Catch n' Cook Flathead Catfish & Drum | Ace Videos

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[Music] alright guys check this out so I don't think when I first pulled up there was a little alligator on the circuit any shot off but uh I'm actually not gonna fish this spot because there was much a weird signs back there and I didn't quite understand there was like you need a permit to fish the spot or something I see alligators though cruising the surface while I see at least one let's get the drone out and let's see if we can see them [Music] [Music] this thing that he almost looks like he's getting ready he wants to attack the drone that's what it looks like to me like seriously let's see if if if I go away down he swims over the CV swims over to the because he's swimming right toward the drone this dude wants to eat the drone this is one aggressive alligator this dude literally you let me do something let me make sure there aren't a bunch of other ones around real fast I would hate to be looking at one and one is sneaking up behind me and he's gonna snatch my drone out of the air all right here we go that's pretend let's get real low that's as low as it goes he's stalking the drone it's kinda like he's coming over this dude wants the drone look at he's right under he's right under this dude wants to eat the drone this is crazy would he snap at it if I came like him right on him I want to see him launch out of the air at the drone and just narrowly miss it that would be ideal yes he look how he's sticking his head out of the water this dude is like he is not scared at all I'm a little bit nervous it would stink to get my thousand dollar drone snatched out of the air by an alligator and the thing that would be so terrible about it is that I wouldn't have a record of it but it wouldn't be because he would eat the SD card so there's no way that I could be like all guys an alligator no no no no no I almost landed on the water you know I better get home before something bad happens I almost landed on the water there but anyway it would really stink to have that happen because it would be so cool to have an alligator snatch your drone out of the air but you wouldn't have any record of it what is going on guys welcome to the final adventure of the Louisiana series check out this beautiful well not really oh yeah it is it's a beautiful river it's muddy though very very muddy right now I don't know if it's always like that or whatever I actually don't even know the name of this river I just found the spot randomly driving around I saw this site sportsmen access sign and it pointed down this road so I followed the road down and this is where it led me and I thought man this is a juicy looking fishing spot so I have several hours this afternoon and I see like some lay downs and stuff over there and the thing that really got me excited actually was if you look out there the current is ripping I mean ripping by and Eddy's though right out you see this kind of rock point goes out the rock point stops in fact you can see it see that foam on the water right there it Addie's right in here and I thought this looks like a juicy look in catfishing spot maybe there might be some other things but catfish for sure would hang out in an area like this so I came prepared to actually had worms and chicken gizzards already with me and I was just driving around just just like I didn't know I had no plan of where I was gonna go happen on this spot the spot looks amazing let me show you what we got here the other big catfish and rod and I have my bait casting rod I think I'll bass fishing a little bit with this and we'll throw out probably a night crawler just to start it off throughout the night crawler on this and I got all my cooking stuff and everything so should be a fun little time out of here let's get fishing we have some Canadian live worms we're starting off with the Canadians make some good night crawlers then we have a nice juicy succulent Nightcrawler on a simple bottom rig I [Music] love love love try and brand news places there's something fun about taking that first cast and you just never know you never know what could happen feels like we got some nice current down there it's pulling the stinger along pretty fast it's a smooth bottom because the sinkers not catching so what's gonna start off little bass fishing on my bait caster but I thought you know what I'm already rigged up for catfish I might as well just go for some catfish I'll focus on the cats for the first maybe hour I don't get anything then I will switch it up and we'll try some bass whoa oh-ho look what you see how did I miss that did you see the Rodman okay so we'll get back to that and say look fish finds it oh man guys my chicken gizzards have been left out one too many times this is rocky you could just tell instead of being like a vibrant red color it's like this weird pale color oh it's gonna be a while till I get that smell off my hands got one got one on the world I was holding my hand suddenly this feels like a good fish alright first fish of the day oh it's just very weird the way it's fighting what the drum it's a drum yes that's a pretty sure that's a drum I've never caught a drum before either guys holy mackerel this is the trip of first first-time squirrel hunting first time gar fishing and now a big drum can you eat drum whoa I mean like we get some steaks off this nude that is talking about I mean what a size of fish - yeah it's probably like a 2 pounder ours the question is can you eat drum and I believe you can I'll look it up just to make sure about I think you can keep drum just lift it up guys and yes you can't eat drum no problem alright catch and cook a brand new fish got one guys got one of course I literally just turned off the cameras and one just smokes it on the worm again feels like a decent one this might might be a catfish I think it's doing the death roll yes hallelujah a decent well I mean yeah it's decent it's a keeper that's for sure yes my first decent catfish guys you don't know how many hours yeah that's I have fished for hours for a decent catfish and I'm not kidding the biggest one I've caught was like 11 inches look at that foot we do not have very many flat heads in Idaho so to catch one that size that is pretty cool that is definitely a keeper case we have drum and catfish for a little afternoon some some fish sandwiches this is the life right here this is what I enjoy doing the most it's funny because I don't go to bars or hang out at like lounges or party places I just I don't feel comfortable in those environments and it's not like if I'm gonna be doing something on a Friday night I'd rather be doing