How Magnus REINVENTED Chess and Became #1

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from Bobby fiser to Gary Kasparov top Grand Masters became Stronger by preparing opening Novelties and becoming stronger their than their opponent in the opening But as time went on Grand Masters were putting so much attention on openings that they weren't studying as hard in the middle game or the endgame but Along Comes young Magnus Carlson and he takes note of this and he realizes if he can just get a playable game out of the opening and put all of his effort in studying the middle game and the end game that he can out play even the best Grand Masters in the world and that is what he began to do emphasize not the opening just get a playable position but really Master the middle game and end game this uh game against Eton bakow played at the non Jing Pearl spring in 2010 is an example of magnus's approach to the game let us Jump Right In Magnus has white backro had black E4 E5 Knight F3 Knight C6 and here Magnus plays D4 the scotch game where white just goes ahead and plays the primary Pawn break uh on move three uh and after E4 Knight D4 white already has a space Advantage the only downside is black gets a little bit gets a Tempo he can develop another minor piece so he'll have two pieces out to White's one Knight to F6 is the most common move hitting E4 but back Crow plays Bishop to C5 also a commonly played move and Magnus there are a few options here you can play Bishop to E3 for example but he just plays Knight to B3 hitting the bishop at C5 that Bish Bishop goes back to B6 Knight to C3 natural development Knight to F6 from brro and now Queen to E2 basically the overall plan for white is to Castle long and then maybe launch these kingside pawns up the up the board to attack Black's King a pretty simple formula uh for attack Castle from backro Bishop to G5 um he could play Knight to D4 and but after say queen to D2 exchange on B3 change the Bishops we get the kind of position that Magnus really aims for which is a position that's theoretically equal but easier for white to play you can see all white has to do is cast along and launch these pawns up the board computers say you know fairly equal but it's much easier to play uh for white so brro goes ahead and instead plays H6 pushing the bishop back Magnus keeps the bishop on the diagonal continuing to pin the knight at F6 now be plays a very strong idea A5 modern engines love these types of moves gaining space on the side of the board and threatening to really irritate that Knight on B3 so Magnus plays really the only move he can here and that's A4 to stop that A5 Pawn from advancing and here vro plays a novelty um he plays Knight to D4 which is exchanges a piece he has less space on the board so exchanging pieces does make sense and after this move both players are out of theory and on their own so we have a a reasonable middle game but now Magnus enters the phase of the game that he is stronger in that he it's sort of his specialty that he's put all of his homework into and we can see uh how that's affected his the gap between him and other top Grand Masters he could take on D4 here but instead he tries to keep the tension with Queen to D3 and interestingly he allows his queenside pawns to be damaged even though we already know He intends to Castle long he lets the Pawns in front of his King be damaged he already knows that although they're damaged it's going to be very hard for black to get at his King so he's not worried about the damage he actually welcomes the open lines from uh from the pawn exchanges Rook to E8 black attacks E4 Magnus goes ahead and castles long again not worried about the pawn damage and now we can see he has that readymade plan of advancing those kingside pawns to attack the opponent's king um C6 you play with the same move as in the game D6 was played and here Magnus does make a really nice move only moves the queen one square to C2 but that one move accomplishes a lot first obviously there's a pin that not a pin but an attack down the defile a D6 Pawn is pinned The Rook aims at the queen and it also clears away for the bishop at F1 to go to C4 where it's very powerfully placed so this queen to C2 move really really nice uh black is has a hard time finding a plan here um if he plays Queen to E7 the Knight to D5 would just Crush hitting the queen taking advantage of the pin on the F6 Knight that would be it um the move he wants to play is Bishop to E6 to challenge the bishop coming to C4 but if he does that then E5 would be played taking advantage of the pressure down the defile so instead he plays the move Bishop to D7 the C6 is probably the best C6 Queen E7 then Bishop E6 but very hard to find over the the board instead he plays Bishop to D7 and that allows Magnus to play the bishop to C4 in an a very aggressive Square aiming right at Black's King now Bishop to E6 is played but that's a Tempo it's a little different than before E5 doesn't really work here because after the exchange on C4 mcro could just take the pawn at E5 uh so instead Magnus just keeps building up rook H to E1 and just look at this position look at those two Rooks the pressure on the F6 night all of his pieces are well placed really uh you can just see that middle game expertise shining through here uh if Pawn take if Bishop takes C4 Pawn takes Bishop this is a very nice position for for white uh very has a strong bind and the position in his play is very easy so instead V Crow plays Queen to E7 getting out of the aim of this Rook at D1 but that doesn't help E5 is played anyway because now the rook and E1 is aiming at the queen which is now on E7 uh and because there's this pin on this Knight and the pawn attacks the knight uh D5 is forced now Rook takes Pawn he's aiming down the eile the bishop at E6 is pinned uh and this queen on E7 has been doing a lot of dodging in the game and he does a little bit more of it if he plays G5 to relieve the pin then after Bishop G3 H4 is coming and the king is even weaker than in the game G so backro plays the queen back to f8 uh but that to get out of that pin but that does allow Magnus to damage Black's structure which he does Bishop takes Knight Pawn takes Bishop Rook to E2 now if we look at Black's kingside Pawn structure here it doesn't look much worse than whites but it is and these Magnus understood that uh that it's actually almost impossible