Flosstube #17 Star Spangled Sewcial, Strawberry Sewcial, and quilt projects

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[Music] good morning everybody welcome to crafty cottage stitches um this is flosstube number 17. today is saturday april 24th um i'm heather hi i'm jeanette and welcome to our flosstube channel uh we want to say thank you for all of the really nice comments for the fun comments a couple videos and just wanted to welcome all of our new followers if you're over watching our floss 2 because of lori holt or because of nicola at bumble stitches or carol lee carol anthony jennifer anybody that mentions us yes on their videos thank you so much we thought we'd just do a quick introduction just in case you are new here um i'm heather and this is my mom jeanette yes and we live in washington western washington state and yeah we film our floss tube at my mom's house in her craft room every two weeks um that's kind of the schedule that seems to work for us any we couldn't do it any other way i don't think so we have a lot yeah as it is we stitch we quilt we craft um we garden garden um flit around all over house projects and home decor i have a daughter evelyn she will be two in may coming up here fast going on 14. yeah she's kind of a lot um i have two girls so you'll hear her occasionally outside the door like right now yeah she's probably gonna she'll probably do that today so and i have another granddaughter she will be 17 in a few days so yeah i can't believe that freaks me out okay so let's welcome and thank you for following us and the first thing i want to do is we got a wonderful card happy mail happy meal from one of our friends here that we've met on instagram instagram and youtube and she made us that is so cute the cutest card ever just to frame that i am i'm gonna set up i keep on my we'll have to share it back there yeah it came in my mailbox yeah yeah so it'll sit back in my cabinet here so we love it and thank you um i didn't ask if i could say her name so we're just gonna say one of her friends from from here in instagram so look at that how cute that is how perfect is that and she sent because she knows we're working on like the best color look at matching i know it's perfect perfect um yeah it's gonna like totally live in my yeah sewing room forever so um she sent us some stitching patterns because she knows we're working on doing a tear tray for my sewing room that we're like stitching themes selling themes and they're i think are they all they're all sue hillis i think yeah they are so sorry if you hear the noise there's a little bit of yard work going on yeah my husband's background plugging the grass and so this one and oh this one i feel like i've seen done recently really somebody did that right i'm gonna laurie hulk color this up and it's gonna be in my room did jennifer do that one sure how cute is that and then heather will now have this one because i have this one i've actually started some of the black and yeah got sidetracked but i know isn't that pretty super cute and then i'm doing the same thing i'm doing these and aquas and yellows and stuff but thank you very much thank you you are super cute we love them thank you and i'm gonna they might take no you're not it might take me a year to get to some of them but we are so excited actually message us and let us know what paper this is is this uh simple stories it's super cute [Music] that'll be done soon he's just going i have a flagstone path and that's what it is bouncing over it so but it's kind of weird and muggy here today so rainy i think i'm gonna start this one on tomato tuesday that'll be i think i mean besides the tomato it'll be a quick stitch isn't that cute i have to start this that's super cute so when you do tomato tuesday i'm not sure who started is that pinker and pumpkin quilting maybe melissa the day is just a suggestion right yeah because i have a contribution to that but i did not do it on tuesday so anyway nobody would know that but we're not liars i say i'm gonna get to stuff and it takes a while so anyway thank you thank you we love you guys it's so awesome i just don't even know what this is a lot of good friends yes we have and we started getting happy mail and it makes us really excited my husband's like what do you mean like somebody sent something to you but don't think you have no i just i i'm always just like emailing us and talking to us sending us pictures that you find online or things that you're working on we really enjoy that and we really do it's lots of inspiration and it's fun i just never know what to say because i'm like really all right thank you for thinking about it well i'll show this because it was kind of happy meal yeah it's like well not really but i mean yes i got this in the mail ever this is my mother-in-law made this hat for my daughter and we'll do a little mo i'll have her model it at the end of the video isn't that the cutest thing you've ever seen it's crochet and then she beaded all the little seeds it's a crochet but not um [Music] yeah i mean you know like flowers yeah but my mother-in-law is really good at doing just like different things she made um she did a crocheted um cat toy like a little mouse one time oh really yeah i have that it's really really critter yeah it was small i mean you could i mean how is it any different than like a hat i'm just finishing it out the other way um but yeah this is a pattern that i found on etsy and so i will link that if you guys are interested she said the instructions were really really good on it oh really you could i think it was like all sizes um and she had a ton of different um ton of different patterns so i'll link that to let you know what etsy shop that was through what were we looking for were we looking for crocheted strawberries or something no i would specifically wear a hat for her i think yeah because i thought that'd be super cute oh my gosh and she loves wearing it it loves loves loves it it's cute no matter what she's wearing otherwise so it could be kind of ridiculous yeah so should we do our giveaway giveaway yeah we had so many wonderful comments because i was like red you didn't want to pick red well i just didn't know what people wanted wasn't it but it was fun because even if you got lots of ideas for the best like color red floss and even if you don't love red in your house red is like if you watch susan stanley's video she will give you the history of strawberries and red and all that um but basically red is you know everybody thinks it's either summer time or like somebody said that it made them think of christmas but now it's not like that because they think of strawberries and i always think of um like like that like red and white picnic picnic summer time red always means like summer time to us so we'll autumn with the strawberries and in our next social that we'll talk about it after we show our stitching so anyways anyway so we had our giveaway and i did a random comment generator we'll show what you're going to be getting and then there's going to be some surprises in there too and i decided to put a little basket because you got to have a little basket right and so i put their little and then i found i don't know do you guys know they make these these are ball jar i didn't know they made those i have i you know they used to make them like last year so but look how cute they are they're actually jars like michaels or something oh walmart oh okay so they're just basically little spicy storage thingies super cute and i put my my favorite strawberry not for preserving though it says no don't can your jam and i put my favorite strawberry in there and in the little frame i remember so we know who this is going to and little um oh yeah there's like a clothespin and remember charms and things oh yeah don't poke yourself with my pin that's my disclaimer but we know did you show your salt and pepper shakers yeah and then the sauce shakers and then heather's going to make something to go in here too so has a surprise for you you got to get on that because i want to mail this out monday all right so and we're really excited for who won because she has commented comments