Last To Leave Circle Wins $1,000 - Challenge

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all right so in today's video we got a hundred well actually no 200 kids put them all on a circle and told them the last one alive wins a thousand dollars it will be put through sets of challenges and the challenges obviously get harder and harder and harder until bad what are you doing I'm throwing motion okay and then the winner chess I lost my train of thought $1,000 that's pretty much it if you haven't already liked and subscribed do it right now or else what bad is throwing will become you that will literally yes that will become you so do it right now and yeah all right bad we have 200 kids in the circle are you ready to begin yes okay it's just a giant circle it's just a giant circle with 200 kids I don't get it what's the thing is that you want to be the last one on the circle why is there a conga line forming oh my gosh oh my gosh okay event has officially begun if you die at this point you are out no more Bible so they have to stay inside the circle that is correct yes so if they die their meme pretty much so they kind of don't want to do that no wait are they supposed to be in the green circle or the red line matter you know the circles a circle it's do circles I know but okay it's one giant circle do you see what I mean okay I guess I do see that okay cool do you want to start I guess I mean I guess we did start but let's start start for realsies okay look it is hovering over all right on your wrist a guy oh hi Stephy policeman what would you like to do or the first challenge a hmm we should just have them jump from one to the other oh I actually really like that so tell them all to go in the red circle right now yes okay let's do green first let's do green first everyone get inside the green circle all right let's let them do that let's see if anyone falls off already thirdly no one's gonna fall no okay go to right all right go to red circle okay with all the wood nails I'm gonna step down here and just wait come on surely someone so what oh wait that was just you yeah I thought someone fell literally nobody foul hey these two aren't on the red circle by board three two okay there they go hey this guy okay they're all right now that they're all on the red circle what now ooh I like that now we've got ice should we make them do it again I wonder if maybe adding some ice will make um yo slip up and maybe they'll they'll mess up a little bit oh okay I have an idea after that go ahead tell them to get on the green circle okay get on green circle hey oh my god F that is the first guy who has died out big red okay watch this okay bad tell them to go back to red well are you serious I'm so serious oh my goodness go gray to red oh that's got a handful oh my gosh who are we gonna get here I tell some around I saw something you know short amount of people oh my gosh I didn't think it would get that many who are they getting out so quick it's not that hard it's not that hard but like oh yeah it's a little tricky it's a little bit but not that that hard right yeah no it's not I mean we only got like 20 what the heck okay now let's do the same thing but back you feel me [Music] stove back to big circle oh my goodness okay yeah oh oh yeah people left and right oh my gosh oh did you think we're gonna get that many people out I literally do not think that literally it's not that hard really oh my god big rips man that is a lot of you undo move look at the jail it's already crammed are you oh my gosh it is okay for the next event I'm thinking what we do right is a game of chance a game of chance what do you need miss four-corners dude oh my goodness i kinda mix four quarters i want to have a round of four quarters just for not eight on sixteen no 32 50 not 100 but for you just want to do a single round of four corners yes that's a sport I mean no okay then help me set up a game of four corners okay let's just say name a color and the first four colors we get is red orange blue green wait' red orange blue green yes those are the clothes we need okay bad this looks pretty good we have bread orange green and blue and now let's let them pick whatever clothes they want all right I let him out pick your color doo doo doo doo doo doo to do take the color you want pick the color you want all right Skippy yeah now let's manually go down and just lock them in with obsidian all right last chance to change your corner Oh were they gonna go were they gonna go you gotta be careful I'm blocking it out there yet no more chance to change the corner now hey guys walking me off if you blocked me you will see ya warn them okay I think they've all made up their mind yeah they are all blocked in I think we're good how are we going to pick the corner that gets out hmm Skippy I got it all right Skippy I'm gonna spawn a peg right here okay whichever corner he goes wherever the pig walk that corner dies yeah you and I okay let's do it okay wait I'm gonna put the slow chat to eight unmute the