How Bobby Fischer Conquered the French Defense

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in this video we're finding out just how Bobby fiser arguably the best chess player ever conquered the French defense with seven spectacular games in this opening Each of which end with Incredible checkmates the first opponent is chess Legend pal banko and fiser starts E4 best by test black replies with E6 the French defense and after white claims the center with D4 black challenges it with D5 the French defense has a reputation for solidity and resilience usually leading to slow positional games fiser responds with his favorite move in this position Knight C3 this defends his Pawn that was under attack and black follows with Knight F6 ramping up the pressure only now does white push his Pawn closing the center as it comes with a Tempo kicking the Knight back to D7 White follows in aggressive fashion with F4 gaining more space on the king's side and black counters with C5 white takes the pawn allowing black to develop while recapturing White follows with Queen G4 attacking the pawn on G2 black castles to protect it and white brings his Bishop out to D3 staring menacingly at Black's H7 Pawn so black pushes F5 blocking the diagonal not minding if white were to capture aasan because he could take back with his Knights solidifying his King side while hitting his the Queen fiser instead drops his Queen to H3 making way for his G Pawn to advance at some point black then takes the Knight on G1 clearing the C5 Square so that after white recaptures with the Rook losing his right to Castle King's side black can jump his Knight to the vacated Square white develops his Bishop to D2 preparing to Castle long but after black develops his Knight to C6 he leaps his Knight to B5 looking to place it on a powerful post on D6 Black's Queen B3 pins the Knight to the B2 Pawn so White Castles Queen side protecting the pawn Black's Bishop D7 developing is followed by white slotting his Knight into D6 still black has an awful lot of pieces near the white king and Knight A4 makes the concrete threat against the B2 Pawn white plays Bishop B5 supported by the Knight to block the black queen while attacking the Knight black counters with Knight D4 hitting the bishop and opening his Bishop to protect his Knight now the bishop on D7 is hanging but white cannot take it because Queen takes B2 would be Checkmate white plays Bishop E3 pinning the Knight to the queen and it jumps to E2 giving check but leaving itself up for grabs fiser takes the offered Knight and in return black gets the pawn on B2 with a dangerous attack the king runs to D2 and is hit again with Queen B4 now going to D3 would would see Knight B2 Checkmate and blocking with the pawn would just allow the queen to capture it again with Checkmate so the King goes right back to C1 black jumps his Knight to C3 hitting the bishop and The Rook white shifts his Rook over a square to save both pieces but black grabs the pawn on A2 with check the king moves over to D1 and the Knight Returns to C3 pushing the King right back to C1 Black's D4 kicks the bishop to F2 before black swings his Rook over to C8 indirectly staring at the enemy King now Black's ready to lift his Rook up and over to build a menacing attack so White's got to be very careful he lifts his Bishop to D3 solidifying his last remaining queenside Pawn black jumps his Knight to A2 with check probably just to gain some thinking time as the King goes to D1 before returning to C1 after the Knight jumps right back to C3 then black lifts his Rook to C5 Fischer moves his Queen to H4 ensuring his Bishop is defended after black swings his Rook over to the a file white moves his King to D2 dodging any checks before they even come plus there aren't really any good discovered checks by moving the Knight for black now it's unclear what black is thinking here but he goes for the move H6 probably with ideas of bringing his other Rook up and over into the attack without worrying about back rank checks but this one slow move by black will prove to be his downfall as Fischer immediately pounces to take the upper hand with G4 now just to illustrate White's threat were black to play a random move then white would take on F5 opening the G file before sacrificing his Rook on G7 to rip open the black King's shelter after black would take back white would swing his Rook over pushing the king to the rim before coming in with his Queen who would promptly deliver checkmates on G7 back to the game instead white takes the pawn on G4 fiser recaptures with his Rook threatening a similar Rook sacrifice on G7 so black shifts his King over to h8 so that it wouldn't come with check but if anything Black's last move creates some bigger problems for him as white now has a remarkable way to win the game can you find White's checkm in twoo the white pieces have the black king cornered