When you ruin the DM's plans | Critical Role Highlight | Campaign 2, Episode 47

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and orally begins to make the course you hear Marius Paul shouting from the crow's nest that there's a ship emerging you turn it and look towards the southern island of the archipelago and see emerging from a seaside cave that you had not noticed upon entry a the the front of a ship the bow piercing the edge and making its way towards yeah what's the distance from the ship this point you can gather as you're turning around a heading that direction because you were kind of a they're kind of towards that southern island for the place in between the three and where you found it's maybe about at this point 2,000 or so feet away from you okay so you are taking down some of the crew to begin Manning the guns yes no all right so you have the special officer action area special officer action there's also one here for the captain and the first mate with the statistics for your ship Talzin you have any idea with the range on a cannon is far the catch one here for the cannons you have here are 128 short-range 480 foot long range still have a control water someone's there within 300 feet I can make their life very unpleasant so can we do each of these actions on our turns or one of these actions around each of you can do one of these on on your turn for the round once we engage in any sort of ship ship combat but right now you guys aren't are too far away so you choose now you could either choose to engage or you can choose to try it out right under fight say it now what do you want to do you said Ron I think yeah I did idea yeah but you've already risked a lot for me I think they wouldn't be here if we didn't have something that they want we'll see how fast their will will turn to flee go get water all right we said it is smaller probably faster and its crew are looking to try and catch up and engage so probably faster we'll find out yeah let's go ahead and let's roll initiative for the it's really initiative guys uh all of us are just for our boat for all of you and the book has its own initiative in giving the orders to move you guys are managing to stay pretty neck-and-neck as far as travel for the moment maintain just maintaining a fair distance as you head northeast just passing beyond the island to the east side of you pushing outside of the archipelago the wind begins to die a little bit and your speed slows so does there as it seems but it doesn't their sails maintain up their sails to beginning they got magic engage yeah can we put them between us and Lance that maybe if we can grab them I have no idea I don't either other Roger of where we are in relation to anything okay how clear how clear is the Houston I'll show you show us this is you guys about thousand and nine hundred feet away for let's see what they use your land masses will stay I sure that'll work well Said's are coming around here this is the island you guys are heading this is north this is East coming through this space here and we use this here is the other Island as you moving past we'll say Calvin let's hug the coast to our right a little hard maybe I can once they get close enough shove them it's done by the coast off the starboard yeah and shove them into the rocks maybe we're still excited 300 400 yards I can't do anything till there's 300 feet away sure yeah let's let's aim to hug the coast on the starboard side okay they gain to about 400 feet 300 feet now what what do you do I am going to cast control water and I'm just gonna shove that on like all the water I'm just gonna push them right into the end of the into the island state with a tidal wave yeah it's now can't quite tie the way if I can you redirect flow or I can do whirlpool I think erm I - it's a way it's a way okay that's what I was worried you could do a few different things wave that travels from one 25 percent Jimmy are capsizing correct all right I'm throwing them into the into the end of the onto the island all right well he's doing that - should we turn to engage or no no all right all right so you're attempting to capsize the ship 25% chance go ahead I'll make that 30 percent chance go ahead and roll percentage die for me if you don't mind as you guys watch as conduces concentrates you watch it's good well if the first one percentile percentile yes sir all right what so yeah got them yeah 15 15 you watch as the ocean swells up and slams into the ship in the ships sighs scrapes onto the edge of what looks to be a bank of heavy rocks just walk sit down it's really tiring off make it so turn turn to port prepare to fire all right so so see what they have on board yeah after we splinter this job she's gonna go ahead and get rid of that initiative order that's not set aside all these great yeah you gather as you begin to turn the ship around and watch their ship they do not have anything to write it from being capsized against a bunch of jagged rock if they could survive this barrage yeah for the purposes of brevity that was a 30% chance for an immediate win we were gonna turn to pores get it done and and you you as you turn around and prepare the cannons the you see the the the top half of the sideways ship we're gonna slipped over to where the actual base of the hull and the cargo hold is now visible at the top bits of the the masts have snapped and are now floating in the sails in the ocean you could see a few people that are starting to scream off from underneath as you let loose a volley of cannon fire on it 1313 2008 the first two another one Sam's no he'll go enroll damage thankfully most of this was was available as an as an honor throw in D&D and I did my own tweaks and so about an hour home or the sales were the kid and yeah 30 weights of damage 30 points damaged splinter into the Hall which is every ticket ship tuna damaged yeah ships hmm sorry Mike Morell so we tried to pay with a little more they just maybe the shot though the cannon blast looked it back over again and there they got a second wind [Laughter] well I mean yes it was a ship waiting for us to do what we did only put my papers away way to break the game yet I will make sure you will never get to shoot a cannon I will be make sure all right so well done you uh cheated the hell out of that but
Channel: SpeckoGirl
Views: 1,748,594
Rating: 4.9435492 out of 5
Keywords: critical role, campaign 2, mighty nein, caduceus clay, control water, matthew mercer, taliesin jaffe, travis willingham, marisha ray, laura bailey, liam obrien, sam riegel, nott the brave, naval battle, pirate, dnd, dungeons and dragons
Id: 2bfdFLxwsGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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