chat okay go go go where's the big orange oh come on what literally he has to go unto one color Foley so we okay if he goes on a one color Foley okay it's gonna be green go to orange it's gonna be green Oh boys no way oh no way comes over you're gonna go this big is first I stepped on one big go somewhere please hello mr. po get away from the pig I'm sorry [Music] yup that's Creed get them out get them out get them out get about bye piggy no mr. pig I'm sorry all right scabby let's roast him I guess oh yeah and are you doing stubble set them no one just lighting them on fire roasty-toasty this is those dad oh we have three people left to have not died oh sweet oh no I can't watch this I can't watch this we need to roast feetoes no it's step ev2 cyber and awesome Sauron all right should we let him reap ich are we gonna do another one no no that's it that's it that's that's it ooh I could build a quick 100 corner sir no all right so what should we do next I have an idea everyone go to orange okay wait why are we making them go to orange trust me trust me on this okay we're going to simply cut off every single line all the way until we go all the way around wait trust me a little bit of faith in me wait are you gonna make them like Rundle never I don't know what you're talking about hmm okay there we go all the way until we go all the way around it's a fun happy time okay so we're nearly done this is gonna be pretty interesting for the most part I think we got some pretty good memes going on most likely most likely literally this is gonna be interesting I wonder how many will fall on this I don't think many it's really really easy actually it is easy but you need to go slow and steady yeah that's true all right should we tell them to go and then make it harder next time yes let's do it go to blue all right and they're off if anyone falls off and dies he's probably no oh oh never mind never mind nice okay that's good okay big rips big rips go to blue there you go all right bad you can tell them to go back if you want well no way I'm making it more oh yeah are you just breaking randomly yeah just randomly break I guess you technically could go in any path you wanted to so let me help you make it more crazy because it's all shooting which way you want to go yeah breaky break all right let's make him run back all right cool tell them to go now go to orange up there you go I think wall twice as many people fall honestly I don't know cuz it's better people playing so like mmm me okay ever and made it bad I have a terrible idea what what if we hollow out from the middle okay I was gonna vine just take your idea I'm fine okay do go to blue okay we've gotta lose more people this time I don't know I think it's still pretty easy as long as you find a good route but did more jumps right but it's more jumps right I have an idea what if right let's see if we have any madmen who will go through this route right why are you I just want to know if anyone is crazy enough to try this why would they try it I don't know I've a feeling someone who's Ryan no you'd have to be I just have a feeling I just have a feeling okay there we go and let's see if anyone wants to try that so let's just say go Orange Oh see see see see see we have crazy people on the earth bad what we have crazy people there's no reason great sheppy we cannot encourage this crazy behavior oh we lost some talking about okay let's make this even harder okay let's see if they can do it one more time just like that and that should be good and ready oh my goodness go to blue oh my goodness oh come on I bet you're doing that now Bell okay should we make it even harder or are we done with this I hope so what Bell what do you think I think we should ramp up the hardness level okay okay okay let's make it set there's only one route and that route is like this look at this bad why if we do the same thing on right wait why oh my goodness get me that's so hard I know no literally climb no give me this is impossible fine we'll give them one more layer there we go that's a little bit easier all right go orange come on calm I wake on my wake on my way on my way on my way oh they keep going this is making me angry Skippy that's like a bunch of crazy muffin look at that they're going around alright Skippy yeah I just got an idea okay what if we give them a time to do it okay we'll give them right 20 20 oh my god 20 they'll rush so I want you to select this whole thing and once I say 20 you just taught everything of red and green got so much blocks okay so this round I will be counting to 20 as soon as I hit 20 in chat and we'll cut all the green and red blocks meaning you need to be standing on blue before I say 20 in chat I will say go at a random time and start counting okay bad are you ready yes and 3 2 1 1 2 3 oh my for 500 Lisa everyone is just rushing oh my gosh did ever make it no we got a teeny bit more yeah let's do with 15 ok same thing with 15 I will say go at a random time all we do look these people going this way