Five Nights at JR's: Part 2

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hello and welcome back to Juniors we're going to watch a tape and this is going to tell us a little more about this universe that we should have known already or maybe we shouldn't have I don't know maybe we don't want to know oh it's adorable oh it's traumatized oh it has anxiety oh it's Bonnie okay no it's oh it's going into a downward spiral oh just like the Freddy Fazbear we all know and love so um uh Paul Bearer what do you have to oh I'm sorry [Music] I'm sorry [Music] oh now it's Bonnie's turn Okay so that was some way of like suggesting that it was going to be on his turn I get it and now Bonnie's dead is Bonnie dead who knows Only We Know I guess or we're going to know is that getting bloodier I don't know a new a new friend I don't know if I want a new friend what happened to Freddy what happened to Bonnie what happened to any of them that's a lie I do like this hello uh it's me again anything new in here yeah that's still weird any new rules no okay all right oh hello oh did I climb the tree I think I climbed the tree I'm not Harbison sure about that we're running out of time my investigation ends soon how troubling we need to Signal the ghost in juniors and invade the thing she's protecting the most I don't like the phrasing the mangle exactly by now she knows I'm with you I'm what she wants are you that's a you get a lot of presumptions here so be it she'll have to go through me first I don't know why I'm so protective of you figment of my imagination in my dreams after the next night we will take the ghost by surprise we'll sneak into the basement and figure it out from there I'm glad to have a friend like you I don't remember the last time I had someone to talk to for as long as I can remember it's just been myself and the spirits and this giant brain floating above us ominously I can hear its thoughts it's it's a nice change of pace you know to have a friend like you around said it whatever is waiting for us in the basement the mangle it's nothing we can't handle together you and me thick and thin through and through sickness and health fast friends except that I don't really know who you are anyway get in here so bye mangle do you mean that I'm gonna have to worry about that um as we play as I play everyone The Gangs all here ever literally the gang's all here okay so there was nothing weird about that oh well I guess now there is oh that's strange okay so connection lost in the kitchen but I didn't hear anything in the kitchen so oh connection lost in the dining hall okay so whatever's doing that is causing the connection to be lost but how am I supposed to know okay so it's not Freddy because Freddie's still in this Freddy's still in there clearly so I can call Freddy in and Freddie was not the cause of it neither is Bonnie neither is foxy so it could be chica might be chica I have not seen chica on the menu and considering that I know or I kind of know that it's chica that means I can take advantage of that by sending others in for repairs right God I hope it's chica either way it's not the ones that I've seen for sure two connections lost not Bonnie I think it's chica because it's not where the music is either Music's Over There hello yeah I think it's chica so I'm gonna and I don't think it's Bonnie I'm literally gonna use this as an excuse to get everyone repaired It's gotta be chica I don't know where the other one is that balloon boy or whatever you maybe I don't know hope it's not you that'd be weird I just noticed that this was very cute in a horrifying way oh there we go love the love the alarm that you're there okay I don't think it's you I think it's chica so I'm gonna uh yes yes I'm a genius I'm a goddamn genius yep I knew it and then the message says the cameras have been disconnecting for some reason so there's various different ways with which this could be discovered okay ghost has entered an animatronic checking this oh well that makes my job easy thanks all right chica get in here well that is uh good for me that makes it easy boy howdy that conveyor is slow I would like it if that conveyor was not slow to help what does that mean let me look what do you mean I've narrowed it down to Freddie or Bonnie oh did I use my Lifeline okay well Freddie or Bonnie that's helpful so that's good which means that I can uh call you in if it's Freddy or Bonnie that's good okay there's foxy not a concern no one's ever on the stage camera shy wait who's that foxy okay there's Bonnie oh lights are lights are real jittery lights are really jittery I think that yeah I think that it's Bonnie definitely oh [ __ ] go away okay I think it's Bonnie great work I'm the best but I used my lifeline I shouldn't have done that shouldn't have done that and ghost has entered an animatronic good oh well that makes it easy uh call in so far so good I'm getting really really good at this I'm getting quite capable I'm impressed with myself I think that's the that must be the only sign that it's balloon boy right it must be because what else would cause that that's fine you might leave a handprint whoa not you no hand print okay oh oh who's doing it some oh is it just Freddie in there I think it might have been I think it might be Freddy oh it might be Freddy might be Freddy Freddy or Bonnie could be Freddie or Bonnie so it's not the others it's either Freddy or Bonnie