How to Model a Low Poly House | Blender Tutorial

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what's open under sandwiches so today you know blender Savitch will create a low poly house so everybody's familiar with that basic drawing of a house you see kids wrong you probably drew one yourself I used to draw this when I was a kid sometimes I doubt plain I would add a plane in the sky but we're gonna go with a 3d look of that right here low poly house but we'll try to make it a cartoony all right so we're gonna start out here with their cute we're gonna scale it down oh they really want to scale it down if I hit 0 for a number pad I'm a number pad or 0 for camera view if I start making this house it might be too big for the for the camera then I gotta just the camera so instead I'll just make the cube smaller and this way it'll fit inside the camera frame here this is a camera frame right there so I'm gonna scale it down by half of the size it's not a skillet deal and a half of the size that's gonna be yes so I have to read the scale tool I could try to freehand it and try to guess what's half of the size of that or I can hit point 5 for 50% and then enter there we go so once again that was s 0.5 enter so I won't do that control Z and I'll just do that sequence against oil so that's s 0.5 and there we go so went down to half the size all right so now I want to make it longer I'm gonna make it long along the y axis which is green line right so I'm gonna hit ask for scale then Y trying to bait the snap into the y axis and then 2 for 2 times that 2 and there we go cool that's not a little log here so it's gonna be the base on my house right there bottom part of that it's not including the roof all right so now I want to take this Twitter mode prefer someone zoom and center of this and from you so I'm a 1 on the number pad for front me there we go and I'm looking at the front of the house and it tells me right here as well front orthographic I'm gonna decimal on the number pad that'll Center it there zoom in Center now I'm gonna take it to item oh so to go to edit mode I can go right up here click object mode and then select edit mode or I get the tab key and the tag heats always between object mode and edit mode you can see the stuff you're changing let me know it's an item oh but from my experience because I've used blender so much I can just tell by looking at the mesh if it's an edit mode and after a while you'll be able to tell cuz you'll see the edges highlighted the vertices or the faces you'll see those little elements there that tell you what's going on alright so next we're gonna add a loop cut here we're gonna make a part that will become the roof so I need an additional geometry here I want to add a whole edge around here around the top part later I'm gonna pull it up so first I'm gonna hover my mouse over one of the edges I'm gonna hover my mouse over this edge right here one of the vertical edges I'll go over this right here from beat one from you and having clicked on anything yet I've been left click the right thing I'm gonna control our cool look I got a yellow line right there if I move my mouse over to this top edge right here then I got a vertical yellow line but if I go over this bird of waves and I got a horizontal yellow line so this yellow line will be perpendicular to whatever hitch you're on I just want one cuz if I spin the wheel I get more seats and though we on the mouse at the plus sign on the number pad I get more but I just want one I'm gonna head I'm gonna left click or hit enter one time there we go so I committed to one cut but now I gotta place it somewhere so I'm gonna slide up about 1/10 of a blender unit when reading work there in the background right there I'm not sure what the grade marks are it's these little squares back here back there so about one away from there it doesn't have to be perfect just somewhat from there so cartoony house I'm not going for a perfection here just whatever looks like that so I'll do that again so hover over vertigo edge control heart left click one time move the mouse up and then left click again there we go all right so roofs are pointy I want something pointy here so I'm gonna add another cut in here I'm gonna hover over the top my hand controller and then ENTER two times real quick there we go whoo all right so I want to pull up the center part here so I can make the pointy roof I want to be able to pull up these two here and these two back here is right now this whole loop is like that I want to pull up the whole thing I don't want to do this oh I just want to pull up these to you and the tool in the back but if you notice they are just drags like these here from view but I did not select the ones in the back so to do that with one stroke I'm gonna switch over to the wireframe so to switch over the wire frame that's going to shift Z for zebra chip Z there we go and so now I can see through it I'll have the wireframe activated and I can sell lake through it as well so now by drax like they're selected the whole thing another way tax is a wireframe it's by hitting the z key you this pie menu or radio menu there's a wireframe there earlier we're in the word one solid these are the viewport shaders that's how you view your mesh z and we'll go back over