The Mity Kat Bulldozer rebuild Part 5

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[Music] very carefully swing my framing hammer next to this journal yeah I've just been working away on this machine here in my my off time you know I go a business this to run fixing other people's broken things or making other people's things look nice again but in my off hours I have been picking away at the old Mighty cat here and you're right there's a lot that's been going on a whole bunch of room right here once a uh Hercules engine was taken out as we saw in the previous episode the number you have dialed or the one before for that well either way you saw it I hope you enjoyed it and we're on to the next chapter in the repair of this machine so I've gone through cleaning up the tracks getting all the dirt out of there um inspecting the operation of the systems the best that I can in its current form um I think what I'd like to do in this video is just kind of go over where things are at what needs to be done what needs to be replaced and um there's a real real exciting um discovery that I made and I can't wait to share it with you um yeah well what do you say we get into it all right let's go okay figure during this process I uh might as well change the filter ah it's fine what a strange filter after all those years I literally broke that free by hand that's just amazing on the interest of keeping it clean I think I'm going to keep that on there and I'm going to start searching for bolts in that area I got the uh oil fill off and no surprise it leads straight to the crank case now taking off the oil filter this has a little bit of a surprise see that in there it's a little orifice Uncle Kevin was right this is a passive oil filter meaning that it only filters a little bit and in this guy's case it was not filtering anything cuz it's just completely jammed oh no it got better than that here's the gasket anybody spot a problem here here upon reassembly when this engine was rebuilt they failed to make a hole wow can you believe that so this engine after it was rebuilt judging by the fact it has 30 over pistons and this gasket was put back on on this this filter never did anything that right there would explain all this oil cuz it was up against you know it couldn't go to and from you never know oh boy well there's not too much left to do here I uh next thing I want to do is flip it on its lid on this piece of piece of wood here and I'm going to try and take off the flywheel and the the bell housing so no great way of doing this other than just to make a good guess here and hopefully it works it's not working it's not working great but we're just going to go with it all right that worked as planned all right come over here now look at this setup here got safety wire securing these bolts it's not exactly done right it's definitely not the the right material somebody's been in here o spider so the way this works it's called a Lovejoy connector and the purpose of this is to deal with slight misalignments and also to remove harmonics from gearbox to the crankshaft or the crankshaft to the gearbox in this bulldozzer situation it doesn't per say have a friction disc clutch it uh Works in a different sense where you can go from forward to reverse instantaneously and using this you're um you're putting a lot less uh instant force on things or harmonics so let's take it apart there we go it's got a real nice smell to it some really cool material it's like resin resin and probably paper pressed together with amazing Force purpose of safety wiring like this through the bolt heads is in the event that a bolt comes loose it pretty much can't come out should be fairly obvious but for those watching that have never seen wires through bolt heads that is the reason really peculiar uh four bolt pattern where they just completely emitted these two bolts in place of dowels come on all right interesting so one of the one of the dowels has a shoulder the other does not so bolt there that's about it um there are many bolts on this engine that cannot be accessed by a socket man that must have been a day at work oh excuse you how did that Bol get in there this does not move and Uncle Kevin would be mad what did they cast it with that bolt in there this is slightly uh slightly [Music] inconvenient strong possibility the sustain an injury okay okay I want to know how'd you get in there gasket back here is there a secret no they can't be oh it's a nut it's a nut it's not a bolt it's a stud with a nut well I'm going to think forward a little bit here when I have this crankshaft out in a couple minutes I'm going to be able to stand it up if I take this dowel out yes I do want to do that oh very carefully swing my my framing hammer next to this journal careful thank [Music] you I know what you're thinking the shims well we don't care about those because we know it's all it's all screwed up we're starting from scratch question is are these are these marked no and some nice bolts look at that no damage but see see what's lurking in there that's stuff I'm almost B oopsie there all right now I can't screw it up looks like one two 3 three on this