Fixing the biggest issue with my Cummins swapped Ford. It's like a new truck.

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all right so the task at hand is to finally do some upgrades to my common swapped ford so i built this truck and i've been using it and we haven't really done pretty much anything to it it's just been as it sits since we built it and there's a few things that i have wanted to do for a very long time we're finally knocking them out one by one so the first one the torque converter so that is one thing that this truck has struggled with i used a diesel conversion specialist swap kit for this truck for the whole truck and basically that reuses the factory ford transmission and the factory ford torque converter so it has an adapter plate to the transmission and then a billet flywheel to bolt to the ford torque converter and all of that works great the ford transmissions are really solid the problem is the torque converter is set and has a stall that works well with the uh v8 power strokes power band which makes peak torque at a much higher rpm than the cummins the commons makes peak torque at a super low rpm like 1 500 rpm so what we needed was a ford converter to work with our ford transmission but with a stall set for the cummins so we got just that to go in it so this is from suncoast diesel transmission so if you're not familiar with them they're actually a florida company they're right up by where we compete for clutch kickers up in the panhandle super cool company i've known a couple guys over there for a very long time really cool guys and they make all sorts of stuff you know built transmissions custom converters everything so like this was a piece of cake for them if you need transmission stuff for your diesel truck they probably make it so i'm going to be doing something a little different than i normally would with this truck if you're a frequent visitor of the shop here um you know that i like to do everything myself besides paint work and tuning but i do my fab work i do my wiring i'm starting to wear and tuning paint's one of those things i always leave that to someone else so naturally you would think i would be doing this converter wow that is a beefy unit dude i didn't even realize they were that big here i'm gonna leave this in the box this thing is massive uh so this is a triple disc bullet converter again meant for our ford trans but with a much lower stall for our cummins and this is specifically built for my needs like i told them how heavy the trailer was you know what the gear ratio was on the truck what power level it made you know what size turbo was on it everything and they expect this specifically for my needs which is really cool because this should be exactly perfect for what we want to do and this will be much much doubter than our stock unit so this is a huge huge upgrade it may seem like a simple thing but with an auto transit torque converter is a huge part of its processes so what i was getting at is this is one of those projects i just honestly i don't really want to do it i really don't want to do it because what's going to happen is i'm going to pull the cab off because that'll be the easiest way with the equipment that i have to do this and then i'm going to go down the rabbit hole oh well let me do the injectors ah well let me do compound turbos because might as well do bigger injectors if i'm changing the injectors and i don't want to do that with this truck in the middle of race season so what we're going to do is we're going to take the truck and the converter to my buddy lee he is a great mechanic he has plenty of experience with diesels and come and swap diesels and all sorts of stuff and we're just gonna hands off let him do it and we don't go another rabbit hole so this is weird for me this is a weird experience besides stuff i literally can't do like building a cage or painting a car or tuning i just i never ever take my vehicle to someone else to do something so it's strange but it's also kind of exciting like i'm gonna drop it off with this annoying sucky converter and we're gonna get it back with a nice converter that has a better stall like it's gonna be like magic we didn't have to do anything it's just gonna be better i don't know i'm kind of excited this is kind of fun so yeah i know that was a whole lot of shipper jabbering to start this out but it's time to get into the work so we're gonna take the truck and the converter over there i'll show you what it drives like now without the trailer and then we'll see what it drives like without the trailer with a new converter and uh with the trailer and without the trailer let's hit the road we'll go 30 throttle so it's just rpm and wait for the converter to walk i have not moved my foot on the gas and i watched the speedo climb we accelerate significantly faster as soon as the converter locks it starts using that low end torque so that's what that's what i want to change it's a lot more dramatic with the trailer let me show you so that is 30 throttle let's see rpm 2250 steady 30 and the converter walks i haven't moved my foot at all in the battle and now we're really picking up some speed got the trailer in tow cross members tight belt housing bolts a little overkill there [Applause] transmission lines back on put it down all right well we got the truck back from lee knocked it out super quick i'll be honest i have already driven it i couldn't help myself i went uh so i took chrissy with me my girlfriend chrissy and even from the passenger seat she was mind blown by the difference like if she can build from the passenger seat pretty noticeable so i'm so happy with it so we're gonna go drive it so i can show you the difference without the trailer and with the trailer but first we have an issue to take care of so i noticed a problem uh when i was driving it there the ac just didn't seem as cold as usual started looking around and i noticed the compressor is clicking on and off you know every 10 20 seconds so i think we're well on freon let me pull this thing over into the shop it's hot out here oh girl does not get used as much as she [Laughter] should all right so when i built this truck and got it done i was i really paid a lot of attention to the ac system because i had to build these ac lines and weld them together because we're using a dodge