Flosstube #41 - Spring is Springing

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hi everyone i'm liz and welcome back to elizabeth ann can stitch for flosstube episode 41. [Music] hi everyone welcome back um happy sunday i hope everybody has had a good week i have some very exciting news so i'm gonna start with it um why am i hyping this up it's silly last week in my video i showed you my finished meow block party and i mentioned how fun it would be to have a lazy susan to spin around and take videos um tracy [Laughter] she sent me one so you know what that means um yeah so thank you tracy um i can't wait to figure out what else i can film spinning around in circles on this um i was absolutely delighted when i got this in the mail yesterday so i just had to open the show with my new fun toy okay in non-spinning news um this week was another busy one at work it's just like i don't know why do i even say the word work because then my brain just turns to like and i start thinking oh no it's sunday oh no i gotta work tomorrow ugh what what do i need to get done tonight before tomorrow that's why i don't mention work on these let's just keep that and it's in its box um anything else exciting this week oh i had um i went to my first happy hour in person in over a year um one of my best friends it was her birthday on wednesday and um the two of us and another friend went and met up um and sat at an outdoor patio we're all fully vaccinated now and we were able to hug and talk for two hours and oh my gosh it was the best the three of us and another friend have been doing um every two week zoom happy hours where it's just you know we're just over zoom and catching up because we used to go hang out all the time and do happy hours and anyways so um but seeing the two of them in person oh it was so good um we only got teary-eyed once there's just no substitute for hanging out with your friends in person so that was the highlight of my week this week and other than that work did prevent some stitching i got i still stitched every day but i didn't get as much done as i wanted so you know um but let me show you well actually first i'm going to start this video with some previous finishes i don't have any cross stitch finishes to share with you this week but um you know i was watching kansas city girl in a colorado world and she's been showing off her previous finishes from previous years and i was like you know what yeah let me go grab a couple previous finishes because i'm sure some of you who have joined me more recently have not seen these and these are two i finished before i ever even started floss 2 but i know i showed them in some of my earlier videos but yeah i'm going to start with a couple of previous finishes that are some of my favorites okay so the first one i want to share with you is the drawn threads texas blue bonnet and um if you're from texas you know it's about over but you know it's blue bonnet season so i just absolutely love this i bought this chart pretty soon after it came out um i actually bought it on vacation almost two years ago oh my gosh vacations um we went to uh las vegas i went with rob and um my sister and brother-in-law the four of us went to las vegas and uh one of the mornings i got up early and went crossfit shopping at i think it's called stitcher's paradise which is a really cool store in las vegas and i bought the silks and the pattern and i don't remember if i had this fabric or if i bought it um either way i stitch this on 32 count with the called for silks npi and dinky dies and if you stitch it on 32 count it fits perfectly into a 5x7 frame so that's what i did and i framed this myself and yep absolutely love it and it's a it's part of my gallery wall uh in my dining room so you've probably seen it there as well uh the next uh previous finish i want to share with you is the suffrage act um this is little house needleworks i stitched this two summers ago yeah in 2019 ahead of the 2020 anniversary and i did it on the called 4 picture this plus 32 count i don't remember the color off the top of my head but i did it called for color called for flosses um and yeah i just absolutely love this one of my favorite stitches at the time um and i framed this one myself you can see it's not a perfect margin but um i really like the frame with it so um and i actually get a lot of questions about where i buy my frames and so this one actually came from etsy and it's called the rusty roof on etsy and they do these wood frames kind of distressed in all kinds of different colors and this is kind of this is their navy one and yeah so i get frames from all over the place i just google the size i'm looking for the color i just i just start searching um and so this was from etsy and um i highly recommend it was reasonably priced and came super quick and it's really well made so yep that's the supper jacked okay so let me show you what i stitched on this week um i'm gonna start with my hands across the sea where flowers bloom um just loving this i posted it on instagram this week i can't stop stitching dainty