FlatHead V8 Fires up! Ed Smith Shares Tools Tricks rebuilding Flatheads at Five Star Engines PHX AZ

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hey guys got a phone call from Ed Smith he told me he's working on a flathead Ford and we got in a conversation about how there's a few tricks and tools that make everything about working on a flathead Ford or Lincoln very much easier it's a combination it's not just tricks and it's not just tools it's a little bit of both and how to use them and so Ed asked me to come and document him he's got one that he's part way through and I think he's willing to share some knowledge and wisdom from his experience and I'm hoping there's enough detail here and information to be actually very helpful for a lot of people far and wide so please follow along if you have any interest at all we occasionally do get um questions related to Building engines mostly Lincoln Zephyr engines of course but other Flathead questions and maybe this will be helpful I don't often say this but please do remember to give us a like help us along with the channel if you can and if you find this very informational and helpful uh you might want to send it along to some friends who knows anyway here we go okay so let's talk what are we gonna do here what are we what are we going to talk about we're going to talk about uh an easy way and a little better way to grind the valves okay some a little easier and better away and simpler way people think that the Ford flatheads are so difficult okay and to work on and the valves are so difficult um and they're really not that difficult Okay now what's the rumor as far as why do they think it's difficult they don't know how it is a park okay and they were really was not in those days there was no videos or something to tell you to how to do them apart and everybody has their own idea sure and I have my own idea about it right and uh again my first flat head I took apart was probably about 16 years old wow it's been a while and it was that when I got done building that I think it's a Ford dealer um and uh in Edison Ohio I took it to the board dealing that him grinding the valves and stuff okay and I really never got it started oh a little story about that that I took it home car and going to find out I did get the distributor in wrong I told the tractor around through the front yard until it started and and then went bang a couple times and blew the oil cap up in the trees and by the time I got it took apart one piston was completely gone oh wow that was a lesson learned how the lesson I bought back the Ford dealer and scolded him right and he told me he says you got the distributor in wrong yeah I think so yeah the timing is important I had to admit my guilt he said it backfired so much it broke the valve off wow wow and the valve took to the Piston out right you go to the cylinder wall be on repair after I'd ran it for a while to try to get it to run right yeah so the next hour called JC Whitney in Wisconsin ordered a Chevy adapter so I fixed that one okay so since then I've done several of them they're a little bit better way how to do it sure okay so what we have here is a V8 yeah this is a 53 53 okay that we've overhauled it I'm just getting ready to put it back together so this would be a good example of the right that it's clean and and I've already got this much before I put the rest of it together we're gonna take it let's have a look okay so obviously the whole bottom end the crank assembly is all put together yes this happens to be one that's a hundred over 180 over when I got it okay so now the boar is a hundred okay so you're making that work yeah and uh just having a quick look around here some of the things that we do it's um things we put these plugs in here to stop the heat from getting the carburetor they're 5 8 freeze plugs okay so what would have been there no exhaust okay exhaust goes and heats the carburetor so this is to warm the carburetor but you don't really need you don't need it here because we're not in cold weather okay now the new intake manifolds are all got designs where they they don't heat the carburetor right even the new Chevys and stuff okay so that's that's the first thing we noticed yeah okay so then then when we get done yeah I'll take I'll take it apart after a while so okay we trying to drill these holes in in the in the lifter galleys here all these little holes so those weren't there they were they were not there okay and it does oil the lifter a little bit better because this is all Splash oil in here okay right so right now it will splice those lift to the same but that's the place where we put our allen wrench in there and hold the lifter so we can adjust the valve okay so that hole serves two purposes yes so okay then then we'll get into that a little bit better so here's one here that if I could put my wrench on here okay and then stick to Allen wrench in that hole which I'll demonstrate that okay a little bit then um so what's the significance of the yellow marking that's because I've already adjusted the valve so just to let you know you did I I did each one of them yeah okay good so uh and some of the things we'll just kind of skip back and forth here a little bit sure um is if some people think it's difficult to change the