Skeppy's Favorite Jump $1,000 - Challenge

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okay hi welcome so in today's video we got 150 kids and they had to do my favorite jump over and over and over until there was only one person remaining this right here is my favorite stuff in minecraft and i am bad at it but you know the point is one person will win a thousand dollars from doing it that's pretty much it like and subscribe right now or else you will always fail parkour in minecraft and pretty much have bad luck forever bad tell love to subscribe like or subscribe or die tomorrow wait is that how it goes it'll work okay bad i am really excited are you ready to begin yes i am and of course you'd be really excited i am oh my goodness because all we're doing today yes cappy's jumps yay so we have 160 players minus well you and me so let's get rid of you and me hey nope done that i'm going to do it it's worth it so i did it and now there are 158 players who are about to attempt my favorite jump so how should we do the first one i think you know how we should do it okay let's literally just make a platform and have them your favorite jump their way onto it okay i say we make like 10 of the same platforms so that they have room and they're not all on the same one that is actually a good idea okay here i will make the platform from here to here and we'll just do it like that perfect and then let's get a i don't know i guess this block all right simon says go in corner what does that mean what corner left corner right corner middle corner and corners okay it doesn't matter okay they're gonna be very simple and elegant elegant yeah elegant look at that look at that boom and then you know what we just literally do that do what and we get some of these wait look at that what what they'll walk up yeah then they go right they only have one place of going to do it i'm not gonna make skippy i'm making more other ones oh okay okay okay i understand now hey what are they skipping you're supposed to keep an eye on these i'm sorry get off the ladder or i will kick you oh yeah that's gonna make them yeah run away three two literally one yeah they got off are you kidding me these kids are on the ladder you know what it's what what do you mean it's fine i don't even care anymore let him stay on the ladder expand one stack eight oh probably all right bad now that we have this implemented how long should we give them i think yes we should give them yes i don't know 10 minutes what 10 minutes are you out of your mind no everyone stand on courts no everyone needs to stand on courts and i say we give them two and a half minutes dude that's literally not enough time are you kidding me ten minutes no that's literally not enough that isn't even more no it's not two and a half minutes is more than enough time oh my goodness fine two and a half minutes whatever it doesn't work how long did you want to do you don't have any but how long same ten ten ten minutes deal with this okay the entire video let's meet in the middle eight that's not meeting in the middle four wait seven three three minutes okay three minutes three minutes is still too long okay then let's do 30 seconds no 30 seconds is too short make up your stupid mind oh my gosh two minutes two minutes fine two minutes two minutes yeah okay you must make the jump oh my gosh they're all going i'm starting to think two minutes is too long two minutes is not too long there's still some people who are trying to figure this out right but like okay we'll say one minute 30 seconds left this is probably the easiest round yeah parkour ever and you wanted to do 10 minutes okay it might take people that long there's like a warning no no it's not gonna take anyone 10 minutes practice skeppy we're gonna say one breakfast makes perfect okay you trying to do it first try go right all right i'm gonna walk boom all right oh no i wasn't prepared i wasn't prepared exactly i wasn't prepared maybe they needed warm-up time okay you're right maybe some people might get out but i doubt it look this guy's mocking it this guy is literally mocking us there is still one more person who hasn't made it oh my gosh we might actually get someone out five no way four three oh you've got let's give him one more try okay last chance come on oh are you kidding me are you kidding me all right i think that was a pretty good run all right skippy so it looks like everybody made it do not fall scaby are you sure we want to do this everybody made it yeah cause you gave them 10 minutes okay well i got another idea do not go yet okay just can't be looked last time we had them go right right and we had a ladder for them to do it right so a thought just occurred to me what if we make them do it again however if they mess up they're out yes yes yes yes one try yes should we do it yes okay let's tell them okay guys if you mess up this time you will be out get two all right then they still i did not say go and i'm done you switched up real quick bad first it was 10 minutes and then it was a lava one attempt what is wrong with one attempt did you see how nobody fell in the first one we have everyone fell of course they just had time all right if we're gonna go hardcore we're gonna go hardcore okay here's what i'm thinking right uh-huh what we do is we have not one but two wait two one right after the other one right after the other oh my goodness guppy you can't do that and we paste it and we give them all one try that's too hard no it's not can't be this is literally too hard for one try yes hey do not go are they going yeah they better not if they go again i'm gonna be very angry ooh skeppy i just got an idea i got an idea yes okay hear me out yes tell me what you think what if if they mess up right okay instead of having it kill them yes oh my goodness somebody fell oh and all right what were you saying what were you saying so here's the idea they missed this they then have to go back around to this thing and they get one more