Girlfriend Watches * THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION * for the FIRST TIME!!

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[Music] surprise yes guys how you doing welcome to Josh drossash welcome to another reaction with your girl you know what you look like you look like no no you look like if if Missy Elliot was to do a music video you'd be in the back hyping her up so you take a bite off the Kinder Bueno yeah put one cube in your mouth and then bite a banana with that at the same time hey don't suck the banana though we don't want that on camera wait you need to have a banana daddy chill oh my God oh my God oh God stop stop stop let me get mine oh my God that's the best combination of all time give your meat a good old rub it's good in it how good is that so not only is this channel great for relationship advice okay but also will give you food tips so guys we're here to watch Shawshank Redemption now for those of you that been part of the channel for a long time who've been subscribed with loyal subscribers the [ __ ] that I like to call them um have been on the channel you no doubt created this list of my favorite movies of all time right and Hannah hasn't seen those movies Okay so we've got 300 left we've got Godfather we've got Dark Knight and we've got obviously Shawshank Redemption and in my opinion baby Godfather and Shawshank are Untouchables like what's it about I can't tell you what it's about but I guarantee you this when you watch this movie Whatever goal you have in your life you be way more motivated in this movie oh it's a motivational one you can have your favorite movie I guarantee you it will just not be better than great no it's it's facts I'm this is it actually isn't it's facts it cannot your favorite movie cannot be better than Godfather or sure I respect your decisions it's personal preference I it doesn't mean because Ash say it does not exist come on listen people have favorite movies look that's fine it's just not better than shawshanker Godfather in your personal opinion when you watch this you will apologized to me I think you've approached that in the wrong way I have for sure I have but I'm also right now guys before we get into it make sure you check out full length reaction I don't know why we make sure you check out the full length reaction on patreon make sure you unsubscribe from her Channel And subscribe tomorrow and then just go straight back to point a that he made guys before we get into it make sure you like share subscribe let's get into this as it comes down to a simple Choice you're busy living don't get busy time I saw this in Iran with um obviously Iranian subtitles and I've seen it again when I was younger but I feel like I would appreciate it way more watching it now because I didn't really quite get some of the like symbolisms behind it oh it is even back then when I couldn't speak English it is the best film I've ever seen so imagine now seeing it okay you never know you might watch it now and go oh what was I thinking ah she looks really sad is he gonna go in and shoot someone oh you're actually kidding me you're actually joking he's about to go into that house and shoot someone so let me guess this is going to be an ex-wife she's probably cheating on him he's super fuming with uh he's drunk and he's gonna go in and shoot confrontation you had with your wife oh my God oh my God mostly I wanted to scare them when they arrived he went up to the house and murdered them I was sobering up so he didn't he didn't do it I believe he didn't do it you know because storytelling right now they want you to think he done it today God I think any man who walks into that room and sees their wife or girlfriend getting pinned up against the wall like that you'd be thinking I need a better gun like a machine gun or a rocket launcher everyone in this situation would feel exactly the same oh my God she's gonna get splinters if he rubs too hard [Laughter] serve two life sentences back two life sentences one for each of your victims this is how you start a movie [ __ ] you have attention span problems yeah here you go oh look he's a baby polite baby look he waited I'm gonna learn my lesson I can honestly say that I'm a changed man I'm no longer danger to society no I don't believe him you don't believe him but I do believe him but I don't believe him enough to say all right then you're off there you go rejected wow that prison is beautiful though really like what off and [ __ ] do you know what I mean it's like Hogwarts all right who's your horse that little sack of [ __ ] hey good chubby fat ass there oh look this he's waiting for him to draw a piece soap that guy do you see that he's like you're my fish I really I'm fishing for you so what this means I'm gonna do bum no it's like he's fishing he's like I'm fishing for you big boy I like fish I'm a big boy no he didn't say it but you might as well you know oh I don't like the look of this one rule number one no Blast for me hey I'll not have the lord's name taken in vain in my prison any questions when do we eat oh no he didn't happen he's gonna back in no oh my God he's gonna whack him in the face you eat when we say you eat you secretly say you [ __ ] and you piss when we say you pissed got that you make a dick he only wanted to know when his breakfast was most new fish come close to Madness the first night somebody always breaks down crying my fat ass there I can hear you breathing oh I just like