Bobby Fischer Shows How to Break the Rules of Chess!

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today's game has what very well may be the most controversial move Bobby fiser ever made on a chess board and what makes it even more amazing is that it was played at the candidates tournament 1959 as you know the candidates tournaments are the tournaments that are played to determine who will play for the world championship so very intense a lot is at stake his opponent of course all the players were very strong was Grant Master fetto are gigerich Bobby fiser has white gligorich has black let's Jump Right In fiser begins with E4 and gligorich plays C5 the Sicilian Defense seeking to unbalance the play right from the start Knight F3 Knight C6 D4 CD4 Knight D4 Knight to F F6 Knight C3 and D6 so this is the classical Sicilian and you'll notice that black has both of his Knights developed so he's trying to get as many pieces out as possible and not be swamped with by a lack of development um Fisher plays Bishop to C4 this was uh his favorite move in the Sicilian if he could play it it's known as the soen variation basically putting this bishop in a very aggressive post immediately aiming at the weak F7 square and after E6 it's not uncommon at all for the Knight or Bishop to sacrifice itself on the E6 square and cause all kinds of problems for black black instead of playing E6 plays Bishop to D7 this is a flexible move um maybe black is trying to save a Tempo over E6 at this point in the game but gligoric has a very interesting idea in mind that we're going to take a look at Fisher Retreats his Bishop to B3 a more stable Square than C4 it was going to have to move anyway and here gligoric plays a surprise he plays G6 transposing into a dragon variation moving from the classical to a dragon and the move water he uses um allows him to get some pieces out before he commits to the dragon structure and fiser plays F3 he commits to the traditional approach to the dragon Sicilian which is known as the Yugoslav attack and the idea is very simple white wants to play Bishop to E3 then Queen to D2 then play the bishop to H6 to trade it off for Black's Dragon Bishop which will be on G7 then play H4 H5 and open up the H file and basically just attack the king that's the sort of the simple stepbystep process that white has in the dragon Sicilian Knight to A5 gligoric immediately goes after the bishop at B3 but he can also play the Knight to C4 later once a rook comes to C8 it can support the knight move to that square and the move Bishop E3 is more standard here but fiser goes ahead and plays the bishop to G5 a slightly more aggressive post but the idea of Queen D2 Bishop h H6 is still the the idea on the board Bishop G7 and queen to D2 planning to play the bishop to H6 and trade off that dark squared Bishop but gligoric plays another surprising move he plays H6 and because he hasn't castled yet and The Rook is still at h8 Bobby Fischer has to retreat the bishop which he does to E3 uh the only downside for gligorich is it does make it harder to Castle because if he castled right now fiser could just take H6 win a pawn and he'd just have a winning position but modern Dragon players these days often do leave their King in the center of the board so we'll see how it how he fares Rook to C8 very standard In the Sicilian putting pressure on the half openen C file also supporting a knight jump into C4 long castles and here gligorich plays Knight to C4 now this is all very standard for Black's play in a a dragon but Bobby Fischer's next move was I think the maybe the most controversial move in his chess career what he what normally would be played here by white almost automatically without even thinking is the move Bishop takes C4 followed by Rook takes C4 very standard idea what Fischer does is he plays the move Queen to E2 allowing gligorich to take his dark squared Bishop and uh before I studied this game I thought everybody thought that this was probably a dubious decision but it turns out the great David braunstein uh gave this move two exclamation points saying it was brilliant and the key to fiser Victory so if someone like brunstein thinks it's a good move then that really is a nice counterweight to all those people that think it was a mistake let's see how it turns out in the game gorish does not waste time of course he grabs the dark squared Bishop immediately Queen takes E3 so so let's see how Fischer handles this position um after castling he plays G4 he continues in the same vein as whitew in a dragon gaining space on the king side for the attack um B5 was a sharp idea for black but instead gigger played Queen to A5 Queen is usually well placed for black in these positions it's hitting A2 hitting the Knight on C3 and it also gets to defend along that fifth rank where it can be a very valuable defensive piece as well Fisher just continues with h four and here gligorich plays E6 he wants to limit the scope of this bishop on B3 um at the moment because the pawn at F7 is pinned that makes the G6 Pawn vulnerable to capture so he just wants to nip that in the bud and play E6 and block that Bishop out um here fiser plays Knight D to E2 um one move that could have been considered was G5 immediately then H G5 H G5 Knight G5 and F4 and here um white has a good position now fiser thought that this wasn't so great for white um and felt that Queen to C5 uh would work well for black um but modern computers show us that black is still very strong here fiser was worried about the idea of E5 hitting the Knight and queen's coming off of the board but here F5 actually is very powerful for white and if black plays E5 uh White can actually ignore the threat to his Knight and just jump in the Knight Knight coming to E5 with threats of Knight