side three on that side no that's not great oh no it is great well how does that work so there's a there's a Thrust surface on this side and see it's pretty thick and there's a Thrust surface on this side and the overall the overall play maybe maybe Seven 8 th000 one one on either side [Music] one two two on either side like I said we got to start over so it's not even worth worrying about what was where and who was what wow it's not great but it does those turn [Music] nice here's the mighty Hercules zxv D3 it's naked right now the next steps to be done on this engine block or to thoroughly clean it I have not found any cracks the bearings are going to need to be um lightly sanded I'll show you more on that and what I mean by that these valve guides are going to need to be cleaned and reamed not taking away material just cleaning out the the rust and crap that's in there the ports are going to need to be cleaned well be easier to see if it was flipped over but all of the uh the valve ceiling surfaces otherwise known as the seats are going to need to be uh cut and then lapped crankshaft is actually in really good shape it has some surface staining but there's no real there's no real damage so that's really good this is going to need to be cleaned and then I'm going to take some fine Emery cloth and clean up the surfaces here we've got the uh lifters most of them are in real nice shape however there's one that's not in the nicest of shape so I may seek a replacement for that one this one's got some pitting on it as well so maybe two lifters the cam shaft it's good the damage that occurred to the lifter happened without that moving so the cam shaft has remained undamaged the distributor it needs to be cleaned but it's in good shape the bushing is tight clean on the inside here's the oil pump you saw in the previous video I tested the oil pump by immersing its pickup in uh Diesel and spinning it and it pumped just fine the connecting rods and the Pistons have been soaking in diesel and they're all in pretty good shape pins move freely the actual babit bearings and the rods are not too bad at all they'll need to be polished up a little bit and I'll reim the Caps so that I have a proper fit now there was one sad story it had to do with this piston that bottom ring did not survive I think it was actually cracked before I started trying to free it but either way it's no longer part of the story now this engine would run with just one ring but since it's aart I want to fix it so if anybody out there knows of a piston ring that is 330 seconds thick and fits a [Music] 26554 let me know I've been looking around on the internet and just to be specific on that and my math could be wrong but this is a 2 and 58 boore plus 30,000 over bore I'll get a precise measurement on that in a second but I read something about a shovel head Harley piston using the same size ring and it was like uh I don't know Harley's really at all but it was a oversized ring for the larger shovel head engine if I recall that correctly so anybody out there that's in Harley's if you know what I'm talking about you know just one ring and and I'll leave you alone so that's the bench of stuff there's some more of that dinosaur stuff so I think I'm going to get to either cleaning that or wait a minute there's one more function on this machine that I have not gotten to work yet here's our first subject the almighty oil pan of Doom I've been doing some housekeeping in here and I managed to get all of that dinosaur stuff out of there [Music] well ultrasonic cleaner did a heck of a job what did I use well I'm glad you asked this was cleaned out using uh some mineral spirits it really really does well at cleaning out the old dinosaur stuff next up is the bolts for the oil pan sun screen machines and special guest some heavy duty work for the cleaner Mr car [Music] caror bye have a good [Music] time almost forgot about this so I ran this carburetor in the ultrasonic cleaner for 30 minutes and then I let it sit in uh automatic transmission fluid with diesel for about 4 days give or take looking like it's cleaning up pretty nice definitely going to be usable I wonder how many hours in my life I've actually spent cleaning carburetors probably adds up to about a year that's a long time but it still remains to be one of my favorite activities for some reason it's just so satisfying although the outside of a carburetor does absolutely nothing it's just a beautiful uh piece of Machinery to me it's a simple device that that long as it's clean it just works well I think it's time to give that a dip and see oh yeah perfect it's really nice oh yeah when your when your bulldozzer carburetor fits in a uh standard sandwich bag got a pretty small buldozer you watch this see how they both move at the same time well this tube is on a shaft so see this tube connects to this arm that goes to this steering brake so this tube needs to be able to rotate on the shaft that is carrying this so back this summer I did managed to get this free this pin is actually supposed to be in here I uncp the return Springs so that I could get better access and I've had it soaking through these uh