got off-road tires so we can go off-roading with it and go on the beach with it it's but the thing that sold me is apparently jeep puts little easter eggs throughout their vehicle so like there's a little jeep hidden on the windshield there's x's cross stitch um x's on my lights which was awesome um and on the back window when you open up the the back door there's a big foot and oh there's a picture that you're looking at there's a bigfoot hidden there that's what told me the bigfoot it was so cool um but yeah there's different easter eggs hidden throughout the jeep so it's been a lot of fun um my youngest daughter named him rocky so his name is rocky there's shadow again the elusive shadow creature so i absolutely love it it just sucks that now we have a second car payment so i had to say goodbye to um a few monthly clubs that i was in i think i've said goodbye to two or three fabric of the month clubs and my button club um and i'll probably get rid of one more fabric club and keep i'm just keeping these stitch me's of course y'all i'm never getting rid of b stitch bees um so got that and then my hubby got his second shot this past thursday he went to work friday and came home in the afternoon and just was beyond exhausted had the chills um he's not one to get sick so uh that hit him pretty hard i get my second shot this friday in a couple of days and my girls actually get their first shot tomorrow we were all supposed to get it together on friday but the base called and apparently they're saving the moderna vaccines for people who need their second shot like me because my first one was madonna and i guess the base is switching to pfizer so the girls have to get their first shot with pfizer um which is kind of a bummer because i don't know how they're going to react i guess i don't know how they're going to react to the madera either but um so they get those tomorrow night and then we'll all be vaccinated shortly i'm excited for that it gives me peace of mind because i was just really worried about my girls um and then sam sam turned 22 on april 25th um her plans had changed i know i was supposed to do a live but um we hung out the entire day instead we went right on hunting together and i posted a picture on instagram of us just before we were getting out in our masks and it was hilarious how many people said that we were like twins she's my mini me um they thought i superimposed myself into the picture um it was pretty cool she is by mini me she is my best friend she is pretty awesome and i'm going to be heartbroken when she moves out um she will be graduating college uh in this just after the spring semester i think um so that's gonna be a bummer but she does need to move on and she's grown into a amazing talented smart beautiful young woman so she will do well um so and then we went to dinner at fujiyama steakhouse it's our favorite place to go for birthday dinners it's fancy-ish expensive they put on a show and they cook your steak and all that kind of stuff and we had an awesome chef so it was a very entertaining night um she wanted a cookie brownie from her dad for her cake so we stuck candles in that he also made strawberry shortcake so we had just a little delicious dessert made by my husband and that was it she had imported some bottles of wine from israel three of them and then we searched the entire house and did not have a wine bottle opener and hers wasn't delivered until i believe yesterday so we will be having some wine tonight to celebrate i'm not a wine person but i'm willing to try it so y'all that was my recap oh my neck is hurting so bad we are 18 minutes in i will put a time stamp uh down let me all right so a couple of housekeeping now we're going to get into kind of the the stitchy not showing stitching yet but housekeeping and stuff like that um i wanted to do some shout outs at the beginning for the under 1000 subs club um george's stitcher i wanted to give her a shout out her she films with her two daughters sometimes both of them sometimes one of them but they both stitch which is pretty cool they're adorable and she shows such beautiful projects she stitches large projects um and they're just amazing but the cool thing is her girls are starting a fabric dying little mini business to earn some extra money so i thought that was pretty cool um so if you go follow georgia stitcher and i'll link all that down below um you can see their fabrics i think they're actually posting tonight the first fabric so i have to remember to keep an eye out um for that because i think it's ada and 28 count i think is what it is so um gotta support the kids of course so go check her out and get her um her subscription up they deserve it they're just they're awesome um nicole stitches with sphinxes sphinxes i said that right um she i really enjoy her videos she is also kind of a fellow radon hunter i had found a mug that i sent to her um and we chat every so often but i enjoy her videos she's going through some things right now so i'm not sure if she's really able to stitch so she may not be posting as much but i love her upbeat personality she's just so sweet and she also stitches beautiful projects as well so i live vicariously through her because i'm pretty sure she does some full coverage uh pieces if i remember correctly um on that so and then the last one is my friend lynne she is lynn x ditch um she put out her first floss tube she's made appearances on rebel stitchers um flosstube a couple of times and she makes amazing bags one of which i'll be showing you in my haul um and she's been a friend of mine for a while she joins she joins my zoom meetups um and she did such a great job on her first flosstube video um so i'll link her down below too and like i said even if you guys don't want to watch the videos like you can still subscribe and show support and then just turn off notifications uh subscribing doesn't do anything it just adds one more person to your list but you can turn off notifications and be good it just you know it kind of just boosts everyone's spirits when our numbers go up um okay next i just hit one year of interview with the flosstuber which is awesome there's gonna be some changes but first i wanna talk about the interview with a flosstuber um one year ago minus a few weeks um i received a message from daylene so grateful an amazing sweet friend of mine and you all should go check out her channel if you want positivity and love and just it just is so good for your soul to watch her videos um she had sent me a message during this whole beginning of lockdown pandemic quarantine whatever you want to call it and said hey i think it'd be great if maybe you did you know interviews interviews with other flosstubers and i was like oh that might be fun to do you know during the the lockdown give extra content um and so you know i made a list of questions and i sent it to dalene and she was like oh let's tweak this or let's read that and she always had such amazing advice and gentle suggestions is what she called them um so i finally got my list of 15 questions um and then i asked her to be my first interview because it was her idea um to start these interviews and of course she said yes and we did the interview and it was a learning curve for me and for you know both of us um but it went really well so i want to thank daleen because i really really did not think that people would love these interviews as much as they do um it was meant to only be a short little thing during the you know few months that we were on lockdown but i have continued it because people keep asking um for them so thank you all so much for the support um i appreciate it and thank