ac compressor with a ford system so i paid really close attention to it just to make sure that there were no leaks or anything you know for the first couple months of getting the truck done and i was also not sure if the system was going to be very efficient because we've got all ford stuff with the dodge compressor and luckily is like the most efficient system out of any truck i've owned so like my green truck for example the compressor cycles on and off every minute or two and that's because what happens is this is your ac condenser if you're not getting really good airflow over this to keep it cool it'll start to get hot and once it gets super hot the pressures get too high the compressor has to turn off let the pressures drop back down and then it can turn on again so if the compressor's not on it's not going to be as cold if it's having to cycle on and off very frequently so this truck at idle super hot day the compressor would just stay on because this was able to stay cool enough to keep the pressures in check and it just stay on so you know sitting there idling on a hot day not moving this the ac would be frigid and that was like all i really wanted so i know that it's cycling like this is not normal and i noticed it a couple months ago i was back i was looking up to the trailer ac on truck running and i noticed it was clicking on and off every minute or so i was like oh that's abnormal so i i'm hoping it's just a very long slow week like a one year week i can live with that hopefully that's all it is hopefully we're just on freon we're going to uh get hooked up and try to fill her up got ourselves some freon got some ac gauges off amazon hopefully these work worth the dang if you're doing ac if you're filling a system up you really want to use proper gauges and get the pressures right i'll explain when we're filling it but you can you can have too much freon and it can be just as bad as far as like the cooling in the vehicle as too little freon so all right let me get this set up on this truck silly ford things the high side fitting is behind the air box so we've got to pop this air box off to get to it freaking whole beetle in there um so a lot of the charts you look up online will tell you like 95 degrees 50 to 55 psi on the low side and like really high numbers as the temperature goes up from my experience like on a not quite as hot as this day you really want like about 35 max 40 on the cold um and then maybe this hot it might go as high as 40 45 but you really don't want to be up in the 55 60s because what happens is you're you're starting out with pressure so high the pressures can get too high real quick and then it has to turn on and off you know and in my experience it works the best if the compressor can just run without turning off very often so sometimes a lower amount of freon will make it run longer versus a hot air amount and it's cycling lunch so anyway that's my experience i don't know oh yeah now all right i think we're good now the compressor hasn't shut off this whole time we're still only at 36 on the low side that's really about where you want to be we did take two full so that's literally perfect see we're at 35 175 and the pressures are static you can feel we're getting good airflow over this it's warm but not too hot now if that was getting hot the pressures would just increase slowly and they'd get too high and it would shut off you know every minute every two minutes we had the opposite problem where there was too little freon so the pressure would get too low and then it would shut off and then the pressure was to stabilize and it draw it back down so that's how it was before and it's always been great so i'm going to leave it there that pressure i mean it literally hasn't moved see how it feels in here oh yeah i see now we're where we should be with this thing sweet all right well now we can go for a drive now we can do it in comfort with ac on it i just didn't want to keep wearing on the compressor like that with uh it being too low on creon all right got the intake and stuff back together hopefully that phil last us another good year um obviously i was trying to find the leak i just i really had a hard time finding a leak on my dodge and it was a big leak it would leak out in a couple days and even with dye it was just so hard to see where it was coming from so i'm hoping it's just some some super small week and we'll be good for another year but only one way to find out use it now that's done it's time to go drive it [Music] oh 30 throttle so it's just rpm and wait for the converter to walk i have not moved my foot on the gas and i watched the speedo climb all right so accelerating from a stop here i'm going to do the same 25 30 throttle you can see rpm we're barely at 17.50 and the truck just takes off now like it should it's using all that cummins low end torque all right we'll do a little more throttle here like 35 percent maybe just so much quicker it's just it's night and day like you see i'm you can see it's just it's wild man i really wish i would have done this from the start so i am really excited to see what it's like with the trailer because it was annoying without the trailer but it's far more annoying with the trailer because you have all that extra load so it's just to take off at even a moderate pace you would be up at like 23 2400 rpm so i'm real curious to see what it's like now i'd be willing to bet we'll be like 1900 2000 and accelerating quicker all right trailer is hooked up this is the real moment of truth here now we don't have a car in the trailer but we do have everything else i've got tires for both the sofiro and the miata in there all the miata tires are in there everything but the car so it's it's 2500 pounds lighter not perfect but the miata is torn apart so we're not going to get a perfect example anyway pop the tow mode on this is it already just pulling it out of the spot that i parking in night and day oh yes dude oh my gosh that's so much better holy cow so that is thirty percent throttle let's see rpm 2250 steady thirty percent the converter lock all right so this is my typical 20 throttle or so dude that is nuts that is nuts i mean look at that 1700 rpm oh there's the converter lock see now is when you'd start moving but i'm already letting off the gas i have to do a good uh fully up to