Disaster! Road So Rough It Broke The Trailer Axles!

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this time we're gonna go see friends who feel like family [Music] there it is lake havasu oh god that sucker's big and i won't be voting on it a few things you got to know about lake havasu i grew up going here every summer with my folks it's an amazing time of my life but back then the boats were a lot smaller like everybody had an 18-foot jet but like you were a baller if you had a 21-foot anything and um over the years boats have obviously grown in size and power and speed and this lake is a lot more crowded and pretty much you're going to get beat up trying to drive around 18 foot jet boat like that these days so we're not boating here but we are stopping here a little bit of work done in town and then we will continue on past the parker dam south of lake havasu to a section of river where the water flows like cerveza the wind is full of the music with loud big blocks and open headers okay so made it to arizona at az free ride and uh went to unload the boat out of the trailer to work on the jet ski and discovered our rear axle is broken i don't know how long that front one's gonna last either this thing's all screwed up so the the front wow yeah the panhard bar mount up there is cracked as well and it's bent over it's cracked here too jesus i mean when you really look at it there's nothing holding this thing together there's no gossip i don't know yeah there's nothing here i don't know why this was done this way but oh wow i have to fix it okay here's the situation my really cool stainless steel boat trailer is busted i never noticed it before but both rear axles are two pieces welded together and that one broke at the weld the panhard bar mount doesn't have any gussets and that's cracked the one up front is cracked we got problems so we're going to be doing more than pinstriping numbers on this thing and fixing the jet ski today okay here's our solution for getting it out of the trailer ratchet straps that'll hopefully keep the axle from breaking completely in half and then we're gonna floor jack the trailer over to the left to get it straight and then roll the boat out of the trailer what a day just getting started all right axel stay under it just gotta get it up that steep driveway oh wow it's three wheeling come on baby stay together stay together and i'll treat you better i promise i promise if i treat you better i mean i'm gonna tell you all back to georgia exactly the same way you came out here oh yeah we're going to make it we're going to make it oh damn this is a nice shop it's a nice garage and it's air conditioned and there's tubing you might need that tubing both those wheels are off the ground dude it's completely oh tacoed goodness made it we are inside jake jordan's garage aka z freeride az fabrication now i gotta be honest i hit you up on instagram because i knew you worked on stand-ups yeah and uh and i was like cool i'm gonna roll in here and then we started talking and you let me know we could also get the lettering done on the boat i'm like sweet and then we show up here and um open the trailer and the trailers broke little did i know he also fabricates look at all the stuff in here like i have garage envy and i don't have that for a lot of people i have it for you right now like it's air conditioned it has killer electrical killer lighting a killer tube rack and my hope is that there's something up in that rack there we can use to sleeve and repair that mess down there tell me about the jet boat though i mean let's let's be realistic that's why i'm here i mean i i'm guessing you made the stainless headers no actually no i was gonna buy or make stainless headers and i got a killer deal on these and they were nice so i decided to give the guy a try dude these are nice we just bought this boat like maybe four weeks ago i bought it from a buddy in town he bought it from the original owner and i really can tell that the original owner never used it yeah it's just really clean it's really really clean and bonner is a good boat whoever ordered this from bonner was brave because black vinyl oh my parents their boat brand new in 71 was like a gorgeous blue metal flake and black vinyl seeds i never saw the seeds they always had towels on them yeah we have to have towels on it like the whole boat's hot that's kind of yeah cause it's still dark yeah even though the dark areas of the gel like you don't want to scoot your butt up on there the move is to splash water on it before you get on second weekend out it's already gone 80 and it probably has more in it wow 80s legit dude for a single car big block yep so it's got aluminum heads got a dominator this thing's got nice stuff it's a sick boat hopefully we make this one mobile again so that i can see your boat on the river this weekend while i'm out on my boat whatever yeah that'd be cool it'll be cool to see you back down there how many years has it been it's been like seven years dude yeah that's uh i miss it that's a long time i miss it that's why i drove this far and it's why we'll fix this boat trailer just to make it happen as soon as we pulled the boat in the garage and i saw the middle rack i'm like oh we're okay like dude good welders too [Music] it's got to be against the law that looks just damn good because baby i feel real good and i wish i was it's got to be against the law to look this damn got a fresh hair cut into new so what we're gonna do is find a piece of tubing that fits inside this hole drill a hole here in a hole here sleeve it weld it here and then there and there in the and it should be pretty good and strong the trick is finding the right size tube it isn't all floppy so it's like an inch and three-eighths or something that's a magical place where else can you break your boat trailer fix your boat trailer while getting your boat littered there's our pieces for fixing it broken axle it's in the back of the truck toter's posted up not going anywhere we're actually going to fix both axles because we're sure the front one's probably going to break too so cut two pieces now we're headed over to merlin johnson's shop to borrow his lathe so we can turn down our inch and a half outside diameter two into inch and three eighths so that it will go inside of the inch and three quarter axles so we can sleep it while all this was happening chris got the registration numbers on the boat sick let's stop this video real quick and i need to ask you one more time can you hit the subscribe button for me you probably forgot to do it i know you want to right now please thank you fun with the show this is why tv shows don't need scripts merlin that's right i i was not gonna film my vacation and then uh open the door to the trailer and here we are there's not gonna be much left of this tubing when you turn it down mike we need to find something else thicker stuff huh yeah that's uh i know we got something around here that's some heavy wall inch and 3 8 so we're in the home garage of merlin johnson oh you guys have seen on tv before and uh he's kind enough to come in here and help us fix this because he's got a lathe or even better than lathe he might have the right size tubing yeah that'd be real nice and uh he's also got a lot of ls engines in here i thought you were the cummins guy what's up with all