and the move fiser plays to finish him off is the stunning Queen sacrifice Queen takes H6 black just resigns here if he doesn't take back then white would just take the pawn on G7 with Checkmate otherwise taking back would open up the G file meaning The Rook covers that file and don't forget about the bishop who covers H7 this means Knight F7 would be an aesthetic Checkmate the next opponent is Chessmaster Bill hook and he meets Fisher's Knight C3 with Bishop B4 undermining the defense of the E5 Pawn fiser pushes the pawn closing the position and black counters with C5 white plays A3 asking the question to the bishop who grabs the Knight doubling White's pawns after he recaptures then black advances his Queen to A5 targeting the pawn so white moves his Bishop to D2 defending black moves his Queen a second time to A4 threatening to take twice on D4 in response white jumps his Queen to G4 defending while attacking G7 now playing G6 would create unfavorable dark squared weaknesses on the king's side so black plays King f8 to defend instead and with the position so closed it's not easy to get at Black's Uncle King also since the queen left her home then the pawn on C2 is undefended so the queen comes right back to defend it and black follows with B6 opening the path for The Bishop's development fiser hauls his H Pawn gaining space while opening a lane for his Rook after black develops his Knight to E7 white presses on with H5 before black stops further progress with H6 still white is able to use the space he created as he develops his Rook to H4 Black's Bishop A6 is an attempt to exchange off Black's weak light squared Bishop which is usually difficult to get active in the French defense where all the black Central pawns are on light squares white has no opposition to this trading off the Bishops before the Black Knight recaptures then white swings his Rook over to F4 setting its sights on the enemy king with a premonition of danger black drops his Queen to D7 and white lifts his Queen to F3 threatening F7 black moves his Knight out of his Queen's way defending the pawn and white develops his Knight to H3 preparing to advance his G Pawn black slides his Rook over to C8 trying to create something on the other end before white launches his G Pawn black realizing that he can't do much to stop the king side from opening up drops his Queen to E8 so that he can still defend his F Pawn since he's planning to maneuver his Knight that direction Fischer thrusts forward with G5 and black doesn't want to capture it since it would activate the White Knight so he proceeds with his plan of Knight E7 white takes the pawn and after black recaptures white makes use of the undefended F6 Square slotting his Rook into it this adds an attacker to the H6 Pawn but Black's Knight F5 defends it while getting right into the way of White's attack still white has other resources like Knight F4 threatening Knight G6 with a fork which exploits the pin on the F7 Pawn to the king to avoid this black moves his King out of the pin but this walks right into Knight takes D5 check winning a pawn and where the Knight to be taken it would surrender the defense of the Black Knight allowing white to take that so black continues running his King away and white Returns His Knight to E3 trying to exchange off Black's best piece and black can't really move his Knight anywhere since it would hang the F7 Pawn so black exchanges the Knight and white recaptures with the bishop before black lifts his Rook to C7 defending his Pawn fiser takes on C5 breaking open the D file and after black recaptures with the Knight he swings his Rook over to D1 one giving check now moving the king to C8 would walk right into Queen A8 check mate and Black's best bet would be blocking with either his Rook or his Knight but that would hang the F7 Pawn instead black moves his King to E7 White's eyes light up as he swipes the Knight on C5 setting up his final combination black takes back and White's attack culminates on this next move can you find White's Checkmate in four the white major pieces have the black king surrounded and the reason white took the Knight on C5 was to remove the defender of the E6 Pawn the move Fisher plays to win the game is the remarkable Rook sacrifice Rook takes E6 after seeing this black throws in the towel and resigns the reason this sacrifice works is is because were the pawn to take back then the f file would be opened up and queen F6 in cooperation with the other Rook would be Checkmate the king also can't take because Queen F6 would again be Checkmate to prolong things black would have to move the king to f8 and white would not take the queen but jump his Queen to F6 instead threatening to take the rook in the corner with checkmates and the White Queen also looks at the d8 square were the queen to take the Rook then white would take the Rook forcing the king to E7 before