pecron E1000 - Better and CHEAPER than the Jackery 1000!

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i have to admit sometimes i fall into the consumerism view of the world where something that's more expensive is obviously more better i know i i absolutely know this is the wrong way to look at things but when you get something like this the jackery explorer 1000 that literally cost a thousand dollars after you buy something that was half price supposedly the same amount of power and blows up in your face you just kind of get reassured that you know more money equals more better but in today's video that is actually not the case and i didn't believe it and how to keep retesting and here i am still saying totally not the case [Music] what's up youtube jason here with buy my bits and in today's video i am going to be talking about a brand of a solar generator which is really just a fancy battery with an inverter built in that i've actually never heard of this is called a pekron now the jackery explorer 1000 if you're at all into these portable batteries that have been floating around recently the jackery has kind of you know stood out you can call it marketing you can call it quality whatever this was this is a badass battery let's just say it it's awesome you pay a thousand dollars for a thousand watt device that has 1002 kilowatt hours worth of battery in them but still if you need power on the go the drakery 1000 is kind of sort of like the go-to right now in the market we'll bring in the pekron e1000 this is also a 1 000 watt device it has a 1028 kilowatt hour battery in it just a little bit more i see what you did there pecron but this battery is able to do just a few more things that the jackery explorer 1000 just can't handle so let's talk about the basics the pekron e1000 actually uses a little bit more standard charging and discharging ports uh uses a four pin charger it takes 29 29.4 volts up to 29.4 volts in that's 10 amp and it can charge at 220 watts wow to give an example the jackery explorer 1000 can only draw about 160 to 164 watts now we're talking charging from the wall technically speaking if you were to have enough solar panels i have seen the jackery explorer charge capacity get boosted up just a little bit but just from the wall plugging it in with the supplied charger that they send you this thing charges at 160-164 this one charges at 220 watts this also produces pure sine wave electricity which means that you can use sensitive equipment on it like computers or possibly some backup medical devices cpaps that sort of thing on the front of the device you do have two 5 volt 2 amp out usb ports which are great for running camp lights i cannot stress this enough if you want to run lights off this and you want to be out camping enough like for a long time just get yourself a pair or a set of usb lights i have them they're awesome they draw very very little power and they last forever in fact when i was doing my testing i ran this thing dry on anything that actually needed power and then i plugged in the usb lights and they still ran for almost an hour and a half so they just use very little power you could probably power those things for weeks and i mean it's just it's way better than plugging anything in here that actually requires an ac inverter to run on the back kind of a unique setup but i kind of understand it you actually have four different outlets that you can use these are four ac outlets two of which are grounded the other two are not to me that was kind of weird at first but then i started to realize things that i plug in like a fan for example that only has two plugs and does not have a ground i was using those just as much as i was using the other ones with the ground now that is definitely different from here where you get three fully grounded plug-ins from the jackery explorer 1000 but this one gives you four two of which are grounded and if you are really going to use this with multiple devices chances are you're going to use some sort of an extension cord that comes out with more outlets on it anyway so if you want to do that you have two of them that's fine and turning the ac inverter on and off literally just that the fan will come on if you kick it in you know and you actually start using it the fan will kick on in order to keep the batteries cool so it can get a little loud if you're really pushing a lot of watts from it but it's really not that bad now there were a couple things when i originally got this battery that kind of threw me off primarily just because the jackery explorer the expectations we're kind of set with what i i got with this one but it doesn't have a light i know that sounds stupid but it doesn't have a built-in light the jackery actually has a light on the side that you can use to you know say sos or you can just light something up it's not very bright but it still has a light that is weirdly enough something that i actually used when i used the jackery explorer when i was camping i had that light turned on because i had the battery down and it's like super dark where i was and it was nice just having this very low wattage light telling me exactly where the unit was so i wouldn't run it over with four wheeler again not a big deal but it is nice to have a light built in that way you don't have to plug something in you combine that with an actual physical switch a boxy design very generic and something that's really kind of hard to see but little little build quality things like this front is black but it's just a sticker and this came directly from the factory it's just kind of peeling off you know you push it back on no big deal it's cool it's cool but the sticker was peeling off right from the factory so i started thinking to myself it's like this feels more generic less engineered just more generic let's let's get a box let's put a battery in it and give it a handle so right off the bat i had my doubts because the last one that i bought on a budget i tried to plug in something that pushed it just a little bit and i mean a little bit above its power range and that thing fried like it was just done surprisingly though not the pec ron i have been putting this thing through some tests that i thought would help level out the playing field because i have had the jackery explorer 1000 for longer obviously than i have this one this one was not capable of performing the same as this one in my test so i have drained and recharged this thing over the last month i would say probably i want to say maybe two dozen times which in my mind brings it up to where the jackfruit explorer 1000 is in my house where it's been drained and recharged roughly about a couple dozen times but even after that i was able to verify that