First Low Poly Scene (Eevee) - Blender 2.8 Beginner Tutorial [Part 10/20]

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welcome to part 10 of the blender 2.80 absolute beginners course the part after which you're not gonna be an absolute beginner any longer you're just gonna be a beginner but that's a great achievement in my opinion in this part we will just rehearse the whole knowledge we already learned throughout those previous nine videos so let's just get into it quickly I'm gonna show you how to create a very very basic scene and it's gonna be an easy nice looking scene which I really hope you're gonna like and yeah we will just create a few more trees in comparison to what we did before and I will show you how to create a very very first and easy materials and how to add camera and how to set up some lights this is a little bit more than we are already used to these are the things that will be explained in a detail a little bit later but I think you're I'm very a very bright intelligent person and you're gonna get it at all so as you can see I'm just creating those two planes which have some thickness and you might have noticed I did it all from from just a cube object a cube object which is a beloved object of mine and yours I hope is the most widely used piece of geometry in blender a base for many many objects as you will learn later and yeah I will be just using it to create this very little scene so as you can see um I'm just playing around I'm just adding more cubes which are just of different scales and let's let's imagine for a second that these are the rocks or something like this I really hope we can imagine that so I'm just adding them around and I'll be adding a little more of them and I'll be adding some trees in a second let's just let's just add a few more so the shortcuts I'm that I'm using are the very same shortcuts we have are all already learned sorry for my English and so so the way I'm copying the object is by using the shift D shortcut to scale them up like this I'm using an asset button and to move them around basically you can see I'm just using the the gizmo handles but you cannot of course do it very short by shortcuts as well so when I press shift D and Y key you can see it slides like this when I press R and Z I rotate it like this when I press s and Z I scaled I shrink it like that so let's pretend we create some rocky environment in here I will just scale this up a little bit scale it down and let's say this is this is a cliff a very we call it a low poly as a 3d nerds but let's let's imagine it's a cliff let's imagine it it it looks like something so now I can may I can speed up my work significantly by just selecting everything with a shift key pressed I will switch the wireframe just to show I have everything selected and by pressing shift D I just copy everything and I save myself a lot of time so you can see this kind of looks like it repeats itself but I can just rearrange the stuff right now just by sliding and rotating it a little bit just moving like this maybe like that maybe let's make this a little bit bigger like that push this a little bit forward move this here and this object here maybe we can scale it like this and maybe we can just duplicate this a bit more I can see all of the sudden we just created this pretty cool-looking thing that's a little bit and this one as well so I'm just doing it by scaling and yeah we have we have a good starting point so now let there be light we will make a cool stuff I press Z key and switch to rendered view as you can see it looks pretty flat and uninteresting so by clicking add and going down to the light section I let's say choose the the easiest lamp possible the light so it's gonna be a point light when I move it around you can see some stuff is actually happening this is you're gonna admit it looks interesting it's not like super fancy video game but it looks interesting and it it is cool so let's duplicate this light and let's put another one here maybe let's duplicate it again let's duplicate it even so I could as you can see when I just grab it like this it goes below the surface so when I press shift-z I know it's stands on the same level so it doesn't disappear just keep those lamps like this for now we can move them further later so let's start adding something more interesting like trees so again I will click add mesh and select yes here so this is my cylinder now I will press s and shift Z so we create something that looks like a tree trunk shift Z and now let's add some color this is stuff that's gonna be explained later again but you can just copy-cat the thing that I'm doing right now so here you have those many many icons you might have tried clicking on them if you just hold your mouse left button and drag it switches between them there is a multiple options here but we will focus just on this bowl here and this is the material tab to add a new material you simply click new here and you have a material this is its name and these are the settings please don't be overwhelmed just focus on this one bar here which is a base color so when you click on it with your left mouse button you have this color wheel and just by left clicking and holding you can select a color so let's go for something that looks like a brown color which is gonna be around here and here you can change the brightness of the color and if you move towards the center you change the saturation so you see it becomes gray more to the center it becomes gray more to the side it becomes saturated so let's use something like this like that and make it a bit darker one thing please remember this will be only this color will