Let's Create with Blender 2.8: Gas Pump

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hi Darren Lyle here well today I'd like to work on this gas pump and in doing so we'll go through all the modeling we'll add materials we'll do some UV mapping so we can add textures to it and ultimately we'll add some lights and render out a final image so join me and let's create with blender 2.8 well the first thing I'm going to do is bring in a couple of reference images just so I can have them in view as I work here so maybe I'll split a window here now let's create an image editor here and let's create an image editor here and we'll go ahead and open a couple of images just to help us while we're working here I'm gonna click on this icon right here and here's the one I want to use mainly so I'm gonna press ctrl spacebar to increase that or make that fullscreen so I was at the gas station the other day and I just pulled out my iPhone and took a picture of this I think this looks pretty good I've got a couple of other images that are a little bit closer up I'll press ctrl space to go back to there and let's bring one into here I'm not sure which one I want let's take a look how about I've got a couple of close-ups here I think I'm actually going to use a texture for this close-up but let's go ahead and bring this in here we go so this is what we have here so I think what I'll probably do is mmm this is a little bit cut off here I think I may have another one but I think I'm gonna take this out cut this out right here and take it into credo and use that as a texture instead of trying to model every little piece I mean I could model these I suppose and then just cut out this up here and use that as a texture but I like all this torn faded things here as well so let's see how it works all right so let's control space to go back and let's begin on this so it looks like just we're going to be dealing with a whole lot of cubes here so I'm just gonna select everything and hit X and delete and let's just bring in a cube with shift a and yeah let's so I'm gonna try and have the positive x here right here on the right and the positive Z going back so and excuse me the positive Y going back in the Z going up so let's just press s and Y and kind of scale in and I will move it up I'm gonna click on this icon right here to get that move gizmo and maybe I'll tab into edit mode press the 3 key to go to face mode and then select that one face there go to the move tool and kind of bring it up a little bit so I'm just working on the blue part here let's try and see if we can get it generally the right size and I'll hit the 3 key and the 5 key to kind of see it from the side down here we've got some a piece down here that's a little bit different I may make that a separate object and for the sides here I guess that's just another cube what I could do is just duplicate this shift D and hit the X key to slide that out like that and then press s and X and then scale it in and that will just ensure that it's the right depth there so we can bring that right into here oh it looks a little bit narrow maybe I'll bring it out just a bit like that and then grab this guy and let's just bring that straight up like this ok so we've got that generally in place okay I feel like it needs to be a little bit taller maybe something like this I don't know we'll continue adjusting as we go I'm sure so I'm gonna shift D and X and move it to the other side I'll hit the 7 key and the 5 key to go to the top orthographic view and I'll just place these right next to that cube right in the center okay we've got that let's put this black piece on down here it looks like these are kind of angled or something I'm not really sure what's going on down there but let's just take this duplicate it again shifty and enter and then I'm just gonna scale it in the Z s and z and scale it down quite a bit and then I'll just go to the side view here and let's um just drag it down kind of in here like this and get it in place and then I I feel like although I'm not sure it I feel like there's a little bit of an angle down here I don't know do you see that right there it feels like there's kind of an angle so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this piece and this piece and I'm going to combine them together into one object so I'll press ctrl J and now if I tap into edit mode you can see they're both in edit mode now I can grab this edge I'll hit the two key to go to edge mode in this edge and I want to bring them up just a little bit it just feels like they're up just a little bit like that and then it also feels like it goes down to the black part so let's go to face mode and grab this one in that one and let's bring these down a bit like this maybe something like this it's hard to tell but we'll kind of do it the way we think it should be done and then it also looks like this part angles as well so we could take this face and this face and then scale them in the Y so s and Y and I'm going to hold the shift key down just to move kind of slowly and move those in just a bit like that yeah so we've got those kind of angled in now okay that's good now what else can we do but well we're gonna need to work on this piece that's for sure but I think what I'm going to do is let's add these pieces in here I'm going to press ctrl spacebar again and it looks like we've got this kind of rounded piece here and an indentation up here so let's go ahead and do the indentation in fact maybe we'll do two and then we'll just kind of add a cylinder in here it's broken there or has a space but I don't think I really care well over here and over here well okay maybe we should put those in so let's go ahead and do the indentation up here first control space and so let's see about how I'm kind of eyeballing everything currently so hope let's press control R and click and let's drag up and I'm kind of feeling like it's like this right here I don't know maybe too much there let's try that okay and then I'll press control R and let's add another one right here and the thing I don't know is yeah it looks like it it angles in here so that's actually a cut so to handle that let me try something a little bit different so I'm not going to try and cut in I'm gonna try and extrude out so instead of trying to select this and then extrude it in and then deleting faces on either side let me show you what I'm gonna do let me grab this and I'm going to create that other indentation there where that cylinder is gonna go right here let's say okay so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go to face mode I'm gonna select all of these faces here and I'm gonna bring them back so just like this there we go then I'm gonna take everything that isn't cut in like that and extrude them out so I'll just hit E and pull them straight out like that there we go so now we have those pulled out or these parts cut in it's just sometimes easier to extrude things out than to try and cut them in so anytime you see something that you need to cut in think if you can actually do the opposite and extrude out alright so now that we've got that let's also get this cylinder in here so what I'll do with this is just select that face and press shift s cursor to selected now let's just create a cylinder right at that cursor so shift a cylinder it's got probably 32 sides yeah it's got a cat fill as an in gone let's change that to triangle fan and then let's rotate it around the y-axis R or Y nine zero there we go scale in and now we've got this in here what's it look like so it looks like it's a little bit smaller okay something like this maybe let's see you know it's kind of hard to see in here what I'm going to do is come up to shading and I'm gonna change my material here actually instead of changing I'm just going to turn on cavity let's see how that works that helps a little bit so I can kind of see inside there so let's bring that in just a bit and bring that like this okay now what let's do is go ahead and just scale this out really though what I should do before I scale this out just go ahead and duplicate it shift D X and I'm gonna slide it over here and now I will create that piece right here with kind of a kind of a gap in it so s X let's scale that out tell us about there that enough oops let me do a little bit more s and X and scale that out and then pop that right there all right and then let's go ahead and do that on the other side I'll just duplicate and X and then bring that over here like this there we go and then let me see if this is too close I'm just hitting the period key to zoom into the selected object now if I take this and I just scale it out in the X should be able to get it out about like that and have kind of a of a gap there all right that'll work now as I said all of this stuff up here all of this and all of this may just be textures although I feel like I want to do these I don't know why I feel like I want to do these and have all this be a texture I don't want to deal with all of this you know all of this stuff I'm okay with the reflections in there well if I actually model these then I'll have to cut out each individual piece here as a texture and UV map it and put it on there so I think I'll go with a texture let's at least try it first and before we do any of the modeling there but I will need this down here so let's take a look at this clearly we're going to need a cube right let's go ahead and do that I'm gonna bring the cursor back to the center of the grid with a shift s and cursor to world