I just lie down I'd have to go to sleep I know a couple of big old queers that just love to make oh my God this is awful like you'd think because they've all gone through it there would be like an element but this is their own bloody entertainment I don't want my mother I want my mummy okay now you've now now you've absolutely done it that was ridiculous who's who does that in this situation I'm not even gonna count the one you will shut or I'll sing you a lullaby oh my God no no no no no oh look now he's looking out for him oh my God I can't I can't what does he do no rush please come on just tell me what he's gonna do even the bullies are shutting up just silence his first night in the joint and Dufresne cost me two packs of cigarettes he never made a sound you can tell the fear that God's put on everyone like he's done this so many times that they just like they know when he's about to pick someone up salad fruit freaking salad just that are you going to eat that that's his protein look do you mind what he's gonna suck on that maggot watch are you kidding me you're actually kidding already no I'm gonna look after him until he's big enough to fly he's up there dies why the bird how's that horse of man doing anyway dude are pretty good what full bears that laid there to this moment what was his name matter what his name was he's dead I love the Fat Guy's dead are you actually me this is why I love this scene so much because you could tell his character already like he didn't call him fat he didn't say any derogatory [ __ ] right he said what was his name like so respectful respect anybody get to you yet hey we all need friends in here hard to get I like that my skin control he's gonna ripen that man isn't he isn't he I'm not saying anything what he obviously is bad news [Laughter] sisters are taking quite a liking to you don't suppose it would help any if I explain to them I'm not homosexual neither are they I have to be human first they don't qualify um oh no well if there's any trouble I won't use the rock hammer okay then I'd guess you want to escape tunnel onto the wall Maybe oh he's going to build a channel I think it was funny you understand when you see the raw camera oh it's a baby little tiny thing thank you Mr uh red his name's Brad why he saw red and he killed someone symbolism he scrolled like a man in the park without a care or a worrying world I think it's because he didn't do it that is so just calm or maybe he did do it and he's actually not happy with his choice I finally got the joke it would take a man about 600 years to tunnel under the wall with one of these looks are you actually kidding me can you say no thank you respect your elders you prick no no I actually mean it don't piss me off I'll be like listen I'll get on my knees just put in my mouth daddy chill put it in my mouth and then I'll buy it I would legit buy it all that's why they're not going to let you put it around this is this is just this is just a nightmare this I wish I could tell you that Andy fought the good fight things went on like that for a while prison life consists of routine so they kept doing it every so often and it would show up with fresh bruises imagine waking up every day and this being your routine I do believe those first two years were the worst for it and hate people so much why are you showing me this film trust me I don't know trust me that scene I want you to remember that scene because I've got the greatest symbolism of all time for it and you nuts keep your ass on your mouth man but you'll still end up oh yeah yeah maybe enough to buy a new car and then he's listening because he knows about money he's a banker so he knows about money Uncle Sam puts his hand in your shirt and squeezes your tit till it's perfect Uncle Sam is like the sisters symbolism do you trust your wife [Laughter] you know push them off the road if you do trust it there's no reason you can't keep that 35 000. what did you say you get the forms I'll prepare them for you it only has three beers a piece for each of my co-workers boom what's a man he's gonna get them all beer not sad and drank with the sun on our shoulders and felt like for you men as for Andy he spent that break conquered in the shade watching us drink his beard oh what the hell is going on I don't understand because it's not even like angry um what is going on You could argue you've done it to Curry a favor with the guards I think he did it just to feel normal again it's such a beautiful scene I shouldn't have done like crazy makeup for this should I you could have told me he's making chess pieces Ash oh my God you better hide it they're coming to inspect you mate and they're going to literally rip your ass up hide them yeah hi mattress hide them in your mattress Lube them up daddy chill Lube them up but how you're not going to put a dry chess piece in your ass are you that's gonna hurt spit that's not move no It actually drives you out more [Laughter] you should know that sudden serious brain injury causes the victim to bite down hard that's true oh it just kicked it we need to kill him how are we gonna kill him [Laughter] no you're kidding me no you're actually kidding me you're gonna take my tax man away [ __ ] oh my God yeah well it is he's defending him yeah cause he's making him money you're gonna take that guy away from me I will put that button straight as much as I hate this man I don't think I could fit I don't think I could put a baton up someone's bum the