shot so that way we're basically giving them two chances can you feel me oh okay it'll only take me a second to build let me do it hey while i'm building you control them all right all right i am controlling you guys and making sure you stay in your spots all right so skepty yes basically here is the dalio all right if they mess up right they're gonna walk back along this way right right and then they're gonna come back up here okay they have to do one but they can get back to the thingy you see if they do it so then when do we call off the time we will call the time i'm thinking how long should they have to do it 10 minutes bad get real what what two minutes not two minutes one minute 60 seconds no not that's way too short you might as well say like 10 seconds oh my god fine two minutes two minutes two total minutes okay there's one guy on the diamond diamond we have oh my gosh fat what fine there was someone already on the diamond okay people are falling skeppy yeah that's the whole point of this so if they're all here they're gone yeah i gotta say this is pretty interesting i like how they don't fail on this one but the other one they fit oh never mind never mind well how much time we'll say one minute left yeah one minute and look now they have to go and do this one again wait is that going to mess up on this twice oh nobody's kind of funny what what what this guy he messed up okay he's going around again he's going over this guy so let's see how it goes i'm going to give them 30 seconds oh he made it he's gonna make it again oh oh oh that guy made it again he made it oh no this guy didn't make it all right ten nine even eight seven we gotta get one more chance five oh let's [Music] all right bad now that we have the professionals in our game we're all alive we have the professionals that lava go to emerald you're gonna make them go back yes i am that's so mean yes it is oh look how many of them are falling into the lava yeah this is a big rip all right 10 seconds i'm going to do this here we go go on go on bed i believe in you do it here we go oh oh oh oh boop i literally did it i literally did it i'm so good you have to do it now all right we have 96 players remaining what would you like to do we should make them go back okay only this time oh my god you are cruel all right we have triple here we go three two one go okay this one is a lot harder i mean yeah each jump is like the same difficulty but it's like there's something like consciously i don't know about what it is about these jumps but i feel like sometimes you can make it and sometimes your skill level just goes to zero and boom you fall into lava all right 75 players okay i'm gonna do it skippy ready okay one two three boom i'm gonna try it one two oh no oh i messed up one two three here i'm thinking for this one we change it up just a little bit instead we go like that oh no skeppy this jump is so hard yup i literally cannot do this jump really yeah it's so difficult right there's two tricks the one is you do this try it do it yeah and you press jump yep and forward at the same time go for it there you go justin that's the only way to do it this is a super hard jump no it's not it's easy hey skippy yeah look what this guy oh there's a guy yeah bird poop wait what the heck how did he get it wait watch this watch this watch this i'm gonna vanish i'm gonna vanish oh no bbh i love you well i was gonna go like that and like that and oh my goodness are you skipping that stuff like that [Music] all right we're ready all right skeppy you're cruel and mean not rule it's like good jump cruel are you gonna have him do it all right three two one go all right here we go so far so good so far no deaths can you believe that oh my goodness oh there we go no there is a lot of death skeppy i don't know what you're talking about no i know that there are a lot of people who just got bamboozled yeah it's a hard jump but like if you time it right it's not that bad no this one's basically impossible don't say that no it's not 60 people made it no it is it is impossible but 60 people made it no it's impossible skeptic if it was impossible how would 60 people have made it look at how many died we lost 10. should we tell them to go back no is that what you're trying to say i don't think you can make this the other way around oh you can okay that jump is oh i did it so easily just then oh my goodness whatever whatever make him go back go back they have done it oh my goodness this is perfect oh my gosh i'm starting to think you're right this might be a little bit hard wait skippy every time we make them do this we lose 10. we should just do four more rounds a bit that's not how this works i mean we could okay let's try it go back no let's see let's see you can get out let's see if your theory is right no it's too late we're going to see a few theories right okay we only lost one uh two okay three only three oh my god this is fine and your theory actually works here no no we could just tell to go back four five oh no oh debbie we're five down i guess six no come on imagine guys literally these people are the pros so we should lose less yeah we lost six good 44 remain okay all right then oh my goodness skippy that's literally too difficult well you know what's cuppy i think we're doing this too difficult okay would you agree no no you're supposed to say yes okay yes yes i agree okay i propose a different uh approach this is easier right no no no just hear me out and hear me out okay so look at what we've got so far right so i'm thinking we break this right and we don't have to do a head hitter for the entire thing right as long as there's at least one every round and i guess we can put it right here right this is what i'm thinking they enter here they go boop boo boo boo boo just around then boop then they go boop boop they don't fail it and then they don't fail it no poop just like that sure let me leave this part off then perfect uh should we move it one over yeah i'll put one