First time FLYING in ALASKA! - C172 to Talkeetna | Alaska: Part 1

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My buddy Josh is in town for a few weeks doing some flying. Actually, a LOT of flying. It's great to show someone from outside Alaska just why it's so unique and challenging here. We've had some awesome flights so far that illustrate that.

This video is a fun first episode, getting our feet wet on a simply flight up to Talkeetna. Lots of great drone footage at the lake, in addition to a real, small Alaskan town (as opposed to fake towns they make for cruise ships).

A lot more coming! If you're interested you can also track our progress on Instagram

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/AOA001 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Excellent video, flying content, and videography. Eager for several more episodes.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/waynemcc 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

I see my Luscombe over there at the LHD strip as well as a Hageland 207.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/aypho 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Definitely makes me miss home a bit.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/akav8r 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Got my float rating with Don almost exactly a year ago and it was by far the best flying I've ever done. Getting my CFI right now to hopefully come back next summer.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/rivereagles999 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] you told me I'm your anchor I told you you're my pawn the little wind and fire we tried hold on we build this together searching for a home despite the storm that hears we're still on board what's up buddy thanks alright after about eight hours of flying from Austin made it to Alaska Chris back there we got Kevon right here and what are we gonna do now we're gonna do a liquid biggest float plane based or it's right in the world and over the world Wow behind is about the people on busy a seaplane base you've never seen anything like it no no I certainly have not right now it's is it really 1014 always 1014 at night 22 14 hours of this 4:30 this morning it looked just like this My Mind's blown already I've been in Alaska for half an hour and I'm already blown away by not only the scenery but just how light it still is even after 10:00 p.m. the Sun still hasn't set yet and Kevin and Chris are taking the over to Lake hood to show me around and take advantage of the golden light from the low Sun normally I'm rushing to get as many shots as possible before sunset because it happens quickly but not here sunset seemed to go on for upwards of an hour or more and this is one of the many things that makes the state of Alaska so unique and I cannot wait for the adventures Chris and I have ahead of us during my two-and-a-half week stay here in Alaska welcome to part one [Music] [Music] [Applause] today is a beautiful day we've got like a broken over campus high overcast so this is gonna be perfect for doing a little bit of flying we're gonna fly up to Talkeetna Alaska which is it's a little it's like a village kind of or a little town yeah it's a little town the mayor as a cat that's my kind of town man we're in Anchorage right now and we're gonna pick up one of your friends right yep he's John he flies for cafe and yeah he'll bomb up with us he kind of comes in for like 48 hours so he really loves Alaska like he's even in the dock mushing and stuff he just loves everything Alaska we're just kind of going with the flow driving over to Lake hood where 2/3 uniform is parked and we're gonna get the airplane ready to go over to a neighboring Airport pick up do shot and and we'll be ready right yep yep that's the plan man here we go I'll come together it's all coming together welcome to Alaska November - 4 - 3 uniform I've seen this airplane in so many of Chris's videos is it clean no a recent post I made on Instagram was a 172 is a bush plane changing my mind right look at this if you know how to use the airplane then it can do more than you think [Music] there's this activity all over the place there's a 206 taxing back here there's a 185 back there and everybody's waving this is truly it's like the aviation state awesome this is awesome especially right here this is kind of a mecca but yeah I mean once we start accessing the backcountry and stuff it's gonna be wow yeah this is gonna be the name of the game for the next few weeks that is awesome so yeah we're gonna go over to Merrill where there's a bigger paved runway we're a little bit more comfortable going in there picking up du-shaunt our third the third person that's gonna be in the airplane and we'll have plenty of room to take off land and it's just overall we're not we can easily make it out of this gravel strip right you just don't really want to on paper yeah but that's the name of the game though we're gonna play it safe so we're gonna feel up and then we'll be adding our weekend is here with the strobes okay and you know the rest pressures over here and tack is here sweet I'll adopt it I like it love it man okay free uniform I turn out to Merrill's the proof can wait three two quick take off there take out three two two four two three nf1 Thanks we're gonna hug your right side here I'm tired paper paper get that power in already and just come around the corner you don't have to really be lined up a center line there you go and just fly it all right that's my mentor Q alpha finger left quick pick up cliff to pick up after up Danko it a little bit more rounded back just trust it just trust it just go up your energy oh yeah that feels good okay good yeah it'll be fine I've already got it made [Applause] nice [Applause] see that that with another full-grown man on board like that's a little that's a little pipe yeah that is a little play so you turn out right to the right and you're gonna go right of the buildings on the city okay and barrels right over there sweet good this way let's run like three four sorry go straight here will be we're on a left base of three don't need you to climb all be indoors you go to northern life go there there's a do seven I made a big one before I'm I sure don't want that's right here those buildings by our uniform and her left face from weight 3/4 of only 3/4 of turtle and left face beamed provenance from way to five fertile land traces remain west of Cusco Roger 9 7 zu Lu and I'd be happy with 3/4 he's like that's clear because I said to 5 works good at this point whatever works for you continue westbound remaining clear of the car t anywhere between 70 and 80 you'll be nice and comfortable and fine okay the shorty though November 7 7 4 fly westbound now along those and whites are just a little lights please laughter up November to three uniform turn right at November and I ground the 14.7 when I was seven to three to five right at November the fastest two minutes of well I mean it's a 172 they all like virtually fly the same this was just a little bit more draggy with the big wheels great though yeah and the takeoff was nothing like you know I could see where somebody unfamiliar with it would get intimidated by the trees coming up but it was like halfway through the