on everything the very beginning instagram yes and she makes some really adorable stuff so i was like so we love to follow her too so amy j i mean we would have been excited you are our winner so congratulations go ahead and send us an email um or message us on instagram because you follow us on instagram wherever um let us know where you want us to mail that to your mailing address so we can send out your goodies and hopefully we'll get that out monday if not tuesday i think but monday should be good you're gonna be busy this weekend so yeah yeah so congratulations and thank you for all the fun comments and it's really fun to see where everybody's from we have a lot of people from australia somebody from romania from ohio yes lots of ohio michigan michigan yeah because my husband's from michigan so i'm like oh my family was from michigan couple wyoming i think not wyoming um wisconsin yeah yeah so thank you that was localish but like mostly other places a couple from canada the uk australian a lot of the australians so that's exciting yeah so um to be honest i haven't stitched it yep a lot because every time i started to do it i would end up taking half of it out i don't know if i was distracted or whatever but i have stitched a couple things because we had really beautiful weather again so there was gardening going did you have that finished before oh well then you show your finish first if you want in the pattern that's okay um they know what it is i just finished it i finished and i showed this on my instagram already too but i finished the strawberries and stripes by with the needle and thread oops and are you finishing that tin too no it's too big oh that's right so i'm trying to decide what i want to do there i had kind of an idea but i think it would be too big that medallion i thought i would do behind it but i think that would just be like too much take away from that yeah so i haven't quite decided how i want to finish this yet i have some really cute little frames i know but i've just been like framing everything i like kind of what i've been into yeah but i did pretty much all my own colors besides the strawberries because i think she used ladybug for the strawberries in her pattern didn't she i think so otherwise i didn't what did you use for your strawberries ladybugs oh yeah yeah um but a lot of times i don't even look at the colors i just pull what i want and that's what i did here i changed the green too um but i think i kept everything else pretty much close except for the wing it's very cool i wanted strawberries and stripes by brenda gervais um i don't know what the heck happened to that powder i think it's in heather's house yeah we got it somewhere i don't know um yeah i will let me know if you're interested in the colors that i used i need to start writing that down i keep saying that i need to start a journal of my color conversions because i pretty much change everything so and i had to go back for that one that i converted and i should have wrote it down thank you okay but i can let you know what those colors are um was that it yes okay oh and this is just what is this ew it's a lagana i think we did is it you why do you mean this is my favorite like oh um we dyed this like four years ago three years ago it's like a soft aqua green actually i need to get right there again i know because she keeps telling me to do it and i keep going darker but this is like my favorite to stitch on it's super thick and it's it just gets nice when you dye it i really like stitching on it too and i did two over two on that and it's nice i like it a lot yeah that was the first time i'd actually completed a one hour um and i was okay with it i think because they're bright enough colors they showed up yeah so i have been i started i don't think i had started this no i haven't started this so i started the berry keeper um i didn't get very far because like i said i would put a leaf in and then have to take the leaf out so that is where i've gotten so far i changed the grain to chives and it's super jolly holly maybe i'll if anybody wants to know it's 40 count um one over two that's nice coverage it really is type 40 count it really is it's kind of my favorite however going from this until the other one i'm getting ready to show you that is tough especially at night and i think that's why i've been kind of i don't know i don't want to say struggling blind and old lady is what it is i'll show this then yeah i also started the berry keeper and i'm doing one over one on 25 count i love it that is so good um not easy for me i'm getting like it doesn't stitch up quickly when i'm doing it one over one but that's okay um this one's nice and i'm doing all my own colors you know and this is the same stuff that i used on the the last thing i did i can't remember oh the date i'm kind of really liking 25 count because i have something else going on here that's one over two over two i mean it's quite like you can really see the extra time i'm kind of into that right but that really i enjoy the process of stitching on it like it stitches up nice and quick not one over one but um i just really like it i think i want to get more 25k i have a lot and we my mom dyed this you do have a lot oh good so this um this is the color we always do it's um two parts kelly green to one part evening blue doesn't i mean great day red dye whatever amount you're doing um and then i stick it in the jar and i shake it up so that's that's right and when we say two part to one part when we do like a i mean if you do fabricate a gallon bucket you might need a lot more but i literally do not even a half a teaspoon to less than a quarter of a teaspoon because i'm doing them in court jars and i'm doing piece by piece like this um but if you're doing you know a big pot of it then you'll want to adjust that and then sometimes i dilute it with water if i want it lighter this is kind of or just do like a really quick dip and it's better if you just do one small piece at a time for us because if we don't want any modeling yeah i this has ever so slightly you'd have to be in person to see the actual modeling and that's what i prefer so anyway so that was that that um and you worked on yours okay so and the other thing i worked on was um the american eagle um i didn't wanna too much oh sorry um and that's beautiful isn't it gorgeous what is that uh blackbird so and i'll show you what i'm gonna in this book here let's stick it in there mine is on the old the the fire base confederate gray so it's not the brownie color and so this is gray now yeah i think it's mystic right now i'm if you can find it um this is the shaker white they're calling for yeah and it doesn't go good with this gray color in my opinion um dirty so i changed the hat well what and i tried it there and i'm like no no so i'm using bamboo instead um white white's too white and so bamboo kind of gives it a it's hard to tell you wouldn't be able to tell on there it does give it a soft uh mottled look using like khaki mocha or something like that mocha is that a whitey color it's very white because i love weird this washed out look but it really really turned icky yellow on my gray it pulled the yellow yeah so this is where i'm going to go this has got to come out um like i said i'll put stuff in take it out that's kind of been the theme of it the last couple but i love this and that's what you're it's hard to go from this is one over two on 32 count which is like i don't know it's so easy to see and so oh yeah i thought you were saying you were having a hard time with this one no okay so then your eyes adjust to these big ol holes and then you go and jump up to one over two on 40 count and i stitch mainly at night sometimes i can't do 40 counting it's hard um after i get going i mean because normally i normally stitch on 40 count i'm like fine whatever but when you're going back and forth between the two it's been a little rough so anyway that's my very small little bit of progress on here i like this like dusty black frame that they have it's beautiful i was obsessed with this i saw christy from crosshatch quilts might have been her very first video she showed