FlashForge Creator Max 2 is too easy...

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[Music] 3d printing can be complicated and i've had a 3d printer before and i've tried it and it was cool but i had a lot of failed things and things just did not work so in today's video i'm going to talk about why the flash forge 3d printer that i got for testing just did not disappoint at all things were way easier this time [Music] what's up youtube jason here with buy my bits and in today's video flash forge has sent me over the creator max 2. they sent it over for me to demo make a video about and also to spur me getting into actually 3d printing a lot and being excited because more and more things that i print are coming out great and just right out of the box this thing works amazing you know hey q credits that's pretty much my review thank you for watching like and subscribe below now the creator max 2 has a build volume of 200 by 148 by 150 millimeters so as you can see it's a little bit bigger but not just like too big since i have had this printer aside from the you know maybe couple weeks that sat in a box because i'm catching up on youtubes if you haven't noticed i have been printing things all the time trying to see you know some of the quirks with it some things people should know if they are going to jump into something like this and they just want like an all-in-one work out of the box dual extruding that's awesome by the way dual extruding 3d printer that can print multiple colors or multiple devices at the same time all with one print and this definitely kind of answers that question for me can 3d printing be stupid easy because i am not necessarily very experienced with 3d printing i've more of just dabbled in the past so half of this review is just kind of learning how it is but the other half is i want to keep it as basic as possible i don't want to you know go outside of what they sent me in the box because that's where you kind of have to know what you're doing and then if something goes wrong is it your fault or is it the printer's fault so i'm really going to keep this review to everything they sent me in the box and that's really the huge selling point for me because this thing came pre-set up yes it did have a few you know support things holding belts in places and just kind of keeping things in place so they don't get shifted around during shipping but all you had to do is just snip those to get everything cleared up of course you have to load the filament you have to kind of do a few things just to get it ready like put this top on for example but the way it comes shipped at a super super easy to get up and running in very little time in fact i think it actually took longer to get everything calibrated just because i wanted to make sure it was as perfect as possible than it did unpacking and getting it ready to be calibrated calibrated so the flash forge creator max 2. this thing has an independent dual extruder system it carries both spools of your filament on the back of the device it has mirror or duplication printing mode that can print literally two objects just as fast as it can print one object it has a max temperature of 240 degrees celsius and it even has a heated platform that helps a lot with printing that was another thing with the old one i had no heated platform it has a speed of 10 to 100 millimeters per second and both extruders come with an anti-scrape plate so whenever they go back to home they automatically clean the tips that way they are just ready for the next print which by the way is super big because since i have done this and started printing and doing everything turning it off letting it cool down turning it back on going back to printing not once if i had a jam or had to clean anything shove filament through the hole with it being preheated anything like that it just kind of maintains itself so far i've only had you know maybe about a month worth of play time with it but seriously this thing is just self-sufficient now it can be used with pla ultra strong pla pva abs abs pro and hips filament you have two options to send prints to the device that's either via an sd card which by the way they send to you or a usb connection something to know here because i did look for a little bit other versions of flash forged projects do have these wi-fi connectivity this does not have that so if you're expecting that or you want that or you need that just know i hadn't could not find any way to get this thing to connect the wi-fi and it just does not support it which really is okay because i hooked it up with the super long usb 2.0 cable extender thing so if i really wanted to put in another room to keep things quiet and out of the way and not you know close to my computer i could definitely do that or just use an sd card i mean you upload it to an sd card to go over here pull it up on the touch screen in the front and it's super easy to use and load and then you can just put it wherever you want to they even thought of little things like putting leds within the box that allows you to look at what's being printed have a clear view of it not have to shine a light on it that way it's easy to tell how your print is going and in my case it's easier to film or take time-lapse photos of what's going on now the printer does come with this top case to help kind of keep some of that heat in it does have stuff in the back to allow the wires and stuff to move in and it also does have a cover but what i noticed because i'm keeping everything stock using only what they sent me which is 1.75 millimeter pla you really don't need this you know maybe if you're going to print with something like abs for example you might need to keep everything closed keep everything warm that might be a thing you need to do but for most of my prints that i was recording and doing time lapse on some of which were very long time lapse it did not require the front to be closed so that's good it's still nice to have though although flashforge if i'm being honest this thing kind of flimsy makes a little bit of noise i need to put something on the front to kind of like i need to put something on the front to kind of like you know quiet that down i think the top is a little noisy but not really it's mainly the front talk about nitpicking little things but you know that's a thing and if i'm gonna get the nit picking things out of the way this thing has like an on and off switch so whenever it's done it just sits there it's idle the lights are on the fans are running and unless you are there to physically turn it off and or you could rig up some kind of a switch system like a power off plug-in or something like that to turn it off remotely it's just going to stay on i did it for a long time it hasn't exploded yet so i don't know if that's really a big issue it would be nice though if like they had a firmware update that just put it into sleep mode you know after it was done just throwing that out there now flash forge does use your own software called flash print this can import files like stl obj jpegs pngs all kinds of file supports to be able to import into this program