moving her his Queen to d8 with Checkmate otherwise black could try saving his Rook but the follow-ups in each case are similar with white taking the queen forcing the king to recapture before moving his Queen to d8 with checkmate the third opponent is international Master Nikolai manev and after the usual opening moves he plays a knight F6 this time fiser pins the Knight with his bishop and black decides to take the pawn on e4 white recaptures with the Knight piling up on the pinned piece so black defends while breaking the pin with Bishop E7 this means White's Knight is hanging so white takes the Knight on F6 and black recaptures with the pawn getting a semiopen g file while having the option to push f F5 to kick the Knight white immediately plays G3 blunting the G file and black develops his Bishop to D7 White's Knight F3 is followed by Bishop C6 staking a claim to the weakened long diagonal with the Rook at the end as the target white lifts his Queen to E2 defending his threatened Knight and black fires out F5 kicking it back to D2 then he plays Bishop F6 with twin Bishops staring down both long diagonals the pawn is under attack so white plays C3 defending it and black plays Queen E7 hinting at a potential queenside Castle fiser fenos his Bishop on G2 and after black develops his Knight to D7 White Castles kingside black flips the script castling on the same end and white centralizes his Rook on E1 black follows suit and white gains space on the queen side with B4 B E5 would hurt so black plays A6 to stop it and white keeps the pressure coming with A4 so black plays B6 opening a retreat Square for his Bishop white proceeds with Knight C4 looking at the E5 square and black plants his Bishop on e4 interfering with the queen and rook's vision along the file white centralizes his other rook in case the defile were to open up and black anticipates that shifting his Rook over a square but white plays G4 looking to break open the king side instead black moves his King over so he could bring his Rook to the G file and white drops his Knight threatening to win a pawn by taking the bishop and then with taking the pawn with the queen black counters with Pawn takes G4 hitting the Knight and after white takes the bishop black grabs the Knight with an attack on the White Queen fiser grabs the pawn with his Bishop confidently walking his King into a check along the G file he sidesteps the king over a square and with most of the pieces cleared off the long diagonal White's now threatening to take the bishop with his Knight which would open a discovered attack on the rook in the corner black plays C6 blocking the attack still white is able to grab the bishop and after black recaptures with the Knight he can take the pawn black moves his Rook over hitting the bishop back back but white defends with B5 black decides to exchange pawns and white takes back now White's Queen E5 would create a really annoying pin on the Knight so black plays Rook G5 as a preventative measure white hits with D5 piling up on the pinned E6 Pawn which can't take without hanging the queen black gets his Queen out of the way and white can win a pawn by taking twice on E6 but after the capture black decides that he must create complications because under normal circumstances he wouldn't win a pawn down so he chooses to sack his Rook for the bishop maybe trying to take advantage of the weak diagonal towards White's king for now white could easily block any checks along that diagonal with F3 so after white takes back black plays Knight G4 threatening to take the pawn on F2 which would force White to give up at least the queen fiser raises his Rook to D4 interfering with the Queen's attack on the pawn and black takes on C6 with check white blocks with F3 and at this point black is out of attacking resources but if he doesn't act quickly White's just going to take the pawn on F7 threatening threatening to promote and even to jump his Queen to the back rank so black moves his Rook over to E5 block blocking the E file with an attack on the Queen White takes the pawn on F7 threatening to promote with Checkmate so black slides his Queen over to F6 stopping the pawn but really it was already all over for black white takes the Knight on G4 going up a full piece with an Unstoppable Checkmate to follow the threat is Rook G8 and no matter how black would try to stop it he would end up getting checkmated for that reason black resigns the game now there's one really cool line here and it will give you an an idea of why black can't stop Checkmate black could try Rook G5 but white would have an amazing way to win such an amazing move that I had to show it but I'll let you try your luck first can you find the Checkmate in four now Black's pieces are all tied up The Rook is stopping white from checkmating on G8 and the queen is defending the Rook while stopping white from promoting the pawn