this really just like solves the problem if woody to Evie is that's so difficult I know but jeomsun ready bad yes and go oh this is getting so fast I know eight nine ten eleven Oh Noel 13 14 go cut it cut it Oh do we get anyone well not from that but from the rushes bad are we doing this with 10 seconds yes or no yes you guys want to try it with ten ragged if we do ten seconds that will literally kill pretty much everyone Wow no but yes no but yes I added one more mean jump here just to make it harder every time are you ready are you ready yes or now let's do it okay here we go get ready I will say go at a random time 10 seconds here we go here we go three two one go one two oh seven eight nine ten oh you got one you got what I think yeah I'm sorry whoever I got or give me I think we've had our fun we have all right since we're back to normal now everyone go to red circle okay now that they're all there bad come here we are going to make them all do this weird job to get on this diamond platform if they want to survive to the next round so you're gonna make them do a death parkour job that is correct okay at least don't make it too hard yeah yeah whatever you say okay so they're all gonna get here they've to make that jump watch I'm not dying boom Gabby there's like 50 people this is gonna take forever to do this watch me I don't know trust me I got this fine oh yeah bad now that we have five get up get the slime off we're gonna say uh you two get to Diamond go all right they're off and you can jump to the next redstone block and start towards early fashion I hope this works oh they're off No hey they're giving each other time to do it is anyone gonna fail Oh II died that is our first tax right there Jimmy we have a big long death line I know look at this people are just knowing each other time people are over here scared that's a police guy I swear what is he doing this is not where he supposed to be no dude so far two people have died only two and we've got 40 more to go I mean this is pretty so more so ghosty Manny Mario's all right well for the most part I think everyone's done a decent job so far I think so too I'm rather impressed all right okay guys tried to hurry up if you can we have something terrible planned next okay run down going for it and he's made it up last one yep and another what someone went back and died Wow not a very bright potato okay I'm gonna set up the next event okay we're gonna have some gobbles stone and then once we have gobble stone they have to make that jump but what happens if they miss it they die what they just fall down onto this thing that's not dying are you sure Wow okay now we have to clean that out that's easy wait they have to make this job please make it a little bit wider that's a good idea and then give me a couple Pat's yeah yeah that'll work all right I'm pretty sure everyone went ahead and made it now let's tell them to make this go to the emeralds whenever you can literally no one oh no dude he bailed and died first oh my goodness kepi yeah we are literally I just I just did it terribly hard well it's kind of hard dude they have to be so careful and jump at the last second oh-ho dude go okay Lord banana boy the last one come on Lord banana boy no don't say it's Gabi please don't okay these are the four block jump guards so yes you guys are totally gods right you're so good haha so good so since you're so good go back to diamond oh my goodness oh no there's just one oh never mind that is not just one that is a lot more come on fire breath man you can do it I will give them 20 seconds oh no okay I'm done being cruel bad you can do the next one I'm done I just want to do that how about we get some PvP going get some nice back sticks yeah what happens all right we should give them super duper regen Skippy and make them punch each other off of this I splat like I like it let me give them some super region okay they all have regen for 25 minutes okay so are we gonna turn PvP on I think that's the only solution here all right I have the command ready okay I'll tell them PvP will be turned on do not fall off the ice or you die dude they're all just in the middle okay before we start I must do one thing get away from center pudding big hole I knew they would do this dude they were trying to be sneaky I knew this would happen but we knew what was coming okay I think that's good that looks good that's a nice circle do a revival yeah let's do one okay revival time what number one number what number what number when I'm relaxed oh I got it let's do 14 but because we have more than 14 people we have about 30 people left to do 14 plus 30 which is 44 all right 44 it is 3 2 1 underneath the chat did anyone say it bad no no one said it it's 1 2 69 now 3 yeah okay we got it it was a guy named the o0p ma ok let's go ahead and put him in GG all right this is a revival yes so we got 30 members and only one of them is gonna win here we go PvP on in 10 9 6 8 3 5 4 2 3 2 1 0 go and they're off who's gonna Paul who's this right this