BUG in Lightroom's New MASKING FEATURE?

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hi everyone anthony morgante here since lightroom 11 has been released with its new masking features i've been getting numerous emails from people that are having a problem with it in this video i'm going to talk about the problem that you may encounter with the new masking features in lightroom 11 and i'm going to give you a workaround as well [Music] [Music] i don't think this is a bug of the masking feature i think it's something that adobe overlooked and hopefully they'll correct it in an update now specifically for this image let's just say i want to do something to the background i want to make it a little darker let's say or something i want to do something with the background now i can't select just the background right so i have to select the subject first so i'll go and select the subject and you can see it did a pretty good job selecting the subject but i don't want to adjust that deck she is sitting on i don't want to adjust that i just want to adjust the background so i need to add to the selection so i'll click add and i'll get a brush and now i'll just add to it simply add to it so i'm just going to do a real very quickly i'm not going to do probably that great of a job i've already messed up but you get the idea i just added to the selection now here is the problem people are encountering we have what we have is selected is what we don't want to adjust so we need to invert this but we have a brush mask and we have a subject mask each of those has an invert but the mask the overall mask at the top that doesn't have invert there at all so if you go and let's say invert the subject mask it'll invert the subject part of it but it didn't invert the part we added so you're thinking okay i could go to the part i added and invert that so i'll go to that part and click on invert and you could see it now has her selected as well so um like i mentioned i don't think this is really a bug i think this is just something that they overlooked what they really need to do is at the overall mask at the top have an invert ability to invert it there and then you'll invert both of the masks the subject mask and the brush mask uniformly together and without overlapping upon one another so the workaround is pretty obvious here let's just start over so we're going to do is we're going to select the subject again then what you're going to do is you're going to invert it right now so we'll go here and we'll invert now so now we have the background selected but we also have the deck selected now just subtract from this mask so go get a brush and then you could subtract from the mask like that now again i just did it very quickly so now i could come in and adjust just the background now you won't be able to obviously do this probably with every masking situation you encounter but uh doing it this way i think will cover most masking situations you may need to do so um hopefully adobe addresses this issue in a future update of lightroom 11 and we're able to invert the entire mask not only a subject mask but a brush mask that was added to it or maybe uh any type of thing that was added to it by the way it doesn't it the problem isn't just with the brush it is with anything so if i would have come in here and i selected the subject and i added anything if i added um you know a linear gradient radial gradient color range luminance range or even a depth range mask added to this then when i invert it still doesn't infer properly so um it's it's something that you know is kind of uniform across this new masking tool that hopefully they take care of very soon thank you everyone watches my videos i really do appreciate it i'll talk to you guys soon [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Anthony Morganti
Views: 26,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morganti, anthony morganti, How to use lightroom, Adobe Lightroom Tutorial, graduated filter, spot removal tool in lightroom, tone curve lightroom, lightroom, lightroom radial mask, range masks in lightroom, lightroom range mask, Lightroom version 11, lightroom sky mask, lightroom subject mask, new masking in Lightroom, how to use the new masking in Lightroom, lightroom radial filter, inverting masks in lightroom, intersecting masks in lightroom, lightroom masking, how to
Id: vGE-4jzB8uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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