hers done she has it on the more brownie color though and it's oh it's just stunning but i don't have that so um so you know my house is more gray anyway it's my neutral instead of taking here so anywho that's that this is fun this is a fun stitch if i would get my like one night i just sat and did all of this it's really easy these they have great lettering so they make it very easy so that's all i've been stitching on for two weeks i have started that is that it is that's your start oh because i was doing one over one there i'm like thank you it's gonna be teeny weeny so this is the farmer's daughter by little house needleworks my mom did the whole piece of this and showed it last week finished i wanted to do something with this border here so i have started stitching that just playing around with stitching that i first tried it one over one on this 25 count but i mean the strawberries are gonna be like itty bitty yeah because they're pretty small yeah so i've decided to switch i mean i'm going to finish and do something small here i might do like a little that would be cute to do like a little tag for a bag or something like a project bag with a strawberry little fog yeah funky little craft project with that but i started it as two over two much bigger and really fun to do so it's cute this is such a cute powder i really like the chicken i'm excited to do the chicken but i'm also i don't know it because it's going to be like strawberry flowers chicken it's not symmetrical so i don't know are you not putting the basket in the middle well no because the idea i had for it was for it to go around a spool but this can be far too big for that i don't know what i'm gonna do with it i just wanted to do something bordery and finish it a different way we'll see yeah we'll see it's fun to stitch up though did you stitch on your fourth of july stuff no oh okay so that's it with stitching for me no i did not we haven't been stitching we've been sewing so we've been sewing and cutting and cutting and cutting quilts out so i actually have three quilts i cut out and then one that we made a little one it's not quite finished but we're getting there so now 21 minutes um yeah so what are we how are we going to do how about our plan well do we want to talk about plans we'll wait on our plans well our plans are kind of going with them um my plan is to actually finish this and the berry keeper because part of our new social will be that related i will work on the berry keeper i'm just going to work on whips i think for cross-stitching huh yes you have to start something for me okay so we don't do mania no that's going to be one plan i'm going to tell you we don't have we don't do mania we drive ourselves crazy enough just um without being my mania is just going to be trying to get some things done i think i think we should each start one for our searching for my um my cross stitch mojo yeah but we need to start one for our birthday yeah and evie's birthday mm-hmm i know what i'm going to start for ebby's birthday do you something out of them i have a really awesome book um it's the fairy tales veronique anjan jay book it's so cool you should bring it next time i'll bring it next time i thought about bringing it today but i'm like we still we have a lot going on i'll bring that next time i think i'll pick out um a pattern to do my daughter loves loves loves reading like all the time but all books so i think i can stitch her up some cute stuff from there and she'd really like it she's really into the wicked witch right now yeah because she likes the mickey mouse and then there's a book that has the wicked witch she's hilarious so yeah um i don't know what i'll start for my birthday what are you starting for your birthday mrs bingley's library i've been wanting to do it um i have so many seasonal things i feel like going on right now that i really want to stitch some stuff that's just like that's gonna stay out for the house well although the americana stuff is going to in my bookcase so well like berry keeper is not seasonal it's sewing related that's true i think that's true okay i might start i collect you should it's super cute yeah i'm looking at it right now it's very cute um so anyways should we wait no what i'm gonna start but first coffee what is that by brenda gervais she said she's the one she's in her coffee cup because you need that for your kids yeah so that's what i'm going to start for my birthday but that'll be like after you said that it was funny why why i was like thinking wait first but first well i'm like what are you talking about i totally forgot she had that one oh my gosh so that will be your birthday studio and i actually will probably start it may 1st um because we're both may may 20th here yeah my daughter's may 14th we might not get anything done we've got a lot of birthdays coming up we have a lot of birthdays a birthday to get a whole vegetable garden party dug up and i gotta get sod ripped out of my front yard oh yeah in their travel trailer soon anyway whatever they feel like apparently we're skittish today so anywho not skittish skittery flittery flittery we're flipping so we want to show you what our next what do we decide the name was going to be okay you announced it then well let's hold up our little our finishes oh wait what our thing we made from and let's see if you guys can guess what it's gonna be ready one two three you guess oh my gosh this is like one of my favorite things i've ever made it's so cute so we are doing star spangled social and it is gonna go coincide right along with strawberry social because these never end never end um but to us summer is you know patriotic patriotic but that being said we did star spangled because if you're from australia australia you don't do stars and stripes or i don't know oh gosh do they do do they do star spangled i don't know anything patriotic for your country works yeah celebrate your whatever celebrate summer even though they're going into fall aren't they yeah literally but you can still break she keeps like putting hers in front of mine mine's super cute mine is all laurie holt fabric did you do that too so this little flag is a freebie is a freebie on lori holt's blog this is her sparkler block and this is actually the july 4th block she did it with her vintage so long where she made blocks out of all kinds of vintage i think from her grandmother's sewing basket um yeah and this was the july and yours is all right mine is all the way home mine is not mine's all kinds yeah it is um so i just thought i had this pinned for a long time and i thought this is perfect and it's a freebie that you can go to her blog and so on it's not hard at all um this block has a lot of pieces in it but if you take your time look how cute it turns out label when you're doing this because when she does it initially she does it it's like different colors on the inside and then the background and so you're kind of switching back and forth between two blog posts to do this one just i would just sit down and label it first but the block itself is not hard it's it was my birthday and you can do it however you want you could do even like white heavy you could actually just put a star you could just put a plain floral or whatever up there but look how cute that's going to be do any block this size so i don't have a lot of patriotic i don't i don't think i have any patriotic um you know this kind of thing for decor i got rid of a lot of my stuff when we bought this house what are you doing with this just making it into a little mini quilt i was hoping to have it quilted and bound but i hope for a lot of things that don't get done right and hers on her blog didn't have the border because it's put into a sampler quilt um but i couldn't figure out how to bind this so i put it around and it really stands out so i love it mine i think the only lori holt fabric i have is this one up top the rest of these fabrics for the most part i got in a haul i don't share my laurie hall she has to buy your own yeah because these are like longer pieces yeah because when you buy a fat quarter bundle it and we pre-washed what are these 21 inches i think 20 and a half 