to wireframe there we go from you and they're also up here seem at the z key and if you notice these icons here are just like the ones up there the wireframe is there solid is Allen that floating bubble material preview it's that one right there be supposed to be a marble looks like that BMW or Black Widow right there and then around there looks like a bubble alright so drag select there cool I'm gonna pull this up I'm gonna pull it up by half a blender units let me see here on my hand out what I got there yes half will blend your unit it's gonna be g4 wrap back to meet the grab tool G 0.500 Z and there we go so it's G Z 0.5 inner so by hitting G you like to eat the grab tool then by hitting Z you snap it to the z axis see is that blue line going up and down now when you pull it on to only go up or down and then point five you tell how far you want to go so point five you wanted it to go half over in the unit point five in the units in the positive direction and then by hitting Enter you commit to that so let's do that again so G and so all over the place Z are you gonna only open Dale when I go up point five point five there we go now the tools turned off as well and I commit it to that change alright so now I want to make the rest of the roof here so we're usually roofs they stick out right kind of stick out of the house so I'm going to drag select this whole top part here somehow room owl sites on the outside of the house when we're up here at the top make sure my mouse is high enough to cover this and far enough to cover the side of you here all right there we go hold down the left mouse button and drag across or a track selection there I know all right so now I want to drag select across the top want the other roofs to be sticking out so rubes that stick out right so I'm gonna hover my mouse over here off to the top left somewhere or you can also do it on the top right or down here down there just make sure it's high enough to clear the top here and I already enough to cover the outside areas here but you don't want to start down here at the bottom we don't want to select the bottom you want to select up here somewhere someone hold on the left mouse button and drag across there we go just like that so I'm not a big giant woman we don't want to get the whole house we just want to get the top part here not low enough that you missed the top there oh you wanna go up high enough you get the top and you get the bottom and you get both sides there on the bottom or the top there not down there here you go see so we selected the roof area there now we're going to scale that out all right I'm gonna scale it out by 1.2 so extrude and scale by 1.2 should be about 1/5 more 20% more all right so we need to extrude creates the addition with geometry then as for scale then 1.2 enter there we go es 1.2 enter that's what the sequence was yes won't point Twitter all right so the downside it is it's kind of it goes up a little bit so we're gonna bring it down we're gonna bring it down by half a blender unit so I mean 3/4 right B so I can see it here there we go so it's kind of sticking out there I don't want that I'm hit g4 grab and Z and minus point zero five there we go brought it down right there you can also just freehand bad you can hit G for grab than Z and you just pull it down you can just do it by hand there as well there you go pull that part of the roof down cool all right so I'm gonna go back over to the solid in viewport shader now I'm gonna use a nice tool to draw a door and some windows there draw the window frame and the door frame for my house there all right so chef Z oh I remember you can just hit Z and select one of these but Susie just toggles between the wireframe and whatever viewport you had before so those are the few four viewports there all right so first want to select where you want your door to be so you might want the door there or you want the door they're usually the doors right here but I don't have a lot of room here to make additional windows so I'm gonna choose the right side here for the door so to do that I'm not gonna position it by just moving a mouse around like this I'm gonna hit 3/4 right view that'll give me the right view of it right there pretty on the number pad so you want to do that you want any three on the number pad for review you don't want to try to freehand a position it like this I hold it down the middle Mouse plane and it moving right around you're not a guarantee you get the right view it's pretty for a number path then you're definitely in right view all right I'm gonna draw a door right here I'm not gonna make it perfect I wanted to have that cartoon look so I'm gonna have that lines going up kind of like at an angle so it's like to eat the nice whoo that's K there we go so you know my mouse cursor is a little knife but what I hear towards the grid there's Justin I put it back over here on the mesh I get this green square let's let I mean I can cut in there so I would recommend starting on an edge or a vertex in this case I'm sure I'm gonna make a door the door goes all the way to the floor so I might go down there to the edge there we go it's got the edge of go in there now I'm going to decide where I want to start the door someone go with around here somewhere and the left leg