Flashforge Creator Pro 2 Independent Dual Extruder - Set Up & First Print

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hi joan here with parts built 3d and today i have the new flashforge creator pro version 2. it's an independent dual extruder 3d printer and it's it's similar to the creator pro but it has some upgrades such as the independent dual extruders so i just took it out of its box and set it up here on my workbench and here's the little starter pack that comes with it or the accessories and then it also comes with a quick start guide in sd card you get an extra build sheet and down in here is your self leveling your little leveling card there okay so in the little styrofoam here we have our two spool holders i'm gonna go ahead and put them on the back of the printer let's go on nice and easy and we get a little little glue stick our little accessory pack comes with a little bit of grease some spare parts and tools get our power cord scraper usb cable and extruder mounting screws and then the little brackets that the independent dual extruders will go over and set on so the nozzle doesn't leak filament all right so we'll go ahead and take the tape off here these are dual extruders i do notice on the independent dual got a lot of aluminum here and in larger heat sinks each independent extruder has its own part cooling fan we'll go ahead and get this out it comes out nice and easy they fit it all in here really nicely what you get here is roll of blue pla and a roll of white pla shake it out there that's kind of squeezed in there that can come out we have our top cover set that around back here for a minute and we also have our filament guide tools which i i set around here because they were on the top of the box there they are so we have the two filament guide tubes come with it as well go ahead and take the rest of the styrofoam out so to get this bottom piece out what you do is just manually turn your lead screw here to raise the print bed let's get it up a little ways that might be enough i'll go a little higher with it okay so there we have it and there's some twist ties up in here one over here and then you can see that one real well and there's a couple in the back so you want to get up there with a pair of cutters and snip those off yep that was a really big one there okay and you also got a few little yellow tabs that hold the belts in place while it's shipping go ahead and pop those off and you can slide the whole gantry forward get this last one off and we got everything freed up there see if i can bring the camera a little closer so you can see our left extruder our right extruder what's really nice about the independent dual extruder is you don't have to worry about the filament from the extruder that's not being used dripping onto your print so if you're using multi-color material you don't have to worry about that other color dripping onto the print the way it works is one extruder will stay off to the side while one is printing and then when this one is done with its layer it'll move aside and this one will come in and do the printing it'll do the same with support material as well so with our with our little extruder mounting screw kit here we have the screws to mount the extruders and if you look on the bottom of them we have four screw holes so we're gonna set this right on here i'm gonna come up through the bottom and mount them in there are eight socket head cap screws that are about oh those are about 12 14 millimeters long and those are the ones you want to use i'll slide it off to the side here so take it down snug i got that one fastened on and the fan just sits right on the print shroud blows it right over to cool it off this one will do the same thing me oh okay there we go so we have both of these attached and i think at this point i'm going to go ahead and plug it in and turn it on and see what we have i'll leave that little bit of plastic on there for now just so i don't get my fingerprints all over the screen [Music] so as you see the interface menu is very similar to the inventor or dreamer you can preheat you can print from your sd card we can go in here and home and do our leveling so when you're doing your leveling what you do i'll go ahead and do that quite a little self-leveling card here so they want you to screw the nuts onto the platform counterclockwise until they're tight and then tap next so take these all the way down just until they snug up no need to crank them down tight go ahead and hit next here and then what you're going to do is adjust your build play height until this leveling card just barely rubs i like to leave the front one a little loose the first time so right there it's just starting to catch i think that's about right we'll tap next out there and we'll tap next i do like that the screen seems to be nice and snappy there's no lag finish i'm gonna calibrate so we'll choose to to the left extruder so we're going to put the leveling card between here and then we're going to raise the or in my case raise the z-axis until the leveling card just starts to catch on the nozzle right there just feel it rubbing it's very loose in there but you can feel the nozzle hitting the top of it hitting it okay and then we'll wait for it to do its thing and we're going to do the right one you'll know when you've gone too far that leveling card just got tight in there so i'm gonna back it off one and there it is too tight back down one just feel it rubbing okay i hadn't hit okay so now we've done our build plate leveling we've done the z height calibration and we're going to go ahead and hit yes to move on to the x-axis so they want me to put filament in both the extruders so i'm going to grab a little bit of filament here i'm going to do is i'm going to turn the whole printer around so that it's visible what i'm doing and we will put these guide tubes in place so what i like to do when i'm mounting this filament guide tubes so i put it down to about where that smallest tab is and i snap in the top two and i actually i like to push it down and have this out just a tad [Applause] it keeps the filament guide tube away from the edge a little bit and i've noticed on some of my other printers that helps keep the filament from somehow bouncing off the school sometimes put that in i got the tension of those tab knobs right on this printer which is nice they sometimes have felt them on the older printers they were a little bit tight so these are really nice and then we'll take our filament pop it on there until it snaps into place as you can see it's a little bit of an old school film when i got here but it still prints very nicely so you saw how it kind of bounced off there so what i found helps keep it from bouncing off is i just pull the guide tube out like that and let it run like that and that keeps the filament in place i'm going to grab one more spool of filament and load it up so it looks like what i did is i bumped the lcd screen when i was moving this around so i'm gonna have to do that little part over but that's okay i'll just manually load in the filament i'm going to go manually go back to x calibration that's the one i skipped over on accident so [Music] so i'm going to go ahead and see if i can adjust the camera here so that we can get a good video shot of