20 and a half inches and so yeah i was cutting these out of something before i started another project this week this is that liberty fabric from my mind's eye most of this up here these this is pampered old pam kitty morning that i stole from my mom some sandy gervais some of that strawberry honey and strawberry oh yeah the but look how this is the oh dear dear christmas this literally is an afternoon to put together this was i cut it out and sewed all the strips together during nap time and then worked on this at night and i would have done it quicker if i had taken yeah i mean literally a couple hours i'd yeah it was fun and it'll be cute to put out um for the summer so that is our first thing so star spangled social and i still haven't figured out how to pop up words on the video she worked on that anybody has advice on that and i believe let me know and i'm not computer illiterate she's not i know i didn't i'm not even for some reason i can't figure that i can't figure out how to pop a word up on the screen without it being at the very beginning of the video and continuing through to the end oh you mean just stay in there it's a title so it like is the title at the beginning i can't move it but i'm doing it on an ipad i think that's my issue i'm using maybe the app and i'm not on a computer doing it so and we try to get these loaded like right away so yeah um we just don't really have time to do that so anywho so the first back to cross stitch yeah back to cross stitch so i have a collection that i've kind of been collecting for the last couple years because we knew we wanted to um start making stuff um i mean i had patriotic stuff but it was more like i had little flags tucked in things and not a lot of homemade stuff which i've really been you know you see everybody's on instagram all the cute stuff they've made right so that's now we're going to have our little well and we started with our walmart we do have our walmart club yeah that will be quilted i'm going to grab it so if you you're new here you can see our walmart clothes yeah are both mine's here too right i don't think so i shipped it home didn't i did you yep i don't have it why would we have done that i'm basting it here i don't know gotta find that so anyway so the first thing i'll show you um it will be quilted this is our walmart quilt i made one too the reason we cut and it's big it's really big um we kept seeing all this cute um fabric at walmart the little um did mini sell it but we thought it would be fun because it's actually doubled this size and we thought it'd be fun to have a picnic it's a square yeah and so this is this is our walmart quilt um so this is going to be one thing that's going to be quilted over the next well we got the idea from the old chelsea and priscilla videos yeah they used to make quilts like this at the beginning where they would get the the seasonal fabric from walmart and just make the scrappy ones super cute which i love these are my favorite if you if i look back at quilts i made patchwork yeah i love patchwork you can use so many fun fabrics and put them all together and they look amazing so this will be one thing that we finish hopefully next time we have to wait for good weather i spray based i hate depend based so i actually hate spray base too because it stinks but um anyway we hate basting i've never done it i have quilt tops finished i've never finished a quilt in its entirety i have finished tons of quilts and it's entirely and i've just now started shipping them off to um a quilter and but not for like a walmart not we wouldn't and not for my little flag and we're gonna show our best friend's quilts later on so that we finally finished so anyway so i wanted to show you some of the patterns that we've been collecting to do um patriotic stuff i'll show you mine first because i have one oh madame chantilly i have that too i just didn't pull it out that you know that i've started and i've gotten just like this part of the tray done none of the things on it just the trick so the things we're going to show you doesn't mean we're necessarily going to do them this year no but these are ideas for you yeah so and as you know what i'm gonna do is after i finish this one i'll start another one in here because i love every single one i want to do them all so this is definitely in my plans lori holt showed this one as a little pillow that's just the cutest thing ever didn't she do this one too did she i'm pretty sure she did that one with the um distressing spray okay didn't she someone did yeah this is the one i would want to do first out of this book let's hold this up a little bit closer and by the way lori i wish i was your neighbor but we'd get in trouble because i we i i want to go antiquing with her she finally broke the cutest stuff ever those velvets my house was it was like healthy disaster because they'd never be doing anything so that was that's one and that is my plans and these are just ones everybody's probably seen them but if you haven't um it's once we've collected i love that one that one no didn't change my mind i want to do that one next for this one for the patriotic okay well we'll see so there's that one these are all market releases i think from last year maybe maybe i'll get i had to have them because that's all i was gonna do was gonna cross stitch you know patriotic um and i don't know you know this one oh see i love that one so much this one with the red ticking star these are all brenda treve and then i have this one was it christy that just finished this from crosshatch quilts she holds it back so far sorry she speaks quietly and wants you to see her sorry which everybody seems to smash i'm not starting this one because i have the christmas one going i just would want the house i know that's my dream house i want to live in that house i mean just stitch the house maybe so um then we have everybody blackbird designs i just want this in a frame all by itself i'm not going to put it on a box i just want this that's full coverage pretty close yeah it is it's not big it's not no it's not big i mean i wouldn't want to do it that's a good tv like tv yeah because you would just yeah well i say that and i can mess anything up lately so there's the other one and then you know the july okay sorry it's because of my vision man i see better from this distance back i can see that very well look at the lobster ginger shoal when she showed her finish last year look at this little postage stamp it's the cutest i love prairie schooler um but this is my this is my favorite favorite favorite when you see it done up comes the pictures yeah the picture is kind of blurry on you i'm from the oregon coast so it's kind of kind of cool it's kind of like ahead there yeah anyway so here's another one that i got last year this is not heather's favorite it's very what is the word it's prim i love it so much the bicycle and it's not her style but i love it so much i would do this on a bike i do like the little like wine barrel with plants in it the basket or is that a basket yeah that's cute i love the plants in the pots she doesn't like people sometimes particularly so i love it i think it's in fact i've never stitched a person the this berry keeper is going to be my first one and when you i've always loved the berry creeper but creeper but i um would never bring myself to buy it because there was just something about the person i'm like and i love them they're so cute so we're gonna pause for a second and we'll be right back okay we're back we're back so continuing on with my collection i showed this last time um yeah they're pretty much all in the back i'm sure everybody's got their coat and that's the one i want the denim blue um fabric fabrics yeah i will get to this one first before i do i love them all but well no we love i love that one i just don't i can't see it fitting in anyway i i think if my husband had been navy maybe let me see it again so well i don't know but anyway i want to do this one first so that is another one and we were probably not going to get to all of these i'm sure but then i also have some super cute embroidery patterns you want to take that one out um i