Don Rickles Most Savage Insults!

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most Savage Mars most Savage Burns and insults by Don Rickles is he a red peeled man no I don't think so I think he's like a comedian I don't know what he is man we're gonna figure out what he is man let's just go ahead jump into it Don Rickles and I love the black people I swear because no Jew is going to make up a train [Music] thank you be funny first black kid I ever saw will definitely never play basketball [Music] I claim that he was my closest friend I have never met [Music] nothing to do another way Bob Newhart goes to many gay parties [Music] oh Julia Roberts you live next to me at the beach you know that thanks for all the visits anyway I'm moving about two blocks for me the abroad never shows up come by and say hello this man was married to a great many women in his life they're all flat now oh wow but I went to the American Academy of dramatic arts which they keep it quiet Robert Redford's Jason robots we got a scholarship though no no no I just walked in it's not an actor ah you don't get a scholarship you paid don't be a dumbbell cool read the paper know the questions I mean what does it stump the Stars I it's my trademark I tend to maybe jump around a little bit what do you really think about it I think you're making a fool yourself Don you am I right are you getting gray yes Larry I'm getting older doing shows like this little distiller very dear friend and I must tell you God bless you God has given you the way you lived do not be ashamed of it when you were born you probably hit the wall kick the black man and you know that baby and you were beautiful to Telly Telly is a great Greek and you're a great black man and I'm a Jew and I say this for my heart on behalf of the Greeks and the Jewish people don't move into the neighborhood the senator Rich Little Paul End on the end Paul if you want to order do it now the kitchen's gonna close [Music] sorry about your seat Paul why don't you get a pillow so you can see us dinero is sitting there God bless you Bob he's got the beard on to know him as a treat he's one of the great actors of our time you ask him [Applause] uh Chinese fun do not get your eyes face I'm putting a Chinese box sitting there going who's Chinese put a rubber band on your can and you can take off oh my God you ever think of putting a window on your face and becoming a building I kid Sandy you're a black man I took a guess [Music] you ain't black you fell into a bucket M M's over here [Music] no like that was so sweet to stand up I guess the underwear stuck thank you so sweet if you really when you get older you know you get that kind of reception you want to walk away and say why am I with him yeah she gave you an iPad did you think that was a woman's product did you even know what it was an iPad you know that's the truth I know nothing about if you know television goes with the blinking uh midnight I don't I don't know the first thing about it but now I got it oh my television stays shut up and I'll bring peace Mr T and I've been kindness and warm I love the black people [Music] I love the black people in my life the world I met this man many many years ago on the 7-Eleven store and he said give me your money I say that honestly all peoples are alike we are all working you live in my neighborhood I live in yours right Sam right are you crazy Japanese Filipino my ass you're a chat three years in the jungle looking for your uncle damn hey smiling yeah [Laughter] he is insane God bless you my friend what is your first name Joe Joe my ass joke you're a Jew you gotta be with that noise if you're not you're an eagle people are very busy days we were all my Idols since I'm a kid but now Milton I say this for my heart show business in your life by self-be with your new book love thee and know thyself know he's all he understands [Music] when she was born God ran out of clay and made her face trick or treat Charlie and her face trick or treat Charlie [Music] a former husband said on the wedding night we know each other a long time we do uh you I know you as one of the finest Impressionists you do you great impressions besides that I'm delighted that you have a show because you're fresh you're funny you're great and I want you to know something from my heart I never liked you what's your first name my darling Jewel and how long you been married 300 pounds don't you get worried when he makes his move what you're doing now what do you do you do a little exercise yeah and I ride a bike about recumbent bike watch the date you watch that let me finish by the way the snow is getting a little brighter up there good luck to you I spoke to the people in Bethlehem they expect you tonight what do you do for a living Jeff nothing [Music] nice to see what do you do for living Mr Collins I'm an optometrist oh wonderful I hope it goes away that would be all right for you in our family sitting around on the beach all day waiting for birds to die you're going to look at it for Filipinos oh God but two and a half years two and a half years Navy World War II big one big one I'll be with you in a minute all trees all jungle now big cities wonderful we went up to Manila and MacArthur's still sitting there going am I dead [Music] God bless you great country I'm not going back there [Applause] in fact he gave me uh one of those you know he's got a lightning bolt is the lightning bolt yeah is this a playback can you hear him the guy here in the front snap out of it boom Mr President against some guy that's a little half get some