there one time and pull them out up see and I got this purple line whatever color that is pink I'm gonna pull it up as high as want the door frame to be this could be the inside of the door frame or the outside of the door frame however you want to make it I'm gonna go up and move it off at any what a bit like right there left click and move it over to the right over here or the top part of the door frame and angle it a bit left click there and then straight down or a little bit off and then left click right there all right cool so I want to finish off there so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna hit enter and it turns off the tool there we go now I'm gonna make the outside of the door frame here so the inside part so here's my door and then the frame goes around it I noticed I didn't continue here cutting it because if there's already geometry there you don't want to try to add additional geometry geometry to it you just want to start in you over here make a again go to this edge left click there and go up you want to try to foresee where you're gonna make the turn right so that's gonna be about right there left click and over here somewhere left click make that one pointy boom and bang bring it down here left click there there we go and then in order cut that off there you go cool if you don't like that you can always undo ctrl Z you can start over redo is ctrl shift Z bring it back there we go so there we go I got my my door there and my door frame very cartoony now I'm gonna make a window frame I'm gonna make one that makes I'm here for first I'll make the one on the other side here so I made one for from view now create a door frame here so we got this edge here I think it gets in the way and away it does but we're just gonna leave it there so I'm gonna hate q4 knife I know it doesn't start with the K sound her knife knife you ever met anybody is that kunai I never met anybody either but there's always a first for everything all right I'm gonna start a beer left like there and go down over here somewhere weird angle left click out here left click and up here left click and meet back over here and if you notice here is the my little square it changes colors when I'm on to another vertex see there we go left click there and then please I look there now that's gonna be either the inside or the outside of my window what I want to go with I'll make that the inside of my window there okay for knife and I start here on the outside somewhere I've clicked F clay left click left click and connect the dot over here left click and our boom so you can try to become straight it's gonna be a little more challenging or you can just make it fun make this a crazy-looking window here like those 90's cartoons those horrible ugly drawing cartoons from Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon I never liked those to be honest Santa Barbara cartoons I never liked those either I'm sorry for I know they got a lot of fans out there put that I just didn't like those that style all right Kay here for the frame okay I left it there in ER all right so uh what kind doesn't line up right there I'm gonna look like that one make sure I'm from you all right G for Graham move it over there you go kind of lines up there I want to get a straight one I can just left activate that knife tool click right there try it all the way down and then left click there and are cool I'm gonna do that over here as well okay left-click and drag left it there and ok again left click there I guess I can make this a little wider left click there and there we go this one looks a little too straight so I'll move it over Kiefer Graham so you pull that over and starts moving around this is on the handout being hit shift the v.i.c ship to be oh it's not working I see all so without grabbing it now hit V so I'll select the first and should be you can slide it on the on the edge there there we go cool it looks more window like or weird win the link shift being that over I don't like this one at all let's see you know move it more this way shift V I'll just even like that alright come on over well myself here three four right of you and start drawing another one over here okay fork a knife left click left click left click left click the left click yeah and sometimes you get some of these those just to account for the lack of geometry that leads up over here you can't just have a floating weird it for a vertex on a face so blenders gonna create these extra edges here to connect it to another edge over here you that didn't happen because we have this edge going down the middle here but over here there's nothing there so I added ease in here all right I'm in rain view here we finish off this window for knife left click the left leg left click left click left click there and there there we go q for knife now click there left click enter key for knife left it there go up there left click enter key for knife left click left beginner ski for knife there there there we go window panel there other ones over here let's be around there huh let's see left foot there [Music] deftly of click there and look for the inside ok let's look there I'll click Bam Bam Bam make sure to say BAM my kazoo by Emeril okay left leg left click enter ok left click click enter ok left click