got this about a year and a half ago is that not the cutest thing you've ever seen i have to make one of these this year i want every single one i love all fringe i love everything about it but look at the oh my gosh they're so cute and in this flag look there's like little buntings and flowers i mean how cute is that and the little watermelon pillow right somewhere i can't i don't know what's wrong with me look how cute they are and it's by their roots they have um this this kind of thing they have um i have the thanksgiving one i'll show in the fall oh my gosh it's so cute and so then after i saw that i was like oh my gosh i have to get on their website and check but so these will be you can do this so many different styles like this doesn't have to be red white and blue you could do sunflowers you could do zinnias you could do valentine's you could really prim these up with yeah or make it like awkward i mean look at the little firecracker like thing but it's a vase with flowers you could do a regular watermelon colors look at that rick rack on that watermelon i know it's it's precious so anyway that's a bare roots but check it out they have halloween and other ones too on their website so super cute this is this is a must we have to do one of these yeah so also um on my plans um kind of to us well heather this year she's jumping in geraniums are my favorite flower yeah um i hate the way they smell i love the smell it smells like summer time to me so we're actually gonna add geraniums in too because i want to see all the patterns with geraniums and for karen because and our star spangled yeah anything with geraniums because i don't know if you guys everywhere does it but here um when it gets closer to the fourth of july you see these huge pots with red geraniums and then they have white trailers and purple trailers going off the sides i mean it's just like an explosion of fireworks that's my favorite so geranium house will be a start that i start before i'll do that for your fourth of july start yeah you said no no no not fourth of july your birthday yeah yeah may 1st i'll do geranium house because i love it it's just a little memorial day too yeah and they're so cute it's adorable a friend of mine um i do like red white and blue pots i was never a big red flower person but now i'm just and i used to hate traniums but now i love them last year i wasn't able to get the red red i like the deep red ones i bought seeds could you mm-hmm well what really got me into them was garden answer because when she planted them just seeing the little when they're tiny little baby seedlings they have the little baby geranium leaves they're so cute they've always been my favorite i have them in my window boxes when i had window boxes oh i love them but anyway so we're adding that in too so because i want to see what you guys can find i'm doing geranium house and it's by little house needleworks i think so i don't have it in here here's the other one she has that is embroidery crab apple hill three cheers for the red white and blue and again don't think we're doing all of these we're just giving you guys ideas for for this we've had that pattern for 10 years i know it's so cute weren't you in high school when we got there i think so did we get it done in central store i remember it yeah so that's another one super cute and this one i may have bought last year but i think it's a couple years old in the good old summer time that's when i bought that grandma's kitchen wasn't it at the same time i don't remember but how cute are these now that would be a dream retreat to me to go to a crab apple i wouldn't get anything done i'd just sit there and stare at all the others radiums yeah but you could just do this little picture with the flags in it would be super cute it's cute i love it so there are our that's my little collection of kind of summertime i'm not gonna i mean patriotic yes but it's can be i guess most of them are well red white and blue together it doesn't have to be patriotic i mean i know it is but summer time i really we're actually i'm gonna be doing all these things that whatever i pick out um till august first till and then we'll then then things will shift into a there we go it was may 20th 2013. oh so we bought that there you go on my birthday seven years ago so those are my little collection of things that you know that i wanna i'm going to just stick them in a bag and just kind of i love to just go through them so we've decided that we just we purchased a lot of stuff in this season too so but i am looking forward to seeing what other what other people have suggested like like um like i found out from lisa lisa abby's needleworks these go right along with our strawberry well and and oh that was another plan yeah they all kind of go together that's patriotic and strawberries um agnes plath i decided because i was gonna do it all in dmc but i thought oh okay well i got online because someone told me where you could find all the flosses so i have those on order because i saw lorries and i really want to do them in overdied so i ordered the flosses so that will be started as soon as those come in they should be actually in the mail today so all strawberries and patriotic because to us this goes hand in hand it's summertime hold in here so i made something or do you wanna let's we'll do the best friends later yeah let's finish up with the social stuff um i made something that kind of went along with that i actually made two things um i think i copied this completely from christy yes because at crosshatch quilt yes i actually had bought this fabric to make a quilt out of last year i mean right after that i wasn't her one maybe one of her first if not her first video she showed a bag how this is to me the most beautiful summertime fabric i think this is your patriotic this is how i like patriotic i'm softened up a little bit um i love it but anyway so i made a this is gonna hold my patriotic summertime using doesn't match completely but i'm using scraps out of you know whatever what's the back in the back and i made this one a little bit bigger what's this fabric it's mackinaw island simpson and they have a new line coming out in august it's called belle isle and i'm not going to be stupid and not buy it this time all i did was i bought and it's so much like this it has the same vibe i've kind of been looking through my books to see what i'm going to make with it to see how much i have to i've been to mackinac island and it's beautiful i i will though but yeah it's super cute so i'm giving christy total credit because i'm pretty sure i saw this exact bag yeah but she also showed one i think on her was that her first quilt she just recently switched her videos quilts she does like quilt and flosstube separately and i think it was in her quilt one she has another project bag she did that has um like a white and blue and white star block the fabric it's beautiful you have to check out well check out her i'm sure i have enough fabric i bought charm squares to make a what kind of like my walmart quilt um out of this fabric but i was just starting getting back into um quilting it was early early last year when i was ordering all the things just so i would have it made this just exactly like we do our bags so if you want to see that what was that number eleven number eleven we talk about how we do our bags in the very tutorial because i might i let's not say it okay so that is one thing i made um i need to make a patriotic project bag so that you do oh that's right because you wanted it to fit your black bird it has to design books and so and actually because brenda and laura are gonna do the first weekend of every month um the blackbird yeah what do you think what do they get stitch along it i think so we'll look we'll get that hashtag for you so that'll make me work on these on the weekends right i gotta go close that window okay so she's gonna close the window so i've been wanting to do this i i made a quick craft um because like i said i didn't really have any patriotic um decorations and so i saw i made this to go in my bookcase actually probably on a i'm gonna probably put this on an easel in