how to adjust a dual flush toilet

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okay so a few things able to do a flush here you want to turn off your valve for your water and we're gonna take off the lid here alright so we dump out whatever leftover water we got so I got a couple parts here this is the valve or the plunger parts' like plunger part so when you flush half flush full flush and then this is your valve this is where the water comes through and you can adjust the height here couple things so now here there is a like a little little clip screwdriver to get down there so there's a little clip right down in there and it slides to lock to unlock you're gonna push it from here and move this direction here it's nuts right inside good unit [Music] using a screwdriver because I don't want to bust my face right now alright say you can see the other side of the clip is on this side and that's unlocked and we can adjust the height of this hole alright this is for your water level if you want more water coming through your toilet go as high as it can if you want less you can go download all right all right good so this is your final judgement this is the trap the amount of travel your plunger is allowed to take so for example plus up this little housing and the point flow so right now I've got a kind of a small travel to it if you want more travel you can adjust to one side or to the other a lot more if it's not moving at all Lourdes if this does not go all the way down you're not gonna get the water turn on if it's all way up the water will be off so need some travel in there so you don't have enough travel you're gonna just miss it make it work that's too much fun now this is more like five two T so the idea is you want at just the height of this whole thing right here so when the water comes up you want to just write a blow to the overflow you don't want to go in overflowing all the time you're wasting water so for example I get the clip off let's turn on see where it turns out hopefully I'll turn off before comes up to the overflow in the or some users you want to maximize the amount of depart flush flush all right so it's just right below this is what it looks like if I did too much you see the waters turnover roll inside that you don't want Justin below maybe you want it just right below that way you're maximizing your your the amount of water all right so we're gonna flush it [Music] two years to watch them but it's worth a shot so we get a full flush on that one [Music] it's right - oh right on the lip I don't know if I want it that close yeah I've got too much coming through so I'm going to drop it down a couple of notches all right I'm satisfied with that so you play with that for a while then you gotta lock it back into a super what B here is done here I'm gonna push that clip back into place that's hard to see but when it's all over there try it you're like okay all right now another thing to you that travel for that you need to adjust it so you can leave it a little bit of play in there you don't want so tight that it's not doing its job all right so plunger wise this one's kind of funky eats and I like the old ones mmm it's easy to service so the thing is you could take it and you turn it counterclockwise and there's a spot in there where it will release for you area I will take that out all right I'm gonna put it in the sink let's turn off this water okay got the water so you should be able to see all the way down to your bowl right here if you get something obstructing it you may see it right through there okay and you see the residual water is going down and what it does it's supposed to come through the water is supposed to shoot through here and you'll get something through the top around the bowl but most of it's right here and that's where you're gonna get to go all the water to swishes through if you got obstructions in there calcium buildup sand stuff that's a problem with the flow and we'll get into that in just a bit so that it's easy to service plunger all right a couple of things this is where it's seats against that opening right what I found at mine I had calcium buildup and we cows the build-up it's not seating tight enough so you can take your finger and run it across this is this rubber part right here and you feel anything rough that's probably your calcium I've got I can feel calcium up here too so yeah I definitely got some counseling build it there so a fix of that may end up just beating CLR and that's supposed to kill the calcium and lime what not I think you do lime away but I like this product better all right I put a little bit into the sink and then I'll just set it on top of there for a while let it do its thing I'm sure it's going to loosen up something so if I get calcium that's more likely I've got problems in the bowl too so I can see down in the ball I'm just gonna take this stuff yeah I'm gonna put a little bit in here couple cups this will go down into the bowl if you get an obstruction in there it's a calcium buildup it's gonna it's gonna start loosening up and I'll get a brush and this is where the plunger kind of sets right along this edge right here you want to use your finger and feel and if there's calcium on there that's probably even if you've got leaks and I'll just brush all that out real good just to make sure that CLR is doing this job and I've got it nice and smooth I think if you got calcium from the top