First Start In 40 Years | BMW Isetta Rescued From Woods To Highway Speed In 2 DAYS!! | RESTORED

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foreign [Music] [Music] that can never be told our imaginations though can only imagine I bet if you could talk you would tell us age is just a number living life doesn't depend on a number but rather how much living you did before your time was up foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Batman in the shadow and the bound to take you long let you wind around I'll tell you how I do keep your money in your pocket in a razor you should keep the money in your pocket son and raisins oh well just when I think we're not going to find another one somehow we managed to find another one yeah you probably need to think that more often yeah this one's a little bit rougher shape than some of them we found but you got to take them as you get them like that yeah missing the door handle there sharks don't want to stay open either honey oh it's broke there there we go oh it does have the stinking engine cover there though a bunch of ants or something the engine cover that's an important piece to to have with it definitely got some Rust through here and there yeah completely through up underneath the seat the battery all the pedals are stuck it has a battery on it yeah that's a good sign big battery yeah that oh six though looks like most of these things were six well oh red wasp hopefully that's one of one I think we got her in gear maybe not that might take some attention I don't want to cry the whole car moves when you shift it huh pretty cool we can see where them all limbs are going tree growing up through it well the motor that does turn over it starts to I wonder if it ain't in gear it's just got that little bit play right there I can't get the term much more I think it's in gear it probably is let's see if I can't get it to there we go up what about that I don't know it's got that little bit of spot right there and we're gonna have to mess with that linkage something ain't right with it but it's not for I mean no no it's definitely not froze up well I'm gonna try to get some of this stuff out of here where we can at least try to get a battery on it and check out that linkage runs back over here on the I don't know if you'd say this was the driver's side of the passenger side it's kind of warning the same idea I say it took a bite out of some Greenery over here Satan's hating his spinach so it should run good and strong just as you may watch out that may be poison ivy so um yeah I might have to get the saw to get that out amazing Roots down there at the bottom oh okay let's kind of get this cleaned out I guess and say a little bit better what we're working with I'd like to see if we can get it to turn over but there's no key we'll have to jump it across with some wires or something watch out the spiders come out but I just don't know if it's going to come out in one piece the spring thing is hung on that battery cable so oh yeah it may not come out there what's your name if you can reach through just give a great bit and a lot that's how I'm on everything I need something to let me cut that little lamb there I guess looks like a steel it probably has one bolt much less that thing is there see what it is oh yeah it's got one little bracket that's still held into the floor right here does it look like it's amazing removable or just yeah it's about to break off what a mess I know why they parked this thing that thing couldn't have been comfortable right now good thing is a lot of the wiring is all there it's just mangled huh right wow they've got splices splices on these battery cables here oh I don't know about all that it's going to take a lot of figuring there um it's a whole bumper bracket there yep foreign just get a battery in here and try to bypass most of this wiring for right now I think so yeah because I mean We're not gonna have a six volt so we're just probably try 12 volt and just that would not turn on any lights or anything it's going to burn up right yeah and I'll just try to get a spin over first still need to figure out this linkage though and it may not be in gear could be just yeah corroded above and below yeah or right on a compression stroke you pull this plug out get a little stuff down in there anyways to help it go when it does go worst case scenario just Jack the back end up when we're trying it out to say if it is in gear at least it ain't going to try to take off on us and try that yeah I think so okay now that we've been able to look this car over a little bit better it seems to be fairly complete we did start to clean out the inside on it just a little bit and found a mangled mess of wiring up underneath there so we're just going to try to run a 12 volt battery on it because we don't have a six volt battery at the time just to see if we can get this to turn over it is wanting to move a little bit by hand so I know this engine isn't completely stuck we're just going to go ahead and pull the plug out of it get a little lubricant down in there hook us a battery up and just see if we can bypass all the wiring and hopefully get this thing to turn over all right so it does look like we have some mole in it oops yeah we got plenty of oil really it looks pretty good too it's good carburetors all intact little bitty baby cools there I've seen that little coil that was almost just a everything's so small on these engines I think they're like a little 12 horsepower one-cylinder motor air cooled engine basically a go-kart motor I've seen the speedometer showed like 60 miles an hour really on it so I don't know if that's yeah I think they have a little three-speed transmission I was looking at they've got it drawn on there oh maybe even four looks like they've got a fourth one two three four maybe