origin and then I'll press shift a and let's bring in a cube I will scale this down quite a bit and let's bring it out and maybe scaled in a Z here I'm gonna bring it up and try and put it in place and get it about the right size and then I'll work on this angled part I don't want to do that until it's in place so let's kind of let's see where it's gonna go all right so now let's go ahead and insert an edge little bit it looks like the bend is just a little bit higher than the center right then what let's do is take this one edge and let's just bring it straight out like this okay so there's that then what let's do is grab these faces and actually before I do anything I'm gonna come back over here and reapply the scale because the scale is non-uniform and I want to be sure that it's all uniform before I do any extruding here I'm gonna press ctrl a and apply the scale okay so now those are all ones there then what I'm going to do is take these faces here and I will press I for inset and let's bring these in like this okay that looks pretty good now I'm going to extrude straight back so I'll hit E and I'll click and then I'm going to drag in the Y and bring that straight back like that so we could go all the way in but I think I'm going to just go to there so now I want to get some of these curves in here I like these curves on the corners so let's just press the division key on the numpad and isolate that well now we've got these things I wonder why these things didn't isolate that's interesting huh I'm gonna select those and press the H key to hide them because I don't want them in the view right now all right so for this let's um I could use the subdivision surface modifier but I think I'm just going to use the bevel tool let's see how that works to do that I'm going to go ahead and select these edges right along here like this and my scale should still be well it is fairly uniform on up go ahead and press ctrl-a and scale it again and hit and and apply the scale again so with those edges selected and I'll press control B and I'll click and drag or I'll just drag the mouse out just a bit like this and then I'll increase the number of segments maybe I'll go ahead and add four let's try that okay so we got that rounded part there let's go ahead and do that on the inside as well while we have that in the tool so with that I'll press control B and click and drag and now we've got four in there as well already they're in the settings okay so we've done that let's also get this edge around the outside along here I'm just gonna press alt and click there and then alt and shift and click there let's see if we can add just a tiny little bevel here I'll press control B and hold the shift key down and just pull out its a little that I don't think I need for segments there maybe down to three let's try that all right that's not too bad let's go ahead and bring everything back with the division key and oh I hid those things so I'll press alt H to unhide everything there we go okay so now I guess we need that sign up there and we also need the top up here and then we can work on the actual pump the handle itself and the cable or excuse me the tube the piping that goes to the handle alright so let's just work on this sign I don't know what I'm gonna put on the sign yet I guess I could do the exact same thing now hiring awesome people but I don't really know what I want to do with that quite yet so I'm gonna bring the cursor to the selected and then I'm gonna press shift a and create a cube let's scale it down and let's scale looking the Y s and Y s and X like that alright let's try that and then what I'm gonna do is just select this face and this face and let's press I and see what happens that's inset like this before I do that I'm going to go ahead and apply this scale again ctrl a and scale so that when I do this it's a uniform I there we go it's a little more uniform now okay and then what I'm gonna do is extrude hit enter and then press s and Y and scale in like this let me see how far apart they are go to wireframe with Z key and let's see how far apart they are oh yeah we could go in quite a bit more yes and Y scale those in like that okay so that Z key again and now we could come in and do a little bit of beveling on this as well so in the same way let's go ahead apply to scale one more time and in the same way I'm going to grab these edges on the corners and do a little beveling here control B and let's up a little bit too much there there we go let's do that could probably do the outside with alt click and the inside with alt shift click oh why don't I do those insides again just like I did before let's go ahead and get those just to make it uniform in there control B and drag that out just a little okay yep and then let's go ahead and bevel these and let's go do oh I need to do this side as well I mean I probably don't I think we're only gonna see this ever from one side but and if we do see it from the other side I can just spin it around but let's go ahead and do it control B there we go okay so now let's grab this edge that edge this edge that edge once again with alt shift click control B hold the shift key down to move slower and let's just do this let's try that how do we do okay we did okay all right so that's good enough for that I think lastly what let's do is this top up here and then we can work on the pump and the tube so up here we need this thing right there you know what I'm going to do I'm going to grab this little guy down here and let's just duplicate with shift D and bring this up just so I know it's the right width I'm gonna bring it up to here I feel like it needs to be a little bit higher now that we have all this other stuff in place maybe like this it's hard to tell I'm gonna select this and let's grab these two faces and bring them up like that okay so now let's grab this I'll grab that face I'll bring it up to the top looks like we have some caps owed a cap all the way around oh that's interesting okay we can we can do that what let's do is take this face maybe bring it up just a smidge and then I'm gonna extrude it down like this and then bring it in and the Y s and Y like that there we go I think that works okay and then what we should do is as I said add that cap thing I kind of I kind of like that it kind of cleans it off or finishes it off I should say so what let's do let's think about how we can do that I guess what I need to do is oh I know why I know what we can do let's take this and let's duplicate it shift D enter I'm gonna bring it up and now we've got our own piece right here now let's split this out as its own object so I'll press the P key and choose a selection now that's its own piece so if I select that that is its own object now I'm gonna bring that origin into the center of this new object so let's go to object set origin origin to geometry then I'll press the seven key and let's go to wireframe here and I'll press s and X and scale this out so it's just a little bit bigger than the width of it and maybe I'll press s and Y and scale that out so it's just a little bit bigger and then we need to take these edges over here this and this and kind of scale them in I don't know if you can see we need this angle here so what I should have done now what I should have done was extrude instead of just pull these out but we can add an edge right here so I'm gonna add an edge right there and I'm gonna add an edge right in here as well right there now if we select this edge and this edge and scale in the y sy now if I bring that in like this okay there's that now let's go back to solid view if we take this thing I'll move it down and what we could do is we could actually well we could extrude or we could use the solidify modifier why don't we do that so once again I'm going to press shift a and no excuse me ctrl a and apply the scale then I'm going to come down here to the modifiers panel right here and we're going to add a new modifier and let's go to solidify so now what I can do is down here I can click this thickness well first of all let me click even thickness and now if I click and drag in the thickness field you can see I can make this thicker and we can kind of bring this down over this like that right now what I'd like to do well you know I think that looks pretty good actually I was gonna take away that top because what you can do is you can choose only rim and that will leave the bottom open which is kind of nice to actually that's not bad if I turn it off back on I don't know I kind of like it without it so let's go ahead and just go with that so I think we're ready to work on the pump now this handle here let's bring in another image I don't want that one right now I've got a an image here let's work with this one and let me make that fullscreen and so there I am while holding the gas pump there but I think this is pretty basic I'm not going to need a whole lot of detail for this because once again it's not going to be all that close up I think the way I begin this maybe is with the cube to be to create this part here and then we can extrude back here and here and then maybe I can put a cylinder here and extend this out like that so let's give this a try and see what we can do I'm gonna make this smaller again and let's go to a whole new layer or I should say collection to do this let me organize the outliner a little bit better here as we've been creating objects they've been put into this default collection and we could call this a gas pump we could just call that what it is and in