Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted - Part 13

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That Funtime foxy jumpscare was pretty cool

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SammiMCMG313 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Did he ever upload the video where he plays those in normal mode?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MAzayuer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and welcome back to Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted. We've got just One two three four five more challenges to go. We're not over yet, we've got the Dark Rooms. Which SHOULDN'T be too bad, to be perfectly honest. So if these go smooth, I'm hoping that I won't be too stressed about this. I just don't know how the timing's gonna be, in the dorkness. But I'm gonna TRY it real good. IN THE DORKNESS. DORKNESS. Okay, woah. Wait wait. WAIT a minute. Wait WAIT a minute. WHY am I tiny? WHY AM I TEENSY TINY??? Wait. IN WHOSE WORLD?!? What the... Okay alright woah. WHA Okay. Alright. I'm tiny But that's all right, because I may be accurate to my own height right now, But YOU, are not gonna beat me. Uh-huh not with your, not with your Big ol teeth and your tangly dick. Yeeah not this time. Alright. Come on. I maybe small, but I'm mighty. I got big ol' fists. Yeah. You wouldn't want none of this, would ya? Would ya? Haya! Okay. Alright. So I think it's the same type of game it's just that for some reason I'm tiny. Alright I gotta wait a lot longer because otherwise I'm gonna die. HUH... WOOoah kay. DU! Ho Ho HUEH. Aha, okay. Ahh man I gotta move him. Too early ahh god damn it. Ooh I'm gonna die. Shit! Ookay AHH FUCK! Alright here we go here we go. Here we go here we go. HOO! HEEY!!! YEEAH!!! EAT... DON'T EAT! Actually eat NOTHING of me. Eat absolutely little of me. Okay. Yee! Alright. Okay. Heh heh heh heh WOAH fucking what the fuck? What the hell are you?! What are you?! "I'M YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE." Umm... Okay, alright. That is... just probably not true. "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" "I'M GONNA EAT YOUR SOUL RIGHT OUT YOUR ASS." Uhh did you just threaten to eat my ass? "NOO. THAT'S NOT AT ALL WHAT I THINK." Uhhmm Listen. I've... I... I don't consent to any of that so I'm just gonna... I'm just gonna actually leave you there because you are creepy as hell. And I'm not even gonna bother with you. Blugh-huh. Nightmare BB. What is Nightmare BB? OOOH. THOSE ARE BALLOONS. Oh boy. Nightmare BB is gonna be a BIG BOI. Oh we are gonna have a big balloon boy aren't we? Balloon boy? OOH SHIT. OOOH. I'm not tiny though, that's good. *BB laughs* Whuh? Oboe? Hello? Oh how am I-?! How am I supposed to be able to do this? [BB laughs] Heeey... You're still there? You're still even on that. You bsdhfjh go away! [BB laughs] Okay, yeah, he's on the ground over there, I think. Hoo! Okay, he moved. Okay. Alright. This is fine. Hoo. Did he move? [BB laughs] Now don't be thrown off by that. Okay, he's real close right there. That's okay. [BB vocalizes] HUEY! Hoo! He went away! I don't know where he went but he's there. [BB laughs] OH. OOH OOO-kay. Alright. A little more. A little more. [Jumpscare Warning] [Mark+BB both scream] URGGGG *signs* God damn it. [Jumpscare Warning] You fu-- OH MY GOD!!! Alright. That actually got me. That got me real good. Yeah it got me real good. Okay, but not gonna... I think I punched my knuckle because my knuckle hurts. Oh really? Okay, I guess I'm going back in now, alright. Where are you, you son of a bitch? There you are. Okay cool. Good. YOU throw your balloon party. Your stupid big bubbly balloon party. You do whatever you want because I... I don't care. You're gonna get your face full [BB laughs] of fist next time you come at me. HUH? You come at me unprepared? You get un... [BB laughs] your ass gonna be unprepared for this fist. Ahh god dang it I gotta stop threatening people with a good time. [BB laughs] Eh! Okay... [BB laughs] Alright. Here we go. EUEUH!!! [BB laughs] Oh shit. YEEHHHY! Huh OOH! Okay, come on. [BB laughs] Last chance, last chance. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Ehh DDDTTTT! [Distressed] OH OOOHH OOHHH OHH great! Great, great! Great. Ohhhh oooh HOOOOO HOOOOO! Hoooooo! OOH! [Normal] I GOT A 'LOON. GUYS, I GOT A 'LOON. Ooh I can't eat the 'loon? No! My 'loon. Oh shit. Ahh tits. DO YOU KNOW BOUT THIS? YOU KNOW BOUT THIS ONE? Hey. Come here. Can I touch you? Ooh you're just outside the zone, OKAY ALRIGHT! You be. Okay you be no touch but. I'mma get you. Anyway do you know about this??? How dick this is? Do you know? Do you know how dit---Alright this is gonna SUCK. I have no idea how they are gonna change it but it was bad before. It was like impossible before how am I gonna do it now? Alright whatever ok. Alright. I remember how to do the flashlights Stupid Ooh they're all– oh oh oh [Distressed] WOW...HI.. Oh shit. Uh they're all... If they're all like that then how... [Grunt] Oh shit what the fu... Where is that?! Baby: I guess you forgot about