Fishing Knots - Dropper Loop

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what's going on y'all welcome to another not tired tutorial this week we're going to be tying a drop or not or a loop knot but this is not like you've seen it tied anywhere else before my professional career is in safety and this is a knot that we use when we do rescue teams and this that another so it's actually a butterfly knot but it's better than any loop knot that's also easier to tie than anyone you've seen them before and it's super fast super easy so y'all stay tuned we're gonna go ready to get into it alright so getting into the dropper loop or the butterfly knot rather which is a substitution of the dropper loop and this is a much faster easier not to tie and it's much stronger there's a reason that rescue takes use this to save people's lives and literally hoist them up from canyons and holes and and this that and the other so the knot is strong because it does not bite down into the line and it doesn't call to weak points so without further ado I'm gonna go ahead and get into the tying of this knot it's really fast really easy so what you're going to do you're gonna wrap your line so this is my leader right here I'm using orange 550 cord so you can see the knot time process if I were to use a leader you would not be able to see it so using this orange cordage okay so this represents my leader all I'm going to do is lay that leader on my hand just like so alright what I want to do is take my tag into that leader and I'm gonna choke because I'm gonna need a little bit of line to form this knock so I'm gonna take that leader and I'm going to wrap it across my hand forming an X okay so get your line laying down you come over your hand forming X go ahead and wrap it one more time around your hand running the next line directly beside that line alright see you should have three different lines come and cross your hand what you want to do is take the middle line or the second line that you rat through take that middle line pull it up push it under the other two lines go ahead and grab that line pull your main and tag in lines pull it tight boom there's your dropper loop okay drop her loop tag in main line alright that's pretty much it I mean it's a really simple fast easy knot to tie it does take a little bit of practice but super fast super easy super strong alright so I'm gonna use this white line to show y'all at real speed how to tie this knot once again super fast and I'll put it on a G head to show you all kind of give you a representation of maybe why you would tie this and why you would use it so go ahead get into it grabbing the white line across my hand take my tag in wrap one time say it town wrap directly beside that grab the middle cordage push it up under my other two lungs grab it slip my hand out pull my main line in the tag line got my dropper loop four butterfly knot and that is it that's the knot and it ain't going nowhere so just tied the butterfly knot aka drop or not alright so you're gonna take your jig head or your hook or whatever you have and you're going to place it you're going to pinch that dropper loop and you're going to shove it through that guide of your G header hook mm-hmm once you shove it through so I don't hook myself once you shove it through you're just going to run that loop up back to the head pull them back down which secures that G head in the middle of your leader now why would you want to do this if you are in very very high current situations and you wanted to still use a small bait presentation in those currents you could tie dropper loop you could still use your quarter ounce of G head or something of that nature to hold that that natural presentation of that artificial lure or bait or whatever you have and what you would do is on the bottom end of your leader you would go ahead and tie a normal knot that you dilute knot or Clint's not whatever you want to tie around maybe a one and a half two ounce drop weight and what that's going to do is drop that all the way to the bottom but still holding your G head up causing the current to move that quarter ounce G head wit against the current which is going to give it kind of a natural prison taste of a bait fish trying to swim up current so that's it that's the butterfly / dropper loop knot whatever you want to call it my version of it if you would hit that like button and subscribe to the channel comment if you liked it stay tuned for future comment thanks for watching
Channel: Southern Salt Kayak Fishing
Views: 9,818
Rating: 4.8601398 out of 5
Keywords: Fishing knot, fishing knots, dropper loop knot, knots, butterfly knot, easy knots, easy fishing knots, how to fish, fishing, knot tying, simple fishing knots, simple knots, dropper knot, dropper loop, loop knot, dropper loop rig, how to tie, how to tie a dropper loop, cách buộc lưỡi câu, câu cá, how to fishing, cách làm phao câu cá, deep sea fishing, dropper loop fishing knot, fishing knots for hooks
Id: 9bPXabc3YeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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