here now we've got all these pieces right actually let me go ahead and close this for now let me join this to here so we can open that up a bit what I'll do is create a new object outside of this collection so if I hide this here it will hide all the objects underneath that collection but if I come back up here and let's create an object here mesh cube now it puts it outside of that scene collection so we can work on it as if it's on a new layer and that's really all these are in fact you know what let's do is let's put this object or this image in an image plane behind here so we can kind of match up the size and the proportions to it as we model yeah let's do that so what I'm going to do is create an empty I'm going to press shift a and instead of going to mesh I'm going to come down here and go to empty and I'm gonna come way down here to image and I'll click that and here it is here's our empty image right here I'm going to just drag it out right there so this is just an empty that we can put an image in and if we come over here to our properties panel down here and click on the empty tab right here or the object data tab for the empty we can bring in a new image so if I click open let's go find that reference image that I was just looking at here and let's open that and there it is you can see it there we can of course scale this up if we want and we can also turn it I'll press our x90 and turn it and there we go so now we have our image in the background here that we can use as we model it and if I hit the one key and the five key and there we go so hit the z key and go to wireframe and now we can work and kind of build the model to the image I'm going to go ahead and just turn this a bit scale it and I'm just gonna line up this side right here right over here there we go and then what I'll do is tab into edit mode to go to vertex mode with the one key and I'll just border select these points here you can see them here I'll just zoom in you can see I've selected those two and I'll just move these down to here and maybe I'll border selected these and ups and move these over to here like this and I'll go ahead and add an edge loop with ctrl R and kind of put that right there I'll grab these vertices and I'll move these down to about right there so we've got just that basic outline now it looks like it dips down a bit so we could add a couple of edge loops to simulate that so maybe we add an edge loop here and maybe we could grab these points and move them over here and then we add a new edge loop in here let's say like this and then grab these and bring these down like this so yeah something like this maybe I'll do one more like here now we can kind of pull this up I keep hitting that B key there we go we can kind of pull that down like that okay so let's go back to solid mode with the z key and then I'll scale in the Y a bit and maybe that's about how wide our gas pump would be maybe all right then up here I'm gonna need probably an edge loop right down the so I'll just add that there now let's let's think about this stuff down here maybe I could just continue extruding and get these pieces down here well it really looks like I need another extrusion down here at the bottom I'm going to hit the three key and select these down here and then I'll extrude out let's hit E and I'll just hit the G key and pull out about like this and now it looks like what we could do is go ahead and grab these things down here and begin pulling these down so let's do that let's just grab these pull these straight down like this like this I'm just gonna kind of flatten all of these up here there we go and I'll kind of put this one at an angle like that there we go all right let's take a look at that okay so now we've got some geometry that we can use to extrude out so maybe I'll grab this stuff here and then let's begin extruding this out so if I hit E and pull out and maybe I'll go back to wireframe here and let's just kind of maybe I'll scale in the X s and X and then rotate back yeah let's put this right in here I'll extrude on back down to here so let's hit E and then I'm going to hit G and pull on down here I'll hit s and Z to flatten that up some and down here we could probably go ahead and turn it a bit and move it on down here so it's still pretty rough but that's okay we're gonna move this around a bit I could maybe insert an edge loop here and and take these points here and move them in like this and that means I should probably take these points here and move these in as well all right there we go now let's get this here we should maybe insert an edge loop right about here let's say and then with that we can go ahead and grab those faces here let's begin extruding these down so I'm gonna extrude just a tad bring this down to about here and then let's grab these right here and move those in there we go and then back to face mode I'll border select these faces right there and let's extrude on down like this turn that just a bit and then we can insert an edge loop here and maybe insert an edge loop right down here and then we want to connect these up so let's see how they look what I do here well we've got the proper amount of faces it it looks like so if I select this face in this face and these two we can bridge these two by going to ctrl E or the edges menu and right here Bridge edge loops and there we go okay so we've got the basic outline of this piece right here it looks to me like it's a little bit too wide maybe all S&Y bring that in a bit this part down here it looks like it's probably thinner so let's see what we can do here what I could maybe do is just bring these in a bit here let's try this I'll press s and Y and just bring these in a bit just a little bit and then we could probably grab these and bring these in a bit there we go something like that okay now we've got this cover piece over it I'm probably not gonna worry about that I'm just gonna change the materials so I'm not gonna do too much regarding that what I could do I guess is kind of bulge it out a bit so what if I selected everything let me hit a and then I'm gonna let's see if this works I'm gonna hit C and middle mouse button click and drag yeah it's working now it wasn't working before and if I hit the C for circle select I can middle Mouse drag and deselect some of these and also I'll deselect some of these in here and what I want to do is just extrude this out just kind of puff it out just a bit see if it works I guess I don't need this here let me deselect this I'm kind of thinking I could actually draw a line here well let's try it I'm gonna I'm gonna go I'm gonna do something a little strange here I kind of like this piece right here that kind of angled part and I see here if I draw an edge right here on either side then I can have that similar kind of thing and to do that I'll use the knife tool I'll just hit the K key on the keyboard and just draw and click and hit enter and that'll draw that edge right across there and I'll do the same thing over on the other side right here hit the K key click and then click right here and hit enter so now I've got those edges all right so now I need to go back and reselect everything that should have done that before but that's okay I will middle mouse button click and drag along here to deselect all of this same down here I'm gonna deselect this deselect all of this and all of this okay so I've deselected everything I don't want to puff out oh I want to deselect these down here okay and so now what let's do is go ahead and just hit E and extrude this so I'll hit E and enter and then with this still selected I'm going to kind of puff this out a bit and you can come down to the shrink fatten tool right down here the shortcut key is alt s so I'll just do that alt s and then I'm just going to drag the mouse out just a little bit to kind of puff that out some I kind of wanted a little bit more there let's do that alt s a little bit more you know if I let me undo this real quick and if I then applied the scale ctrl a and scale that might puff out a little bit easier let's try that yeah see it puffs out a little bit more evenly when I apply the scale okay so there we go we've got that puffed out a bit I also feel like I want to get some little piece down here yeah let's do that real quick I just want to grab these faces here and I'd like to just extrude them out to do that and then I want to scale them in some like that there we go just a little bit okay now what I'd like to do is apply a subdivision surface modifier to this to see how it smooths out because I think what I'd like to do is use that subdivision surface modifier to get these kind of rounded curves and then applied the modifier to it let's see I know that sounds kind of strange and it may be actually before I do that let me deal with this cylinder we could actually extend this squared object out into a circular object let's let's work on this real quick let me take these edges and kind of slide that up by hitting the G key twice now what I'm going to do is I want to insert a cylinder into here you can see how it's kind of connected there right so I want to insert a cylinder into this to get that smooth transition between the squared part and the cylindrical part so to do that what I need to do is create a cylinder with the same number of sides and you can see here we've got eight sides on my four faces that I've selected so what I'm going to do is let's move the cursor to the selected and now I want to create a cylinder so I'll press shift a mesh cylinder