of the bowl down to the thing it's gonna it's gonna be here where you want to put the CLR brush maybe if you had a really small auger snake or you know a wire brush and I think you can run it through here and see if we can get it down to the coal see if there is an obstruction of it that's that's usually where you're gonna get a calcium buildup all right so I'll let that do its thing all right back to this and I got my buddy over here he's always with me so [Music] so it's in there doing that stuff so I'm gonna run this brush on there and I think you could probably leave it in there for five minutes if you get a lot of calcium or if it I think I think we the last one I did and then you can take your finger and run and then you can feel it if it's still there just you know just clean that all up you don't need to get too crazy along here on the edge is good because that you might get some hangups at the gather calcium really not and while you're at it do the whole assembly you got some crazy stuff on there I try to you so all right then move on to another adjustment you can do these things I think if you've got a constant leak you know a little drip or something like that cleaning the calcium off and setting the level of your your valve will be a big help right there so let's just get all that officer all right okay on to it there's some more adjustments you can do for the your half flush full flush this thing gives you and it's it's pretty light here so your green or blue side that's your half flush and then the grades your full flush and you can down here this will be the half flush size and hopefully and you can see an indicator there's a minimum and then there's a max and this would be for that flash that if you want a bigger flush you can adjust this down if you want the least amount you can go up so I got a lot of boys I need to put it right there same thing for the full flush size oh wow okay I Ralph it it said I'm in for my full flush oh my goodness I can't have that I've got the house full of kids so I'm gonna max everything out yeah I'm I'm pretty sure if we've got problems with water the amount of water in the in the in the bowl flushing through is not enough and you're not getting a good hard flush this is gonna be another part of the the solution right here is the max these out okay so I don't know what this is I have no idea I'll figure it out later but earlier runs with the other women I was able to get great results by just changing these two down to the max and hopefully you can see that and then having this cleaned up right here that was a big deal this is ready to go back in a couple things to install it back in you get these little I don't know what there are just a little tap and stuff this will be a lining up on back in the in the toilet don't show you for that guy saw all right let me get my camera all right so you want your half flush on the Left will flush on the right be aware this little tab right here [Music] see it right there mine make sure it see go give it a clockwise turn I go all the way as far as it goes if you go too far you might loosen things up you don't want to so if you think lining out like that is a good idea I don't know if that's right because it's not completely on there so I've got gotta back God so let's see like I'm not sure about this so I kind of want to do it where I've got more wiggle room there words it's moving Oh more so I'm turning this counterclockwise you should get a lot of movement out and this thing should be inside of this outside of town if it's not all right so it looks like I'm all good I'm gonna turn it down and I'm expecting it to hopefully stop before it goes to the overflow and you know if it takes forever to load the pill and there may be a problem with an obstruction here too and you may need to replace that bout so alright so looks like we're good we didn't do it overflow I'm gonna alright that's how much water I got there I'm gonna do the max flush alright ready that's the results I'm looking for that was a definite improvement from what it was set at last because it was set at men and we got it maximized I'm gonna do it with a minute and that's quite a bit need to play with men but I would suggest that that your full flush we maxed out you really want to get the flow through there not leave any any debris to your plumbing in between all right so here we go the side [Music] that's almost like the I'll deal with that I'm happy with that so all right so back with the paint amount on camera again so all right these little boogers again this this is the set screw down here this black part and you want to tight in there otherwise this be floating you can adjust this just make sure that they're set to where you know they're they're barely going to touch those buttons on the inside of the would you put your parts if they're too long there could actually knit or have it barely on I yeah you'll figure so just make sure these parts right here are tight these set screws and lock in so you're not turning or anything for yourself alright I made my buddy are done we got the results we want hopefully with the CLR and the adjustments this will help you out alright thanks
Channel: gwvest
Views: 1,151,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to, dual flush toilet, troubleshoot dual flush toilet
Id: UH6KXq_bPUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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