this even sometimes I've found if I go to like parties with friends sometimes I'll be sitting there like man it's a beautiful evening on where's the fish or bite me whoa whoa guys Mayday Mayday we got something big on it's fast actions that these fish have turned on it's going out to deeper water another one oh yes finally after so much catfishing two trips all these little Dinks and dunks now or getting into them there is a hot bite that was just like three three minutes later I catch this one look at that flat head guess we don't have any minute flat heads and I know I think before this trip I've only only caught three cat fits reach three flat heads total so this makes number five ever in my life wow so so cool it's funny because it doesn't get any more old fashioned than this just a night crawler on the bottom alright boys it is time to clean the fish I'm actually gonna fillet this drum and might check in the guts see if there's anything interesting in there looks like good white meat interestingly enough like that filet looks really big but it's actually kind of thin and by the time I get the meat off it's just not very thick like we have this one here and the meat we're just not getting for that size of a fish a ton of meat off but you see how much the head the head is so big and like the thin the skin is so thick tons of tons of fins on it and so even though we have a really nice sized drum we're not getting a ton of meat off this bad boy so that's kind of interesting so funny story about the small catfish I was actually throwing all the the small catfish back that I was catching this trip and when I got back via the folks I'm staying with homer and Thomas both told me they said man if you catch small catfish you got to eat those those are the best-tasting they said like 12 inches is the best kind and normally at you know a 12 inch I'll throw away at home but they're like no the meat is tender it's just it's perfect 12 inches and then I we go to like the seafood store and they have a ton of like catfish exactly 12 inches in the store anyway this will be interesting to try a small one and see how it tastes because they insisted that a smaller catfish was very delicious alright folks welcome to aces outdoor kitchen we serve nothing but fresh fish so the ingredients for today is since we are deep frying the fish of course we have some vegetable oil and it got this special New Orleans seasoning fish fry I figured I would try something I haven't ever seen before it's as I'm down here in Louisiana and they're British fish sandwiches we're a secret sauce instead of mayonnaise never tried that before and there's secret sauce and pickles on the buns and then fried fish I figured that would be amazing also might throw a little bit of Everglades in this seasonally the first thing we shall do is take a ziplock bag take some mustard and fill it up with mustard then drop our fish in the mustard whoa or drop it on the ground almost that was almost a disaster drop it all in this dirt there we go we're gonna let it marriage an eighth in the mustard and whilst it is marriage in aiding in the mustard will fill a pan with a little oil and whilst the oil is heating up and the fish is a marriage in aging we're gonna put our seasoned fish fry I'm gonna add just little bit or a lot of salt to that as well as just a little bit of what is this called everglades seasoning to it just to make sure it pops enough for me I like bold flavors and now we take the fillet of fish and we add it to there and with that mustard that it's been marinating in it we'll definitely grab a lot of that breading mix there I'm starting with the drum since I've never eaten a drum before and in the drum goes whoo I had a second peace move over there boy Oh fried fish on a stormy day it's starting to get just a little bit stormy out here hopefully it holds off just for like 45 minutes more so we can finish this this is fun though this is so fun I found this little spot catching fish eatin fish so I finally remembered to bring paper towel while I'm out here oh the fishness crumbling look at that bright fish so before we turn this drum into a sandwich I'm actually how to try the drum just all by itself to see if it how it tastes the essence of the drum it's gonna have all that riffraff and stuff around it let's pray real quick all right first time ever try and drum fail let's try that again I like it I was wondering how good is actually gonna taste it's nothing like super specially in front it's delicious it tastes like a good solid fried fish like a we have our pickles and secret sauce on them it basically tastes like McDonald's secret sauce everybody has their secret sauce nowadays it's so common have secret sauces that it's not even special you know I don't go into a restaurant that has a secret sauce and go oh I gotta try that because like it's just everybody is saying it's like when everybody uses world-famous you're like whatever everybody says they're world-famous however on my channel I make world-famous fish sandwiches check that out folks and that is the appropriate amount of meat to bread right there drop a purple in there let's off the hook or on the hook I put some catfish in the oil nice little catfish nuggets there let's see how a small catfish tastes a crispy catfish nuggets Oh amazing amazing I love catfish marriage an aided in mustard well guys what an amazing last day here in Louisiana so much fun this is just this little afternoon fishing trip I'd said it once before I'll say it again you have to get there and try this yourselves as don't just fish fish and then bring all the stuff and cook it up right on the right on the river or right on the lake it is so much more fun now you have so much watching here's what you how to play list of all my Louisiana adventures I'll put her right there you want to check out another catch cook video I'll put it right there thank you guys for watching I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Ace Videos
Views: 1,053,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: catch and cook, catch and cook catfish, catch, cook, catfish, flathead, flathead catfish, catch n cook, catch clean cook, cooking, cooking catfish, fried catfish, fishing for catfish, river catfish, catfishing, catfished, frying, fry, deep fry fish, how to catch catfish, ace videos, ace, videos, fishing videos, delicious, river, bait, catfish bait, drum catch and cook, drum fish, fishing for drum, tasty, best catfish bait, louisiana, alligators, gators, gator, drone, swamp, alligator, fisherman, fish
Id: S5MCuZn57S4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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