and I only want eight sides and oops that's three let's try eight there we go and I do not want any cat fill at all there we go all right so now let's scale it down and kind of put it in place here so now this is what I'm going to connect to those four phases that I selected earlier let me go to the front view here and just tilt that down a bit yeah let me scale it down turn it a bit and kind of put it in place right it looks like it's right in there somewhere so I'll do that all right so now now what we can do is connect these up so let's make them the same object I'll select this shift select the pump press ctrl J now they're all one object and I if I tab into edit mode now you can see they're all an object let me move this a bit like this I'll grab these and move these I'm just kind of moving these around to get them in in place okay so now what we can do is go ahead and delete these four faces here and then bridge edge loops to connect all of these ups so if I press alt and click this edge that'll select all of that alt shift and click that edge it'll select all of that now once again we can press ctrl e and go to that bridge edge loops and there we go alright so now we have that cylindrical object connected to the squarish object and we'll use that to then extend that pump out alright so now what let's do is go ahead and try our subdivision surface modifier alright so let's come over here to the modifiers panel and modify our subdivision surface and then let's increase our views up to two let's come over here to object and we'll click on shade smooth let's see if we can add some edge loops to this to kind of clean this up I'm going to press ctrl R and just drag this over here and you can see how it kind of cleans up those edges ctrl R here what else we could maybe insert an edge loop around this whole rim to kind of tighten that up a bit you know that helps there we've got that point on the top let's see if we can add something here I'm not sure if we've got anything that we could do there well that helps yeah all right let's see if we can add anything in here to clean these up maybe I'll add an edge loop here and add an edge loop over here yeah that kind of tightens that up a bit let's work on the cylinders up here it looks like this is kind of a half sphere we'll deal with that here in just a minute let's go ahead and work on that chrome part there I think what I want to do is just bring the cursor right into here with shift s cursor to selected and then I'm going to create a cylinder right in here so shift a cylinder I'll go ahead and give it 16 sides let's try that and let's then put it in place here scale it down turn it let's get this in place I'm gonna lasso select these points down there with ctrl left click and then let's switch to local view and then I can drag that straight up inline with the actual object there alright it looks like these are a little bit out of alignment and that's fine now I just need to kind of worry about getting this in place here I think I will probably now go ahead and turn off that image behind there and that's this empty here so I can just turn this off here now I can look at the image over here and work on it from here alright so now what let's do is I will go ahead and grab this edge and I'll hit E and I'll extrude in to connect that up and then let's go ahead and just begin extrude extruding this up so let's select this edge now and I will extrude and then scale in a bit like so and then I'm gonna extrude one more here scaling a bit more extrude and pull that up and then I'll extrude and scale in and now let's just create this Bend this Bend here I could use a path but you know what I think I'll just go with extruding here I can do this kind of a hand extrude rotate extrude extrude rotate and I'll just go straight out like this there we go let's try that that may be a little bit too much let me bring it back control and left click and then move this control left click maybe I'll rotate it a bit and move that back so you can just kind of adjust that as needed alright so there we go now we've got those pieces let's get this final piece that kind of a partial sphere actually let's go ahead and do that from here with the cursor there I'll go ahead and press shift a and bring in a UV sphere and let's take this down to I don't know 16 again and yeah I think that'll be fine let's move it up some so we can deal with this I will go to wireframe tab into edit mode go to face mode with a three key and let's just hit the B key and let's get rid of these down here and maybe let's get rid of these up here like this there we go and then what we could do is just select that whole thing let's move the cursor or the origin into the geometry and then let's just hit the z key and flatten it up some like this okay now let's put that in here and maybe I'll go to the scale tool here and just click and drag a little bit like this scale it down a bit yeah something like that alright now we could take that inner edge right in here and we could go ahead and extrude that in like that so it connects up with it and then we could also take this whole thing and add a solidify modifier to it so let's do that I'm gonna press ctrl-a and apply the scale first and then I'll go to add modifier solidify and let's click on even thickness and then I'll just click and drag here and that'll give us a little bit of thickness in there like that okay so now let's smooth it and let's smooth this whole thing as well and see how that works alright so now let's look on this thing we still haven't dealt with this thing and that really just looks like it looks like it's gonna be a cube I really don't need to deal with all of this stuff in here all of that little you know you know gadgetry in there I don't need to deal with that I just really need to deal with this part and for that maybe I'll bring back that empty and let's just work on it here so I'll click and just put the cursor right there and let's bring in a cube and I'll scale it down yeah let me scale it in the Y I'm gonna go back to global mode here and then I'll just press s and Y and scaled in the Y a bit like that all right and then let's just grab that face there hit the 3 key go let's go back to wireframe grab that one face there I'll press s and Z and kind of scale that in let me grab that one face here we go s and Z let's put it in place and now let's just extrude I'll go like this and let's turn it a bit scale it in some okay let's hit e turn it a bit scale it in he again hit G turn it some more scale it in some more and now let's just hit E and G and bring it all the way down into here we could also I suppose go back in here and select this one face and just to get that basic shape there we could maybe move this out like this grab these points and just bring them down like this and that probably will be fine that's all we need there we go I'll grab all of these points here and let's go ahead and apply to scale again now we come back here and let's press control B and let's try this I'll bring these out a bit and then let's increase the number of segments yeah that's fine that's all we need I feel like we could use a little bit of an extrusion out right there let's see if there's anything in here that we could use we could grab these we could grab that stuff and let's just see what happens all right all of this and then let's just hit E and now I'm gonna scale out in the Y s and y just a little bit see what happens there yeah I don't really I'm kind of working on this just to try and get something that hints at that and I don't really like that so I'm gonna undo it don't really like that maybe if I go like this let's try that I'm just as I said I'm just trying to hint at it let's try this II know S&Y yeah I mean why not it's kind of in there it'll be inside there it'll be in there I think that'll be fine the next thing we need to deal with is the actual connection going to the pipe but before we do that I really want to put it into the gas pump itself so what we need to do is combine these together and the problem that we're going to have is that this has a subdivision surface modifier on it and this does not and neither does this here so we can't really combine them together into all one object at least at this point in time now what I could do is I could apply this actually let me go take the views down to one here and that's not too bad so I think I'll just go ahead and apply this here I'm going to I'm going to use the views at one and I'm just going to click apply so if we tab into edit mode that's the resolution we get it's a little high poly but I think I'm gonna go with it so what we can do now is take all of these these objects here and then select this and add it to there so now that's all one object and we'll call this pump handle or not and then let's see if we can smooth it a little bit better we've got shade smooth on here object shade smooth I'll go ahead and turn that on so we have it for all of the object there and then what we can do is come over here to the object data panel right down here right here and then we can go to the normals section and turn on auto smooth if I drag the auto smooth all the way down drag that field all the way down that's what it looks like unsmooth so what let's do is drag this up and see where it looks the best so we've got some smoothing happening there if we go up over 90 degrees we get that I'm looking at this area right up here so as I go over 90 degrees you can see what it does there and I don't think I want it to