camshaft in a flathead yeah and I usually don't put this together until I'm done okay because I don't need to turn the crank around and around and around every time I'm adjusting the bells oh okay and you're not worried about figuring out the timing or keeping time together it's not necessary okay because the valves don't hit the Pistons ah right yeah of course yeah so this one here and then one of the tools that I use a little bit but not too much is this fancy tool here that everybody has and this is the old Ford tool that the forks on the end to get the valves out okay and I really dislike this tool except the pry bar to stick in here and turn the motor over or something all right so and one of the things a little bit is uh if you really want to change the camshaft in one of these yeah um and didn't want to do too much else you can always pry this valve up a little bit okay and put a 3 8 doll pin under the valve just a wooden dowel don't know under all the valves okay so just which just keeps them out of the way keeps them out so then all the valves are have these wooden doll pins under them all okay then turn the engine over okay push the lifters all this way okay pull the cam out and that's amazing with the engine upside down yeah then put your new camshaft after you've rear it in all back in again take your pry tool and push the lifters back down take it up just to put the thing back again yeah and you're ready to go without taking all the valves and springs all that stuff that's a lot of work yeah you just just to change the camshaft right and that same trick works in the V12 Lincolns too okay very good so any of the flatheads you want to change the cam without just without doing the lifters or yeah or taking it all assembling the thing this is a good motor though yeah you just don't like the camshaft sure okay you want a bigger one or a smaller one okay right yeah and of course you get done you have the camshaft you put in you go back and set the valves again a little trick that people say well I I can't change the cam right because I don't want to take all the valves in the spring system maybe it's a lot easier than they think huh yes it is okay yeah it really is okay so it's very interesting yeah so let me go back to the 100 over so that's that's not a big problem you can usually I think go 125. okay yeah and there's some pretty thick cylinder walls I've never seen one go through yeah okay on these I always use the old things some people see these this is the old ring compressor yep old they actually will compress all the Rings the new ones are thin and they'll repress the one Oil ring and it got changed it again to do the top rings I see because the Pistons have four rings on them okay and this will cover all of them at one time wow it's the old ring yeah and the next thing that if you were going to do that I'll show you a piston here just a minute I'll show you why here's a piston that's got all those rings on it so it takes something like this big to cover all the Rings at one time sure it does yeah so you can push it right in without having the Rings pop out and try to break a ring then the next thing okay is that somebody asked me the other day about having a uh what do you do with it babe they've relieved this block so they cut down here in the Slims and move this remove this material here this was about 10 percent okay and a lot of Motors in high performance you'll see you guys do that okay I think the correct way to do it when your block was empty let's do our put your machine top to them mark this with a head gasket and then cat about 80 thousands off of this this area right here okay and you do it with a router really a wood router with a bit on it so it says flat okay and you can see through the router where you're cutting with a bit and it grinds it right off and does a nice job interesting of course you can set the router bit at 80 thousands and you take it all at the same time huh the next thing is the guys asked me well how do you get the ring down that hole well this is gone the other day said he took the motor apart was rebuilt and four rings broke whoa because the guy didn't know how to get that ring pass because the ring compressor stopped here right and if the ring hangs over here then it's going to break it yep okay interesting so a little bit of the secret there is cut a tin can up okay this is a Coke can and you put this in here and you go over that thing over your rings over that certain area and that over the Rings like this so it's like a partial sleeve and with that partial sleeve that sticks down on this part of the top part where you remove this and that was the Rings will slide right in okay this is real thin when you get this in the Rings you can just pull it out okay you just oil this up and it will last a piece of can will last maybe three or four Pistons okay and then we'll start to look different and you're throwing away start to shred up and it's time to do another one yeah do another one yeah so that's a good way to get rid of that some of the guys I seen the other day says well use a couple feeler gauges yeah but the feeler engagement was to be four or five thousands thick okay how thick is that tin can piece probably three or four okay it's really really frenzy right so that's