actually what is going on with the calibration so that looks pretty good to me what you want is you want the white and blue lines to line up completely and i think that's that's pretty good i'm gonna go ahead and get that peeled off that was a nice layer height too for the initial layer height so i'm going down here to the lcd screen going to hit ok and then we're going to move on to the y-axis calibration now i forgot to mount the little tabs that catch the filament that drips out so i'll mount those afterwards wow that looks good yeah those are well lined up okay so on the lcd screen i'm going to go ahead and hit ok and it says my calibration is complete so the last thing i'm going to do here is i'm going to go ahead and mount these guys up and i'll show you where they go let me get the printer turned a little bit here so now your extruder going back and forth right here and this is going to mount there are two you can see the heat set inserts there for the bolts to go into and it's going to mount just down like this when you mount them you want the little raised part to be pointing up and the l shape to be pointed up so there's a wee bit of an awkward spot to get into i'd be easier to mount these if i had the build plate down low and i'm going to go ahead and lower the build plate here yeah that made it a lot easier what's going to make it easier is using the hex wrench that flashforge provides because they give you a a ballpoint hex wrench which lets you come in at an angle and get those in nice and easily again take them down snug you don't need to over tighten them but you want to get them tight enough nice i'll go ahead and move this camera back here oh if we get right up close here you're able to see what what's happening here so this is the catch plate i guess we'll call it and i just mounted and when we roll the extruder over just pushes down a little bit it keeps any filament from leaking out while your hot end's hot so you mount that on both sides we got our filament load unload left and right extruder build plate leveling we went through that you can home all your accesses if you want you got your manual controls move your build plate up and down move your extruders left and right back and forth uh we have about it's going to tell you what the flash forge creator pro 2 firmware version uh usage counter four hours because uh flashforge runs some test prints before they ship them out tool count two that's our two hot ends got status and it tells us what's going on temperature of the extruders and the platform you can change the color of our led lights in here i personally like the white you can turn them off blue is pretty nice let's just keep them on white and we have settings and we can do our calibration from here we can do a factory reset and we can go into expert mode and this is for advanced users it's probably probably not a good idea to do this unless you know what you're doing and you can do manual fine calibration in here but from what i've seen with this printer the creator pro version 2 comes very well calibrated from the factory so i don't think that would be necessary and there you have it that is the flashforge creator pro version 2 with the independent dual extruders and i think this is going to be a real nice printer i'm looking forward to printing with it i like the independent dual sewers a lot better than when they're right together in one block because you just don't have one extruder interfering with the print when you're printing and uh you know you don't have to worry about that nozzle hitting the print or stuff dripping onto it it's kind of kind of the way i feel all the all the dual shooters are heading that way because it's it's a better design okay so i just did the video of of us taking this out taking the packaging off and assembling this printer and one thing i'd wanted to do and i forgot to do was i wanted to run the initial test print so we did the initial calibration and everything came in good without much any adjustment needed for the dual extruder calibration we leveled the bed and we adjusted the z height and i went ahead and put the sd card in and i made sure i mounted the other one of these little filament catcher plates so what i'm going to do is go over to the sd card menu here on the lcd screen and if you'll notice on this creator pro version 2 the touch screen is very snappy it it moves around nicely you don't have to wait for it or anything so we're going to go to print go to the sd card and under test files the the first one here is a pla dual print so i have both my plas loaded up i'm going to go to the dual print and print time is 4 hours 17 minutes so this is going to take a little while and i'm going to go ahead and hit print so it's going to be blue and white because those are the colors that i have loaded up and i actually have no idea which part of it's going to be blue and which parts can be white because i just put the filament into the extruders randomly but we'll sit here and watch it heat up and our left and right extruder both heating up so with the flash forge critter pro 2 it's the version 2 with the independent dual extruders it's got the 6x9 build plate and you can you can print pretty close to the edge of these build plates the you can get the optional flexible build plate for it that flash forge makes uh which i think is pretty handy i like it for if you're doing larger prints it makes it very easy to get those prints off especially if you're printing you know some one of the filaments are sticking to the bed a little more than you you're used to you just bend that flex plate and it comes right off let's do an initial purge prince there and bring this up a little bit let me see the prints a little better so looks like my filament got tangled a little bit in the back so hopefully this print won't fail on me so so i'm gonna run this until the second color comes in so we can see how the independent dual extruder works and then i'll go ahead and shut off the video and wait for the print to finish and come back when the print is done but so far this is is printing a very nice raft for its first print with just the initial calibration it's just it's printing flawlessly prints nice and quiet too i like that it's it's quieter than some of my other printers so [Applause] i'm gonna go ahead and move the camera here so right now it's putting down the first layer of the part it's done printing the raft so so okay now here comes the other extruder and print the next color on there all right i'm gonna go ahead and shut the camera off and in about four hours i'll come back and show you guys the final print okay the print has finished i didn't quite catch it before it finished so i didn't get it finishing up but here it is let's see came off pretty nicely there it is i think that turned out really nice for my first multi-color print on the flashforge creator pro version two i mean look at that it got that very very accurately so pretty happy with it nice printer
Channel: Partsbuilt 3D
Views: 16,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flashforge, Flashforge Creator Pro V2
Id: BHcV0MhICm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 47sec (2747 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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