with another Checkmate it's also protecting the diagonal towards the black king so the move fiser would play would be the outrageous Queen sacrifice Queen E5 black cannot take the White Queen with the Rook nor can he take it with the queen because white would promote with Checkmate soon to follow the way black could delay things the longest would be pushing the H Pawn just to give his King a flight Square white would take the queen pushing the king to H7 before promoting to a second Queen Black's next move wouldn't matter except maybe Rook G7 White's two queens would check mate next the next opponent is Jim Hughes and he pins the Knight with Bishop B4 fiser pushes his Pawn closing the center and black undermines the advanced Pawn with C5 White's A3 entices black to take the Knight and re white recaptures getting doubled pawns but a sturdy Central Construction Black's Knight E7 developing is followed by A4 opening the A3 Square for the bishop where it ever to want to go there black proceeds development with Bishop D7 white brings his Knight to F3 black puts his on C6 and white places his Bishop on D3 staring at the king's side but black pushes his Pawn locking the position and kicking the bishop back to E2 black follows with Queen A5 attacking the pawn on C3 and after white defends it with his Queen black Castle Queen side White Castle King side setting the stage for a Sharp middle game with opposite sides castling and black plays F6 immediately trying to break things open Fischer activates his Bishop on A3 and black launches a pawn storm on the king side with H5 white shifts his Rook over a square in anticipation of the opening of the eile and black advances his Knight to F5 white drops his Bishop to F1 securing his King's position and after black slides his Rook to G8 white pushes G3 giving his Bishop more options black proceeds by taking the pawn on E5 white recaptures with the Knight and with White's Knight moved black plays Knight C takes D4 exploiting the pin on the C Pawn to the queen but this was a slip up by black because white can just play Bishop B4 breaking the pin with a Tempo on the queen who retreats to d8 then white can take the Knight going up a piece for a pawn black gets his Bishop out of the knight's range and white lifts his Bishop to H3 trying to trade off some pieces with his material advantage black advances G5 and white snatches the knights before black recaptures with the pawn Fischer turns his attention towards the enemy King with A5 gaining queenside space and black tries H4 to bust open the white King's side White's Bishop C5 threatens the a pawn so black pushes it before white shifts his Rook to B1 taking the semiopen B file black lifts one Rook to defend the seventh Rank laterally and white jumps his Rook into B6 Black's Bishop B5 looks to lock the rook in but what white just moves it over to D6 hitting the enemy Queen she s side steps to C7 and white moves his Rook over to G6 offering an exchange black lifts his Rook to G7 not initiating anything and white grabs the Free Pawn on G5 with his Queen but this leaves A5 hanging black first takes on G3 white recaptures and then black takes the pawn with an attack on the white Rook white moves it to F1 and Black's Rook was also hanging so white so black Returns His Queen to C7 defending it white takes the pawn on F5 and black takes the Rook on G6 but black is missing something here and it's a way for white to win the game can you find White's check ma in three to find the move you need to notice that the White Knight covers the black King's only flight Square the move Fisher plays is Rook f8 check and black seeing No Way Out resigns the game black would have to block with the bishop and after white would take that he would block with the queen but white would take that with his Queen giving check mate the fifth opponent is National Master Roy hope and after he pins the Knight to the king with his Bishop fiser gains space in the center with E5 black develops his Knight to E7 and white plays A3 prompting black to swipe the Knight before white recaptures black follows with B6 opening the path for his bishop and white advances his Queen to G4 attacking the G7 Pawn which black defends with Knight G6 White's H4 tries to kick the Knight but black counters with H5 kicking the queen back to G3 Black's Bishop A6 tries to exchange off his bad bishop and white takes the bishop luring the Black Knight to a pass massive Square on the rim white develops his Knight to E2 and black breaks with C5 white keeps the tension jumping his Knight to F4 and Black's Knight doesn't really have anywhere to go so he trades the Knight on F4 now white shouldn't take the pawn on G7 because even though it would attack The Rook black can return his Knight to G6 defending it so white recaptures the Knight and black shifts his king of square to defend his hanging pawn fish advances his Bishop