you daleen for planting that seed for planting that idea and letting me just grow with it i appreciate you so much now now that things are kind of getting back to a new normal and people are going back to work and things are opening up or locking back down um everybody's getting busier what i'm going to do is i'm not going to stop doing the interviews but i'm going to switch them to hopefully every other sunday because it's getting difficult to work around everybody's schedule i work friday through sunday so i'm not available on the weekend unfortunately um and then during the week everybody else works so trying to schedule things is becoming a little bit challenging i really do want to keep these interviews going um but if it gets a little bit too challenging to try to schedule i may not be able to but we're going to keep it going as long as we can so um my last interview that went up was with kia bee and nathan tech guy in the hive they were my one year celebration and it was if you have not watched it yet please go watch it it was absolutely amazing um and then there won't be one this sunday and then there'll be one the following sunday because i have an interview tonight um with with some people that i'm excited about so so that's what i'm going to do um until i just can't schedule anymore it is a lot of work but i really do enjoy doing them and i'm so glad that they've been so embraced by the community as well all right it is deck derby time of course everybody is talking about it emily c of eclectic possessions um is hosting the duck derby and i am just going to read what she posts it's helping children in need she said last year was so successful with all the wonderful donations i'd love to bring the community together again to raise money for children and families served in the organization i work for to learn more about advocates for children please peruse the link in my profile to learn about all our programs if you would like to donate an item for a giveaway which she's got a ton a ton of giveaways um and that's just emily doing it the organization also does it um as well uh to be given away to those who enter by adopting ducks please reach out to me and let me know um so i'll put her link down below it is an amazing cause i donated my ducks i know many people have um it's just absolutely amazing so go check that out emily is such a kind and caring person i had the opportunity to do an interview with her as well there's gonna be some more helping out throughout this video as well also watch for a giveaway um to celebrate my one year uh interview with a flosstuber okay y'all we're about a half hour in and i still have so much to show so i apologize that this is so long oh my goodness okay i have some um finishes some fully finished framed pieces with a little bit of a horror story i have whips i have tons of stitchy kindness and then i have haul so there's a lot so this might be a doozy i might beat um bobby pumpkin creek primitives videos sometimes hers are like an hour and a half we'll see i have an appointment today so i'm trying to get this done um all right so let's get started let's just show my finishes first because that'll be easier so my first one was a sal that i am hosting for uh cherry hill stitchery and i finished it this was deceiving it was uh bigger sorry i don't iron until i'm ready to finish so there it is i used all the called four colors with one strand and i absolutely love it it's sweet land of liberty um and they hashtag a sweet cherry hill cell and you can stitch any cherry hill stitchery piece you want i i'm not picky i love all of hers but this is on 18 count doubloon by picture this plus and i believe doubloon was called for just not aydah so i'm not sure how i'm gonna finish this y'all i'm stumped i'm kind of getting like not burnt out but just not really inspired lately i don't know and then this was a finish that i finished last night this was one of my unicorn charts blackbird designs america and i did not fill in around the flag and i left the words off look at this that is beautiful so this is on 18 count 1776 by color and cotton and i'm not sure if you can see the modeling there's some blue modeling in it and that's why i didn't want to fill it in and i didn't think it needed america at the bottom i mean the flag screams america so i love it this is an out-of-print chart and i am probably not getting rid of it uh like i said my daughter and my sister stitch so i want to keep it in the family um but i think i'm gonna get this framed i love it so much it's just beautiful okay um my other finishes before i show my framed pieces um my first one is a stitching housewives pattern and it's land of the free and this is on 18 count patriotic from b stitch b and i just did it on a wood block from i think hobby lobby it was like a dollar ninety-nine um and it just has the stars around it and i just stuck it on there and then i just put some trim so there's that one that'll sit up on my display this next one i didn't bring the chart up well i guess you don't need to see the chart this one is freedom quaker by from the heart needle art and i absolutely love this it was a pretty quick stitch surprisingly and i'm sending this pattern to my friend amy sprinklestein stitches um and this was a like a wooden tray um it's got a indentation on the inside that i found at goodwill and i thought that this looked really pretty like this because they have the flower motifs i know trays are supposed to be like this but hopefully that works just to prop up but look how beautiful that is i wanna say that i used the called four colors but i'm not a hundred percent sure and i think this was an unnamed fabric it's 18 count with one strand um i will put all my my information down below for the fabric and the name of the charts so that way i get it all right but i just did sticky board and this is a dark blue wool felt because i didn't have the cheaper felt in this color and i just think it looks great so there's that one oh and then my last finish was this is a ray done box it's ray done and it said recipes on the top but what i did is i just um mounted this on sticky board oh there's carl for gina um carl is the rooster that likes to crow occasionally on the road behind us um i added this fabric to the top um with some little uh lady dot creates yellow pom pom and then on the inside is where i mounted my black bird designs um a summer bouquet i think is what it's called and again i don't remember the fabric i should have taken notes but it took all of my energy to get this together so just look down in the description box and i'll have it um but i thought this was pretty cool to be able to display like this and put some stuff in it um when i put out my patriotic pieces um so i did that well i forgot something else this is the second edit that i've had to do and the sun is starting to blind me and i need to get to my appointment um but my wool applique piece i didn't bring up the pattern but it basically looks like this this is my little applique piece this was a buttermilk basin piece or kit that they sent um this was a little bit more challenging for me because i'm just not very good at following instructions so i don't know if i did it right but um it turned out really cute i did the stitches on the wings like what the pattern showed and then everything else the stitches are kind of hidden man doing these small pieces my stitching is terrible but you can't see it so um buttermilk basin kits are pretty cool everything comes kind of all together and you just have to do the tracing and cut it all out and everything um i'm super excited that my friend robin of