Solving the Mystery of NASCAR's Ghost Track: Air Base Speedway
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Channel: S1apSh0es
Views: 1,468,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NASCAR, Air Base Speedway, Airbase Speedway, Ghost track, abandoned tracks, abandoned places, Greenville Textile Speedway, S1ap, slapshoes, S1apSh0es, Greenville Pickens Speedway, jalopnik, NASCAR history, motorsports history, racing, stock car, 1950's NASCAR, donaldson air force base, donaldson airport, Greenville SC, South Carolina, 1951 season, racing history, History, slap, solving the mystery, nascar heat 4, nascar crashes, Speed Sport, forgotten history, urban exploration
Id: orO9It9JsOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
That's pretty cool.
Good work by you /u/ZappaOMatic
Just watched this video. It was a good video. Those pictures that were found of it were pretty cool. Kind of funny how everyone had forgotten about the track just because of its location.
The biggest victory here is that looking up my name on YouTube finally features a search result that isn't anime-related.
Was fun researching this. Massive props to everyone for doing their parts in looking into this and to S1ap for bringing it into the spotlight in the first place; all legends in my book!
Thank you S1apSh0es! Very well done video and thank you to everyone that contributed. It's amazing what information can be discovered when people work together.
I really like this guy's videos.
I find strange satisfaction in this. Well done.
Cool to see how many people reached out to him with info after the first video.
Way to go u/ZappaOMatic!!!
This is the brilliant investigative work I expect from r/NASCAR. Good work everyone.