in fact that was one of the coolest things that i found is that i can take a png file for example my logo import it into the flash print software and just kind of create my own little you know image logo printout thing they have other options like a sphere and a tube and stuff like that but none of that looked good for what i was trying to do so i was just trying to print this out obviously that's blue it's not green it came with the blue and white filament so i was working with what i was working with also this is super small it's just a quick test this thing can be you know as big as the plate if i wanted to but i thought that was kind of a cool design i even had a felled one because i printed it off and then i forgot that i had it on there and then i tried to print another one and i may or may not yeah that was dumb but you know that one doesn't exist this one came out looking pretty good now before i go into the testing and some of the quarks that i saw when i was printing i want to cover some of the things that i successfully printed or at least 99 successfully printed one of my earliest prints was i was trying to print yoda and the very first print was a drastically failed yoda basically i try to print this thing fast and accurate and i may or may not have done the supports correctly but this thing just completely screwed up i had the brim on there i didn't put a wall on there i just this is like a full send let's see if it'll work and as you can see totally did not work that's okay furthermore the bottom of this is kind of warped see that this is before i really realized because it was super hard to you know get the prints off of the plates just scraping it off uh right as soon as it was finished printing and i thought to myself maybe i just need to warm up the base plate a little bit just to loosen it up no no like that kind of warped things and made things worse so what i learned from this prints my first one is that you really kind of have to let the entire base plate the print itself and everything cooled down for at least 10 to 15 minutes if not it's going to be difficult to scrape off the plate once you do that it usually comes off pretty easily also what i learned after i did all my testing and i was prepping for this video is that flash forge offers a plate that bends it has a bending option that way when you're done you could bend this plate and it helps break it free ultimately making removal super easy so my bad flash forge i would go back and try this and do a big print but i'm coming to the end of this video and i don't have time to do a nice big print to see how effective this would be but this is something that they offer and it is supposed to make things being pulled off of the the plate itself much much easier along with the packaging that you get you actually get some other base plates because honestly you're going to go through you're going to scrape things up you get some different extruder heads if you want to but let's talk about some of the prints that i was able to do now keep in mind i try to keep things fairly small i went online i found a few different things just random things i shrunk them down which makes 3d printing quite challenging especially when you have something like this right it's a little ballerina lady that's like sitting down i accidentally you know maybe broke off a pinky when i was trying to get the brime around and i haven't sanded her butt around anything like that i haven't sanded really any of these but this has very skinny arms and it took a while to not break those arms off but it came out looking pretty good i also printed this which again just another girl actually didn't print any of the legs or anything because you have to glue them on i didn't want to glue anything on so you know i printed just this out this was the first print it's one of those stonehedge thingy people on that island somewhere and uh this was actually a demo file this came with the sd card so when you boot everything up you get everything going you want to do your first print just to test things out this is one of the options and i thought this is really cool because it actually intertwines different colors while it's printing using the the dual extruder head and it just it really steps up the game as far as just using the stock colors you sand it down it looks good and depending on what kind of filament you use you can mix and match colors and really make this thing look awesome of course printed groot which i love this thing this thing came out perfect i used no supports for this and although it does wiggle because it's only being held together by what's left of the brim it does wiggle that's very easy to fix put some stuff in there make it look like some dirt i mean i can really just like make this thing super nice but i'm just showing you exactly how it turned out it turned out perfect first print and yeah totally totally impressed yoda though i was a little intimidated by trying to print out baby yoda yes i know this is not baby yoda i know his name is you know goober or goku or groku or whatever you know disney claims his name is but he will always be baby yoda in my heart i try to print him off again and for the most part he did really well however there's a couple different options within the software to build supports the first option is you know it just kind of sort of attaches to the body which if it does then you have more sanding or you can make it to where the supports only touch the platform which makes things worlds easier in order to just peel them off and have a cleaner print so because of that that's what i did the fingers kinda sorta just did not come out very well i would imagine it's because of the way i set up the supports but the rest of baby yoda totally looks good hasn't been sanded hasn't been painted but looks pretty good once i printed that thing off i decided to print out a model of a colt 45 obviously the build volume on this is a little limited so i couldn't print out the full size of it however this will give you an example this is like the biggest size cult 45 you know model that i try to print out with my last printer as you can see it has the little brim and the supports and stuff like that and the last printer did not even make it it failed i i just i gave up i kept it because you know hey cool failure is cool too but this one printed off first try not a problem whatsoever it didn't need supports but this thing came out looking beautiful and it's strong i even printed out little bullets too you know they fit they're not exactly to size but it's gone now they're not exactly the size but you print off a little brim with them i printed off white and some blue ones right next to each other and everything came out beautiful so so far everything is looking really good and for kicks and giggles i printed off a flash forge logo felt like i kind of had to turned out really well i mean it's just a logo basic print came out really well so some of the built-in things within the printer software that makes doing these kind of prints a lot easier are the brim which you know prints off the little thing at the bottom