yeah maybe I don't know I can't imagine you think it'd just be a I mean it's not Rusty huh not Rusty I got it it's not in gear ouch about pinch my finger though let's turn now we're pretty decent now oh that's good all right let's try to figure out a battery situation then does it have like a starter relay or something in there that sends power over here I don't know it's because I know it's got like this I think it's called like a dinosaur oh yeah system or like the starter and the generator it's all kind of built in the same right it's kind of a neat setup until parts are broken or missing and you can't find it yeah let me grab a batter and see if we can't we can always just jump it across if we have to I'm trying to trace back though first before we get too far involved the hot cable do you see this one see that yes what does that run to because that runs over here to the dynastart ramster right there yeah and then it comes back out it goes to that box thing there the best I can tell it goes I feel it going up underneath it there yeah I bet it goes into that I bet you that's when it comes the this comes back out so I bet we're gonna have to take it Loose from that because that thing there is shot but if we hook power up there's no telling what it's going to do got a flat blade yeah and a prayer we had one red wasp is back yep tried to kiss me and then the ground sure where it goes well this ain't gonna come off it's gonna thank you around the slot there ain't working no I can use jumper cables well yeah we could do that just use jumper cables right now should be long enough just to lay the battery up there give you two negatives huh oh how in the world I got them so tied up I guess I probably need to pull this wire loose off this though so it's not feeding back the other way huh probably so yeah yeah because it'll keep coming to that box I guess there it goes all right I think we can just use these jumper cables now and just go straight into that put the screw back in there to keep from losing it uh that's how grounded where they had it okay it's not hurt my positive up all right ready ready sparking turning over yeah that was sound the greatest though does it not turning over very fast either like you think it would with 12 volts you better feel any compression there ready yeah I hear it and check this hole again that all looks pretty something good from here it looked didn't I was thinking that maybe some water might have got down in it but I mean it'd be milky if it was right water got down in it let me put a little bit more in this yeah maybe so we'll just keep turning it over if you want to throw me that flat blade I'm going to take this uh little breather on carburetor yes oh it's it's awful because I was afraid of had a dirt daubers Nest up inside that but it doesn't look bad in the carburetor there yeah oh fuel tank ain't no good in it do know that uh I seen the cap was missing on it yeah and the fuel lines just rusted off the bottom of the tank looks like that helped a lot that helped a whole lot let's just do it keep kind of cycling it that might help to okay it's more yeah you know I think the points are back behind this flywheel here I guess so I don't know where how you get to those to clean them but I bet you're gonna have to start taking some of this cover off I mean we can check well we don't we'd have to run some power to the coil to just see I mean I guess we could just uh hope for the best but foreign for sure let's try to uh clean that spark plug up just a little bit and run a wire this cool and just save for some strange reason it's already fine yeah that'd be nice yep I don't think there's any way my wire is going to be long enough to reach your battery unless you can move the battery like that yeah I can move it yeah get that battery a lot closer I've kind of got that on the coil there but it's pretty Rusty on the terminals so I guess right there should be fine it'll stay in there I don't oh wow that didn't work out did it even have the part that clamps onto the plug see it up in there I'm sure it did though it does sound clamp it on there for now foreign custom plug wire I don't know how to do that without it knocking the bar out of me can you see that yeah I can see it okay only thing is if them if them needle nose are touching uh and they're touching that some kind of insulation stuff let me hook it to the oh yeah you can try it okay no spark when you try ah okay now we ain't getting no no sport which ah that may not be the best Connection in the world there I wonder if I can reach it [Music] I'm just going to touch it everyone will spark much if it does ready yep now let me get a voltage meter and see make sure that we are getting power to that cool there okay not really now we are yeah we're getting power there uh try it one more time it's going to be them points need to be cleaned surely it ain't behind this this little smaller cap here I don't know I can't remember yeah yeah I mean you can kind of see them anyways from what I can tell and I honestly don't think though you can actually you can see them but it's not going to do us any good on cleaning them well guess I'm lying I think I can get it right there the last time I tried cleaning these I didn't have too much luck and I broke in half yeah luckily though they've broken half just as soon as you started and you wasn't letting them birds are getting a crank in it doing it didn't look super corroded but anything that's been set in as long as this is gonna be in pretty rough shape yeah [Music] kind of makes you wonder what it actually looked like when it first got set set up all right try that still hooked up in there oh yeah can't tell if they're even opening and closing because you got to look through the holes as it's spinning foreign let me grab a lot I can't really see I