interesting so it's either Freddy or Bonnie everyone else is doing okay so I just need to can I get a Lifeline no uh shoot okay so Freddie or Bonnie oh well it's fine Freddy's here so Bonnie oh it's Bonnie all right easy excellent I'm gonna call Bonnie in because Bonnie needs repairs one more and we're good we're going well last night easy is this the last night I don't think it's the last night I think this will only night four I love this though I love the layout of all this like the way that this is set up is really elegant and well well thought out let me just do a quick check oh well that does make my job very easy boom easy peasy who'd-a-thon Paul Bearer is waiting for me in the basement deep down in the basement where nightmares grow and faster and wait to consume my soul can't wait then the eagerly looking forward to this oh well I know you are with him after finishing your shift you stumble across an old VHS tape oh what's the harm I bet this is the one that's the bad one and you shouldn't watch it but I'm gonna watch it anyway because I love lore and nothing will stop me from getting lore not even death foreign [Music] adorable that is adorable that's God damn adorable that's freaking adorable or bully [Music] I really want to know who did these little animations because they are fantastic [Music] crying blood I oh no gotta delivered to the mangle I guess it's all of our duties we must appease the mangle oh hey speak of the mangle okay cool what uh what do I do about that oh it seems am I crazy or is it getting a little more you know you know is it judging itself up a little bit more than it has in the past I feel like it is and I feel like that means something but I just don't know what it means continue last night of Sanity I haven't had my sanity since 2015. it's been a long time since I saw my sanity so nothing really lost there nothing left to lose anyway hello again Paul Bear okay everything does seem okay I'm sure it's fine the grass popping in and out that's weird is it doing that before so what's the plan I don't know you tell me I said we take the ghost by surprise we just need a way to get into the basement in secret I'll cover that I found an entryway into the basement long ago I locked it up as soon as I found it I'm sure the ghost knows it exists so you must be cautious I'll do my best I'll finish up my investigation tonight and we'll meet right back here tomorrow okay what am I doing this investigation for and why am I doing it why do I trust a dream bear I can't even say that if I was talking to a bear in my sleep that I would trust it because I don't all right get in here get in here you oh God that was quick uh oops hopefully it's hopefully though they hopefully that does actually make it immune when I pull one in like that I really hope it does because I might be nothing new for tonight good luck pal thanks thank you uh uh hello oh no that wasn't that was not what I thought it was I thought that was the lights going on and off something does seem jittery though oh what was that who's moving people are moving fast they're moving real fast okay it is it is something is flickering the lights is it Bonnie might be Bonnie yeah no it's chica unless there's someone else chica I'm calling chica uh calling I'm great I'm fantastic give me Wham wow what was oh my God that's too fast well this is concerning um that really fast okay so you Bonnie okay so I don't think it's Bonnie so I could probably get Bonnie in here there and then I heard what what what what was there there's an um is that the conveyor belt has that always been uh oh who left a hand print who left a handprint oh okay I gotta go take care of that okay thank you thanks Bon you go and have good you have good I don't know what I'm doing did one of you leave a handprint okay definitely wasn't Bonnie because they just got Bonnie in there so if it's oh everyone's in there no handprint here it might be musician I'm gonna guess music music was in that room before right marionette I'm boned oh frick please not like this ah balloon boy no please everyone oh I'm dead oh no please not like this no oh freak I'm dead I'm dead oh God no not like this no please don't kill me I don't like the hands I don't like the hands on you I don't like all the hands how was I so wrong how was how how was it Freddy why was it Freddy okay what am I looking at what did I just see what was that what it would that thing didn't have a leg Zoom back in on that thank you uh what is what is this analyze analyze scan scan uh give me details okay thank you okay something is causing the lights to flimber here ah that was extremely unhelpful um not you okay oh God stay still is it foxy I think it's foxy but I'm not sure no wait was it was still going it's either Freddy or Bonnie okay it's either Freddy or Bonnie Freddie or Bonnie who's it friend of your Bonnie come on it's Freddy okay got it all right cool got it yes all right easy easy easy easy easy easy easy easy ghost has entered in animatronic that is very fast no hand print on lens it's not chica I don't think anyway okay someone's here take care of that hi goodbye okay so if it's not oh why can't I call anybody wait what why wait hold on I can't what I can't I wait oh did I not get that how did I not get that okay I'm gonna call you in because I know that you're you probably only do the thing when you are when the screen says that you are glitching