First Red Flags In Unhealthy Obsessions

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like the video and subscribe right now or you'll make this dog go mad what was the moment that you realized that someone was obsessed with you in an unhealthy way what tipped you off I was chatting with a gallon line through a dating site she was nice enough and we will have in good conversations but had not yet even began speaking on the phone it turns out a friend of hers was friends with one of my friends small world I'm at home one day puttering around and I hear a knock at my door I look out the window and see a car I don't recognize my hint meter starts pinging so I pulled a butcher knife brace my foot so the door can only open a bit and crack the door she is standing there and tells me she got the address from my friend and asking to come in I was weirded out and declined she got upset and started crying and telling me how this was supposed to be a pleasant surprise I tried to send her on her way gently and she got pissed and stormed off and drove away I thought that was it then she starts emailing me saying she loves me then starts calling me my tea at friend gave her my number and leaving gifts at my door that would be there in the morning point I lived in Mesa Arizona she was in tuckson about an hour away I eventually had to threaten her with the restraining order my friend had talked to hers about what was going on she said oh yeah she's nuts she's done this before I felt a lot better when I left the state I broke up with a physically abusive boyfriend and at the time I worked about a 25-minute drive from where I lived always drove the same road home my shed you'll never changed and I began seeing his car and occasionally his friends cars along my drive always parked off from the road a little and around some seriously sharp corners at first I didn't think anything of it until it began happening at night I do inventory every Tuesday night and be at work until 10:00 p.m. this was my only full night shift this went on for about a month until I started switching my routes to and from work because I was getting creeped out Easter ended up rolling around and died had to stay late to help my cow walker change the signage I worked at Subway it was getting close to 9:00 p.m. and the work phone began ringing off the hook was my ex my cow walker who knew what was going on just muted the phone and we continued doing what we needed to do shortly after we saw my ex standing outside in the middle of the road staring into the restaurant I hid behind the counter as soon as I could and my cow walker ended up telling me when he left got calmed down until we got to my car to find out he broke into my car and left a bunch of weed and a threatening note I bought a new car the next week fully equipped with a very loud alarm when my dad showed up to my place of work we had been estranged but he knew I worked at Starbucks and had traveled from location to location to figure out where I had transferred to and when my shifts were scheduled even had the balls to call the store and pretend to be me to get my schedule information I saw his vehicle parked out front and freaked out and ran inside he followed in after about 30 minutes right as the morning rush was hitting full swing and started berating me in front of all my co-workers and customers that's the day I went and learned about restraining orders right until the end I was hoping that he was trying to make amends albeit in a creepy way I stopped taking my birth control when you came to visit I called one of my co-workers out for being a little too handsy / creepy at work when I had expressed my lack of interest repeatedly as an apology he got me a gift card to Victoria's Secret oh my god you just brought back a memory I had deeply buried I was friends with someone in Community College we weren't like super close but we were like group friends meaning a bunch of us would hang out sometimes and he was always there I didn't have any classes or anything with him one day he told us to meet heard them all around the holidays because he had a present for me he said it was a birthday / Christmas gift and singled me out because my birthday had just passed I was kind of weirded out in the first place because we never agreed to give each other presents but we all meted them all anyway he hands me the present and tells me to open it in front of everyone I do it's a lacy red thong I'm standing there in the middle of a crowded mall it's around the holidays holding this thong absolutely mortified he tries to look debonair and says to me your gift to me would be wearing it I laughed it off but never hung out with him again he kept pursuing me over the years and showing up at my job which was at the mall where we all met he would come in wearing these suits and kept telling me about his big opportunity and how if I joined him for a quick meeting he could set me up for life I was having none of it and literally looked around my shitty retail job and said now I'm good he said he moved to New York but I think he went to jail when he started acting like he couldn't survive without me directly by his side at all times I had met him a week earlier only spoke to him briefly and never flirted or had any romantic or sexual interactions with him he literally just stalked me and physically put himself at my side like a Siamese twin going as far as pushing other people away from his spot and threatening to kill himself when I brought it up with him yeah nah thanks when I was stationed in career and my ex-girlfriend kept emailing my wife from different emails pretending to be women in Korea that I was cheating on her with point my wife and I had a pretty good laugh about it and she eventually came clean her husband was