be only visible in the rendered mode in this one so if you switch to solid you still get back to those gray looking things in wireframe as well well when you switch to render this color will be visible just keep in mind in rendered view you'd need those lamps otherwise let's just select them and press H otherwise it's going to look like this if you don't add them so I press alt H to reveal everything and we keep on working so we have a treat wrong and let's now create an actual tree so I will in again are rehearsing the knowledge you can add objects by clicking here or you can press shift a and have this menu available from here so I will create a cone move it like this let's scale it up like that oh yeah maybe like this and let's add another material and let's change the color to something like this come on you gotta admit it looks cool so now I select tree trunk and and the the actual tree and now I place it somewhere around here so let's duplicate it and when I press shift D you can see the three flies away when I move it here it goes to the ground so I again occult shift and press Z so it stays on the same level so again shift D shift Z and there is another cold shortcut I want to tell you so ship D should Z for the first time let's say I want to create a row of trees here so I can do it by just pressing shift D and Y let's say for example again shift D and Y but after doing this for the first time I can hold shift and press R you see what I did here so the shift are repeats the last operation that I did so if I move the tree like this and press shift are it's gonna move to this location so and if i duplicate it it's gonna duplicate towards the direction I've chosen so again let's let's just move this tree here shift the shift Z let's say here and when I press control-shift are you can see the tree is gonna repeat so I will control Z just to remove those unnecessary trees and yeah that that looks pretty interesting you're gonna admit that let's let's just scale those trees down a little bit let's maybe add some bushes around the cliff of obviously these are gonna be very schematic things but just by pressing shift a I will create an eco sphere maybe and when I press a Z and maybe SX it's gonna be something it looks more like a bread right now but yeah you can you can play around doing those scaling operations this reminds me of sculpting things or when you play with with a clay so you you you can deform objects first do something like this then you can press on it and make it like that so imagine you're doing something similar in 3d so you're actually sculpting and creating the Z like manipulating this volume of of an object so yeah we have we have something that looks like like like some something green around the cliff and again shifted II should Z we can scale it we can move it we can now scale it down a little bit shift D should Z let's let's make it like this maybe here again shift the Z up shift D should Z as Z right now maybe let's make something small like that and let let's add some of those small elements here as well so I will ship D to Z just like that and now shift are and now I can just move them so this shift our shortcut is also very useful if you want to copy things quickly and then and maybe align them later like this and let's just make this one bit bigger this one like that maybe a Z something like this this one can be very big maybe these we can move here somewhere and scale them as well a scene like this this one we can scale down so you see I'm using all of the same transformation tools over and over again moving scaling I think I wasn't just rotating anything at this point but you get the idea it's almost always the same three tools we are using in blender so right now let's maybe actually do some rotations what about making an a river a stream let's select this plane and scale it like this move it here maybe scale it a little bit more like that now I will duplicate it and press Y key so we have something like this maybe let's scale it up like that a little more so we have this cut in the area and I will duplicate it one more time by pressing shift D and Z right now and let's let's add some depth here press sy like this we might need to move our elements let's let's move it here maybe and this one here so now let's duplicate this element one more time shoot the Z now I scale it like this and now I press R and X so let's do something like this maybe rotate it a little bit more like that now I press shift D again Y and I press R and X so I rotate it again so we have a riverbank let's let's say let's imagine it's a riverbank I will create a plane object place it here and let's add a material and make it blue like water water never water it's never bluebird but for some reason we just like thinking that it is I mean water is transparent usually and it just reflects the sky which is blue anyway enough that nerdy talking let just keep working and yeah you can see by scaling like this we have a river wow that was an unexpected right so now let's keep on adding a few more trees maybe a different kind so I will move the 3d cursor here so they are not created in the river let's press shift a cylinder let's just scale it like this and again the way I'm scaling things like that is I'm pressing s and then shift Z meaning we are only scaling in the Y and X directions so the Z is out of the equation and that's why it's not going anywhere upwards now I'm pressing s and Z so we can just scale it like this and I'm gonna make a mistake here just to show you one thing so so let's now add a sphere UV sphere this time and again we have our lollipop tree let's maybe scale it like this again