Blender 2.8 Beginner Tutorial PART 11: Edit Mode Essentials

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hello everybody and welcome to part 11 of the blender 2.80 absolute beginners course so in this part we'll be finally getting to the mysterious edit mode which was already mentioned a couple of times before so let's just jump into it shall we the edit mode as I mentioned in one of the videos before can be accessed from this drop down menu here and as I also mentioned some of the viewports in blender have different working modes but as for now we will just focus on those two which is object mode we already know that and the edit mode so in edit mode you can see the cube pickups orange and that means everything is selected right now so if I left click somewhere in the background it gets back to it's more or less original form except you see there are some outlines or edges are becoming darker so if I go back to the object mode which by the way I did by pressing the tab key and this will probably become most the key you're gonna use most often while working in blender so tab key changes the edit mode and object mode and as you can see the toolbar here also changes a lot when I press the key not only this one but as well the one we have here and something changes here as well so I will get into all of that in a second so the edit mode when you zoom it a little bit you can see we have those corners of the object we can select by left clicking them and I will go to the x-ray mode we already called it like this so it's more visible so when I press shift key you can see I can select different elements of the object I'm editing which the name stands for so now when I press G key you can see this way we can deform the object and change its original form so you may remember when I said the cubed which is why it's our beloved cube will probably be the object you're gonna use the most in blender and that's because it really to create any other 3d geometry you don't actually need anything else than just the cube or maybe a sphere you might think well how is it possible if we only have a limited number of edges and corners of the object and faces well that's gonna be shown in the next I have videos Jack Chua Lee in the next actual next video but as for now let's just get comfortable with what we can do in the edit mode so you can see as for now I'm only editing the corners of the object and actually right now you don't even know what was the original corner of the cube with deformed it so much and those corners we call vertical taxis vertices I never know how to pronounce it correctly so I'm sorry for that but you can see you can also you can see them highlighted here when I click this item you can see the edges get a bit darker and now when I left click on them I can actually move the entire edges I could also do this by selecting two of the vertices and now I also have the edge selected but sometimes you want to save your say your yourself those few more clicks and just select the edges when I when I choose this item you can see now I can left click and select the entire faces and again if I go to the vertices here you can see I when I had the face selected when I switch now I have four of them selected as well so if I left click and holding my shift key when I do the selection I can have basically the same thing so depending on what you actually need and want to achieve switching between these options will be a key to success so again there are some cases where you just left-click all of the corners or vertices of the face to select it sometimes you prefer to do it maybe like this the other time is going to be edge so again if I select four edges in the end the face will be my entire selection so with vertices with a single vertex selected I can just move it around if I press R or s Keys nothing actually changes but let's say when I go to face face selection mode and I press s now you can see we have much bigger influence on the geometry when I press R it's the same so you can see that again those three main transformation tools move rotate and scale are the essence and are the fundament of what we are doing in in blender so I hope now you now you see why we did such so many why we focus on them so much in the past 10 videos because I wanted you to really get used to them get get used to how they work as you can see now I'm just using shortcuts like G when I go to the face mode I press R to select I'm not already mentioning that so I hope you you know what I'm doing I press s for scaling G for grabbing but again you can activate them here if you want to and you have the gizmo working exactly the same way as it does in the object mode when I press tab I go to object mode and you can see it still works like this so when I press tab again we are back to the object mode to the edit mode I'm sorry so now let's see what we can do with other objects I will delete the cube and I will add a UV sphere so when I scale it up a little bit and go to the edit mode you can see we have those multiple faces and the object seems much more complex than just the cube but again the same tools apply here and by the way shortcut for this video will be just one two three two one two three two one so you can see when I press one I'm in the vertices vertex selection mode when I press two I have the edges selected we can also go to wireframe for better preview and when I press three I have a face selection mode so when I have a face selection mode maybe this will works better for us you can see each face has this little dot in the middle when I'm in this x-ray or wireframe modes and tells us where the center of a face is so sorry so in the solid mode without any transparency on the object I'm just holding my shift key and selecting the faces and when I activate the x-ray mode it's actually better you see I want to select this face in front of me but when I click somewhere within its corner I'm selecting the faces behind it but when I click around this point here this is the way I can I can select it faster or at all probably honestly I don't remember how it works in a new blender but you get the idea and you will figure it out yourself in the end so yeah let's say we want to deform this sphere so when I go to the vertex mode and press G C we can do something like this but then we will have those big stretched faces here so what if we could do it much more smoothly like like this I will just select this one vertex here and I will activate the tool we have here so I will click enable and you see this little graph here becomes brighter meaning it's now active and when I press G key you can see we are moving stuff a little bit differently and you also see this circle here so now when I use my scroll when I use the scroll on my mouse button I can actually decrease or increase or decrease the radius of this transformation this is where rotating a vertex actually works so now when I press R key you can see what's what's happening with geometry of the sphere when I press s it's the same so we can so we can do stuff which is very very intriguing and the tool we are using is called proportional editing so again let's let's select something like this and that's not here let's just let's just play around a little bit so you can see you can see the end result now when we exit the edit mode and go back to the object our model doesn't look like a sphere anymore you might wonder how do we if we can make it smoother without those edges and faces visible and to do that you just go to the object menu here and select shades smooth so now you can see we have those the faces are still there if we go to the edit mode we can see there are visible but when we leave the object mode they disappear we can also