a good way to get them through that that area past that relieved part right and the Rings will slide right on in right yeah I get your point yeah in this particular example the relief isn't cut in this cylinder wall it isn't on this motor right that's what I'm saying on this particular motor yeah but but that's how to do it yeah interesting very good yeah it's a little secret there man oh man then when we grind the valves yep uh of course we always have the motor I would put it on a stand like this on a bench and I would set it up straight up and down okay I would put some dye on it you can see I put dye on this whole motor before I ground this is before I had the Pistons in I'd have dye in here so I can see where I've ground the seat okay and this motor here is at 239 so then we have some tools here this particular tool is a more of a factory old okay tool and this is a Snap-On that puts it on this tool here centers it in the guide okay and also in the lifter hole I see so it keeps it all line so it keeps it lined up and this is the only tool and that's some people can make it perfect but this will give you more accurate of going through there and Center that on both upper and lower to grind your seats okay and I even have one made Ford 60. oh wow and I had a friend of mine make this it's got two tapers on it so this is a Ford 60 has a little bit of lifters and a little bit of a guide okay so now I can grind the valves seats on a Ford 60 model that's the small the smaller V8 460 37 38 460 yeah they're using motorcycles and whatever the cars it was the 460. okay yeah so if you are doing that yep of course you put this in this is the handle that kind of snaps it and I think this is all yeah snaps it down in there puts it tight take the handle off course you got this sticking out of it yep and you'd always use a spring and when you put your tool to grind the seat you put this on you and you never run this on on this on any kind of a seat don't grinding any valves even today unless we have a big machine back here A Center machine that we view of three angles and that's a different thing but then this spring you just push this down until it touches the seat okay as you get done grinding it pops up off the seat instead of letting it sit there and grind on the seat right okay when you're already done with this you want to lift right off when you're done lift it off so it only wants it to touch when you're pushing it down and of course if we had the motor tipped over sideways then you're more apt to push this Zone sideways because the motor's sideways right right you want to make this straight up and down and and do your grinding straight up and down too sure so it gives you a lot better seat I store so many of these apart from newer people and the seats were not ground right I don't know who ground them right but they weren't right yeah and they can't find them it can't run make it 100 and you always put the dye in it and you can see they're exactly where your narrow seats are at and do a good job okay yeah anyways and when we get done doing the motor before we do anything I've got a one of these Stone brushes okay and we always grind through here buff them out on the Block when we get done Machining it okay that cleans the lifter bores and the seat brushes them all off the debris out before you start assembling the motor and grinding the valves okay right just to do a nice good clean yeah a nice clean job okay yeah yeah good job very good now what about actually grinding the valves themselves is there but that's what you're basically using that too that's what it's grinding that's right grind the seats okay grinding this we take the valves over in a valve grind seat machine around 45 degrees is it one 45 degree cut and that's it yeah yeah okay unless it's it's real wide and have another 30 and you can top them off and make the seat a little narrower if you want to okay is anybody grinding valves would know that yeah right okay and the valves are all the same this guy this mirror pretty soon has this has Chevy valves in it okay what does that mean that means they're Chevrolet exhaust valves oh Chevrolet okay yeah the same thing but they're a little long Okay so we've taken over here and just stem grind the end of them take a few thousands off them and make them the same length as the original Chevy than the original Ford valves okay yeah that's interesting so it's not like you have to buy especially Ford valves okay um these are a little bit more uh difficult to use than original Ford valve we're going to take some valves out of this motor since they're all back in okay just an example yeah so then uh I have this special little homemade tool this is a big long screwdriver okay and you bent the end of it this is already bent okay I think so I might have been it ground a little notch in it right there for some reason okay and we turn around I did all this oh my goodness so that's been up a little bit and drawn some notches in here and rubber here and I welded a little bit on the end a little step on there and things so this is good on intake valves okay so now what I'm going to do is go in the port here with that little kit and I'm going to push that guy down okay in here okay there's a you see that little lock in there yep I'm going to