Flosstube #62 - A WIP Parade & Maynia Plans

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[Music] hey everyone i'm stacey the 911 stitcher welcome to my channel about cross stitch today is the 24th of april 2021 this is video 62. welcome back everybody and a big hello to all my new subscribers welcome this video is about cross stitch sometimes i talk about crochet punch needle i a new hobby english paper piecing that i've been enjoying but it's always about cross stitching and today i have a special video normally my regular youtube videos are always about cross stitch i talk about new release charts that come out i like to talk about other youtubers i like to talk about designers cross stitch news crafting news so that will be next week on my regular youtube video today what i thought i would do is show my whip parade if you're new to cross stitch or if you're new to my channel a whip is a work in progress so i have lots to show today i have just stacks of project bags full of cross stitching projects that i work on i enjoy having a large collection now a lot of people maybe they don't like to work on multiple things maybe they just want one or two projects to work on i have enjoyed having many and i do mean many so i'd like to show you my progress on them and the reason i'm doing the whip parade today is because may is coming and if you're not familiar stitch mania is coming next month stitch mania is all about making it what you want it to be a lot of people and how it started was the month of may may 1st you either pick the number of days in the month which i think is 31 some people will start 31 new cross stitch projects every single day now that's a lot and i that's too much for me some people will take the year 2021 so they'll either do 20 or they'll do 21. now in my last regular flosstube video i had mentioned i'm not going to do stitch mania i have a lot of projects already i have some that are almost done i'd like to focus on those but i watched um one of my favorite flosstubers is brenda the handwork maniac now she has a large poster board that she shows and she has a square all these squares for i believe 20 or 21 projects her version of stitch mania is exactly what i want to do maybe not as many starts but what she did is she brought over all of the projects she started from last year some some i even think the year before brought those over filled in her dates and if she had any dates left or opened boxes left what she did is she said okay that gives me the opportunity to start a new project i'm probably not going to start if i start any it's going to be some really small animal charts that i i told you i wanted to make an animal tree i right now it's patriotic i wanted an animal tree full of cross stitch ornaments so i think what i'm gonna do is start a couple maybe two or three and that's the extent of my new starts they're all going to be carryovers um from previous stitch manias new starts and ones that are almost ready to be finished that's what i'd rather focus on is the ones that have a lot of progress so what i'll do is i'll show my whip parade i hope you have something to drink and got something to eat because it's going to be just a little bit of time because i have a whole bunch of project bags to show you guys nothing is ironed because i'm not able to stand yet i as you guys know i just had surgery and i'm not able to place weight on the leg so i am on crutches and i'm not able to stand and iron 50 plus projects that's about how many i have actually less than that because i'm not showing my full coverage those are in really big bins and i'm not able to carry those upstairs i had my husband carry just the ones i think i have maybe five project full coverage so those will be another video i'll show those later so let's start with whip number one now what i'm going to do i do have some ditches there are a few here that i'm not going to continue working on so it's a good opportunity for me to do this whip parade for you guys show you what i have show you what i'm going to ditch and which ones i'm going to save and and work on for stitch mania next month so whip number one sunflower farm core ibotta corey this was a special stitch along that i joined for a friend of mine named inji in the netherlands her daughter loves sunflowers and the color blue so she had asked us if anybody wants to join a stitch along in honor of her daughter and i joined immediately so this is going to be like i said core ibatakore is the name of the designer it's called sunflower farm and i'm doing this i wish i could remember the fabric that's the one thing is i forgot my notebook so i don't have fabrics to tell you guys what they are if you have questions just message me and i'll let you know what the fabric is but here's my progress on coolery bought to cory's sunflower farm i'm using the called four colors and i want to say this is a lugana a wheat color maybe wheat or sand let's see do i have more progress it ends right where the fold is so there's just a little bit more on the other side but that's my progress on whip number one i love the colors this is one i can't wait to get back to and again they did ask for dmc colors that's what i'm doing is the called for and tell me this bag isn't perfect i've got paper in it but you can see sunflowers perfect bag i believe it was by goose designs on etsy okay next whip we've got oh this is a fun one this is by pyramid permin of copenhagen eva rosenstein clara weber that is black floss d this is all dmc and it's either dm's here anchor i think it's dmc but that is just gorgeous so this is my second whip and the progress i have on this i'm using all the called four colors lots and lots of black this is called for um this is the fabric this came as a kit so all the floss and the fabric were included the fabric is extremely stiff but i used it