flowers i love them so here is where this one is at and yeah i love it i only did maybe a day or two on this one um so just filled in all the words got some more a couple more of the motifs and worked some more of the border flowers and leaves down this side so absolutely love the silk colors i don't know if it comes across on camera how shiny these average floss sulks are but in person um [Music] they're shiny and gorgeous and i love them so um this is my first time using a vera soil and i really like them a lot so highly recommend i am stitching on 36 count vintage pecan butter um by lakeside linens and i'm using the called for average water sua del jay colors the model excuse me the model was stitched in 103 from a veris wall but i'm using swaddlej and i love it next up i worked on my wild flowers by the blue flower and again just dainty little spring flowers here's where she's at i'm gonna fold this over so i can see a little bit better oh i love holding these up on sunday and seeing them in the camera so fun so i really um just worked on getting the words across on the top two lines and then starting to fill in all the wonderful um little flowers and leaves over here so yeah i feel like i'm about two-thirds done maybe a couple more weeks if i continue to focus on this um and i'll get this done so i can start my tutor b although i think i've decided whatever my next finish is um the tutor b is gonna get started i know i said i was going to finish this one um but there's another one in this pile that also is on track for a finish so whatever gets finished first tutor b is happening because i can't i can't just let it sit there anymore um yeah so i'm stitching this on a 40 count week style works parchment on the zweigart base and i'm using all of the called for dmc colors and i absolutely love it i'm not changed a thing um yeah so that's wild flowers okay so next up this week i stitched on my silver creek samplers reaping love and this i'm doing as a gift for rob for his 40th birthday and i am really close to a finish on this um i mean it's full coverage over on this left side but i'm getting pretty close here is where i am those pops of red really made it so much more like fun um even though you know it's a blood drop but uh yeah i got in um the big red heart and the oh gosh what do you what do you call the sort scythe size is that what it is um and then i'm about halfway through stitching the grim reaper i'm sorry i laugh every time i talk about this project but cross stitching a grim reaper is not something i ever thought i would do okay i don't know why this project makes me laugh i love it i do it's just you guys know me i am colorful fun and i'm stitching this super depressing yet romantic um cross stitch for rob that's how much i love you rob [Laughter] i'm stitching a grim reaper so um i'm i'm stitching this on 40 count picture this plus legacy with all of the called for dmc and fancy floss and it's turning out so good and i can't wait to get it done and hopefully hopefully it'll be next week we'll see okay the last thing i stitched on this week and it's inching closer to a finish um is oh joyous day by blackbird designs so you know this and wildflowers i'm like i want these done um but since i'm splitting my time between so many projects they're not getting completed and so it's like maybe i should just focus on one project a week and get it done but then how boring would this video be but like i also can't base what i stitch solely on you know my videos and what i have to show to you but i do that sometimes because i'm like oh that'll be so boring i need to stitch on more but i also want to stitch on more you know so it's like giving me an excuse it's like cyclical right um so we'll see if i just focus on this this week and maybe a lunchtime project i bet i could get it done but i don't know if i'm gonna do that so stay tuned to find out but for now here is our joyous day just pretty flowers that's all i stitched on and a grim reaper grim reaper and pretty flowers um so yeah so i'm working my way across the bottom band um put in um the first flower started on the second and just marching my way across the bottom there are five flowers across the bottom similar to the top although of course the bottom band flowers are bigger and more full coverage than the top of course save that for last um and then well i guess really what i'm saving for last is the over one section but that's okay that's just a few words so yeah um so i'm stitching this on 36 count picture this plus legacy and what i thought was really interesting well so first let me say 36 count picture this plus legacy all of the called for over dyed cottons no changes um but both these projects i just showed you are on pictures plus legacy but so this is um i'll hold it up over here the 36 count and look how drastically different the 40 count is oh it doesn't even look that different on camera it doesn't person maybe i can hold it up this way well yeah it does like look how much darker and more modeled the 40 count is so you know dye lots um i remember when i was