This Bobby Fischer Game Will Raise Your Rating!

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with Bobby Fischer it was the accumulation of small advantages step by step over the course of the game at that at the end would lead to an overwhelming Force it's really a work of art to watch him play to see how he would do little things and then move after move it would become overwhelming for his opponent this game was played at Mardel Plata his opponent is Grand Master pilnick this was played in 1959 this is a textbook Fisher game and there's no way you can go over this game and not improve as a player yourself pilnik had white Fisher had black let us Jump Right In E4 C5 Fisher Sicilian Knight F3 D6 and very quickly we have the nidorf definitely Fisher's main opening against E4 even to this day probably the best opening that black can play when they really want to win with the black pieces philnick plays Bishop E2 the classical system doesn't put immediate pressure pressure on black a more positional approach Fisher could play E6 the sheven engine structure but instead he plays E5 the boloslavsky structure and in this structure much of the play will revolve around this key D5 Square both sides want to control it and ideally black would like to advance d65 in the center the pawn the Knight moves to B3 these days the Knight will go to F3 depending on the player but a knight to B3 was almost always played at that time Bishop to E7 you know where the piece is going you might as well put it there uh castles castles Bishop to E3 and Bishop to E6 we see Fischer continuing to build up his control over the D5 Square F3 was played by a pill Nick Queen to C7 a standard idea in the Sicilian helps defend these pawns and control C4 Queen to E1 uh he wants to shift his Queen to F2 and help control this B6 Square those Queen side dark squares Knight B to D7 and Rook to D1 was played if he plays A4 in an attempt to restrain black from playing B5 then black had just played D5 and Fisher would liberate his position and be in good shape so Rook to D1 was played adding to control over the D5 square and Fisher plays B5 and now uh Rook to D2 the worry is that black will play B4 and the pawn at C2 will hang but when white plays a move like Rook to D2 uh you can pretty be pretty confident the black has won the opening battle and is at least equal and that is definitely the case here Fisher can be very happy with his middle game position he plays the move Knight to B6 continuing to control this key D5 Square controlling the center of the board if instead B4 kicking during the night then after Knight D5 Knight D5 ed5 Bishop to F5 we see the bishop and queen aiming at the C2 Pawn after Queen to F2 A5 uh Fisher has a huge initiative on the queen side so instead after Knight to B6 Queen to F2 was played but as Fisher says in his book my 60 memorable games white should take that night off as soon as he possibly can and I can cause all kinds of trouble and this was definitely the opportunity to take that night but instead Queen to F2 now he's threatening to win the night of course uh but Rook a to B8 but again Fischer said I should have played Knight to C4 cannot give white a chance to take that Knight in this case if white takes that then Pawn takes and Bishop B6 hitting the queen queen C8 Knight to A5 and these pieces look aggressive but Fisher would just kick him back Knight to D7 hits the bishop it Retreats Bishop to d8 hits the Knight and it needs to retreat a move like Knight to D5 after Bishop A5 yes white would win the queen uh but after Bishop D5 Rook D5 defending the Knight then Fischer would play Knight to F6 hitting the rook and removing it as a defender of the night and winning an exchange and would just be better so but Rook a the B8 was played in the game and now Phil Mick finally takes that night and it's definitely the best move in the position Rook takes B6 Knight to D5 Knight D5 ed5 and Bishop to D7 and we can see though the accumulation of small advantages Fisher has the bishop pair they're just sitting there on their own second rank but they can emerge later in the game also notice this very healthy Pawn majority on the king side four versus three that can launch forward with F5 and cause a lot of trouble he also has Queen side space uh F4 is played Bishop to F6 C3 so if this diagonal opens up it will blunt Fishers Bishop at F6 The Rook comes back fp5 Bishop takes E5 Knight to D4 then I can go into C6 or F5 so G6 keeps the Knight out of the F5 Square now A3 so Fisher plays what is known as the minority attack so he has these two pawns an A6 and B5 hilnik has these three pawns at A3 b2c3 what he wants to do is trade off these two pawns for two of these pawns leaving white with one week isolated Pawn that's the minority attack so he plays A5 repairing the move B4 to make those exchanges King to H1 B4 Pawn takes Pawn takes now Rook to C2 hits the Queen the queen moves to B6 the Knight jumps into C6 and it hits the Rook at B8 but Fisher ignores that and he just takes the pawn at a three well what if White had taken that rook in that case Queen F2 Rook F2 now A2 the pawn is threatening to Queen with check and there's nothing on the back rank to stop it Rook F1 designed to stop it Rook takes Knight Rook to A1 to blockade it but then Bishop to F5 this Rook does not want to go to C1 because then The Rook of B2 and the black would be winning in that case but if it goes to D2 then Fischer could play Bishop to B1 and imprison The Rook at A1 so that is why he does not take the Rook at B8 Queen takes B6 Rook takes B6 Now Pawn takes pawn and we see the fruit of the minority attack is this weak A3 Pawn uh even though it's weak though it could advance to the queening square there's no other Pawn to stop it so you got to be careful look to A8 gets in front of the pawn Knight takes bishop and here pill Nick takes away Fisher's two Bishop Advantage but in exchange look at the pawn structure he has one beautiful healthy Pond Island pilna casts three Pond Islands A3 D5 and then these two Fisher's Pawn structure is very nice and now this E5 Pawn is passed and can be supported by the F Pawn as well look to C3 defending the A3 Pawn laterally Rook to B2 attacking the bishop hook to C7 counter attacks the bishop at D7 then Bishop to F5 G4 is played by a pill Nick basically he wants to clear that f file so his Rooks can connect and take on F7 Fischer plays Bishop to E4 check first Bishop to F3 blocks the check he'll just exchange off those Bishops in attack F7 but now Bishop to D3 was played by Bobby Fischer the idea is he's going to use this bishop which currently attacks The Rook at F1 to help this e-pawn up the board play E4 E3 and Advance it to the queening square um if Rook to E1 to stop the pawn then E4 and if Bishop takes E4 then just Rook to E8 pins the bishop to The Rook uh if instead the bishop retreats to G2 then just Rook The d8 Rook to C5 King to G7 and after F5 these two pawns would probably be too strong the enf Pawns uh but instead D6 is played by white Rook to d8 Rook to E1 Fischer takes on D6 pill Nick takes on E5 but now Fisher can activate his pieces very quickly and why it is in big trouble he plays Rook to F6 attacking the bishop at F3 Rook to E3 defends the bishop by the way if he plays Bishop G2 then Rook to B1 check loses uh the game for white after Bishop F1 Rook to F2 and nothing can be done to stop Rook B1 takes F1 check mate look to E3 is played Rook takes Bishop Rook takes Rook now Bishop to E4 The Rook is pinned Rook CF7 but then Rook to F2 and he's piling up on this pin Rook on F3 he gives one Spike check to Bobby Fischer but then Fischer plays King to G7 he'll just hide on an H6 and he has won a piece and the game a textbook Fisher game there's no way going over this game is not going to improve you as a player and probably just raise your rating thank you for joining us at chess dog see you again soon bye
Channel: ChessDawg
Views: 7,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bobby fischer, chess, bobby fischer brilliancy, bobby fischer best chess games, bobby fischer vs the world, bobby fischer chess game, bobby fischer edit, bobby fischer analysis, bobby fischer attack, bobby fischers best game, robert james fischer, xadrez, best chess games, robert fischer, fischer, bobby fischer best game, bobby fischer game of the century, bobby fischer best sacrifice, bobby fischer trap, fischer vs pilnik, bobby Fischer vs. Pilnik
Id: s4sWlqX5Uqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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