to G5 hitting the queen who Dodges to D7 then White Castles and black moves his Rook to C8 preparing to open the C file white launches his F Pawn to break open a lane towards the black king and black tries to reintegrate his Knight into the game dropping it to B8 white moves his Rook to D1 and after black takes the pawn on D4 white takes back with the pawn now black could take the pawn on C2 but he's really behind in in development and white would have the free hand at building up a strong attack so black plays it safe with Knight C6 trying to catch up in development white pushes C4 in an attempt to get rid of his weak pawn and black drops his Knight to E7 opening his rook's attack on the pawn while looking to jump his Knight onto a powerful post on F5 white doesn't want to let black get his Knight to F5 so he snatches it now the queen has the responsibility of preventing White's F5 which if allowed would give White full control of the important f file so instead of taking back with the queen black takes back with the King leaving his G Pawn hanging which white takes black slides his Rook over to G8 and white moves his Queen to its only available Square on F6 with check pushing the king to E8 having enough support now fiser fires out out F5 black grabs the pawn on C4 allowing white to push D5 as well and whether black likes it or not things are about to open up he takes the pawn on D5 and white pushes E6 hitting the queen who moves to E7 begging for an exchange white grabs the pawn on F7 with check and black takes back with the queen before white shifts his Rook to E1 with another check the king moves to f8 and white moves the queen over to D6 6 hitting the King again who goes to G7 White's Rook E7 pins the queen to the king and black doesn't have much Choice here as he just grabs The Rook white takes back with the queen pushing the king to H6 before shifting his Rook to E1 setting up his final combination Black's Rook G7 hits the queen and she moves to F6 the king drops the square to H7 and at this point white has a way to end the game right away can you find the check made in four to Checkmate white needs to take advantage of his Advanced Pawn on F5 the move Fisher plac to do this is Rook E7 this threatens to take the Rook on G7 with Checkmate and black can't take White's Rook because white would play Queen G6 checkmates thanks to his Pawn the only way black can stop Checkmate on G7 is Rook G8 defending it but since the Rook is pinned white can still play Queen G6 check pushing the king to h8 before grabbing the pawn on H5 with another check black would have to block with his rook and white would take that with Checkmate the penultimate opponent is plaster and he develops his Knight to F6 attacking E4 fiser plays Bishop G5 pinning it to the queen and black breaks the PIN with Bishop E7 white pushes E5 kicking the Knight to D7 before he trades the bishop and black recaptures with the queen then in aggressive fashion white fires out F4 black plays A6 guarding B5 while preparing to play B5 at some point and white develops his Knight to F3 black challenges the center with C5 and white takes the pawn inviting the Black Knight into the game after it recaptures White follows with Queen D2 preparing to Castle Queen side and after black develops his Bishop to D7 he goes ahead and castles long black moves his Bishop to C6 where it would be very active once the pawn in front of it moves and white develops his final minor piece with Bishop D3 black swipes the bishop off the board before he can even do anything and white takes back with the pawn after Black's B5 gaining space white jumps his Knight to D4 not only hitting the bishop but blockading the D Pawn which makes the bishop look a little silly black drops the bishop back to B7 and White follows the age-old rule always play King B1 before black develops his last minor piece with Knight C6 fiser absolutely wants to keep a knight on D4 so he drops his other one to E2 so that after black exchanges Knights he can replace it with another Knight keeping the pawn on D5 blockaded black castles and white shifts his Rook over a square Square to E1 he plans to play F5 at some point and wants to keep his E Pawn protected black drops his Bishop to C8 to stop F5 and white reinforces the plan with G4 after black lifts his Bishop to D7 looking to reroute it towards the king side white pushes F5 black takes it white recaptures and to prevent F6 black plays F6 himself white pushes E6 getting a dangerous pass Pawn that kicks the bishop to E8 then white shifts his Rook over to G1 setting his sights onto the enemy King who moves over to h8 White lifts his Rook to G3 planning to double up on the G file and black plays G6 undermining the defense of the E Pawn he also doesn't mind a capture because he could take back activating his Bishop fiser doesn't capture however proceeding with his plan of doubling Rooks