s and shift Z so the z axis is out of the operation and the thing is if I copy this object right now so I just move it here and press shift D and press shift D and scale it up the problem is if I want to add a material and I didn't do it at first well technically nothing tragic happened because well I can create a new material the color and well repeated here and here and here and here again but it's more efficient when you when you just think a little bit when you plan a little bit ahead so if you create a tree like this and you know you're gonna repeat it around the scene it's better to do the materials and all the stuff before you start duplicating obviously in blender there are ways of kind of finding a solution like what if I already have 200 objects and now I need to apply a color to all of them there are ways to do this quickly but these are a little bit more advanced thinking and we are not gonna focus on them right now so let's just fix this tree by making the color here and adding a color here and we just delete those trees that's it and we just duplicate the one that is finished no philosophy to be honest oh I pressed ctrl s yeah that's another important shortcut you might have not created that much in blender until now but once you once you start working on your things pressing ctrl s to save things around is very important so you can you can access the save tool from from the file menu here and press just save and save as if you want to keep this file in keep the scene in a separate file then you select save as and you create a new file with a new name but yeah ctrl s should be a habit to use especially when you're creating something more advanced like we do in here so let's let's now copy this correct tree a little bit more so shift d shift Z I will scale it I can scale it even like this so we have multiple trees let's maybe add them along the river so now I will do shift D and X and now I will press shift are maybe one more time yeah and now I can go sometimes like you right now you can see with those many objects we might have some problems with selecting stuff sometimes let's say you just click something in the back by mistake then you press shift D to duplicate and you see well how about that something else got copied as well so yeah you can just delete it and have problem fixed but sometimes it's useful to switch to a different rendering mode for a time let's say a wireframe which looks pretty interesting with the amount of models we have right now you can switch to the solid mode and then turn turn on the x-ray thing so you can also see the selection more precisely we can just work in the rendered view and yeah and just delete the stuff and just be careful what's happening around the scene so let's create a few more trees here yeah and that's for the vegetation I would say we're we are pretty much there let's still try adding a few more things so basically at this point is really everything is really up to your imagination because you have enough knowledge of the basic tools to actually go pretty well with scenes like that so for example we can create another cylinder scale it up like scale it up like this move somewhere around here maybe or maybe not maybe here scale it up we can duplicate it shift D and Z just scale it down scale it in the z axis again we can now snap a 3d cursor to the selected object so the newly added stuff will be appearing here so I press shift a and let's add a cone right and we Wow we have a tower everybody added here you can add some very interesting details to your tower so let's move a cursor here create a cube a beloved cube now let's scale it upwards like this let's move it like that and you can start adding some first details to your models so let's just keep scaling like just now maybe scale it scale the roof like this and you can add a new material to this element let's say it's it's it's something like made of wood maybe make it darker you can see it's pretty interesting right and now another trick let's let's move the 3d cursor to the selection cursor to selected now let's copy this object and rotate it around the cursor so we could go to the top view and again you can see changing changing the rendering modes to let's say a wireframe would be helpful at this point so look at the trick that I'm doing if you go to the 3d cursor to the pivot point menu and select 3d cursor now when I press shift D I I kind of cancel the operation by by pressing the escape but the the object is still duplicated the thing is it's only appearing at exactly the same point so again I I select an object I press shift D but instead of left clicking somewhere here I just duplicated and press escape so the object is duplicated but it's still in the original location so I will switch to the top view and switch to the wireframe view again and now when I press R you can see I'm rotating around the this pivot point which is the tower Center so when I hold my control key I can do this precise rotation so and you can see the degrees here in the left upper corner so let's let's do a 90 degree rotation so I do shift D escape and I press R again and with a control button pressed and hold I can rotate by 90 degrees again and again I do shift D escape and rotation by 90 degrees so when I press Z and go to rendered view wow I have a tower with some nice elements and we can make the roof red and we can also make the main element red and we can do this in multiple ways so you can you can create a new material if you want to or you can by pressing this ball here you can select one of the existing materials so you can use the one the material used here you can use any other material