speed run dude worth every penny this is what this truck should feel like with an aluminum 32 foot gooseneck it should feel like it ain't nothing all right same route we just went on we should be able to get up to full speed here are close to it and we got to go up the hill so this is a good example dude wild because now we're shifting at 2000 rpm before we be at 2300 just to get going at all i'm keeping up with the rest of the cars up the hill this guy decided he just had to pull out right then and there so so much for getting up to top speed but i mean i you know that's all i need to know i'll have to do a highway test with a car in it but i don't when i i'm not towing a car anywhere for the next couple weeks at least so you want to see what it's like that's the back of my trailer in here it's not that bad now that i'm used to it and it's nice in the daylight it's not fun at night because you just can't see where the opening to the driveway starts come on baby oh we're good normally i'd be putting it in the driveway download the car but we're gonna go straight back in a little far to this side we can make it work yeah we're good we're too caught too early i gotta pull it up into i never do it like that i never go straight in straight in and straight into its spot because i've always got to unload the car i'm not usually towing my trailer for no reason so i got a little less arch to her early on it's a little tricky because i've got like a pipe that sticks up there that i've got to avoid so it's like i got to wait a certain amount of time before i can cut the trailer try to keep it a little bit closer to the open this time vines are getting out of hand beautiful all right well what a difference man what a massive difference i am so glad we finally did that if you're doing a comment swap please do yourself a favor do not use the stock 4 converter get yourself a custom converter it's super easy you just call suncoast i'll put a link to them below and they can spec you out anything for any combo i'm so it's just going to transform this truck it's just so much more effortless to get up and going which it should be because like i said we got a 32 foot aluminum gooseneck there's no reason it should be a hassle to get up to speed you know this thing pulls the trailer on the highway like nothing but just that first through third gear like zero to 45 miles an hour has been awful and now it's fixed i am stoked i'm super happy okay i was planning to do the seats in this video as well because mine are demolished these things are super blown out they were recovered at some point this is another thing that's been on the to-do list for a while i'm really excited for this not only just seats and stuff better seats but just sprucing up the interior overall but i'm waiting on the harnesses let me show you the seats i got though before we end this off here so i got king ranch seats out of like a 13 to 16 model so i got them used obviously center console is pretty worn i thought i could buy a replacement easy but it was a f-151 so i gotta see if i can track down a new one of these the driver's seat's definitely a little worn but all the cushioning and stuff seems good it's not all blown out that was the most important thing of course the passenger seat is a mint they always are and the back seats are meant but i got the console and everything which i like this console setup so much better where you have all this it goes all the way to the dash you have all these little cubbies for storing stuff so these are heated and cooled which that's one of the biggest reasons for doing this and i wasn't sure if i was going to be able to make it work but i found a guy that does the conversion so i sent him the harnesses and he's going to modify them to kind of bypass all the factory electronic stuff that it normally needs to go through to make the heating and cooling work so this is going to be a game changer too man much nicer much more comfortable seats with heating which we don't need that much in florida but it's nice when it when it's cold out but the cooling the air blowing on your back on a hot day and the center cut i'm really this this is something i i thought about doing for a very long time and i finally pulled the trigger on it so we'll be knocking that out here in the next week or two but i gotta wait till i get the harnesses in so yeah i guess that's gonna wrap us up for now we should be towing here in the next couple weeks and we'll really get to see how it is and put it through its paces going on a long trip going on the highway being loaded down with the car and everything but so far i am beyond happy with it so anyway i know i've been jibber-tabbing on a lot here just it's a big improvement man this is a big improvement so i'm gonna let you guys go i'm gonna go i'm we're doing it okay thanks for watching thanks for subscribing goodbye goodbye all right well we've actually got the saphiro in the trailer because i we're taking it drifting and i was like you know what this is a great opportunity to test out the converter so instead of driving the sphero we drove this this is the same turn i made with the safiro in the trailer last time everything the same new converter i try to do the same 30 throttle we're like 25 or so 26 you can see how much faster we're accelerating less percentage of throttle we're already in converter lock up and moving on out so much better first drive with the trailer loaded and it's night and day man okay i had time to get this in this video for you guys so i wanted to make sure that uh we got a good same for same comparison so anyway bye for real this time see you next time goodbye thanks for watching okay bye
Channel: Taylor Ray
Views: 132,974
Rating: 4.9731331 out of 5
Keywords: turbo miata, ls1 miata, rb miata, miata fails, miata crash, miata how to, turbo miata drift, miata drift, sr20 miata, jz miata, 350z fail, turbo 350z, 350z crash, corvette drift, corvette slammed, jdm corvette, corvette fails, 2jz corvette, 2jz mustang, cummins, rhd, k24a2, k swap, ls swap, drift build, cefiro, house buying, scam, auction buy, truck rebuild, auction rebuild, budget build, turbo k24, turbo ls, drag build, cummins swap, fummins, tool review, best tool
Id: LC0Dlw8Xvo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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