FlossTube #75 WIPS and FINISHES!

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hello again stitchy friends my name is suzette also known as primitive stitcher today is sunday april 25th 2021 thank you for joining me for a visit again today it's been another minute i have been well um just super busy with work our school year will end in uh about another month uh the very beginning of june and i think we are all ready for this school year to be done um thank you for all your kind comments on my last video i think that i have seen them all but i will go through and double check and if there's a question i will go ahead and answer that otherwise i just give it a heart to let you know that i read it and i appreciate your comments what am i going to show you today uh well i'm going to try to make this a fairly quickish video because later in the week i want to do another video explaining my mania plans for this year i have been doing mania since 2016. i would have done it in 2015 but i was in the middle of an overseas move and i've loved it every year that i've done it so i will be participating again this year but for today i'm going to show you my works in progress um i have some finishes and i have two things i think it only two things that i've purchased so in march i participated in abi bella's uh stitch asia project and i think that i mentioned this in my last video that i would be working on uh let freedom ring by lila studio and i stitched on this project um monday through friday in the evenings after work and then i stitch on other things on the weekend so prior to picking this back up i had this whole lower section done here so when i picked it up i put in the grass and basically the foundations of of the building and so this time i stitched or started the north elevation here and the trees and i feel like i i made a good dent in it it was a pleasure to stitch i'm looking forward to getting to the main part of the building and then up into those beautiful flowers so that was my progress on let freedom ring oh and i'm stitching that on 36 count ren by picture this plus using all the calls for overdieds and i believe there are some dmc on that one for my next work in progress this is a piece that i am working on during my lunch time at work it was a free design by jacob at motor modern folk embroidery call black lives matter pin keep and he just requested that you make a donation to a charity of your choice and i am stitching mine on 40 count vintage country mocha one over two so i completed one side of the pin cushion and then started on the second side i have all the white or a crew finished on that part and i'm just filling in with the red and then next i will go on and do the band on the around the side this is actually a very easy one um to stitch i go over to a park near my school and sit and stitch for a little while it's a nice little breather for the day the next piece that i have been working on is one of my older whips by rosewood manor called antique ten tiles i think i started this back in 2017 and some of my longtime viewers may um remember that i died over dyed some floss for this and i'll show you that in a moment but i picked this up and i believe i may have just barely had the top portion of this block done and oh no i i didn't because i didn't have the um the dividing row there between the blocks so i i did that then i completed this block and started in on that one i don't know what fabric this is it's a i believe a 36 count something it's not zweigart it's very thin but it's enjoyable to stitch on vane is here with me in the room so you may hear him occasionally um when i'm stitching with just a single color floss because he likes to get into a lot of things he likes to eat flaws i have i purchased one of these little boxes so that when i get up from my chair i can just close the box and i know that he won't get into my needles or my scissors or my needle minders my stitching glasses but the floss that i over dyed originally looked here i'll hold it up against the fabric it's dmc 926 so this is the original and these are my over dyes and i over dyed using walnut stain because i wanted it to have a very antique look to it and if you've ever seen any old antique uh tin ceiling tiles they may have rusted a bit and that was the effect that i wanted to try to achieve with my overdies and i'm stitching that one over two as well on that mystery fabric so those were my three work my three current works in progress pieces and now i will show you my finishes my first finish was another modern folk embroidery i started this this was my new year new start it's called suzanna walker 1848 and this is not a good picture of it this is my bad printer [Music] oh and i forgot to look and see what fabric i was i stitched this on let's see if i have it i think oh it's 36 count vintage beeswax and here is my finish i really loved stitching this so kind of basically what i have been doing lately is choosing one project to work on monday through friday in the evenings and another project to work on on the weekends and that gives me um some good solid time i think especially on the weekends to get more accomplished my next finish is another one that i believe i started in 2000 maybe 2018 on this one i think i started in mania 2018 and it is by shakespeare's peddler called god save the queen and this one was just so quirky in so many ways and teresa also known as kitten stitcher explained this on one of her flosstube videos and i just felt like i had to stitch it after i heard her explain all the little bits and pieces of it i believe that i pretty much had everything done over to the queen and maybe had started on the queen so i i completed this section and so everything to this side of the queen is what i completed it was actually a fairly quick stitch and i think this one is on uh i had it all down here i think it's is it the zweigart mallow maybe and then my third finish was from when did i start this i think this was a 2017 start i'm trying to get some of my older pieces completed because there's so much more that i want to stitch and this one is by heart string samplery cross stitch nation and this one i am stitching on a 32 count i'm not sure who the dyer is of this color but it's called autumn field or autumn fields and i chose not to do the bottom border i also chose to change some of the skin tones so that it was more of a represented more of what our world looks like i enjoyed stitching on this i haven't decided if i'm going to make it into a drama i've seen some very beautiful drums made up or if i'm going to frame it but i'm happy to have that one also complete okay excuse me one moment sorry drop something my two well i do have some other purchases which i'll explain in a moment but the only two patterns that i purchased was the new prairie schooler and do you notice anything about this yes it's crooked so part of my floss key on the back is chopped off but i think i can look at it and figure it out and then the other item that i i received was uh number four in the schoolgirl club from country sampler spring green and it's by the needlework press uh margarite croft and it came in kit form with my 40 count looking forward to a start on that at some point my other purchases which are in my workshop down in the basement are framing uh tools because i have so many things that i want to frame and i have a huge selection of thrifted frames but they're not necessarily the right size so i bought some tools to be able to help me uh cut those well i i had the miter saw already but i bought um a tool to help me reassemble the frame once i've got it cut just gotten it cut to size and then i bought the what are those little things the point setter so i'm looking forward to doing a lot of fully finished items this summer fingers crossed but as far as um actual stitching things i only purchased the two two things i did get up and i'm dying to start this but i'm gonna wait i think um the ggr mj1810 so i have all the fabric all the threads ready to go when i do decide to get that started uh so i think that's about it this is going to be actually a very short one which is okay because then it won't take as long to upload and hopefully i will be back because i have some great mania plans that i want to share with you and show you all of those things that i hope to work on during mania until then my friends i hope you are all well i hope that you get lots of good stitching time in and you're healthy happy and stitching always bye for now
Channel: Primitive Stitcher
Views: 3,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bU2kHYJMg1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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