us NO I DIDN'T FORGET I DON'T AHHHH COME ON AHHAHAHHAHH!!! I dead UUUAHHHHH Oh shit Hello? Uh oh, well I'm doomed. I'm doomed, ok. There's gotta be... There's like one spazzing out somewhere? Just shaking up a OOOOH... [B laughs] Yeah. Yeah I don't like it when you stare at me. Kinda it gives a dead giveaway. Ooh shit. Dead giveaway! [B laughs] Deeaad giveaway. β™ͺ Dead Giveaway β™ͺ B: you should have known I'd find you Oh my OOOOOHHHH Wait x8 Wait x8 What? Hello? OOH. I SAW THAT! I SAW ONE UP THERE! B: two, one Oh I'm fucked I'M FUCKED I'M FUCKED I'M FUCKED I'M FUCKED AHHHHHHH!!!!! [B laughs] I'm alive? B: wanna see the scooping room? NO I DON'T, no thank you. ok, alright, Okay, I'm doing ok. I'm doing ok. β™ͺ Somehow, I'm alive... β™ͺ β™ͺ Don't know how, but I'm alive. β™ͺ β™ͺ doesn't make a lot of sense β™ͺ B: I heard your call. I see you... I hear YOUR call. I hear your call. Come on, Gimme x4 Just little flashes, little... little flooshes. That's all I need. ooooOOOOOHH [B laughs] Okay. Little floshes. Little flickers This is gonna be real hard on everybody's eyes B: You won't die, Oh what B: ...Two, one You just moved... wait, you were... I'm gonna die HUAHHHHHH! This is fine [Jumpscare Warning] [Mark+Baby scream] [Static] URGGGGGGGGH [Jumpscare Warning] DRGRGRGRG Ok back in. EASY PEEZY, easy peez me. Easy my peezes. Okay, I think little flickers? It's exactly... what we need to beat this. I see you up there. Oh, they definitely are distinct B: I heard your call No no no, you didn't hear any call. What call? OOOOOOOOO I didn't call, I didn't call. I did NOT call, I intentionally didn't call. I would never call. I'm not that type of... person. Wait I saw... I saw, saw something over there. Shit There's got to be another one around here somewhere B: You won't die [B laughs] I will.. not die, thank you for the reassurance, [B laughs] [Grunt] ok, alright So there's only so many places that they could be As long as I keep checking everywhere OOOOOOO [B laughs] Ooh, I see you up there [B laughs] You were hard to spot, admittedly B: You should have know I'd find you [B laughs] Yeah I'd - well I mean I know a lot of things but number one of them is that I am going to LIIIIVE [B laughs] ok There's a very behind the brain thing Going on in my head B: ...Two, one no-no-noooo No-no [B laughs] -no-no no-no [Jumpscare Warning] [Mark+B both scream] Wha... God freakin'– Goddamnit Where were you?!? Where were you? [Jumpscare Warning] Frickin' ger-gadurr [Cupcake screams] get you every time Okay Alright So that's how it's going to be, huh? [B laughs] You go there so I'm just lookin' casually Shoom, shoom (x7) Shoom, wait- what [Confused] Wha- [B laughs] What's the whole disappearing act/thing You can't just pop away, once I find you Okay, Shoom x11 [B laughs] Shoom x11 Shoom x11 I feel like there's more I think there's a problem, it's just flickering Because it can make them move [B laughs] Because it can make them move I see you [B laughs] ok good so far so far so good [B laughs] is that one? B: You won't die. M: it was one oh shit x2 oh fuck, oh shit oh shit, I'm gonna die [Jumpscare Warning] [Mark+B scream] god damn it. they do the thing if I... if I see them but I flicker away frick, ok they're only [Jumpscare Warning] BRAHHHH [Cupcake screams] they are only in so many zones they are only in so many zones So long as I find the zones that they are in. [B laughs] and I check the zones It's top Center [thunk] and up Is that one over there? No Right? Yeah Right? Yeah [B laughs] right there. Using a bit too much power I can check these zones quicker where are you? B: ...Two, one How? Oh, I see you [B laughs] ok, I'm looking for the eyes it's real tricky But I don't think it's that bad come on ok. I've missed one. I know I have [B laughs] I- my hindbrain is telling me that something is oh, yea. right there got you. oh, both of you. [B laughs] oh, two. That's the other one that's another hiding place that I've missed back there. That was real hard you're there. [B laughs] I see you. oh two of you's [B laughs x2] ok, cool, good good good. so far so good ok, what the hell where are you? [wooden creak] oh shit, oh fuck ok that's- I'd ok [B laughs] ok ok x4 B: You won't die oh shit. There's another one. I hope I got em. oh fuck. I'm gonna die... I missed [Jumpscare Warning] [Mark+B scream] fuck x4. come on [groan] shit [Mark imitates Freddy laugh] ho he, ho he, hoe he [Jumpscare Warning] [Cupcake screams] frick... uh.., goddammit. ok I was very close to the end but I lost track of one of them. and I could FEEL it in my head it's weird that I can like [B laughs] FEEL it, Like I now, I've seen something and it's not there like something that out of place. It just a- it's a big where's waldo where's wumbo wittle wumbo wumbo de tumbo B: I guess you forgot about me. M: Where the fuck are you? [B laughs] ok, a- up there [B laughs] ok, a-up there ok cool that one was hard.You're there, ok, cool, easy [B laughs] easy x3. I got em I got you guys [B laughs] ok, you can't hide from me. [B laughs] [B laughs] doing so good [B laughs] doing sooo