out okay so oh one of them okay foxy or Bonnie foxy or Bonnie left a hand print one of them did so it's either foxy or Bonnie one of them left a handprint hurry up thank you so that means it's not any of you or foxy or Bonnie there's still that hand print there it's one of them there's another handprint there that doesn't help me there's leaving handprints all over the place I think I saw Bonnie like Bonnie the shadow of Bonnie not Shadow Bonnie but the shadow of Bonnie just there I can't find anybody I think it's Bonnie but let me just get everyone in Tip-Top shape just for now I confirm this and they're gone okay wait did I say foxy or Bonnie or Freddie or Bonnie Freddie you're but oh I'm dead oh God I'm dead aren't I I didn't mean oh I'm gonna guess it's funny because if it's not I'm dead anyway ah I guessed uh wrong I I misremembered I thought I had first I don't know I don't have an excuse for that one tricky I thought I was getting good at this turns out no what is up with you there this doesn't make any sense none of that makes sense none of none of what that is makes sense zero of that makes sense all right so it wasn't it wasn't glitching and it wasn't there was no handprint a musician is here right now it might be music marionette oh for very brief moment okay it's either marionette or Freddy and I'm going to remember that properly this time so we I almost did it I almost did the thing so you get in there it's either marionette or Freddy I know that I see the music in here no camera control It's gotta be Freddy Freddy come on glitch my camera maybe not well it is it is knew it knew it okay so I know it's you all right I know it's you take this thank you so I know who do I know it it's Freddy it's definitely I I keep wanting to call Freddy in but I won't because I'm smart I am big brain I am big brain hi foxy what you up to nah not foxy no handprint okay oh okay might be music I heard that might be music because music was in a connection lost room might be I'm gonna call you in might be music nope not music not music it is not music because the music was not there oh nope music is there never mind might be music it's not Freddy okay not Freddy it's not chica not Freddy not foxy I think that was foxy yeah not foxy not Freddie not chica not foxy got it I think it's music okay hang on could be Bonnie I haven't seen Bonnie ooh but it's not Freddy I've seen Freddy that's for sure oh music just ended it's not it is Bonnie that would have been very bad if I hadn't done that oh [ __ ] oh no no it was freaking it freaking blocks damn it damn it God damn you okay please tell me it's not Bonnie because Bonnie is about to die I thought for sure didn't I I guess I didn't see Bonnie technically speaking no Bonnie must have been in the back there like that why did that happen why did that happen I'm not sure why that happened I'm I'm not 100 what did I do uh please inform me how I was an idiot because I believe it I believe that I overlooked something very similar because I'm saying a lot of things and I'm doing the exact opposite of my intention almost all the time it's so uh not good all right so connection loss so any okay it's not Bonnie Roger not Bonnie not foxy not Freddy not Bonnie not cheeky chica music got it 100 100 100 get in here done easy peasy easy peasy okay so Bonnie Chica maybe maybe it can be the animatronic that comes on the conveyor belt and I just have been lucky up until just this last death I would believe that so maybe I shouldn't be so willy-nilly about those conveyor belt summons because this might be my untimely death oh one of you okay so Bonnie or chica okay so it's Bonnie or chica or I guess music was in there as well but let me deal with all these guys come on here chica Bonnie Chica music which means that it couldn't have been you I'll only say what it would be what it would be okay Bonnie again camera one funky might be Bonnie oh no music's in here okay there's Bonnie oh Bonnie's gone oh Freddy and Chica in here that's interesting okay so it's Freddy or chica Freddie or chica good to know Freddie or chica not Bonnie not music I Call Music just in case oh I think it's chica yeah it does seem like it evidence points towards chica evidence points strongly towards chica yep chica no Bonnie's in there too God I can't confirm this I cannot it's either I think it's chica I think 100 is chica I'm putting money on it yes oh God I should not do that I keep doing that and I don't think that that's quite right I don't think that that guarantees that that's not going to be the ghost I think that's what killed me last time oh I'm doomed aren't I oh no oh no I feel it I feel it I feel it I'm doomed I feel I'm doomed I'm doomed I'm doomed okay crowded in here and I gotta go take care of a thing okay I'm not doomed wow can you believe it can you believe it I'm not doomed huh okay you're not freaking out I'll call you over Red Rover Red Rover okay I am a little stumped no hand prints so it's not foxy I don't think anyway it doesn't seem to be Bonnie but I'm not detecting any other kind of disturbance here the lights are not flickering Freddy oh Freddy no oxy no oh oh oh who's doing it okay chica foxy or music foxy or music okay foxy or music are doing that so that's foxy your music got it okay Fox here music uh not chica it was not chica oh foxy just came in and the camera's all wonky well actually music just left and the camera was fine