M4 RESERVE FIREFIGHT - Escape From Tarkov feat. DonutOperator

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got some chi-chi's out to the west and what's that what's the bearings here with the the dome dome is normal so that sks was just like west southwest yeah the dome is north he's down he's down it is time to whoa I'm taking shots look he's down got both go I took an 8-iron from like the hill I think from the dome Hill I got a valet I'm checking it right now because he saw whatever it was saw my hand around the window sill and oh there's a scavenger courtyard with a Nadar he's dead that's him yeah there's an SKS up there if you want it in Philly yeah you saw my East he'll be a guy in the wood is that you or nope not us winter the bunkers got it SCAF one down oh-ho-ho I died I got him did you need SCAF kills might go out there and go grab that Mosin off that scab I just tap oh we look over here we see three guys attack to start shooting them one spins around with an mp5 wipes Martinez weary of dumb how do you want to head towards those and four shots I heard him at one point a lot oh there's an eight-armed no I don't Oh for me I'm gonna go off into the bushes towards it that's like right here [Music] all the way the top like you never know I've got a PMC got one no this is a scab you guys jumping ok I think I got the scab that activated your sprint running okay I'm just beside the tent see what the SCAF had oh he had oh no it's a PMC all 41 Oh PS PS let's go Oh blue card checkpoint blue car in checkpoint [Music] and that was blue cars up there with a black shirt I killed this friend it's my glue car all the way over there once oh he might chase you but we would have seen his guards over here scant hour [Music] no helmet no vest no backpack on the black shirt I'm sure you were zoomed in on him mmm 100% okay MCB is that that's probably right behind you no way yeah that way might be able to see him if he's more to the left I believe I'm gonna go on this up [Music] where is he and I'm gonna wear it in that window [Music] Bobby down was the other [Music] yeah [Music] I dated okay I'm watching the stairs on the roof nope negative he just went to right side like under the tent I'm looking for him is he behind that metal plate yeah he's behind sandbags on the left side the left old ass you just dug down behind the left pole of the tent got it I'm sneaking up to him right now keep him occupied give me a drop down if there's holes nope he's still up he's still up okay I think he's problem I don't see him I'm in the window in the hallway so don't shoot in Windows right now got it do you know if he's still on the roof he's yeah yeah he's still up there actually the tent on the right side the mountain to see if I can shoot gather there he's in second floor right now I think he did drop down there's an exit out the south southeast corner drew there's a garage that you can go through yep done' do you have a CMS kit by chance i don't okay is me jumping i'm watching for a story garage facing west rip I'm on the roof copy again jerski on the roof I see anything yeah he was like directly in front of you yeah he just went their whole way yeah there's there's a hole no he did he drop down he's jumping a lot I think he's trying to jump over the sandbags to go to the stairs can you even make that jump no he has Sheriff doesn't he have to come out the south side southwest corner he can jump through the windows into the garage but I have not covered he he's somebody's on the metal Jeep he just he's jumping down he's gonna go out the south side he's probably going out right now yeah yeah eyes on oh nevermind gonna watch the right door big garage door I'll watch the left side there's two people running along my building to the east northeast side northeast corner paisan scabs one when they're both that building that we know I'm on the roof still second ones in the building just you're north direct north got it both had Mo's ins I don't have confirmed I dropped one yeah you drop one so they're in those garages to my north mm-hmm the other ones dead at the door got it going on tip top of my roof just be careful cuz train exit building exit train building did have suppressed impacts I think earlier if I could see you from across the map you're just like a black dot right there I just killed a Raider how long oh crap in the barn area or the train yard Barnstead I'm scanning out there right now ignoring barn or me no no no there's a scavenger sauce on walk from left to right we're all on groups there's a stab at the brick watchtower okay that's probably your Raider they go up there getting an angle wait donut hold we got footsteps clothes going up in our building stair access on the outside yeah yeah they just ran by the one I mean the door they just ran by the door that hit one good shots loading speaking beacon down one down Gav's they were yeah they were both down running north of meet North Amino copy donut all cover go ahead and peek doors close you're good two feet can't see him I definitely heard