just push that valve down with that simply pull that out take that right out I can put it back in that way okay and do everything else so now I'm going to take the whole valve out I'll just get underneath here there's the whole valve stamina now our new gasket sets from best gasket okay has a round o-ring here yeah I can see that the other ones were square and it's hard to put a square ring down that sharp hole without tearing some of the O-ring up the seal up right so there's where we've around the the seat and we've cleaned all that bore mm-hmm and that's how easy it is to take an intake valve out with that it really didn't take too long at all without that now this normally you'd have to jam it in through the valve spring which I hate that right and then the hooks on the lifter or make hooks on the guide yeah there's a couple of circle and try to jam this in there somewhere yep pry it up and get your fingers in there to put that yikes and then you've got a cliff back got the tension of that spring working against yeah don't you and on the seal and everything else right it's just uncalled for I got you yeah you're gonna be so much easier you have a good system there so yeah that's how easy it is to come out I'll show you a little bit on this particular motor which is unusual okay um so this particular one had a weird set of lifters I've never seen a lifter like this before my whole life our lifters the new ones are look like this huh so now I've been very different I can put my allen wrench through that little hole through this hole and hold that lifter and adjust it okay yes and that okay that's why again you drill those holes you can put do these new lifts still right there yeah and you put the new lips I can adjust them what I want to right to the thousands yep and then pull the lifter out put the Allen wrench out allo wrenches are hard yep so I don't have to worry about putting a screwdriver or piece of wire in there and cutting it off right you don't want to leave anything no you don't want to leave anything in there right right so this lifter here come on this motor here I've never seen anything like it before my whole life okay it actually has a half inch wrench on top of it instead of a quarter inch 7 16 like they do and lift lifter as no place to put the Allen wrench no right this has to be a again my life I've never seen a lifter like this before really wow so the original way to adjust this and people talk about that here's the original Johnson key okay for Johnson tappets there's a right and a left-handed one okay and it goes in this hole and hooks to the next lifter oh okay so use the the next door lifter to that's how it holds the lifter from spinning um oh okay I see now you get the 7 6 wrench in there and you can't adjust it anyways yeah it's so tight you still can't get the wrench in there right even if you could just don't work right then once you do it breaks the little tab off oh the little tabs broken off yeah yeah so now the guy says well I've make a spanner wrench okay okay then here's another tool that somebody came up with some time ago okay it's a little better which hooks in two holes okay and you can almost get your a little piece of the wrench and that goes in then and each one of them blocks so you can adjust the valve I see so yeah and that's a good way to rip them off too yeah those things so now you got no tool at all right here's an original lifter it has nothing it's just a solid tin can right okay we don't use these at all when these were that way to adjust the valves to get twelve thousands you had to grind the seat okay to lower the valve or grind the end of the valve off right until you get 12. then you'd have to put this valve in that hole yep and go to the next one take you a couple days so we don't throw the tin can away right so this one happened to be if you come up close again I had no way to hold this so I ground a notch in it oh yeah why not right yeah just oil I mean there's no oil pressure there right okay so then this is going to hold on fits right in there yep very good this is the way I made this set of lifters worked on my motor and I can adjust them away so we'll put the this guy I got grease all around me from the lifter so we'll go put it back in again you're working on an engine you're allowed yeah to get a little dirty yeah I don't like dirt I'm going to turn this over again I'll put that valve back in again now okay so we'll see you do it so now the original Ford valve had a Edge on this valve on the valve so this guide wouldn't go up oh really yes the Chevy valve don't have it okay so this guide was sub up and down and the keys the two locks will come off the end two little locks on their van these are the same locks on here as Chevrolet V8 okay the same size valve a little lock would look like there was there's a pair of them in there foreign that's what that's what holds the that's what holds it together yeah that's what's on the end of this valve yeah yeah okay so we're just gonna with this all done we already adjust the valves one time we're gonna show it down in there carefully yep push it down there take my tool I'll go in here push the guy down the hole see if I can capture that there there you go we're all done oh you already got it okay good let's take a