more at the end wait one more hitter just one more oh should we put one at the beginning uh no no okay there's too many people okay guys you are going to go down the path make it to the diamond all right they're on their way all right keep track we need to see how many fall so far none uh i don't know how this is more difficult to be honest but we have one guy that fell okay that's pretty good oh yeah so what's the official name of this jump i did a headache and it's called the skippy jump the skeppy jump i i believe so that's the official name why is it called the skeppy job because it's like you know you jump you hit your head skippy jump what is it called the skippy jump because never mind what no no what were you gonna say yeah i know what you're gonna say i know what you're gonna say no it doesn't matter it doesn't matter no it doesn't matter these people need to go you're making me angry ten seconds five you lost like three people two one no don't rush 300 seconds okay i am telling them to go back and i'm making this a lot harder what you're gonna add in more blocks for them to smack their heads you just see bad oh my goodness what are you doing don't make it harder because you're mad at me i'm making it harder don't make it that much harder too bad debbie please no they didn't do anything yep well they're good potatoes all right no go back debbie this is impossible no it's not yeah it literally no it's not yeah it literally no it's not i'm pretty sure this is no it's not this isn't even a skeptic no it's not this has a name they call it the neo yeah it's the neo see how did they do that i told you no i refuse to believe this is no possible they're doing it this is so impossible clearly not no it is impossible skipping no we have the parkour gods ronald mcdonald making it okay skeppy this is the one jump that i'm not good at bad all you have to do is go like this and then you jump around it's not around difficult okay i just failed do it scabby go yeah yeah i'll do it ready yeah just go like ah you just have to go like like around it yeah around just boom just like that okay it only took you 17 times it took me three tries we have 25 players left how would you like to go about this um what did you want to do next anything you want okay oh my goodness would we make them do like 20 bad boy halo jumps in a row nah that'd be nice oh we'd have nobody left wait what's camping i like it i figured out i know what to do next what do we do okay i literally know what to do this is here's the thing you trust me skeppy sometimes okay then i know what to do we got all these memers right right b and b and mimi yeah we set this up right we have them do who but we tell them that the last person to make it across gets killed so they're gonna rush and good that's good oh this is gonna be tricky and intense and scary three two all right one go go oh my god oh my god oh my god keep an eye out keep an eye out oh oh oh who's it gonna be who's it gonna be i'm watching it it was demonstrable all right give him the muffins skippy oh z man oh i'm sorry here you kill him i don't have the heart too oh yes so i have to do it i've killed enough people today skeppy fine how many yeah yeah there he goes should we make him go back yeah same thing going back okay guys we are gonna do this oh my gosh last person dies oh i'm gonna get a little thingamabob ready just so we have one bad bad one keep it like that so that they can go like that yeah make it a little bit more time that's hard are you crazy i don't think i can even do it come on i thought you wanted the bad boy halo job that's hard you wanted the bad boy halo jump didn't you all right three points go all right let's see who it is oh oh oh oh oh oh oh it is it was a steve adam live this is getting a lot of people i know right i feel so bad oh my goodness i know what we need to do for the last round no no he's going to die oh but i like his skin do we have to kill him he did it himself we have a revival round yeah okay we're doing a revival round we're not staying on fourteen all right fine what's the number three we do fourteen stepping if we do fourteen skippy if we do 14 with fourteen players left that's the only number people are gonna type okay all right yeah okay look we got five of them five people it was 14. i goyo was the first muffin he was the first one all right he's been revived all right debbie i know what to do what i literally just got the best idea ever yes we need to turn pvp on for one of these ah okay let's do it we have literally just one head hitter jump oh we can even stretch it out mm-hmm right so we stretch it out like there dodge the middle like broken out and then we just do like that okay and then we turn this into pvp yeah i like it i like it this is gonna be really interesting all right yeah this is literally gonna be super muffins and okay i got it blocked off let's just do one where we just see how they yeah let's just see how they do all right get ready okay so they know they can punch each other hopefully it works are you ready yep five do a countdown four three two one go back yeah wait wait wait we need to make it thinner now i like i like okay okay ready three two one it's literally on and no one had fought each other three two one go oh oh oh why aren't they punching oh i know right this is so frustrating scuffy okay you know what i know what we can do what you incentivize more punching okay we bring this down right like that all right and then we have them go down this way what like this what yes and we stick oh what you would call it a head-hitter jump oh right thank god so they literally have to go and then oh my goodness guppy is this too mean actually insane okay no i think it should be good that looks pretty good should we put one on each side let's put one on each side no no no no no no actually yeah some options we'll give them some options but for the next one we remove a side yes all right scooby we have 13 memers left okay yes we do so this