I can't tell I literally can't tell which one it is I have no idea it's foxy or the Muppet okay come on oh I oh it seemed like it might have just for a moment oh no okay no effect here's foxy oh foxy okay it's got to be foxy it's 100 100 yes I keep doing that that's gonna be my death that is that's how I'm gonna die that is 100 how I'm gonna die oh no I'm so freaking stupid I'm so stupid oh I'm so dumb I'm so dumb oh oh never mind music was here music's here music chica or Bonnie okay music teacher or Bonnie okay music or chica got it okay so it's either music or chica uh let's get foxy in okay who is it music or chica music yes yes yes yes yes okay oh so we're not seeing one okay so it's not music which is good because I need to get you in oh well that's handy it's uh balloony but that's good because I need to get these up anyway so I'm gonna I'm gonna hold off until I can get these up and then I'm gonna keep going ah maybe I shouldn't okay five of seven oh my there's so many oh oh okay all right is this chica was that chica was that an easy chica that might have been an easy chica oh my God I'm the best I did it again oh please don't be your body I there's got to be like some protection there's gotta be like some protection on that right don't kill me with six of seven don't kill me with six of seven that would be okay good foxy was just in here and Foxy just left and there's a handprint it could be foxy could be foxy very likely to be foxy there's some strange clamoring going on behind me I'm going to ignore it and pretend that it's not that nothing's gonna kill me and I'm fine where's foxy foxy is not making an appearance foxy there you are return to the scene of the crime huh interesting oh foxy just left and there's a new handprint it's foxy 100 oh yeah all right I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good Paul Bearer is waiting for me yeah I bet he is I bet Polly Bear is I bet Polly boy is do I get another tape yes falling down after finishing your shift you stumble across an old VHS tape almost as if someone left it there for me to find which wouldn't be suspicious at all watch it [Laughter] oh creepy foreign [Music] I don't know what I just saw was it mangle might have been mangle good all right continue night six it never really was five nights ever even in the first one we all know this we knew this going into it we all knew it it was known hello yay oh that's interesting what's with the door the door ready to venture into the unknown haven't I been doing that already I guess we're as ready as we'll ever be yeah this door will lead you straight to the center of the basement that's where we'll find our ghost now I took a peek and scouted out the basement while you were doing your investigation did you see anything well from what I can make out it seems the ghost has turned the basement into their own little game all right then we need a plan I say we go with whatever game the ghost is trying to play with us in traffic by surprise how are we gonna trap the ghost Trapper here with other corrupt Spirits let them rot as I have for centuries all right then this is it um let me trap you here to let you rot for centuries is this a bad idea it's probably a bad idea isn't it are you the mangle all right why do I trust you I shouldn't okay I don't trust you what oh then this is it oh if this works Paul I may never see you again so I guess this is goodbye Jr's Ends Tonight okay goodbye forever or maybe not I have a funny feeling I'm about to be backstabbed but uh like it always does you know same old same old always been the same old well [Music] oh God new mechanics please no use aw and D oh no mannequin hi uh to use the lights in your office W to flash in the cameras press space oh man I'm dead I'm dead okay I'm trying to read um space to put in your mask on if anything is too close be sure to keep the music box wound by holding left Mouse button on the circular Vision visual or space in the prize Corner camera uh look up I know I'm gonna die I'm just gonna put this on love the shades but I'm just gonna accept death and hold on for dear life because I don't have enough time for any of this I'm I'm done what did I just see what in the fresh hell was I seeing with my eyes all right don't forget to wind the music box good okay all right oh you are joke they made an entire other game all right that's apparently the wind-up I guess oh great oh yeah oh what is I I feel like that's a problem whatever was just in front of me is that not a problem I guess not anymore I don't know what I'm doing and I oh well Frick it's very Five Nights at Freddy's 2 oh frick oh frick oh frick oh boy oh I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I've tried to get to it oh frick I it's too late I'm dead oh my God that's horrifying I don't like the look of that thing okay well we got a completely new game mechanic here that I have to get used to but I'm good at this and this is what I was built for so bring it on [ __ ] I'm ready for you I'm so ready for you what do we have we don't have anything it's all blurs why is it all blurs I don't know whatever whatever I don't care I'm on it I'm on it I'm on it I'm on it I don't know what I'm looking for excuse me who did that okay I don't really have any camera down front so I can't tell what's there oh I can oh my God okay well that was awfully forgiving I don't know why that allowed me to live okay yeah