look yeah there they are all back in here all the keys yep there they are excellent now I'll explain to you I can't use that tool on the exhaust okay right how is that why yeah so try an exhaust here what's the difference between the intake and the exhaust well the intake I can get down these ports oh because the intake ports are right there right there sure exhaust the tool don't work on the exhaust okay and if I really if a if a Ford V8 if it turns over get a used one if it turns over and they say you can't get it apart the first thing I would do is to turn it over put wooden blocks under all the valves right all of them turn it upside down push the lifters up pull the cam out and then turn around and turn the upside down and take all the lifters out okay now I have no camera no lifters they're all in the bench right now if I take the valve apart there's no lifter so the valve spring and the retainer and everything will go through the lifter hole and fall on the bench a little retainer the spring is smaller than the lifter board so it goes on the bench too okay so now you have a valve and you have some guides right right so that's all you have to do is get the valve out of the guide interesting so okay on mine then take the little spring compressor okay and I would put this on the exhaust as you can see here I'm going to just stick it under here push this down and take the spring off and take the little guy little two little Keepers out okay do it that way yeah okay once I get the keepers out get the magnet I'd fish the keepers out of it okay now the valve comes out right okay and I have the valve spring and the retainer and the valve spring goes through the hole so now I've left the valve spring out valve out all I have is the guide right I can push the guide on down sure with a maybe a socket or something and just hit them a few times and take the lock out now you got the whole exhaust taken apart right on once you get the part you want to put it back together again you put the cam in it the lifter is in put the valve in with the spring now you got the two locks you want to put in right you take this tool here sew it in there on the exhaust only pull it up again like you would any other late model engine and I take this tool here secret here okay there's magnets on this magnets are handy sometimes aren't they yeah so now I have these two locks yep and if I pull this thing up there's the two locks exposed the valve okay I take these oh interesting yeah they'll put it in place while you're trying to put them down yes and put them right down the thing there under there where they're supposed to be clamp it and let the spring up and we're done on the exhaust interesting right on very good this tool here was a aftermarket tool and basically it was made to put Clips put these locks and maybe a flathead Dodge oh really 49.50 was back in there if you want to do a valve job in the car without taking the motor out I see so these are that's how you do it put the little locks right on there look at that pretty cool that's wild that is very cool thanks for showing me the little secrets like this yeah yeah sometimes just having the right tool just makes all the difference well yeah and uh yeah and in this case knowing that you need to get the right tool and knowing how to use it yeah as well yeah I just it's fairly easy yeah it don't take any time at all to adjust the valves and and whatever it is yeah so yeah so you've already told us that adjusting the valves you can hold them in place with the Allen wrench with you set up here and turn them here I turn them up like this a little bit put the Allen wrench in the hole there's my nut yep you can turn it and adjust them exactly where turn it back down again a half a turn you don't have a turn but I was close to that 14 12 000 is here turn it back over where are you measuring between the valve and the lifter now between the end of the valve and the end of this okay yeah and see you just reach in there with a feeler gauge yes right here oh I see there it is a little bend on the end yep they should go around the corner a little better yep yeah that's all you need in here like this and make sure you get just the right amount yeah write them out almost almost okay so some of the tools yeah that's fantastic so I will go back though and they want to when you drill the holes yep and the head I usually do this soon after I get the motor tour apart before I start Machining because you end up with shavings okay and uh I was taught a long time ago um about any time that you machine a motor like this yep and you run it on a machine back in a boring bar yep or something with a motor run the boring bar that you magnetize the block really yes a slight amount and you have to demagnetize the block and you have to demagnetize the cylinder heads when you're grinding them on any kind of Machinery because I guess the filings will stick it will stick to it the fine filings will stick to it forever wow you can't blow them off until you demagnetize it okay the demagnetize it you put your magnetized machine on and leave it on okay magnetize and pull it off and that takes it the minute that takes the Magnesium magnet part of the block now you can wash it and clean it magnet hanging around here somewhere do you yes we