access this this option shade smooth shade flat from here so when I click flat shading now it becomes everything like the the low-level geometry the faces edges and vertices become visible again so right click and smooth shading so you may wonder like why didn't you show me that before I had those amazing trees in the previous part but they look they did they look like very flat right like the name says why didn't we make them smooth well let me show you an example when we add a cylinder or even a cube and now when I activate the the smooth shading does it look like a cube to you it doesn't to me to be honest the same happens when I activate the smooth shading for the cylinder so you can see those objects look a bit strange let's see how it behaves on the other geometry where is the Sun yeah and when I activate it on a Suzanne well it doesn't look bad but it doesn't look great either and the reason for that is well you still don't have a look you still have a lot to learn and I will explain how those features work in the next few more videos because this is go we need to get a little bit deeper into the object mode to understand how the those two shading more modes work so you can clearly see here the Suzanne still it's very edgy here on the corners but it still looks better than than the cube which has the straight shading happening here and the cylinder with this strange thing happening when I rotate the camera right you can see those darker boundaries so this has to do with the object geometry geometry and we will get into that in the next in a couple more videos when I be telling you how to do the 3d meshes properly so they actually look more like a Suzanne and they don't have those shading bugs in here so stay tuned and just just keep watching the next few parts so to end this video I will show you one more thing which is very important in edit mode I will move the cube a little bit to the side and you might remember when I was talking about 3d cursor we have those object origin points so when I rotate my mouth when I press the rotate tool it the whole transformation is happening around this central point and when you snap let's say a small cube the big one so we will just rehearse some of the knowledge I will like it left click here so I need to select my 3d cursor first I will left click here now so come on like what you're doing my 3d cursor is here my object is here and I want to snap it to the cursor so I write right-click select snap and selection to cursor and you can see the object this this is what blender understand as an object when you use a snap tools or maybe a selection yeah so blender will always move this object according to its origin point to the 3d cursor so again snap selection to cursor what if you want to have this point aligned to this face we can do this in edit mode the easiest way to do this is when you just access the edit mode and well you just when you grab a cube in edit mode you can see you can even move it outside the origin point so now when we go back to the object mode and I press R you can see the whole transformation is still taking place around this point so it always it it will always be the object's origin point the thing is we can move the actual object in edit mode outside it so we can even place it that far and when we press R key it's still gonna work like this this is jumped it's something you shouldn't do because we when you have multiple objects in the scenes and they are all almost messed up this way you'll have a really hard time working with with stuff so let's say you want to rotate this cube but then something like this is happening and you're getting lost so well when something like this happens the way to fix it is very simple can either go back to edit mode and just just move it but it's way too slow and time comes mean to do this quickly you can just go to object and set origin and now you have multiple options here so when you do origin to geometry the point goes back to an average to an average position of the entire geometry so let's say I will select this face move it like this and now we would like this point to be centered when I so I can rotate the object more precisely I just go here set origin origin to geometry and it will always be somewhere in the middle of the object so let's say one more thing I will just select this edge place it here and now when I press that origin the geometry it goes somewhere here but yeah like how do you do this on the edge of the object right so this is you should already if you if you paid attention now you should already know how to do this I can left-click on the face you can right click yeah by the way when you right click you can see you again in in edit mode you have some different tools here available but the snap tool is still here so I can now move the cursor to selection and when I go to the object tool here and set origin you might have noticed we have origin to a 3d cursor so now this point we have here a second ago is now at the 3d cursor so if I put the cursor here again now I see now I have this mesh selected right and I now I click snap selection cursor you can see it moved here so let me just go to the top view you can just rotate the object and its aligned almost perfectly almost because you can see I messed up this cube a little bit so if I delete it and let's do it one more time so I will just just to make it clear I will just put the 3d cursor to the world origin so when I add an a new cube is created here now in the side view I can see it better so when I select the face I can snap 3d cursor to this selection so you can see the origin is here the cursor is here I go to set origin to 3d cursor the point moved here now I put the cursor on this face I have this object selected as you can see now I do snap selection to cursor and now it's perfectly aligned so a lot of knowledge a lot of new stuff in this video I would suggest just again you might know my tip already play around rehearse what we've just learned go to the edit mode play a little bit with very basic objects try to deform them try to create some basic shapes you already know like I don't know something like this maybe you can see if you even combine it with what we did in the previous video where we just use those very primitive meshes to create stuff around you can already start building your things so let's say I just duplicated rotate by 100 degrees and we have something like this I don't know this could be a part of building now we can just duplicate it pressing shift y shift are to repeat the operation and yeah you can already see we have something so again just play around I think learning the edit mode and the way you can operate on those elementary element or elemental yeah elemental parts of the geometry like vertices edges and faces this is the very very very essential knowledge of blender and honestly this will be if you're if you're gonna do the 3d modeling this like those three tools here move rotate scale and those three let's call them tools here will be the most essential thing the most important thing that these are the things that everything circles around inlanders so have fun with it practice a little bit and we see in the next video bye
Channel: chocofur
Views: 54,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.8, blender 2.80, blender tutorial, blender 2.8 tutorial, blender 2.80 tutorial, blender beginner tutorial, blender 2.8 beginner tutorial, blender 2.80 beginner tutorial, blender edit mode, edit mode blender, blender 2.8 edit mode, using edit mode blender, using edit mode blender 2.8, blender edge, blender face, blender vertex
Id: W99lFlWrbCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2019
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