that's so it seems like it there was some leeway yeah it's seems like I did have some time okay something is there oh god oh my god did you see that thing but it it does seem to be okay I don't know how long I need to last and I don't know if I have a further objective good oh my God sure I'm gonna die that is infinitely more forgiving than five nights at Freddy's 2 Joe oh my God guys stop where I'm not ready for it you are such a son of a [ __ ] I don't know what I'm looking for I don't know why I'm looking for that's probably you just stop stop stop stop I know that I know I know that I know what to do with you yeah I knew it God this music box oh my God stunning whoa hello again man this is so frantic I can't even see or appreciate anything else that's happening in this game you know what I mean Mickey Mouse ass Foxy Get out of here oh frick oh come on come on oh not no I need to move in the music box oh I'm [ __ ] oh well I guess I didn't have any chance is there something else I can do to keep them from doing that because I'm dead and and that's not okay oh man is there nothing I can do to get that oh frick It's gotta be something with like using the flashlights I'm not doing them enough this is frantic if you see balloon baby in the left hand put on your mask I don't see anything in the left hand it's so many flashing lights that I can't tell what's happening what heard that I'm hearing something oh man where did you I didn't even see you I can't even I can't even flash those yep hello oh I hate you look at that monstrosity I know I know I need this it's just not letting me have it so I just got to keep it there I have to because otherwise there's really nothing I can do it's it's also a very minute small little Target to hit I wonder if they go away if I preemptive no they don't oh freak it's easy to miss so far so good whoa scary up come on I know I know I know I know nope come on okay they're just popping out they're just popping out that's what they do take my opportunities oh my God hello go away go away go away all right thankfully they have the courtesy of pulling down my camera for me oh man I wish I had another button for opening the freaking camera oh my God foreign all right okay I don't know how long I need to last I'm assuming 6 a.m and I might not have enough power because I am kind of spamming up the flashlight a bit I know Foxy in Five Nights at Freddy's 2 was very much just you flash him with your light and he'll go away eventually that's all I know though so other than that I I don't really know but I am burning a lot of power 225 come on oh what is that what is that what is that but where are the mangle you can't be what do you mean don't make this more difficult than you know you can't what do you what do you mean what am I doing what am I doing what is what is I don't know what this is well I can't do anything what oh uh is this lore are they all getting turned into the mangle oh no oh no Ah that's not good Ah that's not good oh that's not good oh what is that what is that what are you hmm okay well this is really really cool and all um but I don't know exactly what to do about it so if I die it's gonna be a problem okay 100 yay yippee okay the mangle is here watch out for her owl tail she would look use it to look into your office from the vents put the mask on flash the hallway if she's there find the ghost in the camera and hold the light and she will break okay that's a lot to take in that was that was a lot of information to take in what am I doing oh hey uh that's okay so is that is that uh hold the light on her and she'll break eventually okay so you'll break cameras Oh God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh what a what is what what is happening what what oh what I don't know what I I don't understand oh my God no put it down ah okay well oh good it's here okay find the ghost in the camera hold the light on her or she will break cameras and eventually your light okay so I need to find mangle on the camera and hold a light on them right that's what I learned there you you and gone okay good okay that was good oh God what was that whoa I hate you okay find find find find you you're back there we go oh did I not get that oh god oh [ __ ] I didn't get that did I well there you are there you are I see you I see you yep nope go away tip got this I've got this you okay okay oh go oh my God I just saw that out of the corner of my eye like just then oh [ __ ] oh no am I dead oh what in the freaking hell is that oh my God I don't know what that's about I hate that hello this is awful and I hate it Yep this is terrible oh I found the ghost I think did I was that the ghost today oh I guess that's the ghost I didn't know what the ghost really was um boy it would be great if I could actually see some uh okay so there's like a rattlesnake sound basically when that slides out okay you I can't find it I can't find it it's nowhere it's nowhere I can't find it I don't know where it is oh did I miss it God damn it I don't know why I don't know what it I I really have no idea if I'm doing anything right am I winning I don't think I'm winning I don't think I'm winning I don't think I'm winning I don't know I think is that broken or something God I don't know what I did I don't know what I did wrong I don't know why I did it I think probably the the eyeballs the ticking those are like descending down all right yeah