lady robbins is now jumping on the wool applique bandwagon um she started a little chat group with me and anna of stitch roadies quilt roadies um asking questions and then once we're all fully vaccinated um i think we're gonna have a wool applique day at anna's house which is gonna be awesome um but i wanted to show this because it was a lot of work and this piece actually got me through and no i don't do the bottom anna you can yell at me later i'm too lazy to put a bottom on this um but this piece got me through my work at home day on friday where i had to take phone calls so i was just working on this um in between to kind of keep me calm and just zen when taking those calls so just wanted to add that in and show it off back to my other finishes my framed pieces oh now i noticed that there's ickies on it my friend pieces were a nightmare let me take a sip so we took them in to our local michaels a few weeks ago i don't remember the date um and my oldest daughter samantha and i went in so that she could help pick out the um frames and the lady who helped us then was the lady that was going to be doing the framing so i thought okay cool explained everything this is the amount that you know i want on each side blah blah blah everything was good go to pick it up they called saturday the day before her birthday and we went to pick it up and they were absolutely completely off-center and wonky and like they'd cut some things off and i just couldn't believe it could not believe it um so i refused them sam and i were like no no these need to be fixed this is ridiculous for the amount of money we paid they need to be centered so we left him we were told they were going to be ready on sunday which was her birthday and they were not ready on sunday so monday rolls around and i actually get a phone call monday and said they were finally ready so i go in and i was like okay cool they are all ready and they rush you they and their lighting is terrible and they open up the paper they're like okay good you see it and then wrap it back up and so i was like okay whatever so i get home and i'm looking on natural lights i was getting ready to take a picture of them and i noticed a hair along uh my daughter's piece along the house a black hair up the middle of the house underneath the glass and i was like are you kidding me so then i look at huckleberry farm and there's a chunk of paper like the white or the brown the light brown paper stuck to my piece underneath the glass so i had to drive all the way back which is not that far but it's still gas and it's annoying so i drove back and i was like hey look at these and they have this thing on the back let me this white glove and it had her initials and i was like how are they how were they even inspected like clearly and i told them they needed better lighting because and to stop rushing people i was i was annoyed so i sat there and i waited and she fixed them okay cool so i take it home and um my daughter's piece looked fine and then i started looking at my my huckleberry farm and then there's a piece of my fabric across one of the letters so it's a light purple across the dark purple and i was like are you kidding me so i'm like shaking it and pounding it trying to see if i could knock that piece down because it was covering basically my letter and it wouldn't move so i had to go back again and mind you i'm getting attitude and maybe i'm dishing out a little bit of attitude a little bit of frustration um but i was getting some attitude um the the the second i guess the second time the first time that day that i had gone back but it was the second time i refused them so i was dreading going back in but i went back in and i said hey you know there's and she's like no that's part of your piece and i was like no no it's not it's a piece of the fabric from the back that somehow got you know stuck on the front um and she's like well i can cut it out i was like no no no no no cutting it out um it just needs to be removed it's just a loose piece of fabric that is covering my letter that just needs to be removed she's like okay so and it was a different lady that time i was dealing with and i asked her i said can i just speak to a manager normally i am not the let me speak to the manager type of person but after all of these events and the amount that i paid i had cried at home and i had started crying in the store which makes me just feel so embarrassed but i cry when i'm angry i cry when i'm frustrated i'm an emotional person and lo and behold she calls the manager and the manager is the lady who had checked in my pieces who had worked on my pieces every time she was the manager of the framing shop and i did not even realize she was the manager so i am like shocked by now that this white glove sticker on the back was actually the manager's initials and all of these issues were happening so i said look i said i'm really frustrated i've paid a lot for these they're my first two samplers they mean a lot to me um you know i'm sorry that i keep having to come back but like your lighting is really bad it's hard to see things in here and she's like well maybe you should inspect it better this time just just take your time and inspect it make sure everything is good and i was like all right all right i was not about to you know because when i work from home on fridays i get some pretty nasty phone calls and the people don't realize that i had nothing to do with it i'm the one that's trying to fix it she actually did these mistakes and she's treating me like that but here i am telling myself just stay calm because you're going to start crying again just get through it and then never take your stuff here again so i sat there and i inspected it and i made sure she saw that i was inspecting it and then at the end she goes well i can give you a 10 discount you know for your trip or for your your issues and i was like sure i'll take the 10 whatever 10 and ninety cents y'all ten dollars and ninety cents is when i got back from having to refuse these multiple times and crying and stress and dealing with the customer service so i will not be going to the local michaels anymore very unhappy but it is done and i have them my daughter picked out the frames um so this is hers this is dear daughter by blackbird designs it's her initials in the year she was born i want to say this is on toast from b stitch b but i can't remember again um but i love it it's finely centered there's no black hair up i mean literally it was up the house like that it was crazy um but it's beautiful and i'm so proud of it so proud of it and she loves it um yeah so that that we're good on that this one y'all this one she also picked out this frame look it look at my huckleberry farm after all of the nightmare look at it oh my gosh i love it so much so she picked out this frame it's like a gray wood wood frame it brings out a little bit of the gray in the stitching but it just fits it perfectly and my initials if anybody wants to know a teeny tiny down here so i did initial it oh i love this so much and this is on 18 count pansy from picture this plus it was a fabric of the month club peace look at that hopefully this is my screenshot sorry i made you guys stare at it a lot longer than you probably wanted to but it was gorgeous oh somebody is walking by our yard shadow is on alert all right i'm gonna pause this and get my whips ready i'm so sorry you guys over 42 minutes in i'm really sorry for the long video i hope you're enjoying it i will be right back okay i am back shadow is inside so we will have no more barking all right i have some lips to show the first one i finally got her back out she