sisters never laid a finger on Andy again and bogs never walked again [Laughter] you know the sisters yeah for me the sisters represent life in you right and how are you gonna deal with that get out here I know they told me Ain't That a Kick In The Head what's his name there she is he's so happy prison Library isn't he yeah but why is his childhood why is this trousers so high I don't get it comfortable s must be like looking like a chameleon's eyes right now I've been done lovely hairstyle well why me why not I don't know that'd be nice to have some company down here for a change yeah friends how is your How's your bird what's his name I'm Deacons I was uh you can about maybe setting up some kind of trust fund from my kids education they're just using him but you could say he's using them because look you get the guards yeah you get the guards on your back you get an extra cloak Extra beer extra smoke you get all the posts as you want bash a few times it's a nice life No One's Gonna bat an eye No One's Gonna put anything in your bum in your mouth yeah exactly yeah yeah nothing it Brooks yeah oh [ __ ] Brooks Look At Me Put The Knife down please what is the only way take it easy what's wrong with books and you heard his parole come through he's going he's getting released but he doesn't want to go I already had you sitting in your pants you do knock it off he doesn't want to go out oh he doesn't want to leave just institutionalized yeah he's got so used to something he can't leave how are you meant to restart your life at his age he's an important man he's an educated man outside is nothing um Brad I do believe you're talking out of your ass no he's not and Brooks knows it that's why he went like that but I'm telling you these walls are funny or if you hate them and you get used to them and then you can't live without them you just want to be there all the time because you're used to it you see how nice that old guy was he's legit like a Disney character and are you tell him you're gonna leave he grabbed a knife he was about to stab his mate is he actually going oh he might find a nice wife imagine he goes out when he's actually happy yeah he's releasing the body isn't it too late to get a wife you're free too late to get a wife as well hey hey he moved the bird up though he pulled the bird up and he had to let the bird go he looks so small doesn't he look smart he's on the bus he's holding on to that boss for dear life you know he's probably haven't been on a bus in ages I need to calm down did they give him a home I can't believe how fast things move on the outside I love it I saw an automobile once when I was a kid but of course he wouldn't have even seen cars that's why he was holding on to that bus for dear life mine was sitting like this like he just passed his driving test I try to keep up but my hands hurt most of the time make and double bags make sure you double back like the ladies arrogant oh sometimes after work I go to the park and feed the bird I keep thinking Jake might just show up but he never does this is awful wow Jake is such a snake this is horrible I can't even handle it this is awful why did you show me this film blue what I'd be like I don't like it here I'm tired of being afraid all the time I doubt they'll kick up any fuss what's he doing what's he doing you're such a beautiful life and you might have to pause it I need you want me to pause it yeah all right oh man you okay all that I'll take from that scene right Jake the crow Jake The Snake the crow I thought crows are smart right [ __ ] I'll fed you my maggots that were gonna give me protein I fed you the maggots I brought you up the least you could do is come visit me I set you free from that prison I'm I'm here chilling with the pigeons feeding them and you're not even coming here to visit me Jake The Snake The Crow in Shawshank is the real villain and this is the symbolism sometimes you give friends everything and they backstab you and that's Jake the crow you go for it so the crow right you want to know something about the cry yeah well the crow got him through all everything for a long time the crowd on his emotional support bit now let the crow live I mean yeah that that makes sense as well but also I brought you up so without me you would not be fed oh my God it's only halfway through and I'm honest to God like wrecked that's all this you tell me they're all addressed to you in response to your repeated inquiries the state has allocated the enclosed funds for your library project we trust this will fill your needs we now consider the matter closed please stop sending us letters you see remember when he was telling me about the books we should get funds everyone kept telling them no that's literally life when you tell someone about your dream people shot you down be persistent and look what happened no and I'll write two letters a week instead of one this means a lot to him because that is a memory for Brooks as well yeah oh my God he's playing music oh no oh no they're gonna kill him isn't it just mad that I'm feeling so sorry for people that have murdered people yeah I'm gonna turn it up oh that's it now you've lost loving it you've lost your alliances haven't you but this is worth it for him because he's putting himself second and is giving other people that enjoyment I can't get that I mean have you ever felt that way about music I play the mean at Monica as a younger man lost interest in that dog didn't make much sense