don't think they're opening and closing though might be able to spin it they're closed there still closed they're open a little bit okay so they are at least opening and closing try to clean at them again foreign back over in here really I think so that could be the part of the starter that's sparking now I'm not saying any kind of spark there huh we're still connected at the battery so yes yep I don't know if that call might not be any good or if the wiring is Maybe foreign or dry rotted down inside there right because that should be sending juice down there to them and then it should just be let me just try to flick them no it's starting to now oh got me too I can hear something I don't shocked me a little bit uh how about that spark now still not unless it's just such a small Spark turn the lights off real quick and see yeah ready yeah now it's weird because I know it was sparking a couple times there you disconnect it and just clean it a little bit more foreign [Laughter] it's not the greatest but I think the more it burns it it'll right help it should be sparking up here then shouldn't it you've got it connected yeah it should be ready yeah yeah oh yeah we got a good bar there pretty good fire cool well we want to put it back in and try to squirt a little gas and stuff up in it and then that's I can't imagine it cranking this easy but right I'm just going to leave this cover off for right now because I have a feeling I might have to mess with those points again we need to figure out a different way on clamping that or you think you'll be able to put the plug in just clamp it there I'm hoping I can clamp it I got a smaller clip if we need it maybe okay yeah we may have to have something like smaller but yeah I think it'll or I've got another an old spark plug wire we can just take the end of it off and try to do it like that yeah I bet it's going to take something like that you know and find our wire then yeah I think so I had to put some tape or something on that foreign can at least hold my weight certain spot I started to say there's one spot in there that I just resting my hand down on it didn't didn't seem to want to support that very well but cool no one will ever know well I guess I'll hook this wire up and give her a little squirt see what it does that guy I don't have this one hooked up yet okay we're hooked up here if I if it does crank I might holler at you to kill it in case something weird happens but it tried huh yeah I just think um might be getting too much fuel I might need to spray it on just a rag and under control it that way turn it's in that spot of a compression spot there and try to do without the ignition let me just get something where I can turn it over get it past that little point [Applause] a lot harder to turn over with that plug in unless it's just in that dinosaur need to be cleaned it's could be yeah as starters weak on it I hate that right there at it maybe take the plug back out and turn over again I think that's gonna be our best bet let's put her back in and we'll try it again if we get this thing up and going it'll be worth its weight and gold the gas prices today yeah yeah I think they say they get about 60 70 miles per gallon all right no way that that thing goes 60 miles an hour though I can't imagine ready just a second which block I'm gonna hook up to it sorry here we go and act like we're getting on fire now doesn't it try it again I don't know what the deal is with that foreign just decided to spin over do you hear that noise I was kind of like yeah I don't know what that is a bunch of dark come out of something I bet it's it's probably just dirt and crud all up in it I bet it's going as this whatever this transmission setup is too there could be a bunch of dirt in between the shaft coming off this motor and all that and yep and did crank up though it was funny because it poofed out over here where that shifter thing when it first cranked up that's where the smoke came from I thought what in the world is coming out of here for yeah running off this rag try it again maybe it'll crank a little easier it's got a bunch of dirt dauber stuff you see dirt coming out all the way through here so I really we need that throttle to work though so we can actually rest so it's working at this end it's just going to be on that in that cable somewhere let me look up underneath this side then and see what we can't see see you we've lost most of it up underneath there now ain't we see that cable oh man that thing's in rough shape um that's it right there that's it yeah that's a just one cable but I think you're pulling the hole I think the whole cable the whole cable not the inside um I don't know how we could fix that thank you yeah I think that's just pulling the whole huh did that do it I did something I pushed okay now does it need like a return or something probably so well I can't get to work now you've got the pedal up huh the pedal's in the uh so give it gas yeah it's not pulling it out here I'm gonna try to pull it Loose from this carburetor here again now can you press it oh it's it's kind of working press it yeah it's working I think you know it might have just been so stuck inside this carburetor and try to clean this up a little bit okay yeah this little needle on here is not in the greatest to say I can't believe that more than likely we're gonna have to pull this carburetor off anyways but maybe not you know that's a carburetor basically just like on the old uh three wheelers and four-wheelers and stuff huh yeah try that now that little cylinder is just being too stuck in there oh I got it was working then wasn't it I think what it is there's nothing to hold this Cable in place down here yeah and when I pull it it pulls the whole Outer and everything the first time it works right and then after that it's stuck yeah go