do that I just want it to be there so just below 90 degrees looks pretty good to me there all right so let's bring back the gas pump collection right here and let's now put this in there so I will spin it around let's push R and Z and try nine zero yeah there we go and then let's go to the side view maybe and I'll move this and scale it down quite a bit let's try and get this in here all right so let's see how that works is that too big it feels like it may be a little bit too big in there let me scale it down just a little bit now what let's do is work on that tubing coming from the top and down to the handle I think I'm gonna need some new reference images here for this so let's come back over here and go to open image open and let's find a couple of new reference images I think maybe this one maybe the best one for looking at the things on the top here if we zoom way in this area right up here I want to create this piece kind of that coupling and of course the hose and then these pieces here I kind of like that for the connection to the handle though I think I'm going to need another one let's open up a new window here go to image editor and image open and let's find one here I think this one here let's take a look at this this is very simple let me press ctrl spacebar here this right here is just a very simple connection the one that I'm using from the other image has a has a hinge on it I don't need to be that detailed this will do just fine I think I don't need much more than this yeah so I'll use this for the connection to the handle itself all right so now we have these in place let's now let me zoom up here we go yeah we're gonna need that all right so let's begin up here I'll just select this and tab into edit mode select a face and let's move the cursor to the selected there so that when we create a new object which is going to be a cylinder let's just press shift a and cylinder 32 vertices is what we have currently let's let's take this down to 16 and let's have no triangle fan here at all or no cat fill I should say and then we can turn it our x90 and let's scale it down and let's kind of put it in place here it looks like it's fairly close to one side so let's do that and it also looks like it's tilted a bit our X and I'll just kind of tilt it some let's try and figure out if it's in line let me go to the side view and go to wireframe and let me try and just line it up like that okay that looks pretty good let's go back to solid view all right so that doesn't look too bad maybe it's a little bit big let's bring that in like that I'm also going to change from global to local transformation just so I can move it in and out in line with the object here and so if we have that once again it's hard to tell really what's going on here but let's give it a try I'll click that edge and then let's just hit E and scale in and then I'll hit E and pull out here just a bit and let's hit E and scale back out and I'm just getting that edge right in there that opening between two pieces right there and yeah let's go ahead and keep going let's hit e and extrude and then I'll hit E and scale in and then here we go we can now come out like this and maybe I'll just go like this okay so that is kind of where the tubing is going to come out of maybe I'll go ahead and smooth this let's go ahead and work on that shade smooth of course that's ugly let's come over here to our normals section here and let's click Auto smooth hey that actually doesn't look too bad at 30 degrees but let's go and take it up a little bit more so yeah just under 90 degrees is where it should be okay now let's work on the hose out actually no let me work on the piece down here let's do this first so let me zoom in here with the period key and what I want to do is right down here well I'll just zoom in here and I'll move the cursor to this cursor to selected and then let's go ahead and create another cylinder here and I just want to create this type of piece so I want to create that small piece and then this coupling here that connects direct to the hose so shift a cylinder this is still 16 with no cat fills that's fine so let's scale it down quite a bit yeah I think it needs to be a little bit smaller here still like this and then let me scale in the Z I'll select that edge right there and then let's go ahead and hit E scale in extrude pulldown extrude and I'm gonna scale out a little bit farther this time like that and then let's scale down or excuse me extrude down again about like this and hit E and scale in like that okay so now we've got that piece once again let's smooth it and I'll choose on smooth and let's drag it up til about there yeah around 85 or so is fine okay so now what I want to do is connect these two so to do that I'm going to use a path I'm going to come up here and let's begin on the top I'm gonna bring the cursor to this point right here there we go and I'll go to the side view and let's go to wireframe and now let's go ahead and create a path shift a curve and a path right there so if I tumble around you can see it's here going this way we don't want that so let's press RZ 9 0 like this then we can turn it like this I'll scale it down a bit and let's begin putting it in place so I'm just gonna put it right kind of in the center here like this and then if I tab into edit mode you can see we've got these edit points that we can use to move things around so let's let's just take this and see what let's just take this and bring it down I'm gonna kind of stretch it out here a bit and maybe grab this one and let's move it up so it kind of comes straight out and then begins to curve and then once I've got this down here now let's go ahead and begin extruding off of this point so I'll hit E and extrude off of this point and then let's curve it around like this just curve around like that and hit E and bring it right back up into that connecting point right there alright so let's see how we did we should probably go to the front view and let's maybe move it around a bit up in the front view too so let me grab these points and I just want to kind of move them around a bit just so it isn't quite so uniformed you know straight up and down like that take these like this there we go and maybe move that out a bit so just so it isn't quite so perfect we don't want that I'm gonna go ahead and take the and add this to this object with control J and then I'm gonna rotate it a bit just to get it straight up and down alright so now I can move this into place like this there we go alright so now we've got this it's looking pretty good I kind of want to do a little bit more here let me grab these go back to global I kind of want to move these in just a bit like this alright so there we go so there we have our tubing let's go ahead now and go back to solid view and what I want to do now is turn this into a tube turn this path into a tube so to do that we're going to need to come over here to the path panel it's already chosen here let me pull these up so we have a little more room to see this all right so now in this path panel or the object data panel for the path we should change the fill mode from half to full we should come down to the geometry area here and we could in the bevel section we could click and drag on the depth and you can see it's creating that tube there so how thick how big do we want this here let's come up here and if we click and drag and I'm going to hold the shift key down you can click it and drag it about like this now it's pretty squarish we need to increase the resolution of our tube here so if we click and drag on the resolution we can increase that so it gets a little bit more rounded so we've got it up to three here we could take it up to four if we want now I'll click and drag on the depth again and yeah I think that's looking pretty good there let's go take a look at it down at the handle see how this looks yeah that's not too bad actually we may be able to connect it a little bit better if I tab back into edit mode maybe we could move it around a bit let's move it this way you go back to the front yeah we kind of need that take this point here and move it around a bit let me just kind of tilt it a bit there we go and then move it this way yeah so we just need to fit it into that housing into that coupling a little better if we wanted to we could add an extra point so if we selected this point and then shift selected this point we could add an extra vertex here between those two by pressing the W key for the specials menu here or excuse me they're calling it the curve context menu now excuse me it's very very fancy name now and click subdivide now we've got this extra point that we can move around a bit right here between those two points to kind of line it up a little bit better there we go so now what we should do I think is make these pieces right up in here I'm going to go ahead and close this window here by joining this area there now we want this so how do we create this well we could use the geometry of the curve itself of the tubing itself to then extrude or duplicate off to create these however if I tab into edit mode you can see we're still in the path mode we still have these points in that geometry so we need to convert the curve to geometry before I do that I want to come up here and this resolution preview you let's let me go to wireframe and see if we can see this yes so we can kind of see what the resolution is in wireframe here so if I click and drag on this preview you we can reduce that but it then becomes kind