was also my unicorn chart mirabilla mirabilia i can never say that right lady of the flag this is on a custom piece that brandy at the stitch me had died for me and i think now is available because um this is the patriotic this is 16 count patriotic though look at her so i had shown a before picture hopefully while i was pulling this out um but i filled in her hair basically and some more of the flag look at that oh my gosh she's so gorgeous um this isn't i guess i should show the bags it's been a while since i've shown bags this was a gift from um kim it's a creative carol bag she had sent me a couple she sent me super a super double-sided large one and then there's this one that i love and i just put her in here um so i worked on her i really want to get her done because uh i have i think i'm going to do queen of peace next um brandi has already dyed me custom fabric for that and then i do have queen of freedom i have i think it's lady liberty um the snow queen and then the santa's magic i think so i have plans to use them all but who knows when um the next one is land that i love by theresa koget this is land that i love zum sal so we do have a south uh terry from cornhusker state stitchers is also stitching this so it's like an unofficial she's an unofficial part of the cell no she's the official part of the cell um and i have it off my q snap but not ironed i will never iron ahead of time that's just me um but here it is and this is on 18 count homeland from b stitch me this was another custom piece that i had asked brandy to die for me um and she did an amazing job look at that y'all i ha i brought down the borders basically what i did i'm so scared to start on those houses it's going to take forever but i want this done and i want it framed and i want it right next to huckleberry farm i love it i'm gonna show um one part of stitchy kindness here because i'm using it already this was sent to me along with another one which i'll show later but it was sent to me by my friend chris she is as the you flies her name is chris yo um these are amazing and i'm gonna talk more about them when i get to um the stitchy kindness part but she sent me a big foot and then on the back it says keep calm and stitch on so i'm already using it i broke the rule of the flosstubers so meh this bag was just a bag that i bought off of a stash unloading it has stars on the inside it has no name to it um so all right this next one i worked on for dark 13 stitching um my sweet friend hallie from stitching big things with halle um bought this chart for her and i it's a pdf and this is uh thine is the trick retreat from prairie moon and we have a style it's just called prairie moon cells so anybody can stitch it i'm using silk for this brandy's cauldron um silk and this is the her fabric as well it's an unnamed opalescent piece and it's going to look amazing on there but i got a motif done on that so i try to work on this you know every 13th sometimes the 31st as well so so there's that and then this was a new start and this was a pdf um i want to say it's [Music] monica stitching studio is what this one is um and it's gonna be super small but because i'm doing like a fruit summer display watermelon lemon that kind of stuff i started it um so that's where i got to it's that flag is super awesome i don't know if you can see it with this shading on there um i don't know what fabric this is i'll have to put it down below i don't have it labeled i'm just really bad with that oh well i put my dog inside and somebody else's dog barks this bag is from my sweet friend heather she is heather punky pearl's goodwin on costume i think she changed her name she gifted me this bag her bags are awesome she has an etsy shop that i'll link down below but look she does this lace for her zippers and i love it and they're very sturdy and well made so you all should definitely go check out her bags i am buying one from her when we hopefully meet up in a couple weeks i think a week or so oh all right and the finale of my whip elk anthem by the first lady of cross look at this beast do you see this this beast and i'm actually loving stitching on it now i love it um it is going to be a nightmare i think i'm not doing 18 count so it says it's going to be 20 inches by 12.8 inches yeah yeah it's gonna be crazy um so there was a before picture that you saw and then this is where i'm at now and erin if you're watching it's two elk booties for you now elk booty but there's a whole female elk look at her i cannot believe so you all know that i usually stitch you smalls for decor pieces or um you know the samplers but to see look at the trees like to see everything come to life and this is 18-count oatmeal ada this the cheap stuff that i bought from michael's they had a large enough piece and i'm doing one strand but look at those booties i love it i love it so much and this is one of the bags that i got from lynn the next stitch creates a bigfoot i probably am bag twins with um with colleen rubble stitcher but i love lynn's bags because they're large and the large bags will fit my q snaps so um you can buy her bags on instagram and now you can go check out her flosstube because she has a floss tube which is super awesome okay i'm trying to rush through this because i don't want to make it a huge long video and i've got other stuff to do today okay stitchy kindness i was speechless with the amount of stitchy kindness that i have received over three weeks um and there is one from my sweet friend erla she's in iceland um that while we were out was attempted to be delivered yesterday and i had to sign for it it says you have to sign for it and be 18. um so i missed it so it will be in this video but thank you erla i know we chatted this morning she sent me a message and she's like becca look what arrived it was a freaking christmas card that i sent i think it was stamped from the post office on december 15th december 1 5. she got it today april 28th um wow i was thinking about you really i really was i'm sorry it took like four months uh to almost five months to get to you but i'm glad it arrived um that's craziness absolutely crazy um so i showed you the bigfoot piece that was sent to me by chris but she also sent a second one that's the front of it the front says home is where you're loved then this is the back of it and so clearly i showed you how i'm using them these are um floss blinged is what i call them i mean she even added this little beautiful bead and some you know little string y'all these are stitched they're like mini quilts is what she calls them they're sturdy like super sturdy and what i love about these is how i showed you these my floss doesn't get tangled in these and they're solid so it keeps them straight i love the other floss blings too but my floss always gets tangled in like the little squares of the little hearts um and it drives me crazy this they don't get tangled these are freaking awesome and look at the detail do you see the stitching and then there's is it called a grommet i have no idea but right where the hoop is and she sends them with a ring she puts in these grommets so they can't get like damaged or frayed and guess what this one is gonna be a giveaway for y'all because i'm keeping the bigfoot one but then i went and bought three more that i'm going to show you in haul because that's how much i love them i stalked her at the shop as soon as she came back from vacation um and i bought three more so this one is going to be for you um all it's open to anybody because i can ship it flat with this hoop out of it um but i want you to go to chris's shop which i'm going to link down below it's as the u