Lightroom Masking CONFUSION!

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hi everyone anthony morganti here i've received numerous questions concerning the new masking tools found in the latest version of lightroom in this video i'm going to do my best to answer two of the most common questions that i've received [Music] [Music] this by far is the most common comment or question that i've received many photographers don't think there's any difference between adding or subtracting from a mask compared to intersecting a mask and the right to a point there are many instances where you could use either method you could add to a mask subtract from a mask or intersect two masks and get the same exact results there are though some instances where you have to use intersect with a mask to get the results you desire for example i have this art image of a model and she has yellow paint on her let's just say i want to make a selection of the yellow paint to change the color of that paint well how do you do it behind her is in the sky so i can't really select the sky and then invert it or anything like that i can't i can't select her and then maybe i could use a brush and subtract from our skin that gets complicated right intersect with is the way to go um you in just a demo like let's just say i want to get color range when you do that you'll get an eyedropper i click on the yellow paint and you'll get a selection of the background as well you could try to if it was sky back there i could subtract it that way but that's not sky so i it there's really no way to do this without using intersect so let me get rid of that mask and if you didn't see one of my earlier videos demonstrating intersect with let me just remind you what it does you have two different selections as depicted by these two circles so circle on the left is one selection circle on the right is a second selection where they overlap is where they intersect and if you use intersect with in lightroom what you'll be left with as a selection is just the area they intersect so you started out with one selection circle one a second selection circle two and then what happens when you use intersect with the only thing you'll be left with is the overlap so what i need to do is i need to make sure that i just select the paint and nothing else so what i'm going to do is i'm going to select the subject so now i have a selection of the subject that's circle one now i need just a selection of the paint now because i don't have the yellow background selected when i use intersect with that won't be affected by my color range mask so what i'll do is i'll go to either mask one or subject one and just click on the three dots it doesn't matter which three dots you click on go to intersect mask with color range and when you do that you'll get an eyedropper now i'll click on the yellow paint on her face and when i do that you notice it removed the selection from her face and her hair but we just have a selection on the yellow paint it didn't select the background it's just intersecting the mask now i didn't get all the paint because the paint isn't a uniform yellow color but i could add to my selection by holding in the shift key and i'll click on the paint right there and i'll add i'll click on the paint right there and i have now just the paint selected now i could go and change the color of it now i c now you can see i missed some down in here i could still add to the selection i'll hold in the shift key and click there there now i've just used intersect with to just select the paint and you can see how that works and maybe there is a way you could use add subtract and play around with the masks to get it to work but this is just a lot faster and easier so that is a specific situation where you have to use intersect with add or subtract won't get you there so just change the color of the paint now the second question i've received not as this isn't as common a question as that intersect with is this depth range mask i mentioned in the previous video and i showed that it's grayed out because my image didn't have any depth info and i mentioned that most often you'll get some depth range with some cell phones or mobile phones or smartphones whatever you want to call it and that's because uh many higher end smartphones uh have really high end cameras in them with multiple lenses and it used to be that the only way you could get depth information written to a file is to use it with a camera that had multiple lenses now though there is software um that's available in some cameras that allows you to get depth information with one lens i don't know of any major camera manufacturers that have it incorporated in their cameras if you do let me know in the comments below but i have read that that technology is available so that down the line you'll probably see sony canon nikon fuji uh have in camera depth information and it's all going to be done with software not multiple lenses but you'll notice that depth range is active on this image because i took it with my iphone 12 pro max all right and to get depth if you want to use a depth range mask all you need to do then is click on it and you'll get an eyedropper now we have depth information in this image so if i click on somewhere this flower in the foreground i'll get a mask at that area so i'm just getting this flower and you notice it didn't matter about color let me delete that mask and let me get the depth range mask again let's say i want i click right like in the middle of the flower and you'll notice it still selects the flower because it's using depth it's not using color it's not using luminance it's using depth now we could tweak this that's what this slider is here um if i take this slider that's to the right and move it to the right you'll see that i'm starting to push the selection backwards i'm getting uh stuff selected that is further away from the camera if i move it to left i'm bringing it more forward more towards the camera and then you'll see this area right here this is where it's saying that flower is and i can move whoops and i could like remove the mask just about totally i also could come here with these little sub like sliders and kind of move that as well and you can see i'm pushing it back if i keep going i'll select everything right so you can see how you could um use these two sliders on the bottom and then these other sliders on the side of the actual selection to kind of refine your mask and get it to be exactly what you want it to be and where you want it to be just like that now you know when you're satisfied with it then you could come in and let's say i'll just take that overlay off and you'll see that i'm just affecting that flower right there so that is depth range that's what i mentioned i received a lot of questions about this because people say they never have it active and they've been told by that's one person so they were told by their so-and-so friend that it's always active for them and it's never active for them and well it really has to do with your hardware uh first and foremost uh whether or not your the hardware you're using has multiple lenses or it has the software incorporated into it so that it could record the depth information so hopefully that helps and it answers those questions and again those are probably the two most common questions but by far like 10 to 1 has to do with intersecting a mask thank you everyone who watches my videos i really do appreciate it i'll talk to you guys soon [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Anthony Morganti
Views: 22,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morganti, anthony morganti, How to use lightroom, Adobe Lightroom Tutorial, graduated filter, spot removal tool in lightroom, tone curve lightroom, lightroom, lightroom radial mask, range masks in lightroom, lightroom range mask, Lightroom version 11, lightroom sky mask, lightroom subject mask, new masking in Lightroom, how to use the new masking in Lightroom, lightroom radial filter, inverting masks in lightroom, intersecting masks in lightroom, lightroom masking, how to
Id: JXERgp3skbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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