anyway it's okay it's softened up a little bit and this is my progress isn't that fun i like the orange on the border and you're starting to see some animals and the guy with the the hiker with the cane i think that's really fun so that's my next one i love this one there's something i really like about samplers that are all black and i plan on on you'll see i have a few more whips that are all black in color the next one i think fell off this is a fairly new lip this is not one that i have worked much on lately now again i'm keeping my eye open for whips that are almost finished i'm going to pull those aside and use those as stitch mania projects so here's another one this is by theresa baird she is hearts ease exemplar works there's the name and this is the chart isn't that just gorgeous it is a lot of stitching so what i'm working on it says burlington county new jersey here in black and i'm working on the little triangles here at the bottom and my progress on this this is an r r fabric but again i don't have the color that's my progress so far oh it's so wrinkly she's there we go so that's my progress not a lot i need to get back to this one that black is a lot of stitching it's like a little mini full coverage area with the exception of the letters which will be filled in with yellow i believe that's the next one the next project i have is quite a toy by long dog sampler most of my fabrics that i use are 32 counts this looks like rim to me 32 count wren by picture this plus or heartland one of the two this is hoity toity and i tell you if you watch brenda the handwork maniac hers is amazing absolutely beautiful my progress on this is very small i'm using silks by mrs sada silks so see not a lot of progress on that but that is actually a lot of stitching if you really stop and look there's lots of stitching in there lots of lots and lots of color changes the silks from mrs status they are she is in spain they're gorgeous colors they're a little ratty looking but they're gorgeous beautiful colors i enjoy working with them so that's my progress on hoity toity the next project i have is a stitch along with my friend becca from my stitchy home this is brenda keys sampler company and it's called i went to church sampler i think let's see if i can find the name yep i went to church sampler i've done some color changes on it which i'll list when i finish it i'm still kind of i wasn't crazy with the colors it didn't look like the chart to me and i love these colors in the chart again this is a cream color linen and this is my progress let's move this thread here we go so this is the sampler company i went to church sampler it's a lot of fun and again my friend becca she's got a lot of progress going her flosstube is my stitchy home she hasn't done a video in the last couple months i think uh she'd recently moved so i hope she does a video soon because she's a lot of fun she also quilts and that's that way the next one i'd like to show you is a hands across the sea this would just was a stitch along in the group our sampler years my friend krista is admin on the group this is beautiful it's ann roberts by hands across the sea krista's already finished hers it's beautiful i need to get back to this one too my progress is here it is on vintage country mocha 32 count those colors it's a silk i'm using this uh alvarez was silk swadager so i need to get back to this one too because it's so beautiful and when i see krista's finished piece it's just oh i really want to get that done next we have crowns of the kingdom by rosewood manor i saw the model it is amazing it's all metallic floss here it is it's all crowns this reminds me of going to see the crown jewels in london beautiful gorgeous gorgeous things so this is by rosewood manor again every stitch is with a metallic floss the metallic floss is treasure braid here's just an example of one of them treasure braid there's gold there's black shimmery black and silver and copper my progress is not much but some it's fun to stitch a lot of people don't like i wish you oh there you go you could see the shimmer a lot of people don't like stitching with metallics i do i don't have any problems with them isn't that pretty so i another one that i really like to work on oh so many this is just on a cream color linen 32 count okay next up we have this i barely started just a few months ago it is jordan prive red christmas now as you can see i love solid stitching in one color this does have some yellow or some gold cream color fabric probably 32 count my favorite and this is a little bit wrinkly but that's my progress on that i'm using variegated 115 it does call i think for a couple of different flosses three it calls for three there's one gold color and two reds instead of the two reds i used 115 variegated and i think it looks really pretty so that's my progress there i'm kind of going through these a little fast because that way the video is not so long next we have one of my favorites barbara anna designs snooty parrots this is a stitch along with my friend debbie creatively yours we started this for her birthday and again this is an r r fabric i don't know the color of it here's the chart snooty parrots there's the two parrots i always say they look snooty and my progress on this i did change the red to make it a little brighter that's my progress here isn't that beautiful oh my gosh it's one of my favorites that border is so pretty and those reds this is another one i want to work on you know i really do work on all of my projects you probably think with all these whips you're probably thinking when are you going to finish anything i don't mind i don't care i like just working on them and it gives me happiness to work on them this feels like a big monster and it is this is my massive chart dutch beauty by permin of copenhagen see if you can see it there