the back and then wait yeah and to go in the back of my bookcase that's going to have all our my husband's military pictures and his flag and all that in there so i saw something like this this actually cost the frame was a whopping 3.99 at the blue um that's how we say goodwill um this is an old piece of uh 12 that i've had forever and this is one of those flags that you get on a stick what are they like 25 cents they're like nylon yeah they're weird um they fade in the sun those ones yeah so that's what i did i zigzagged around it and i stuck it in a frame i did put sf101 on the back so you couldn't see the flowers too much because this is like weirdly super like almost like gauzy so this project cost me less than five bucks but i think it's and it looks expensive [Laughter] i had seen something like this in an antique store years ago and i just saw it and i was like could you dye this probably not this much i wanted it to really stand out though i know but i mean you could do like if you're not into the white white but you can get those too that's true you can get the more you could make it look older too i've been on the hunt for a vintagey flag they're very hard to find i don't know if people i think they destroy them like they're supposed to um so it's hard really yeah appropriately so you're gonna find a lot of flags in antique stores and stuff that i've been looking for so i saw one something like this at an antique store a long time ago and i've been wanting to do this ever since and they had a like a vintagey little flag in it on some wallpaper and they wanted 185 dollars for it in a frame a little bit bigger than this to start etsy shop no we're not just kidding we don't do that so anyway i love it and i put it on the blue tool um and it'll be beautiful in my bookcase with you know if you want a quick pin it doesn't matter you can put any flag here you could and actually what i was thinking how cute it would be was let's see maybe do a cross stitch in the middle instead do this oh yeah that's a good idea so i don't know i after i do this i may pop this off but i zigzagged around it but i mean i wanted to really quick craft that i could show you guys that i've been putting off for years i mean it's like five minutes no no it didn't well no i had to zig zag around it may it may have taken ten it's on sticky board i just stuck it on a sticky board um but you could do any kind of relationship you could use scrapbook paper about zigzagging don't forget to take your zigzag foot off of your sewing machine and expect it to be a quarter inch foot yeah she'll show you what she could oh yeah i am showing what i did so i think it turned out really pretty it's really pretty yeah so but just like imagine how versatile it is and do anything with it yeah see and i like framing i frame a lot of stuff without a lot of bows and extra because i don't have a lot of wall space and so when i display something it's going to be tucked behind something or stuck on a tiered tray or so i don't need a lot of the extra because i'm going to decorate around it i have this is going to go the background for a lot of cross stitch in front of it um and like i said my husband's flag is in a case so which would even be really cool if you had because i know you can find a lot in antique stores like those very old like college pendants oh yeah that would be honest that would be really cool i mean you know super easy quick sticky board on there i zigzagged around that but you could you could just glue it on there or iron do like an eye or not that's true you could i you could have done iron on i wouldn't let this kind of flag no okay i mean don't you know test it yeah i mean yeah it's just they're the weirdest actually i just stuck the iron over and it just you know it is it's like gauzy kind of stuff but i think it's cute anyway so that's my five dollar craft to show you guys this time um i don't know if i have i'll see i might come up with something else but that's kind of my first should i do this next um yeah because well i do have yeah because is that your that's kind of gonna go for both right because that's kind of red white and blue oh yes for your summer yes are we done with cross stitching yeah i think we're done um okay for the rest of this we're looking to talk about sewing so um if you're not interested in that they're interested you guys are interested right because it all kind of goes together but i'll just talk about this next yeah you do so we talked about last time that we are starting a sew along with nancy woolsey at so cozy nope nancy woolsey on youtube and so cozy stitching on instagram instagram and i linked her in the last video and i'll try and link her again we are starting a quilt along on mother's day american mother's day may 9th um quiltyville qal so hashtag crueltyville qal and someone started that already yes and it's so who was that rob nope yes we love it um so any of these thimble blossoms bills we're just doing the summerville but there's autonomous stuff is going on ongoing starting may 9th or whenever you want to start it and also i wanted to say if you have one done up go ahead and post it even if you did it two years ago i've had somebody um do that with strawberry social that i've shared where she finished strawberry stuff last year and she's gone and she's added the hashtag on her yeah on her um pictures so you can show people ideas especially for this because i think it would be nice to have some color ideas yeah i'm doing mine and catalina from fig tree gosh darn it brain fade so yeah summerville autumnville winterville springville whatever you want to do any of the bills by and post them so we can see them and give and inspire other people to pick fabrics these are the fabrics i when i was i don't know 20 first starting to really when i was first starting to collect fabric i was obsessed with the these aunt gracie and 30s reproduction fabrics and i have a ton of them but i pulled all my red white and blues recently because i wanted to do a patriotic type i've always loved a vintage patriotic look for summertime me too but i i'm gonna commit and use these for my summerville when she brought that pile over today i'm like oh my god i was like i don't know if i'm gonna use them for that we're trying to be better about that but i'm gonna do it because there's gonna be tons of scraps left over and i haven't i can find and i can find more we can we can what am i doing yeah if i can cut my lauren holt fabric i can cut my vintage collection really makes me want to do one like that and we've talked about how we're not doing the border like this on here i don't know what i'm going to do borderless but just find a really cool red daisy or something yeah i love it i love it so much this one even has kitty cats on it no there's green in that that's okay we'll have to see you'll never see it i know but now you're being like me i know i need to stop that i don't know if anybody i just like go for it yeah but she's like this when i make even like my little strawberry pillow when i'm done in here and the pillow's this big this place is a wreck because i have to get out absolutely every fabric that i use not compared to me well no but mine's because i'm being so particular about she's just i'm a chaos worker yeah no like my living room and my dining room and my kitchen's like exploded because i'm sewing one little thing and but i know it's like contain it in because my daughter also likes to have i have this big container of fabric she just likes to get down and dump out and go through and lay in it so she does that on the floor while i'm well when she does that here because she has a whole like she's got a system yeah which is kind of why i didn't get a whole lot done because they've been spending she'll call me go gamma's house and pay yeah so i'm like sure you know you pick you pick baby you have a good time at home yesterday though yeah and i finally could clean a little bit so that is your plan for that and what are we talking about oh picking out fabric yeah she struggles with committing to fabric no i struggle with finding the perfect one it is that's why yeah i mean i do too though