this thing can outpace the jackery explorer 1000 and cost you two to two hundred and fifty dollars less than what the jackery cost with the jackery i feel like you're buying more name brand you're buying more engineered you know neatly packaged stuff this you're just getting a raw battery just screwing the r d and making it look fancy and presentable i guess you know flashy whatever i actually kind of like the raw design versus this design i actually kind of like the more standard ports for you know charging and discharging this battery so you know this has the things that actually make it a little bit better than the jackery and you're not going to be paying that extra amount of money for the jackery name so what kind of test did i do well like i said this thing charges at 220 watts this thing charges what 160 watts we're talking optimal from the wall built in they sent you this charger this should give you the best fastest charging capability that you could possibly ever do from the wall from absolute zero again i had to drain this thing and then run it down with five watt you know usb lights just to make sure it was dead dead from the wall this thing is able to charge in four hours and 55 minutes that's zero to 100 100 charged whereas the old jackery over here took six hours and i want to say roughly 20 minutes i think it was actually closer to 6 hours and 25 minutes but i set my camera up and it stopped recording but it was at 99 for the better part of like 15 minutes so i'm pretty sure is about 20 to 25 minutes six hours to 20 20 to 25 minutes so for rounding up literally this thing charges an hour and a half slower so that 220 watts versus 160 watts really starts to shine especially if you are in need of getting your battery charged faster now i have solar panels but my solar panels really only put out about 60 watts in optimal conditions and it's not really optimal conditions it's winter the sun's not out very high it's freaking cold and uh mostly cloudy all the time in the future i do want to get my hands on a couple few more panels that way i can you know daisy chain them together see if i can pump more you know charging capacity into all of the devices that i i try out but uh yeah it's always the same it's about 60 65 charging that's about all i can get out of my solar panels discharging however is interesting because like i said this is 1028 kilowatt hours this is 1002 kilowatt hours i don't know we got like one extra battery in there maybe one little i don't know i wish i could take these things apart but that scares the crap out of me because i don't want to break them i actively use these things 3d printing for example this one's really good for 3d printing because it charges so much faster you can hook it up it's like a you know just like a ups for like a four day print so this thing is way more useful than something like this especially for something that draws more power than what 160 watts can charge but discharging i used a space heater that has a fan built into it where on the low setting is going to draw around watts with the jackery explorer 1000 i was able to run that space heater for 1 hour and 17 minutes which i mean let's be real like if it's super cold and you really need some heat even if it's on a low setting as long as that's in a closed environment an hour and 17 minutes is a lot of heat especially when you're really freaking cold however the pekron e1000 was able to run it for one hour and 27 minutes just had that 10 minutes you know that's that extra 20 you know two kilowatt hours just just slamming it right there one hour and 27 minutes one hour and 17 minutes just okay close enough right but it gets deeper and this is what i had to consistently recheck and check and check again because i honestly couldn't believe it the jackery explorer 1000 if you pull let's say 12 1300 watts it will protect itself shut itself down because it's a 1000 watt that can peak up to about 1 500 watts hey editing jason here just let you know moving forward the jackery explorer 1000 is actually rated at 2 000 watt peak i thought it was 1500 it's 2 000 watts which even makes my argument just a little bit better but it's only for short bursts like for example let's say if you wanted to run a vacuum cleaner i'm not saying you should or would or could but i know you could if you wanted to run a vacuum cleaner that initial boot up could draw a peak amount of electricity which is where the thousand watt comes in with the peak of 1500 allows you to get a device started up and then whenever it settles down you're good to go it's not meant for sustaining a draw above what it's rated it just means that it can handle it briefly well the pecron e1000 can handle up to a thousand watts however its peak draw is 2000 watts and the crazy thing is is that same space heater that i tested it out to draw and drain both of these to see how long they would last that thing pulls anywhere between 1250 sometimes up to 1300 watts just to run the little space heater with a fan i plugged that thing into the jackery explorer 1000 and it lasts almost exactly 30 seconds every time i've i timed it turn it on time it again i even tried to cool the thing it didn't did not change anything 30 seconds jackery turns off don't like it the pec run on the other hand i can run that space heater until it's dead seriously it only lasts for about 20 25 minutes somewhere on there but it will run it till it's dead it does not turn off it does not shut off to protect itself it will sustain 1200 1280 ish watts until it is dead that's where the clowning comes in on the jackery explore 1000 it's just like no bro go to sleep i got this and i was trying all kinds of weird stuff too like i ran the vacuum cleaner off of this ran just fine a little went a little over a thousand no big deal vacuum cleaner started up like all vacuum cleaners do on batteries like this like actual full vacuum cleaners it's a little bit of a rough start and then it just kicks in that power it's able to run all that without any kind of problem however i did want to overload this i wanted to see what it would take to shut this thing off and i found out what it is it's roughly about 13 to 1400 watts for a sustained draw of about 13 seconds pretty much what i did is i ran the space heater with the fan and everything built in off of this device and then i charged the jackery which pulled about 160 watts give or take uh i was charging this and running the space heater and after 13 seconds very consistently 13 seconds trying over and over and over again it would shut off and protect itself but again we're looking at 1300 plus watts before it actually protected itself i was able to peak over 1500 and 1600 watts for very short amounts of time for when