of jagged I could probably reduce it to ten let's try that yeah we could probably do that and then let's also see if we could reduce it a bit in the resolution here can we do that can we turn it two three let's say I think that still looks okay I think that'll still be alright I do want to bring this down some I think this is still a little bit too far out let me just do that real quick before we do anything before we convert it to geometry let me make sure I've done everything I want to do in terms of just placement here let me come up to here see what we're doing here yeah so it kind of looks like I need a new point between these two still so let me select these two hit the W key and click subdivide and now I've got this point that I could kind of bring up like this all right so now that I have that let's go ahead and convert this to geometry to do that we can go over to the object menu and go to convert - and we want to convert to a mesh from a curve so we click this now if we tab into edit mode we can see the geometry here to create this piece I think I'm just going to select a few of the face loops on the hose here and I'll just press ctrl+ and expand that selection out I don't know - about six of those maybe something like that and then I'm just going to hit E and press ENTER and so now we have those extruded I'll then press alt s to turn on that shrink fatten tool and just drag the mouse out just a bit like this so maybe I can just select one of these face loops by alt clicking between two of the faces and then I'll hit extrude again let's do that and then alt s again and kind of expand that one out there like that we've got these on either side of it although you know what maybe I'll go ahead and add an edge loop right here and then let's maybe take this in so I'll alt click here hit E and for this once again I'll hit alt s and maybe I'll shrink that in some like that okay and then up here looks like we've got another one that needs an edge loops say right in well let's put it right here and then we'll select this face loop and extrude enter alt s push in just a bit like that okay and then I think I'd like to bring one of these out just a bit in I'm gonna go ahead and add another one here just I know it isn't that way in the image but we can have some artistic leeway here I'm gonna put this in like that and then I'm gonna take these and let's alt ask this and see if we can there we go bring that out just a little bit more I'm just giving a few more little details than we're seeing here just because I want to for no other reason and then maybe what I'll do I don't know I kind of feel like doing this as I said artistically way right let's do alt click here and here and so this one I'm gonna go ahead and press alt s and pull this out as well so let's see what happens here yeah see I kind of like that actually so yeah so what we'll do is we'll of course add new materials to this in the materials stage actually coming up pretty soon and we'll make these metal and plastic or whatever that is so we'll add some interest to that hopefully with our materials okay so we've got that the next thing I'd like to do is take some of this here and put it on the other side because when I created this part I didn't do it on the other side I should have mirrored that over but we can do that now let's go ahead and here I'm gonna press ctrl R and then I'm just going to hit enter two times to ensure that that edge loop is as close to the center of that object as I can get it and then what I think I'll do is come over here and let's now switch to face mode and borders select this and get rid of this side let's try this and see if it's going to work and then yeah it looks like the center of that object was a little bit yeah right on that z-axis so what I should do then is border select this here and let's see if I can move this yeah what I can do is just in the Y here type in 0 and that will pop it along that z-axis and that should give us a good mirror so with this origin still here I will go ahead and hit control a and apply to scale and then I'll come over to the modifiers panel and let's go ahead and add a mirror modifier and let's do it instead of the X let's do it in the Y and we'll turn on clipping here and now let's see what we have here yeah so now we have those things on both sides of the object so now I just need to take these things here and duplicate and move them over to the other side so maybe I will go to the top view for that let's see yeah it looks like I could just press shift E and Y and move these over to here like this we're also going to need to mirror this whole thing over to the other side aren't we so the hose these connection pieces the handle all of this needs to also come over to the other side but not just to the other side to the other side over here right so we need to mirror it across two different axes so what I want to do is let's just test this first I think I'm going to take this and with that cursor in the center of the grid let's just make sure with shift s cursor to world origin I'm going to take this and I'm gonna move the origin to the 3d cursor so the origin of this object is now down here then what I'm going to do making sure I've got no rotation or scale here I'm going to go ahead and mirror that over so let's try it let's let's press ctrl M and then Oh before I do that actually let me do placate it shift D enter ok now we're dealing with a new object so now control m and I'm going to press the X key X and there it is there okay so it's mirrored around the center of the grid around the X hit enter okay that's good now let's do it across the Y control M Y Enter all right so let's go ahead and do that now that we've kind of tested that out let's go ahead and do that with everything else so I'm gonna select that connection the hose this connection and it looks like that's everything right so now let's combine these all together with control J and then let's move that origin to the center of the grid set origin 3d cursor now let's do the same thing again let's press ctrl M and X Enter well let's undo it I one thing I forgot duplicate so shift D enter now ctrl M and X enter now ctrl M Y enter and look what happened that happened right there because take a look at the rotation I had rotation in there and that's what's tilting it so I need to press ctrl Z and let's go back to here now I've just got this extra object so what I can do here is press ctrl-a rotation and scale and now let's try it again ctrl M X enter ctrl M Y enter and sure enough there you go so once again applying that rotation and scale is pretty important when you're doing things like mirroring beveling even doing things like using the inset tool having the scale and rotation applied can really help out alright so we've got things on both sides now I think the last thing I want to do is create this piece down here this kind of curb thing so let's go ahead and do that I'm going to select everything and I'm gonna go to the side view I'm gonna try and figure out I don't know how big this should be I want it to be about maybe this tall let's say for the curb maybe a little bit more something like that let's say ok so now that we have that let's go ahead and create a new cube of control a and cube and then I'll go ahead while I'm here and get rid of this face X and delete faces and then let's kind of scale it to get it into place s and z and I'll go to the side view here let's press s and X and scale out of it I don't want this piece here that's not important to me I just want this kind of curb thing underneath the gas pump so let's do that okay so now we have this what we need to do is give us those curves we need to work on that so before I do that I'm going to apply the rotation and scale and then I'm going to come back and select these edges all the way around and we're going to do a little beveling to get those rounded edges alright so control B just pull those out some I don't know something like that let's try that let's increase our segments yeah something like that okay and then also I want this top edge to have a bevel as well so control B pull out yeah okay and then let's go ahead and smooth it so I'll come up here objects shade smooth so there we have all the basic pieces I think of the gas pump all right I'm gonna go ahead and save and let's go over to our shading area and let's add some materials first of all let me go ahead and bring in another image editor right here and I want to open up our gas pump image here and I'm gonna use this just to select some materials is all just to select some colors so first of all let's just try this thing right here now I haven't gone through and named everything and that's okay we'll deal with cleaning up the collections here pretty soon but for this what let's do is let's just go ahead and add a material we can click new here if we want and add a new material I'll call this kerb and I'll just take the base color here click on the eyedropper and let's just click here in the picture and that'll give us a grey there to begin with and that's all I'm going to be doing generally is just clicking on an object with that eyedropper let's say this is the pump main let's do that base color eyedropper click here there we go that just adds that feel like it could be a little bit lighter or something like this maybe let's try that and then let's add these pieces so what would we call these the side panels maybe let's try this side panels and let's click here eyedropper and just find its reflecting the