DROPPER LOOP Setup | How to Fish | Yellowtail , Tuna , White Sea Bass , Halibut

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[Music] all right now film me all right okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna show you the proper way to deploy the dropper loop because when you're fishing a dropper loop you don't want to cast it out there five miles and throw the bait out ninety percent of the time the guys always ask me hey cap are you marking any and i go yep right under the boat and then the guys cast out a mile i'm marking them under the boat that means the fish are under the boat don't cast you're going to drop a dropper loop straight down that's why it's called a dropper loop bizarre i know but don't cast a dropper loop out you drop drop or loop goes dropped straight down drops a dropper loop gang we would call it a caster loop if we wanted you to cast it out it's called a dropper loop because we want you to drop it straight down over the side so look we got our sinker we got everything tied up like we showed you we're gonna take our hook we got a mackerel right here in the bucket we're just gonna show you quick and easy we're gonna use a mackerel okay yeah a little spanish mackerel right here we've got a nose hook and if you look right in the front of these when god made these he made a spot for your hook it's already set up it's got a couple holes there the nostrils you go right through there side to side it's kind of tough it's a good spot though quit wiggling you go right through there and you drop it straight down to the bottom now look bring it over here to the reel when you drop your drop when you whenever you're holding your rod your fishing pole your rod index finger goes on the spool in index finger on the spool thumb on the trigger when you're dropping it down you're gonna go all the way down to the bottom okay when it gets down there the line is gonna stop going out how many times have you been bit when you're letting it out a lot of times so if your hand is back here and your other hand is itching your butt or picking your nose you're not going to be in position you want to have your index finger on the spool your thumb on the trigger so when it starts to take off super fast you just click it in gear and start catching your fish now this has made it all the way down to the bottom so the weight is if chuck was to bring it out here to the tip you'll see see how it's all loose right there that lets me know the weight is laying on the bottom so then i'll take a half a crank off the bottom and i set with the reel look back over here i set with the reel in gear with the dropper loop that macro sitting down there on the bottom and swimming around in circles oh we're getting a bite already bring it out to the tip so we got that there we got our right hand on the handle our left hand's always in front of the reel when that fish bites we are hand on the handle if you look at the tip now go back to the tip you'll see it tap tap tap tap tap that's the macro swimming around when the yellow tail grabs it it's going to actually pull the tip down into the water you're going to drop your tip when it gets straight down and you feel a steady pull i'm going to tell you to take two cranks and lift up hard set that hook drive that hook out of the mackerel and into the yellowtail's mouth but when you're using a dropper loop you're always fishing in gear we're not letting them run with it we're making sure that the weight is tapping the bottom and then we're back in gear and we're just letting that macro stay right down on the bottom it's super important to always be checking the bottom and making sure your macro is staying on the bottom now a lot of times your macro is going to be too strong for your weight let me show you something that we do to these mackerel when they're too strong for the weight okay we're gonna take our we're gonna take our real clippers this time we have a pair of clippers all right hang on one second guys i know you're liking this video and you watch my videos all the time look at most of you don't understand all of this is available to you in one single format called your saltwaterguide.com you can see exactly how we tie the dropper loop you can see exactly how we tie on the surface iron how to fish the yoyo iron we come every single thing you see plus how to fly the kite how to do every single thing there is to do to catch fish we cover it all at yoursaltwaterguide.com let's get back to showing you how to fish with the dropper loop but i just wanted you all to know don't forget yoursaltwaterguide.com i always want to make sure that you know the proper way to watch it chuck you clip off part of his motor it could be the top fin or the bottom fin now he's still alive we haven't injured him it's like cutting your toenails now though he's not going to have a tendency to swim that around so much it's going to keep that weight down on the bottom that is a trick that we picked up 45 years ago clip your macro's tail that'll keep him right on the bottom he won't be swimming that weight around but he'll still be swimming like a son of a but he won't be going anywhere okay then we'll drop them back down to the bottom we'll show you one more time how to properly put this bait on the bottom okay we're going right back down to the bottom come to the reel index finger on the spool thumb on the trigger in freeze pull dropping it down it's going down to the bottom right now when it gets to the bottom you know what happened the line stops going out look at that the line stopped going out that means we're on the bottom now we go into gear and we make sure we can feel it tap and you see the tip the macro is still swimming around down there he's still tapping the tip then when the yellowtail grabs it it's going to be a pull it's going to pull on it it's going to pull the tip down into the water we take two cranks pull up hard try to break the rod set the hook and then keep winding till the fish comes in that is dropper loop fishing any other way if your sister's brother's cousin's aunt uncle told you to hold this reel different hold the rod different they're lying to you i wouldn't brag about oh i don't hold it first thing you're doing is you're watching this video and you go oh i don't hold my rod that way or i don't hold my fishing pole that way i don't hold the reel that way well then you're doing it wrong and why would you brag about doing something wrong this is how if you ever watch any professional fishermen guys that fish for a living every single day not comic book characters on instagram that caught a fish once i'm talking about guys that fish every single day for a living this is exactly how they hold the rig the left hand goes in front index finger on the spool when they're letting the line out thumb on the trigger instantly into gear ready to go ready to catch a fish this is the right way any other way is the wrong way and if you're sitting there with your wife or your husband or your boyfriend and you're telling them well that's not how i hold it quit bragging about doing it wrong because you're doing it wrong and i'm sorry all i'm trying to do is teach you the right way to do everything now look if you just watch youtube videos to watch people catch fish then you're on the wrong channel i am the guy that teaches you how to catch those fish so that you can be the guy that other people are filming catching fish if you want to watch people catch fish then go to some other channel i'm going to teach you how to catch them that's all i know how to do is how to kill fish that's all i've ever done my whole life that's how i bought my houses my cars got my beautiful wife it's all about catching fish and that's what i'm trying to teach you all how to do index finger on the spool thumb on the trigger left hand in front of the reel drop your dropper loop down to the bottom wait for that big giant whopper yellow tail to grab it wheel it up take a picture there we go we released our bait proper we don't have to worry about none of that stuff it's all over thanks for joining us today this is how you store it in between trips you just wrap the wrap the weight around your handle randall your hooks up here along the line remember never hook your hook onto your guides these ceramic guides will chip and break you don't put your hook on the ceramic guides you don't put your weight on the ceramic guide you wrap the line around your handle because that way you're ready when it's time to drop down when your captain gets you on the fish again and he says all right let him go all you do is unwrap this pin your macro onto that hook and drop it down to the bottom it's pretty simple don't be a bugger eater don't make it harder than it is and don't brag about doing it wrong all right thanks for joining us
Channel: Your Saltwater Fishing Guide
Views: 8,075
Rating: 4.8232932 out of 5
Keywords: dropper loop setup, dropper loop rig, how to fish yellowtail, deep drop yellowtail, how to fish for halibut, halibut rig, live bait rig, dropper loop, captain dave hansen, dave hansen, yellowtail tips, tuna tips, halibut tips, fishing, fishing knots, fishing tips, dropper rig, dropper knot, knot, dropper loop knot, how to tie a dropper loop rig, fishing rig tutorial, how to tie a dropper loop, dropper loop fishing knot
Id: OIqdmhKfuOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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