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[Music] what's up guys I hope you're well I got a great blog for you today we went to New York City last weekend Friday Saturday and Sunday and it was it was really fun the crowd in Newark was amazing it's probably our best show incredible we have more shows coming up on its views toward calm we have Houston San Jose and Chicago which is going to be awesome so yeah definitely definitely go to if you're in those cities come and see us are you coming great all right we'll see you soon is that setting this up for no reason I just like to show my face at the beginning of the vlog to remind people what yeah Scott it's it's 7:15 we've been on so many airplanes lately and I always want my son to like be a musician but I woke up this morning and I was like screw that you know I don't want them traveling around the entire world Charlie I'm gonna get Charlie on the track well you sure you show Charlie the instrument story to fit they're trying so hard look at her he was doing death of The Bachelor the other night about a year ago like he wouldn't even say you have a weird thing with your car how many people are going right now SmartWater eight people why would you put them in your car with Sony Steve sick there's six of us right and Carly that's seven that it fits the Infiniti perfectly with you someone has to sit on the floor Joe your first question as documentarian for this weekend is David why are you such a idiot try that I can do eight the infinity is not so bad is it I can do six and style can do great we'll put date on the roof let me ask you a question how many times are you coming in the house Zayn's editing here and he's like really really stressed you like you're like okay don't bother Zane and then you go like away for like five minutes and you come back he's watching the Kardashians there are the only seats yeah oh they don't it's almost like it's less room than the Tesla get at that time cheater you didn't get that that time we're gonna dodge game right there whatever excuse me I'm a tuna I host it's cheating that's vlog how is that cheating is it's hard to get something the moment yeah I'm driving here but in the outboard don't act like this is attached this is something I wanted to do and you took it away from me drive you could driven my car it's a cool car we get it it's cool you spent a lot of money on answer to all the world's problems you're dumped left your car time manic haha loser you're being yelled at by Jason listen you I just said that because same because you made it sound like you were doing saying a favor by driving him what I've been wanting to drive an entire time don't yell at Saint if you I'm doing you a favor by driving you cuz I wanted to drive if I want to drive you want to drive the Infiniti Oh too good for it does anyone else feel bad when you go into first class and Joe goes to economy yeah I don't like talking around him I feel so bad when we're all hanging with Joe without the airport we're like vibing out Todd's got a coffee Joe's kind of like standing next to Todd like hey Todd how's it going Todd like man I don't know man everything's so complicated Airport really late and all you at TSA PreCheck but not me she not as bad with Joe as the other people that get on the flight the dancers yeah cuz like yeah that's bad too the dancers I feel bad for too after you drop us off be honest what are you gonna do you're dropping us off I really don't think I'm asking you what you're gonna do today because we're paying you for Scott okay and then I'll probably okay and then what anything else I can't think of anything I mean there's like things I could think of you to do like I want to ask you to clean my room but every time I have asked you it doesn't happen because no I clean the main area but your closet it's just like I wouldn't even know where to start that would be like a project you don't do projects so we got to the airport and the flight was delayed do you know as you get older time you pull the hat down lower and lower to hide your crack face that's what I've been doing lately I'm like hey guys what's up it's Jason well I guess we're spending the night in the airport huh and it ended up being delayed for like six hours so we're sitting there and David and Zane come up with this big idea to go to this lounge this American Airlines like fancy lounge where it's $59 a person and I'm like no I don't want to spend a $59 person I'm trying to be cheap their flights delayed and David pulled a mutiny going making us all go to below sure Zane I love to lower my voice we're here yeah you know what lapse of judgment I can't be serious right now and I'm gonna hate you in the nose this good on me and I think that's enough punishment I said I told you 10,000 hours oh yeah then why are you you know because we like to be like this place things up you're gonna be broke by the age of 20 we're in I don't care listen I made a mistake it's not free the fruits not free to go it's the same thing I think I just got a little about it being my first time I'm gonna go look at the fruit did it I got you a $59 soda water hey just just want to apologize to David in the last scene where he was saying he was wrong you're correct this place is awesome I just ordered food the drinks are free which I don't care about my friends are happy this is all worth it so David was right kind of a Camp David all right David I got to tell you no I'm really loving this place what's your favorite thing about Scott's dancing