environment so it's going to be hard to find an actual color for this but at least for now we can do that yeah okay I don't like that I'm gonna move it back here and get it something like that there we go okay so we probably need to go ahead and add materials to this these pieces here right in here and then what I'll do is shift click this one that already has a material and I'll press ctrl L and that will allow us to link the materials right here so that is that blue as well this piece here that holds the handle see if we can find a color that we can just assign a base material to let's do what should we call this this is I don't know handle rest maybe I don't know I don't know what to call it it's not worry about it and I'll just click this right here and that gives us that base color what about the sign up here let's work on the sign real quick so just for base colors what let's do is first of all let's assign a base material here we'll call this sign base and we'll give it this base material right there and then we can tab into edit mode and go to face mode and select this face and this face and we can assign these a new material let's create a new material slot new this is a sign text and I'll just take this and give it this color here I don't really like that let's give it more of a red like that and then we'll click a sign to assign the selected faces to that new material right there need this piece up here let's take a look at this let's select this piece we'll call it I have no idea what to call this I'm gonna call it top block just so I know what it is and we can go ahead and grab a color up here try that a little bit too dark I'll take it a little bit lighter there we go this piece we'll call this the I don't know top cap let's try that let's do that here and I don't know if I can even wow that's a little wrong color I'm going to take this up like this so we've got those and what else well we need that black piece down the bottom don't wait let's do that grab that new we can call this bottom I guess and we'll just grab that color is just pretty much a black so that's fine well let's go work on this stuff here let's let's give the hose its own material what I should have done is waited to duplicate and mirror all this until I got all the materials on but we can do it again that's no problem all right let me select this guy right here oh that's all one piece okay that's all right so let's go ahead and we'll call this hose vase and then we'll select that color this hose color right here that's pretty good and then we can begin to add individual materials onto this so let's say I select this and press ctrl+ and expand this out like this now let's add a new material slot will call this hose metal let's try that and base color and let's just select a metal color and assign that like that and then we can just go through and assign that to all this other stuff as well except this piece so maybe what I could do is well let's try this I'm going to select this and then I'm gonna press ctrl+ and just expand this stuff out like so and then let me back it up just a bit okay we don't need this alt shift click there and then we don't need this or this or this and everything else can be that metal material so let's do that okay so we've got those and then we need this down here right okay so we got that let's assign that metal and this stuff okay so this is we need the metal on here now too don't we so I'm just going to ctrl + until we get that all selected and then what did we have we had let me change the pump handle here here we go so now we can kind of see what is metal what should be metal and what shouldn't be so while this is selected I'm gonna hit the division key on the numpad to isolate this and then I'm going to tab into edit mode and we're gonna select that and then expand this selection out event like this so we want it in here like this let me hit that C key and let's see if we can just paint this selection here alright I think I've got it selected pretty well let's give this a try them to go ahead and assign the metal material to that yeah that's okay and then I do want that metal material in here as well alright I just wanted it to kind of hint at this in here so let's assign that hose metal to that as well there we go so we'll just give this a general metal material maybe with more of a texture to it and that'll be good that's all we really need there I'll hit that division key again to come back and yeah we're gonna need this stuff here as well so I think what I'm gonna do is do this all again in fact there we go I'll just select all of this and delete it and let's then mirror this over again now that it has all the materials on it I could have just linked the material but then I wouldn't get all of this in there so let's just take these and let's press ctrl J to join everything and then I'll go back to the Layout tab so I can see it let's make sure the rotation and the scale are applied I'll press ctrl a and rotation and scale now I'll duplicate this press ctrl M and X and then press ctrl M and Y and there we go so now if we go back to the shading all the materials are on that side as well alright so let's go back over here to the layout and we can always go to the shading view here as well like that so we can see what we've just added now what we should do is adjust the specularity the metallic the roughness of each of the materials to get it to look more like we want it to look so for example this panel here these panels on the side you can see are just more reflective here than we have on the material currently and to do that we're going to need something to reflect and over here in the shading we had that we had that HDRI that will reflect in this image so or in this material if we if we go to that material I'll come over here and if we increase the metallic and reduce the specular and reduce the roughness you can see that's reflected in that material now if we come back over here to the layout view you can see there it is as well so this look dev display over here is the same thing as that shading tab now in addition if we don't like this particular HDRI the nice thing is we can come over here to shading click on the globe here on the sphere and we can choose other ones that are already built in to blender so maybe since this is a gas station we could should choose this city HDRI now you can also if you come over here and click on this little gear you can also add your own in here so we could go to cloud lender org and download more HDR eyes and put them in here and they'll show up here and also they'll show up in here in this menu so that's always an option alright so now that we've got the environment texture or the HDRI in the background here that we want we can begin adjusting these materials so if I go over to the material panel here let me move this up we should adjust this a little bit better we don't need it quite this reflective may be something like that and I can bring up the roughness just a bit and so now we just need to go through for each of these materials and try and find a setting over here with the metallic the specular the the roughness of something we like so let's say for this handle here see what we can do here so this is kind of reflective in terms of the metal here let's maybe since it's it since it is a metal let's bring the metallic up let's bring the specular down let's bring the the roughness down a bit and we can see in here that that's a little bit too much so I'll bring it up some maybe something like that oh we could maybe select all of these hit one and then we could now drag this down to get more of a silver kind of a color like this we could also play with the smoothing some see if that helps any did we smooth this yeah we did so now we could come over here to this object data panel and we could maybe reduce the angle under Auto smooth just a bit to get rid of some of those artifacts on that okay and now this hose is gonna be more of a rubber so that should probably be less specular more rough something like that maybe now what how about this right here let's see what we've got here this is more of a dull material is it a metal I'm not sure or is it a plastic it's probably a painted metal so let's reduce the specular and increase the metal just a bit increase the roughness we can also come up here to shading and spin around with the rotation we can spin it around to get the light coming from different directions so we can do that let's work on this thing right here I think I want the gray to be a little bit less specular something like this and then maybe I'll bring this color down a bit like this there we go also it looks like the smoothing may not be the best at this point in time let's turn on Auto smooth and we don't have any smoothing on that at all that's the problem let's go ahead and add some smoothing there and we'll drag this up until we get this I just wanted this kind of curved a little bit better a little smoother and then these things up here so this guy is probably going to be more metallic right here and bring down the roughness and then maybe bring it back up to around right here let's say and this guy once again I'm more metallic and bring down the rough so it's probably around in here let's say okay so we've just got the general gist of our materials here alright so now that we have the materials generally in place let's think about our textures let's go out to the blender cloud and see if we can find any textures that might work for this alright here we are