that dramatically and i mean dramatically helps with warping i highly recommend it i have basically just used it on every print that was successful without any warping like adding the brim definitely changes the game on top of that if you're going to print something off like this that's using dual extruder heads you're going to have one head that obviously is going to be sitting idle so within the program you have an option to automatically build a wall around that print as you can see on the outside you kind of have blue on the inside got a little traces of white this fits right inside of it so while it's printing and that head gets brought off it kind of sort of wipes itself clean as you can see it's kind of like that it wipes itself clean to kind of get it ready for the next print so when it goes back into the print the next layer and the different color you're not going to get a bunch of just crappy stuff on your print i've tested this many times some without even dual colors but this one had like white supports for example just needed the wall it just helps it's a little bit more difficult to get cut free and kind of get your your print out without possibly breaking off tiny little hands but it makes your prints come out a lot better and that's just a feature built right into the software that you can that you can use in order to make sure your prints come out good so what about the capability of this printer i have yet to fully and i mean like print out some super complicated larger as maximum as i possibly could size we're talking things that might take 30 or 40 hours to print i have not done that yet but this thing seemed to be one of the most popular testing platforms that you can print it's off thingyverse you can download it and it just it tests so many different things with the 3d printer you print it with absolutely no supports whatsoever just to see how it works and i printed this without a wall i printed this without a brim and i found a few things out for starters without a brim to help control the warping i did notice just a slight amount of warping on this corner it just barely came up now it did correct itself with the rest of the print and the rest print didn't really seem like it was too affected however it did just kind of sort of throw it off a little bit but this actually tests the print by the way i tested this on standard print standard speed no brim no walls nothing like that just completely vanilla just to see what this thing can do just basic but without that i was able to go to 15 30 45 and 75 60 and 75 all without any kind of supports and that's 15 degree increments 10 degree increments i was able to go all the way up to 80 percent without having having any kind of major issues now obviously on the bottom of some of these which i will try to get close-up shots with another camera you do see a little bit of stuff here that where it's trying to build itself up uh build the support for it and then build the platform so if i wanted to make this perfect which i'm not i would be able to sand that down but this thing is pretty solid the way the 3d model was designed so you know i think this is actually a really great just test overall a test overhang a test you know these bridges for example which i was kind of surprised it was able to do it has everything up to let's see how long is this 25 millimeter bridge again i'm going to show it on video but it was able to print a bridge without any supports super straight lines and i mean it just knocked it out no problem closely looking at it the only thing that i can notice is one because i printed it on the standard quality it is a little harder to get some of the finer details of the letters read and two because i did not use a brim i did get just a little bit of warping on one corner but overall it printed this thing out solid it turned out really good and you know color me impressed this thing is cool on that topic i may or may not have hundreds of dollars worth of different colors and brands coming my way from amazon because now that this thing works now that i know i can print stuff and make it really cool i can't wait to just dig in and see exactly what i can create now if you want to check out some amazon links in the description down below i will definitely put them there this is going to run you a little bit under a thousand dollars but with that price you get something that is super convenient super easy to use and i don't want to say maintenance free because you're really supposed to maintain you're supposed to clean the nozzles you're supposed to you know you're supposed to do things to make sure your prints come out good but i've printed so much stuff and with the skid plates built into the nozzles it automatically cleans itself i have yet to have any problems for maintenance so maybe you won't have to clean it as often as you should i should note that inside the box i got a few different tools things to help clean things to help put it together when i got this i did have to attach the heads themselves because they don't come pre-attached so i did have to do a little bit of setup and it wasn't really that bad but the tools are all included there's a bunch of different grease and things here that i have yet to need at all but it does definitely come with some things it comes with a very and i want to say flash forward you guys did a really good job it does come with a very well written starter guide that allows you to get everything up and running it includes everything like how to unpack it correctly right which is great i mean for someone like me it's like i haven't been in 3d printing for probably two years now so i was almost learning from scratch i followed it to the tee and i was able to get up and running with ease i like the fact that i have some replacement plates here and now that i realized i have the flex plate that's probably going to be my next test once i get my new filament in i want to i want to test out different brands different colors see what i can print and see how good i can make them look because that's kind of exciting also since i'm not on like a time constraint i might even try some bigger builds at the highest possible quality and see what i can really do with this it's going to use more plastic but i feel like i could really print some cool stuff i just you know got to figure out what colors i want them so if you guys have any questions comments or concerns make sure to post those in the comments down below as always thank you for watching like and subscribe welcome to my temporary new addiction and have yourself a great day also thank you flashforge for sending this over you kind of gave me the new bug the 3d printing bug i want to print some glow-in-the-dark stuff that'd be cool i don't know why i'm just going to tinker
Channel: Byte My Bits
Views: 8,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FlashForge, creator max, creator max 2, 3d printer, abs, pla, dual extruder, Independent, PLA, Pearl PLA, PVA, ABS, ABS Pro, HIPS, Anti-scrape
Id: Qom_F1whwj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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