guy walking in let's talk man let's talk let's have a meeting that's what they do in Florida the old Jewish folks hold the elevated doors laughs like he's moving no way this is over already this dude he's a Savage he is he he wouldn't he wouldn't be funny okay my wife and I when Trump Plaza just went up and we said we're going to see the apartments this is your wife Barbara [Music] build a bridge on your ass and go home early and uh she and I were down there and uh we were working at the Grand Casino in Casino outside of Memphis outside how far outside what the hell are you from the travel agency I remember Casino Gambler who I should remember nobody what are you what are you my guardian I'm not going to tell you where I go 40 million Jews I got to meet a truant officer here would you write sir would you rise Japanese Chinese sure since the water are all Chinese what's the occasion what's the occasion tell me the occasion who are we honoring what forget him what gotta come out here I gotta try to do a job now 28 hours of entertainers and hi Bob how are you I smoked in a home you're gonna sit up Friday I'll tell you this the astronauts sitting over here jeans turning into the morning hasn't been straight since a lot of big names here tonight some of the greats turned out for you okay Medford who had a very busy schedule in downtown Hollywood looking for bad apples nice to see are you a Japanese Chinese we choose we love you especially on Sunday he is insane they're very pretty girls you can't talk to the Chinese like that way or the money as long as they keep doing the laundry everything's good sense for your pain that's a funny joke you know the Dodgers in the older Tommy would say Dunham oh the best one and take the picture out on appreciation is true and I and I put on the uniform I said the tummy don't worry just go out there I walk out to the moon in the game huh in the middle of the game no in Detroit how did you get this show I don't know [Applause] it takes a cruise to Vietnam oh Lord no our life is going to be this sitting here all day long let's guess you don't do anything you sit in the house with your wife maybe start my next guest and she says you're home more on your home forget about it required who keeps calling me on the phone saying why is that black guy getting bigger Lines no George isn't jealous but when you go to bed tonight try to listen for a clock is getting smaller and smaller tell him what you told me how you're fed up with the blacks if you don't want them in your neighborhood the blacks without them have been all Olympics no no and he's funny though oh how are your brothers for Dalton Gang get a dumbbell I've seen that anymore chicken fat on their head with a part Clint I say with due respect 28 years ago we did Kelly's Heroes and I haven't heard from you since [Music] yeah I said nobody else has said it and I said for my heart [Music] Spielberg and all these guys at the table are where we know Clinton I know you Clint's idea of a good time is sitting on a pickup truck watching his dog bark [Music] they're following you on Twitter you're on Twitter yeah my wife got me on this thing you know she said it gives you that that's why she goes gives you something to do you know so she's in the other room shining jewelry all the time that's what Jews do when they don't work hey I'm a Jew don't turn on me I can't really watch your diet yeah sure I got a steak once in a while and you know what they always say isn't that right all of that you don't have to be like that that attentive you don't have to pay it sugar we'd ask you to talk but you know the blacks your lips lock s Thomas just take the picture out take the picture I don't know when you make love to your lady you go can we do it yes we did did we do it did I make a big thing out of it [Music] I say this way shut up I hate when I when I stay butts in you get on top of a farm roof and go bro [Music] he said I think if I speak for all the the Greeks and Jews when I say don't move into the neighborhood oh my God bro man it was funny bro hey we can get some more Savages like that let us know please that was great learn to know somebody most times old school dudes yeah this one sometimes it's different you could be more zero filter yeah yeah there was more okay first amendment race a little bit more and what's up with the boy iced tea haircut though that was pretty bad Mr T I said yeah he had a lot of chains on too the first time we uh fought Rocky zipped his ass he's in Rocky so bad Mr T yes um I think it's Rocky three they fought twice the first time they fought he whooped Rocky's ass bad if I get to go get right came back right now yeah that was before that one I think that's like that I think that's the first one we thought which one I think the Russian the last one yeah the Russian's like the fifth yeah he scrapped with the team on the first one no that was I think the third one second one third one could have been the first nothing first Apollo yeah uh and Apollo died in the second one hollow died to the Russian dude yeah beat him to death bro [Applause] [Applause] [Music] imagine if he was born in 1926 and he was born in you're still alive damn he was he lived a very long life man he almost made a hundred that's 1926 to 2017. he was literally what that is nine years off living 100 [Music] uh we're gone we appreciate it let us know some more
Channel: CartierFamily
Views: 881,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uwG6wGnJi7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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