at cloud blender.org and we're in the libraries area I'm going to go to textures and see what we can find actually the first thing I'm going to look at is the concrete and see what we can find in here what I want is just a general gray concrete here like this that I can put on that curb there this one looks pretty good this is a 4k image it's looks like it's repeatable so let's try this oh and we've got a normal map here as well let's go ahead and try this I'm going to download these well back in blender we need to do a little bit of UV mapping before we can actually put the texture so let's see what we can do with this let's go over to UV editing and go ahead and select that and zoom in and yeah our UV map looks kind of awful here so let's work on creating a new one what I'm going to do first is just try and UV map it all as one piece let's see how it works because if I try and split it up with seams we might get some unsightly seams in our textures so I'm just going to press ctrl a and apply the rotation scale and then let's just select everything and press u and unwrap down here in the UV unwrap window let's switch from angle base to conformal and that looks a little bit better now that I have this I'm going to go ahead and open up a new window here and I'll change this to a shader editor so let's do that and we get our material in here once we do that now we can press shift a and bring in an image texture and let's connect this up from color to base color and I'll go ahead and click open and let's go find that texture so here it is here's the color map let's open that up and down here in the UV editor I'll go ahead and open that up here so there is our UV map over the texture let's see how that works I'll come over here and switch over to the look dev display and we can see it here so it isn't looking great let's see if we can scale this up and repeat this a couple times so I'll press s and let's just scale it up a bit like this what I'd like to do is adjust the color I'm going to come over here and just create a new window right here and let's go back to an image editor and bring in one of these images so let's bring in this one that's the one so I want the texture to be a little bit you know darker so what I can do is bring in a color node or a RGB curves node and just drop that right in there and then what I could do is just take this at a point and then just move it around until I get the shade that I'm looking for so there we go so that just helps me adjust the color here in blender rather than having to do this in Krita or or Photoshop or whatever let's now think about this piece here what I want to do is go ahead and UV map this and this so let's come in here and tab into edit mode and then go to face mode and I'll select this and this so these two faces I want a UV map let me get rid of this image for now and there is our UV Islands let's once again press ctrl-a and apply the rotation and scale and then let's tab into edit mode and all I'm going to do is just UV map these faces here now I could do the other side as well but I may just split this again delete half and mirrored over again to get those in place so I think that's all I'll do so I'll hit you and unwrap and there we go now what let's do is get these Islands arranged here so I'm gonna go to Island Select and just click and drag these around I'll rotate this like this actually I should just do r90 and that will rotate it 90 degrees now I need an image so what let's do is let's go ahead and bring in an image I'm gonna press shift a and what I've got I haven't done any editing on this so it may be a little bit strange here but let's give this a try I'm gonna go to the color here attach the color base and I'm gonna press open and I'm gonna go get one of my reference images I think right here let's try this one now this may be a little bit strange I like that that's nice there okay what I should do is create a new material for this shouldn't I so let's do that real quick because it's being applied to the whole object and I don't want that so I'm going to go over here to materials and let's create a new material I'll call this textures there we go and so instead of having this material have the texture I'll delete that I want this material to have the texture and I'll assign these faces to that so with those selected I'll just click assign now let's bring in that texture again right here an image texture I'll pull down the menu and here it is I believe right let's try this so there we go yeah now they're there in just those faces so what let's do is tab into edit mode and I'm gonna bring that image into here and let's see if we can arrange our UV Islands over the areas that we want to be mapped let's see how this works all right so I'm gonna zoom out a bit here let's give this a try actually I'll I'll press ctrl spacebar and let's see how this works so I'm going to bring this over here and I will just do this with the points themselves so I'm just gonna select the vertices and just drag them to right where I want them to be we got that one and this is a bit skewed I'm curious how this is going to work let me select this UV island so and move this over here let's give this a try I'm gonna select this and move it to here just like this one move it to here just like this one move it to here alright let's give this a try control space okay and tap back into object mode okay so there are a couple things wrong here one this is upside down so let's select this Island right here and I'm gonna press R 9 0 nope I'm gonna press R one eight zero there we go spin that around and then I'm going to come back to it and move each of the points to the edge of where I want it to be right here and right here and I'll move this here and here like that okay now let's try that all right so I think we're doing pretty well so now what let's do let me close this up just a bit and then for here what I'm going to do is take this color of this object right here of this material grab the eyedropper and I drop this now the last thing I think I want to do is just add some text here to this sign and I'll do that in just the same way we did before with the gas pump I'll just tab into edit mode and select that one face and I'll go ahead and add an image to that so I've got an image I just created a quick image and I'll bring in an image texture node and connect it up and then I'll click on open and I'll go find that image and here it is and then I'll go ahead and add it in here they now hiring ridiculously awesome people and I've just made it a little dirty there so now what I'll do is make sure that the rotation and scale are applied control a rotation and scale select that face hit U and unwrap and there we go I better change it to two islands select so it's now select that and press r90 and there we go now we can move this into place and try and get it so it looks good in the 3d view so let's say I don't know what do you think something like that and then what I want to do is just render this out real quick so let's go back to the Layout tab and I'm just going to create a camera real quick here let's change it to local view and just gonna pull this out like this and let's then create a new window up here I will hit the zero key on the numpad to frame up just or to view through just the camera and then let's try and get this camera in place here all right so that's the way I want the render to be so let's go over to the e V renderer right here and we can see that there isn't anything going on here what we need to do is add an HDRI image in the e V viewport just like we did in the look div so to do that what we can do is come over here to the world tab and click on use nodes and then under the color I'll click here and choose environment texture and that will then create this ugly pink thing that's just telling us we don't have a texture in there yet and I'll click open and I'll go find one of those HDR eyes now I've got one here we could use let me try this now what I think I'd like to do is maybe add another light in here just one more light or maybe two I'll press shift a and add an area light and I'll bring this up and let's move it out here I'll press our X to rotate that maybe I'll move it right about here and try that because I'd like that shadow to come down along the front here so now let's just render this out and see how it looks but before I do I'm going to come back to the scene tab here and go down to film and let's turn on transparent instead of the Alpha sky let's use transparent and that should when we hit f12 right here make it so that the background is transparent there we go so let's try this that's not too bad but I don't think I like that angle all right I've moved the camera just a little bit to try again I'm just going to hit that f12 key again yeah I think that'll work I think that's going to be just fine in the scene from it from a distance we're never going to be real close and I think those textures just give it enough detail to sell that it's an actual realistic thing all right well thanks for joining me on this let's create with blender 2.8 episode I hope you enjoyed it I hope it was helpful and I'll see you again next time well take care you
Channel: Darrin Lile
Views: 16,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 3d, animation, tutorial, 3d modeling, blender 2.8
Id: 2un5OPw3Lb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 37sec (6157 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2019
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