ahead and just pull it let's just try this see it might kind of work and obviously you'll just kind of give it some gas once it's cranked come on is it Revan or am I just doing it by this I don't know because I had it all away I wasn't releasing or anything so well at least it did crank back up I was afraid I burnt that coal up yeah I think I can't tell if it's revving or if I'm just adjusting the throttle by adding more you think we could just run a little gravity feed tank inside here down to the carburetor and just that way it can idle at least yeah just right off its own fuel if the carburetor is not completely gummed up inside there which I'm sure it is yeah there's a lot of stuff we'll have to come back and button up before this thing's ever even close to being drivable if the transmissions in account right session Lincoln now of course try to Snug it up a little bit more let's say there's a little washer right by the does it go in between and it's got one in between there but apparently it's no good um I mean obviously we can just see if it'll crank though that way maybe a little bit more gas in it because we didn't get a hold apparently you don't remember how good a gas mileage this is good I just want to get it enough of it yeah it's pouring out everywhere at least let us know something maybe start a fire or something there we go [Music] [Music] foreign hello all the way forward foreign [Music] [Music] yeah you can hear a little bit of a yeah I think that's probably that starter uh well I'm not sure if it's that or the transmission we could be partially even in partial gear I don't know I think we need to it's gonna be hard to do anything with it on the ground like this maybe get the but we ain't gonna get it on the left as small as it is I don't know if we could get the forklift inside here and lift it up and be able to check out the lane kids try to work it and see if it'll go in gear sure we can say a little better and I know they'll be able to see what we're messing with a little better get this gas from dripping I think I just bring bring the forklift inside lift it up check it out then see if it'll go in gear gonna try to check out the underneath of this thing basically see how everything's set up and works underneath here um so it looks like on the suspension of this car got a really unique leaf spring setup which is actually just cut off there so it's like half a set of leaf springs on each side got a little rear axle set up back here but not really a drive shaft trying to see so it comes up in here I'm assuming there's probably some kind of Gears or chains that run over to this shaft right here that has just ran off the transmission there I guess I'm assuming that the transmission has the gears in it instead of the rear end so you would ship the gears which we're not really sure if it's a three speed or a four speed at this time and our main reasoning of trying to get up underneath here is to figure out what's up with the linkage of why it won't shift in gear so to even find that well it looks like it's right here in front of my face uh we've got some linkage coming across here which is extremely loose got some linkage coming across here which is extremely loose hard to tell where it goes back up inside there but that's going to be your transmission over in that area as you can tell there is a lot of rust these old floor pans here are just gone and we've got a pile of junk that's fell out of them already there but the frame here appears to be pretty solid and in good shape on that up front I'm not sure if any of our now that wheel turns hopefully it steers and everything like that back here I think our back brakes are locked up which looks like we only have a brake drum over here so we only have one brake drum we'll have to mess with that controls the whole rear axle it looks like so a lot of the times them things will get just rusted up and saw that where they will not turn at all you just gotta pull it all loose clean it up and replace a lot of the parts on that but first thing we want to do is just try to see if we can figure out this linkage it looks like there's probably some old stuff that's just dry rotted on it that's allowed it to get super sloppy try to figure that out if we can get it to go in gear get this rear end to turn over and kind of see if the clutch is working maybe that way we know when we move forward we've got a running engine now and also a working transmission really hard to tell where all this linkage even goes foreign take that wheel off there and get to that drum or I hate to but I guess I could just smack it back here and just see if it might yeah see that I mean that's worth a try some something yeah I gotta try back the other one go yeah something did foreign scared this thing's gonna I know it come down on us I'm trying to be careful too you're trying to go back the other way if we don't yeah it's yeah it's drying there's a bunch of dirt dropping out yeah you can feel there's a there's definitely a dry spot in there Rusty or something yeah it won't break pads just rust up in there almost like they're welded getting easier that's better than having to you'd have thought this thing would have just been made where it's just one wheel drive and said yeah huh well those ones are turning this one's was free oh yeah that one's furry yeah the front ones are real easy well I think on this linkage here I think it had like some little rubber bushings that kind of played in there to help give it some cushion and they're just completely see dry on it so we're losing like an inch worth of movement there just in that but I don't know exactly how it works I think first gear was just straight back so if that moved that back that would push that in which goes over in the transmission there well it's something though it turned now