grease Port holes and it is locked tight on that shaft so what do you say we get the old blue wrench out and uh try and fix that although the inductive heater may be able to do this because what I want to do is expand this tube around the shaft the axle or whatever you want to call it and see if I can get the that to break free let's give it a shot because if I can do that then I can apply one brake or the other and see if the differential is working correctly let's try and get that done first all right I'm going to start right in the middle here and I do not want to I don't want to heat the Springs up because they're in a position that they can't really be replaced use the uh Universal Slinky dealer here all right reset on the end hoping that uh since that's the open side that's where the rust has congregated and I'm hoping to break up its conspiracy to stop this machine from working let's let's go for on all right so I've just drilled 1 2 3 for we've got some holes now so I'm going to put oil in there and uh try to get it directly to the source see that one there is dry that one there is dry I mean it can't hurt oh it went somewhere that's good may have a development here I'm back to non-respiratory this is all steel I can make this just the way it was if it really comes down to it I do believe this is actually moving now put this all the way forward Mark there mark there if I can twist itter moving something happen well I gave it my best shot we got all the pieces in place here to have success so we're going to get out the old blue wrench and we're going to warm it up being careful not to kill these Springs of course it was moving before but it was actually it broke the bolt so I put another bolt in there I heated this side red hot so now I got to do this end here staying away from that spring and uh I'm hoping it breaks free oh for sure I can see the shaft moving now oh boy I can see where I drilled the holes that they're now misaligned so confirmed broken free at least for see the two ends they're moving now [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is all right I'm tired I'm worn out but but I diffed it check out this action right turn left turn dut it's been a few years since uh these controls were this limber guarantee you that much all right now I can show you what I wanted to show you so I pull on this side and hold it I've pulled on one of the controls the machine is in full forward me uh I've selected second gear when I turn this all right so we're not in now the machine and forward in second gear well since it's such a small bulldozer I don't even need an assistant and you just push on this brake both trcks are turning which is not good if I push even harder whole tracks are still turning try the other direction you know strong person holding I'm holding you're going to drive I got a contestant from the audience to drive uh mighty cab for the very first time on one as hard as you can pull ain't going nowhere you mean push just don't touch one and touch the other one really hard in that direction all right thank you sir well that was another exhausting effort for marginal gains what I think is going on is these rods these rods need to get adjusted so they can pull on the brakes a little bit harder it appears to me that the actual brake bands are behind that cover and uh could very well be the reason that this was parked poor running poor turning I don't know but we're going to find out eventually I appreciate everybody that is watching the developments at hand here and it is my mission to complete this project by spring so I hope you'll join me on the future episodes the next episode is most likely going to be cleaning and repairing the engine particulars I will be placing an order with a uh source that I can get a couple lifters from couple valves some Springs the straight kind not the curly ones oh no other way around I want the Curly Springs this time not the straight ones and I'm in search of a piston ring so anybody out there with Harley parts that knows what I might be talking about help me out here need some Harley rings for my mighty cat all right thank you good night oh yeah I said there was a surprise yep through some kind of Wormhole of the power of attraction or just space time continuum I found an ad on Facebook Marketplace and I saw just that cylinder head with a bunch of other parts and lo and behold here lies a complete Mighty cat ZX B3 engine minus the starter so no starter no lifter cover but there's the distributor Governor fan and bonus I got a new belt the odds of coming across one of these engines in 2023 next to zero does it turn yes it does is it good probably not but all these parts so the life the lifetime of the mighty cat just extended by about a hundred years I figure have a good night wow
Channel: JMP Saves Cars
Views: 15,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bull dozer, smallest dozer, mity kat, rebuild, hercules engine, vintage equipment, crawler, dozer
Id: Yarv7zyea1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 10sec (3550 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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