with Rook e to G1 black then pushes G5 to close the king side but white hauls out H4 Black's H6 supports the pawn but white just takes on G5 now black should really take back with the F Pawn but giving white two connected past pawns is in itself really bad so he takes back with the H Pawn creating an open Lane towards his King white shifts his Rook over to H1 with check pushing the king to G8 and now white has a nice way to end the game can you find White's checkm in six now there's actually two moves that lead to Checkmate in six here and it's really a move order thing because both of these moves would have to be played eventually but they both rely on the same idea which is building up pressure along the open H file one of them is Queen to H2 but the one chooses is Rook G to H3 after seeing this black calls it a day and resigns the game White's threat is Rook h8 followed by King G7 and Rook one to H7 Checkmate Black's best way to stop that would be Queen to G7 after which white would triple up on the open H file with Queen to H2 threatening Rook h8 which would force the queen to take before recapturing with the queen with check mate at this point black wouldn't be able to do anything to stop the inevitable he could only delay things first with Bishop H5 which white would take before he would play Queen H6 which white would take again Rook G6 would be a Checkmate right away here so black would play Rook A7 to stop that but white would finish things up with Rook h8 check pushing the king to G7 before he would play Queen H6 Checkmate you may have seen this final game before but it just so beautiful that I have to show it the opponent Kermit pransky pins White Knight to its king and fiser advances in the center with E5 black continues C5 to undermine the E Pawn and white plays A3 hitting the bishop who captures the Knight before white recaptures black follows with Knight E7 preparing to Castle and white immediately makes his intentions clear with H4 continuing his expansion on the king's side black Fearless castles into the oncoming storm white develops his Knight to F3 before black takes the pawn on D4 opening the C file after white recaptures with his Pawn black places his Queen on C7 where she can make use of her enhanced Vision White's Bishop D3 Bears down on Black's H7 Pawn in this position black should play a move like F6 challenging White's powerful Center while giving his King Breathing Room instead black plays Knight B to C3 and white plays the Greek gift sacrifice Bishop takes H7 if black doesn't take the bishop then Knight G5 followed by Queen to H5 would be devastating G6 to stop Queen to H5 would just be met by H5 and the H file would soon open up so black takes the bishop with his King who's pierced By The Sword of the White Knight as it leaps to G5 retreating is not a good idea because it would see Queen to H5 and it's either lose to check mate or move the Rook which would lose the F7 Pawn so the king advances to G6 fiser plays A4 opening up both his bishop and his Rook who could slide over to Aid the attack black realizing that he's in a great amount of trouble sacrifices his Knight capturing on E5 his hope is to get two pawns for the Knight while giving his King some peace of mind now fiser and is H5 and it's all over for black king H6 would walk into a discovered check that would win the queen king to F6 would lead to Knight H7 winning at least the Rook but likely a whole lot more as white could still hunt down the king in the game black settles for King F5 giving white a way to end the game on the spot can you find White's checkm in three the black king is far too advanced and it's only a matter of time before he runs out of squares the move fiser plays to hasten his end is the gruesome G4 to delay things black could take the pawn with his Knight white would play Queen D3 check pushing the king to F6 after which Knight H7 would be Checkmate in the game however black just moves his King to F6 right away where he IM immediately Falls prey to the noxious Knight H7 Checkmate I hope these games were both entertaining and instructive don't forget to like comment and subscribe for more chess content
Channel: SammyChess
Views: 7,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best chess player, chess tactics, chess traps, chess openings, chess sacrifice, chess puzzle, chess analysis, opening theory, opening repertoire, chess opening, chess tips, chess tricks, chess tactic, chess trap, chess history, chess world champion, best chess openings, chess strategies, robert james fischer, bobby fischer, french defense, French Defense: Winawer Variation, winawer variation, fischer french defense, checkmate, brilliant move, checkmate puzzles
Id: W7Uxy3cUbZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 39sec (2079 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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