left click enter ok from knife to knife left click enter there you go cool my window panels err uh Mia zero for camera Biel so I'm only seen this sides here from you in right view from the camera view so I'm not gonna worry about the back of the house with the side of the house there that's just up to your imagination of what's back there alright so I want to make these frames here pop up sort of do that I'm on switch over here to face selection there face selection right there face all it cool so I guess select individual faces if I click on a face here selects the whole face whereas by Devo when you first go to edit mode its protect selection and you select individual vertices and there's edge selection the middle one right here you can select the whole edge you left leg it there if you go to face the lashing you select the whole face I won't click there we go and those are up there next to waitomo it up there so I'm gonna select the faces on one side here I'm gonna start off with this out here the ones that are gonna pop up I'm gonna shoo these are for the frame so I'm gonna make a pre d yes if I go back to object mode real quick I can't see that stuff so I'll make it pop up all right so I select data that is there left like that one I'm a multi-select the rest of our time Oh hold on the shift key left click this one there left click down one left look down and I have to get these little segments in there left leg left leg there we go I'm gonna shred these out by point zero five volt blender unit so just a little bit so I mean II point zero five and ER and for some reason this when in the other direction you got something like this what's going inside you don't want that just hit the minus key in your number pad that will shoot out there you go so the other we try to guess predict what direction you want to go and maybe you did something earlier where it would think you want to go inside the house so just hit the minus key you know to shoot it in the opposite direction all right so I'm gonna click this one here hold on the shift key click that one that one that one no and now and I'm right there so these are all in the same side so I can make sure them in the same direction so I'm gonna select all these together over here this one was in a different side of the house and this one got extruded along the y-axis a different direction he's gonna go along the X that's why like sure he needs and segments in separate parts so this face here and this face over here on this side here these are going in the same direction so I make sure I can extrude them together II point zero five and there we go back door frame windows ready to go ready to rock all right so I want to color my house so let's see what colors don't want to go with so I'll go with the dominant color here first so whatever color you choose first it's gonna color the whole object that color so most of this looks like it's gonna be the walls so I'm gonna go over here the properties panel click on the T right here the marble there we go and I'm gonna give this a name so I click in here once or we can click it two times and I can rename it there so whatever color I want to make this wall I'm gonna go with the off-white color I'll call it off way because I called it beige but honest you don't know how to spell a word Beach alright so if I click here and base color so after I do that I go down here look look for base color and there's a white bar and I'll click on that watch out for the ribbet don't click on that one that's for something else so just for just one solid color you gotta click right in here and then I can't play around with this color wheel there if you're familiar with RGB codes or hex codes you can punch them right in and you get punching the code in there for the hex code and punching the rgba codes for the RGB color all right so I'm gonna go here the color wheel try to make an off-white color this right here is the value if I bring it up it's gonna make my color brighter or bring it down it's gonna be my color darker all the way to black so let's go off-white and there we go alright so now it's colored that color but I can't tell I can't see it I just changed my viewport so there's the for viewport shaders sorry I have to change my view port shader so I'm go with render the one right on the far right I can also hit the z key and select the one up here at render there we go so learn your ll solid and then also the wireframe see through it so I'm gonna go over here to render there we go cool smooth the whole outside color now since I already have the frames here select it I guess I'll color the frames next so i'm hold on the shift key and just a multi select you select one face first and weld on a shift key these already selected for me on the shift key and left click that peace there look at that one and I'm gonna click these here and these are the ones and view of the camera because down here there's faces down here too I'm not gonna bother with those cuz the camera is not going to see them it's fine I see that face here either just the ones that would be in view of the camera view they prefer a number-pad sorry 0 in the number pen and I get the camera view and then I can tell which ones will be in view of the camera so there's so beyond the scenes now Andy's