him running it's not like he was running away from me like farther north in this garage building here no I don't I see him yep I see him too you got a good shot good shot yeah I didn't hear it either let me come over and give you a CMS donut one sec oh nice cab just saw me we might have one more contact in our building I'm not sure though okay I think one of them might have just see me actually I'm gonna go back to what you don't want to get shot by a friendly hey it's me hates me there are smokes at the buildings five per second floor of garage building gotcha where were the context room barn railroad thing area I'm gonna go for it the ones direct south aloof shots the ones yeah south east of us I heard a Raider say is this your warfare don't be like Dorothy those shots were north west I think this is south yeah this is southeast all right what are you doing boys trying to get to train I think Lizzie yeah let's try to get the train but there are traders between us in it right now all right Viper sprinting down good cheer what's our sauce barn railroad in the first barns right now that went out the door into the right just clearing them I don't know where these Raiders are I think they're kind of moving around there's so many angles you coming donut where did you guys go out the first floor to the right all right okay here Raider it's my shots done nine are coming right now okay we got the furthest east one no I'm at the yeah yeah okay I got him we're coming up the ramp right now did you clear the one to the white mist issue now this one yep watch this direction I just killed this boy good good yeah jail come inside OOP more walking am i right don't know what it was something's this way I know like I've covered twice something's to our south copy don't pick up too much Scout you're attacked out to the north as well yep careful that was supposed watch you write what's your right across the train running don't watch they're getting hit from the rear north jeez okay a little bitter nade okay okay yeah one ran towards the train towards the train extract so be careful ones just right of night building for us as well I don't know where he is I collapsed him oh you did the one that shot don't in the back oh well well when you heard my SVD Popoff it was else we met it was a loud gun whatever shot down in the back was loud okay it may have it's an AI SCAF standard AI this is the player the south of us across the tracks yeah I'm shifting it south right we're in the farthest north east of the railroad barn no no no no the like the the group of boys I'm pal weird works in the direct south Oh interesting you're on top of the bunker itself yeah I'm moving down to the big warehouse right I'm gonna go check for the guy that we were throwing frags at still got a sky out to the north me jumping he ran somewhere out towards the training rope geez that's one minute foul cuz you hit the Hermetic switch for us yeah that would be great I'm full jeez he blacked my stomach and my arm yeah don't know yes no clue I'm coming up to him I think he's down yeah yeah I'm coming to the guy he killed right now Viper and you'll have to sv-98 sign back or if somebody goes you want to try to do it or gear for them I'm gonna have to go from anything I'm good right here yeah yeah that's I think we're gonna trap her magic yeah we're gonna have to the trains leaving right now Viper gonna do you mean tickets right I'll probably just go to extract this npx I'll have to do a kinetic because I'm because I'm gonna if you can then I can right beside her medic we're like right here oh wait well we need to love her to be flipped I thought you were oh I thought okay I thought you were above the switch sure he was a bunker bunker okay well I need we need to go flip the switch for them and then we need to go probably out - no I'm not taking shots don't I think you just gonna shot which I don't know how it's on this guy and his uh his best I think now it's a player scab that must have killed the Raider or something this might be the guy that got the Raider though yeah that's true huh yeah yeah I'm full I'm full alright once you know that let's go ahead form a core got 11 I got a CMS again the same the m9 spam is so nice yep fine to see messy security know what yeah the ending are probably with m855 so you should be alright VDS I'll just hipfire in this yes I ran right at corner saw nobody or somebody with no helmet and I just unloaded into his head I'm looking for a slicked run real quick he's careful for Raiders at the bottom of the parking garage [Music] all right acting [Music] you
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 895,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: escape from tarkov, tarkov best gun, tarkov 2019, tarkov guns, tarkov labs, tarkov tips, tarkov interchange, tarkov, tarkov gameplay, tarkov pro tips, escape from tarkov reserve, reserve tarkov, m4 tarkov, donutoperator tarkov
Id: FyZGZI5v4co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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