Homemade Air Fryer Fish & Chips

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every great pub has a delicious fish and chips recipe or at least they should but you don't have to go out you can now make a delicious fish and chips right in your airfryer at home and i'm going to show you how to do it welcome to the salted pepper where we cook for real life using real food and we keep it real simple today we're gonna bring the pub food home we're gonna make it at home that is making our own air fryer fish and chips this recipe is so fantastic it was shockingly good honestly i could not tell the difference that it was not deep fried this is amazing and it's really easy to do we're going to start off with a couple of breading stations here so we need a flour then we need a wet batter and then we have our bread crumb batter so i'm going to go ahead and mix that up i still have my fish in the refrigerator i will take that out just before i start to batter them you want to thaw and keep your fish in the refrigerator until just before using you also want to thaw them if you can above like a put a tray and then like if you have a roasting pan that works really great so that any liquid drips off and doesn't stay around your fish because you don't want your fish too wet when you go to put them in the batter all right so the first thing we're going to do is mix up flour because the fish is kind of on the wet side you want to start with a flour and what i'm using here is a half of a cup of just all-purpose flour and then i have one tablespoon of sugar one teaspoon of fine grind sea salt and a half of a teaspoon of black pepper and that sugar is of course optional but really these fish and chips are amazing so i hope you give it a try with the sugar or you could use a sugar substitute if you wanted to so just mix that up all right that looks good and now we are going to make our wet batter and this is a wet batter that i do a lot with a lot of different recipes and i'm not changing anything i'm using a half of a cup of cold liquid in this case i'm going to use beer but i've also tested the recipe with water and it works just fine so beer or water whichever you prefer and then one large egg and then just take a fork and whisk this up a little bit just to break up the egg and get it incorporated with the beer then we're going to sift in three quarters of a cup of all-purpose flour or at least i should say we're going to sift in as much as it takes to get the batter to the consistency that we want now for this recipe the consistency of the batter is a little bit thicker than some of the other ones but i'm still using three quarters of a cup of flour so i'm just going to put in about a quarter of a cup at a time or so here and use a little sifter and go across the top now it's important that you don't whisk this in you want to fold in the flour there we go once you get you want to take a fork or a chopstick and you just want to fold in the flour so don't really be aggressive with this because you don't want to develop the gluten in the flour and make it really sticky and gummy in some of my other recipes that call for the same one egg half a cup of liquid and three quarters cup of flour i have to add just a tad bit more liquid to it to get it to the right consistency but what i found with this and it being fish that a little bit thicker was better so you'll see that i take this just a little bit thicker so i won't be adding any more water unless of course it's just way too thick which i don't think it's going to be so now i'm going to incorporate the rest of this flower kind of smooth out any lumps and then we will get our fish out and we will start to coat everything up all right so there we go so this would be like a thick pancake batter okay usually i'd go for a thin pancake batter but that did not hold on to the fish as well so i took this just a little bit thicker and it works really well now as you're breading you can you know add a little bit more water if you need to you can add a little bit more flour so just go by the way it's coating the fish you want a nice thin layer of it you want it to coat the fish completely now to the bread crumbs which this is one cup of bread crumbs i'm gonna add two teaspoons of sugar one teaspoon of fine grind sea salt and a half of a teaspoon of pepper these ingredients here are enough to probably coat i would say six to eight pieces of fish i'm gonna coat six even though i'm only gonna fry a few up here air fry them um i'm gonna keep some in the freezer for another day so let me go grab the fish we're going to get to coating them and then we need to freeze them that's super important and i'll explain that in just a second so each of these cod filets are about four ounces and they were previously frozen so i let them fall in the refrigerator out of their packaging on a roasting tray so that the liquid went underneath and then i just sat them on a paper towel just to absorb the rest of the liquid so you want the fish to be as dry as it possibly can then you want to dredge it in the flour mixture let me grab my little spoon here you want just a very light coating of the flour just so that the wet batter sticks so i even get rid of any excess but i do go on the sides too so that the entire fish is lightly coated and i haven't quite figured out how to do this without getting my hands dirty but i try to minimize it as much as possible then you want to put your fish into the wet batter here take a fork and just sort of spoon it over this is where it changes up a little