good sooo good so far B: you should have known I'd find you. [B laughs] oh, was that another one? was there another one there? up there. oof oof oof, oofus oofus ok, they are scooping up. they're speeding their scoopers where are you? oh shit, oh fuck. there you are. If I don't find one every few seconds towards the end here doll: do you want to see the scooping room? no I don't. No that's right ok I'm close, very close. There you are come on. Where are you? I know you're there. There you are doll: two, one no no, greuuuush. *sign* ok, come one. You there, I see you ok come on. [victory bell toll] YES It's not doing the thing wait. is that a trick, are you tricking me. you're tricking me aren't you. oh, I thought you were tricking me. uurrgggghhhh exotic beverage, woah is that like exotic butters 300% carbs [crunch sfx] that doesn't seem about right but ok I'll take it yea, logical. I like logic, logic is good oh,you're gone ok. *sign* alright *sign* ok, huff Oh NO this one was impossible as it was oh not- oh shit this one was impossible How in the hell HOW [Jumpscare Warning?] ptf, what the fuck, what!? what *laughs* excu- a fucking what?! hi. [Jumpscare Warning] what? ok? I'm sorry? oh fuck me oh eat my ass oh, they all move Oh My God Oh My God oh this is awful oh this is awful I'm just gonna stand here and look at this and die but holy shit oh my god ha I can't - I I can't. Just kill me. Holy shit. You're over there you're over there. There's multiple of you ok, but you don't seem to be moving that much ok, ordinarily I'd be dead by now. if it was the other thing, uh huh uh huh, uh huh what happens if I go here? what was that? oh shit oh you weren't even in play yet. oh wait oh, oh, your'e LOL oh shit I'm- oh frick ok yea I'm dead just kill me, just kill me, kill me kill me kill me, just kill me I hate this x6. I hate this. I hate THAT just fucking end me. oh hi I hate. oh god. I don't know where you went oh fuck that. Fuck that in every way. ok the- I'm too close to you oh, too close still ok. I'm not getting any farther ok, I didn't see eyes ok, there's eyes. I'm too close to that who boy. Alright ok, come with me who boy. Alright ok, come with me. This way x3 oh boy. Keep coming with me. oh boy. come on fuck alright ok alright ok that's dangerous, that's real dangerous ok, we're real close. uh oh hooo too close. Too close, too close. ok that's too close way too close, way too close way too close. Come on this way this way this way. *Mark whispers* all good *incomprehensible whispers from Mark* *Mark groans* *Mark groan* oohhhhhhhhh *sigh* ok hehehe, ha oh wait, what. don't jumpscare me. I- I don't like this- I can't grab it . why can't I grab this, don't you want to be eaten by me, huh? you wanna be eaten, you come on, I know you do. come on where are you? come on just give me. Just give me a tantalizing taste of you oh come oh I just want a sweet treat that can't be beat oh come on please. Please with your buck teeth and your oversaturated fats. hummm, yum yum yum I want the sugar, get in me. Cmon, give me some sugar. please, please, please. oohhh alright well. it's a- it's apparently a ghost cupcake it don't exist in this plane of reality pfft. Ok fine then goodbye I guess you won't be eaten today stupid. ok so that is oh fuck pizza party, wait, why does that look like that? wait a minute why does that look like that that- that's clearly the curtain there wait, that one doesn't have- that one wait thats that one that one has stars on it. That one doesn't have stars on it. and remember one time- like in the first episode I did of this when the curtain came up what was that all about, why did I see them? then! that's alot of questions I don't know the answer too but for now, we're gonna get out of nightmare world and a- we are going to continue that in the next one. so we've only got one thing left and it's probably gonna be the ultimate challenge in this game but I've been pretty good at all of these challenges thus far so thank you, everybody, so much for watching there is probably only going to be one more episode of this game but might I say this has been a really cool experience, this has been one of the best five nights at freddy's it's oh- it's it's - it's probably one of my favourite five nights at freddy's games ever made. just because it's so immersive, it's so terrifying it really brings the fear to life. it's just awesome, I love this alot so thank you, everybody, so much for watching, a check out all the other Five Nights at Freddy's stuff I've done in the description below or in the recommended videos subscribe fro more cool stuff, ring that bell, hit that like thanks guys so much for being here and as always, I'll see you in the next video. Buh Bye outro plays haunted by shurk
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,738,765
Rating: 4.973938 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, fnaf, five nights at freddy's help wanted vr, part 13, secrets, glitches
Id: RtQMcGNw_ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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