flies and these are where you can find her um and i want you just to see what your favorite favorite one of these are she has so many different choices but the key word that i want you to use is um will do stew floss bling floss bling let me write that down too um but again please go check out our etsy shop and then just let me know which one is your favorite and i will show you my favorites and i'm ordering more i just didn't want to go too crazy um and she sent a nice note with it as well but um oh yeah so there are floss rings um but i want floss bling um she says think of them as mini art quilts on a ring because they're three layers and stitched just like a mini quilt so three layers y'all they're sturdy they're awesome you're gonna want them um she also does journals and i have an amazing journal that i need to use i'm so bad at it so bad at filling it out um but wait until you see the ones that i picked out in my haul thank you chris for sending those to me i love them you know i love them because i immediately i think i was the first to place an order she sent me a message and she's like you weren't kidding when you said you were gonna order more no no i was not so um my next stitchy kindness was from my sweet sweet friend jennifer she is stitching in the bluegrass and spunky jen on um instagram and i love it she said dream big be grateful give love laugh lots if you've not gone and checked out her flosstube channel she is she just exudes love and sweetness and she's just amazing and i'm so lucky to call her a friend she's just awesome she's talked openly about some anxiety and her and i have texted and messaged back and forth about it because i am i'm not one that's been diagnosed with anxiety but this job the job change has caused some pretty nasty attacks that i've been having and so she's kind of been a really nice support system for me so thank you jennifer i i truly love you um and i'm so glad that we can support each other um so she messaged me and said she had some um some fabric that was 18 count and if i wanted it i was like heck yeah especially since i just canceled my fabric of the month so she sent me 18 count swamp from picture this plus y'all i freaking love it i don't have this color i do not have this color and i've never even seen it but look at it oh my gosh i love this one so she sent me that and then she sent me this one is haunted and it's uh this one's oh this one says 16 count but i think picture this plus typically runs small so but haunted i love i think you can get away with one strand on 16 count on picture this plus because their holes are so tiny um and then this one this one i don't think has a label but look at this purple beautiful ooh somebody's playing some music over there look at that so thank you so much jennifer i absolutely appreciate it um they're beautiful and they're gonna get put to good use then helen of helen d um she showed in i think a couple of videos ago she did a drum finish that i was in love with um and it was the saint patrick's drum finish she is such a talented talented finisher i wish that i could send all my stuff to her and have them finished um but i made a comment and she offered to send me the chart um so she sent me the bent creek alphabet row one the shamrock row that i'm gonna stitch up and i am going to attempt a drum and she also sent me some 20 21 charms i need to go back and add them to my pillows and stuff i love that so thank you helen for that i appreciate it so much this community is so caring and giving it's it's not even funny um and then because i finished freedom quaker and i was so in love with it i had put in my instagram post that i am now going to go buy quaker bees asap because i loved freedomquaker so much and michelle i didn't ask her if i could say her full name um but michelle said uh don't go buy it i have an extra i want to send it to you and i was like oh thank you so much so quaker bees was sent to me and i need to stitch this it probably won't be stitched in time for my b display which is already up but i want to stitch this it is absolutely beautiful i love these little quaker pieces from from the heart needle art by wendy um and i think i have all the colors so i may just get that started but thank you so much for sending that to me i appreciate it and now um more stitchy kindness still y'all this is crazy um this is also from michelle and i did not ask if i could use her last name but look at this beautiful card look at they're so pretty um she sent me a really nice note and she said um was just thanking me for the videos and the interviews and the zoom sessions it's it's helped her feel closer and included which is awesome and she came across this pattern when she was cleaning her closet and she's been sitting on it for a while trying to determine the best home and she said she knew it's been announced that it was reprinted but she had me in mind for this one for a while um so i it means a lot like i can't believe like i said that people think of me when you're not like physically watching my videos and stuff it's crazy um but y'all she sent me the magazine copy of the blackbird designs piece summer jubilee and i may have the book but i want to keep this i think i want to keep this because um i'm i'm very weird like that like it's this is sentimental to me and this was the one of the original you know patterns printed and it was gifted to me from somebody who you know thought of me as they saw it i i love it and i i want to stitch it so i think i'm just going to stitch it i'm going to stitch it from this copy so thank you so much for that that is a beautiful beautiful chart truly um another card that was sent to me by danielle um she said she saw this and it just made her think of me again i cannot believe and she sent me a really pretty card um and she sent me country spirits delivering americana and i love it christy if you're watching this java girl stitches i think you need this always happy to enable um because it's a cute little chick and it's still it's a i i am stitching this for sure because it looks um kind of like it's definitely a summary piece that can go on my summer display so i will be stitching this hopefully um in [Music] may still more stitchy kindness y'all i am i'm speechless absolutely speechless um this this came from nina um and she was at the dollar tree and she saw some patriotic items um if you watch my radon videos nina is the one that sent me the um the triple star piece and um i had talked about you know shipping is so ridiculously expensive loud vehicle sorry shipping is so ridiculously expensive the shipping was more than the ray done piece was and i didn't mean to make anybody feel bad i appreciate everybody who offers to pick up radon pieces for me and ship them and you know if i say yes you know i'd love it it's it's on me you know to pay for it it's not anybody's fault and i thought that i had made her feel bad which was not the intention and so i received this because she had said that she felt bad that you know she shipped the package because i had tried to catch her in time to to stop it because i had found it the same piece locally so it would have saved shipping um but she had already shipped it which was no big deal i returned fine um but i immediately emailed her back and i was like oh my gosh i'm so sorry i didn't mean to make you feel bad or you know guilty or anything like that and you know i apologize left and right um and she said that i didn't you know i didn't make her feel bad or anything so that made me you know feel better um but she sent me all of these awesome pieces from the dollar store like here's a truck this one [Music] and then she sent me some led lights they're stars and then a package which i'm definitely putting these to use of sparkly stars so thank you nina you really did not have to send me this i do appreciate you willing to send that right on piece it was is awesome and one of my favorite pieces so so thank you so much for that um and then my friend amy she sent me um a gift because i offered to send her something she likes the uh the wooden floss organizers and i don't use them so i told her i would send her some and because i was sending her something she wanted to send me something so amy is allegro stitches she is a sweet friend of mine she's joined my zoom meetups and i will link her um down below because she um has an etsy shop and you definitely need to go check it out because look and she sent me candy too i haven't even eaten them because i wanted to show look at this look at that cool thing look she sent me owls and this is the lego stitches that's so cute and so i have my little um the little patriotic piece that i showed you in my little six by six q snap in this so thank you so much amy you all need to go check out her shop um she's super talented she sent me also this teeny tiny little peace core new that she made that is super awesome um as a gift too and then my other stitchy kindness is from my sweet friend jan i've been using this so it doesn't look as new as when i received it um because i fell in love with this jan and i have become pretty good friends um we message almost daily she has joined my zoo meetups she's stitched uh cherry hill stitchery's piece with me for the cell and we kind of send each other progress updates and she'll check on me and see how my day is going jan is just absolutely freaking awesome and i'm so blessed that we have become friends if only she lived closer i'm pretty sure she's in texas right jan i think i remember correctly um but y'all we are bag twins she sent me this now she doesn't sell them i'm trying to convince her that she needs to um because i don't know if you can see look at the vinyl as sparkle stars the inside is quilted i don't know if you can see this is cork fabric on the outside like all that is so cool so cool and she uses the big chunky zippers like this thing is sturdy look at this now y'all don't you think that she should sell these i think she should just make some up and list them and i bet you that people would buy them like crazy she even has a tag jan holder handcrafted she already has tags jan you know i've been using this i've been taking it to work i've gotten compliments on it it is awesome and she had made this for the sal for the cherry hill stitchery style and i even kept the note in it she sent a note um as well so um she wanted it to get to me in time for americana april which it has been used so i appreciate you so much and i just appreciate our messages um and our chatting y'all that was my stitching oh my gosh y'all i totally forgot because i didn't have anything physically to show i'm gonna insert this in the hall so it's gonna be even longer um i had some pdf patterns that i bought and because i don't print them off i forgot about them um so there is one from my studio create this was a pdf pattern that i purchased um because 100 of the proceeds donated to equal justice initiative which is awesome so it's all about donating this this past few weeks for me all to very very good causes the other two things were gifts from my friend amy sprinklestein stitches she sent two pdfs they were approved she bought them twice just in case anybody has any questions um she had reached out to the um etsy designer and was able to send me as a gift um the first one is no one fights alone it's a cross stitch pattern it was very very sweet of her to send it to me um from abby sue designs on etsy which i will link down below but this other one is called united we stand it's a patchwork sampler and this is the one that amy and i are going to be um stitching together starting on may 1st i have not come up with a hashtag yet i don't know if you have amy um but we will have a hashtag uh keep an eye out on instagram for it or if you just want to stitch along and email or message me the progress you can too everybody is welcome to join um but she saw this and thought that this would be an awesome pattern for us to stitch together and i agree she knows me so well so thank you so much amy i will link her uh channel down below too i really want to get her up to a thousand subscribers as well i know that i've shouted her out before but she's such a kind and caring person she always just thinking of others and sending gifts and y'all she got a new kitty um we are still stitching the asal for grouchy um pattern um but she got a new kitty so go check out her video her latest flosstube video all right i'll get you back to the regular program now that was beyond crazy like oh my gosh thank you all so much so before i get into hall let's do the giveaways so the first giveaway is going to be our second giveaway because the first giveaway was the floss bling um and that was open to everybody and this is also open to everybody this was the exclusive chart that came in the black needle society um box that i received but i am not going to stitch it and i know many people fell in love with it so this is half the fun and if you see it's just a whole bunch of like there's balloons and airplanes and ships and all that kind of stuff um so for this one just say chart if you want to be entered and again open to everybody and that's to celebrate my one year anniversary of interview with a flosstuber so this one is actually the next one is only going to be open to the us because shipping costs are ridiculous and i have a feeling that this is probably going to be a little spendy um so i want i have a duplicate i have a purple one of these so i want to give away the white kind it's yellow inside it is a ray done and it says be kind and then also a be kind pillow that i got from hobby lobby so for this one just say b b e e and i'm just curious if any of y'all are ray dunn collectors hunters or anything like that but just make sure you use the keyword be you don't have to answer the question i'm just curious on you know who of my uh subscribers is a you know a radon collector like me um so that one is us only just because it's gonna be a little spendy if y'all would like to see more giveaways um i do have a buy me a coffee link down below in the description box it's just like a one-time donation so those will go toward shipping costs or you know buying giveaways or something like that as well as stuff for me like um a raydon mug um or something like that uh i i appreciate any sort of and i respond to the messages on there too so um if you take a time to leave me a comment i do respond via that as well so the links down below if you'd like to do any sort of donation um to my channel all right so now we are on to haul i'm just going to reach down and grab i don't want to lift it all up so this is my last of my just another button company buttons i'm part of the club this is hello sunshine and it has a special take heart button on the bottom um i've not used any of the ones that have come in the other tins and i had to cut costs so you know i cut this one because it's you know it's kind of spendy um but there's like a little butterfly button in it and there's that heart button with the bee and then you know there's a slice in here of or sunflower i don't know what that is but yeah so this is my last club tin of just another button company um i bought these i'm gonna reach from believe her name is love jody marie or joe marie i'll put the link down