Luminar AI Change Colors [Selectively]

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one of the challenging things to do in post-processing is to affect color there are some color grading tools in luminar ai that i really love but when you really want to isolate something and change its color nothing works better than the color tool the problem we're going to run into is with masking but i think that there are some opportunities here for us to kind of take some time with our masking but then we've got a lot of opportunities for changing color so that's what we're going to talk about today and let's dive in hi my name is william beam i am a photographer just like you you can find me at so let's go ahead and take a look at this image all right so this is going to be a studio shot and you can see we've got a woman with a lovely red dress i am on the color tool inside of luminar ai and this is as of update 4. there's a couple things that we want to look at here and the paint mask is going to be a real concern for us because we want to be able to make sure that we're only changing the color of the dress a couple things are working for us one the dress is bright red in this case now you may have something completely different but as much as you can isolate the color that you want to change the better off you are with the results you're going to get so in this case i've already painted a mask on her and i did that in advance because actually it's a little bit tedious once you get down to some of the details so i had to kind of paint over her fingers most of it was just simply dragging over her head and her skin tones and her arms and then it really wasn't until i got down to her fingers that i kind of had to zoom in and paint the mask there so that's in place basically what i did was set that up now depending upon the type of subjects you have you might be able to use a radial mask or gradient mask to isolate your your topic but in this case i needed to do a mask on her so there are a few different things in our color system that we can look at and hue saturation and luminance is what we really want to look at so we've got these changes that we can make with these three options and there's also the hue shift and that's going to come in handy for really making the changes so the first thing i'm going to do is take a look at hue the color that we want to work with is her red dress so as we move the sliders from one end to the other you can see how it's affecting the hue of the red so it's kind of changing it and all the way over here it's almost like a deep orange color so we can kind of get some changes like that but we're limited to a range within hue so let me reset that now we're going to go down to saturation and it's going to be the same thing we're limited to a range so i can bring this all the way down and we have actually i think that's a lovely color it's a very muted color of the red and you can bring that up now if we bring this to the other end i think it's going to be a little too garish and blinding but it really does bring out the satin sheen so there's a way that we can change some of that now one of the things i want to notice about this is she's wearing red lipstick and i've masked that out so if you have an issue where something else is red make sure that you either mask it out or you appreciate what the results are getting also keep in mind some skin tones mostly gonna be in the yellow and orange range the red didn't really affect her skin tone here but if i looked closely on her necklace there was some red in there so i masked that out as well now the background that we have over here is just a studio background there's no red color in it so if i come over here and start messing around with the blues we're not going to see any perceptible change so this is only affecting colors within the range that we're looking at so for our saturation you could really go to different details finally i want to take a look at the luminance and this is really a value from how dark is it going to get like this almost black but there's kind of a really nice little tinge to it and then we can bring this all the way up and really show things off there so we've gone through our settings for each of these and let me reset this to bring us back to normal i kind of want to look at that luminance again just so you can see it from what the dress was before and that's a lovely deep red so depending on what you want to do changing these values can help out and as you saw they do work in concerts so if i leave the luminance here and i change the saturation to pull it down we get a different value altogether so you can really isolate this kind of address or a subject and then just change the colors but let's take it a step further let's say that for my hue i want it to be a deeper color for my saturation i want to bring it right back to the middle and for my luminance i'm going to bring it down a little bit now let's come down to hue shift and i'm going to drag this all the way over the left and we're going to look at the values that we change as we're moving up so you can see we've just taken that beautiful red dress and we've isolated it and we've changed the color so now we've kind of got this teal color and as we move along the bottom there's a nice blue and you can see we're getting different shades of blue you can go back and change these with that red value because remember the dress in the photo is red so if i come over here and shake the blue around it's still not doing anything even though we've changed the hue shift because the source pixels are red so you can work on the slider for the color that you have but if you want to change the color this hue shift is what's really doing the magic for you and we can turn this dress practically any color that we want it to be so if you want to turn this into a different fairy tale kind of color that's how you do it and let's take this back down to one of the blues i'm going very slowly here because i'm working with my mouse and so we've got this color right over here that's a little bit more cyan than blue let's let's let's pick this one now if we come back over here to our luminous values and change this you can tell that not only would change the color by isolating the red on the hsl sliders but then by moving the hsl shift and now we can change the color that we've come up with by moving the hsl sliders again so we can change this dress to whatever color we want and bring it up or down darker light all by working with those few sliders so we can change our saturation we can bring that down and kind of fade this out a little bit or we can just really enhance it and make it shiny and silky so i hope that helps you out as i said all i did here was i masked out her skin tone her head and the necklace so basically everything from here all the way over here now up at the top of her dress there it gets a little tight and when you're doing your masking there you're gonna have to zoom in be patient and work uh pretty tight end to get the mask just right however remember that we're only working worried about the colors that get affected by the shift so if this red didn't affect her skin tone for some reason you could work that without having to worry about masking anything else obviously none of the other ones are giving us any concerns we can move the purple over here we can move the magenta so these uh sliders are within a range and if the skin tone doesn't affect the range then you're fine i would say the skin tones are going to be affected by your red orange and yellow sliders the other ones really should not be affecting a human skin tone so keep that in mind have some fun with it particularly if you're working with still lives you can kind of play with some colors and change them to whatever you want them to be and have a good time with it if you like this video please go ahead click the like button that tells the youtube overlords that hey people like this they should share it with more folks it helps the channel and i really appreciate it from you if you're looking for software and discounts please check the description below if you're looking at luminar ai i've got a coupon code for you down there and also there's some other post-processing software and tools that may interest you so please take a look in the description below it might help you save some money and also i would love it if you'd come and visit me over at you can check out the podcast and some of the articles that we have there see in the next video
Channel: William Beem Photography
Views: 5,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luminar ai change color, luminar ai, luminar, photo editing, HSL, how to change color in luminar ai, william beem photography, post processing
Id: DK24z4NB3kU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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