made the ties this twice okay and the first one when you first get it so we don't start Machining the block that's cracked and then after a while through the machine we'll take it one more time to make sure and use the cylinder walls uh you're supposed to clean these bores because that is a threaded cut yep and you should clean these with hot water and soap really the soap would get all the material little shavings out of the pores so we got done I took a paper towel paper towel here and put a little oil in it and let it set for a while with oil okay take a cleaner with a paper towel and I'm ready to put the motor back let's get the Pistons back in it yeah wow so this tool here is just a regular thing I pointed on the end and then you can get in here and center punch those holes okay when I put you know center punch them all different angles don't matter right but I know if I center punch it I can drill it with this bit I said I have a little a little friend that goes down and drills those holes small right but I can drill them right through there and it don't matter which angle no as long as you can hold it as long as I can get it yeah it's fairly easy to get in here with the Allen wrench and your wrench and your screwdriver or your fueler gauge and set the valves it don't take any time at all right okay yeah even to a novice like me that makes sense yeah you see those sense yeah this is fantastic yeah sometimes on the exhaust uh let's say I'm gonna put the guide in the exhaust again I can't get in here I'm gonna have this spring down here okay and I want to put this I want to put the valve and push the guide down okay so we I should have showed you this before so if I'm going to put this I'll put the spring in okay and then with the and the guide yeah the rubber o-ring on it right and then the valve is loose I can take the valve out and put this tool I made it's about an inch long it's a thick material slotted so I put this over the valve guide okay valve stem put the valve on it and then I can put this bolt here in the hole this is in the valve now I could have done that and then taking my tool okay and push on this valve like that with this tool underneath it and that pushes the guide down and I can put the locks in it ah yeah okay yeah very good that pushed the locks down put the lock in it now I have the valve the lock and the spring and the retainer all I have to do is take the C-clamp and put the two locks on it and I'm done that's always too that does the exhaust and the intakes are already in with this tool right yeah yeah so that covers the exhaust and then you're on your way on your way excellent turn it over adjust the valves yeah they're all set so this is a little tool here this is a little when you need it that's exactly what you need a little little piece of pipe and cut it off yeah it could be a little longer because right now mine shoves them down far enough with that tool I can put the locks in easily so now we're gonna fix the other problem okay what's that so this lifter is a brand new lifter it's impossible to adjust this the way it's made okay I'll take it apart if you buy these new lifters okay and of course they're probably not made in the United States probably not okay and the first lifters we've seen like this and years ago came in a nine in Ford Ferguson tractor oh okay and they were adjustable yeah and a Ford Ferguson tractor has half of this V V8 the valves the Pistons because in that four-cylinder or four cylinder so the Ford tractor 1950 55. they came with a just adjustable lifters oh okay oh that's cool better than those tin cans right so we always ordered two sets of lifters for a 9N tractor no kidding they were about 37 yeah for a set of lifters for so we put two sets and a V8 yeah now we got adjustable lifters excellent yeah and that was not available [Music] in the United States okay so I have this little tool right here it's a quarter inch keyway key stock okay I'm putting the Vise here excuse me for the advice for this is quite used maybe a little a little snooze yeah and right now I need to make this lifter basically the same size as that one okay so how are you going to do that well we're going to take this and there's no way impossible to get that screw to go down there right because you got that rod in the way no no no no it's got another it has okay I can hardly move it wow that'll be good to move that oh wow okay so tight stiff let me move my tool up a little bit closer here okay and this is I've had guys come to me and said they broke their tool I hope they didn't put these lifters in the car and try to adjust them oh yeah and then decide that it's impossible right these are made with two screws it has an interference thread between it oh interesting that's what locks it in that's why you said it can't screw in anymore yeah you can screw that in maybe one turn it's impossible to screw it anymore right you'll break your wrench you'll brush that teeth thing off there right it's just not going to go it's not going to go I've never seen one do that I had a customer one time I bought the lifters and he said he screwed up three or four lifters you got to hold the people that sold in the lifters and they sent him four new ones free that was nice of them so then he come to me and I said