or is it stuck step turned a little bit motor ain't turning out maybe not turn it down huh try back this other direction it over there oh there it is yep oh yeah hear it now yep which let me get your fingers I don't know if that's first skier though or second regardless how all these little points are we're gonna have to take something and put in between those right to take out the slack even if there's nothing but a little piece of holes yeah what does that do okay so we're getting both gears regardless and I think that's neutral yep right yeah I know yeah yep that's natural cool so yeah I think we could take some old fuel holes or something cut it and I had to slit it or something and slide it up in there and just take the slack out of it I know this metal was also moving we may have to build a brace on it to kind of reinforce everything because that main Pivot Point comes off that and I think what we're doing is losing slack everywhere but at least it does go up in gear right yeah don't really know if the clutch is going to work yet let's get some houses and try to take that slack out and I bet you that'll allow us to at least shift through all the gears alrighty so we were able to take some of the slack out of the linkage by taking a rubber fuel line slitting it sliding it up in there to the joints and taking out a lot of that slack Lance worked on the clutch pedal got it going working back and forth the way it's supposed to it shifted through the gears made sure all the gears were going in like they're supposed to everything seems to be working just fine we're hoping that we can come back address the tire issue these are 10 inch wheels so it's gonna be kind of hard to find these tires in the meantime we'll hopefully get everything fixed see this thing back on the road running on its own power so after a little searching around we ended up finding a set of 10 inch tires and actually went with a set of white walls so once we're able to get these wheels off this old car break them down put these new tires on it I think it's going to be looking a whole lot better and hopefully allow it to roll down the road thought it was just a dream best I've ever seen playing on the greatest team just found myself and me [Music] I don't know what do you think about it it made a difference on it makes a lot less abandoned huh yeah should definitely roll a lot better than them old flat ones that were on those flat spots give you a rough ride we can just get her to crank back up now I figure we probably need to try to get that engine wired up better though so see if getting a better wire ran to that dinosaur to allow it to turn over because fighting that thing and trying to keep it running is going to be a pain in the butt yep so we'll try to look into that see what we can't figure out so we're just going to go ahead and clean out the inside of this car a little bit and figure out a way to get this engine turning over a little better by hooking up the original cables we should be able to get this engine turning over without being so sluggish hopefully she fires up and we move her down the road under her own power can you help me shut this door down [Applause] you see the doorknob on this side oh yeah first class [Applause] nothing about this same site right now we're ready can you help me stop I have to stop I think it went in Reverse I'm gonna try Okay nope nope what's wrong with her oh no can you roll me out yeah I can be reverse [Applause] this ain't gonna work too well if I gotta take you with me everywhere I need to back up [Applause] keep reverse though I know it'll go in a forward gear all right that clutch is really all or nothing on this side breaks at all down slow it down slow down well I guess I made it and I would call that sketchy at best but we've accomplished getting it from the shop to the car wash now trying to rinse this thing off [Music] before I lose [Music] [Music] my time [Music] so now that we've got this thing up and running again the question that we need to know is how well these cars supposedly had a top speed of 53 miles per hour and averaged around 65 to 70 miles per gallon now that's on a great day on a car that's in Tip-Top shade this one right here well it seems to be barely on its last leg so we're just going to put her to the test and just see what she's got foreign extremely hot and fumey in here but we've got a little GPS speedometer on my phone we're gonna see how fast we can get this thing up to going so I haven't even got it out of second gear yet so should be very interesting [Applause] [Music] 20 miles an hour over here no not again so I wasn't able to get this car up as fast as what I originally hoped for but after driving her 45 miles per hour was plenty for me now keep in mind this car is 60 years old and been setting up for at least 40 years now powered by the little 12 horsepower engine where you couldn't expect much more out of it but now that we've got her up and running I definitely see some potential and a whole lot of life left ahead of her [Music] all right foreign [Music] [Music]
Views: 1,106,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: restored, kravened kustoms, turnin rust, turning rust, classic car, classic truck, rust, junkyard, abandoned, rescued, bogata, ratrod, patina, antique, kraven custom, will it run, neglected, swamp, honey hole, woods, saved, parked, found, uncovered, rusty, graveyard, forgotten, run down, be restored, vgg, vice grip, nature, texas, clean up, international, rescued from woods, left for dead, first start, will it start, locked up, revival, BMW, isetta, bmw isetta, micro car, clown car, isetta 300, rare
Id: zjAVuPP9sJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 6sec (3606 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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