to E7 and if Rook F to E8 to stop that jump then just Pawn takes on G6 if Pawn takes Knight gf7 check and if if the king takes on F7 the discovery from the bishop of B3 would be decisive so after King f8 you could just take on E8 after Queen F3 white is white is actually doing very well just winning here but Fischer's idea is still strong he plays the move Knight D to E2 the idea is after G5 and black black will want to create a blockade on H5 with his Knight but now Fisher's Knight can go to G3 and challenge the Knight on H5 um Knight to E8 is probably the best decision very hard move to find this is again a modern computer move the idea is that if fiser plays G5 he can lock things up with H5 he also would unleash the bishop on C3 uh but instead the more natural move is played Rook to C6 preparing to double on the C file G5 hits the Knight H G5 H G5 and Knight to H5 the standard idea trying to block the H file by putting the knight in the way Bishop plays F4 uh the queen could go to H3 the Knight could go to G3 F5 F4 F5 is in The offing Rook F to C8 King to B1 a standard defensive idea when you Castle long Queen to B6 of course gligoric would love for Queens to come off the board fiser is not going to let that happen he wants to continue his attack Queen to F3 again with the possibility ability of playing F4 F5 and the exchange sacrifice on H5 is also quite tempting uh Rook to C5 to control the F5 Square so if he plays F5 he can exchange it off and take with the Rook here fiser plays the move Queen to D3 um as it turns out the move Rook takes H5 was actually very strong here after gh5 Queen H5 if D5 then G6 and the black king is being being completely opened and after fg6 Queen G6 we can see Black's King is in huge trouble and Bobby would be better um now during the game uh there were some people that thought F5 was a strong move and Fischer actually made a comment about that uh that they were wrong and he gave a certain variation the variation he gave was EF5 Rook takes H5 gh5 and then they move Knight to F4 um and uh that this wasn't so great for white is what he said said and that's true it's not so great for white uh but modern computers show us that actually Queen to H5 is incredibly strong uh threatening of course Queen to F7 check and after Bishop E6 then just G6 exchanging off the bishop Queen H7 check King f8 you take the bishop off and White's threats are really quite strong threatening to go Knight to D4 Knight to F5 hit the bishop at G7 of an example line is Queen C7 Knight D4 and if you exchange off the Knight um you can see white has a pawn for the exchange but Black's King is just far too exposed here and white is quite a bit better but fiser plays the idea Queen to D3 going after the pawn at D6 threatening at least and uh here the strongest move for black was A5 uh the threat is to play A4 and uh maybe dislodge the bishop or move the knight from the play um but he plays Bishop takes C3 giving up the pride and joy of his position his position the dragon bishop and that definitely turns out to be a mistake for gigger the idea was this after Knight C3 as was played in the game he can play this move Knight to F4 the pawn at F4 is hanging because the Knight had to take the bishop the problem is after Fischer's next move Queen to F3 the pressure on the king side is just far too immense um if gligoric tries to put the Knight on keep the Knight on F4 with E5 then all Fischer has to do is just play Knight to E2 and the pressure is just too much the Knight can't take on E2 because then it would be Queen to F7 uh mate and otherwise he's just going to take on F4 then capture with the pawn with the queen and will just be totally dominating on the king side and that would be it so instead gligoric plays Knight to H5 putting the Knight back wanting to block the H file but now Fischer goes ahead with the exchange sack sacrifice Rook H5 G H5 Queen H5 uh with the possibility of playing G6 obviously there's pin here at the moment but after Bishop E8 trying to control the G6 Square Fisher plays Queen to H6 getting out of that lateral pin from the rook and here gligoric plays Rook takes C3 this exchange sacrifice is a very common idea in the dragon or even the nidorf but without the dark squared Bishop on the board it doesn't work very well after Pawn takes Rook takes White's King is actually quite safe because he doesn't have the dark Square Bishop to take advantage of the weak dark squares around it so G6 opening up Black's King fg6 Rook to H1 with the threat of Queen to h8 King to F7 Rook to H7 check mate so gligoric plays the move Queen to D4 control the h8 square but now Queen to H7 check and he resigned this does lead to mate Bobby fiser pointed out that Bishop B6 was actually an even faster mate after Bishop F7 Queen H7 king f8 queen F7 mate so was it a better decision to play to allow the capture of his dark squared Bishop well as far as I know fiser never did it again now some of you who are experts on fiser saying the comments if you know of a game where he did it again I don't think he ever did it again but in this case in a very important game it worked thank you for joining us at chess talk see you again soon bye
Channel: ChessDawg
Views: 24,846
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Keywords: bobby fischer, chess, bobby fischer best chess games, bobby fischer brilliancy, bobby fischer analysis, bobby fischer games, bobby fischer chess game, fischer vs gligoric 1959, bobby fischer vs gligoric, svetozar gligoric, gligoric chess, bobby fischer chess games, bobby fischer attack, bobby fischer chess, bobby fischer vs, bobby fischer best games, robert james fischer, fischer chess
Id: rHapZ2M8V4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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