but i'll be like yeah that looks good and then i try and just go with it and usually i love what i've been i'm doing better yeah it takes me a little bit so my plan um this is my july 4th start i had said it at the beginning of the year that i bought this kit last year um this will be started in july it's not going to be finished this year i'm sure because how heather has to have their ass showed up close but um it doesn't look it doesn't look hard there's just a lot of little yeah because i have been cutting out my swoon for two weeks and it's all cut out so i cut out my swoon i cut out my gingham quilt and i cut out the strawberry social and i'll show them next time because now i have them all cut out that is no joke there is a lot of pieces to a swim quilt i thought the strawberry would be a lot but that swing quill let's see if we can where is this behind you don't you dare pick that up okay anyway it's like that thick of cut pieces so so i imagine this will be um a lot of cutting but it'll be fun um july 4th of july starts i'm not going to commit to any other one i do have the fabric from the mackina island that is just going to be scrappy but i really i bought this kit last year and i really need to get started on it because i think it's beautiful yes and i love that softened look for um fourth of july this is going to be a long video guys but i don't care it's fun it's fun and so i was gifted by nancy um nancy woolsey nancy woolsey my granddaughter loves to say your name nancy yeah i'm so cute she just thinks it's cool so she sent us um because she's doing her quilty ville out of um kimber bill's this is kimber bell's red yes she posted that on her instagram go watch her video if you haven't watched it yet um because it's going to be adorable i mean so she had an extra panel yeah because she had bought two different um sets of these so she sent us this to do so cute so i mean totally go see summer it doesn't have to be 4th of july sorry and these are our colors here for [Music] for summertime plop in a big pot of red geraniums and white bacopa trailing down and this hanging over it it's going to be so cute so euphorbia thank you nancy we're going to have fun doing this oh yeah we're into euphorbia um so we've been spending a lot of time at garden centers we have so now our weather's back to like 50 degrees and raining and we need that because i need to get now we can clean our houses um yeah i love your laundry i haven't been really buying a whole lot but no because that just means a lot of upkeep before it's actually plantable so i think that is it on nope nope nope nope i made something heather finished something so we finished our best friend oh yes um i had some repairs to do on mine and i changed up the middle and she did but i did make something super cute and i have all these too what oh yeah do you want to do that next yeah so anyway join us for the star spangled social she'll link that and strawberry social because they're going like i said hand in hand um just forever forever so anytime you see something patriotic red white and blue patriotic for your own country it doesn't have to be usa um not at all that's why we didn't start with strawberries star spangled because geraniums whatever and that remember for strawberry social we did home decor um any sort of tree ideas um there was a lot of cute ones gardening if you do red white and blue potted flowers oh my gosh for that because we'll do that too yeah when we get our that's true when it's warm enough to do our annuals i actually have a bunch of geraniums on my porch we can't put them out if you make a cute fruit pizza that's shaped like a flag oh yeah let us see yeah because we got a lot of recipe ideas too so that was fun yeah um anyway so i i made something for i thought i was doing this simmer at first but i'm a loser on this so i you know the one that she's been posting from all of her books red and white sampler yes we'll link that you all know the red and white sampler so i have done all of week one and i've cut out week two so here she did this as a six inch block i decided to do this as a 12 inch block and i did the sunflower one at six inch because i really like this block and i really like good thing i really love this black because i stitch it twice because did you notice this one is smaller and wonka doodle i still had my zigzag foot on my machine and i could figure out probably more closer to a three eighths instead of and so like i was putting this out and sewing it together and like things were just so weird and not lining up right and i measured and i'm like why is this square 11 inches when it's supposed to be 12 11 inches in some spots another spot it's not so much and i couldn't figure it out i'm like well i'll just redo it and then i realized i had the wrong foot on my sewing machine makes a big difference just makes a huge difference so i'm going to make this into my daughter already walks around with it saying dolly quilt so i'm making this into a little dolly quilt for her it'll be really cute like look at how bad that is well they work they'll never line up because it's not made to do that so when you have the wrong foot i mean it's still pretty good being an absolute wrong foot you can improve if you look at the points i was thinking about it i like threw a strawberry applique on there too big i'm gonna do something different with this i think but there's my my first pancake that goes in the garbage normally do you do that when you make pancakes what is the pancake you know when you make pancakes the first one always goes in the garbage oh cause it just never works right that's my first pancakes i'm like what here's the the good one and i love it it's very cute this is all new fabric that i got one she did her scrappy skirt some of it some of the squares i've done scrappy scrappy where it makes sense when i'm cutting it this is just white on white you can't really see different tone on tone white on whites in the background i did not have very many i do have a lot of b backgrounds but they were mostly in the blue and yellow i didn't have any red and i already bought all these red fabrics so i didn't want to go back and buy a bunch of backgrounds but i have a ton on a ton of tone on tone i love it like that though i do too i love tone on tone white so there's that one sorry and then like i said i switched i did this one a six inch block instead of the 12 inch block and i did not do this one as scrappy just because of the cutting directions on it i just um i thought i'll just go it's kind of scrappy um because hers is you know one color one color and then a different one in the middle i just did you know kind of funky super cute you're doing really good thanks and this one though that's all fabric right um this one is here this is just i think this is a an old lake house dried goods oh really with that strawberry one i had um i only sorry if you hear amplified so i just want to tell you one quick thing that i've been doing when i'm doing these because i am a flitterer i've decided and i talked about this just briefly on my instagram yesterday i have an old quilt whip that's just a nine patch that i have pinned together to use as my leaders and enders on my sewing machine so i'm doing two projects at once and it keeps me kind of focused on what i'm doing because i feel like i'm doing a bunch of different projects and i'm doing the same thing when i'm cutting because i'm cutting a scrappy border for that whip i'll cut for one block and then i'll cut a bunch of scrappy pieces and then i'll cut the other block and cut a bunch of scrappy pieces it's kind of why i cut three different quilts out at one time is so i can kind of work on i don't really having a leader in ender really helps me maybe i'll do the gingham quilt as a leader feel like i'm really getting a bunch done i want to see how far i got on mine i haven't picked out i have an issue i'm using a lot of old old old red and white um and i pre-washed as you guys know um and i had major bleeding issues yes so as i washed um i took one piece out it's like well maybe that's the culprit did you keep that keep your color catcher no it was bad