hey drinks you don't drink neither do I he just asked the question about can never win no matter what this is like one of my the most fun shows and what do you think of Zane as a dancer Zane are you excited to move out it off it's gonna be so sad when I can't just roll into your room please I'm excited enjoy and I'm also yeah what else me cuz I can't just live in a house yeah we'll get another house have more bucks going on talking about Scott moving out for our delay sucks scottson that's leaving did you know that Scott's moving out it's a tunnel on my blog Scott's moving out wait wait this is the one part of the vlog that needs to be cleared up every single time it's mentioned everyone is moving out yeah I know but it's the only life where everyone else hasn't put enough thought into where they went move I can't decide right check if there's a piece of glass in my hand Oh dog I don't know good picture did you know my mom calls um Kim kardashian-west cologne KKK I'll try the joke on someone else should i redo it and have myself centered more no no you're not gonna get a better picture than that it's hard for you look good Zane's voice keeps traveling all throughout the light is delayed so we can't travel to where we oh good perfect that's more room for me I don't believe Dan has a house because I've never been invited over oh my god my wig flew but my plane didn't it's now 2 o'clock I had everybody go to the airport at 7:30 because I'm nervous I'm a nervous person so we've been here since when 8 we were having an espresso what's the problem you think then I'm giving her too much work to do oh is that how it is now yeah everyone's right for Instagram TV David sister supposed to feel like this now yeah it's actually an improvement probably and what I've been doing David said he watched my blog the other day and it was 80% walls I'm sure it's still wrong no it's gotten better but I didn't realize I just said I saw a lot of walls I felt like an interior designer so really like being in your car sup guys welcome back to our Jefferson Bosch review water bottle what you ever said I know very lucky middle see right now they could not be sitting next to the pilot it's Friday night we're in the city it's 1:00 a.m. we had a seven hour delay but David still hasn't posted so Joe and I are headed out we're looking for some food for David and Joe and me New York air it's trash Joe sad small and my PD cars like how do they have smaller officers now dad I always think they're just gonna write you a ticket this one looks like they're gonna take you to the circus oh there's all kinds of stuff over here this is a good call Bravo pizza gluten-free Oh free hope I only did it one of my favorite jokes ever is in the office with Michael Scott comes to New York and he talks about how he wants to go get some authentic New York Pizza yeah and then the camera pans out and he went to Sbarro we are bad Joe we don't give it this is real authentic pizza New York I would like to see you trip and fall okay this is called pier 66 little restaurant I don't know what it used to be holy cow Joe you're sitting oh look Joe Statue of Liberty right there right in front of us yeah Jason asked me what I've been doing and I said I've been grinding what does that mean when you make coffee you have to put the beans and uh oh you were you're crying and you're working hard and own up to it I am home now like this time grinding David he's grinding every day he's working hard he doesn't have anything handed to him I understand he's got to work for it he doesn't have a beautiful face like you I understand what wait he's not a supermodel look at this guy I'm sorry he's gotta use that word grind sorry for I said earlier this mean you are ugly and you do after time definitely morning how do you think that shows gonna do it's gonna be great last time we were in New York it was awesome they were like mikage they're ready this time we're in Jersey Joe I just stopped filming this there yeah till you die bro we can put that in my dressing room what no oh damn wow this is awesome huh you wanna see my ass I'm down anyone else wanna see what your wiener looks like [Laughter] I still think we should do that bit in the hotel room where each man goes into two bites you still want to do that bit I think that's a good bit let's do it tonight who's down the bid is the six of us go into a hotel room two guys go into the bathroom the one with the bigger stays in there and the other person comes out the next guy goes in so if Todd was in with Zane obviously Todd's Cox burger than Zane's and comes out then David goes in harder soft huh soft what do you get I just want to go first I'm gonna go last so I still come in second place car yes yours is shiny in the back right I actually like this over the carbon fiber because I'm not used to this is Todd's favorite cardigan when fans get pictures with the David I'm always like I want to picture with David feau toe for my Instagram I can't even get it I can't remember my lines for Carmelita does anyone remember what I said Katie I really appreciated that tweet you said a nice sweet about me but David didn't like that at all I think I was confused it's something like jason nash is cool or whatever i was a good guy because i was like coming through youtube and there was like some some like you did a podcast with someone yeah I think I was like you see my girl spaghetti is sort of skeptical about me and then you're like no I mean Casey's good and you like pop Simone oh really but what's