Fix water constantly flowing into your toilet bowl

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hi welcome to rate my Gadget and I'm going to show you how to save money and water and the planet by fixing a leaking toilet seal so let's see what I'm talking about so you might have the same as me in which what you can see here is that the toilet is slowly leaking water into the bowl you can see that here on the on the back now it may be more severe or less of it but over time obviously if you're on a water meter this is going to cost you money even if you're not on a water meter you're obviously wasting good clean fresh water which isn't good for the environment so is the reason for this is usually that the seal at the bottom of the flush system is no longer tight now you may need a new part or you might just find actually that taking it out giving it a clean and then putting it back in fixes it first things first however you've got to find the isolator so the isolator will be and I'll show you it will be one pipe to see that pipe there it will look like that with a braided hose and it will have an isolation on it now one thing I should say if you are nervous about any of this do seek Professional Plumbing advice however once you've isolated it it's pretty so the isolation I've got on here needs a screwdriver just a flat head to turn that and then the way that you check it is you flush the toilet and make sure there's no water and the reason you're doing that I'll show you why you're doing that bit off here make sure you're careful with that don't just drop it put it onto a towel or something there you go now what you're trying to do is this flush system here if I push this down this will immediately fill up with water and you want this system to be emptied okay so the first thing to check before you disassemble everything is where the water line is if the water line is going over the top here so if I keep doing this if I can if I show you what I mean okay if I hold that down and keep going eventually what will happen is the water will leak over the top okay so that means it's a bit of a safety system which it means over the top of the valve the water basically can't flood the system okay now if this is happening to you from which you think actually the water level is too high all you do is that screw there you tighten that so that it pulls the lever down okay if however after you've tried this it's still leaking through then you know you've got a problem at the seal at the bottom so you do need to isolate this so let me show you so let me first of all isolate it okay so I've isolated that now with that tap okay on the side now when I flush it hold that down get rid of all the ones throughout the system what shouldn't happen is there shouldn't be any more water coming in from the bottom now if there is a little bit of water then you know you haven't fully isolated and you can see actually it looks like I haven't fully isolated because you can set it now then the seal is at the bottom of this flush system and what you'll find is if you've checked that your design is the same as this one for a push button you'll find that there's a clip Arrangement so all you're doing is this system you're just turning it a quarter of a turn doesn't need a lot so cool to return anti-clockwise like so okay so that's now clipped like that that's now loose and just lift that up now do be careful because there'll be water contained in this unit okay so put it either in the sink or a bath or a bucket whatever just lift it straight up in that orientation and turn it upside down you'll see see how some water just came out of it then and this is the seal that's going at the bottom you can see mine's really gunked up and horrid okay now what you might be able to do is clean that seal and it gives you a better cylinder Bond but first things first before we get to that go back into the toilet system this plastic housing here put your finger around and make sure there's no cracks in it okay or anything like that there are cracks in it then regardless of the seal let me zoom in on that yeah if there are cracks in here then regardless of the suit you're gonna have to replace that and you can that's not too big a job and to replace though you can do that again it's like a push fit in there if there aren't any cracks and you go over to the seal system okay now what you can do is an easy you can clean off all this rubbish and Gunk and stuff my one you can see the rubber is pretty deteriorated on the bottom here so I'm gonna have to replace mine so let me show you how you do that so this is what you'll need the links are at the bottom so this is the replacement seal system this one happens to be a kind of translucent white but basically this is a push fit that goes onto the bottom of there and the instructions are in here but in essence I'll show you what you have to do here this bit here is a clip fit so all you do is you get a Phillips screwdriver or a knife or something under there pull that away take the seal off then put the new seal on okay so let me show you yeah okay so what you're trying to do now is this little plastic housing here because you've got a replacement one you're just trying to pull that away okay so you can foreign there you go okay So eventually it pops out like that all right so you've got to give it a bit of pressure and as long as you've got a replacement one of these which you will in the pack and the link then this is just a retaining clip okay do check that yours isn't a unlocking mechanism that is a clip one then what will happen this rubber which is pretty short you can see my one is torn around the edges yeah that could be big clean up this just with an old cloth something like that make sure this is all clean so what you're doing is you're taking the new clip and you're taking a new Rubber seal okay and what you want is the Rubber seal to be on the outside so it needs to be okay all right not round that that orientation you know that orientation yeah all you do is the opposite so just hold that out get this Rubber seal push that onto there like that okay and then you get your new clip and you literally just push it in okay now it's a bit fiddly but you want to push it in if you can a bit of an angle then it makes your click yeah and then that's it that's gonna that's your new seal okay and then that has just be that's just a new seal of that and as you can see mine was pretty terrible and warm right so too so let me now finish make sure you line up the little tags just before a little bit twist it and it will clip and that's it okay turn the water back on flush it then that's it so thanks for watching um I hope that's helped please do leave any questions or comments down at the bottom and please do subscribe and please like thanks
Channel: Rate my Gadgets
Views: 24,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fix toilet water keeps running, bathroom, diy how to fix a running toilet, fix a toilet that keeps running, fix running toilet, flush valve, how to fix, how to fix a running toilet, how to fix a running toilet diy, how to fix a running toilet easy, how to fix a running toilet fast, how to fix a toilet, how to fix a toilet that keeps running, how to stop a toilet from running, leaky toilet, running toilet, toilet fill valve, toilet keeps running, toilet repair, toilet running
Id: IpeUmZMz2mU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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