we go now i change it to a darker fabric this is one i only started a few weeks back maybe a month or so ago there's the name dutch beauty translation per min of copenhagen if you watch ellen reed maximum cross stitch power hours she has some major progress on hers and it's gorgeous go check her out ellen is awesome and here's my progress i have changed a few colors only i've gone with the carl four colors mostly but i did have to change that goal to make it show up because the gold they had was the ugliest brightest i always say mcdonald's gold i've ever seen it just did not look good on this fabric so i did change that out and i think it comes out really good um so like i said i've only been working on this a couple of months and that border is really pretty so i'll get this back out again um it's another one that i love lots of fabric on this it's going to be a huge huge piece next i have hawk run it's um a year at hawk run hollow 20 count vintage country mocha i'm doing them all together i have finished these three and i'm working on i've finished this i'm working on the flowers now this is a beauty i have changed a couple colors to classic color works and i haven't got much progress on may but maybe i'll keep this out because it is the month of may that i'm working on and i think it's perfect for stitch mania it kind of goes so that's my progress on a year at hawk run hollow so we'll keep this out we'll keep this as a stitch mania because it happens to be i'm working on the month of may so that'll go by my feet next this is a ditch i've officially decided i'm going to ditch it i love it i think it's so gorgeous when other people stitch it i'm just not enjoying stitching it myself i'm not a huge patriotic stitcher i've noticed i like patriotic and i love how they turn out when other people stitch it this is theresa koget land that i love my progress here it is on it's like a witch hunt or like a zweigart it's not the call for anyhow here's my progress and i'm going to ditch it i know what you're thinking you're probably thinking keep just keep going it's pretty again i love it and i love my friend jan recently completed hers a couple months back and it's gorgeous but for some reason i am just not enjoying it stitching it myself i i don't know i don't know what it is i think it's the colors maybe they're i don't know so it's still in the back of my mind as to whether i'll keep it but i'm pretty sure it's going to be a ditch i'd rather start on other things that i just really really love stitching and i like to admire other people's that they're doing instead here's a favorite of mine another big big big one this is mary 395 my hands across the sea all in one color variegated red dmc 115 no i take that back i'm not doing it in dmz i'm doing it in silk and i am doing it with classic color works cranberry silk it is bellswah my progress is it's such a huge there are this is on 40 count now these stitches are tiny and there's a lot of them that took me a long time to do so that's my progress on mary 395. again it is cranberry belle soi silk this is one of my favorites beautiful silk to work with i really like it sometimes it leaves a little bit of fuzz as you're stitching i had someone ask me if if she said she thought it stained her thing her fabric i said no take a piece of tape or just take a lint roller something sticky run it over you know run it along the fabric and it'll take off all the little fuzzy red color okay that comes over here next oh i see lots of pretty colors look at those colors what is this okay this was a ditch because i changed the fabric it is charlotte mills by the fox and the rabbit i was doing it on 40 count and i could not see the holes it was too small so i switched it up to 32 count i have not restarted it yet but i i plan to and i'm using call for just all dmc colors i switched it out the fabric is 32 count ale one of my favorites you're going to see this it cut again coming up on ann thomas this is ale 32 count so i've not restarted it yet it's ready to go and i will not be starting it probably until summer time okay this is another pretty one this is yvonne leclerc eight uh 1905 by ray flades hua beautiful beautiful colors i'm using silk belts i'm using um suado ger silk progress on this has been very slow because there's a lot of stitching that's my progress not much pretty border pink and green when it when there's more stitching i think it's going to be a little more fun right now it's just kind kinda you know i don't know why i haven't wanted to stitch on it but i really do enjoy it okay next i have twin peak primitives this was a special dutch mania 2019 is that when i was there uh chart available from d honda boutique anamique send her an email if you're interested it's in rhoden the netherlands that's where we went for our retreat it was specially designed for our retreat this is alchemy 32 count and this one is is getting closer to being done so maybe i'll pull it out for stitch mania it's still i still have some progress obviously it's about halfway done i should say but it's fun it goes fast and i think i will leave this out for stitch mania one of my favorites and i love alchemy picture this plus fabric it's one of my favorites so i'll keep that up for stitch mania this one has no progress at all it is mill hill kit it's called burr these are full kits they come with beads they come with floss and the perforated paper on the back you can always do them on fabric my very little bit of progress is here not much there's a few beads i put on on his cheek and on his carrot nose so this is not going to be a stitch mania one that needs some more progress okay here's another favorite that i have gone back and forth on and have debated about restarting for a third time because i'm not happy with the fabric i wanted a crusty looking fabric like a tea dyed