not seeing that oh we can see that one right there so I'm not concerned about what they can't see I'm just gonna render out the picture the models gonna be using a video game we're in a movie or anything like that it's just for rendering a picture so I don't got to worry about coloring those little areas there save me some time all right we go so I want to make these uh I guess I can go with blue so to make another color I'm not gonna go in here so that's gonna change the existing color have already you don't want to do that right let's see what was that Rosie oops controls even onto the color so I recreate another year so you could only get away from that green go with the pistachio color there Stosh Oh ice cream mmm so I love it or hate it top of ice cream right I love you I like it alright so on a new material make the plus sign right here plus boom all right now I can create a new material so I'm gonna click on you right here alright I'm gonna name this one I'll call this one blue I'm gonna make those frames blue blue click out of there go down to your base color and I'll make a blue color there you go and there we go and I can't see it cuz has it been applied it's there it's not a fight or anything so if they hit a sign right here they're gonna sign it to whatever selected a sign there we go cool it's still looks kind of weird so love that so if I select this enemies click out of there there we go and select it in here so I can go ahead and play around with it maybe make you a little lighter it doesn't look so so dark let's see make you look fun cartoonish there we go now I want to color the roof here someone to click on this face there shift key click on that face that face that face noun 1 let's see this one here that one there and to move around like this just hold down the middle mouse button now click that one with holding up shift will not shift left like you hold on shift then you move the middle mouse button that's a pan you can go up and down side to side oh sorry set aside up and down a lot shift left look down on all right actually those other ones can't even see right got about that alright super camera view cool alright so I'm gonna leave my roof red or brown I make it like a reddish brown so new material plus sign click on you I'm gonna call this one you could also call it roof it's gonna call it a red brown and it could be your name sup my name is red Brown looking here going into the red and when I hope more red there we go and bring this down here it kind of brownish Hey look I'm like a burgundy you move it off to the left yeah there we go other it's a subsurface colors color like blowing I can make that one red and it'll kind of come to it too there we go I'm gonna hit a sign there we go got my roof there cool that's a nice looking roof I like him I'm gonna color this door I'm gonna color the door red I'm gonna make the store red right here I like red doors for some reasons I'll select the face there plus sign you in this one ran click inside the white bar it's the right a base color yeah I'm just gonna make a red color there a sign there we go BAM so I make the windows here click on that one there hold on the shift key and select the other windows here you there we go so when those are the cartoon windows or blue right so plus sign new and make like a bluish color too too much like the other one so I can call this one windows or light blue light blue there we go you can try to give them a glass property so you can try to make it look kind of like glass go down here to metallic number all the way to one and then read through his rough hands right here bring it all the way down to zero and look little bit more I class me at a sign you see here the material I'm gonna click on preview right here maybe I'll see the comics that glass right there tells preview there we go so these are like that cool yeah but because we're gonna get something cartoony you won't really see a lot of stuff reflect off of it but that will give you a glass properties there alright so it still needs something still doesn't look cartoony enough so so looks pretty blog except for these uh these frames here atlas cartoony the whole house will grow those and look very very cartoony so it looks pretty square need a try to give it more of a cartoony look so I'm gonna add additional cuts up here I'm gonna Harborough mouse over the top edge and control are there we go spin the wheel there we go you can also hit the plus sign on the more bad to get more cuts I'm gonna go with two two cuts there and then I may enter two times real quick there we go BAM I just cut through there I cut all the way through there and I want to pull this down but I don't want these selected here so I'm hold on the shift key and left-click that edge left click that edge left click that edge and hold my shift key if something's already selected you hold on the shift key and select it again it's gonna deselect it alright so I'm gonna pull it down but so they're just pulling it down let me show you imma cheesy I pull it down and kind of just collapsed in itself like that doesn't look very smooth I want to say try to bend the whole house or part of the house stuff just the Routh part so I'm ahead oh trying to eat the proportional editing tool okie turns it off and on if