starting a joyous day i had this big fat corner uh 40 count and i was like oh it's just too dark it's too much and so i ordered the 36 count and it was perfect it was like such a great thailand because i know like the legacy pictureless plus legacy has wildly different pieces sometimes um but then the 40 count turned out to be absolutely perfect for this design so i don't know i just think it's cool like the hand dyed um the hand-dyed nature of all of our supplies and stuff that we work with in cross stitch um so i thought that was interesting the difference is between the same fabrics in two different counts and probably two different dye batches so yeah that is what i um crossfit this week okay so let's talk sewing and quilting for a minute because i did a little bit of that this week and the first thing i think you'll be very excited about is i made another vinyl front project bag so i filmed it and i'm very hopeful that i'll be able to edit it and do like the voiceover and whatever else i need to do and get it uploaded on wednesday that's my current plan so um but here's the bag i made i used laurie holt's b basic or b cross stitch um red fabric and i used these honey bears that i have had in my stash and absolutely love and so it's just vinyl front um yes so exciting um so i'm hoping to be able to get this footage edited and give you guys a vinyl front project bag tutorial next week so yeah i kept this very basic no add-ons like people do some cool zipper pulls and handles and all kinds of modifications but i just did same as my um first project back tutorial i just did the very simple version so you can then go crazy and customize it and add quilting and patchwork and whatever else you want to do with it but this is just going to be me showing you how i put it together i even managed to figure out a way to film myself sewing so that i'm able to give you a really good tutorial on how to do the binding on the machine uh well i'm saying really good i hope it's really good um i still have to edit the footage hopefully it all turned out good so that's exciting coming soon okay so the other really exciting thing i worked on this week was my chamomile quilt so um this is the quilt i'm making for my king size bed and i have been showing you progress pretty much i think the last six weeks and um i finally have all the sashing sewn together and cut and i started assembling the quilt top so i have two of my five rows complete and i thought i would show you what i have so far it's a little too big to do the whole thing but look at this i've got two of these rows sewn together with their sashing and their little nine patch corner stones um [Music] oh guys i love this quilt it is turning out so much better than what was even in my head um it's a really great pattern and the only tedious part so far has been the little um nine patch cornerstones but just because they're small and i don't i'm not somebody who loves to sew like little tiny teeny quilt blocks they're cute but like i don't like to sew them um so yeah um i'll insert a picture i took um like of the whole two rows sewn together so you can get a um a better view of it but yeah i'm really hoping this week i can put those last three rows together just i think each row because i have to do a sashing row and then a block row sew those together and then sew them to you know this so each one takes about an hour to get all together um i pin a lot when i'm sewing this row to its next row because i want you know these to line up um really well so um i normally don't pin when i sew i mean i use those wonder clips um if i need to like really you know tack something down but um i'm fully pinning these big long rows because i want my corners to match up so yeah two rows done three more to go so i think i'm gonna have a finished quilt top this week and then i need to schedule some quilting time oh i can't wait um and then i gotta figure out who can come over and help rob hold this up so i can film it um because poor five foot ten rob is not gonna be able to hold up a king size quilt by himself um i don't know why saying his height out loud just made me think of two tall stitchers but and kindred stitcher okay so um i'm not sure if you've heard of them but they are i think they only have three videos up maybe four but it's two tall stitchers and it's jen and her mom whose name i'm blanking on sorry chin's mom um they have a great uh great show um i love the mother-daughter aspect obviously because i love having my mom on and um they are both tall stitchers and i was like i love it i'm also a tall stitcher and then kindred stitcher i saw recommending them and kendra stitcher mentioned that she was 5 foot 11 and i was like even taller than me lisa so i'm only 5 foot 10. so do i even qualify as a tall stitcher i hope so um i think it does i'm tall um but my sisters are actually well two of them are taller than me five eleven and six foot so i'm the shorty at five foot ten no not really i'm not short at all but uh yeah wow what a tangent from quilting i just started talking about being a tall stitcher