in here it should he should get himself a harmonica I hope hope is a dangerous thing hope to drive a man insane he's got no use on the other side oh no oh no yeah little Pearl rejection present he got him a harmonica Ash what he'll play it when he gets hope again he wrote two letters a week instead of one Brooks Heartland Memorial Library isn't that lovely tea in here for anyway caught his wife in bed with some golf bro squeezed them both Elmo Blanche what amazes me most is you would take an invite sir they don't want him Skype they're never gonna let him go why would they let him go when he when he's doing all their taxes for free he's never leaving ever um if you want to end greedy nasty devil I'm just as indictable as you for laundering that money sanitary I do that Geezer over on his taxes get him arrested have him locked up in that jail have the sisters go to him yeah yeah you want to play that game cool kid passed C plus average [Laughter] see helping people it's like he's um it's like he's uh like lending hand that he needs to like survive in this world hit me in the fields this oh no uh what are they gonna kill him is that poison they've given him poison in a cigarette what is this saw they're gonna cut his tongue out or something I have to know Apple frame was the truth would you be willing to swear before a judge and jury if he says yes they're going to kill him suddenly he'll die somehow just give me that chance he just passed his exams just to see his kid my wife used to say I'm a hard man to know complained about it all the time God I left that's the thing he didn't even kill us he's like he's had to mourn her as well trigger wound up in here bad luck I guess bad luck but bad luck but you've brought a lot of joy to a lot of people's lives that you wouldn't off yeah he'll ever get out of here yeah I'll tell you where I go it's in Mexico and I could imagine he ends up going to Mexico somehow getting out I still believe that he's getting out he's gonna do him over on his taxes I don't think he ought to be doing this this is a shitty pipe dream I mean Mexico is way to hell down there and you're in here and that's the way it is I guess it comes down to a simple Choice really he's not that character he's not that character he's a different brain look how big his brain is he's got quite a big one big forehead too so much pain in there a busy living you get busy die get busy living or get busy dying this this man does such a great line if you ever get out of here do me a favor sure there's a big Hayfield up near Buxton promise me right you ever get out find that spot do you think I hope Andy doesn't like kill himself or something oh Lord what Andy come down to Lowden doc today he asked me for a length of rope and he wrote his name on the wall and he'd never do that every man has his Breaking Point that that guy has been broken so many times isn't it is he gonna kill himself so this guy can't have him anymore oh sake oh my God he is he's gonna kill himself the music has gone on for too long that was the longest night of my life oh God and he's talking about him he's been the right the whole time which means the other guy's dead otherwise the other guy wouldn't have wrote his own freaking life no all right man missing on tier two cell 245 [ __ ] it's probably just a heavy sleeper what do you mean he just wasn't here [Laughter] but sir he wasn't oh my God the pixel the pixel the pixel and whatever the thing was called the pickup the Picker he's talking about has he took a tunnel and he's hitting it behind the posters are they gonna beat him up please don't beat him up what and if he did get involved why didn't he get him involved in it too come with me buddy lord it's a miracle man up and vanished like a fart in the wind and that cupcake on the wall maybe she knows oh he's throwing out his own Gods as well oh my God salvation oh my God lays Within this is such fingering the poster listen fist in the poster symbolisms he literally the prison he made the big hole in the prison juicy one all they found of him was a mother set of prison clothes a bar of soap and an old rock oh my God so look watch watch look at this that's when he realizes oh this wall isn't a proper wall this is a [ __ ] wall so this took it down from 600 years or whatever he said to 20. oh my God he's he's now that guy that he created that guy that he created he's now that guy with all that money in the bank and I love the road is powerful I love the Rope because like you think about Brooks and you're like oh [ __ ] yeah he's been through a lot he could kill himself and then he goes missing you're like what when does it come out so neat though would it be that knee one big bang well actually he chose a good night the fonder noise it's gonna go through [ __ ] that way the minute that happened I'll be coming back up the ladder you'd be gagging no neck Hannah threw out the tunnel the whole time stop I don't know sorry would you mean you don't know I don't know it's because he gagged look it's okay you can just get in the water yep we'll have a wash bar of soap he even bought a bar of soap this is I must have swallowed so much poo though no he's not gonna swallow you would you'd be very poorly off to that isn't this powerful though motivational this [ __ ] right like life came over in that prison yeah life literally he's a different breed though could you add this to your outgoing mail all told he blew town with better than 370 thousand dollars of