all right okay I think I just gotta get to this sooner okay shining on you shining shining shining okay so that's not doing anything that's not doing anything that didn't do anything so I I needed to read that tip a little better because it must have there was some kind of like ghost thing there there was it was like a ghosty translucent nonsense that was there there it is I saw it that was a ghost that was the ghost I got it okay I saw it I did find it well when did this happen when did when did it go black and white and why is that terrible and why should I hate that forever I do not see it anywhere here it's a problem this is a big problem not seeing ghost I'm not seeing it it keeps cutting out I can't see anything it cuts out usually before it would only cut out if like the camera you were on was the problem oh found the ghost that was it that was it definitely it I don't know if that's gonna save me or not there I just saw it okay that was another Victory good I don't think I saw it there you see there definitely not there it is going yep good right the ghost the ghost that was infecting the animatronics of course that's what I'm looking for of course it is that's what I've been looking for the whole time I don't see it what oh god what is that what was that what was that what was that oh my God what was that I don't know I have no idea I need to find that ghost oh it's so good for oh that was it oh okay just a little more I've only got so much battery left oh my God I can't see anything this is like completely stopped up come on oh give me something there it is oh that might be that might be it that might be it that might be it game over gg gg [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh that was good that was good oh never mind hi go away please I don't know I'm bad no you know I'm good I'm all right you stay out you stay out thank you very much no thank you ah back here again am I good good great whoa I'm back she must have gotten in my head uh did she pallbear where are you please don't hurt me oh oh no I knew you were here all along while you were sitting in here behind that costume I was waiting waiting so patiently for another one of your little puppets to look where they weren't supposed to once I'm done with you I'm gonna take your little puppet and split his skull not this time he's different he's built different oh really let me ask you this what makes you think he will be able to avenge your spirit now this on Ax all close enough it's done [Music] after five years Jr Juniors would reopen or Jr's think juniors it would go over heavy rebranding as some still have a somewhat negative impression of the company okay don't tell me Fazbear entertainment is now more committed than ever to family fun and above all safety they've spent a small fortune on these new animatronics ready and willing to take it to the next level of fun so this is all a precursor I love it anyways Jeremy when do you think you can start oh Jeremy oh I love it that was really really well made and I'm guessing that's why I felt so much like Five Nights at Freddy's 2 because it was emulating that so crazy that like it made an entirely different game just for that last night now that's a commitment to detail actually added two phases like that I gotta say this might be one of the best uh Five Nights at Freddy's fan games in term of like novel creation uh different play style it was really really really well done raminov and Derek you guys did a fantastic job all these people that worked on it really truly quite amazing oh schnoz I didn't click on the schnoz oh well really like I'm not joking this was fantastic every part of it was really really well done like super super super well done so thank you everybody for watching thank you for being a part of this and uh here comes the special surprise at the end [Music] and there's the surprise at the end it's a jump scare great good glad that happened well ooh extras here's the oh God look at that thing oh look at those teeth yeah look at those ears it's too fleshy I hate it but I love it that's phenomenal oh my God why do they look like a creepy Grandpa all of them every one of them does no okay this iteration of Freddy is much taller and lankier than most he's rocking this his iconic Top Hat in Bow Tie but both are outfitted with plaid material similar to Freddy this iteration of Bonnie is much lankier than most other designs I don't know if you know the definition of lanky he's been giving up mindless glasses and this color has shifted from dark Indigo to a tealish shade of blue yes this iteration of chica's theme not around food but sleeping she Dons an eye count in a sleeping cap and a cupcake has a pinky how adorable no foxy this fire pirate themed iteration of Foxy is withered to maintain that iconic look that everyone loves we wanted to push that theme a little further with the inclusion of lots of piercings radical hate everything about it this iteration of balloon boy isn't a boy at all he's actually a baby hence the name is oh balloon baby his face was made more doll like to match the Eerie Vibe but the rest of the character cast as always he's holding his balloons and wearing his iconic propeller hat with her lengthy spindly body this iteration of marionette slash puppet is more ragdoll-like she's also been given a nose and a set of ears to add to that creepy doll look that made it so iconic in Five