guy's wagging what the hell oh my gosh ooh what purse it fell whoo nice we got one we got one oh it's gonna fall no they're all not falling yeah I know and I don't like it mmm we should make this tinier okay good idea Oh okay I'm just gonna do that from the outside as well see what happens look these people aren't even fighting at all oh oh oh that's one out okay I'm making even smaller I think I did a good job at it what is what is this little group I would have to tell you oh I got someone else oh and you know right okay how many people do we have left we have ooh we got this guy is running Oh John poor guy oh they're all gay I literally jumped in the void okay bye ooh they got someone out again no I feel bad for you what I have no choice okay now that we have this many people up - what are you thinking all right so Skippy you see how we have this giant red circle I see that do you know what the red circle reminds me I do know what it reminds you of it reminds me of a trap oh my god we have them run around the track until literally just one is less slowly adding in obstacle after obstacle oh my gosh let's do it all right well let's tell them all to run oh yes oh wait we got to put them at the starting line Oh true true true everyone get on redstone block okie should we tell them to go yes and go all right here we go poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo with a bit of poop I've already started dude I don't have any time to waste I don't have any time to waste you if you stop running you're out but thank good plan confuse them a little bit give them my heart jumps run down is in this Skippy I know is it that buddy I need him to win I just want him to dude he's never won before he hasn't oh that's so good did you see that I did know one fellow blood person fouls yes Oh slimes are spawning that's a good obstacle I'm just making it really confusing for that and let's see how they perform don't stop running up we lost one yep that's another okay make this a little bit more challenging so now they literally have to go on through here oh my goodness why are you making it so hard this is like really difficult I don't know eval it's not hard it's just part of the game plan okay now that the region is all gone we start by getting some lava buckets Gabby you're putting it right at the start you're gonna make them roasty-toasty it's already difficult okay so they have to make this jump or there I'll okay no that's too hard not true it is not true yes tell them to go five four three two one zero go and they're off here we go I'm gonna fall Oh Barbara thing rip rip big rips oh my gosh we lost two three really dude they're going this could be the end yeah come on I'm gonna add one more hard time yes you do looks like they're doing it pretty good pretty good what propellent job oh my goodness it's just c7 I know that's like the hardest jump that ladder one right there I'm curious who's gonna make that again Oh Oh the median okay people smart people come on come on come on come on down he's smart he's going really slow rate will he stand away from the group just in case nice yes that's kind of smart yeah alright stop at redstone block okay why did you make them stop what do you want to do this way we can get them all in the same bunch again so we will watch them easier okay all right Rani and wait should we make it even I am or I am yeah I'm gonna just polka like a bunch of rainbow okay okay same this is gonna be interesting random holes okay I'm gonna add one really hard jump here how hard pretty hard five four three two one zero go stop at redstone once you're back alright there ominous oh oh oh my Kenny's we're already down to three your bladder jump killed so many if this guy won before Gastner he won what is this how is he so good I don't know okay Skippy what wait a minute haven't these two been in the finals yeah but run down his number one before oh my goodness I don't know who to cheer on what run down his number one I'm cheering for rundown Skippy we gotta get them in a call okay hey how's it going last time all right I want you both to make this lap go oh dude it's this one jump right here was my only one okay yes oh no way I want no way but like I think you know just don't fall go I'm not gonna fall if you fall then come on I can't believe it I can't know either I know I've been shot dude Oh Maggie won yesterday I'm never going to win I did it literally what it you want there we go Oh oh thank you okay goodbye forever thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed the flight comment sub and my brain hurts I guess just say the least and yeah I just I don't know how to how to process this but Gigi I guess this muffin head keep sweating you
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 1,850,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, last to, last to leave, last to leave circle, minecraft challenge
Id: yY5wf0QxL_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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