below it's an etsy shop and she's on instagram she makes custom wood pieces and um i like to support her um as well she shows pictures on her instagram of her adorable little daughter i believe it's her daughter i get everything confused but her kids um and so i ordered for my patriotic display this little firework stand that she made it says fireworks sold here i freaking love it i love it that's so cute so i ordered that and then i ordered um this was a set that came together queen b with the b which is going to go up on my b display um but because i loved these so much i messaged her and i was like hey is there any way that i could order like one of each of you know the fruit that you have listed and a sunflower of like these little wooden pieces so she made a custom uh listing open to everybody she said for a limited time but i went on and i think i ordered a watermelon slice a lemon a sunflower i don't think i i don't remember anything else um but on top of that she's making me a special customized stand similar to this but i want it to just be a fruit stand because i am going to use the fruit stand for my summer display but also the fruit stand for my fall display um so that's gonna be a really really cool thing that she's making for me so i'm so excited i placed an order for that um but yeah definitely go check her out i'll put the link down below um for that now for my other haul let me reach down in here and kind of grab everything neck is just killing me so all right so for my fabric of the month from be stitch me and that is the one club that i am continuing um is 18 count bronze age which i have this piece already but i mean it's the perfect neutral color so i definitely could use more you see that color brandy is freaking amazing you guys know i rave about her all the time her fabrics are awesome um i also am part of her silk of the month club and one of these days when i don't have much content i will show all of those that i have because it's insane but look at these colors look at these colors oh they match brandy we match so this is april showers this is sea green it's like a light green this is lavender fields this is a variegated one can you see the variegation it's beautiful this is gaia oh my gosh you should see if you don't have her gaia fabric i actually named gaia um i actually named the fabric that was pretty awesome if you don't have that piece of fabric you need it it is gorgeous it'd be perfect for like mermaids or like an earth it's earth goddess is what it means uh lotus purple love it love it so that is my fabric in silk of the month from brandy um coloring cotton i think i have one more fabric coming from color and cotton um i canceled them i've been part of their club for like ever but i cancelled because i have so much fabric and i needed to cut costs because of that second car payment um so this is 18 count parthenon from color and cotton it's a beautiful neutral as well beautiful neutral i'm gonna miss getting all these fabrics but um i should hopefully be showing fabrics from brandy um for upcoming fabrics soon um i have not canceled this yet this is one that i'm torn on whether i should cancel it because it's it's a good chunk of money um this is the fabric of the month with seraphim fabrics through needlecraft corner um she always sends again i can't show them because of the pictures but she sends a good amount of like freebies and i haven't even opened it yet so i don't even know what color it is but i wanted to show you all how she packages these look it she puts so much care into packaging our fabrics of the month and i love the ribbon she uses and stickers and she always sends a goodies i love that she sends goodies which is really sweet so she puts a magnetic oh this one's a magnetic needle keeper with 24 count needles that's our gift so i mean it's really cool that she does a gift um she's kind of like bobby i placed an order with bobby bobby is hunting down a bunch of charts for me at pumpkin creek primitives i appreciate you um very much so this is core i have no idea what the name of this is corn now corn husk corn silk corn salt you could tell by the writing i couldn't read it i'm pretty sure it says corn silk 18 count but also i like seraphins because look at this giant piece and i think it ends up being about 25 this is an 18 by 26 and then all the free charts and the gift so that's why i haven't canceled this yet corn husk is like a very very very pale pale color but love it love it love it love it drama always just makes packaging so beautiful okay so i gotta open these because i didn't open them yet um so now we are on back to chris's etsy shop as the u flies um and so i like i said i ordered three of these because i love them so much and they come separate like they're separate little things so i ordered god shed his grace on me look at that bead and then on the back it says keep calm and stitch on and again it's hand stitched and there's grommets on the inside beautiful oh i love them so this is my new addiction my new addiction um this one says i live to create i picked this one look at that bead and then a bat on the back keep going some are different but a lot of them say keep comments to sean that is chris's thing she puts that also on her journals that she makes um and then this one is inspire life is like a cup of tea it's all in how you make it you all need to go run and buy these look there's so many different kinds they are not expensive they're i believe they're 15 each three layers mini quilts your floss don't get tangled up in them they keep them straight which is awesome i absolutely love these and i need like a bajillion more for each of my projects this is my new obsession chris you are amazing but you have also made me obsessed absolutely obsessed love them love them okay still more haul i'm so sorry this is a super long video it's going to take me forever to edit and i gotta get going to my appointment i haven't even opened this yet i ordered from sassy jack stitchery i don't know if kimberly i believe her name is kimberly if she knew that purple was my favorite color but oh my gosh um this came fairly quickly it took a little bit of time but not too bad um i ordered this everybody seen it it's the ultimate sampler motif source book by brenda keys and then they also sent this which is going on the back of my huckleberry farm that's cool so sassy jack stitchery then i ordered from one two three stitch i finally ordered in friendship's way when julie kansas city girl in the colorado world did the flute through of this i loved it and she talked so highly of it um and then i had to message her and because that was a while ago and i was like what book was it um so she resent me that so i ordered this book um i ordered grand old flag sampler from chessy and me i have a whole bunch of these patriotic pieces from chessy me that i love that i really need to start stitching i have to go through all of my stuff because i just have i have too much and not enough time to stitch it it's getting overwhelming this i'm stitching up pretty quickly birds of a feather pray for peace so it's a small one this one's 54 by 64. if any of you have it and want to stitch it with me i think that we should make this a thing it's small enough to where it'll probably get done quickly but i'd love to spread the word throughout the stitching community um because this is what's needed right now pray for peace there is so much unrest and sadness and scary stuff going on right now um that this is what we need so if anybody wants to stitch this with me let's do it let's do it one two three stitch has it we don't have to start it soon soon