for black to get at White's King but white can get it Black's King very easily and at the moment he's threatening move like Knight to E4 which attacks the F6 square and it might even go to G3 and with some preparation it could go to the H5 Square so Magnus has a strong position black plays Queen to G7 to help defend the king Magnus takes on E6 to further open lines against the king um F6 is inferior to what was played in the game after Rook to D3 uh with both Rooks on the board uh that that favors Magnus so backro decides to get at least one pair of Rooks off and he takes on E6 with the Rook Rook takes E6 F E6 and if you look you can see that White's Rook is much better than Black's Rook on A8 which is still which is still on its original Square so Magnus plays Rook to D3 a powerful Rook lift the idea is to go to G3 and pin the queen to the king and of course that would just win the queen so uh black Sid steps that with King to h8 but now Rook to to G3 hits the Queen the queen moves to H7 offering the exchange of Queens which of course black would love and Magnus isn't going to allow that so he plays Queen to D2 to sidest step that and he's threatening to move the Knight to E4 um in fact if the Knight were on e4 and the queen were to take it black would just get mated after Queen H6 check Queen H7 Queen F6 Queen G7 Queen takes Queen mate so backro plays the bishop to C5 what he wants to do is play the bishop back to E7 to help use it as defense defend the pawn on F6 and maybe defend some dark squares around his own King Magnus goes ahead and plays Knight to E4 anyway the bishop goes to E7 and defending uh F6 and now Rook to H3 threatening Rook takes H6 pinning the queen and winning the queen now how does black defend against this terrible threat the best move probably was Rook to d8 counterattacking White's Queen on D2 but after Rook takes takes H6 uh Rooks and queens would actually come off the board and you would have this endgame where Magnus is uh up a pawn it's a past H Pawn and that can March up the board it's true with pawns on both sides of the board the bishop is probably preferable to the Knight but with the extra pawn it would probably wouldn't matter Magnus with his endgame skill would almost certainly win this this endgame so instead backro plays King to G7 stepping out of the PIN Queen to D7 is played pinning the bishop to the king uh if King to G8 Rook to G3 check King to h8 Queen takes E6 and uh White would be dominating so instead he plays the king to F7 to uh defend the pawn at E6 and uh here Knight takes F6 would work after King takes Knight Rook F3 check King G6 Queen E6 and then King has nowhere to go if it goes to H5 Rook to H3 check would lead to mate and if he goes to to G7 Rook to F7 check obviously wins the house uh but Magnus instead plays a far more beautiful move here a really nice shot the move he plays is Knight to G5 check wow it Forks the king and the queen but the Knight obviously can be taken two different ways well if you take with the H Pawn obviously you'd lose the queen that pawn is pinned so backro really plays the one move he has to play and that is f takes the F Pawn takes the knight at G5 but that allows Rook to F3 check uh the king basically has to move if King to G6 Queen to E6 check is a big problem because if King to H5 Rook to H3 is mate and if uh King to G7 Rook to F7 check again wins everything so instead backro plays King to G8 Queen takes E6 check King to H7 and now Rook to F7 attacking the bishop on E7 and the Queen on H7 and it's important to note I think that White's King has been sitting on C1 has never been in any trouble and even now black does not have a single check that he can deliver to magnus's King really really something uh and of course if the queen moves to say G8 or somewhere then just Queen H6 check would quickly lead to to mate so he has to give up the queen uh Bishop to D6 is played Rook H7 check King H7 so backro has a bishop and a rook still on its original Square uh in exchange for a queen and a pawn that means Magnus has a sizable material advantage and he appears to have the safer King but backro is still not ready to resign uh that's still enough material to keep on playing Magnus plays Queen to F7 check King to h8 and now we see magnus's endgame plan he plays the move G3 the basic idea is he just wants to play F4 create a pass Pawn on the file and March it up and it will both threaten to Queen on the f8 Square but also once it gets to F6 it could create potential mating patterns on G7 so that's basically his plan to just March that pawn up the board and deliver mate Rook to A6 was played King to B1 he's just going to hide his King at A2 this king is perfectly safe over there Bishop to B4 now F4 the plan continues gf4 gf4 and in this position with this powerful F Pawn uh and more material a queen and a pawn for rook and Bishop uh itm back Crow resigned here now let's take a look at a few moves to see how this would unfold uh ourselves to say Rook to D6 the pawn would Advance Rook to D1 check King just goes to A2 again black just can't get at it a rook to G1 to protect protect against a future mating threat on G7 created by the move F6 Bishop D6 Queen to H5 aims at the H6 Pawn King to H7 H4 Magnus could move the Rook to H5 to limit the mobility of the G1 Rook Rook to G2 he has to basically stay there otherwise it's a mate on G7 so he's Frozen in place Queen to F5 check King to h8 Queen to E6 Rook G1 now H5 again just just controlling squares Rook to G5 then Queen to E8 check King H7 now F7 threatening to Queen you after C6 he just Queen uh and if Rook to F5 to stop the pawn from queening then Queen to G8 mate that's a reasonable sequence of moves uh that could have followed up so Magnus shows us in this game just get a playable opening position put all of your study in the middle game and end game and that really has been a revolution in top level chess I hope you enjoyed the game see you again soon at chess dog goodbye
Channel: ChessDawg
Views: 32,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magnus carlsen, chess, magnus, magnus vs bacrot, magnus carlsen vs etienne bacrot, magnus vs ettiene bacrot, etienne bacrot, magnus scotch game, magnus carlsen scotch game, magnus carlsen chess, magnus nanjing pearl, magnus nanjing pearl spring
Id: qokjWzs73oY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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