i was initializing things and it would not shut off whereas this one would just like so that is what makes the pecron e1000 completely impressive compared to the thousand watt one thousand dollar jackery explorer 1000 another thing that i want to say is that the display here i love the display the jackery explorer it has a good display i don't have anything against this display it gives you percentages it tells you sort of like how much battery you have left but not this right this thing will tell you what's coming in what's going out exactly just like this one will but the percentages on this it doesn't show because it's 100 charged right now is a lot more precise and even more specifically here whenever you get down to the lower ranges this one will linger on one percent for i don't know 15 20 minutes it seems like whereas this one will actually give you a much more accurate you're about to run out of battery reading on the display it's it's just finely tuned it'll tell you exactly how long it takes to charge pretty close anyway it'll give you the wattage in and wattage out and if you are charging it i don't know if i like this or not but if you are charging it let's say from the wall and you're also using it it kind of deducts that from it and it just says this is a total output so i think it's doing more of a pass-through and then just you know charging what's left over whereas this one charges the battery and then pulls from the battery when you're charging and using it at the same time i don't know that for sure but the way that it reads out this one seems like it does pass through or handles pass-through charging and power usage a little bit better than the jackery i cannot confirm that but just based off what i've seen and how it acts that's what it seems like and let's talk about that charger again this the whole off-putting thing you get something like this and you feel like it's just not as you know engineered or flashy or as nice i mean this is the charger they give you this is just a straight-up box like this this looks like a charger somebody could build if they went to a radio shack and bought parts and built their own charger i mean that's not necessarily bad it's just it's not as you know defined as some of the other chargers that i have i mean it literally uses a standard plug that you use for computers this is just a standard outlet plug thing i don't even know what they're called but and when i got this i could not get it to charge with this device so that was like my first sign i was like oh man this thing doesn't even charge doesn't even work you know obviously it's cheap like i just i was in the wrong mentality to start this review but after some troubleshooting i found out that the cable which i've never had this happen before the cable that came with the charging unit was bad believe it or not it was the freaking cable i got a thousand of these probably floating around so i tried a new cable as a last ditch effort to get start charging and it fired up perfectly and everything's worked fine since so if you do end up getting this and you can't get it to charge from the wall you might need a new cable i don't i think that was just a one-off thing but there you go and last but not least let's talk about the little fanny pack-ish style stuff that they give you worth of accessories to allow you to make full use of your battery here's the cable that they sent me again this is the one that did not work i marked it with tape i still kept it because i'm actually kind of curious how the heck this failed i don't know if i'll ever actually get into it and figure out why but i don't really think it matters again these things are dime a dozen so it does come with a car charger so if you're on the go you want to charge this from your vehicle plug it into your outlet plug this into the battery you can charge obviously it's not going to charge nearly as fast as how it would charge from the wall because you're limited to 12 volts and then you have this this is basically a dc converter this is going to go to the output over here on the front and it's going to give you all kinds of dc out options which i really like how they lay this out i mean you can plug in just regular carport cigarette lighter stuff if you want to but then you can also plug in more generic ac they got both female and male dc outlet stuff here so that's kind of nice then you have your solar hookups for the life of me i cannot remember what these are called but they're standard to hook up to solar panels i know my solar panels have them i actually use converters on my solar panels to hook up to the jackery because the jackery has their own little special things so these are standard this goes right into the charging port and there you go you can hook up your solar panels just like that it also comes with a user instruction manual and some other stuff that's just packing things and then you have some covers which i don't have displayed here but all literally they do is just cover this up so like if you're transporting you're doing something you can screw those on you can keep those ports clean just in case you're taking it camping and it might get wet or muddy or something like that all of this comes in a nice little carry pouch pack thingy you can take with you on the go that way you always have the accessories you need so guys if you are interested in some sort of a battery backup multi-use you can use it for 3d printers you can use it for cpaps you can use it for camping to keep your beer fridge cool if you want to this for 200 to 250 dollars less money than the jackery explorer 1000 is a better bang for your buck i've tried to get this thing to trip i've tripped it many times pulling more power than it should be able to pull it always bounces back it always charges back and it technically puts out more sustained power than the jacker explorer 1000 at a discount of two to two hundred and fifty dollars as it sits right now this is my go-to this is my backup this is my go-to it's actually better it puts out more power it handles more and it charges faster it's just everything about this makes this jackery explorer 1000 look kind of bad so guys as always if you want to check this out there will be links in the description down below thank you for watching like and subscribe and have yourself a good day you
Channel: Byte My Bits
Views: 176,243
Rating: 4.8854961 out of 5
Keywords: pecron, e1000, portable, power, station, solar charger, pecron e1000 portable power station, jackery explorer 1000, review, portable power, jackery 1000, solar generator, portable power station, off grid solar
Id: 0KWb5v6BbYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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