you want to know if it's on look up here see I'm a toe and it's gonna turn it on there you go so it's on because it's and then it all again it turns off so over Oscar so I know what to turn it on there we go I'm a G for grabs so I get this big circle here I'm easy so I can go all up and down and see the house is kind of deforming too you can see the frame there and I can make the circle bigger there for the whole house but now it's looking kind of weird to want to make the circle smaller so maybe keep the bottom part of it flat and just bend the top there let's see and yeah let's go right there left click there you go I'm gonna commit to that if you don't like it you can just control ze I'll do that and it's a stunt control shift Z there we go there we go so na cartoon enough for me so I'm gonna select this edge over here when I left like that one there we go often yeah did G easy and pull it up a bit alright get me a little sharper there left click there I'm gonna pull it out along the way there chi-wai and pull it out over here BAM there we go and do the same thing with this one over here alright three four right view cheesy maybe not as high as yellow one there you go and then G wisely I don't know there we go so you were for Cambodia cool looks cartoony there alright alright so that's good there so I'm gonna go back over to object so hit the tab key or I can click on item own an object mode there we go cool yeah it's very cartoony zero four enough for camera eight see what the camera sees there nice this is looking good so far except actually linear if there are a cast a shadow on something has a shadow there from our light source that we have there let's see what it looks like rendered imma hit f12 I don't render your uh your view from the camera view see there it is but kinda just looks like it's floating in space so let's give it a floor there so it has something reflect off fluid alright so I'm gonna bring in a plane shift a mesh plane maybe all the planes right inside of it I'm at Jeezy and pull it down I have it right below the house where the house is just just sitting on it you go inside it a little bit see right it was good sorry the house isn't floating on it we don't want to shadow directly below we want the shadow casting off of it over here I mean zoom mounts I can see the camera frames you were for camera view oops camera view again all right now I'm gonna scale this paint up big enough so it covers up the whole frame there whole camera frame that's for scale and pull it all the way out here we go BAM alright f12 and now we had a little shadow there cool there you go that's looking good there so that's pretty much it you can do other stuff to get to the next level and I'll show you that in a bit but right now this this is a low poly house right there we can't add a tree here we can add a little trail we can add rocks but this this is good right here that's a low poly house there that's cool if you would like to take your project to the next level you can color the floor here green kind of like grass green the greenish color there we go I mean you have a path coming out the front of the door here so I'm going to take that plane here a demo tacky so for top view I'm using knife tool and I can't see the door from here so should Z there we go so the doors right here somewhere okay for a knife I'll start in there somewhere and I just go out there there and just enter cuz I can't see the rest of that cool kind of made the path for me there okay for time look in there come out over here that's stuck going out this way okay enter there we go and super Chi are nice like they're like yeah and my cool is here for camera view cool the path is in there I can see here it's a little bit off so I'm gonna go back to vertex selection I'm gonna select these here that one that one and then I'm gonna hey G regret oops a portion or entity to lots I mean it Oh to turn that off over Oscar there we go G for graph and then shift Z there we go watch this just it back in there alright yeah cool before right view seems to go no oh good three four right view then a brain though there's no key to zoom Center that or I want this to be lined up with that to line up with that so left and right here is the Y which is forward back G Y and that's good enough for me right there cool zoom out when I go back over to solid right here I might click on this face there oops face election and that face there cool so I got that face there and I'm gonna color this one a brown color going back over here to rendered and give it like a dirt color plus sign you call it dirt and give a like a light a light brown color oh we go sign tacky cool the houses a little bit above me I can see here cheaper grabsy and there we go Oh Patsy or camera view there we go maybe you want to add a tree I'll show you how to make a tree real easy here shift a mesh qq1 this cube as for scale as key move inward g4 grabbed and why I move it over I don't make this whole along this along the Z I maybe make it thinner still s for scale there we go now that's Z there we go you got a tree there see if we can with you don't want the tree there yeah I want it over there let me see gy put her over here that's for scale want thinner make it taller s team alright and now I'm gonna bring over