warden Norton's money severance pay for 19 years severance pay for 90. he took the guy's money 370 000. for wrongful conviction and he spilled all the beans he literally that hole represents him him in the ass he was the sister symbolism you stupid John chapter pickaxe bang this is blowing my mind I'm actually speechless Byron Hadley I wasn't there to see it but I hear Byron Hadley started sobbing like a little girl when they took him you know why because he knows where he's going he knows and those prison guards that he beat yeah and he killed they're coming for him is he gonna kill himself or is he gonna kill them what you're gonna do himself foreign I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged wow such a beautiful film it gets me every time I guess I just miss my friend oh you feel you've been real to me it's just a made-up word the politician's word so that young fellas like yourself can wear a suit and a tie have a job it's just disrespecting them now no way he's going to get out it's not a day goes by I don't feel regret a young stupid kid who committed that terrible crime he's making eye contacts with him look at this I want to try to talk some says to him still gonna get rejected isn't it so you go on and stamp your form sunny and stop wasting my time because I tell you the truth I don't give a [ __ ] projected [Laughter] that he the act of Andy doing all these things yeah he lost all hope Andy gave him hope Andy made him realize like it's fine man except except that [ __ ] that's all he needed just someone to give him hope oh it's gonna I hope it's not gonna be a Brooke's thing it's not because oh scene in it I know restaurant brick boss you need to ask me every time you need to go take a piss just go I understand it's so embarrassing because he's so used to his ways there's a harsh truth to face no way I'm gonna make it on the outside thing I do is try and find Andy first thing I'd do is what Andy told me to do oh no don't do this to me now only one thing stops me [Laughter] a promise I made to end yeah come on here we go here we go here we go there's something buried underneath it's gonna be money or something or a new identity anything I don't bloody know but it's gonna be hopeful right that well that's that was the point of the compass you had the guns next to the compass what did he choose to Compass I'm just hope this movie is literally A Life Lesson you just gotta like be persistent and have faith in yourself and know your self-worth is such a beautiful movie man this is a movie that that is a time capsule like you could just put it in the ground 50 years 60 years whatever time someone will come back to this and just be motivated and run through Wars like Andy I'm so intriguous towards under this [Music] Haystack do you know what's funny he's gone Hereafter he's gone Hereafter and planted this it weren't even there when he said it to him was it if you're reading this you've gotten out come this far maybe you're willing to come a little further foreign hope is a good thing this is beautiful don't know how realistic it is but it's so [Music] yes yes yes yes this is the old boat look this is the old boat that he's doing up imagine seeing each other right now just like I was in prison with you and we got out and now we're here wasn't all right come on what what can compete with this unbelievable what can compete with this nothing it's not fair to compare to anything like a little baby oh that scene killed you that sin killed you man still not overbooks no honestly I'm not that's the most uplifting ending ever but I'm still not over Brooks yeah I can't show you that no it had to show you that yeah yeah it had to show you that otherwise it would not have the same impact you have to have a break so I could refix my face that's how bad that was what the hell I'm so glad that guy didn't get away with his [ __ ] either yeah the other one's gone yeah he just used his talents and he gave people hope and he gave his best friend hope and also he gave them such amazing memories to live by so in in that prison you know you have all these [ __ ] memories of like people beating you up or whatever he left them just a present of memories that they just can't wait to tell other people they will help them move time quicker it was just it was so beautiful I don't know what to say like I'm actually speechless about it I'm sad yeah but I'm so happy yeah like how does that happen you're sad but you're so happy who the hell is Alan Greene because it was in memory of him I don't know I don't know if that is if that is Brooks in real life yeah God I'm actually right off if I'm gonna Google Alan Greene should I do it quick no I don't know it's fine but guys thank you so much for watching this with us hope you enjoyed the reaction wow I love you I'm dehydrated take care I'm really dehydrated
Views: 310,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Shawshank Redemption (1994), Shawshank redemption, Shawshank reaction, Reaction video, Movie reaction, Movie review, First, Time, Watching, Movie commentary, Girlfriend reacts to, Girlfriend watches shawshank, Morgan freeman, Shawshank redemption best scene, First time watching, The Shawshank Redemption (1994) Movie reaction, First time watching The Shawshank Redemption, Stephen king
Id: wWDu55RnTWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 7sec (2467 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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