Fish and Chips | Beer Battered Fish

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now you just seen the thumbnail now you tuned in so welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling with me your boy av now you know this is the challenge that's all about taking the mystery out of cooking simplifying these recipes I'm not going over talk it and with no further ado i'ma show you guys how to make a beer batter fish okay so let's go over our ingredients okay that's that sweet smoky Joe's right there that's that fish and seafood seasoning if you guys get a chance go ahead do yourself some justice and get it it's very very good as you saw that was our paprika and you got to have a limit you know what you can't have fish without having good and then it wouldn't be a beer-battered fish without happened to beer that was just something that I just picked up and this right here is just all put all-purpose flour and we got kosher salt and then right next to that kosher salt juices we have fresh fresh ground pepper and then today I'm using my electric walk made my Breville that's my new gadget I love that right there and this right here you know you're just got a bowl you got to get a couple of bowls you know if you're gonna do a wet batter and then you have a dry dip and then that's the strainer and then today we use another fish the choice is it's just a lasting Cod so let's go ahead and get everything set up so that we can get our beer our beer batter together now just get your flower I'm pouring it in this strainer listen it's just nice to get it nice and fine and it helps out when you're making your wet batter baking soda and your paprika and then you go ahead just hit it and again listen if you don't have a sip you know a strainer like that no worries you can just pour it right in there could it be just fine and I guess you can say I'm just being a little fancy so now we're just going to go ahead for our beer you know and our beer to our flour mixture you know just a little bit at a time and then we just keep using a whisk you know to stir it around until you don't until the you know it starts absorbing all of the beer you just have a little bit more repeat the process until all the beer inside of your flour [Music] now once you've reached the consistency like that there you know what then go ahead and just set that to the side and now it's time for us to get our tribe mix together so what we want to do is we want to put our flour in there we want to go ahead and put some of that sweet smoky Jose and that's they listen that right there that's the magic ingredient if you ask me then we might add a little salt a little pepper we go ahead and whisk it all together then we gonna set it up we all set that off to this one side and then we're gonna have our wet batter right next to it and then once our oil is up to temperature and that again is listen it's got to be 350 degrees and you know what it doesn't take long because once we get into the oil there's gonna take about three to five minutes on each side or until you get that nice golden brown you know look that you're looking for then you officially done so starting off right here you want to go ahead and just dip your fillets in the dry mix you want to get all of the edges everything you just want to get you know coat it and shake off any excess you wanna go ahead and dip it in your beer batter and this right here you can see it's nice and thick this right here is gonna be remedial dice so once you got a Cody good let it drip and then what you want to do is you want to put it in the oil but when you put it in the oil you want to wave it around you know a couple of times you want to let the oil cook on there real quick and it seals it then you want to lay it down in the oil away from you to reduce the spatter now here right here you can see once it comes up to that golden-brown color and that's what I was looking for listen Dennis all you have to do is just flip it over and we're gonna go another three to five minutes very simple and then you want to do that for all the rest of the pieces that you have and then after that then it's time to plate and I did this you know just one by itself just so you guys can see as you can see just how simple it is you can see the color you know what I put it on a plate with a napkin it's best to put it on a baking sheet or a baking rack that way you know it doesn't get soggy on the bottom and again look you can look right here see how if you let it go back and forth once that of oil cooks it up then I lay it down you know a way for me to reduce the splatter now once you achieve you know the color that you're looking for on one side then again you want to just go ahead and flip it now depends on the cook time depends on how hot you have your grease and how you maintain it but as you can see right there after about 4 to 5 minutes that right there is a nice golden brown look that I was looking for and you go ahead and plate it tell me what you guys think about that this I bet you didn't know it was that easy to make beer batter fish on hey you know what speaking of that I want you guys to leave a comment down in the comment section below let me know how you even ever made beer batter shrimp and if you really want to know the truth I just use this seasoning right here I'm gonna go ahead and put this up right now so you guys can see it this right here is what sent this right over the is this is perfect now listen I'm not good with like you know trying to describe like the profile but I will tell you this it got some type of citrusy you know refreshing you know lemony taste to it this right here is high you gotta try it so with that being said you know what if you're new to my channel let me go ahead and take this time to welcome you to my channel I hope you liked what you saw and if you did go ahead and smash that like button you know share this video and don't forget to subscribe to everybody else you know what it do folks you know what we're getting at here now and with that being said I'm out peace [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 69,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, beer battered fish, fried fish, beer batter, fish and chips, beer battered fish recipe, fish, battered fish, batter, fish and chips recipe, how to make, fish fry, seafood, cod, beer, beer batter recipe, fish n chips, deep fried, how to make beer batter, fish batter recipe, beer batter fish, fish fry recipe, easy recipes, frying, fish recipe, fish & chips, beer battered cod, the f word, gordon ramsay, codfish, alaskan cod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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