fabric just like the one shown you can see it's kind of tea dyed up in here and i really like that crusty look so i'm thinking if i continue maybe i can use the antiquing spray and make it look antiquey with the spray i've never used it before but this is ann grimshaw 1818 by the scarlet letter i am using a massive piece of taupe and this is my progress so see it's too much progress to ditch i think i mean i i hate to ditch it a third time just because i want to antiquey look to the fabric which i think might be something i can try t dyeing it maybe i can try doing lots of things with this fabric to make it look more grungy and more antique okay next is one that's almost done and i'm going to keep it out for stitch mania it is baby it's cold outside by heartstring samplery now this i don't know why i haven't finished this when you see this you're gonna go seriously stace just finish it up this is my progress so the biggest part of the whole chart is done the house well it's almost done i've got some more stitching on the house but i think i'll leave this out and work on this for stitch mania so you can see that house is almost done this is on you know i don't know what this fabric is it looks definitely dyed but i love the color i think the color came out perfect for it so let's save this and work on this for stitch media next here's one i have zero progress on and it's one of my favorites it's told in a garden blueberry homecoming isn't the colors beautiful and as you can see i don't have much progress at all don't know the fabric i know it's a picture of this plus seriously stace not much progress got a pair of overalls with no man inside oh this is one of my favorites and i think i'm to leave it out for stitch mania it is the one and only mirabilia that i'm working on called miss cherry blossoms isn't she beautiful and wait to see the progress she's on pink just regular pink aida i wish i had gone a little more fancy on the fabric you know maybe a really pretty dyed fabric but that's my progress on miss cherry blossoms it's weird how the colors change you know the lighting depending where i move it changes because she's beautiful that's better that looks a little bit more like it i'll show it up close so you can see her face there's some metallics in her hair and that's miss cherry blossoms my mirabilia she's so fun to work on you know the reason i haven't worked on her is because she's right in the crack of the page i'm working right on the crack and it's so hard to flip back and forth here's a project you know what i here it is i showed it on my last video i'm going to have to show a picture here it is lady liberty by blackbird designs it's going to be a drum and i've already finished the top and i've already well i've got some progress on the side this actually i'm pulling out because i'm doing a stitch along if you watch brendan the cereal starter they are working on blackbird designs every weekend of may so this i'm saving because i will be working on that the next one is neat this is going to be a stitch mania one because it's almost done and why i won't work on it is beyond me it is by chezzy and me pumpkin house it came as a full kit it's tiny tiny came as a full kit with gloriana silks it was the first time working on 40 count so i was excited to get it as a kit to see if i even liked 40 count and i did so that's my progress it's almost done so this needs to be a stitch mania focus piece and get her done so you can see she's halfway done all i have to do is some pumpkins and then that square border around the house and that's it it gave me a good chance to work with gloriana i've never worked with that silk before okay here's one that i need to work on a little bit more it is hands across the sea jesse watson iu i'm using 103 silks it is on 46 count 45 count my first time using that high of a count it's challenging and it's called foxtail millet i got it as a kit with the flosses and i got it with this the fabric from hoop and frame so that's my progress you can see all the color changes it's a lot of work but it's really pretty so this i need to get back to too that was jesse watson hands across the sea and the 103s i think you work on 103 silk 40 and above you can't use the silk because it's not enough coverage with the little spools i forgot to show you the spools uh let's see here you go so these are called 103 alvarez was silks and i like i say it's best to use them i think for 40 and above okay next we have al forest groningen all black if you look on the website for it it is in blue which i originally had planned to do and when i saw it in a black i liked it just as well so this is my progress using all black silk i mean i'm sorry anchor anchor 403 it's really pretty i like how it's coming out and again it's called groenogen this one i should be getting it finished because it's not that big and i am using silky sulky floss for the first time okay next i've got my historicia stick musta it is called the fob and disorient and that means colors of the orient some of this has metallic thread and it's going to be beautiful i am using silks the suad algiere silks or swal delje silks as you can see become like this and my progress it is full coverage except for the white lines that go through here otherwise it's all full coverage lots and lots of stitching and that's my progress here it's really pretty and it'll be even prettier you can see how pretty the silk is sort of shimmery but um when the metallics get in at the bottom for the buildings it's going to be gorgeous okay next we have twin peak primitives this is tracking the seasons it is four different seasons on one chart i'm doing them all together and i have not worked on this in a long time i need to get this back out eventually you can see all four seasons and my progress here i have done some color changes that's my