bit from some previous recipes too so once i have it battered i do let the excess drip off but now when we put it into the breading i let it sit there for a few minutes and that is so the bread crumbs combine with this batter and and stay put so it doesn't just fall off the fish so we're gonna go just like that if there's any batter that's not you know not sticking there just go ahead and use your fork and i think i need another spoon and then spoon over and press it up against the sides here of course you could use whatever seasonings you it but i found this blend with a little bit of sugar and salt and pepper really it just tasted just like fish and chips that you would get that were deep fried at the pub all right then i let that sit just for a few minutes while i go on and bread up put the flour mixture on another one you could do several in the flower if you wanted to it's no problem now i just give a little pat with my hands here and make sure that it's all going to stay on that fish and let's grab the fork here flip it over again put the breading back over top and if you see the texture here that gives crunch it's amazing so don't worry about that when you see like little pieces of the fish that have more breading on them all right and then put it on to a parchment line tray because we're gonna put it in the freezer they need to freeze for a few hours at least an hour before you air fry them and that is so that you don't overcook your fish so your fish is nice and flaky but your breading is super crispy it's delicious all right there we go so we are all done with our fish definitely could have gotten about eight i would have squeezed out eight i might have had to thin my batter down a little bit the wet batter in the middle but definitely enough flour and bread crumbs to do eight of those fillets no problems whatsoever but you won't be able to cook them all at once unless you have a super super big air fryer all right so let me pop these in the freezer and i'm going to clean this up and then we will get our potatoes out so that i can cut them for the chips part of our airfryer fish and chips all right so while the fish is in the freezer freezing we're going to make up the chip portion which is we call french fries in the u.s chips over in the uk and we're gonna do that with two russet potatoes this is one and a half pounds of russets you could use one you know one potato two potatoes through potatoes whatever you want to use is perfectly fine but we need to get them soaking so this is a great time to do that now this one is flat on the one side well it's actually flat on both sides so i don't really have to cut off a piece but if you needed to make a slice you can do that make a slice down about a quarter of an inch thick and then you have a good flat surface for cutting your potato now this one i am not going to take the skins off because i like my chips with the skins on but you could certainly take them off if you want cutting them in about probably i would say half inch slice just about i'm not going to be too particular or anything about that you just don't want a whole lot of really big ones and little small ones or they won't cook evenly but as long as you're right around them the half inch mark will be fine or if you want them all a quarter of an inch that would be fine you would just decrease your cook time if you wanted them thicker like like wedge fries you would increase your cook time a little bit so you can make them however you like all right that's it didn't take any time at all super easy to cut french fries at home it is also super important to soak them in water this is going to pull some of the starch out and it's what allows the fries to get super crispy otherwise if you don't soak them they tend to start to fall apart before they really crisp up because of the starch content so we really want to pull as much starch out as we can i let this i let these soak for a couple of hours while i let the uh the fish freeze but if you wanted to make your fish up ahead of time you know a couple days before whatever you can just leave them to soak for about you know an hour or two or you could put them in the refrigerator but you do need to change the water out periodically because the starch will saturate everything and then not pull any more starch out so if you want to leave them overnight just make sure you change the water out before you go to sleep and then again in the morning and you'll be fine so it's been about an hour and i just checked on the fish and they are almost completely frozen so that's pretty quick and our french fries or chips in this case have been soaking for an hour or so now what we're going to do is dry them off i don't know if i'm going to cook them all in one batch i doubt i will but i am going to start to dry them off on some paper towels here all right i'll set those over let's see well let me go ahead and i'll do them since i'm going to probably cook maybe three of the pieces of fish depends on how many fit let me do half of a batch of the fries now and half of a batch later and i'm always going to call them fries because that's what we call them here in the u.s all right so once you dry them off you can put them on a tray or in a bowl whatever you prefer we're gonna spritz with a little bit of oil and season with a little bit of salt and pepper is what i like to do or you can just season with salt or you can skip that all together completely up to you now let's get the ninja foodie preheated you know i always like to preheat any airfryer