Nights at Freddy's 2. oh during the Final Act of Jr's Freddy was torn to shreds leaving him with only one eye and a massive scar great oh withered body shares almost identical features to his design in Five Nights at Freddy's 2. during the final act because John was torn apart and ripped open much other good design probably got the most damage out of the entire animatronic cast I don't know about that maybe ah foxy tweaks quite a beating his left ear is completely torn off however he is already pretty withered to begin with ah no thank you ah no thank you no thank you oh oh you know weirdly enough this is the least horrifying of all of them somehow this is the least dramatic ah she appears to have very strong connection to Paul Bearer so you can do a race him during the game's Final Act thankfully you make it out alive and manage to Free pallbear by stabbing the ghost in the back of the neck trapping goes inside the Barons for the rest of her days Paul Bearer is a Polaris lovable and jolly friend that I don't trust Hong Kong definitely not he Indigo seem to have another worldly connection that is caused a divide in reality perhaps due to their similar deaths the real question is what is under that costume I forgot it was a costume completely weird okay [Music] not so bad not so bad okay oh yeah hey okay this is terrible nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope it's bad when you know it's bad from right here and it just gets worse somehow it just gets worse nope nope nope none of that nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope this one's fine I'm actually okay with this one I'm okay uh well not take that back I take it back everything I said not as okay as I thought I was that's cute that is cute that's not as cute oh that's cute that's pretty cute that's pretty cute that's fine that's fine fine with that fine with that fine all good here fine so far not fine that's the line ah fine back to Fine Again fine fine nah it's all right fine that's okay fine not that bad scrap content oh scrap menu scrap office wow scrap this all looks great why scrapped why scrap this looks great well I did like the final iteration though so I gotta say that was good whatever they landed whoa sting whole bunch of different stuff that could have happened I mean that's the thing about this like you could take all that you made here and make a completely different game and I would be totally fine with it because I love the mechanics that you had they were actually were fun the hide and seek thing it wasn't so much just like trying to find something it was trying to deduce something from the clues that you saw that is a good Twist on it I do enjoy that it was very fun like pure and simple very fun secrets that we hide oh such a funny a challenging experience but no matter what the community oh thank you oh thank you this was very very well done like you got to be proud of this this is super good and it's just one of those things where I'm saying like take these skills and make a real game out of it uh not not that this isn't a real game but I mean it's something that you can build in your own Universe because this is all fantastic like this is just really well done I just something about the style of like making these this way is horrifying I I don't like it it's unsettling in a way that's it's unsettling in a way that I haven't typically seen from animatronics because it's not quite uncanny valley like the animatronics are it's just something else entirely that's just unsettling I really I hate this but also I love this fan art that's really good but just like a glow the curves something about like the weird like smile very odd very odd extra renders good great oh good great good great I I want to know like who did this it was probably the same people but honestly like love that style party hard you know it you know it God you know it ugh fantastic fantastic fantastic Link in the description go check it out for yourself support the developers extra shifts what's in here I don't want to I don't wanna oh I don't wanna tierra's DLC oh no what is this seniors Sr all right I know I don't wanna I'm good turns out there's a lot of content in here so I'm just gonna oh night nothing so I'm just gonna let this go until the jump scare happens uh but you know honestly thank you everybody for watching you know oh I saw that okay so clearly something here but uh yeah just thank you all so much for uh being here and enjoying it I hope you did hope you enjoyed it and whoa night too guaranteed wow what is this doing huh so thank you everybody so much for watching uh remember I have a lovely podcast with Bob Wade that I think you'll enjoy I've played a bunch of Five Nights at Freddy's game they're in the description um uh uh can I help you so take care and uh as always we're gonna wait until this jumpscare and then the video is going to end abruptly but only when that thing scares us oh never mind [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,447,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: five nights at freddy's, jr's, five nights at JR's, fnaf, fnaf fan game, scary games, markiplier, markiplier fanf, indie horror, freddy, chica, bonnie, jr's part 2, ending
Id: g5gs78Cug44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 19sec (3619 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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