these ls engines hey that's a secret don't tell anybody about my ls fest i'll photoshop all of them into 12-valve motors nobody'll know there you go the only motor better than the cummins 12-valve is an ls oh you heard it here first folks he said it ls is superior yeah ls is the way to go i think this is what we need mike that would be great um yeah that's thick too yeah this is uh one and a quarter one inch 320. so it's close to inch and it's not quite an inch and three eighths yeah actually other than the seam there's a little seam on this tube which would just grind a little slot in yep that will go right in there nice all right then we don't need the lathe even better it's right about now my wife's going uh not surprised at all by this mike uh what are we gonna do while you guys are doing this i was like i don't wanna go swimming he came prepared yeah oh she's she's no dummy she flew to phoenix with the kids while i drove across she didn't even ride with you no she knew better i just bought that used she's like if you make it to phoenix i'll be waiting for you would you i'll be going home legit no she would still vacation out here without me really yeah she would she's no dummy yeah she's like i've seen the show yeah i know you just bought that toter home used you're probably not gonna make it i'll see you you know we're just gonna fly me and the kids even my nine-year-old was too smart to go with me not her first rodeo i've been all over havasu to auto parts stores with you like nine times never in your garage yeah that's how it should have been done the problem right here is the chrome it's not chrome it's polished is it really that's a polished thing it's a polished stainless boat trailer wow the only with this this is the one that had the golf cart wheels on it yeah oh nice it's crazy is i towed it from california to georgia just like this and you know and almost totally it was in the tray it was in the tower home broke and it broke it broke last night between um kingman and here oh wow like the 40 is a mess it's so rough out there we're gonna end up sleeping both axles here's the first one thanks to marlin for the tube and jake for the welding there we go it's not exactly level anymore but that has nothing to do with what we did but it does have a inch and 3 8 sleeve inside and is now about to get professionally welded back together and then uh just for good measure we're taking that one out down there too and doing the same thing just in case so there we go rosette welded jig welded and you go back into service we don't take any chances so we're going to sleeve the front axle too problem now is one of those lug nuts doesn't want to come off that wheel because the stud is spinning so in comes the mig welder i'm going to put a tack on the back side of the stud and get the lug nuts off just so that we can get the axle out because the axle doesn't want to come out with the wheels on it there's too many things in the way like airbags and shocks and custom stuff the other problem we got going on here the panhard bar mount is cracked right there and it's cracked because i'm no engineer but i've drank beers with engineers there's no way this is ever going to be strong enough to control the lateral motion of the axle but like that's no bueno so what we're about to do is weld a piece of round tubing here to there to triangulate it and band-aid this until i can get back home to redesign this setup because this is uh i can't believe it lasted as long as it did there's no bueno i keep going to like stick it i forget it's stainless i like that doesn't work it's already better than it was i bet it doesn't move at all now as much a hell of a picture here finishing up this rebuild a wheel going on there ryan's under here bolting the bag back in kid number two is making sure the jack doesn't fly away and outer space he's also in charge of lug nuts and jake's lost yeah i'm lost it's been a long day jake thought he was just putting a handle pull spring in a super jet this morning and uh now we've torn up his entire shop it's all good though but we're going on the river yeah we're going over there we're gonna make it your boat we'll be out on there yeah all i gotta do is bolt the driver's seat down we're good my boat will be out there the wheels and the axles will stay under it now or at least long enough to get me through this weekend we're definitely going to have to go home and re-engineer this entire axle and suspension setup because it's still questionable highly this should get me through this weekend big moment it's about to have four wheels again i'll show it to you dude it actually doesn't look half bad considered how crooked and ben it was this morning like permanent repairs when we get home like you're not gonna be driving at like a nascar down the freeway no i'm it's a 10 mile toe each way to lost lake i will go very slow fixed it ain't pretty but it'll get us through the weekend yeah i'm glad we talked to you we had a large pit crew uh putting all those together lots of muscle putting those together yeah last year the two-stroke that's the only reason i bought it like i love my 94 but i was like oh god they're not making two strokes anymore so i i hunted i called like 13 dealers before i found this thing it's the best jet ski motor this is the small block chevy or the ls of the jetsea world this one i gotta be honest i rode the 2021 i loved it i absolutely loved it but good luck finding one all right now the real reason we were here today putting a spring in here so that these handlebars stay up on their own so that when mama's riding it mama doesn't have to do all the work and she can ride it longer so we're gonna replace that little spring right there with one that's got more tail springs out springs out so that spring goes out this one goes in a different one goes in and suddenly riding the stand up gets a lot easier [Music] and this is taking like 10 minutes like that's what the day started out with i'm just gonna drop in here for 10 minutes to an hour change the spring get the numbers on the boat out of here and uh obviously it went sideways but i met a whole bunch of cool new people as a result so if you're gonna break your trailer and you need a pull spring and you need numbers done az free ride that's where you go look at that handlebars are staying up on their own so you don't have to hold them up anymore it's a beautiful thing now we put the boat back in the box head to the river go find wifey and the kids fixed [Music] back in the box she goes happy ending i met a lot of cool people in havasu all because my stuff broke again it's like i always say you gotta script this stuff just buy old junk it all breaks trust me we made it this is my favorite stretch of the colorado river to the north parker arizona to the south blythe and miles of beautiful crystal clear water in between full of boats that look a lot like this one this is gonna be a hell of a weekend let's party three two one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Finnegan's Garage
Views: 354,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mike finnegan, havasu, lake havasu, hot boat, jet boat, drag racing, twin turbo, cletus mcfarland, 711ci hemi, air ride, bagged, air bags
Id: uktQJNwdZvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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