takeoff roll I could feel our acceleration and I looked at the trees I was like oh we got it yeah we got it just be patient and it'll come off the ground so anyways good stuff you're a horse how much do you weigh me yeah too much [Music] helicopter 99er 6:05 my our watcher and I will pull over to to respond to Alaska air speeds alive it just dream that's good it will just be patient to patient all right three went somewhere charlo 85 perfect takeoff unable deviation when two nerves you're at five and the first airborne off to 504 northwest camp at one and a Romeo one more surface taking the run away from fate Valley here their eyes will go right of the buildings people in Central Park and you must know I know it was something that was another kind of if we've been watching a period of well thank you your five traffic into my doctor uniform who want to talk about once five miles off certain indicating 1800 contact Action Center one two five one three three point seven 33 33 7g 4q3 to form thank you acreage center sky out - 4 - 3 - 4 2,500 [Music] [Music] we continued flying north via far towards Talkeetna following the Susitna River which we'll get to stand on the banks of once we get to Talkeetna we were hoping we would get a great view of Denali to the north of Talkeetna but the poor visibility prevented that and we later found out it was due to a huge fire south of Anchorage and will fly over that fire in part two it didn't take long at all before we spotted the Talkeetna airstrip and we set up for a right downwind to a full stop okay the traffic's down to uniform midfield right down one will run away one Niner Landing all right slowing a little bit of those up trim plate from a wide arc there's the wide arc notch one go keep the traffic's guy up to three and a forum turn a base runway one Niner Talkeetna let's get a little bit those up Trinity more Flopsy if you want yeah they're going to hear every a second I think that's a good spot full flaps down about 75 70 [Music] this boy knows how to fly and I try to act like it at least yeah you do you know how to pilot right at two three and a forearm clarinet Delta Talkeetna traffic I was kind of trying to do a short field fantastic but that's exactly what you need to do okay cool I was trying to plan it on the numbers yep it is great all right flaps are up and a car Pete sent a little bit Alaska all right so we we survived the flight barely verifying yeah barely so we made it to Talkeetna and we're gonna walk into town I suppose find some food right 100% straight direct food clear direct lunch yes so we're gonna hey there's an Isuzu Trooper I got one of those so we're gonna find some food and look at the sights take some pictures take some video and just take our time we're on no schedule and we're here to have some fun right amen all right we're gonna walk into town [Music] [Music] on the walk into town Chris showed us the Talkeetna cemetery which you really wouldn't know is here unless you were looking for it it's a very quiet and serene Cemetery between the airstrip and the town tucked away in the tall dense trees we call it the pilot graveyard but it's just the Talkeetna Cemetery there are a few pilots buried here I think there's a b-17 pilot down here that we'll see in a minute just kind of unique it's not it's not like your regular plotted cemetery has some bent props here and they're kind of neat 8th Air Force b-17 pilot 86th Bomb Group 337 squadron we continue to our walk into the small town of Talkeetna Alaska to grab something to eat explore a little bit and take a closer look at the zoo sit in their River this is the mighty Susitna River just this is sitting of it I don't know what everyone calls their River Mike but it's glacial runoff from the Denali National Park goes from here down the Cook Inlet where we took off from [Music] what do you think Chris Cheers after doing some walking around in the town we headed down to the lake to see one of Chris's longtime friends Don Lee [Music] Cappy here Cappy he can't see very good time he's getting so fat blind Don is a true pioneer in Alaskan bush flying he runs Alaska floats and skis out of his backyard and the summer he puts his airplanes on floats and offers seaplane instruction and ratings and in the winter he swaps the floats for skis and teaches flying on skis the vibe at Don's place is unreal his dogs are roaming around enjoying themselves the pilots are coming in and out chatting with each other and the CFI is a big deck overlooking the dock and the lake it's totally unreal the feeling of Don's place was in fact too much for DeSean and he gave in and had to indulge in this whole Alaska float experience Sarah is one of Don's CF eyes at Alaska floats and skis and she accepted the task of putting this 747 pilot in the left seat of a piper pacer on floats to show him how it's done [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how was it awesome I suck at flying small planes but maybe I'll figure it out someday again how sick was amazing come believe it actually happened well watching dushant take an intro flight definitely lit the fire and me to pursue my seaplane rating I think it just knocked that to the top of my list in fact for now we're gonna go head back the Talkeetna airstrip and make our way back to Anchorage and that's where we'll leave part one this is my first full day in Alaska it's already been an amazing time between the scenery and the seemingly endless hours of daylight this is an amazing playground for pilots in part two we fly back to Lake hood where I make my first short approach and landing in two three uniform on gravel we have some pizza by the seaplane runway and then Chris and I taxi over to Anchorage International to depart off their big runway with all my gear and luggage bound for Chris's town of Homer Alaska we departed Anchorage around 11 p.m. and had decent light the entire duration of a 1.5 hour flight down to Homer and the scenery was nothing short of stunning and I cannot wait to see it in broad daylight if you liked this video then definitely hit that like button I release videos once a week so do subscribe if you haven't yet and turn on those notifications to be notified when part two of this Alaska series is released go give Chris a subscribe on his YouTube channel and a follow at his Instagram page at angle-of-attack he's entirely the reason this series is happening and he's a very talented photographer and filmmaker until next time I want you to stay happy stay healthy stay current and of course stay proficient and we'll see you in part 2 [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Aviation101
Views: 128,421
Rating: 4.9848771 out of 5
Keywords: flying, alaska, bush flying, aviation, aviation101, general avaition, cessna 172, skyhawk, lake hood, anchorage, talkeetna, gravel, dirt, runway, takeoff, landing, seaplane, float plane, flight, flight vlog, instruction, cfi, angle of attack, flight training, n2423u, homer, airport, drone, mavic pro, 4k, atc, short field landing, short field takeoff, soft field landing, soft field takeoff, chris palmer, josh flowers, n80991, c172, gopro, sony, pilot, atc audio, vfr, mountain, glacier, online ground school
Id: LdF5y9FufHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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