if you need to order it but leave the comments message me whatever but i think i'm gonna i'm gonna set that up as a um as a stitch along it'll be a fairly quick one because it's small and then i ordered i'm not really a beachy lighthouse person um but because i got both of the rayden lighthouses um i got this to to stitch to be displayed with them i don't know if it'll be this year or not though so this is the cricut collection um number 345 one if i see but i thought that'd be really cute with both of the lighthouses because i got the red and the blue one from radon speaking of rayden i know you all want video that'll probably be next week next wednesday um a little bit more haul this so i put up on my instagram um and i had asked for suggestions on a sampler that had my name in it rebecca um because i i felt like i wanted to stitch one to go up on my sampler wall my soon to be sampler wall i have a couple pieces now sam wants me to put up hers with mine for now until she gets everything sorted out um and so i got some suggestions by emily c won um she suggested the scarlet letter uh rebecca robinson let me get closer and the reason i picked this was it's a pennsylvania sampler 1821 this is an intensely stitched and well planned sampler this unusual piece probably originated in pennsylvania the allegorical figure hovering over the house might represent liberty the unconnected border of honeysuckle is unique as well as the little pastoral vignettes in the lower register like the original our reproduction will measure 16 by 22. that's a big um and they said i didn't realize that i had ordered it with a 30 count unbleached linen um there's no over one it's recommended for any skill level but i ordered i didn't even realize it was dmc i just ordered the whole thing i'm not stitching it on 30 count i highly doubt it um but it's an exclusive 30 count who knows maybe but i wanted to so this is what they were talking about so this represents possible liberty this little thing and then the honeysuckle like love it and emily said this is one of her favorites i believe so i mean it's one of emily's favorites i had to get it so much talking okay my last two things so my first one is from my sweet friend lynn i grabbed a bag luckily i think i got one of the last ones that she had because she has a limited number that she posts um i will link her down below of course but this was um i want to say it was girl power or women power or i can't remember but look at it look at it and then she did um i think i asked for the pink zipper but she was out so i said okay i'll take the blue zipper i don't care but look at this look at this y'all look at the words lynn is so freaking talented oh and it even says she did a little covered button i don't know if you'll be able to see it it says create but like words in here you grow girl uplift bad vibes don't go with my outfit inspire hand in hand real queens fix each other's crowns i mean this is perfection perfection look at all the women lynn perfection i love this bag so much and i love that it's big and it'll fit my bigger q snaps so i'm glad i nabbed one of those now this other one i took a screenshot um so jen of jasmine ravenclaw um has is quickly becoming my new obsession as well she is very popular with many many flosstubers she makes so many different types of bags like she is insanely talented as well i can't believe the amount of different types of bags that she makes and they're all perfect absolutely perfect so this bag is all about diversity and inclusion and i'm looking at my notes because i want to make sure i get the information right um they're made to order so i did wait a little bit she says with all the racism in the world i wanted to do my part so why not a project bang the fabric is see us hear us love us by anne kell or kelly k-e-l-l-e by robert kaufman i chose the green to represent hope the zipper pull is from blue call of patterns um ten dollars canadian per bag sold will be donated to the canadian race relations foundation because she's in canada um so she had five ready to um sell and i think she got a lot more requests for it and you guys want she's jasmine ravenclaw i'm not sure if i said that um on instagram and i'll definitely link her down below but are you guys ready are you ready look at this this is like that cork or the pleather um i think it's pleather green for hope the cool thing about this is there's a pouch and there's a note from her on the inside too um there's a little pouch on the front that you could put like your accessories and your floss in which i think is absolutely freaking amazing because my floss always gets tangled when i put it in with my project car alarm sorry so perks of filming outside so you can all see the beautiful trees um and then she did a little heart zipper pull sorry my neck is hurting so i can't and then she also put one of these labels on there because it's not a vinyl front um and then it's a big big opening with hearts on the inside are you ready for the back i freaking love it i love it and it's a larger bag as well so it will fit my big q snaps there's her tag jasmine ravenclaw um she had messaged me just to ask for my feedback and i said absolutely freaking amazing the stitching on it is beautiful it's all just straight it's a sturdy bag but i just love i love this fabric i love that she's donating some of the proceeds to a good cause so um you need to go follow her on instagram for sure um her bags she makes so many different types of bags i know i know my friend bobby pumpkin crepe primitives just keeps sending her fabric and she's putting together bags for her but you can send her your fabric and she'll produce a bag for you which is awesome so i'm may jen if you're watching this i may try to hunt down some bigfoot fabric um so that i could have maybe one of these i love these double bags so much i usually don't like the non-vinyls um but i love the idea of the double pouch um so i may i may be sending you some i'll be in touch but y'all i mean it's awesome awesome um her card probably won't be able to see too much but again everything will be linked down below so love it love it love it y'all that is it that is it i think i'm almost at two hours and i apologize i won't go three weeks again um i will try to stick to two weeks um this was a lot and now i gotta pack it up and i have to leave soon for my appointment i hope that you all have had an amazing three weeks and if you made it through to the end of this i appreciate you so much thank you for spending time with me i am so happy that i can keep you company um and that you guys are all part of my studio family and i love each and every one of you and if you haven't subscribed yet please do i would appreciate it i'm like 400 away from hitting 5 000 and that would be amazing amazing to hit 5 thousand please go check out my first interview with dalene um this sunday since there won't be an interview up um thank you so much again dalene for the idea um for the interviews i am just so blessed to have such amazing friends thank you all for the stitching kindness i know i'm just rambling now um but i will see you all in a couple of weeks and until then have an amazing couple of weeks stay safe and get a lot of stitching done bye everybody
Channel: SamBrie Stitches
Views: 3,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flosstube, sambri stitches, Stitchy haul, wips, finishes, cross stitch, interview with a flosstuber, cross stitch update
Id: ko0lP1KJW2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 54sec (5934 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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