that i'm working with and i'm going to do that on the broil function on the ninja foodie because that is the hottest setting and we're going to go for 10 full minutes the basket is in that's what i'm going to use to cook the fish and chips is the basket i'm also going to use a rack so that we can do both at the same time this will vary depending on what style air fryer you have if you have the grill you can start the fries and then sort of push them over to the side and then add the fish in the fries take a little bit longer to cook than the fish twice as long honestly so we're gonna cook these about 12 to 15 minutes and then we will put the fish in so if you're using another type of air fryer just stagger the cook times or you can do them in batches you can fully cook the french fries let them uh let them cool on a cooling rack and then throw them back in at the last minute and re-warm them that works as well so we're going to go a full 10 minutes on the hottest setting that your air fryer or ninja foodie or instant pot joe crisp has just the hottest setting will work great spritz with some oil whatever kind of oil you like i usually either use a canola or avocado oil i don't usually use olive oil when i'm making something like this and i don't measure this at all so i just sprinkle a little bit of pepper and a little bit of salt so that might be a quarter of a teaspoon and a half of a teaspoon if that and then toss them around a little bit just so they're completely coated all right so we're all done preheating so open up the lid and we're just gonna dump these right on in people always ask can you do more than a single layer of fries at a time and yes you can now i don't think i would go much more than this just because i don't think that they would get evenly crispy enough but you certainly can add more than just a single layer at a time all right now we're going to close the lid we're going to switch over to the air crisp function we want to go to 400 degrees and just hit the start it'll default to 20 minutes that's perfectly fine about every three to five minutes i'm going to toss those fries around so that they continue to evenly crisp up and brown and i go by looks mostly because of course you know i cut fries a little bit differently each time so i go by looks more than timing but usually it takes somewhere between 12 and 15 minutes to get them halfway cooked then we're gonna grab in our grab out our fish from the freezer and we're gonna get that layered on top with this canning rack which is uh 7.9 inches in diameter so it fits right in the basket and it has two inch legs and i will link to that below in the video description it's available on amazon and then i just put these uh protectors on the bottoms because where this will fall right through the basket so i just put these right on they are oven protectors that i just cut to size there we go all right so it's been about five minutes let's go ahead and take a peek and give them a little flip around here and they don't look like much right now when i flip them at this point i try to be pretty careful because they are not crispy at all and you don't want to break them up so i try to kind of just pick up and move around and do the best i can all right we're gonna go another five minutes and then we'll take a look all right it's been another five minutes let's go ahead and take a quick peek and i can see some changes don't know if you can see that in the video or not but i'm seeing some blistering and that means we're about to get crunchy so that's really good and again i'm going to be pretty careful because if you're not you're going to break them up like i just broke that one and just try to flip them around the best you can i'm not doing such a great job but i really do not want to break them up all right now i'm going to put the rack in oh you know what i'm not going to be able to use these things because i just realized if i use them i'm going to really mess up my french fries so we're just going to try to be really careful here set the rack right in and go back down for another five minutes so that'll be 15 minutes total and then we will get our fish on top and finish air crisping it all up and then we'll be ready to eat all right so i took four of the fillets out i'm gonna see if i can fit all four i'm not sure if i will but i left two in the freezer because i'm gonna cook those later so you can certainly go up to this point and freeze once they're individually frozen you can throw them into a bag that's no problem and then get them out as you like so this is something you can definitely prep ahead now what i'm gonna do here is actually let me flip them over where i'm going to put the bottom side onto that rack i'm going to go ahead and spritz with some oil i can spritz the tops now or when it gets into the ninja foodie so either way is fine there that won't make any difference all right so let's go ahead and open this up the fries look good if you wanted to give them another flip you could i'm not gonna worry about it though all right let's see how many pieces we can get on there i don't know i think three's gonna be it yeah three's it for this for this airfryer for this size all right then spritz the tops with some oil of your choice you want to try to make sure all the bread crumbs are covered with the oil that's what's going to give you the best crispiness if you can see that it's dry what's going to happen is it's going to look dry okay it's not gonna get really crispy it's gonna look on the dry side you'll know the