an ankle sphere prefer so I'm gonna take it to edit mode tak you Freddie mode there we go and Rex like the top here oops space selections on that's for scaling a little thinner towards the top there we go now I'm gonna bring in an ankle sphere but it's gonna come out over there I want to come on directly there it's gonna come out whatever that where were the 3d cursor is that so that's gonna be shift s and course her to select in and I move it over here my selected option so shift this is a stat menu and I chose course or to select it I had that top face or so like did so now I want to bring something in its gonna pop up right there so shifting ichael sphere there we go cool that's for scale make that smaller cheesy pull that up around there make a bigger and add a tree there I'm gonna color that tree green something over here to MU I'm just gonna call it brush it's going to be a different shade of green than that it's gonna make make it a darker green there we go may the whole tree green I want to make this brownish color so I clicked on this face there out of the mouse on here I'm gonna hit L for Larry there we go I suck the whole trunk yeah let's go with that Brown right they already have that brown cratis I'm at the plus sign I said I take them on you I'm gonna go over here I'll click on Dorothy's gonna name it there we go a sign cool the tab key there you go to ask you again I can't try to take this to the next level by making an odd duplicate of this little brush here okey shifty why that's for scale b4 right Mew I know g4 grab that's for scale shifty pulling up here somewhere r for rotate or Y so this is on this area just want to take your your projects of that next level so the house is there just give your tree here's a little more character shift easy that's for scale gy there we go - excellent bye easy pull that up over here soy top key cool it's a good tree there I can actually duplicate this shifty while I pull it over here maybe make a small extra scale and then rotate it so it doesn't look exactly like that 1rz from a different angle right there looks kinda weird on that slice horsy wilt a smaller there we go and they get to look at it on WA shifty X right over there our Z rotation in this way go when you put one right next to a shifty why oops X or Z there we go another thing you can do Michael's here gets make a long one I'm gonna bring in a necklace for your again shift day Michael sphere that pop-up right over there G X bring it over here and then that's for skill then X sorry yes and then Z make its hole you go cut like a pine tree gy bring that over there and G X oops G X there we go I think that one green already have that green over there so I'm gonna click right here is my materials list brush there we go hey RIS that's need to bring in another cube to make the sock of it there the trunk shift a mesh cube you go gy put her over there separate table you like and try to see it better there we go decimal keys in the center that that's for scale bring it in keep for grab right there that's for scale looks good right view GZ pull it down s to Z there you go yeah it's something it needs to be thinner that's for scale there we go that's the make it taller all right I'm gonna use that brown color over there click in here and that was the third color now these are two separate objects these are one object cuz I brought in the ecla sphere in edit mode if you bring something into edit mode another object it becomes part of that other object in object mode like the trunk here and it's like that one there control J for joy there we go well I bring this down some more GZ there we go see your camera view cool you gonna be like that I could try to have more stuff in there but there you go oh you can do a chimney to shift a cube that's for scale chi-wai put it back there somewhere an SC I think it's hole there we going GX put it back here GZ bring it down there we go and it's inside the house someone right here you can't really sell for the camera you it's gonna make it red oh we got red for that door I'll use the same one there ya go cool somebody f12 to render that out and there you go you got a nice cute little poly house with some trees there and I would probably add some more trees back here and be a little rock in here or something add a little more texture to it but there it is is that easy I know with Assam trees but the tree is really easy to make you can spend a lot of time try to make a little more detail but there it is thank you for watching I've been awesome day
Channel: Blender Savage
Views: 754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, intro to blender, how to, introduction, introductory, for beginners, novice, tool, proportional editing, border, instructions, new, 3d printing, materials, animation, low poly, cartoon, house, cute, building, simpsons, illustration, gaming assets, lesson, low poly house, blender savage, basic modeling, 3d for beginners, learning 3d, blender 3d, blender art, 3d modeling, how to use blender, learning blender, blender beginners, 3d house, disney, blender lesson, blender instructions
Id: k-5ItcelByA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 42sec (2322 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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