progress here it's really pretty bright and pretty and i love that tree i think that tree is so beautiful next we have autumn quakers this is a favorite a favorite one my rosewood banner i'm using valdoni silks i'm sorry i keep saying silks valdani threads i believe it's a cotton thread i wish i knew the fabric to tell you guys because i love it it's so pretty i have it written down so if you want to know ask why am i thinking this is sideways let's see nope this is right i think it's vintage country mocha if i'm not mistaken so that's my progress on this so pretty my friend catherine she's coco cross stitcher her progress on autumn's quakers is just amazing she's just started it just as i thought she said a few months ago and it's gorgeous progress okay watermelon tourmaline carolyn manning this is stitch along going on in my group any carolyn manning is welcome to be work i mean you can always post any progress on any chart anytime in my group but we all did a stitch along together for any carolyn manning charts i'm using the called four colors they're dmc so pretty this is on dusty road by seraphim aren't those colors beautiful so pretty okay we're moving right along we're getting there next stables at holly berry farm by stacy nash as you guys know i had trouble with this i had to move some things around and got it all fixed again i changed the border to be a little brighter because i wanted it to stand out a little bit more and this is on ren 32 count rin by picture this plus and here is i'm gonna have to stand up my progress on this isn't that pretty look at that that's a lot of progress i think you gotta work on that border and start the giant enormous white house i'll put it up close you can see the border it's really pretty i have to finish that flower pot so this is coming out for stitch mania because it is kind of you know it's a lot more progress than my other whips and i'm going to work on it for stitch mania so we'll leave this one out you can see that white house is huge okay next we have by daliana crostitch designs this is house of christmas she is now available on the silk app which is a free app you can upload on your apple device and the designers in their charts are already in there you purchase the charts through the site and it keeps track of your progress it's amazing house of christmas was done on is being done on cream color and i'm using variegated 115 it's a variegated color dmc and my progress on this is here so you can see i've got i need to work on this a little bit more too because it's really fun i love the color changes on the variegated thread this video is going to be a little bit long but that's okay it is the ef sampler 1864. it's available on a cd i'll have to put the link below it is from a magazine which i can't remember the name of right now uh let's see here i'll have to link it below so that's ef sampler this is a stitch along with made by michelle mcgraw and mama loves you gb and this is my progress lots and lots of color changes i actually thought i had more done on this but i don't so it's not going to get worked on this month next we have a favorite favorite one heaven in nature by theresa koget look at that massive house isn't that awesome so we've i've started in here i've got all this done here it is on dusty road by seraphim fabrics one of my favorite favorite fabrics and my progress is here i use the called four colors and it's really fun sorry guys it's really fun to work on heaven and nature by teresa koga next we have sweet land of liberty is the book but the chart is called salute to abigail which is right here this is a stitch along with april heirlooms on instagram i'll link it below but here it is salute to abigail that's the one i'm working on here i used a little bit brighter colors because i really wanted those pretty colors to show and this is my progress let's see there we go i think that's so beautiful this is a great patriotic one to work on during july so see i do work on some patriotic it's just i'm not huge on patriotic stitching for some reason i don't know why okay next a favorite and one i worked on yesterday it is ann thomas by hands across the sea and unfortunately i have a hoop on it so i have to take it off here's ann thomas i'm using 32 count ale two over two and using silks i'm using alvarez was silks and it's just so fun to stitch on i got i'm finishing up the small bird which is right here so i've got all this done here and some of the lettering and i'm working on that bird it's very wrinkly because it just got out of a hoop that's my progress isn't that amazing so i went darker i went with darker fabric ale 32 count by picture this plus and again i'm using the called for silks i'm going to work on this more so i'm keeping this out to work on for stitch media okay the next one i want to show you is quaker's pride i'll show you a picture here it is by historicia stikmusta on the silk app they also have a website and this is my progress so i'm changing the white to the one you're looking at the bigger white here this is coming out because it's very hard to see it's a different it's b5200 i ended up going with coloring cotton's pearl cotton color or pearl white and it shows up a lot better than i'm going to show you up close there it doesn't look bad that white but i think this white shows up a lot better so that's my progress quakers pride it is so fun and i love using the silk app so fun okay we have about five or six more this is anzac i am using pattern keeper for the first time i love it anzac the new zealand australia chart with the animals by long dog sampler and this is also on dusty road by seraphim fabrics that is my progress so i've got more done along the top since the last time you've seen it and i think it's so pretty i really enjoy this this might be one i keep out and stitch a little bit more for the