and that you should go watch too tall stitchers um yeah okay so that's the sewing and quilting segment this week and very exciting stuff around here so let me move on to happy mail um you guys are so generous and i got quite a few lovely lovely packages in the mail this week so i'm gonna show them to you okay so the first one i showed you earlier in all its glory this came in the mail yesterday from tracy thank you tracy um next up let's see oh okay so you guys might remember that i don't know if it was two weeks ago now um danica had sent some really pretty uh like lugana and joe blend for my mom and she included this lila leela's studio um pattern in it and um she's like oh i just thought i thought you might like it i was like oh i love it um but i haven't really looked at it much and then lisa is it lisa linda um linda not lisa linda reached out and was like i have all of the wool threads that it calls for i don't even know what called for wool and she's like and i'm allergic and i'm not gonna use them do you want me to send them to you so she sent me this gorgeous gorgeous bundle of all the gentle arts wool threads that this pattern calls for um and yeah so thank you linda thank you danica now i've got this gorgeous new project to start and even more exciting so i was looking up like how you even stitch with wool because i've never stitched with it well i've done some needlepoint with appleton wool so i guess i've stitched with wool it's the needlepoint canvas has bigger holes i don't know so as googling um and it looks like um and according to the pattern you're supposed to stitch on 32 count with one strand and i'm like perfect 32 count with one strand i bet is about to be my favorite thing ever because i love one strand stitching in 32 count it's gonna feel so big and easy after 36 and 40 all the time so i'm very excited so at some point this is going to go up in my in my kitted bin up here and at some point um i will start this lovely lovely little sampler so thank you linda and thank you danica okay so next up i got a package from nell and she sent me three bags of cat treats and the reason you're only seeing two is because one of them my cats tried to like physically bite open and we had to start feeding them them um they were like catnip themed and our cats go insane for catnip so um one of them is open and in use and they did the other two they are very much appreciated the cat say thank you now and then she sent me a piece of 32 count slate um fabrics by stephanie which um is called for on all the hands design chalk pieces and i still have some more of those chock-full jars to stitch so this will get put to use immediately thank you so much and then she sent me just some really gorgeous charts so um first signs of spring oh i love this love is in the air and then some heart string samplers i can't read these backwards so i'm not reading all the names but you guys can see them so thank you thank you thank you and then the um last happy meal package i got was from terry and terry sent me just some lovely lovely charts um that she thought i might like out of her stash um and there is so much good stuff here i'll show you a few these spring blooms of course you know i'm all about the spring stitching right now and those would be such cute little pillows for my pillow bowl which i have not made any pillows for the pillow bowl in like six months so i need to get back on my pillow game and that would be perfect um there's just so much other cute stuff in here look at this snowman chart it's so cute um and there's tons of like plum street samplers she sent me um this one i've always admired and it's so cute summer delivery um milk and cream company bovinia um what is this one oh woolen flax maybe i need to stitch this one terry you're adding to my to-do list oh cute and spring delivery so anyway she sent me such a nice collection of charts and a couple of them are duplicates um of ones that i already have so i'll probably um include them in a giveaway sometime soon so that's exciting um yeah that was the happy meal this week thank you guys so much it was so much fun to check the mail this week i got some really really lovely things and i feel so blessed and happy thank you um so as for haul i just got two things in the mail this week that were um fat quarter clubs that i belonged to fat quarter shop clubs that i belong to and the first one is their fine floss club which is the npi club and the theme this month was almond so it's kind of boring to look at but having this range of whites is gonna be so handy for patterns that you use in pi um you know it's like all the most common kind of whites and creams um from their line so that's great so i got this from the fat quarter shop and then i'm also a part of their moda fat quarter club and so this is the fat quarter bundle let's see what is it called oh this is actually from february so february the fabric took forever to get to that quarter shop for them to make these bundles so it just came to me this week and i think it's called american gathering and yeah it's gorgeous