DID Norm Macdonald TAKE IT TOO FAR? (Risky Black Jokes)

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Norm Macdonald Norm Macdonald we seem like we do a lot of McDonald's on this channel we do do a lot that's Tom McDonald cousin it is man all right have we did normal before yeah we have what he's had us he's been on uh uh uh Family Guy's voice what character was he though I don't know State symbolized move slave Posh man happy black uh Happy Black History Month fellas why what a time to do this why nobody got on that dashiki you know what you know what's going on here in there I had two guys [Laughter] [Music] put the pool size down and put this song cheers before but I'm gonna be quite honest here guys we didn't post it no we didn't we was in there straight face because we didn't I guess he was roasting people I didn't think it was funny yeah we didn't like that [ __ ] we did not like that [ __ ] guys he's one of the characters in uh Family Guy before he died um yeah he did pass away he passed away he had cancer actually did he like nine years damn I think it was leukemia or something like that damn that's pretty aggressive let me see when he uh yeah nine years is impressive lived a pretty long life y'all want to realize somewhere always that in 2021 damn damn we lost a ton of people in 2010. yeah it does be 20 20 might be one of the worst years in human history yeah up there with the bubonic plate well what what we can't say that I forgot about the yellow fever and they had Polio links was [ __ ] up they couldn't walk back in the Gap technology flew yeah all righty man if I go through a whole time of life and never been to war and never have to see a wall oh my God country and War that's great oh yeah but not aware that we got drafted like where everybody got Yo oh boy they're gonna bro they're gonna be in jail for dodging it I ain't gonna like a wolf that would be pretty bad cuz [Laughter] all right let's go ahead and see what my God Norm has let's go ahead and get it looks like a normal guy probably yeah 130 years after the Civil War the state of Mississippi has finally voted to abolish slavery Representatives say they would have liked to have done it sooner but uh they were delayed due to some awfully big cotton crops they had that has a cotton crust a big cotton thing all right in Colorado this week Bob Dole warned that if Pat Buchanan is the Republican nominee the party might lose both the presidency and control of Congress in response Buchanan warned that if anyone other than himself becomes president blacks will retain the right to vote last night the Epic disaster film twister opened to big box office and some controversy the Reverend Jesse Jackson has called for a boycott of the movie claiming that not enough black people in the film are killed by tornadoes Reverend Jackson Jesse Jackson is you related to Michael no he is not bro look it up bro Jesse Jackson yeah it's Michael Jackson black political activist type guy yes they are not related just yeah they just got Jackson name that's a typical black people name yeah they're not no but no worries they I mean they have a photo together but no they're not they're not related no they're not related all right let's get back into it yeah meanwhile Berman who was expected to face disciplinary action by the LAPD may get off lightly under the terms of a controversial plea bargain the charges against him have been reduced to quote one count of using the word [ __ ] oh man in the wake of the verdict angry but then there's defense attorney Leslie Abrams and said the jury simply chose not to believe the brother's excuse that they had been sexually abused by their father and says she knows why quote it's because my clients are black it's going crazy in Texas last Monday the day of the Million Man March the president said in the speech I'm here to speak to you today because right now in Washington D.C there's like a million black guys and he wow in Nashua New Hampshire this week a high school student Chris Conley while attempting to dunk a basketball lost his balance crashed down on the rim and shattered Two Front Teeth gee I wonder if by some crazy chance Chris is uh White manual all right 50 50th anniversary of Jackie Robinson's entry into Major League Baseball there was a sobering reminder that racial Prejudice in sports is not yet a thing of the past in a shocking move today all but one of the 125 playing members of the professional Golf Association assigned a petition to ban African-American golfers from the tour and now a correction to a story we ran last week Prince Charles is actually the one in the middle we apologize for that I don't know right yeah I mean it's like it's fantastic even though you know they're not black anymore because it went out twice right right we're pink like it's [ __ ] [ __ ] well I thought it was probably kind of Bobby's [ __ ] did down beautiful it's beautiful the Rosanne hired me as a stat you know I understand it was that I said would you like to be on the show and act I I you know you can be Laurie's a boyfriend as I can act I should have said I could act yeah so anyways she said well why don't you be a writer but one time in the writing room she would give jobs to crazy guys sometimes and she gave job to African-American I don't know what you call them I call them Africa that's those two words that have never heard in the state of Texas that's a joke [Music] [Laughter] type 2 diabetes and congestive heart failure yeah my mother is so fat when she came to Vegas they had to build another hotel okay but then you got to do rag you know what I'm talking about a woman you know and I don't want an answer foreign the Harlem Shake yeah I've seen you oh yeah you've seen it then you'll appreciate this joke I remember back when the Harlem Shake was just a black fella holding me upside down off a fire escape trying to collect his money foreign [Music] [Applause] here no no are we black flakes no I'm tough hey the do-ragon was funny Barack Obama is the first president to ever say the n-word as a term of endearment right the first president to use the n-word as the term endearment and a friendly way saying all the other person isn't using words [Music] [Laughter] today is the 11th birthday of President Obama's youngest daughter Sasha or as I like to call her the uppity one Jesus Obama's book of cameo in the AV show ABC show Nashville start again today I mean wow did you say BBC Michelle Obama is booked a cameo on the ABC show Nashville with this and her appearance on iCarly