already created so let's use this money you can actually rename the materials to find them easier so if you if you click on this field here and call it let's say a red - brick then the material is listed here with the same name so let's say this material is called pine tree and every time you select it you will see the name and here you can if you want to change your material you can just click here and find it here under this there's a exact same name so yeah let's let's finally get to the end of this video by showing you how to create a first render how about that to make a rendering you actually only need one thing to be present in your 3d scene and that's a camera the camera we deleted in the beginning the camera that is always available when you create a new file in blender and you can add a camera if you delete it by pressing the add and selecting the camera option here so you can see there is this object that appears at the 3d cursor you can move it around as and rotate it and scale it even even though the scale doesn't affect anything but you can move it around rotate it as any other object in the scene and if you want to know what the camera is actually seeing you just have to press this button here and this moves you to the camera view so right now we see a little bit of the tower some trees here and this lamp which I try to select I press G we can move it around so if you want to frame the whole scene that we've created we might need to move the camera a little bit further and again you can see would be nice if we could just move it like in in this direction so we just switch to the normal view here normal transformation orientation and we just grabbed this gizmo handle here so when you press a camera now you can see a little bit more cool thing is if you have a camera selected it has to be orange and when you move to the camera view here you can obviously do the basic 3d viewport operations like zooming or panning but once you decide to rotate the camera it it kind of jumps out of of the frame so remember that ya simply when you when you just press your middle mouse button while in the camera view it will go back to the normal perspective or orthographic view you have but if you have a camera selected and if you're in the camera view when you press a G key now you can see we can move the camera around because it's selected and because we are just grabbing it if you hold your shift key and select any other additional objects you can see the camera boundary here is orange when you press G the objects move around together with your camera you probably don't want to have that so you can also click here on the camera with your left mouse button and it gets selected when you press anywhere else it gets D selected so you can either just select it here and then go to the camera view or you can select the camera from here directly so let's do it now let's press G key to to find a nice rendering perspective for our scene let's say let's say it's gonna be something like this but we're gonna rotate the camera so let's rotate it like that maybe that's too much but let's see we are pressing the G key and moving it around maybe let's move it a bit further even and that's rotated like that yeah now it's it's much better I think and you're almost almost good to go so now the very very last thing is just pressing the render button and the rendering will begin so to do that you just go to the render panel here and you click render image and or you can use an f12 shortcut so when you do this there should be a new window appearing and boom this is your rendering now this is the picture you can show to your family to your cat to your loved ones and say hey I spent a few hours learning blender and this is the result how about that of course you can't show them the blender window because once you close blender this thing also disappears so you have to save your image and you do this by going here and selecting save as so now you create a wonderful full name for your image and you can also select a file format here so if you want to have a PNG or just a normal jpg just select it from here and then click Save and you've just created your first rendering isn't that amazing you're definitely not an absolute beginner to blender any longer and you're definitely in a good way of becoming a amazing blender artist in the very near future so this is a video 10 of the course this is something I hope will help you rehearsing the knowledge we already like discussed and in the next parts we'll be getting much deeper into the 3d modeling and later on into the materials rendering settings and creating your first more advanced images than this one but still you gotta admit this looks pretty pretty interesting considering you're just learning blender for a couple of hours or maybe even less so thanks for watching I really hope this is helpful to you and just see you in the next video bye bye
Channel: chocofur
Views: 32,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.8, blender 2.80, blender tutorial, blender 2.8 tutorial, blender 2.80 tutorial, blender beginner tutorial, blender 2.8 beginner tutorial, blender 2.80 beginner tutorial, blender simple scene, blender beginner scene, blender how to rendering, blender first rendering, blender quick rendering, tutorial, beginner, eevee, blender eevee, 3d, b3d, blender easy tutorial, blender 3d, how to, render, easy, 2.8, blender tutorial 2.8, low poly blender, low poly, modeling, learn
Id: O3iswHOtIzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 34sec (2194 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2018
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