give me the lips there's the whole set yeah let me fix them for you they don't have to be extremely tight they don't hold the wheel on right the front wheel it just goes up and down sure they just need to stay where they're put yeah just stay where they're putting only those on that lifter they were snug but that's all you need to have a snug you don't have to have it with 50 pounds on this bowl right so we have to do something about this yeah so what do you do yeah so and again to get it to screw that low yeah that much I had to screw it down there maybe 50 000 okay so we're gonna cheat a little bit okay let's cheat a little okay so we're gonna go in the other room okay follow me okay let's go to the other room can't wait to find out how this happens got lots of tools yes so we're gonna grind the threads right off of that okay [Music] we're gonna give it about one third turn [Music] again another third turn them off again so there are three times I've taken the threads off of that okay we'll see how this works let's see how this works put a little assembly Lube on there yeah foreign T because I'm going to get a bigger wrench okay longer handle okay because I hate to work too hard that's plenty of snug plenty snug before it was impossible let's see how we're doing we know we do get it close okay we're getting real close aren't we still bought that much more yeah if you'd like to start where that one's at and then you don't have to spend so much time in there right plenty snug I think it's good enough nice without that people that buy these I hope you all take my advice right please you will be happy happy happy yeah without it I've tried it without it I've actually broke sockets off and bit my wrenches bent that and messed up the holes here trying to adjust it down to where it's reasonable so you can assemble the motor right and be plus oh that that is so effective and it's snug this is a snug actually a little it's more snugger than those in there right now okay there's no lock washer and anything to it it's those two references yeah right excellent wow that is fascinating yeah it's really one of the things that I like to show people I hope they enjoy the video Yeah and most of my videos are published by you yep very T's garage yep that's right and uh and we do more I've gotta do one shortly with a Chevy V8 I'm looking forward to that I'm spending about a couple three or four hours on a Chevrolet block okay just trying to uh don't make it faster but makes it live longer I've won a lot of races with Chevrolet blocks yep over the last 50 years you've had uh a lot all around the all around the United States and with our dirt track cars and stuff with our Chevy V8s and and run with more than more than successful yes very success with our Chevy Bas yep and they don't uh maybe they're not the fastest sometimes they are but sometimes they're they finish the race yeah if you finish the race that's a big deal kind of important kind of important I'll time this back again here okay I'll mark it and turn on and I'll put the gear back on it here and tighten up all the bolts and right now we'll be ready to put the the heads on it and this particular motor against a single four barrel really okay that one there is a 239 a 53 motor gets a it's got an isca durian camshaft with a Mercury crank that's a four inch crank okay that's a 40 over and we're going to put aluminum heads on that and two for our two carburetors okay yeah so uh so you got that one underway also and underway yeah excellent yeah wow this is some of the uh someone by the way for anyone watching so most of this will also apply to all the Lincoln v12s yes it will yeah almost every bit of it yeah yeah okay on the B12 linkage yeah and then uh on the Ford flywheels this is the early flywheel uh you might check that out it's got all this weight on it and it's such that the pressure plate goes in here and it would take about a nine inch clutch okay and it's so thick this is heavy that is heavy looking it's a huge flywheel it only takes a nine inch clutch so we discard these and we put this flywheel over here on them this is a much lighter flywheel and that's a made a later model sure this will take up to 11 inch clock yeah you can see this so now you put the bigger Motors in them but the more horsepower you definitely need a 10 and a half or 11 inch clutch this is primitive yeah but uh but it can't be that difficult it's my my point yeah it's not that difficult right you have a few tools and yeah it's fairly easy and now a little bit of instruction to go with them and the tools are inexpensive and right yeah excellent thank you so much Ed this is fantastic yeah I love doing this okay okay thanks thank you okay my pleasure okay it's it's been a minute I'm back with Ed Smith Five Star engines and when we left off we were putting the valves in us that's right putting the valve adjust the valves and things like this and so here we are we got put the heads on it and Edelbrock or know that often also had some intake and this is all a customer's motor of a 46 Ford pickup truck oh okay it had some problems and so we went ahead and fixed it but the original stuff off of it so we changed the camshaft and and uh boarded out a little bit more this is absolutely bored out 100 over right right yeah