First Time Watching "SEINFELD" (Funniest Moments Part 1)

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uh all right look y'all so we did a little research guys and apparently this is the greatest show of all time apparently yeah they suggested this in my stream wow it has made the most money of all time as a TV show yes I don't know they said make one million dollars per episode what every syndication was talking like if let's say BT won't pick this up instead it's 400 million dollars gonna make every syndication time yes this is dude I've never heard of this in my life I mean man let's do that real quick man I think my parents all right now hold up it's different yeah it didn't matter so she ain't gonna lie I never seen this turned on on my teeth I see friends at my grandparents hey Dad what you doing uh you heard of a show called Seinfield if you like that show or it's cool [Music] yeah okay yeah we're gonna watch it we're going to check it out the video okay all right all right yeah pops heard of it he's the Pierce of them all you guys out there it pops hard enough it's a good shot man we Pops from bruh Houston Texas apparently it's the greatest show of all time it got made the most money Jared sign for us is almost a billionaire from remember to check this out let's check with Jerry Seinfeld talking about he was the executive producer too this show is bigger than Dave Chappelle thank you [Music] how can I help you name please uh Seinfeld I made a reservation for a midsize and she's a small [Music] I'm kidding around of course um well he's in perfect health it works out he's vibrant he'd really like him why do people always say that I hate everybody why would I like him what do you think could you go out with a 66 year old woman well I'll tell you she would have to be really vibrant so vibrant she'd be spinning [Music] sorry we have no mid size available at the moment I don't understand I made a reservation do you have my reservation yes we do unfortunately we ran out of cars the reservation keeps the car here that's why you have the reservations I know why we have reservations I don't think you do to report if you did I'd have a car so you know how to take the reservation you just don't know how to hold and that's really the most important part of the reservation behold anybody can just take them [Music] [Laughter] here we go the supervisor you know what she's saying over there what hey Marge see those two people over there they think I'm talking to you so you pretend like you're talking to me okay Oh you mean like this so it looks like I'm saying something but I'm not really saying anything at all okay I'll say something else and they won't yell at me because they thought I was checking with you okay okay I'm sorry my supervisor says there's nothing we can do yeah it looked like you were in a real conversation but we do have a compact if you would like that fine all right well we have a blue Ford Escort for you Mr Seinfeld would you like Insurance yeah you better give me the insurance because I am going to beat the hell out of this [Music] I'm on No Sleep No Sleep you don't know what it's like in there all night long things are creaking and cracking and that red light is burning my friend you look a little stressed oh I'm stressed I'm trying to pretend you know so Kramer what am I supposed to do if I don't have that for half by four o'clock they're gonna take me down like Nixon you know like put them up Sacramento Kramer's friend well he called last night about 3 A.M and we got to talking sells Russian heads down on Battery Park 40 bucks 40 bucks [Music] oh yeah I like this idea all right let's give it a shot let's go all right you three have been hand-picked out of possibly dozens what we're looking for are motivated hard-working homeless uh gentlemen like yourselves too Paul rickshaws now I don't care where are you from or how you got here or what happened to your homes but you will have to be physically fit requires more than just strong legs you're also going to need a well-toned upper body or a shirt hi who's first game please rusty rusty no I want snow horse named Rusty all right now take it down the end of block making control bring her back let's see what you got okay all right pace yourself because you're gonna have to do this all day for very little money I think he's still in our rickshaw foreign [Music] [Applause] and I go out boy these pretzels are making me thirsty no no I'm working on it do it like this these pretzels are making me thirsty these pretzels are making me thirsty no see that's not good see you don't know how to act these pretzels I'm making me thirsty oh that was no good I didn't say anything all right I'm gonna go uh break up with almond what was wrong with that I have a different interpretation up and no woman anybody [Music] foreign get right to the point uh it's come to my attention that you and the cleaning woman have engaged in sexual intercourse on the desk in your office who said that she did was that wrong should I not have done that I tell you I gotta plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing was frowned upon you know because I I work in a lot of offices and I tell you people do that all the time you're fired dang well you didn't have to say it like that I want you out of here by the end of the day [Music] what about the whole Christmas spirit thing any flexibility there wait wait wait wait she wanted me to go get this foreign [Music] my advice to you is to finish your meal pay a check leave here and never mention this to anyone again it can't be done huh the switch I wonder do you realize in the entire history of Western Civilization no one has successfully accomplished the roommate switch in the Middle Ages you could get locked up for even suggesting it but then had roommates in the middle oh you'll know well for one thing they didn't have Apartments well I'm sure at some point between the years 800 and 1200 somewhere there were two women living together the point is I intend to undertake this and I'll do it with or without you so if you're scared if you haven't hit the stomach for this let's get it out right now on my own if not you can get on board we can get to work and What's it gonna be I like them and I'm in yeah I couldn't do it without you all right let's get to work [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] let us know that was part one dude we got 20 more so it's very easy to watch 21 scenes let us know if you want us to do part two three four and five yeah they said this is the highest rated film So based off we're gonna see you know they're still pretty good combination too all right dude I hope it gets better yeah
Channel: CartierFamily
Views: 269,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SCha5w0BvrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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