rest of the month of april okay next this one for sure will be a stitch mania piece because it's almost done well three quarters done it is crow's lullaby by the primitive hair i'll show it up close it is 30 count old salem fabric by primitive hair and you saw this on my last video this is my progress and again this i'll be keeping out for stitch media and trying to get it done i love this fabric i love the crusty look of it i think it's really pretty next we have most noble pursuit which lately i'm debating about just finishing the first one and doing only a couple of the blocks instead of doing all the blocks together i think i'm just going to do a couple of them and my first block is here my dog's in here making noises if you hear something so not a lot of progress i did change the colors on the um trellis is that what those are called because they weren't standing out very well some of the colors in that first block are not very pretty so i changed it out to make it a little bit prettier so i'm going to eventually work more on this and see how many blocks i'll do but i definitely am not going to do all of them next this one doesn't have a lot of progress it is turquoise by carolyn manning that's a pretty one too um this one doesn't really matter what fabric you use because it is a full coverage piece uh not much not much progress on this pretty pretty colors though isn't that beautiful i like this one uh let's see so that's turquoise by carolyn manning next we've got oh this is one of my favorites the nutcracker the christmas nutcracker by boffy threads this is a stitch along i'm doing with made by michelle mcgraw check out her floss tube she's had some amazing finishes lately i tell you she does the cutest pillows this was a full kit from boffy threads and that's my progress aren't those colors pretty the lighting is so weird there we go that is so pretty what's that red thing oh it's thought it was a string it's something anyway it came as a full kit from the uk and came with flosses it came with fabric i did change the fabric i believe it came with 14 count i changed to 16 because i wanted the coverage a little bit better this was a fanta next one this is a kit from my friend susan german shepard full kit by thea govinya i don't know how to say her name but that's her name this was a full kit it came with fabric which is really stiff but it's loosening up a little bit and it came with fabric i mean a floss so i only have his nose done so far i'm going to work on him a little bit more too but he's going to have to wait a little bit longer too so that is tia or thea govinya a whole kit okay we only have two more you guys are probably going phew thank goodness this is corey batakori shabby winter it is so fun to work on oh i don't think i have a picture of a color picture let me show you a picture here because the chart looks nothing nothing like the stitched piece that you can't even see the red in it practically um this is my progress it's so pretty love this so because the third this one here that i'm working on is almost done i'm gonna leave this out as a mania piece to work on for stitch mania and get that third block done that's really pretty but you can see how different it looks stitched up than it does here crazy so pretty stitched up so let's leave this out i'm gonna work on this for stitch mania get that third block done okay the last whip we're here it is raccoon rebel by plum street sampler i've showed this on my last video got a little bit more progress i think since you've seen it yeah i started the pumpkin and this is on 32 count fortnight fabric just a cream color i think that's so cute and that's it you guys i have all those are all my cross stitch whips i have two punch needles that i'm working on they are not very big i should really get those out too and one crochet blanket which i showed in my last video and one english paper piecing that i i just recently started a few weeks ago which i'm hoping to be a table runner that's it those are my whips i know it's a lot of cross stitch to work on but again i love going downstairs looking at my pile and just thinking what do i want to stitch on today i love that feeling so we've got some good mania projects to work on to finish them up finish a block that's my idea of a stitch mania i'm gonna i'm gonna work on those and try and get those finished so i get some um i have some finished projects other than that you guys thanks for joining me for my rip whip parade i kind of flew through them a little fast but you got the idea i don't want you to have to sit there forever and next video will be a regular cross stitch video it will be next week probably on thursday i'll show the new releases that just came out i'll show progress on what i've been working on and we'll talk about stitch media we'll talk about um if i i am going to pick maybe two to start and they're gonna be small ones probably by the little stitcher it's actually called little stitcher shop on etsy check her out she's got some adorable patterns and it's the animal ones that i'm going to work on for the animal tree and i'm using the i think it's called pet it point petite point fabric which is the gray color with the white dots on it i'll show it next video if i start one or two that's it this is what i showed you for stitch mania is going to be it so i actually only had one ditch and that's land that i love and again it's just i love watching everybody else stitch it i'm just not enjoying stitching it myself and that's it okay you guys i'll see you next week for a regular flosstube video bye everybody
Channel: 911Stitcher
Views: 10,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MuEQnca3sSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 44sec (3044 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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