these are all quilt shop fabrics these are not walmart but different ages and they're older my fabric is 20 plus years old so i think i've got it narrowed down to these now there's some you'll need to take some of that for your for your quilty bill um so these are what i'm gonna do um that's this weekend i can finally maybe maybe start to um catch up but it's in a cute really cute basket and it just sits there like that i'm going to do mine all in this um b background is this a b background yes it's b cross stitch yeah me cross stitch yeah so um that's my red and white i definitely want to do it it's going to be because i have so many quilts cut out right now that i had planned that'll stretch out probably for the whole summer for me the red and white one i would imagine they're fun to do those blocks some of them the churn dash one took me quite a long time i mean i had to make two of them and i thought that the taffy one would work up pretty quickly and that the sunflower one would take a while the sunflower one took me no time at all it was so easy to do they're all easy um but the um when i was reading the instructions on the taffy one which is all the flying geese i just i don't know where my mind was at i had to redo it several times i sewed things together where i should have been marking them i marked where i should have been sewing i don't know but it turned out really cute just kind of like my crosstalk pay attention to what you're doing i have to keep taking them out so um i made a really cute thing i made a tomato i made two of them the other ones in the living room because i made it for my granddaughter because um it has the instructions to cut two of these at one time so cute but this is my contribution to tomato tuesday that really turned into tomato friday i cut the tomato out on tuesday though i had every intention we just have a lot on right now so anyway so i put lace on it i used um the decorator weight right here which i have on ironing board on a ottoman i love it and i cannot wait for laurie's new she has a bunch of these new ones coming out so on the decorator wait i see new curtains in my future for my future window over here so that's it i there's a scar which i remembered after i did i was like oops i didn't ever fix that oh yeah i don't know i was playing around last night but i was tired so i just kind of gave up but i like it but just like that it's gonna go on my tear tree it's adorable i love it so much super cute so she has in this book she has some made up that out of the it's the corn and tomatoes right here um i did the six inch finished so these guys end up to be three and a half um she's got some pillows in this book that's made with i think six inch blocks and then she's got a little pocket those are super cute too but i just wanted something that would fit update on my um tear tray this is not lori hold i thought it was when i ordered it oh that's the riley blake kisses kisses yeah but it matches really cute yeah the other one i put the laurie hole um on evelyn's um and it's almost exactly like that i think it has a lady's head on it maybe made it a little more red but um i have scraps of this from doing my other projects but that match is really good it doesn't look like it on yeah but they're both riley blake yeah that's true so yeah i honestly thought it was hers but it's not it's called kisses and i'm like oh that's probably what he holds so i got it i have tons of white on white of that oh yeah i do too after you show that we have thank you and another lady that was emailing about it but it's cute really cute very cute very quick workout um i kind of messed up my other one a little bit right through here that's what i get for sewing late at night i talk to a friend till late at night all the time and it gets me in trouble because i mess up a lot but it's gonna be cute on there so that's my little finish heather has a finish that she did this one well we actually both finished yep finally and you're heather's is i'm maybe a little biased but well it's your channel she never pushes her chair in your head's in the way sorry i'll leave the room i finally finished it i love it it's my favorite that i've seen maybe because my whole sewing room is kind of done in those colors i got a lot more red sneaking in lately though the whole strawberry thing oh lori holt fabric oh um mostly bee backgrounds and flea market granny she's a little bit of granny chic there's like a couple prims a lot of flea market yes super cute are we showing what we're doing yes we found the coolest thing for her back vintage sheet to go on the back i'm stealing it from my mom to still in it for me my yellow is too acidy yellow that i have seven really pretty very 70s and it's roses so it's pretty but the colors are off and i have this one and it's just going to be perfect she can use it though because when i steal that quote from her it looks perfect in the show i have a ladder over there that i had that hanging on and it's like oh okay i'll give it to you so that's nice to have you have scraps off of it so oh definitely that took me forever but well you know i felt like if i was starting other quilts that i really needed to get a couple done and that's kind of why i'm doing the leaders and enders on that one yeah too that's a good idea i'm gonna do the gingham one like that so i had to repair mine if you remember because because there's something about getting it on camera yeah and i checked it before before before i decided to show it today so i changed my middle oh it's so cute i like that color in the middle i do too it's like a little burst um and i had reversed this on one of them to where the dark was on the inside remember yeah yeah because it's easy to do on these it was like there's so many different shaped blocks the backwards cat ears or something yeah so that's all fixed now i love heathers i love yours but i love the middle i had to change the middle i didn't like the way the the pinwheel looks gosh that makes me want to do just like solid not even with the white but like solid color yeah so it turned out really cute now i just gotta figure out how i'm gonna um i thought i messed up on something again i didn't then it would never get done i feel like she would burn it i i think i would burn it because to pull out a quilt this middle that was a lot it wasn't a lot it was a lot of work i'm not gonna lie to pull the center out of a quilt it was not fun because as like you saw it back in that's what i'm saying i had to pull back some of these okay plus their paper foundation so if you yank on them too much then they kind of come up they come apart it was a it's why it's done now so i am going to probably just typically this myself you're using this as a backing yeah and i have flea market to go on the back to really pull out the blue and there's enough of that to do binding too so i need to get on it and get this done because it's really cute we're running out of time it'll be fun because uh my granddaughter can just you know play with this now that we're covered look at that this is what my whole room looks like by the way oh well whatever so i think that's it i ate those i have a haul but i'll show it next time it's just fabric that you've already seen today okay yeah because we're running out of time so we're gonna say goodbye and follow us on instagram i'm at whitehousecitry she's at carlycourt cottage follow us here on this video um so amy j go ahead and send us an email for the giveaway join us in strawberry social and star spangled social and in our quiltyville quilt along with nancy woolsey that starts on mother's day mother's day or whenever you went the other socials start now yeah um and leave comments below and let us know what you're working on right now and have a wonderful two weeks yeah we'll see you before mother's day yeah yep the day before mother's day okay awesome okay bye
Channel: Crafty Cottage Stitches
Views: 10,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tvZGpBG_6HU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 10sec (4630 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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