yeah and turned the crankshaft because he had run it with no oil pressure it had a flunky oil pump on it which is it's okay it's the first one I'm at it's not an adapter below the oil pump okay and they plugged oil pump so it pumps the oil out of a a heart a larger hose okay going to the outside of the pan and goes through a remote filter like a pressurized server like a Ford filter screwed on a maybe a trans adapt aluminum adapter okay and then goes into the engine so this motor here will filter all the oil right it all has to go through the filter and pressure at the back of the engine with the old can filter it really only oiled filtered about maybe 10 percent of the oil oh that's not much no it wasn't pressurized and had a small fitting in the back there saying almost the same place here and then so it wouldn't affect the oil pressure but we still Square some in the filter and in those filters then it just ran down gravity that's why the filter was mounted so high we ended on the Avenue and went in the oil pan so now we know what went wrong so if you let it set overnight they filled their whole thing would empty God any of those flat head forwards did that and so you start up the next morning you didn't have an oil pressure first up a couple minutes until the uh the oil pump dry starting at every time yes kind of so we don't like those filters at all some people put them on because they were on there originally it looks kind of cute but it didn't do anything ah so I'll show you a little bit about this hose that we put on it okay but we don't have the the remote filter on it right now because it's on the truck I see on the customer's truck so we just bypass it and all right and this one starts up and runs 60 pounds of oil pressure idle and it really is a good oil pump so we're going to do a little bit with that adjustment on that apparently he's ordered a couple new water pumps for it and I don't have those okay so we'll put them on later we can't put water in so we're not going to run it very long no we're not going to run very long okay but uh it has the carburetor arms that's fairly easy to adjust maybe a little easier than for somebody and instead of two carburetors or three sure but some people like the two and three carburetors because it looks nice right so a nice big four barrel probably works pretty good yeah it's probably a little cover maybe a 500 okay uh Holley carburetor give a little gas here and pump it we're going to run our oil our water or I'm in a gasoline through the pump just like it would be a normally and so this would be same thing as the gas tank so yep okay okay [Music] [Music] and we've actually in the block we've plugged off the heat risers and this one because we don't want our hat heat the carburetor oh right so we've drove plugs in Mike the other day I think we mentioned you mentioned that right right this carburetor is not getting any any heat right so it warms up a little bit and we'll run fine for Arizona sure yeah exactly yeah so it's a little cold nature but man it looks good you've got so this is all dressed up with what the customer had on it before we had on yeah I can come around here and I'll show you this hose let me see what you did because they put a fitting in the oil pan yep see that hose and it comes out right here in the oil pump ah all right and then it goes around here we're going to push it right in here through the main filter so that's just an industrial gauge here so we're going to oil these so this holds here one now he'll fix to a oil filter on the side of the truck okay so that's what we're talking about with the oil filter right okay very good yeah so that's going to fix that problem yeah [Music] this motor happens to have on the new gear reduction starters on it too oh right those are great little 12 volt this is running on 12 volt yeah so you're very happy with those starters are you yeah I do yeah the other ones are sometimes we usually run a 12 volt starter on on I mean a six volt starter on 12 volt it spins it over faster and they'll die they'll live yeah right okay sorry you don't have to change in order just to get 12 volts but something we're doing I see this happens to have a set of headers on here yeah it's made by but somebody back East it says Reds and reds headers it's got the phone number on there someplace and yeah seems like a nice video today look at that those are very nice they look good and they sound good too yeah they do yeah sounds really great so well thanks for finishing the story here yeah we're ready to deliver it make the customer happy gotta have those happy customers keep them coming yeah great to visit you this is great thanks guys thanks for watching thank you for all your support of the channel it has been growing better lately and we're I'm thankful for that stay tuned for the next one we do thanks a lot foreign
Channel: BarryT’sGarage
Views: 42,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BarryT, Barrytsgarage, edsmith, five star engines, flathead v8, custom engine, engine rebuilding, 3 dueces, carb tuning, carburator tuning, engin building
Id: 7jcowzyrlDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 51sec (2931 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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