difference all right so now we are gonna go up to 12 minutes we're staying on air crisp on 400 i'm going to pop this back in the freezer real quick since i can't cook it right now all right so it's just about been six minutes so let's go ahead and take a peek and one thing i wanted to mention the reason why i put this rack in to get hot is so there's less chance of the fish sticking on the underside so we're going to hope that it doesn't stick at all i prefer doing the fish actually in the basket but if you want to do fish and chips at the same time this is the way to do it it works the best if you have this rack all right now let's carefully pick the fish up you know i think it could go a few minutes i'm going to keep going on this one side and the reason is because i want this side to be completely crunchy and ready to go because once i flip it it's not going to get a whole lot of air movement because we've got our french fries down there so let's go another three minutes on 400 and get it to the point where you would want to serve it then you flip it and and finish up the other side and i've i've cooked the fish as long as 15 minutes before so we only set the clock for 12 and it was not overdone so freezing it is super important so that you don't overcook your fish and it turns out great every single time oh yes now that's that is perfect all right perfect now i've been sitting here thinking now how am i going to flip it the easiest i have a fish spatula which usually works really well when you have a lot of room and then i've got my bigger tongs and then i thought i've got these little ones uh maybe these will work the best let's see if i can grab it and flip it oh i did okay one down two to go you want to be careful here because you don't want the breading to come off they're looking really really good all right all right so let's go the rest of the four minutes by that time the fish is definitely going to be done enough um but we could probably even go another few if we needed it a little bit browner so i'll just use my judgment and i encourage you to use your judgment when you're cooking the times and temps are not absolute things change and your food cooks differently go by the way it looks if it's not crispy enough or brown enough for you keep on going just check every two minutes so it doesn't over get over brown or burnt on top all right so we are all finished it's been 12 minutes for the fish and it looks amazing oh my gosh i'm so excited about this so now i'm just gonna carefully lift them here and put them onto a cooling rack if you're not serving them right away you definitely want to put them on a cooling rack so that they don't steam on a plate and you lose your crispiness i've got to get this up and we're going to take a peek at those fries because if we need to go a little bit longer we certainly can now i've gotta kind of rustle with this a minute there we go that wasn't too bad i usually have a little knob there all right so look these fries look amazing but there are some places where i want to get a little bit crispier so i'm gonna go just another two minutes on the 400 air crisp and they're perfect now just go ahead and dump these out into our basket here again you wouldn't want to put them on a plate especially if you're not going to serve them right away or they'll steam they won't be as crunchy so there we go our fish and chips right in the air fryer now let me give them a taste these are amazing they're hot too all right let's go ahead and get that one now i like to serve my fries with a malt vinegar that's my favorite and then my fish with some tartar sauce that i whipped up no need to buy tartar sauce it's super easy to make and i will definitely include my recipe in the written post on my website so you can check that out and i'll link to that below as well so a little bit of malt vinegar on my fries is the way i like to do it and then a little bit of tartar sauce right there all right let's try these fries here mmm oh my gosh they are so good they need a little salt though just a tiny bit i usually salt them once i get them out of the airfryer a little bit too totally up to you but they are absolutely delicious crunchy mmm perfect leaving the skin on really makes a difference these remind me of a thrasher's french fries which is an ocean city maryland favorite um oh my gosh they're so delicious all right let's cut into this fish i'm gonna cut straight down here so you can see it's nice and flaky and crunchy so good oh my gosh i need to use my french fry to get a hold of that oh my goodness it's amazing like i'm just blown away by this air fryer and any air airfryer will make this recipe you know i'm sure some work better than others but i am just simply amazed but all you can do with an air fryer this tastes like i went out and ordered fish and chips in a restaurant it's absolutely delicious i hope you enjoy this one as always make it yours make it delicious and keep it real
Channel: The Salted Pepper
Views: 433,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ninja Foodi, Ninja Foodi Recipes, The Salted Pepper, air fryer fish & chips, air fryer fish & chips recipe, Ninja Foodi Fish & Chips, Instant Pot Duo Crisp Fish & Chips, Fish & Chips in the air fryer, air fried fish, air fryer beer battered fish, beer battered fish fillets air fryer, ninja foodi fish recipes, Ninja Foodi cod recipes, air fryer fish and chips recipe, homemade air fryer fish & chips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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