that I feel like is it okay to like Casey to being like I kind of remember someone who talked about you and me defending you but I appreciate you evangelizing of course man always got your back are we gonna do the dick thing later cuz I need neater for my vlog I don't know if I have the penis thing come on it'll be fun just bang it out when do it right now let's do it I don't wanna do it cuz then everyone will find out that I have a vagina no come on it'll be fun even the person with the smallest dick they kept him in there Oh [Laughter] be seated thanks for coming yeah hi I'm Jason Charlotte I guess we'll table this bit should we just do the baseball mitt like at the start of the show sure and we'll just do it quick we'll get it down like a minute you all the jokes do the jokes one way before we sit down just say late in a while Jesus Christ someone needs a Bulls drain okay so you do a lot of work with drones right later with your drone annoy I mean take it up they poop shoo does your drone go off-road you have prostitutes in your videos or no it's not like people it felts was short and then it fell so long yeah it fell all over my cover a lot of ground like it felt like I was like because he kept coming out the side of my piece of ten minutes left her name is Monty my scene Munchie can you say hi to the vlog 10:24 yeah we have time to do something okay we just got out of the show we're going to Todd's friends Emilio's place it's called Emilio's we've been here with my friend Brian had I went to college with it's a what's up has what's good what's good that's what the kids say it was good oh what a night this Emilio - he's like tiny food you know and then yeah possible meatball you have an appetite I do haven't that dinner - that' Thank You leo this is like really something I wanted to focus in on that I think is like really funny so so there's always this push and pull when you're going out with David which is like you want to go home our flight is at 5:15 the next day we have a 5:15 call on Sunday it's like 12:30 at night so the smart thing is to go home but of course David comes on the bus and is you know David will never let the night end and it's pretty funny he can basically convince anyone to do anything and then I'll be groggy with my kids tomorrow Scott's gonna guess it and if you I'm gonna keep it at 1:00 right and if you guess it wrong Scott you all have to come for 2018 fingers no how many fingers do I have three you guys can go [Music] [Music] Joe you guys can't go right you want to go to public yeah but you gotta get the train right are you sure I'm only I'm only coming for my vlog just came out to take a picture oh you did I was not gonna go out why are we all why are we all going because you love the Vans Jason I appreciate the fact that you're like trying to get a good person I'm a good dad and you just get sucked into all this bull since I first met you I was like oh you're the man like nice dude you're in here in YouTube videos that still then they can get kids and like that first time that we talked like you were just all about living as I go to a bar with a bunch of 24 year-olds 1:00 a.m. this is why I'm bringing its full circle here it's like I need that like circumstances with how you believe it you're not a great dad right like oh you went out with like but now the reason why you're doing this is because it'll be your career cut to me doing shots yes you're my kid you should have gotten that man we need an ass I knew I should have gotten that damn bad [Applause] [Applause] this is my friend Brian Brian and I went to college together and he is about 46 years old really mellow dude he was like the best dude hang out and he used to make me laugh so much in college and the fact that he came out with me is dancing right now is just so hilarious to me I've asked like friends my age like come hang out with me and you know my younger friends and none of them ever want to do it and so this was really cool to see him just living it up it was really funny at one point I couldn't find Brian and I found his wife Elvia and I was like where's Brian where's Brian she was like I don't know like she could care less she was so happy to be out these are like two people with two kids and they haven't been out in like six months look at him go see it was fun and now it's not fun you see but you gotta take the good with the bad you got a roll at one point you were like this is amazing yeah and now yeah not so much one or two am let us go home what's the game number he's holding and I just guessed and he said I was gonna [ __ ] that but now I have to do it again I wasn't holding it matters do it ready go four five we're going up simmer down won't you love I'm taking one for the team the table shopping is love Coffee a little bit of winter I'm not not even hit okay one through five - Jason's guessing - how sir now that's no final deep losses
Channel: Jason Nash
Views: 1,708,866
Rating: 4.9490781 out of 5
Keywords: jason nash, vine, jason nash vine, best vines, funny vines, compilation, vine compilation, jason nash vine compilation, David Dobrik, Zane Hijazi, Logan Paul, Scotty Sire, Carly and Erin, Josh Peck, Heath Hussar, Jimmy Kimmel, Ellen Degeneres, Jimmy Fallon, Saturday Night Live, Durte Dom, Alex Ernst, Caught, First Time, frist class, jet blue, lax, casey niestat, newark, views, tesla, carmelita, new york city, trisha paytas
Id: 71LqoZIRrpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2018
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