is we're gonna tell him pvp is on again and we're gonna have him run to the other side again perfect let's do it all right ready three oh do the countdown two one go oh my gosh oh my gosh oh oh oh oh the pvp is really affecting this one bad the pvp is brutally affecting this one smart you'll stay oh my gosh one minute across yeah one made it oh what a nice potato oh oh no dude oh my god we should have done this at the very knitting right this is actually insane oh he failed the head hitter to make it that far only to mess up on one head hitter is so unlucky oh that guy made it oh they're going we'll give them 30 seconds oh oh oh oh what if you die just from pvp yeah that would be so unfortunate you could you literally could 20 seconds bad i'll do a countdown nineteen eighteen oh my seventeen one made it gonna win they all made it i think oh oh we made it we have eight memers left oh my goodness skeppy i just thought of something really funny what so we just have all those memers right what if we do a revival another one but we take 10 people right okay and we put them here and then we lock these muffins off we put 10 people over here and we tell them the first person to make it to the other side stays in the others get killed just to see what happens okay okay go ahead and pick your magic number i'm gonna separate these guys all right everyone in jail were doing a revival challenge these people are still left in however we're going to teleport 10 people from the jail and we're gonna put them over here and we're gonna tell them that the first person to successfully make it the green side will get to come back in say number one to 15. the number i pick is seven so the first ten people to say seven will be tp bad okay okay we got em all right tp them okay so we got ten random people from the jail who said our number first one to make it across get survived let's do this all right let's tell them all right three two one go oh oh oh oh never mind all right skippy so we decided to make them keep going oh steppy's is gone and lecratus made it look rattus all right skippy do we want to have all these muffins go again i think that would be a good idea but only one side oh my goodness wait only one side yeah but i'm making it a little bit longer okay skippy i think we are ready perfect are you ready yes five four three two one go they all know the rules they're all too scared oh oh oh there's one there's one oh oh no everybody should have gone bunkers might win this skeptical because they just might hit everyone off that's so smart they did go first oh my goodness how long is this gonna take come on yellow muffins they'd all have to like go at the same time but even then it's still risky oh my goodness they're literally taking forever skippy i know come on you muffin heads hurry up gabby why are they so lazy all right fine bad can i block this side right here what no we can't block it just that side you know what i got it i know how to motivate them okay all right you have let's say 30 seconds are you sure that's gonna motivate them i'm down that'll motivate them 29. oh they're going oh yep yep oh one made it one made it oh go back i'm gonna tell them to go back right now wait wait wait should we block it oh i guess they're gone yeah they're going oh i did see that top six i want skeppy nader to win oh oh oh oh what's going to happen here ooh that guy almost got muffin go across he's meeting people now oh my gosh oh my gosh he wins he gets hitting lava right now no he's good oh he just got hit into lava top five top five hot five yeah oh my goodness should we make this even harder i know how to make it harder what do you think get me i'm gonna make it harder all right debbie we made it harder a lot of memers are gonna die here but we're okay with this right it looks good it looks good all right are you ready all right three two one go oh oh messed up no did you see that no no no no no he literally did he messed up and now skepinator is on the opposing side what oh my goodness seconds and look look at where he's standing he's gonna he could literally just lock it he could win this yeah oh my goodness so here we go blime sound he's coming around oh skeppy's going punching oh my gosh oh my gosh this is literally it all right skippy made a little bit harder they can now be punched the glass will not cushion them and pretty much if they mess up they are memed this is pretty much gonna be it all right we're gonna tell them the first person who may get we'll win and you know what just so we know who is the first person to make it we are gonna set up a special little theme about like oh there we go sweet all right bad are you ready yes give me a countdown all right five four three i don't feel like they're all gonna die let's see yeah two one zero oh oh gosh guppy nate or go oh but he wins that was super obvious platformer is out skeppy nader he won skumpy deputy hater what a name deputy nader let's get a call with him hello how do you feel i don't know what to say i'm so happy i haven't i mean you can express it i'm so happy dude i'm glad you're happy and that you won yeah i'm also um yeah i have respect for you guys giving opportunities to others like this and yeah i know what to say really 100 man thank you so so much we really appreciate it do you think having skeppy in your name helped you win no but i like it yeah you did good congrats yeah thank you all right man well ggs congrats again and yeah i will get that sent out to you soon okay no problem all right thank you guys bye thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed like comment and subscribe to bad boy halo and yeah that do you have anything else to say remember everybody if you hold on i'm going to get it right this time it's subscribe or like and die goodbye no goodbye goodbye disconnected you
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 1,505,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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