not happy about her still obsessing over me edit almost forgot to add that my wife was never worried about the emails in her words you're too socially awkward to get another woman to sleep with you I have an ex who about a year ago showed up to a mutual friend's birthday slash engagement party absolutely hammered called my fiance gross tried to spill a drink on her tried to grab my dick slap me when I rejected her and said I groped her when the bartender and bouncer asked her to leave she was physically removed from the function this was a decade after we broke up I had several stiff shots and then a good laugh about that I threw a party at my place and went to bed after getting hammered I took the Chinese girl I was seeing with me I locked the door because I'd had bad experiences with people walking in on me drunk and doing stuff I hear the doorknob rattling but I'm too drunk slashed hard to move or care after a minute or so the rattling switches to knocking which I also ignore then sobbing it's my fangirl she screams is he in there ducking the cash register a racist reference to Chinese name sounding like change clattering about I hear other voices my friends picking her up and holding her away ducking the Ickes when she started sending mutes to my work Mao because I asked her to stop contacting me I changed my snapchat account and blocked her number but my work ml is on my company's website so she found it that was an awkward conversation with my IT guys IT guys have absolutely seen worse my sister brought home my spiral notebook from school she thought it was mine because it had my name written and doodled covering every page turns out it was a girl who was obsessed with me as a bus driver you're expected to be cheerful and chat with whoever while idle a regular passenger started riding around always in the front seat over a week or two the conversation got quite personal always by her initiative I told my supervisor about this just to cover my ass then she started to bring me gifts cookies candy beverages finally she invited me over for a meal so her mom could meet her boyfriend I had zero interest in the young woman didn't want anything to do with her luckily she moved or just avoided the bus during my shift every day I wake up and she's in my bed she even got me to sign a piece of paper turning the two of us into a single legal entity and then she changed her last name to mine I bet she even thinks she's gonna get all your [ __ ] if you die not me but my sister is obsessed with her ex she cheated on him and is desperate to get him back she constantly tries to get in touch with him like getting my little brother to time him through his iPad cause she knows he won't answer her she says she thinks about him every day and will text him on holidays like Easter just to say have a nice day or whatever they had a conversation and after her that she looked up the program he was in at the college he goes to and found out that his program was cancelled because of but 19 so she doesn't understand why he hasn't gotten in contact with her she wrote a letter a couple days ago and is planning to go to his house and leave it at his door originally her plan was to pay me to go ring the doorbell and give it to him but like hell now loll whenever I tell her to back off she just says I don't understand cause I've never been in a relationship slash it's been months of crap like this broke up with boyfriend of three months that week I received thousands of texts from him ranging from I love you we can make this work to you ducking [ __ ] don't know why it took three months to see the crazy but I'm glad I eventually put it together don't be hard on yourself three months is actually pretty quick I hear so many stories of people marrying crazes or having children with them you're lucky my husband was deployed in Afghanistan so I had to go to church alone one week an older man maybe 65 approached and said can I sit here I said sure we had a bit of conversation and he said my wife died a few weeks ago and I was just praying this morning for God to send an angel I could sit with a church today he seemed like a sweetheart I felt bad for him he sat next to me for a few weeks in a row it didn't bother me too much I brought him some homemade jam he told me about how his son was also deployed I mentioned he should really try getting into a church small group that it would be great company for him I set him up with one of the best he said he wasn't sure how to get to the venue if he gave me his number could I tell him where the place was he was confused I said sure well once I texted him the directions I don't think he ever went to the group but he had my phone number he started calling eight plus times a day saying hello beautiful and begging me to meet him at Waffle House for the remainder of my husband's six-month deployment I did not go to church I was really worried about running into that guy I blocked his number and luckily have never seen him again months after my husband got back I told him what happened and of course he was livid someone turning a spiritual Haven into a place you don't feel comfortable going to is detestable I'm not religious myself and I just can't get over how disrespectful to the house of God that is I hope you found a new church slash were eventually able to go back with or without your husband this Guard College would follow me everywhere one day I just went out to buy my lunch and he came with me he didn't buy anything just followed me even when I told him he was making me uncomfortable he still would not leave me alone I didn't want to sound drew though eventually I started trying to get on the bus with me when I would head home that was the last straw for me the next time he tried to follow me onto the bus and actually