I think Michelle's ready to start appearing in films I may I suggest my favorite film series black ass [ __ ] wow I found these secrets away because there is no problem that a huge yeah I found the secret to life Bob and this is it there is no problem big enough but it yeah I found the secret I found out the secret to life yeah yeah so great one yes and it is this there is no problem big enough that a huge black [ __ ] cannot fix us cannot fix uh announce that he's the first hip-hop billionaire a regular J Paul ghetto wow two businessmen bought the Milwaukee Bucks for 550 million dollars they are very excited with their purchase as this is the only legal way to own black people now that is here and I read that well you're not there you know how businessmen are racist they are yes it's them being racist the two businessmen that bought the Milwaukee Bucks for 550 million dollars are racist according to their design men like all the Charities that Donald Sterling donated millions of dollars to are giving the money back to him well that'll show him Donald Sterling donated millions of dollars too or giving the money back to him well that'll show him never trust a black guy wearing a Dirk Nowitzki Jersey [Music] in game one of the Western Conference Finals between the Mavericks and the Thunder Magic Johnson said that Dirk Nowitzki is playing like he has three legs which is a nice way of saying he's playing like a black guy yeah yeah I'll show Oklahoma City's second round NBA playoffs if you weren't young and black Moscow Roy Jones Jr is down boring if I wanted to see an old black guy get punched in the face I'd look out my window oh wow and LeBron crushes Kyle cover in transition always shocking when a black guy running forward is faster than a white guy running back usually I think the bigger blacker guy President Obama is a phenomenal player at basketball for a president of the United States I think he's just mediocre for a black guy hey what about bringing in Jackie Robinson only team with a black guy on it that's not cheating where I grew up that's cheating last week Indiana Pacer Danny Granger called Joe Kim Noah of the Chicago Bulls a coward and where I come from those are fighting words but I have no idea how the black community views them oh wow [Applause] by implying the Donovan McNabb is not black enough the two men have decided to settle their differences with an old-fashioned game of who cannot catch a cab hey no everybody's bringing up these uh licenses for illegals and that they they need to have them and I'm my question is uh or are they getting the license plates obviously we're letting them register Vehicles without licenses and in this day of car bombs and stuff I don't know if that's a good idea thank you Dan from Boise Norm what's your feeling well um I know that the New York governor governor Spitzer I'm trying to get to learn things but he uh he doesn't want to issue uh licenses to illegal immigrants you know and uh I know how the hell you're going to get a cab in New York City anymore you know for me especially as a black man I heard something about they wanted to take the uh the n-word out right yeah anyways I wanted to bring it up before I forgot and then we'll get onto my uh my project [Music] all right do you have any observation on it any tweak on or just the the cognizance of the fact that they wanted well I feel it's a thorny issue no that was that wasn't the whole thing I thought you were gonna go like well how so tell us more Norm I feel it's a thorny issue why Norm what do you got Mark Twain and you know you tell me what I mean uh for those of you don't know you know what I'm talking about they've they've taken at us the n-word you know out of many of the books of Huckleberry and uh so yeah authority issue that I think I I have a solution to all right here or anything more an authority issue is this yes you know you don't want to take you know Mark Twain you know one of the greatest writer ever the brush paper with ink you know and and and change his words for God's sake on the other side of the of the coin you don't want to have a young African-American boy in school you know hearing my word out loud and uh and causing him pain there's a thorny issue but I figure it this way you read Huckleberry fence blendedly demented yeah I've read I've read it you know it's written in the first person by huckle Fury [Laughter] and you know it includes the n-word they lived here behind a Year Chad therefore you just changed Huckleberry Finn to a black kid and everything's it's like a rap song at that point and everything's it's like a rap song at that point exactly everything's cool [Music] I don't know I don't know because he's a comedian I mean I guess when you're a comedian dude he's Eugene Patrice is talking about raping women so you know that's way far in the line that was I know I think Patrice had to watch no who had the wildest joke now Patrice was out of line for much talking about raping a woman yeah is um that's okay patrons oh my gosh all right mom was ready for the black jokes [Music] he was laughing while he was reading that was pretty funny I mean I did at first I was like okay I came here with a little um tension with my black ass you know final Vlogs about Norm R.I.P Norman you know I don't have any hard feelings some people might have some blacks black flake activity out there but I don't know I'm still surprised you never read a book huckberry female but boy a couple years ago boy if I would heard this I wouldn't say these of the Soul braces I don't want giving a racist thing he not racist no he's not racist I mean that's not right he was just he was just real edgy with the joke but that's comedy though turning see what I'm saying about us you know but when some people take it that you know like maybe like but he was a funny guy he would have just said like some like black people are gang members that would have been racist jokes that's what make it kind of agree bro did a good job they're like this line he just came across to it yeah it was definitely Teeter in that line all right guys if y'all want some more no no man if anybody else has black risky jokes we'll definitely want yeah that's just actually hilarious we're out of here we appreciate his honest girl
Channel: CartierFamily
Views: 219,759
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Id: hvoaMyeXOWs
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Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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