so got all these fun patriotic fabrics um yeah so that's what i got in haul okay so let me talk about plans for a second and the first thing i want to give you guys i'm getting all i'm gonna lean forward and get serious with this one no i'm just i'm sitting in an uncomfortable chair i changed my chair on the side of the table and it's uncomfortable so i'm leaning forward to be more comfortable and change my position why am i telling you all this you don't care um so i am gonna take off two weeks two sundays in a row i know gas poor i'm upset about it too um i'm gonna take off two regular sundays in a row in may and that is due to my upcoming trip so um we're gone saturday to saturday so the first sunday i will be in a hotel room in chicago with maybe one or two projects with me and you know so i won't have any of my stuff to be able to film um and then the following sunday we get home late saturday night and i just don't know if i'm really gonna be up to filming and what all i really would have gotten done while i'm on vacation i mean i know i'll have haul and stuff but i just feel like i wouldn't have a great video that sunday the day we got home or the day after we got home so um i think that means that may 16th you will not see a video from me and may 23rd may 23rd you will not see a video for me so i'm just putting it out there um i'll probably mention it on my instagram or or maybe i'll put a youtube like one of those little youtube posts that i can do um to mention it as it gets closer but i just thought prepare yourself um i don't know why i'm making it so dramatic but i just thought i would mention it uh i might i don't know i i might think of something else i can put up those weeks um if i have time to pre-film any tutorials or do i don't know that i will i've got work is crazy and then i've got a prep for being on vacation which is like harder than being on vacation or of course it's harder than being on vacation which is like harder than my normal day's work you know what i mean our team is just down people and so there's not really anybody to back me up so i've got to prep all kinds of stuff to actually take time off um anyways that's boring but i think i'm going to be taking off two weeks in a row in some um in may so uh yeah that means that may 30th that sunday i'll have some things to show you actually okay now that i'm thinking about it is it memorial day the 24th maybe i'll just film that monday because i'll have a day off and kind of gather all my stuff up this announcement is premature we'll see what happens guys i know for sure i won't be here on may 16th because i will be in chicago okay so other plans um brenda and laura of you know everyone's favorite flosstube um they are hosting a blackbird designs weekend stitch along um i think it's the first weekend of may so is that next weekend what's today yeah so it'd be next weekend um and i want to join so my plan is if a joyous day is not done that's what i'm working on but i have in my head a secret goal of getting a joyous day done before next weekend and if i can make that happen then what i will work on is one i have not pulled out in a while and that is my christmas garden so sorry it's not ironed i just pulled it out of the bag to show you um i started this way back in september with my friend celeste she of course has finished hers and it looks amazing um and i am about i don't know i'm not even halfway through but uh it's gorgeous and i really want to put some more progress in on this so um if i can get a joyous day done then this is what i'm going to be working on for my blackbird weekend piece i love this i need to work on this more i say that about everything that's why i can't do a whip parade because every time i show my whips i'm like oh i want to work on that which is a good thing because means i love all my whips most of them most of them so anyways as far as plans for this week it's probably gonna be the same projects for a while until i finish them because i'm just hooked on my little spring stitching right now um oh actually i should mention one thing stitchy stars hashtag stitchy star cell i was supposed to do a block this week and i did not and i have gone in and saved a bunch of your photos on instagram because a lot of you are done and they look spectacular and i'm so jealous but oops i did not work on mine this week so hopefully i'll get another block of that done this week maybe i can get the grim reaper stitched and maybe i can finish our joyous day okay so we'll see how where it goes this week let's see how much stitching time i actually have but that's the plan and with that i think i've run out of things to talk about cross stitch related but yeah so i think that's it i think that's all i've got so i will see you guys next sunday for flosstube42 see you there bye
Channel: elizabethanncanstitch
Views: 8,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Zj9Jk4W4NVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 27sec (2007 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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