managed to step on I pushed him off and urgently told the driver to close the doors the driver instantly took the hint and shut down I told him the guy was stalking me showed my student ID which allowed me on the bus for free and took a seat the next day the guy had the audacity to ask me why I didn't let him to home with me I told him to stop following me around from then on let me preface this with I've never been a big social media user it's too personal too intrusive I was bartending at a local hole in the wall and I had a regular that was nice and flirty typical bartender slash customer staff one day he says to me you were a John's house Sunday morning you guys a thing I asked him how he knew I was there and he said he saw my car I was a little taken aback but I was part on the main road and my car was fairly distinctive so I didn't think much of it a couple weeks later he'd made a joke that I was never home cos my car was always gone when he passed by that made the hair on my neck stand up but again I don't exactly live off of the beaten path so okay when I really knew that it was more than casual observations was when he started complimenting me on different outfits and hairstyles I wore on my days off or prior to my shift he'd also make comments about receiving packages or coming home with after shopping you should find someone who would carry those groceries into the house for you I'd never make you carry the bags in the house after all that shopping you did on Saturday it was really creepy and I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched for a long time I used to work with a guy who I knew had a little crush on me first of all it a little crush will him just making an effort to talk to me whenever I saw him soon it progressed to personal messages I finally realized it was on an unhealthy level when he asked if I was heading to cadets that night I used to be involved heavily before moving to the city where I had that job I'm pretty quiet on social media so the only way he cold found out is a deep internet search for some local news articles which only mentioned my very common last name I had two instances when I was younger one was the first boyfriend I ever had eighth grade summer going into my first year of high school we broke up after homecoming because of some very stupid young person drama and he went absolutely psycho after that constant texts and phone calls getting his friends to talk to me / harass me et Cie you know the typical staff culminated in him carving my name into his arm he died of a heroin overdose in like 2016 I want to say the second time was more of a slow burn this was back in the day when name slash MSN was a [ __ ] this guy I kind of knew from high school added my own name he was a senior actually a super senior which makes it worse when I was a freshman and he had been dating a fellow freshman classmate of mine for a while we had similar music tastes and talked about the band brand-new a lot we talked for a long time actually just platonic le or so I thought instant messaging was kind of a thing back in the day and I talked to a a lot of people I didn't have any cause for concern with him he was someone that used to go to my heist and we liked the same band when the album the devil and God are aging inside me by brand-new came out they went on tour and finally came to Seattle and he was like dude let's go I'll get you a ticket I was like you don't have to pay for me I will pay for my own but he insisted so I was like whatever I buy my friend's stuff all the time that's fine keep in mind that he and that girl were on long past broken up and also keep in mind that he was about 21 over 22 at this point and I had just turned 16 so he also insists on driving I was like score I'm saving on gas law the whole time he is kind of touching me a lot and acting really excited and whatever and I'm just getting a vibe sorry if that's vague but it was a vague vibe low the concert was fine kind of uneventful and kind of a letdown because the band really acted like that was the last place on earth they wanted to be and he just would not stop trying to hold my hand grab my hips et CET see just way too handsy and then I realized I had to drive home with him from ducting Seattle like 30 ice plus minutes away the car ride home he was talking a lot had really excited and whatever and it all kind of came out how he felt about me once again he's like in his early twenties and I'm barely 16 and I'm trapped in the car when he drops me off he makes a move and I reject it and tell him thank you for everything but I don't feel that way he got pissed he blew me up a name typical NASA guy TM [ __ ] about how he bought my ticket and drove to Seattle and all the years like to law we'd been talking and me supposedly leading him on all this time and apparently him and his ex actually used to fight about me because I guess he was obsessed with me even back then it was super creepy I was sad because I felt like I did something wrong and because I felt like I lost what I thought was a friend I have no idea where he is or what he's doing now I'm about to turn 30 so all this was a long time ago now and I've had other creepy experiences in my life but I think those early ones really form a big impression you've been visited by Superdog oh this dog Oh we'll save you if you get in trouble but only if you comment I've got a treat for you dog oh thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: TZ Entertainment
Views: 166,902
Rating: 4.9573908 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, tz reddit, toadfilms, obsessed, stalker, red flags, unhealthy obssession, realize, tips, tip off
Id: yzBf1YOjkrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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